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Development of
Psychrometric diagram for
the energy efficiency of
Air Handling Units
CEN Standard
EN 16798-3:2017 on
ventilation for non-residential
buildings: PERFORMANCE
Certified commissioning of
new & existing buildings
Federation of
European Heating,
Ventilation and
Air Conditioning
nergy, Indoor Environmental sources. Smart building technology
Quality and Quality Assurance/ stabilises and drives a faster decarbon-
Commissioning are common isation of the energy system through
focus points we share. In this edito- energy storage and demand-side flex-
rial we want to share information on ibility. Smart building technology
these issues, about actions and policies empowers its users and occupants
developing in Europe. with control over the energy flows
JAAP HOGELING and recognises and reacts to user and
We communicated in 2018 about the Editor-in-Chief occupant needs in terms of comfort,
set of Energy Performance Buildings REHVA Journal health, indoor air quality, safety, as
standards that have been published well as operational requirements.
in Europe (as European standards)
and globally (as ISO standards in the Indoor environmental quality is an
52000 series). A reference to this set of EPB standards urgent issue worldwide. Poor buildings and poorly
can be found at These EPB standards designed or maintained building HVAC systems and
are currently being implemented in Europe. The use of improper energy saving measures in buildings jeop-
this set of harmonised, transparent and unambiguous ardise our indoor environment. Poor outdoor air
energy performance assessment procedures, as laid quality, as more and more occurring in dense populated
down in these standards, will stimulate innovation on areas, will require us to clean our buildings air intake
energy using products and services in Europe and even carefully. Being able to identify these adverse indoor
beyond. REHVA welcomes cooperation and sharing environmental quality issues using simple but reliable
the experience with the use of these EPB standards with measurement equipment, will motivate building users/
the ISHRAE professional community (Please see article owners to act to improve their situation. Reliable sensor
about EPB Center on page 47). technology will support the building user to take the
correct actions and have great potential to achieve our
Additional to this standardisation work in Europe, the IEQ targets. These issues are as important in Europe
important concept of smart building technology is now as in India. Cooperation in this field is expected to be
developing. A smart building is a building which is highly beneficial for all building users around the globe, from
energy efficient and covers its very low energy demand simple housing situations to complex buildings and
by on-site or district-system-driven renewable energy work environments.
4 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Development of Psychrometric
diagram for the energy efficiency
of Air Handling Units
Air Handling Unit (AHU), as a system for space heating and cooling is one of the most
relevant causes of energy consumption in both residential and tertiary sector buildings. As
the energy efficiency of AHU is closely linked to the climate conditions, a special attention
should be given about varying yearly climate conditions in different geographical locations.
This paper presents an approach for calculating the energy efficiency by using the
Psychrometric diagram which has been divided into five zones based on different functions
of AHU; for each zone outside climatic has a particular status with yearly weight that is
corresponds for specific AHU’s operation. To achieve this, different combination of outdoor
climatic parameters (Dry and wet bulb temperature and humidity ratio) has been considered
as varieties for defining zones. Sum of AHU’s energy consumption in different zones based
on related weighting factor will result in the total annual consumption of energy.
Keywords: Air Handling Units (AHU), Energy efficiency, Psychrometric diagram
he residential buildings represent about 40% - elements that use energy in AHU, have a significant
50% of the total energy consumption and the effect on both energy needs of a building and the energy
major part of this consumption is used for Air efficiency of a system. AHU’s energy consumption can
Handling Units (AHU) to prepare the thermal comfort be calculated in two ways. In the case of working air
(Council 2013). The amount of required energy handling units the actual consumption data can be
depends on outdoor condition fluctuations, interaction exactly determined by measurement. But according to
between natural gravity and air tightness of the building, Directive 2002/91/EC (Union 2009) on the energy
heat exchangers, efficiency of other equipment, and performance of buildings (EPBD) it is also important
operation modes of AHU systems (Misevičiūtė et al. to determine the expected energy consumption in the
2017). Fans, heat exchangers and heaters as the main designing phase. However, the calculation of the energy
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 5
consumption of air handling units is still problematic, The application of Givoni’s psychrometric chart in
especially when the climate condition differs. energy efficiency of air conditioning is studied in some
studies. Zhang and Niu studied the applicability of
The energy efficiency of AHU system is closely linked heat and moisture recovery systems in Hong Kong
to geographical location (Trojanova et al. 2009), by classifying the psychometric chart into six regions
especially to the outdoor climatic parameters such as based on outdoor temperature and humidity (Zhang
dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, relative and Niu 2001). Mohammad Rasouli, proposed
humidity and enthalpy. But, there is too little attention different scenarios for Energy Recovery Ventilators
paid to the evaluation of the exact climate that is the (ERV)’s function, whether it should be operated or
core in AHU application and related energy analysis. stopped depends on several factors such as, the indoor
Therefore, there is a need to investigate methods that and outdoor conditions by dividing the psychrometric
are being used to climatic parameters in relation to chart into sub-regions that establish the conditions
AHU operation. This paper aims at demonstrating when the ERV needs to be controlled (Rasouli,
the application of the different climatic parameters for Simonson, and Besant 2010). In other study, Stefano
the evaluation AHU’s energy consumption. Special Schiavon presented a new web application (Schiavon,
attention is given to the proposition of Psychrometric Hoyt, and Piccioli 2014) for thermal comfort visu-
diagram for AHU based on different operations and alization and calculation according to ASHRAE
calculating the yearly energy efficiency based on it. Standard 55-2013 (ASHRAE 2013). Simonson et
al. experimentally validated two strategies to control
Psychrometric diagram energy wheels by applying an operating condition
An important pioneer of thermal comfort representations factor which presented the ratio of latent to sensible
was Victor Olgyay, who introduced the “Bioclimatic energy potential of inlet airstreams (Simonson and
Chart” (Olgyay, 1963). However, the thermal comfort Besant 1999). Since use of this methodology is investi-
area reported in his chart was not consistent with gated for the operational efficiency of air conditioning
ASHRAE 55 thermal comfort areas. Givoni, partially systems and buildings energy efficiency, the use of
converted the Olgyay’s representation to the psychro- this chart could also be useful in energy efficiency
metric chart (Figure 1) and added rules about passive calculation of AHU.
heating and cooling strategies (Givoni, 1969).
6 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
AHU energy efficiency
The COP is therefore a measurement of efficiency; the
The treatment of the air in AHU requires different types higher the number, the more efficient the system is.
of energy, depending on the utilized systems and compo- The COP is dimensionless because the input power and
nents which causes specific operation (Eurovent, 2005): output power are measured in Watt. The COP is also an
instantaneous measurement in that the units are power
Heating: By means of thermal energy (heat exchangers which can be measured at one point in time.
fed with hot water) or by means of electrical energy
(electrical heat exchangers). In addition, electrical Electrical energy calculation
energy is demanded to run the utilized pumps. In our calculation, we only consider the fan’s electrical
consumption. The absorbed power supplied from the
Cooling: By means of cooling systems based on compres- mains to each individual fan can be expressed as follows
sion cycles using electrical energy for running the system, ((EU) No 327/2011):
or based on absorption cycles using thermal energy for
operating the absorption cycle process or based on evapora- Pel = qv ·Δpfan / ɳe · 1000 (2)
tion processes like adiabatic cooling. In addition, electrical
energy is demanded to run the utilized pumps. Pel = Absorbed electrical power supplied from the mains
Humidification: By water (evaporation humidifica- qV = Air volume flow through the fan (m³/s)
tion) or vapor (steam humidification). In case of Δpfan = Total pressure rise from the fan inlet to the outlet
steam humidification, thermal energy is required for (Pa)
the generation of the steam. In case of evaporation Pshaft = Mechanical power supplied to the fan shaft (W)
humidification, electrical energy is demanded to run ɳe = Overall efficiency of the fan and motor system
the injection pumps. Evaporation heat is withdrawn = ɳshaft · ɳtr · ɳm · ɳaceq
from the passing air (thermal energy).
