B.SC Honrs2019-02
B.SC Honrs2019-02
B.SC Honrs2019-02
Fax: 0821-2419363/2419301 www.uni-mysore.ac.in
Estd. 1916
Crawford Hall, Mysuru- 570 005.
No: AC10/759/2019-20 Dated: 06.07.2019.
Sub: Revision of B.Sc (Hons) in Agri Science & Horticulture Technology from the academic
year 2019-20 -Reg.
Ref: 1.Decision of the Faculty of Science and Technology Meeting held on 01.04.2019.
2. Decision of the Academic Council meeting held on 07.06.2019.
The Faculty of Science & Technology and the Academic Council at their Meetings
held on 01.04.2019 and 07.06.2019 respectively have also approved the above
The Syllabus may be downloaded from the University Website i.e., www.uni-
mysore.ac.in .
No. 2419677/2419361 e-mail : [email protected]
Fax: 0821-2419363/2419301 www.uni-mysore.ac.in
Estd. 1916
Crawford Hall, Mysuru- 570 005
No: AC10/759/2019-20 Dated: 05.07.2019.
The Board of Studies in Sampoorna International Institute of Agri. Science and Horticultural
Technology which met on 04.01.2019 has discussed and recommended to changes in the existing
nomenclature from “B.Sc.(Honors) in Agricultural Science and Technology/Horticultural Sciences and
Technology to B.Sc.(Hon’s) in Agriculture/B.Sc (Hon’s) in Horticulture” on par with ICAR
recommendation from the academic year 2019-20.
The Faculty of Science & Technology and the Academic Council at their meetings held on
01.04.2019 and 07.06.2019 respectively have also approved the above proposal is notified.
Offered at
Venue:- 271/2, K.B. Doddi, Gram Madapuri Doddi, Nidagatta Post, Nidagatta Gram Panchayath,
Athkur Hobli, Maddur (tq), Mandya(Dist.)
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
Offered at
Venue :- 271/2, K.B. Doddi, Gram Madapuri Doddi, Nidagatta Post,
Nidagatta Gram Panchayath, Athkur Hobli, Maddur (tq), Mandya(Dist.)
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
Regulations and Curriculum
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
CBCS and CAGP Regulations for B.Sc.Honors – 2019
1. Title – Commencement
These Regulations shall be called the University of Mysore regulations for Choice Based Credit
System (CBCS) and Continuous Assessment Grading Pattern (CAGP) for B.Sc.Honors under the
regulation of Specialized Programs of University of Mysore. These Regulations shall come into
force from the academic year 2019-2020.
2. Specialized Programs
a) B.Sc. Honors of four years — 8 Semesters majoring in Agricultural Science&
Technology/Horticultural Science&Technology with a provision to choose Specialization
stream either inAgricultural Science& Technology/Horticultural Science&Technology
from 3rdsemester onwards. However, once the specialized stream is chosen, a
candidate should continue with the same Specialization.
b) A candidate gets awarded with B.Sc. Honors degree if he/she earns 180 credits in 8
semesters and he/she can exercise an option to exit with B.Sc. degree by earning 140
credits as stipulated for the first six semesters of the B.Sc.Honors programs.
3. Definition
Course: Every course offered will have two components associated with the teaching-learning
process of the course, namely:
(i) Lecture – L (ii) Practical /Practice– P, whereL stands for Lecture session.P stands for Practice
session and it consists of Hands on experience / Laboratory Experiments / Field Studies / Case
studies / Intensive practice exercises /Seminars/Discussions that equip students to acquire the
much required skill component.
In terms of credits, every one-hour session per week of L amounts to 1 credit per semester and
a minimum of two hours’ session of P amounts to 1 credit per semester, over a period of one
semester of 18 weeks for teaching-learning process. The total duration of a semester is 20
weeks inclusive of semester-end examination.
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A course shall have either one or both the components. That means a course may have only L
component, or only P component or combination of both.
The total credit earned by a student at the end of the semester upon successfully completing
the course is L + P. The credit pattern of the course is indicated asL+P.
If a course is of 1/2/3/4/5credits, then the different credit distribution patterns in
L+P format could be
0+1 0+2 0+3 0+4 0+5
1+0 2+0 1+1 1+2 2+1
The concerned BOS will choose the convenient credit pattern for every course based on the
Different courses of study are labeled and defined in the scheme of instruction for specialized
B.Sc. Honors programs.
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4.5 Candidates who have successfully completed 1styear and 2nd year of B.Sc. Agricultural
Science/Horticulture Science from UGC recognized Universities (within Karnataka) are
eligible for admission to 2nd year and 3rd year of the course respectively subject to the
approval from the University.
4.6 Candidates who have successfully completed 1st year and 2nd year of B.Sc. Agricultural
Science/Horticultural Science from UGC recognized Universities (outside Karnataka)
are eligible for admission to 2nd year and 3rd year of the course respectively subject to the
approval by the equivalence committee and authorities of University of Mysore.
The intake shall be as approved by the university from time to time.
5. Scheme of Instruction
A candidate can exercise an option to exit with B.Sc. degree by completing 140 credits
as stipulated in the corresponding first six semesters of B.Sc. Honors. A candidate can
avail in one stretch at most 12 semesters to exit with a B.Sc. degree subject to
conditions as mentioned above.
5.2 A candidate has to earn 180 credits for successful completion of B.Sc.Honors degree
with the distribution of credits for different courses over different semesters as given
in Table 1 for B.Sc.Honors(Agri.) and in Table 2 for B.Sc.Honors (Horti.). Semesters 1st,
2nd and 3rd are common to both agricultural science and Horticultural Science,
interested candidates can choose either Table- 1 for B.Sc.Honors in Agriculture science
& Technology or Table-2 for B.Sc.Honors in Horticulture science & Technology.
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
II semester curriculum
Semester Sl. No Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
Farm Machinery And
1 2
power AEG. 211 1+1 3
2 Water management
AGR.121 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
3 AET. 121 2+1 4 3
Fundamentals of
plant pathology PAT. 211 2+1 4 3
Soil & Applied
Microbiology AMB. 221 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
Cytogenetics GPB. 121 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
7 Horticulture and Fruit
HRT. 121 1+1 3 2
crops production
II Fundamentals of soil
science SAC. 121 2+1 4 3
Fundamentals of Plant
9 PBT.121 2+1 4 3
Fundamentals of
10 Extension education AEX. 121 1+1 3 2
and Rural
Non- Non-
Physical Education,
PED. 111* 0+1 Credit Credit
11 and yoga practices
(NC) (NC)
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III semestercurriculum
Sl. Contact
Semester Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
No hrs.
Fundamentals of
1 Agricultural AEC.111 2+0 2 2
Production technology
2 3 2
of vegetable crops HRT. 211 1+1
Insect Ecology,
Principles of Pest
3 AET. 211 2+1 4 3
management and
natural enemies
Environmental studies
4 and Disaster
FES. 221 2+0 2 2
5 Soil Chemistry
SAC. 211 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of Crop
physiology CPH. 211 2+1 4 3
III Introduction to
7 API. 311
Apiculture 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
8 GPB. 211
Genetics 1+1 3 2
Renewable energy and
green technology AEG.221 1+1 3 2
Introductory Agro
meteorology &
Climate AGR.122 1+1 3 2
Communication and
diffusion of
11 AEX. 211 1+1 3 2
Non- Non-
National Service
12 NSS. 111 0+1 Credit Credit
(NC) (NC)
TOTAL 15+10 33 + 2 24 + 1
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IV semester curriculum
Sl. Contact
Semester Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
No hrs.
Agricultural finance
1 AEC. 121 1+1 3 2
and co-operation
Insect pests of field
2 crop and stored grains AET.311 1+1 3 2
and their management
3 Crop Breeding GPB.311 1+1 3 2
Principles of plant
4 PAT.221 1+1 3 2
disease management
Crop production
5 AGR.211 2+1 4 3
Live stock, poultry, fish
6 production and ASC.311 2+1 4 3
IV Principles and practices
7 SST.311 1+1 3 2
of seed production
Particle crop
8 production-I (Rain fed AGR.311 0+1 2 1
Fundamentals of Plant
9 GPB.221 2+1 4 3
Production Technology
10 of Flower Crops and HRT.221 1+1 3 2
Applied Plant
11 Physiology and Crop CPH. 221 1+1 3 2
Non- Non-
National Service
12 NSS. 111* 0+1 Credit Credit
(NC) (NC)
TOTAL 13+11 35+2 24
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V semester curriculum
Sl. Contact
Semester Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
No hrs.
1 Agricultural statistics AST.221 2+1 4 3
Farm Management,
2 production and AEC.321 1+1 3 2
resource Economics
Insect pests of
3 horticultural crops and AET.221 1+1 3 2
their management
Crop production
4 AGR.221 1+1 3 2
Production technology
of plantation crops,
5 HRT.311 1+1 3 2
spice, medicinal and
Aromatic plants.
Diseases of field crops
V 6 PAT.311 2+1 4 3
and their management.
Nanotechnology in
7 CPH. 222 0+1 2 1
Particle crop
8 production-II AGR.212 0+1 2 1
Post Harvest Seed
9 Technology and SST.321 1+1 3 2
Quality Assurance
Manures, Fertilizers
10 and soil fertility SAC. 321 2+1 4 3
Rain fed Agriculture
11 and water shed AGR.322 1+1 3 2
TOTAL 12+11 34 23
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VI semester curriculum
Sl. Contact
Semester Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
No hrs.
1 Marketing, Trade and AEC. 311 2+1 4 3
Protected Cultivation
2 and secondary AEG.321 1+1 3 2
Farming system,
3 organic farming and AGR.321 2+1 4 3
precision agriculture
4 Techniques in AGR.312 0+1 2 1
Agricultural Research
Introduction to
5 SER.321 1+1 3 2
Post- harvest
Management and
6 HRT. 321 1+1 3 2
VI value addition of
Fruits and vegetables
Problematic soils and
7 theirManagement, SAC 311 1+1 3 2
Development and
8 AEX. 321 1+1 3 2
Food processing, food
9 safety standard and FSN. 321 1+1 3 2
value Addition
Diseases of
10 Horticulture crops and PAT. 321 1+1 3 2
their Management
Intellectual Property
11 GPB. 321 1+0 1 1
TOTAL 12+10 32 22
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Semester Credits
I 23
II 24
III 24
IV 24
V 23
VI 22
VII 20
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
II semester curriculum
Semester Sl. No Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
Farm Machinery And
1 2
power AEG. 211 1+1 3
2 Water management
AGR.121 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
3 AET. 121 2+1 4 3
Fundamentals of
plant pathology PAT. 211 2+1 4 3
Soil & Applied
Microbiology AMB. 221 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
Cytogenetics GPB. 121 1+1 3 2
Fundamentals of
7 Horticulture and Fruit
HRT. 121 1+1 3 2
crops production
II Fundamentals of soil
science SAC. 121 2+1 4 3
Fundamentals of Plant
9 PBT.121 2+1 4 3
Fundamentals of
10 Extension education AEX. 121 1+1 3 2
and Rural
Non- Non-
Physical Education,
PED. 111* 0+1 Credit Credit
11 and yoga practices
(NC) (NC)
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
IV semester curriculum
Sl. Course Contact
Semester Course Title L+P Credit
No Code hrs.
