Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area
Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area
Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area
1. Conte The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles.
2. Perfor The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials, and polynomial equations in
manc different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learn The learner derives the The learner derives the The learner applies the The learner applies
ing distance formula. distance formula. distance formula to the distance formula
Comp (M10GE-IIg-1) (M10GE-IIg-1) prove some geometric to prove some
properties. (M10GE-IIg- geometric properties.
2 (M10GE-IIg-2)
es /
1. Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide (TG) Teacher’s Guide (TG) Teacher’s Guide (TG) Teacher’s Guide
in Mathematics 10: in Mathematics 10: p. in Mathematics 10, (TG) in
p.207-212 212-216 pp.217-220 Mathematics 10,
2. Learner’s Learner’s Module Learner’s Module Mathematics Mathematics
Materials (LM)in Math 10: pp. (LM)in Math 10: pp. Learner’s Materials Learner’s Materials
146-153-154 155-172 Pages 26-27 Pages 26-27
3. Textbook Geometry by Holt, Geometry by Holt, Geometry by Holt, Geometry by Holt,
Rinehart and Rinehart and Rinehart and Rinehart and
Winston, Winston, Winston, Winston,
pp. 347-352 pp. 347-352 pp. 347-352 pp. 347-352
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
31/03/2024 RBCORTEJOS
lesson students namely Jose, pilot and the plane gets that has the most correct answer. The
Emilio, Gabriella and some engine damage, number of correct column that has the
B. Establishin Antonio. Their teacher’s will you go back or head answers reveals the most number of
ga house is some blocks on to the final answer to the question. correct answers
purpose away from Gabriella’s destination? What When was the first reveals the answer to
for the house as illustrated factor would you unfurling of the the question.
below consider in making a Philippine flag?
What is the distance
C. Presenting between Emilio’s house
examples/ and Gabriella’s house?
instances What is the distance
of the between their teacher’s
lesson house and Gabriella’s
31/03/2024 RBCORTEJOS
1. Find the midpoint of are.
distance between the Illustrative Example 2:
points E(1, 1) and T(4, If P (-1, 2) is the Use the midpoint
5). midpoint ofand one formula to find the
endpoint R has coordinates of S and
2. Find the coordinates (7, -8), find
distance between the T.
the coordinates of the
points (4,-5) and (-7, 4). S==
other endpoint J.
Use the distance
Let x = -1, y = 2, x1 = 7,
formula to find the
and y1 = -8
lengths of ST and PR.
Substitute these values
in the midpoint
formula (x, y) =
(-1, 2) =
Equate the coordinates,
Given: ABCD is a =a
then solve.
rectangle. Since =
X= y=
-1 = 2=
E, F, G, and H are the Therefore, ST = PR.
-2 = 7 + x2 4 = -8+ y2
midpoints of the sides
x2 = -9 y2 = 12
of the rectangle.
The coordinates of the
other endpoint J are (-9, Prove: Quadrilateral
12). EFGH is a rhombus.
To prove:
Place ABCD on a
coordinate plane. Label
the coordinates using
variables as shown
LOVE is a rhombus
practical The Distance Formula is an .
equation that can be used
The Midpoint Formula is a
formula that can be used to
A proof that uses figures on A proof that uses figures
a coordinate plane to prove on a coordinate plane to
application to find the distance find the coordinates of the geometric properties is prove geometric
s of between any pair of points midpoint of a line segment called a coordinate proof. properties is called a
To prove geometric
concepts on the coordinate plane. on the coordinate plane.
properties using the
coordinate proof.To
The midpoint of P (x1, y1) prove geometric
and skills The distance formula is and Q (x2, y2) is
methods of coordinate
properties using the
in daily geometry, consider
d = or PQ = the following guidelines for methods of coordinate
living placing figures on a geometry, consider
H. Making if P ( and Q ( are points on a coordinate plane. the following guidelines
1. Use the origin for placing figures on a
generalizat coordinate plane. as vertex or center of a coordinate plane.
ions and figure. 1. Use the
abstraction 2. Place at least origin as vertex or center
one side of a polygon on an of a figure.
s about axis. 2. Place at
the lesson 3. If possible, least one side of a
keep the figure within the polygon on an axis.
first quadrant.
3. If possible,
4. Use
keep the figure within
coordinates that make
computations simple and the first quadrant.
easy. 4. Use
Sometimes, using coordinates that make
coordinates that are computations simple and
multiples of two would easy.
make the computation Sometimes, using
31/03/2024 RBCORTEJOS
easier. coordinates that are
Once the figure is placed in multiples of two would
the coordinate plane you make the computation
can use coordinates of the easier.
vertices, the distance Once the figure is placed
formula, and the midpoint in the coordinate plane
formula to prove some
you can use coordinates
geometric relationships.
of the vertices, the
distance formula, and
the midpoint formula to
prove some geometric
learning Use the distance Use the midpoint Solve the problem. Write a coordinate
formula to solve the formula to solve the Paul and Derek are proof of the problem.
following. following swimming in a Given: MID is
1. What is the 1. Which of the rectangular pool. Paul isosceles, with .
distance between the following pairs of points claims that the W, A, and idpoints of
have a midpoint with diagonals of a rectangle I, ID, and ively.
points M (3,-6) and P (-
are equals. They Y is an angle.
4, 1)? coordinates (0, 0)?
decided to compete and
2. Find the a. (1, 1) and (-1,
swim along each of the
length of the line 0)
diagonals. Write a
segment whose b. (-3, 0) and (3,
coordinate proof to
endpoints are (3,-12) 0) show that Paul is
and (-2, 8). 2. Find the correct.
3. Which will midpoint between
give the correct distance (1.53, -0.2) and (-
between R (1, 9) and J 1.33, 2.0).
(9, 1)? 3. Given the endpoint
a. RJ = (2,
b. RJ = 8) and midpoint (4, 4),
4. Nidora wants to go to what is the other
a computer shop for her endpoint?
assignment. There are 4. While on a hunting
two shops that are at trip Jose created a map
coordinates A (4, 3) and grid. He determined
B(-5,-2). Her sister that a mountain could
Tinidora suggested that have the coordinates
she should go to (425, 1800) and that his
computer shop A current position is at
because it is nearer (173, 254). If a nipa hut
their house which is at (- is located exactly
Gitna St. Bignay, Valenzuela City
(02) 8932-7981/(02) 8939-2576
[email protected]
1, 2). Is Tinidora midway between Jose
correct? Justify your and the mountain, what
answer coordinates should
represent the nipa hut’s
31/03/2024 RBCORTEJOS
2. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
7. What innovation or
localized I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teacher?
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Checked by: