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The Abisan Primary School on Karkar Island, Sumkar

District, Madang Province is seeking funds to build a double
classroom building for the grade 9 students to be enrolled
into the school, commencing in year 2010. The Abisan
School Board of Management and the administration value
very much that education is fundamental to life and national
development and that learning has no boundaries and no
end. Whether we live in tribal or modern communities, the
need for learning are there and so educating our children in
the modern context is essential not only to prepare them for
intellectual excellence but also to develop their correct
mindsets on issues within and outside their community.

Abisan Primary School is one of the very old schools

established in the early 60s and the building infrastructures
have deteriorated very much. However the school has
strived to do its utmost best in maintaining the educational
standard and quality and continued to deliver classes in
these deteriorated building conditions. One such building is
for the grade 7 and 8 students. To date the school has held
five grade 8 graduation ceremonies however it was noted
that the majority of the grade 8 grandaunts cannot continue
to grade 9 at Karkar Secondary School due to limited space
at the school. Introducing grade 9 classes at Abisan Primary
School would great benefit the majority of grade 8 school

The overall goal of the project is to make available

sustainable facilities, more conducive to accommodate
Grades 9 and 10 in the forth coming years. To achieve this,
a double classroom building is to be built in year 2009. The
Abisan School Board of Management and Parents and
Citizens Association together with the school administration
fully support the project and request funding of K 120, 000
to implement the project.


1.1 Introduction

Abisan Primary School was established in year 1960 as an

area school by the colonial administration to cater for the
educational benefit for the children of Kulbob area and
Bagabag Island. It was one of the five early schools
established on Karkar Isalnd. The other four were Miak, Dor,
Namau and Kuburne Primary School. The school has been in
operation for 49 years and has graduated students for the
past 40 years.
From 1960 to year 2003, the school has provided
preparatory to grade 6 classes. In year 2003, the school
introduced grade 7 and grade 8 classes in year 2004. From
20 students in 1960, the enrolment in year 2009 is 323 out
of which 145 are girls, which is approximately 50 % of the
total number students. The school initially was a level three
with three staff and has developed to level four school with
eleven teaching staff. Out of the current eleven teaching
staff, eight are female and only three are male.

The initial classroom buildings were of bush material and

were later replaced by permanent classroom by the Karkar
Local Level Government in 1962. Over the forty seven (47)
years, the school has been overlooked in appropriate
building infrastructure, maintenance and upgrading of
existing facilities. Hence these building infrastructures have
deteriorated, some beyond repair.

1.2 Location of the project

Abisan Primary School is located on the eastern part of

Karkar Island which is situated approximately fifty (50)
kilometers northeast of Madang town in the Madang
Province, Papua New Guinea. It is situated in the least
developed part of Karkar Isalnd, known as Last Karkar. The
Last Karkar area comprises of Kubam, Yukyuk, Burag,
Kurubek, Wadau and Muluk villages, with an estimated
population of five thousand people. See map of the location
of the project area in Attachment 1.0

1.3 Problems Encountered

With increase in the number of student enrolment in grade 8

each year only 25 % of graduating students secure grade 9
spacing at Karkar Secondary School. The remaining 75 %
cannot continue because of lack of spacing at Karkar
Secondary School. Also being in the least prioritised area,
more of our students are turned away from continuing their
formal education.

Also, over the 47 years, the school building infrastructure

has lacked government support in maintenance and
upgrading and hence these existing building infrastructures
have deteriorated very much. See the photos in Figure i,
Figure ii, Figure iii, Figure iv and figure v.

1.4 Prospective

There is long term plan for the development of Abisan

Primary School. The plan is logically set up to show the
importance of providing a “dream school” for the children of
the Last Karkar area as per the Health Promotion Strategy
endorsed by the National Government of Papua New
Guineas Poverty Reduction Strategy which is an important
integral component of the National Governments Medium
Term Development Strategy (MTDS).