TOTAL 15+9 33 24
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V semester curriculum
Sl. Contact
Semester Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
No hrs.
Temperate Vegetables
1 VSC 201 2+1 4 3
and Tuber Crops
Growth and
2 Development of CPH 102 1+1 3 2
Horticulture Crops
3 Medicinal Crops. PMA 202 1+1 3 2
Principles of Seed
4 Production in SST 202 1+1 3 2
Horticulture Crops
5 Breeding of Fruit Crops FSC 302 1+1 3 2
Breeding and Seed
V 6 Production of Vegetable VSC 301 2+1 4 3
Protected Cultivation of
7 FLA 301 1+1 3 2
Flower Crops
8 Management of PHT 301 2+1 4 3
Horticultural Produce
Pests Of Vegetables
9 Ornamental And Spice ENT.301 1+1 3 2
10 Development & AEX.303 1+0 1 1
Communication Skills
TOTAL 13+9 31 22
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VI semester curriculum
Semester Sl. No Course Title Course Code L+P Credit
1 Spices and Condiments PMA 201 1+1 3 2
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Semester Credits
I 23
II 24
III 24
IV 24
V 22
VI 23
VII 20
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5.3 Normally, A candidate shall enroll for a minimum of 20 credits and a maximum of 28
credits per semester; Including dropped courses of previous semester, if any. However,
a candidate may not successfully earn a maximum of 28 credits per semester.
5.4 Only such candidates who register for a minimum of 16 credits per semester and
complete successfully 180 credits in 8 successive semesters shall be considered for
declaration of ranks, medals and are eligible to apply for student fellowship,
scholarship, free ships and hostel facilities.
5.5 A candidate admitted to B.Sc. Honors program can exercise an option to exit with B.Sc.
degree after earning 140 credits successfully as stipulated over the first six semesters.
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III. (i) There shall be single valuation for all theory papers by internal examiners.
(ii) The examination for Practical work/ Field work/Project work/Internship will-be
conducted jointly by internal and external examiners. However, the BoE on its discretion
can also permit two internal examiners.
The answer scripts for which challenge valuation is sought for shall be sent to another
examiner. The higher of two marks from first valuation and challenge value shall be the final.
In case of a course with only practical component a practical examination will be conducted
with both internal and external examiners. A candidate will be assessed on the basis of a)
knowledge of relevant processes b) Skills and operations involved c)Results / products
including calculation and reporting. If external examiner does not turn up, then both the
examiners will be internal examiners. The duration for semester-end practical examination
shall be decided by the departmental council.
L+(P=0) X
(L=0)+P Y
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To be completed during 18th-
C3 examination (all units of the 50%
20th week
Final grades to be announced latest by 24th week
6.2.6 A candidate’s performance from all 3 components will be in terms of scores, andthe
sum of all three scores will be for a maximum of 100 marks (25 + 25 + 50).
6.2.7 Finally, awarding the grades should be completed latest by 24th week of the
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6.5 In case a candidate secures more than 30% in C1+C2 but less than 30% in C3, such a
candidate may opt to DROP that course or may opt to appear for C3 examination during
the subsequent examinations. In case he/she opts to appear for just C3 examination,
then the marks scored in C1+C2 shall get continued. Repeat C3 examinations will be
conducted in every semester.
6.6 A candidate has to re-register for the DROPPED course when the course is offered again
by the department. A candidate who is said to have DROPPED project or internship
work has to re-register for the same subsequently within the stipulated period. The
details of any DROPPED course will not appear in the grade card.
6.7 The tentative / provisional grade card will be issued by the Registrar (Evaluation) at the
end of every semester indicating the courses completed successfully. This statement
will not contain the list of DROPPED courses.
6.8 Upon successful completion of B.Sc.Honors Degree, a final grade card consisting of
grades of all courses successfully completed by the candidate will be issued by the
Registrar (Evaluation).
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6.9The grade and the grade point earned by the candidate in the subject will
be as given below
Here, P is the percentage of marks (P=[(C1+C2) +M] secured by a candidate in a course which is
rounded to nearest integer. V is the credit value of course. G is the grade and GP is the grade
6.10A candidate can DROP any course within in ten days from the date of notification of
final results. Whenever a candidate drops a course, he/she has to register for the
DROPPED course as stated in 6.6.
6.11 Overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of a candidate after successful
completion of the required number of credits (180 for B.SC Honors and 140 for
B.SC) is given by CGPA =ΣGP / Total number of credits completed.
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7. Classification of results
The final grade point (FGP) to be awarded to the student is based on CGPA secured by the
candidate and is given as follows.
CGPA Numerical Index
Qualitative Index
6<=CGPA<7 7
7<=CGPA<8 8
8<=CGPA<9 9
9<=CGPA<10 10
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
1 AEC. 111 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 2+0 2+0
TOTAL 6+3=9
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Introductory Soil and Water Conservation
1 AEG. 111 1+1 1+1
2 AEG. 211 Farm Machinery and Power 1+1 1+1
3 AEG. 221 Renewable Energy and Green Technology 1+1 1+1
Protected Cultivation and Secondary
4 AEG. 321 1+1 1+1
TOTAL 4+4=8
Rural Sociology, Education Psychology &
1 AEX. 111 0+2 0+2
Constitution of India
Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension
2 AEX. 121 education and Rural Development 1+1 1+1
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TOTAL 2+2=4
Livestock, poultry and fish Production
1 ASC.311 2+1 2+1
TOTAL 2+1=3
1 API. 311 Introduction to Apiculture 1+1 1+1
TOTAL 1+1=2
1 CPH. 211 Fundamentals of Crop Physiology 2+1 2+1
Applied Plant Physiology and Crop
2 CPH. 221 1+1 1+1
3 CPH. 222 Nanotechnology in Agriculture 0+1 0+1
TOTAL 3+3=6
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TOTAL 3+1=4
1 GPB. 121 Fundamentals of Cytogenetics 1+1 1+1
2 GPB. 211 Fundamentals of Genetics 1+1 1+1
3 GPB. 221 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 2+1 2+1
4 GPB. 311 Crop Breeding 1+1 1+1
5 GPB. 321 Intellectual Property Rights 1+0 1+0
TOTAL 6+4=10
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Fundamentals of Horticulture and Fruit
1 HRT. 121 1+1 1+1
Crops Production
2 HRT. 211 Production Technology of Vegetable Crops 1+1 1+1
Production Technology of Flower Crops and
3 HRT. 221 1+1 1+1
Production Technology of Plantation Crops,
4 HRT. 311 1+1 1+1
Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Post Harvest Management and Value
5 1+1 1+1
HRT. 321 Addition of Fruits and Vegetables
TOTAL 5+5=10
1 PBT. 121 Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology 2+1 2+1
TOTAL 2+1=3
1 PAT. 211 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 2+1 2+1
2 PAT. 221 Principles of Plant Disease Management 1+1 1+1
Diseases of Field Crops and their
3 PAT. 311 2+1 2+1
Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their
4 PAT. 321 1+1 1+1
TOTAL 6+4=10
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1 SST. 311 Principles and Practices of Seed Production 1+1 1+1
Post Harvest Seed Technology and Quality
2 SST. 321 1+1 1+1
TOTAL 2+2=4
1 SER. 321 Introduction to Sericulture 1+1 1+1
TOTAL 1+1=2
1 SAC. 121 Fundamentals of Soil Science 2+1 2+1
2 SAC. 211 Soil Chemistry 1+1 1+1
Problematic Soils and their Management,
3 SAC. 311 1+1 1+1
Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility
4 SAC. 321 2+1 2+1
TOTAL 6+4=10
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Basic science and humanities 5+4
Agricultural and allied subjects 71+56
Student “READY” programme
RAWE- Rural Agricultural work Experience 0+20
EL/HoT- Experiential learning/ Hands on 0+20
Non graded courses
Physical Education 0+1
NSS 0+1
Kannada 0+2
Educational Tour 0+1
Remedial Courses 2(1+1)/(2+0)
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Sampoorna International Institute of Agri Science & Horticultural Technology
Unit-II: Basic Computer networks, Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), Editing and
Formatting a document, Database, concepts and types, creating database. Introduction to
Computer C-Programming language, concepts and standard input/output operations.
Introduction to ICT and uses in agriculture. Introduction to Computer-controlled devices
(automated systems) for Agri-input management, Smartphone apps in Agriculture
Unit-III: Introduction to Bioinformatics and Omics database NCBI, searching and
accessing genome sequences and protein sequences. Introduction to Bioinformatics and
Omics database NCBI, searching and accessing genome sequences and protein sequences.
Unit-IV: Introduction to GIS and its applications in Agriculture. Introduction to MIS and
Decision Support System and its applications in Agriculture.
Introduction of different operating systems such as DOS and WINDOWS.
Creating Files & Folders
Introduction of programming languages. Use of MS-WORD and MS Power-
point for creating, editing and presenting a scientific Document
MS- EXCEL - Creating a spreadsheet, use of statistical tools, writing
expressions, creating graphs, analysis of scientific data.
MS- ACCESS: Creating Database, preparing queries and reports,
demonstration of Agri-information system.
Demonstration of HTML page design of e- Agriculture.
Omics database of NCBI searching and accessing genome sequences and protein
sequences, alignment of two genome sequences and alignment of two protein sequences
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Unit-II: Teaching of advance skills of Football – involvement of all the skills in game
situation with teaching of rules of the game Teaching of skills of Basketball –
practice of the skills, correction of skills, involvement in game situation
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UNIT IV: Teaching of skills of Ball Badminton – demonstration, practice of the skills,
correction of skills, involvement in game situation Teaching of skills of Ball Badminton –
involvement of all the skills in game situation with teaching of rule of the game
Teaching of some of Asanas – demonstration, practice, correction and practice
Teaching of some more of Asanas – demonstration, practice, correction and practice
Teaching of skills of Table Tennis – demonstration, practice of skills, correction and
practice and involvement in game situation Teaching of skills of Table Tennis –
demonstration, practice of skills, correction and practice and involvement in game situation
UNIT I: Teaching of skills of Hockey – demonstration practice of the skills and
correction. Teaching of skills of Hockey – demonstration practice of the skills and
correction. And involvement of skills in games situation Teaching of advance skills of
Hockey – demonstration practice of the skills and correction. Involvement of all the skills in
games situation with teaching of rules of the game teaching of skills of Kho-Kho –
demonstration practice of the skills and correction. Teaching of skills of Kho-Kho –
demonstration practice of the skills and correction. Involvement of the skills in games
UNIT II: Teaching of advance skills of Kho-Kho – demonstration practice of the skills and
correction. Involvement of all the skills in games situation with teaching of rules of the
game. Teaching of different track events – demonstration practice of the skills and
correction. Teaching of different track events – demonstration practice of the skills and
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UNIT III: Teaching of different field events – demonstration practice of the skills and
correction. Teaching of different field events – demonstration practice of the skills and
correction with competition among them. Teaching of different asanas – demonstration
practice and correction. Teaching of different asanas – demonstration practice and
Unit II: Understanding youth: Definition, profile, profile, categories, issues and
challenges of youth; and opportunities for youth who is agent of the social change.
Community mobilization: Mapping of community stakeholders, designing the message
as per problems and their culture; identifying methods of mobilization involving youth-
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adult partnership.
Unit III: Social harmony and national integration: Indian history and culture, role of
youth in nation building, conflict resolution and peace- building Volunteerism and
shramdan:Indian tradition of volunteerism, its need, importance, motivation and
constraints; shramdan as part of volunteerism
Unit IV: Citizenship, constitution, human rights, human values and ethics: Basic
features of constitution of India, fundamental rights and duties, human rights, consumer
awareness and rights and rights to information, human values and ethics. Family and
society: Concept of family, community (PRIs and other community based organisations)
and society
Unit I: Importance and role of youth leadership: Meaning, types and traits of leadership,
qualities of good leaders; importance and roles of youth leadership Life competencies:
Definition and importance of life competencies, problem-solving and decision-making,
inter personal communication
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Unit I: Vocational skill development: To enhance the employment potential and to set up
small business enterprises skills of volunteers, a list of 12 to 15 vocational skills will be
drawn up based on the local conditions and opportunities. Each volunteer will have the
option to select two skill-areas out of this list
Unit II: Issues related environment: Environmental conservation, enrichment
and sustainability, climatic change, natural resource management (rain water harvesting,
energy conservation, forestation, waste land development and soil conservations)
and waste management
Unit III: Disaster management: Introduction and classification of disaster, rehabilitation
and management after disaster; role of NSS volunteers in disaster management.
Entrepreneurship development: Definition, meaning and quality of entrepreneur; steps in
opening of an enterprise and role of financial and support service institution.
Unit IV: Formulation of production oriented project: Planning, implementation,
management and impact assessment of project Documentation and data reporting:
Collection and analysis of data, documentation and dissemination of project reports
Unit I: Youth and crime: Sociological and psychological factors influencing youth crime,
cyber crime, pear mentoring in preventing crime and awareness for juvenile justice
Unit II: Civil/self defence: Civil defence services, aims and objectives of civil defence;
needs and training of self defence
Unit III: Resource mobilization: Writing a project proposal of self fund units (SFUs) and
its establishment
Unit IV: Additional life skills: Positive thinking, self-confidence and esteem, setting life
goals and working to achieve them, management of stress including time management.
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Unit-IV: Expression of flowing water and mutual relations, Concept of water use
efficiency and methods to improve water use efficiency, Assessment of irrigation
requirement, Scheduling of irrigation – Approaches and methods, Suitability of water for
irrigation, Concept of drainage and methods.
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variation analysis.
Measurement of soil temperature and computation of soil heat flux. Determination of vapor
pressure and relative humidity.
Determination of dew point temperature.
Measurement of atmospheric pressure and analysis of atmospheric conditions.
Measurement of wind speed and wind direction, preparation of windrose.
Measurement, tabulation and analysis of rain. Measurement of open pan evaporation
and evapotranspiration.
Computation of PET and AET.
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Randomized Complete Block design (RCBD), Latin Square design (LSD), Factorial
Concept, each student has to conduct a micro plot field experiment.
Study of tabulation, analysis of experimental data and experimental results,
Transformation of data and Preparation of research report & presentation of results
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Unit IV: Management of crops in rainfed areas, Contingent crop planning for aberrant
weather conditions, Concept, objective, principles and components of watershed
management, factors affecting watershed management
Studies on climate classification, studies on rainfall pattern in rainfed areas of the country
and pattern of onset and withdrawal of monsoons.
Studies on cropping pattern of different rainfed areas in the country and demarcation of
rainfed area on map of India. irrigation on the basis of evapo-transpiration demand of
Critical analysis of rainfall and possible drought period in the country, effective rainfall
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Unit I: Agricultural Finance - meaning, scope and significance, credit needs and its role
in Indian agriculture. Agricultural credit: meaning, definition, need, classification.
Unit II: Credit analysis: 3 R’S and 5 C’S of credits Loan repayment plans. Sources of
agricultural finance: institutional and non-institutional sources, types of banks, functions
of commercial and central bank, credit creation policy, social control and
nationalization of commercial banks, micro financing including KCC and SHGs. Lead
bank scheme, RRBs, Scale of finance and unit cost.
Unit III: Introduction to higher financing institutions – RBI, NABARD, ADB, IMF,
World Bank, Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. Cost of credit. Recent
development in agricultural credit-Banking reforms and their implication on agricultural
credit – Narasimham Committee and other reports. Preparation and analysis of financial
statements – Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Basic guidelines for preparation of
project reports Time value of money, capital budgeting techniques – PBP, ARR, NPV,
BCR, IRR, Bank norms – SWOT analysis.
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Study of price behaviour over time for some selected commodities; Construction of
index numbers; Visit to local markets to study various marketing functions performed by
different agencies
Identification of marketing channels for commodities, collection
Analysis of data on marketing costs, margins and price spread and presentation of report
in the class
Visit to market institutions – NAFED, SWC, CWC, e-marketing, regulated market,
cooperative marketing society, Export house, etc.
To study their organization and functioning; Application of principles of comparative
advantage of international trade.
Unit I: Meaning and concept of farm management, objectives and relationship with other
sciences. Meaning and definition of farms, its types and characteristics, factor
determining types and size of farms. Principles of farm management: Differences
between farm management and production economics, concept of production function
and its type - Linear, quadratic, Cobb Douglas models, meaning and interpretation. Uses
of production function in decision- making
Unit II: Laws of returns: Law of variable proportions (factor- product),factor-factor and
product-product relationships, law of equi- marginal returns, principle of opportunity cost,
law of comparative advantage. Meaning and concept of cost, types of costs and their
interrelationship, fixed costs, sunken costs, valuation and depreciation of farm
assets, total and average cost curves in the short and long run and farm management cost
concepts (CACP), Concept and estimation- gross farm income, net farm income, family
labor income and farm business income. Farm business analysis: meaning and concept of
farm income and profitability, technical and economic efficiency measures in crop and
livestock enterprises. Discounted Cash Flow Measures and their role in financial
strategic decisions etc.,
Unit III: Importance of farm records and accounts in managing a farm, various types of
farm records needed to maintain on farm, single entry and double entry book keeping,
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farm inventory, balance sheet, profit and loss accounts. Meaning and importance of farm
planning and budgeting, partial and complete budgeting, steps in farm planning and
budgeting, linear programming, appraisal of farm resources, selection of crops and
livestock’s enterprises. Concept of risk and uncertainty in farming, nature and sources of
risks and its management strategies, Crop/livestock/ machinery insurance schemes –
weather based crop insurance, features, determinants of compensation, PMFBY.
Unit IV: Concepts of resource economics, Significance of NRE in farming, differences
between NRE and agricultural economics, unique properties of natural resources - land,
surface water, groundwater, environment, biodiversity, ecosystem services:
uniqueness, indispensability, irreversibility, invisibility, remoteness, intricacy, synergy,
ambiguous property rights, externalities, market failure, free riding, property rights.
Positive and negative externalities in agriculture, inefficiency and welfare loss,
internalization of externalities, important issues in economics and management of
common property resources of land, water, pasture, fishery and forest resources etc.
evaluation, equipping farmer as decision maker – production.
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Unit-I: Introduction to Soil and Water Conservation causes of soil erosion. Definition
and agents of soil erosion.
Unit-II: water erosion: Forms of water erosion. Gully classification and control measures.
Soil loss estimation by universal Loss Soil Equation. Soil loss measurement techniques.
Unit-III: Principles of erosion control: Introduction to contouring, strip cropping. Contour
bund. Graded bund and bench terracing. Grassed water ways and their design. Water
harvesting and its techniques.
Unit-IV: Wind erosion: mechanics of wind erosion, types of soil movement. Principles of
wind erosion control and its control measures.
General status of soil conservation in India.
Calculation of erosion index.
Estimation of soil loss. Measurement of soil loss.
Preparation of contour maps.
Design of grassed water ways.
Design of contour bunds.
Design of graded bunds.
Design of bench terracing system. Problem on wind erosion.
Unit I: Status of Farm Power in India, Sources of Farm Power engines, working
principles of I C engines, comparison of two stroke and four stroke cycle engines, Study
of different components of I.C. engine, I.C. engine terminology and solved problems,
Familiarization with different systems of I.C.
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Unit II: engines: Air cleaning, cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and hydraulic control
system of a tractor
Unit III: Familiarization with Power transmission system : clutch, gear box, differential
and final drive of a tractor, Tractor types, Cost analysis of tractor. with Primary and
Secondary Tillage implement, Implement for hill agriculture, implement for intercultural
Unit IV:, Familiarization with sowing and planting equipment, calibration of a seed drill
and solved examples, Familiarization with Plant Protection equipment, Familiarization
with harvesting and threshing equipment
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Unit II: Familiarization with biomass utilization for biofuel production and their
application, Familiarization with types of biogas plants and gasifiers,
Unit III: Biogas, bioalcohol, biodiesel and bio oil production and their utilization as
bioenergy resource, introduction of solar energy, collection and their application
Unit IV: Familiarization with solar energy gadgets: solar cooker, solar water heater,
application of solar energy: solar drying, solar pond, solar distillation, solar
photovoltaic system and their application, introduction of wind energy and their
Unit I: Green house technology: Introduction, Types of Green Houses; Plant response to
Green house environment, Planning and design of greenhouses, Design criteria of green
house for cooling and heating purposes. Green house equipments, materials of
construction for traditional and low cost green houses.
Unit II: Irrigation systems used in greenhouses, typical applications, passive solar green
house, hot air green house heating systems, green house drying. Cost estimation and
economic analysis.