All values are applicable to an air density of ρair =
Dehumidification: The delivery air stream after passing 1.2 kg/m³
the heat or humidity recovery unit is cooled in the cooling
coil to the dew point temperature and then the additional
cooling power for dehumidification is calculated. Thermal energy calculation
The thermal energy consumption of a sensible
Ventilation: In AHU air is transported by means of heating/cooling coil and heat exchanger is calculated
fans, using electrical energy. with the equation (Eurovent, 2005):
Q = Useful heat supplied or removed by the considered Qs = Sensible energy consumption when the moisture of
system (W). air changing
P = Work (electricity) required by the considered qv = air flow rate in m³/s
system (W). ρ = density of the considered air flow rate in kg/m³ =
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 7
1.2 kg/m³
An air handling unit contains two main groups of
hin = enthalpy of the air at the inlet of the coil in kJ/kg
elements: supply and exhaust units. The main parts
hout = enthalpy of the air at the outlet of the coil in kJ/kg of these groups are including filter, heat recovery unit,
cooling and heating coils, by-pass, adiabatic humidi-
The momentary energy consumption for latent fier and fans, which based on different climatic condi-
heating/cooling coil and heat exchanger (dehumidifi- tions could conclude different operations; ventilation,
cation/humidification of air in a cooling coil) is estab- cooling, cooling and humidification, cooling and
lished with the formula (Eurovent, 2005): dehumidification, heating and heating and humidi-
fication. Calculations of these parameters are really
Ql = qv ⋅ ρ ⋅ (xin – xout) ⋅ 2500 (5) complicated by variable efficiency operation of air
handling units due to fluctuation of outdoor condi-
Ql = Latent energy consumption tion (Kajtár and Kassai 2010). Therefore, calculating
qv = Air flow rate in m³/s the energy efficiency based on different scenarios
ρ= Density of the considered air flow rate in kg/m³ = regarding the operational conditions of AHU could
1.2 kg/m³ simplifier the process. These different scenarios are
xin = Moisture content of the air at the inlet of the coil presented by dividing the psychrometric chart into
in kg/kg five sub-zones (Figure 2).
xout = Moisture content of the air at the outlet of the coil
in kg/kg By selecting the summer indoor comfort condition
2500 = Condensation (evaporation) heat of water as a reference condition (Comfort Zone, Figure 2),
vapor at moderate coil outlet temperatures in the psychrometric chart can be divided into five areas
kJ/kg based on the temperature and humidity ratio. For
thermal energy calculation, the center of comfort
zone (Dry bulb temperature 22°C and 50% relative
Total thermal energy (Q t) consumption of a humidity) is selected as a reference indoor condi-
cooling/heating coil is the sum of the energy consump- tion. The area with higher outdoor temperature and
tion for sensible and latent cooling/heating (Eurovent, humidity ratio than the comfort zone (Zone 1) corre-
2005). Hence: sponds to yearly horses that AHU should operate as
cooling and dehumidification, the area with higher
Qt = Ql + Qs (6) temperature and same humidity ratio (Zone 2) that
needs cooling and the area with higher temperature
and less humidity ratio (Zone 5) that should be cooled
Methodology and humidified. Furthermore, the area with lower
The distribution functions of outdoor air param- outdoor temperatures than the comfort zone can be
eters can be applied for determine the actual energy also divided into two zones: heating (Zone 3), heating
consumption of AHU (Kajtár and Vörös 2007). and humidification (Zone 4).
Temperature is commonly used as the thermal
comfort control objective in early HVAC systems. GCOP = ∑COPi Wi (7)
But, temperature alone does not ensure a person’s
thermal comfort (Kajtár and Kassai 2010). From GCOP = Geographical Coefficient of Performance
the perspective of air conditioning technology, the COPi = COP of each zones
climatic parameters of outdoor air (Dry bulb tempera- Wi = Weight of each zone
ture, Wet bulb temperature, humidity ratio, relative
humidity and enthalpy) that vary in daily and season Therefore, based on the function of AHU in each zones,
period (Kazuhiro 2005.), could couple with each COP, could differ. Multiplying COP of each zone
other for effective planning and operation. However, with weight of hourly data over an entire year results
it is difficult to control factors when each has its own Geographical COP (Equation 7) that is a new way of
strict set point. measuring the true energy efficiency of AHU. This new
measure gives a more realistic indication of the energy
efficiency and environmental impact of a system.
