DLL WK 9 Sy1920
DLL WK 9 Sy1920
DLL WK 9 Sy1920
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher John Reck L. Niepes Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and July 29-August 1, 2019 (2:10-3:00, 3:00-
Quarter FIRST
Time 3:50, 4:10-5:00, 5:50-6:40)
July 29, 2019 (2:10-3:00, 3:00- July 30, 2019 (2:10-3:00, 3:00-3:50, July 31, 2019 (2:10-3:00, 3:00-3:50, August 1, 2019 (2:10-3:00, 3:00-3:50,
Teaching Day and Time 3:50, 4:10-5:00, 5:50-6:40) 4:10-5:00, 5:50-6:40) 4:10-5:00, 5:50-6:40) 4:10-5:00, 5:50-6:40)
Grade Level Section Grade 9 Atis, Duhat, Guyabano, Mango Grade 9 Atis, Duhat, Guyabano, Mango Grade 9 Atis, Duhat, Guyabano, Mango Grade 9 Atis, Duhat, Guyabano, Mango
3. Learning Solves equations involving Solves equations involving Solves equations involving Solves equations involving
Competencies/ radical expressions. radical expressions. radical expressions. radical expressions.
Objectives (M9AL-IIi-1) (M9AL-IIi-1) (M9AL-IIi-1) (M9AL-IIi-1)
a. Determine radical a. Solve a radical equation a. Solve a radical equation a. Solve a radical equation
equations b. Solve word problems b. Solve word problems b. Solve word problems
b. Solve a radical equation involving radical equation involving radical equation involving radical equation
c. Identify extraneous c. Appreciate various c. Appreciate the use of c. Appreciate the use of
solution festivals celebrated in the radicals in real life radicals in real life
d. Solve word problems province situation situation
involving radical equation
e. Appreciate various
festivals celebrated in the
II. CONTENT Solving Radical Equations Solving Radical Equations Solving Radical Equations Solving Radical Equations
A. References
1. Teacher’s
pp. 191-194 pp. 191-194 pp. 191-194 pp. 185-188
2. Learner’s
Materials pp. 280-289 pp. 280-289 pp. 280-289 pp. 289-292
D. Discussing new 1. How will you identify Solve for x and check the A radical equation is an
radical equations? result. equation which has a
concepts and 2. What is an extraneous 1. =3 variable in the radicand. The
practicing new skills solution? expressions = 5 and This one is actually simpler
#1 3. How do you solve radical than the two previous
equation? 2. = 3y – 4 = 5 are radical
4. Why is it necessary to equations.
check all solutions when examples, because the two
Solve : =5
solving radical equations? 3. =2 square roots are multiplied
______ Square both
sides of the equation together, rather than added
Guided Practice ______ Solve for x. or subtracted. So this
1. Solve and check: equation will need to be
Check: = ____
squared only once:
___ = ____
= 12 Solve :
( )2 = (12)2 Square both sides
Check: = 12
= 12
_____ = 12
The solution is ___.
2. Solve and check:
Then the solutions are
=6 x = –9 and x = 16.
But x cannot equal –9,
( )____ = 6___ Square both sides. because this would put
x – 3 = ____ negatives inside both
x = _____ radicals in the original
equation. Now you check the
Check: other solution, to see if it
might work.
____ = 6
The solution is _____.
3. Solve and check:
4+ =x
4+ =x
= x - __ Isolate radical
--- ---
( ) =(x-_) Square both sides
4+ =3 4+ = __
4+ =3 4+ = __
__ ≠ 3 __ = ___
Extraneous solution:___
Solution: ____
E. Discussing new Solve for x. Check your Directions: Solve for x and Solve each equation and
concepts and answer. check the result. check:
practicing new skills 1. = 99 1. =9 3. =3
#2 1. =6
2. = 2. – 8 = 12 2. =6 4. +5=8
3. -8=9 3. =
F. Developing mastery Directions: Solve for x and Directions: Solve for x and
(Leads to Formative check the result. check the result.
Assessment 3)
1. = 7 1. +4=3
2. =5 2. =
3. + 10 = 0 3. = 99
H. Making Radical equations are Important: If the squares of Checking the solution Checking the solution
generalizations and equations containing radicals two numbers are equal, the against the original equation against the original equation
abstractions about with variables in the numbers may or may not be is necessary because is necessary because
the lesson radicand. To solve equations equal. Such as, (-3)2 = 32 , squaring both sides of an squaring both sides of an
with radicals, place the but -3 ǂ 3. It is therefore equation sometimes result to equation sometimes result to
radical expression on one important to check any solutions that does not solutions that does not
side of the sign of equality, possible solutions for radical satisfy the original equation. satisfy the original equation.
and then raise both sides of equations. Because in
the equation to the index squaring both sides of a
power to eliminate the radical equation, it is
radical and solve as usual. possible to get extraneous
Test the roots, discarding solutions.
those that are extraneous. To solve a Radical Equation:
Extraneous solution is a 1. Arrange the terms of the
solution that does not satisfy equation so that one term
the given equation. with
radical is by itself on one
side of the equation.
2. Square both sides of the
radical equation.
3. Combine like terms.
4. If a radical still remains,
repeat steps 1 to 3.
5. Solve for the variable.
6. Check apparent solutions
in the original equation.
I. Evaluating learning Solve and check. Directions: Solve for x. Directions: Solve for x. Solve each equation and
1. =5 Check your answers. Check your answers. check:
1. =4
2. -4=0 1. = 40 1. –8=9
3. -3=0 2. = -6
2. =2 2. +4=2
4. – =2
3. =8
5. - =1 3. = -36 3. =
4. – 1 = 12
4. + 6 = 12
5. –4=5
6. = 11
J. Additional activities 1. Follow-up: Directions: Solve for x. Solve each equation and Solve each equation and
for application or Solve: a. x=3 Check your answers. check: check:
remediation 1. =4
b. x – 3 = 1. =7 2. - =
1. =
2. Study solving problems 3. = -8 4. =
involving radicals. 2. =5 2. =3
a. State formulas for area
and volume.
3. =
b. What are the steps in 3. -1=2
solving problems
involving radicals. 4. + =2
a. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?