Unit III: Important Engineering properties such as physical, thermal and aero &
hydrodynamic properties of cereals, pulses and oilseed, their application in PHT
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equipment design and operation. Drying and dehydration; moisture measurement, EMC.
Unit IV: Drying Theory: , various drying method, commercial grain dryer (deep bed
dryer, flat bed dryer, tray dryer, fluidized bed dryer, recirculatory dryer and solar dryer).
Material handling equipment; conveyer and elevators, their principle, working and
AET. 121 Fundamentals of Entomology
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wing coupling apparatus. Structure of male and female genital organ. Metamorphosis and
diapause in insects. Types of larvae and pupae. Structure and functions of digestive,
circulatory, excretory, respiratory, nervous, secretary (Endocrine) and reproductive
system, in insects.
Unit III :Types of reproduction ininsects. Major sensory organs like simple and
compound eyes, chemoreceptors. Systematics: Taxonomy –importance, history and
development and binomial nomenclature. Definitions of Biotype, Sub-species, Species,
Genus, Family and Order. Classification of class Insecta upto Orders.
Unit IV: Basic groups of present day insects with special emphasis to orders and families
of Agricultural importance like Orthoptera: Acrididae, Tettigonidae, Gryllidae,
Gryllotalpidae; Dictyoptera: Mantidae, Blattidae; Odonata; Isoptera: Termitidae;
Thysanoptera: Thripidae; Hemiptera: Pentatomidae, Coreidae, Cimicidae,
Pyrrhocoridae, Lygaeidae, Miridae, Reduviidae, Cicadellidae, Delphacidae,
Aphididae, Coccidae, Aleyrodidae, Lophophidae, Aleurodidae, Pseudococcidae;
Neuroptera: Chrysopidae; Hemirobidae; Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Papiloinidae,
Noctuidae, Nymphalidae, Sphingidae, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, Arctiidae,
Saturnidae, Bombycidae; Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae,
Cerambycidae, Curculionidae, Bruchidae, Scarabaeidae; Hymenoptera:
Tenthridinidae, Apidae. Trichogrammatidae, lchneumonidae, Braconidae,
Chalcididae; Encyrtidae Bethylidae, Formicidae,Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Tachinidae,
Agromyziidae, Culicidae,Muscidae, Tephritidae, Tabanidae, Syrphidae.
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Study of characters of orders Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Odonata, Isoptera,
Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera
and their families of agricultural importance.
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Unit I: General account on nature and types of damage by different arthropod pests.
Unit II: Scientific name, order, family, host range, distribution
Unit III: Biology and bionomics, nature of damage, and management of major pests
and control practices for other important arthropod pests of various vegetable crops, fruit
crops, plantation crops, ornamental crops, narcotics, flowers, spices and condiments. Pest
of crops grown under protected cultivation.
Unit IV: Pests of tuber crops, important vectors of plant diseases of horticultural crops.
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Determination of fruit and spices moisture content. Methods of sampling for pest damage
Visit to nearby Horticultural research stations.
AET. 311 Insect Pests of Field Crops & Stored Grains and their
Management (1+1)
Unit I: General account on nature and type of damage by different arthropods pests.
Scientific name, order, family, host range, distribution, biology and bionomics,
nature of damage, and management of major pests and scientific name, order, family,
host range, distribution,
Unit II: Nature of damage and control practice other important arthropod pests of various
field crops, Factors affecting losses of stored grain and role of physical, biological,
mechanical and chemical factors in deterioration of grain.
Unit II: Insect pests, mites, rodents, birds and microorganisms associated with stored
grain and their management.
Unit IV: Storage structure and methods of grain storage and fundamental principles of
grain store management. Important vectors of plant diseases of field crops.
Identification of different types of damage.
Identification and study of life cycle and seasonal history of various insect pests attacking
crops and their produce: (a) Field Crops;
Identification of insect pests and Mites associated with stored grain.
Determination of insect infestation by different methods. Assessment of losses due to
Calculations on the doses of insecticides application
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Parliament and Supreme Court of India – Powers and Functions. State Executive:
Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers. Legislature and Judiciary: Powers and
Functions; Electoral Process; Human Rights Commission – Structure, Powers and
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AMB. 111 Fundamentals of Microbiology (1+1)
Unit I: Origin and evolution of Microbial life. Brief history of microbiology. Microscopes
and microscopy. Overview of cell structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. General
properties of viruses, overview of plant, animal and bacterial viruses, viriods and
Unit II: Different groups of Microorganisms- Bacteria, Fungi, Algae and Protozoa.
Microbial nutrition and culture media. Overview of microbial metabolism: glycolysis, citric
acid cycle, anaerobic respiration, photosynthesis and fermentation. Microbial growth -
measurement of growth, effect of environmental factors on growth.
Unit III: Qualitative and quantitative methods for the study of microorganisms. Microbial
genetics: genetic recombination, conjugation, transformation, transduction, mutation
and mutants, plasmids, transposons and insertion sequences, cloning vectors. Control of
microbial growth: heat sterilization, radiation sterilization, filter sterilization, chemical
growth control, disinfectants, antiseptics and antibiotics.
Unit IV: Microbial ecology- Microorganisms in nature and their interaction, methods in
microbial ecology, Microbial interactions with higher organisms – plants and animals.
Concepts of Immunology - Cells and organs of immune system, antigen- antibody
reactions, types of immunity, polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.
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ASC. 311 Livestock, Poultry & Fish Production Management
Unit I: Role of livestock in the national economy. Reproduction in farm animals and
poultry. Housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock and
poultry. Management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals.
Unit II: Management of sheep, goat and swine. Incubation, hatching and brooding.
Broiler production. Management of growers and layers. Important Indian and exotic
breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry.
Unit III: Improvement of farm animals and poultry. Importance of Indigenours Live
stock and poultry species. Feeding principles of livestock and poultry. Feed ingredients.
Feed supplements and additives for livestock and poultry ration. Study of livestock and
poultry diseases.
Unit IV: Prevention, vaccination schedule and control of important diseases of livestock
and poultry. Marketing and Economics of livestock and poultry. Fisheries resources of india.
Importance of Inland fisheries. important fishes and their production. New vistas in Inland
fish production.
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Computation of rations for livestock. Clean milk production, milking methods. Hatchery
operations, incubation and hatching equipments.
Management of chicks, growers and layers. De-beaking, dusting and vaccination.
Economics of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry production. Visit to inland
fisheries unit.
API. 311 Introduction to Apiculture (1+1)
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CPH. 211 Fundamentals of Crop Physiology (2+1)
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growth and morphogenesis; Growth and yield parameters and their measurements;
Hormones and plant growth regulators in modulating crop growth;Physiological
importance of Auxins, GA, Cytokinin, ABA, Ethylene, Brassinosteroids and
strigolactones; biosynthesis and mode of action of plant hormones; applications of growth
regulators in agriculture, horticulture and industry.
Unit IV: Photoperiodism and vernalization: Basic concepts and their relevance in crop
productivity; Phytochromes and their role. Seed dormancy and viability: Basic concepts,
seed germination and seedling vigour. Stress Physiology: Plant responses to abiotic
stresses; key concepts and definition; acclimation and adaptation mechanisms.
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Unit III: Post harvest physiology: Physiological and biochemical changes during fruit
ripening and storage. Senescence and post harvest shelf life of cut flowers, vegetables
and fruits. Hormonal and chemical control of post harvest deterioration of fruits,
vegetables and cut flowers and its significance in storage and transport. Seed physiology:
Methods to break seed/ bud dormancy of important agriculture/ horticulture plants. Seed
priming/ seed encapsulation techniques to improve seed germination and seedling
vigour in important agriculture crops.
Unit IV: Drought mitigation strategies: Mechanism of drought adaptations. Plant traits
linked to drought adaptation. Antitranspirants and their applications in agriculture, water
holding polymers and their relevance. Crop modeling: Physiological yield models, plant
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Unit IV: Bio-safety of nano-formulations on natural enimes. Study the fate and behavior
of nano fertilizers in soils. Application of nano technology in recycling of Agriculture
waste. Safety, toxicity and adoption of nano particles in the soil and aquatic life. Nano
sensors in agriculture- nutrient, water, soil.
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FSN. 321 Food Processing, Food Safety Standards and Value Addition
Unit I: Status of food processing in India. Food processing and distinctive features of
food commodities. Primary, secondary and tertiary processing.
Unit II: Processing of -cereals, legumes, fats and oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, milk.
Role of additives in value addition, packaging and labeling.
Unit III: Food Safety- Definition, Importance, Scope and Factors affecting food safety,
health risks, Types of hazards: Biological, Chemical, Physical hazards. Food storage,
Hygiene and Sanitation. Sources of contamination and their control. Personal Hygiene.
Unit IV: Food Safety management tools- basic concepts, PRPs, GHPs, GMPs, SSOPs
etc. HACCP, ISO series and TQM. Food laws and Standards-Indian Food Regulatory
Regime, FSSAI, Global Scenario- CAC, BIS, AGMARK
Processed and value added foods (cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables).
Planning and preparation of weaning and supplementary foods.
Planning of balanced diet. Development of teaching models for community nutrition
education –
a) Protein energy malnutrition.
b) Micronutrient deficiencies
Preparation of different types of media. Microbiological examination of different food
Assessment of personal hygiene and surface sanitation. Preparation of plans for
implementation HACCP.
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Unit III: Populationimprovement methods- Ear to row method, modified Ear to Row,
recurrent selection schemes; heterosis and inbreeding depression, development of inbred
lines and hybrids, composite and synthetic varieties; Breeding methods in asexually
propagated crops, clonal selection and hybridization;
Unit IV: wide hybridization and pre-breeding; polyploidy in relation to plant breeding,
mutation breeding-methods and uses; Breeding for important biotic and abiotic
stresses; Biotechnological tools-DNA markers and marker assisted selection.
Participatory plant breeding; Intellectual Property Rights, Patenting, Plant Breeders and &
Farmer’s Rights.
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Unit I: Origin, distribution, uses, area and production, soil and climatic requirements, c
Unit II: Commercial varieties, planting methods, nutrition, irrigation, weed
management, inter and mixed cropping, harvesting
Unit III: yield of Coconut, Arecanut, Cashew, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Pepper, Cardamom,
Ginger, Turmeric, Coriander and Fenugreek Ashwagandha,
Unit IV: yield of Aloe, Periwinkle, stevia, Mints, Lemongrass, Ocimum, Patchouli and
Identification, propagation, physiological disorders, processing and value addition of
above crops.
Extraction methods for essential oils.
Visits to commercial Plantation.