8 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 9
Zone 4; Heating – Humidification (Humidity ratio initial to the final condition can be broken into sensible
< 3 [g/kg], Dry Bulb < 20°C) and latent cooling portions.
Heating and Humidifying is the process of simultane-
ously increasing both the dry-bulb temperature and COPZ5 = [(QCC + QHU+ QHRS) / (Eq.2 + PAux)] ⋅ W5
humidity ratio of the air. The total heat gained (Q) = [(Eq.3 + Eq.5 + Eq.4)) / (Eq.2 + PAux)] ⋅ W5
in going from the initial to the final condition can (12)
be broken into sensible and latent heat portions. The
humidity ratio is constant for the horizontal movement Calculation of COP for each zone and sum of them
(sensible) and the dry-bulb temperature is constant for together conclude a specific SCOP for each geographical
the vertical movement (latent). Humidification process location, which is a base for AHU’s energy efficiency.
is done by humidifiers that can be classified to; steam or The much specific AHU’s COP closer to GCOP,
water and/or depending on the principle of operation. the more it is efficient. Case study by analyzing five
For heating, in case of using electricity, PAux adds to different geographical location is proposed in the next
electrical energy calculation. section to present the concept in real case.
10 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
data as an overview of the selected climate, where each calculation. A certified AHU with energy grade A+, which
dot represents the temperature and humidity for each is certified by Eurovent Certita Certification is chosen as
hour of the year. It uses standardized weather data for the case. The data related with thermal energy calculation
energy simulation software. To have a diverse climatic and electrical energy consumptions are obtained from
situation, Copenhagen, Athens, New Delhi and Riyadh performance calculation software. The software calculates
are chosen for GCOP calculation. in and out air temperature, temperature ratio, pressure
drops, the fans capacity and electrical consumption and
The yearly climatic data for each city is extracted electrical consumptions of other devises. We conclude the
from Energy Plus website and imported to Climate example by calculating the COPi, using the above equa-
Consultant 6.0 software to illustrate the data on tions, summarized in Table 2. The supply and exhaust
psychrometric chart. Based on yearly data for each airflows are assumed 9000 m³/h.
city, the percentage of hourly spots for each zone is
calculated and presented in Table 1. GCOP =
38 ⋅ 0.23% + 31.33 ⋅ 40.49% + 16 ⋅ 21.93% +
The next step of methodology is to calculate the COP of 10.22 ⋅ 7.15% + 15.33 ⋅ 22% =
each zones for each city, in order to find the GCOP for 0.088 + 12.68 + 3.51 + 0.73 + 3.37 = 20.38
AHU. Due to the limits of pages for submission process,
we have chosen one city (Riyadh) to show the rest of
Symbol Value
QCC = QS 31 kW
QHC = QS 28 kW
QHU = Ql 44 kW
QDHU = Ql 20 kW
Pel 3 kW
PHumidification 6 kW
COPZ1 (31+20+63)/3 = 38
COPZ3 (28+20)/3 = 16
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 11
This amount of GCOP with some tolerances could be an index for energy efficiency of AHU is different
a reference number for energy efficiency of AHU that climatic situations.
are going to use in Riyadh and other cities with similar
climatic condition. Due to de complexity of AHU’s function and climatic
parameters, the methodology needs improvements in
Conclusions terms of zones definition, AHU criteria such as unbal-
The result of dividing yearly energy consumption anced are flows and different case design and including
of AHU based on different operations for climatic wet bulb temperature in some equations. This study will
zones, was studied in this paper. The objective was continue with promoting zones, in order to have precise
to propose a methodology for both warm and cold simulation for function of AHU. Moreover, a perfor-
climates with different humidity rates. This meth- mance factor will add to GCOP formula to include
odology results a number which could be used as different functional parameters in future studies.