The school Board of Management and the administration

took the initiative of improving the school by developing
projects and require funding to implement these projects.
See Table 1.0 for the list of projects. 2.0 PROJECT DETAIL

2.1 Goals and Objectives

The overall goal of the project is to make available

sustainable facilities, more conducive to accommodate
Grades 9 and 10 in the forth coming years. The object of the
project is to construct a double classroom by end of year

The funding proposal is for a double classroom for Grade 9

students. The proposal is inline with the Papua New Guinea
National Governments Education Reform objective of
shifting lower secondary classes from secondary schools to
the primary schools. It is also inline with the overall goal of
the Papua New Guinea National Governments Educational
Plan to provide universal education wit an outcome of
access to equitable and quality education for all Papua New
Guinea children. To implement the National Governments
educational plan, the Papua New Guinea Basic Education
Development Project (BEDP) was established. Through
education there is a bright future.

Abisan Primary School appreciated very much the

assistance of BEDP in funding two project for the school.
These were the classroom maintenance and the student
toilets as shown in Table 1.0.

2.2 Methods

The implemented of the project will as per the

Implementation Schedule in Attachment 3.0.

The Abisan Primary School Board of Management and

administration appreciate very much the initiative and
support by the Member of Parliament for Sumkar electorate
in the funding of the Grade 9 double classroom building.
This proposal includes relevant information and building
plans for the release of funds to implement the project. The
detailed building plans were designed by the schools
architecture/builder/carpenter who has designed and built a
number of teachers houses for the school. The school will
utilize his skills in the construction of the Grade 9 double
classroom building. The Grade 9 double classroom building
plans are in Attachment 5.0


The benefits of the project can be catogorised into

educational and social benefits.

The primary beneficiaries of the project are the school

children, especially the Grade 8 school leavers. They will
now be able to further their education to the lower
secondary school level (grade 9 and 10) and an opportunity
to continue into the upper secondary school level (grade 11
and 12).

On the social benefit, education is fundamental to life and

national development. With better education, one can
improve the quality of his or her life.


4.1 Abisan Primary School Projects

The Abisan Primary School Board of Management and the

administration are working together to develop the school to
the level of a lower secondary to enroll grade 9 and grade
10 students. It is anticipated that the Abisan Primary School
Development Plan will be implemented as per the master
activities, and therefore requires funding for the
implementation of its plans. See Table 1.0 and Table 2.0
below. Table 1.0 shows the list of projects that the School
Board of Management and the administration have under
the Abisan Development Plan. Table 2.0 shows the list of
projects that requires funding.

The school Board of Management and the administration

took the initiative of improving the school by developing and
funding some of its projects. Several projects were funded
by BEDP (Basic Education Development Project) and the
Karkar Local Level Government and the Member of
Parliament for Sumkar electorate, while many require
funding as seen in Table 1.0 and Table 2.0.

It is anticipated that the construction of the Grade 9 Double

Classroom building will be funded by the Honourable
Member of Parliament for Sumkar electorate.


The project cost is based on the verbal funding commitment
made in year 2007 and 2008, by the Honourable Member of
Parliament for Sumkar. The budget includes the costs for
design plans, building materials, transportation, construction
works and the administration of the project. The cost
schedule is in Attachment 4.0. The quotations for the
building materials from various hardware companies in
Madang town are in Attachment 6.0.


The project charter is outlined below. It provides a

preliminary delineation of roles and responsibilities, outlines
the project objectives, identifies the main stakeholders, and
defines the authority of the project manager. It serves as a
reference of authority for the future of the project.

Group Name: Abisan Primary School Project Name:

Grade 9 Double Classroom Contact Name: Mrs Dubila

Address: Abisan Primary School, P. O. Bo 31, Madang 511,

Papua New Guinea.

Goal: To make available sustainable facilities, more

conducive to accommodate Grades 9 and 10 in the forth
coming years.
Obective: To construct a double classroom by end of

Target Group: Grade school leavers

Catchment Figure: One hundred and sixty (160) Grade 8

students. This is the estimated figure for Abisan and the
surrounding (Kosmas, Bagabag and Kavailo) Primary
Schools. The figure may rise if the service is extended to
other parts of Sumkar electorate.

Funding Amount: PGK 120,000.00 (Refer to the

Honourable Members verbal commitment to Abisan Primary

Project Duration: 8 months. It is anticipated that the

project duration will be from July 2009 to February 2010.
This will depend on how soon funds will be released.

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