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PBT.121 Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology (2+1)
Unit I: Concept of Plant Biotechnology – History of Plant Tissue Culture and Plant
Genetic Engineering; Scope and importance in Crop Improvement – Totipotency and
Morphogenesis, Nutritional requirements of in-vitro cultures
Unit II: Techniques of in-vitro cultures; Micro-propagation, Anther culture, Pollen
culture, Ovule culture, Embryo culture, Endosperm Culture and its applications.
Somaclonal variation: Types, Reasons. Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed
production technology
Unit III: Protoplast isolation, Culture, Manipulation and fusion; Products of somatic
hybrids and cybrids, Applications in crop improvement. Genetic engineering: Restriction
enzymes; vectors for gene transfer- Gene cloning, direct and indirect method of gene
transfer,Transgenic plants and their applications.
Unit IV: Blotting techniques- DNA finger printing, DNA based markers- RFLP, AFLP,
RAPD, SSR and DNA probes. Marker-assisted selection and its recent advances
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PAT. 211 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (2+1)
Unit I: Introduction: Importance of plant diseases, scope and objectives of Plant
Pathology. History of Plant Pathology with special reference to Indian work. Terms and
concepts in Plant Pathology. Cause and classification of plant diseases. Important plant
pathogenic organisms, fungi, bacteria, fastidious vascular bacteria, phytoplasmas,
spiroplasmas, viruses, viroids, algae, protozoa, phanerogamic parasites and nematodes with
examples of diseases caused by them.
Unit II: Diseases and symptoms due to abiotic agents.Fungi: general characters, somatic
structures, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, reproduction (asexual
and sexual). Binomial system of nomenclature, rules of nomenclature. Classification of
fungi, keys to phylum, classes, order and families.Bacteria and mollicutes: general
morphological characters. Basic methods of classification and reproduction. Keys to
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Unit I: Defence mechanism in plants: structural, biochemical (pre and post-infection) and
host plant resistances. Effect of pathogens on plant physiological processes viz.,
photosynthesis, respiration, translocation and transcription.Epidemiology: Epidemics and
factors affecting disease development, patterns of epidemics and disease progress curves.
Assessment of disease severity and crop losses.
Unit II: Survey, surveillance, remote sensing and forecasting of plant diseases Principles
and methods of plant disease management: Avoidance of the pathogen: Choice of
geographical area, selection of field and planting stock etc., Exclusion of inoculum:
Plant quarantine regulations and inspections, post entry quarantine. Eradication of the
pathogen: Cultural and physical methods of eradication and inoculum reduction; Biological
methods of disease control: Crop rotation, use of trap crops, plant and plant products, use of
biological control agents, mechanisms of biocontrol, cross protection.
Unit III: Breeding for disease resistance: Types of resistance, Development of resistant
varieties, Induced resistance. Biotechnological approaches of diseases management. IPR
and related issues. Chemical methods; nature, chemical combination, classification, mode
of action and formulations of fungicides, bactericides, nematicides and antibiotics.
Methods of application of chemicals. Insect vector management. Diagnosis of plant
diseases. Seed pathology; importance of seed health to man and animals. seed borne
nature of pathogens; Identification and detection of seed borne pathogens.
Unit IV: IDM: Introduction, history, importance & concepts. Economic importance
diseases. Epidemiology and crop loss assessment methods with case studies. IDM module
for important cereal (Rice), pulse (pigeon Pea), oil seeds (Sunflower and Groundnut) and
vegetable (Tomato and Potato) and horticulture/plantation crops.
Unit I: Diseases of cereals, millets, pulses, oil seeds and cash crops with respect to
economic importance, incidence, symptoms, etiology, disease cycle/life cycle and
management practices.
Unit II: Cereals and Millets: Rice, Sorghum, Maize, Wheat, Bajra, Navane, & Ragi.
Pluses: Pigeon pea, Chickpea, Blackgram and Greengram, Cowpea, & Soybean.
Unit III: Oilseed crops: Groundnut, Sunflower, Sesamum, Safflower, Mustard,
Linseed, & Castor.
Unit IV: Cash crops: Sugarcane, Cotton, Tobacco, Chilli, Ginger, Turmeric, & Mulberry.
Important post-harvest diseases of field crops.
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Unit I: Diseases of fruit crops, plantation crops, vegetables crops, flower crops,
Aromatic and Medicinal plants with respect to economic importance, incidence,
symptoms, etiology, disease cycle/life cycle and management practices.
Unit II: Fruit crops: Mango, Apple, Papaya, Citrus, Guava, Pomegranate, Grapes,
Pineapple Sapota, Peach &Banana. Plantation crops: Coffee, Tea, Rubber,
Coconut, Arecanut, Cardamom, Beetle vine, Pepper & Vanilla.
Unit III: Vegetable crops: Tomato, Potato, Brinjal, Crucifers, Cucurbits, Bhendi, Leafy
vegetable diseases, Carrot, Onion, Garlic, Cassava, Beans, Peas & Capsicum. Flower
crops: Rose, Jasmine, Tuberose, Crossandra, Chrysanthemum & Gladioli.
Unit IV: Medicinal and Aromatic crops: Periwinkle, Dioscorea, Solanum, Coleus,
Davana, Citronella, Sandle, Geranium & Patchouli. Important post-harvest diseases of
horticultural crops.
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Study of floral biology in self, cross and often cross pollinated crops.Identification of sex
in gourds and melons.Identification of different varieties based on seed morphological
characters in agriculture and horticulture crops.Isolation types, measurement and
determination in self and cross pollinated crops.
Carrying out field inspection and taking field counts.Study of different contaminants
and practicing rouging.Practicing hybrid seed production techniques – hand emasculation
and pollination.
Practicing detassling techniques.
Diagnostic identification of A, B and R lines in hybrid seed production.
Studies on planting ratio, border rows and synchronization and supplementary
pollination techniques in hybrid seed production.
Determination of physiological maturity in agri- horticultural crops.Visit to KSSOCA
and grow out test farms.
Visit to seed production plots (OPV and hybrids) of public and private
organizations.Calculation of economics of seed production (OPV and Hybrids).
Visit to seed production under protected cultivation.
SST. 321 Post Harvest Seed Technology and Quality Assurance (1+1)
Unit I: Introduction and importance of seed quality regulations- seed legislations and
regulatory measures. Seeds Act (1966), Seed Rules (1968), Seed Control Order (1983),
Central Seeds Committee, Central Seed Certification Board, OECD Seed Certification
Schemes State Seed Certification Agency – Central and State Seed Testing Laboratories
and their functions, New Seed Policy (1988), The plants, fruits and seeds (regulation of
import into India), Order (1989).
Unit II: DUS testing principles and applications, PPV and FRA (2001 and 2003),
National Seed Policy (2002) and the Seed Bill (2004). Seed Drying importance,
principles and methods. Psychrometric chart and its use in seed drying process. Seed
processing -objectives and principles. Air screen cleaner and its working principles,
different upgrading equipments and their use.
Unit III: Seed treatment- importance and types, equipments used for seed treatment, Seed
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testing - objectives, history, sampling procedures, testing for moisture, physical purity,
germination, viability, vigour and seed health. Seed quality regulation systems (Grow out
test and molecular markers). GM crop testing. Seed packaging -principles, procedures
and types of containers.
Unit IV: Varietal release, notification – seed certification, history, phases and procedures,
field inspection, field counts, field and seed standards, Post harvest inspections and seed
quality assurance. Seed storage - general principles, stages, factors affecting seed
longevity, conditions required for safer storage, measures for humidity, moisture and
temperature control, mid storage corrections and seed quality enhancement
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External morphology of life stages – egg-larva- pupa and moth of Bombyx mori L. Study
of silk gland and digestive system of Bombyx mori L.
Disinfectants - rearing bed and general disinfectants.
Grainage techniques.
Study of rearing house plan and equipments for shoot feeding and shelf rearing.
Methods Incubation of silkworm eggs and brushing.
Identification of silkworms settling for moult, at moult, out of moult. Feeding, bed
cleaning and spacing.
Identification and picking of ripe worms, mounting, types of mountages, cocoon harvesting
and grading. Pests and diseases of mulberry silkworm.
Identification and picking Single cocoon reeling
Study of reeling equipment
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Unit-I: Soil quality and health, Distribution of Waste land and problem soils in India.
Soil reaction-pH, soil acidity and alkalinity, buffering, effect of pH on nutrient
availability; Their categorization based on properties.
Unit-II: Reclamation and management of Saline and sodic soils, Acid soils, Acid
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Sulphate soils, Eroded and Compacted soils, Flooded soils, Polluted soils - Soil pollution -
behaviour of pesticides and inorganic contaminants, prevention and mitigation of soil pollution.
Irrigation water – quality and standards, utilization of saline water in agriculture.
Unit-III: Multipurpose tree species, bio remediation through MPTs of soils, land capability
and classification, land suitability classification. Problematic soils under different Agro-
ecosystems. Geo-informatics- definition, concepts, tool and techniques; their use in
Precision Agriculture. Crop discrimination and Yield monitoring, soil mapping fertilizer
recommendation using geospatial technologies;
Unit-IV: Spatial data and their management in GIS; Remote sensing concepts and application
in agriculture; Image processing and interpretation; Global positioning system (GPS),
components and its functions; Introduction to crop Simulation Models and their uses for
optimization of Agricultural Inputs. Remote sensing and GIS in diagnosis and
management of problem soils.
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a) Concept
‘Experiential’ means that learning and development are achieved through personally
determined experience and involvement.
Experiential learning is a business curriculum related endeavour which is interactive.
EL is for building (or reinforcing) skills in
Project development and execution
Individual and team coordination
Approach to problem solving
Accounting, marketing and resolving conflicts etc.
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b) Objectives
To provide excellent opportunity to develop analytical and entrepreneurial skills, and
knowledge through meaningful hands on experience, confidence in their ability to design
and execute project work.
The main objectives of EL are:
To promote professional skills and knowledge.
To build confidence and to work in project mode.
To acquire enterprise management capabilities.
c) Duration
180 days (one semester) period in the final year.
Students and faculty are expected to attend the activities even on institutional holidays
with total commitment, and without any time limit or restriction of working hours.
d) Attendance
Minimum attendance required is 85%.
Any student in the event of recording shortage of attendance has to re-register the EL
when offered next by paying the assigned fee.
e) Students’ Eligibility
To get the eligibility for registering the EL programme, the students should have
completed all the courses successfully.
Assignment/allotment of the EL programme shall be based on merit of the student at the
end of 5th Semester.
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To provide an opportunity to the students to understand the rural setting in relation to
agriculture and allied activities.
To make the students familiar with socio-economic conditions of the farmers and their
To impart diagnostic and remedial knowledge to the students relevant to real field
situations through practical training.
To develop communication skills in students using extension teaching methods in
transfer of technology.
To develop confidence and competence to solve agricultural problems.