ASHRAE Standard. (2013). “Standard 55-2013.” Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy 12.
Carey J. S., and Robert W. B. (1999). “Energy Wheel Effectiveness: Part II—correlations.” International Journal of Heat and Mass
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Commission Regulation (EU) No 327/2011. (2011) implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for fans.
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Givoni, Baruch. (1992). “Comfort, Climate Analysis and Building Design Guidelines.” Energy and Buildings 18(1):11–23.
Kajtár, L. and Miklós K. (2010). “Energy Consumption of Air Handling Units.” Pp. 37–39 in Clima 2010–10th REHVA World Congress.
Kajtár, L. and Szilárd V. (2007). “Influence of Climate Change on Modelling of HVAC Systems.” Pp. 232–35 in Proceedings of the 2nd
IASME/WSEAS international conference on Energy and environment. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society.
Kazuhiro, F. (2005). “Prediction of Energy Consumption by Using Weather Data, IASME.” in WSEAS International Conference on
Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and sustainable development.
Koroleva, A. (2012). “Efficiency of Heat Recovery Units in Ventilation.”, Master thesis.
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Olgyay, V. (2015). Design with Climate: Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism. Princeton University Press.
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Schiavon, S., Tyler H., and Alberto P. (2014). “Web Application for Thermal Comfort Visualization and Calculation According to
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Trojanova, J., Jiri V., Karel M., J. R., and Petr S. (2009). “Fault Diagnosis of Air Handling Units.” IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42(8):366–71.
Union, Europäische. (2009). “Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the
Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources and Amending and Subsequently Repealing Directives 2001/77/EC
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12 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 13
amount of other noxious substances produced by man. Indoor Air Quality & Thermal Comfort
Pettenkofer stated that air was not fit for breathing if Possibly the most complete overview of the relationship
the CO2 concentration (with man as the source) was between indoor environment & health had Florence
above 1000 ppm and that good indoor air in rooms Nightingale (1820–1910). According to Wikipedia she
where people stay for a long time should not exceed was ‘an English social reformer and statistician, and the
700 ppm, in order to keep the people comfortable. [2] founder of modern nursing’. According to Chris Iddon
she was ‘nurse & structural engineer’ [4]. Nightingale
The first estimate of the required minimum amount (Figure 2) wrote the first modern handbook for the
of ventilation air was published in 1836 by a Cornish nursing of sick ‘Notes on Nursing, What It Is, and
mining engineer Thomas Tredgold. He calculated that What It Is Not’ [5]. In her foreword she wrote that her
one person needed 2 l/s of fresh air for breathing and book was meant as ‘tips for women who are personally
candle burning. [3] responsible for the
health of others’.
ASHRAE recommended in 1895 as a minimum rate
for ventilation 15 l/s per person. This ventilation rate The first chapter
was based on the work of John Billings (1836-1913), of her book focuses
medical doctor and the American authority in the field of not on patient care,
ventilation at that time. but on ventilation.
She wrote: ‘The
For several centuries, there were two schools of thought first task of nursing:
with respect to ventilation. Architects and engineers to keep the air that
were concerned with providing comfort, absence breathes the patient
of noxious odors and carbon dioxide accumulation. as pure as the
Physicians, on the other hand, were concerned with outside air, without
minimizing the spread of disease. [3] cooling them.’ In the
second chapter she Figure 2. Florence Nightingale.
14 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
mentioned five essential points to ensure the health air-conditioning. Since then, air-conditioning has been
of houses: defined as a system that must have four basic functions:
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 15
Figure 4. Effective Temperature nomogram (Yaglou). Using Fanger’s comfort theory, it is possible to predict to
what extent a certain indoor environment will be expe-
rienced by building users as ‘cold’, ‘neutral’ or ‘warm’.
The prediction of the mean thermal sensation, which is
Constantin Yaglou1 (1897–1960) also studied the
relationship between body odor and ventilation flow.
