Interview Questions For VAs

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Interview Questions

First tell them about your company and the services you provide, then give them an
overview of the job.

1.) Tell me about yourself in and outside of work.

2.) What roles have you played for other companies in the past?

3.) Do you have experience writing in English?

4.) Have you worked with the platform Upwork before?

a.) If so, what is your experience / knowledge?

5.) How many hours per week are you available? And on what days?

6.) Do you currently have other clients you work for? If so, what days and hours do
you work for them?

7.) Tell me why you think you would be a good fit for our job.

8.) Do you have any questions?

If they seem competent and qualified:

Tell them you are going to move them to the next step in the interview process. Tell
them you will send them a document that outlines your process and how you submit
proposals. Ask them to spend an hour reviewing it, and then complete the instructions in
the guide.

- Add them to your slack channel

- Send them this video about writing personalized lines
- Pay for 2 hours of their time and send them this test
- Give them 48 hours to send it back to you.

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