To acquaint students with on-going extension and rural development programmes.
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A student has to register 20 credits opting for two modules of (0+10) credits each (total
20 credits) from the package of modules in the
VIII semester.
Course No. Course Title Cr. Hrs
ESE. 421 Commercial Sericulture 0+10
EAG. 421 Organic Production Technology 0+10
EAM. 421 Production Technology for Bio-fertllizers 0+10
EAM. 422 Mushroom Cultivation Technology 0+10
EAP. 421 Commercial Beekeeping 0+10
EAS. 421 Poultry Production Technology 0+10
EEP. 421 Production Technology for Bio-agents 0+10
EFS. 421 Food Processing 0+10
EHR. 421 Commercial Horticulture 0+10
EHR. 422 Floriculture and Landscaping 0+10
ESA. 421 Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer Testing 0+10
ESA. 422 Agriculture Waste Management 0+10
EST. 421 Seed Production and Technology 0+10
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organic produce, Organic Logos used in organic produce packages. Preparation of the
project report and presentation.
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Broiler and layer industry – COLOURED broiler rearing The TWO distinct
commercial activities are rearing birds for Meat and Egg. Poultry meat is the cheapest
animal protein and has no religious stigma for it’s use and has remained a favorite among
all religions and regions globally. Broilers are meat type birds reared for 5-6 weeks which
are tender, juicy, succulent , low in fat (lean meat) and nutritious. Thus a farmer can raise
5-6 crops in a year completely depending and earning livelihood. Broiler chicks are bred
for faster growth achieving a growth of 2000g from a 40 g chick in 40 days ie. a growth
of 50 times in 40days.A Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of 1.7-1.8 is achieved with a
mortality rate of less than 2 %. Still the per capita poultry meat consumption is about 2
kgs against an ICMR recommendation of 15 kgs.India stands 4th in Poultry Meat
Layer farming- In poultry females are exclusively maintained commercially for Eggs
(table eggs) for providing wholesome and nutritious eggs for use in various farms both in
fresh and egg white and yellow in powder farms. A per capita consumption of 45 eggs is
achieved against the recommendation of 180 eggs leaving a huge gap leaving scope for
growth in layers.
Housing principles- Orientation, Brooder houses, grower houses, layer houses The
Poultry sheds are to be in elevated places, rat proofed, oriented in East-West direction
enabling a good cross ventilation with a width of not more than 25 ft ,overhang of 2-2.5 ft
and any required length. Gable type sheds with side wall of 8 ft & center height of 12 ft
with asbestos roofing is ideal. Quality water supply to be ensured. Depending upon the
type /age of birds brooder ,grower & layer sheds are built. Care must be taken to spend
least on sheds but ensure technical specifications.
Management practices – scientific principles, litter management feeding & watering,
lighting and bio-security
Poultry farming is not only a science but also an art and incorporates the basics of birds
behavior,needs and comforts that makes poultry a successful livestock business.right
from brooding -providing heat initially for chicks (2-3 weeks),providing feed ad libitum
,cool and quality water,light for visibility, turning (raking ) the litter to maintain it with
optimum moisture –neither dusty that may lead to respiratory diseases or wet that may
result in diseases. Sanitary and Bio security measures such as washing, disinfection,
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products Physical, Sensory & Objective evaluation methods computing nutritive value.
Food Safety measures : Hygiene/ sanitation/ standards/regulations related to grains &
products based on suitable methods approved by FDA/FAO/WHO/ GOI/GOK/BIS/ any
other Indian regulatory agency. Shelf life of products: Grain storage practices. Use of
additives & Preservatives, Labeling & its importance. Market study of exiting labeled
foods, Label designing/ Packaging its requirements. Development of RTE Foods, Flour
based shelf stable snack foods. Acceptability testing, project plan & Presentation By
students: Product design, Machinery and equipment material & marketing supply chain.
Processing & recording/book keeping, costing. Value chain of raw materials: study
existing practice in industry trough visit & interaction Milling industry procurement/
milling/ marketing system. Storage & testing of raw materials testing of function &
behavior of raw materials & products. Familiarization of equipment and their role,
functioning, operation techniques cleaning condition regulation, maintenance handling.
Baked produces. Processing of bread by different methods, importance of RH/
Temperature/pH, baking & finishing, processing of rolls/pizza/rusk/ etc., serving
Techniques. Processing of biscuits: Regular biscuits fiber rich (Different fiber).
Development of questionnaire for data collection. Market survey on the processed and
health foods, Data computation and presentation. Industry Visits/ Food processing
industries, Flourmills, Baking industries, Vegetable and fruits processing units. Student
group activities.
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ESA. 421 Soil, Plant, Water Manure and Fertilizers Testing Good laboratory
practices (GLP)
Principles of analytical chemistry
Analytical techniques, concepts of gravimetry, concepts of titrimetry (volumetric),
preparation of standard solution of an acid
Instruments used in soil, plant, water, manure and fertilizer analysis
Potentiometer (pH meter), Conductometer (EC bridge), Spectrophotometer, Flame
photometer, Atomic Absorption, Spectrophotometer (AAS)
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Soil Analysis
Collection and preparation of soils samples, study of soil profile, physical properties of
soil, mechanical analysis (soil texture), International pipette method, Hydrometer
method, Determination of soil texture by feel method, density of soil, Bulk density of
soil, Particle density of soil, pore space of soil, soil colour, physic chemical properties of
soil, pH of soil, EC of soil, Chemical properties of soil, organic matter in soil, cation
exchange capacity (CEC) of soil, Major nutrients in soil, available nitrogen in soil,
available Phosphorusin soil, available potassium in soil, Secondary nutrients in soil,
Determination of exchangeable calcium and magnesium in soil, available sulphur in soil,
Micronutrients in soil, available micronutrient cations in soil, available boron in soil,
Problematic soils and amendments, Soil acidity and lime requirement, Determination of
exchangeable acidity in soil, reserve acidity in soil, extractable aluminum in soil, lime
requirement of acid on soil, Soil alkalinity and gypsum requirement, Determination of
lime content of soil, carbonate and bicarbonate in soil, chloride in soil, carbonate and
bicarbonate in soil, chloride in soil, sodium in soil, gypsum requirement of alkali soil
Irrigation Water Analysis
Irrigation water sampling, Determination of pH irrigation water, electrical conductivity of
irrigation water, carbonate and bicarbonate in irrigation water, chloride in irrigation
water, calcium and magnesium in irrigation water, sodium in irrigation water,
Computation of SAR and RSC of irrigation water, Determination of boron in irrigation
Waste Water Analysis
Collection and preservation of waste water samples, Analysis of different parameters of
waste water, Determination of pH of waste water, EC in waste water, carbonate and
bicarbonate in waste water, chloride in waste water, calcium and magnesium in waste
water, potassium and sodium in waste water, Phosphorus in waste water, sulphur in waste
water, acidity of waste water, total, suspended and dissolved solids in waste water, nitrate
in waste water, dissolved oxygen in waste water, biological oxygen demand in waste
water, chemical oxygen demand in waste water
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Plant Analysis
Sampling handling and preparation of plant sample, Determination of Nitrogen in plant
sample, Digestion of plant sample for estimation of nutrients (except nitrogen),
Determination of phosphorus in plant sample, potassium in plant sample, calcium and
magnesium in plant sample, sulfur in plant sample, micronutrients in plant sample
Organic Manure Analysis
Determination of pH of manure, EC of manure, organic carbon in manure, nitrogen in
manure, Digestion for estimation of other nutrients in manure, Determination of
phosphorus in manure, potassium in manure, calcium and magnesium in manure, sulfur
in manure, micronutrients in manure
Fertilizer Analysis
Fertilizer sampling, Qualitative test for identification of fertilizer, Detection of
adulterants in fertilizer, Estimation of ammonium nitrogen (NH4 - N) in ammonium
fertilizer, nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) in nitrate fertilizer, amide nitrogen (NH2-N) in amide
fertilizer (urea), Determination of biuret content of urea, Estimation of phosphorus in
phosphatic fertilizer, Determination of potassium in potassic fertilizer.
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Unit III: healing of grafting and budding physiological & bio chemical basis of rooting, factors
influencing rooting of cuttings and layering, graft incompatibility. Anatomical studies of bud
union, selection and maintenance of mother trees, collection of scion wood stick, scion-stock
relationship and their influences, bud wood certification, techniques of propagation through
specialized organs, corm, runners, suckers.
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Unit II: Management of water, nutrient and weeds, special horticultural techniques including
plant growth regulators, their solution preparation and use in commercial orchards.Physiological
Unit III:Post-harvest technology, harvest indices, harvesting methods, grading, packaging and
storage of the following crops.Mango, banana, grapes, citrus, papaya, sapota, guava, pineapple,
jackfruit, avocado, mangosteen, litchi, carambola, durian, rambutan, bilimbi, loquat, roseapple,
breadfruit and passion fruit. Bearing in mango and citrus, causes and control measures of special
production problems, alternate and irregular bearing overcome, control measures.
Unit IV:Seediness and konkan disease in banana, citrus decline and casual factors and their
management.Bud forecasting in grapes, sex expression and seed production in papaya, latex
extraction and crude papain production, economics of production.Preparation of project
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Unit II:self-incompatibility and pollinisers, use of growth regulators, nutrient and weed
management, harvesting, post-harvest handling and storage of apple.
Unit III: , post-harvest handling and storage of pear, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, persimmon,
strawberry, kiwi, Queens land nut (Mecademia nut), almond, walnut, pecan nut, hazel nut and
chest nut.
Unit IV:Re-plant problem, rejuvenation and special production problems like pre-mature leaf
fall, physiological disorders, Special production problems like alternate bearing problems and
their remedies.
Unit I:Importance of breeding of fruit crops, problems in fruit trees. Origin, centers of diversity
and distribution of fruit species. History, hybridization and developments in fruit crops.
Unit II:Introduction, selection, identification and selection of mutants, bud sports, chimeras and
their perpetuation by vegetative propagation.Variabilityforeconomic traits, breeding strategies.
Unit IV:Floral biology, pollination, incompatibility in mango, banana, citrus, papaya, pineapple,
sapota, grapes, guava, pomegranate, apple, nuts etc. Prospects of genetic engineering and
biotechnology inimprovement of fruit crops.
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Unit II:weed and nutrient management, use of chemicals and growth regulators, physiological
disorders, cropping systems, maturity standards, harvesting, yield, economics of cultivation,
post-harvest handling.
Unit III:storage and marketing of cabbage, cauliflower, knol-khol, sprouting brocolli, brussels
sprout, lettuce, palak, chinese cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, leek, radish, carrot, turnip, beet
root, peas, broad bean, rhubarb, asparagus, globe artichoke.