He concluded that these odors are not really harmful to
building users and that CO2 concentration cannot be
a good indicator of the air quality in buildings. Yaglou
noted that odors are probably related to temperature
and humidity[12]. Ventilation requirements were
measured by using the human nose as a sensor.
Yaglou’s original name was Yagloglou but in 1947 he shortened his surname. Figure 5. P. O. Fanger.
16 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 17
Thermal Adaptation
The 1980s saw the start of the discussion about adap-
tive principles related to thermal comfort. The initiator
was Michael A. Humphreys. An English physicist
who does a lot of research into thermal adaptation of
building occupants. In 1998, he wrote together with J.
Fergus Nicol, an article ‘Understanding the Adaptive
Approach to Thermal Comfort [19]. The starting point
of their discussion was: ‘If a change occurs such as to
produce discomfort, people react in way that tend to
restore their comfort’. They explain adaptation as ‘all
those physiological, psychological, social, technological,
cultural, or behavioral strategies people might use to try
to secure their comfort’. Some other researchers confine
Figure 7. The overview of the recommended amount the term adaptation to that kind of physiological or
of air supply in ASHARE standards (Source: Olesen, psychological acclimatization through which a person
2011: PowerPoint-How much ventilation and how to might come to prefer or accept a different set of skin
ventilate in the future) temperature or sweat rates for comfort. [19]
18 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Before the 21st century
From the indoor environment developments during the
past three centuries it can be concluded that health had
priority in the beginning. In the 18th century people
wanted to have a healthy environment in buildings in
order to prevent the spread of diseases. Later, the indoor
environment problems were dominated by comfort
issues [22] (Figure 9). People wanted to be able to
realize comfortable indoor conditions throughout the
year. After the oil crisis in the 1970s, the main goal
was to save as much energy as possible on indoor envi-
ronment conditioning. Towards the end of the 20th
century, sustainability became very important. In the
Netherlands, sustainability was primarily seen in the Figure 9. Indoor environment problems dominated by
form of fossil energy. For example, Trias Energetica with comfort issues.
special attention for energy saving (isolation of buildings)
and generation of sustainable energy (use of solar boilers environment are being discussed, such as influence of
and later PV panels). Only a few years ago (beginning the indoor environment on productivity or supporting
of the 21st century) people regained interest in health health and well-being of building occupants. These are
in the build environment. New topics regarding indoor nowadays topics which don’t belong to history yet.
[1] B. Nagengast, “An Early History Of Comfort Heating,”, 2001.
[2] J. Sundell, “On the history of indoor air quality and health,” Indoor Air, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 51–58, 2004.
[3] J. E. Janssen, “The History of ventilation and Temperature Control,” ASHRAE J., vol. October, pp. 48–70, 1999.
[4] C. Iddon, “Florence Nightingale: nurse and building engineer,” 2015. [Online]. Available:
[5] F. Nightingale, Notes on Nursing, What It Is, and What It Is Not. 1859.
[6] B. Roberts, “ALFRED WOLFF AIR CONDITIONING PIONEER,” 2014. [Online]. Available:
[7] B. Nagengast, “Early Twentieth Century Air-Conditioning Engineering,” ASHRAE J., no. March, pp. 55–62, 1999.
[8] L. Hill, M. W. Flack, J. McIntosh, R. A. Rowlands, and H. B. Walker, “The Influence of the atmosphere on our health and
comfort in confined and crowded places,” Smithson. Misc. Collect., vol. 60(23), 1913.
[9] J. Clayton, “Behind the picture: Leonard Hill and the divers,” 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.insight.mrc.
[10] F. Houghten and C. Yaglou, “Determination of the comfort zone,” ASHVE Trans 29, vol. 29, pp. 165–176, 1923.
[11] A. Auliciems and S. V Szokolay, “Thermal comfort,” PLEA Notes, p. 66, 2007.
[12] C. P. Yaglou, “Ventilation Requirements,” ASHVE Trans., vol. 42, 1936.
[13] A. Gagge, “The linearity criterion as applied to partitional calorimetry,” Am. Physiol. Soc., vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 656–668, 1936.