Unit IV: storage and marketing of celery, potato, sweet potato, tapioca, amorphophallus,
colocassia, diascoria, horse radish, arrow root, jerusalem artichoke and xanthosoma.
Unit II: Genetic resources, genetics of qualitative and quantitative characters, objectives of
breeding, methods of breeding, achievements, maintenance breeding, breeders, foundation and
certified seed production, field (isolation distance and rouging) and seed standards for seed
production of potato, tomato, chilli, sweet pepper.
Unit III: seed standards for seed production of brinjal, peas, bhendi, dolichos bean, french bean,
cow pea, cucumber, musk melon, water melon.
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Unit IV: seed standards for seed production of bitter gourd, onion, ridge gourd, pumpkin,
squashes, cabbage, cauliflower, amaranthus, radish and carrot.
Unit II:Garden features/components (garden wall, gates, fence, paths and drives, steps, bridges,
hedge, edge, borders, flower beds, carpet bed, lawn, arches and pergolas, terraces).Garden
adornments (garden seats/benches, tubs/ urns/ vases, lanterns, statutes, sculptures, fountains,
water basins, bird bath, floral clock, sun dials etc.,).
Unit III:Famous gardens of India.Importance, classification, design values and cultivation tips
for ornamental plants viz. annuals, biennales, herbaceous perennials, bulbous ornamentals,
shrubs, trees, climbers, palms and cycads, ferns and sellagenellas, cacti and succulents and
indoor plants.Establishment of lawn and maintenance.
Unit IV:Bonsaiculture and maintenance. Flower arrangement concepts and Ikebana- techniques,
types, suitable flowers and cut foliage. Dry flowers- dehydration techniques and
preservation.Floral arts and adornments.
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Unit I:Scope and importance of commercial floriculture in India.Area and production of flower
crops in India.
Unit III:Postharvest management of flower crops.Essential oil extraction from flowers - rose,
jasmine and tuberose.
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Unit II:Use of softwares and software tools for developing landscapes.Bio-aesthetic planning,
definition, objectives.Special types of gardens (rock, water, marsh/ bog, sunken, shade, roof,
terrace, vertical, instant, dish, traffic island and terrarium).
Unit III:Landscaping for specific areas (home garden, public parks, educational institutes,
hospitals, religious places, play-ground, high ways, avenues, industrial area, air port, rail way
station and line, bus station, historical place, cemeteries, dam site, river bank).
Unit II:Equipments and materials required for green house construction and
management.Factors involved in the green house production and plant response to greenhouse
Unit III:Growing media and sterilization methods.Production technology for rose, carnation,
gerbera, chrysanthemum, orchids and anthuriuns (preparation of beds, planting method,
nutrition, irrigation, fertigatrion,
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Unit I: History and development, scope and importance, area and production, export and import
potential, role in national and state economy, uses, industrial importance, by products utilization,
soil and climate, varieties.
Unit II: propagation: principles and practices of seed, vegetative and micro-propagation,
planting systems and method, gap filling, systems of cultivation, mulching, shade regulation.
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Unit III: weed and water management, training, pruning and handling, nutrition, foliar feeding,
role of growth regulators, soil management, liming practices, tipping practices, top working,
physiological disorders.
Unit IV: harvesting, post-harvest handling and processing, packaging and marketing, yield and
economics of coconut, arecanut, oil palm, cocao, cashew nut, coffee, tea and rubber.
Unit II: Classification, soil and climate, propagation-seed, vegetative and micro propagation
systems and methods of planting. Nutritional management, irrigation practices, weed control,
mulching and cover cropping.
Unit III: Training and pruning practices, role of growth regulators, shade crops and shade
regulation. Harvesting, post-harvest technology, packaging, storage, value added products,
methods of extraction of essential oil and oleoresins.
Unit IV: Economics of cultivation, role of Spice Board. Export Promotion Council, institutions
and research centres in R&D. Crops: Cardamom, pepper, betel vine, ginger, turmeric, clove,
nutmeg, cinnamon, kokam, curry leaf, coriander, fenugreek, fennel, mustard and vanilla.
Identification of varieties: propagation, seed treatment – sowing; planting; hoeing and
earthing up;
Manuring and use of weedicides, training and pruning;
Fixing maturity standards, harvesting, curing, processing, grading and extraction of
essential oils and oleoresins.
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Unit II:climatic and soil requirements, propagation and nursery techniques, planting and after
care, cultural practices, training and pruning, nutritional and water requirements.
Unit III:Important pests and diseases, harvesting and processing of under mentioned important
medicinal plants. Therapeutic and pharmaceutical uses of important species.
Unit I: History, scope, opportunities and constraints in the cultivation and maintenance of
aromatic plants in India.
Unit II: Importance, origin, distribution, area, production, climatic and soil requirements,
propagation and nursery techniques, planting and after care, cultural practices, training and
pruning, nutritional and water requirements.
Unit III: Important pests and diseases, harvesting and extraction methods of under mentioned
important aromatic plants. Uses and economics of essential oils in aromatic plants.Storage
techniques of essential oils.
Unit IV: Aromatic crops: Citronella, khus, lavender, geranium, patchouli, Lemon scented gum,
Mint, ocimum,Lemongrass, palmarosa,davana ,Jasmine,tuberose,sandal wood and Rosemarry.
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Study of harvesting, curing and processing techniques of different species and extraction
of essential oils.
Identification and management of important pests and diseases of commercial aromatic
Visit to aromatic crop fields distillation units and research stations.
Unit II: Maturity indices, physiological and biochemical changes during ripening process,
hastening and delaying of ripening process; Harvesting, handling, curing, grading and pre-
cooling of horticulture produce.
Unit III: Packaging, types of packages, recent advances in packaging, use of grape guard in
packaging, cushioning materials; Transportation and modes of transport.
Unit IV: Marketing of fresh produce; Pre and post-harvest treatments for extending storage life;
Principles and methods of storage.
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Unit II:Principles and methods of drying and dehydration; Preservation by heat; Preservation by
use of sugar and chemicals; Preservation by salt, spices, essential oils and vinegar; Preservation
by fermentation and freezing.
Unit III:Minimal processing of fruits and vegetables; Curing and processing of spices and
plantation crops; Packaging of processed products; Spoilages in processed products.
Unit IV:Quality control of processed products and food laws, Government policies on import
and export of processed horticulture produce; Principles and guidelines for establishment of
processing industry.
ENT 201 Principles of Pest Management and Productive Insect 3(2+1)
Unit I: Economic classification of Insects.Pest-definition and types of pests, types of damage
caused by pests.Concept of ETL and EIL in pest management.Factors for outbreak of pest
populations.Pest survey, surveillance and forecasting.Pest management-Definition and
importance; Methods of pest management - Mechanical, Cultural, Physical, Legal, Biological
and Chemical.Biorational and Biotechnological approaches in pest management.
Unit II: Integrated pest management- Principles and its components; advantages and
disadvantages.Biological control- predators, parasitoids, entomopathogens and weedkillers and
their mass production and use. Insecticides: Classifications of insecticides based on mode of
entry, action and chemical nature; Insecticides formulations and their uses; safe handling of
Unit III: Importance and History of apiculture. Species of honey bees- Rock bee, Little bee,
Indian bee, European bee, and Dammar bee, lifecycle and caste determination. Beekeeping
Appliances.Establishment of apiary, Bee colony maintenance in different seasons.Importance of
bee pollination in horticulture crops. Honey extraction, honey composition and value, bee wax
and other hive products. Pests and diseases of honey bees.Economics of beekeeping.
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Unit IV: Importance, history and development of Sericulture in India, different kinds of
silkworms and their host plants.Mulberry silkworm-morphology, races, rearing house and
equipments.Silkworm rearing. Cocoon quality and processing. Uses of silk and by-
products.Economics of silk production.Moriculture- establishment of mulberry garden and its
management.Lac cultivation in India.Lac insects, biology, types, lac cultivation and host
plants.Uses of lac.
Unit II: Distribution, host range, bio-ecology, injury, integrated management of important insect
and mite pests affecting vegetable and spice crops like brinjal, tomato, chilli, bhendi, potato,
sweet potato, onion, garlic, crucifers- cabbage and cauliflower, cucurbits- melons and gourds,
leguminous and leafy vegetables, rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, marigold, tuberose, gladiolus,
carnation, gerbera, black pepper, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, curry leaves, coriander and tree
Unit III: Important storage insect-pests of vegetable and spice crops, their host range, bio-
ecology, injury and integrated management.
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Unit IV: Insect – pests of processed vegetables and spice crops, their host range, bio-ecology,
injury and integrated management. Insecticidal residue problems in vegetables and spice crops,
MRL, PHI etc.
ENT 302 Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops 3 (2+1)
Unit I: Bio-ecology and management of insect and mite pests in fruit, plantation, medicinal and
aromatic crops; Pest surveillance.
Unit II: Distribution, host range, bio-ecology, injury, integrated management of important insect
and mite pests affecting tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruits, plantation, medicinal and
aromatic crops like mango, guava, grapes, banana, citrus, sapota, pomegranate, ber, pineapple,
papaya, jamun, fig, custard apple, apple, jack, coconut, areca nut, oil palm, cashew, cacao, tea,
coffee, betelvine, rubber, cinchona, ashwaghanda, senna, neem, pyrethrum, costus, mint,
Solanumsp, lemongrass, patchouli.
Unit III: Storage insects – distribution, host range, bio-ecology, injury, integrated management
of important insect pests attacking stored fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops and
their processed products. I
Unit IV:nsecticide residue problems in fruits, plantation, medicinal, and aromatic crops and their
maximum residue limits (MRLs).
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UnitI: Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of the
diseases of fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops viz mango, banana, grape, citrus,
guava, sapota, papaya, jack fruit, pineapple, pomegranate.
UnitII: Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of the
diseases of fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops vizber, apple, pear, peach, fig, custurd
apple, plum, strawberry, areca nut, coconut, oil palm.
UnitIII: Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of the
diseases of fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops viz coffee, tea, cocoa, cashew, rubber,
betel vine senna, neem, hemp, costus, datura, dioscorea, mint, opium, pachouli, citronella,
davana, ocimum, sandal andSolanumviarum.
UnitIV: Important post-harvest diseases of fruit, plantation and medicinal and aromatic crops
and their management.
Observations of disease symptoms.
Identification of casual organisms and host parasite relationship of important diseases.
Examination of scrapings and cultures of important pathogens of fruits, plantation,
medicinal and aromatic crops .
Field visit for acquaintance with diseases.
Unit III: Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of
diseases of the following jasmine, rose, crossandra, tuberose, gerbera, anthurium, geranium,
marigold, chrysanthemum, carnation, gladiolus, vanilla.
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Observations of symptoms, causal organisms and host parasitic relationship of important
Examination of cultures of important pathogens of vegetables, ornamental and spice
crops in field as well as in protected cultivation.
CPH 102 Growth and Development of Horticulture Crops 2(1+1)
UnitI: Growth and development: Definitions, components, photosynthetic productivity, Canopy
photosynthesis and productivity, leaf area index (LAI): Optimum LAI in horticultural crops,
canopy development; different stages of growth, growth curves, Crop development and
dynamics (Case studies of annual/perennial horticultural crops), growth analysis in horticultural
UnitIII: Photoperiodism - long day, short day and day neutral plants, vernalisation and its
application in horticulture, pruning and training- physiological basis of training and pruning,
source and sink relationship, translocation of assimilates.
Unit IV: Physiology of seed development and maturation, seed dormancy and bud dormancy,
causes and breaking methods in horticultural crops. Physiology of fruit growth and
development, fruit setting, factors affecting fruit set and development, physiology of ripening of
fruits-climatic and non-climacteric fruits. Physiology of fruits under post-harvest storage.
Estimation of photosynthetic potential of horticultural crops, leaf area index.
growth analysis parameters including harvest index.
bioassay of plant hormones.
identification of synthetic plant hormones and growth retardants.
preparations of hormonal solution and induction of rooting in cuttings.
ripening of fruits and control of flower and fruit drop.
Important physiological disorders and their remedial measures in fruits and vegetables.
seed dormancy, seed germination and breaking seed dormancy with chemicals and
growth regulators.
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UnitI: Introduction, seed and its importance, difference between seed and grain, role of seed
technology. Concept of seed quality and factors affecting to it. History and development of seed
industry, new seed policy.
UnitII: National seed projects, classes of seeds, generation system of seed multiplication and
agency involved in production and certification. General principles and methods of seed
production in self and cross pollinated varieties and hybrids of horticultural crops.
UnitIII: Harvest and post harvest technology- principles of seed processing. Principles and
methods of seed drying. Seed certification – purpose and phases of seed certification, field
inspection and its importance, field and seed standards.
Unit IV: Duties and responsibilities of seed inspector and seed analyst, Seed storage- principles
and methods, factors affecting the storage of certified, foundation, breeder seeds and germ
plasmseeds. Seed deterioration- factors affecting seed deterioration and its control. Seed act and
rules, important sections and rules. Seed control order.
Identification of seeds and varieties of important horticulture crops.
Seed structure of dicot and monocot. Seed sampling and testing equipments.
Testing of moisture, physical purity, germination, seedling evaluation and reporting the
Viability test, vigour test, seed dormancy and breaking methods.
Grow-out test, seed health test.
Hybridization techniques-Emasculation and pollination.
Field inspection- Identification of rogue and off types. Seed cleaning, seed treatment and
seed packaging.
Visit to the certified seed production plots, processing unit, storage unit, KSSC,
KSSOCA, STL and private seed company.
SAC 302 Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management 2 (1+1)
Unit-I: Introduction to soil fertility and productivity- factors affecting; Essential plant nutrient
elements- functions, deficiency systems, transformations (N, P, K & S) in soil and availability,
Problematic Soils- Acid, calcareous.
Unit-II: salt affected soils and waterlogged soils– characteristics and management; Soil
organic matter, humus formation, Importance of C:N ratio; Soil reaction and plant nutrition,
Soil buffering capacity- Q-I relationships; Integrated plant nutrient management.
Unit-III: Soil fertility evaluation methods; Critical limits of plant nutrient elements-
deficiency, hidden hunger, optimum concentration, luxury consumption and toxicity and their
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AGR 302 Organic Farming 2(1+1)
Unit-III: Soil improvement and amendments; Integrated diseases and pest management – use of
Biocontrol agents, Biopesticides pheromones, trap crops, bird perches.
Unit II:Farming systems and types.Budgeting as a tool for planning and control.Record keeping
as a tool of control.Planning – meaning, steps and methods of planning, types of plan,
characteristics of ideal plans. Organizations – forms of business organizations, organizational
principles, division of labour.
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Unit III: Unity of command, scalar pattern, job design, span of control responsibility, power,
authority and accountability. Direction – guiding, leading, motivating, supervising, coordination
– meaning, types and methods of controlling – evaluation, control systems and devices.
Functional areas of management – operations management – physical facilities, implementing
the plan, scheduling the work, controlling production in terms of quantity and quality.
Agripreneurship: meaning, definition, nature, scope, importance, types, functions and
dimensions, characteristics of successful entrepreneur, approaches to entrepreneurship, Factors
affecting entrepreneurial growth - psychological factors, cultural factors, socialfactors, economic
factors, personality factors, strategies to motivate youths towards entrepreneurship, Risks and
barriers involved in entrepreneurship, Role of entrepreneurship in economic
development,Women entrepreneurship-concept, importance, problems and remedies, strategies
to motivate of womenentrepreneurs.
Overview of Indian social, political and economic systems and their implications for decision
making by individual entrepreneurs.Social Responsibility and business ethics.Government
schemes and incentives for promotion of entrepreneurship.Government policy on Small and
Medium Enterprises(SMEs) / SSIs.
Communication Skills: meaning and process of communication, verbal and non-verbal
communication; listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills, developing
organizational and managerial skills, problem solving skills. field diary and lab record; indexing,
footnote and bibliographic procedures, news writing, individual, group presentation, features of
oral presentation, different types of presentation, evaluation of presentation, vocal
communication techniques/cues, salient features of participation in seminars and conferences.
ANS 202 Animal Science 2(1+1)
UnitI:Distribution of livestock and role in economy; Introductory animal husbandry; Breeds of
livestock; Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep & Goat; Important traits, General management and feeding
practices of animals.
UnitII: Handling of animals; Housing systems; Feed and fodders in livestock production;
Common farm management practices including disinfection, isolation, quarantine and disposal of
carcass; Diseases and parasite control and hygiene care.
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UnitIII:Poultry- history and economic importance; Poultry breeds; Formation and structure of
eggs; Important traits of poultry, Care and management of chicks, grower and layers/broiler.
UnitIV:Poultry Diseases, control and hygiene care. Fishery-inland and marine fish production
concepts, management, etc.
Visit to livestock farms/demonstration centers.
Breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep & goat.
Familiarization with body parts of animals.
Handling and restraining of animals.
Artificial Insemination.
Feeding of livestock.
Methods of identification.
Milking methods; Record Keeping.
Visit to the Poultry farm; Poultry breeds; Body parts of chicken.
Housing, equipment.
Methods of identification and sexing.
Identification of diseases and control of parasites, Vaccination.
Maintenance of farm records.
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3. Module-III. Processing of Fruits and Vegetables for Value Addition: Planning and
execution of a market survey, preparation of processing schedule, preparation of project
module based on market information, calculation of capital costs, source of finance,
assessment of working capital requirements and other financial aspects, identification of
sources for procurement of raw material, production and quality analysis of fruits and
vegetables products at commercial scale, packaging, labelling, pricing and marketing of
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analysis, selection and use of plant material for landscaping. Formal and informal
garden, features, styles, principles and elements of landscaping. Preparation of landscape
plans of home gardens, farm complexes, public parks, institutions, high ways, dams and
avenues. Making of lawns, use of software in landscape. Making of bouquets, button
hole, wreath, veni and gazaras, car and marriage palaces. Dry flower Technology
(identification of suitable species, drying, packaging and forwarding techniques).
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Student READY- Rural Horticulture Work Experience (RHWE) & Placement in Industries.
This program will be taken up during the VIII semester for a duration of 24 weeks and will be
allotted 0+20 credit hours. The program will include orientation, village stay, all India study
tour, industrial placement program, report writing and final examination.
RHWE Programme Duration
1 Orientation programme 2 week
2 Village stay at RSK/ Hobli level 12 weeks
3 All India study tour 2 weeks
4 Placement Programme 5 weeks
5 Report writing & final examination 3 weeks
Total 24 weeks
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8. Entomology: 0+1
Identification of local pest situations and pest management practices; Different types of
nonchemical inputs used in pest management, Seed treatment with pesticides; Storage practices
of farm produces to prevent insect damage; Local and traditional practices of pest management;
Assessment of pest and natural enemy densities; Surveillance of pest and natural enemies,
Importance of keeping record of purchases of the insecticides; Sources of information available
for plant protection practices; Preparation of spray solution: Calculation of spray Volume;
Harvesting and processing local plants and their products for pest management practices;
Preparation of NSKE, vegetable oils and other plant sources and NPV; Use of pheromone traps
for pest monitoring; Safe handling of pesticides and field release of parasites and predators; Use
of nylon nets in nurseries; Root feeding and/ or stem Injection of pesticides; fumigants; rodent
management. Apiculture, importance in crop pollination colony management and honey and
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backward and forward linkages, new enterprises, synergies, diversification, risk aversion
Concept of Agricultural Marketing, Significance of Marketing, Marketing function,
Physical, Exchange and facilitative, Different types of Agricultural Markets, Methods of Sales of
Agricultural Commodities, APMC & their objectives, Different Government Schemes in
Agricultural Marketing, Marketing Institutions. Grading of Agricultural Commodities,
Importance, Types, Scientific Marketing of Agricultural Commodities, Standards for
Manufacture, Recent Advances in Agricultural Marketing.
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and improved storage bins, coconut climbers, coconut dehusker, groundnut decorticator, arecanut
decorticators and maize sheller, soil and water conservation structures.
Parameters Max. Marks
1 Project Planning and Writing 10
2 Presentation 10
3 Regularity 10
4 Monthly Assessment 10
5 Output delivery 10
6 Technical Skill Development 10
7 Entrepreneurship Skills 10
8 Business networking skills 10
9 Report Writing Skills 10
10 Final Presentation 10
Total 100
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Each College of the University will designate a Student READY Program Coordinator
and component wise evaluation committees. These committees will evolve a method of
evaluation depending upon the component undertaken giving due weightage to the
observations made by the Scientists/Agroindustrial Officer and the Program Coordinator
with whom they are attached.
Since the Credit Hours allotted to the Student READY program are gradial, the minimum
condition of attendance and grading system will apply for the program as will be
applicable to other courses.
It is expected that at the end of Student READY program, the students should gain
competency for entrepreneurship, which should be innovative and creative in nature. The
evaluation committee must ensure percentage increase in this competency at the end &
successful organization of all Student READY programs.
Educational Tour
Visits to national/state research institutes or centers, visit to state extension centers, visit
to state Agril. Universities, visit to Govt./Private seed/processing industries, visit to
progressive farmers fields and grading shall be done as Satisfactory/ Non Satisfactory.
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