[14] K. Fabbri, “A Brief History of Thermal Comfort: From Effective Temperature to Adaptive Thermal Comfort,” in Indoor Thermal
Comfort Perception: A Questionnaire Approach Focusing on Children, 2015, pp. 1–302.
[15] P. Fanger, “Thermal comfort. Analysis and applications in environmental engineering.,” Therm. Comf. Anal. Appl. …, 1970.
[16] J. Van Hoof, “Forty years of Fanger’s model of thermal comfort: Comfort for all?,” Indoor Air, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 182–201, 2008.
[17] P. M. Bluyssen, The Indoor Environment Handbook, vol. 165, no. 3. 2012.
[18] P. A. Vroom, Psychologische aspecten van ziekmakende gebouwen. ISOR, 1990.
[19] M. A. Humphreys and J. F. Nicol, “Understanding the adaptive approach to thermal comfort,” in ASHRAE Transactions, 1998,
vol. 104, no. Pt 1B, pp. 991–1004.
[20] G. S. Brager and R. J. De Dear, “Thermal adaptation in the built environment : a literature review,” Energy Build., vol. 27, pp.
83–96, 1998.
[21] R. De Dear, G. Brager, and C. Donna, “Developing an adaptive model of thermal comfort and preference,” ASHRAE Trans., vol.
104, no. Part 1, pp. 1–18, 1998.
[22] F. Franchimon, “Healthy building services for the 21st century,” doctoral dissertation, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2009.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 19
Meanwhile CENTC156WG20 works on an update of this standard. This to
Introduction optimise the convergence with other EPB standard and the future TS’s
regarding natural and hybrid ventilation systems (see article in RJ 2018-01).
This update may also include a better aligning with the filter standards and ErP
August 2017, CEN published the new standard standards on ventilators.
EN 16798-3:2017 “Energy performance of build- The purpose of this revision is to consider further developments in the
ings - Ventilation for buildings – Part 3: For non- framework for this standard
residential buildings – Performance requirements for – Revision of filtration aspects considering ISO 16890 in particular: (Chapter 9.7
ventilation and room-conditioning systems (Modules and Annex a 4.2. and B.4.2.)
M5-1, M5-4)”, which supersedes the EN 13779:2007. – Possible conflict between FprEN 16798-3 and EN 15287-1 (which might have
This standard has been produced to meet the require- consequences TR 16798-4)
ments of Directive 2010/31/EU 19 May 2010 on the – Check of mandatory requirements on conflicts with national EPBD
energy performance of buildings (recast), referred to as requirements (including the recast version of 2018), relevant for Annex A and
B and the clearly split between EPBD and general design aspects)
“recast EPDB”, while the substituted EN 13779:2007
– Editorial improvements.
was produced to meet the requirements of previous
– Links in to new work on natural ventilation shall be clarified (including TR
Directive 2002/91/EC 16 December 2002 on energy 16798-4 if needed).
performance of buildings referred to as “EPBD”. Today, – Aspects considering climate change in particular the design temperatures for
a new recast of the energy performance buildings direc- ventilation and cooling (Chapter 8).
tive is ongoing and should be finalized on April 2018, – Clarification regarding ongoing work on EN 13053 and EN 308.
but that should not have a significant influence on – Check possibilities to add informative (non EPBD related) Annexes based on
this specific standard at least for other ten years. This TR 16798-4 information.
20 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
input data and references to other EPB standards, by Coordination with prEN 16798-1:2015
the introduction of a normative template in Annex A Apparently, the major issue related to this review is the
and Annex B with informative default choices. The “clear coordination with prEN 16798-1:2015”, the revi-
normative annex A is just an empty format that has to sion of the EN 15251:2017 dealing with indoor envi-
be filled at the national level to customize the standard ronmental input parameters didn’t pass the formal vote
in a way of complying to national legal requirements. and is under editorial revision (i.e. not yet available)2.
Thus, the default standard outdoor air volume flows,
Nevertheless, the main goal of this standard is the energy not any more included in the EN 16798-3:2017, are
performance of ventilation systems, EN 16798-3 also not defined until the revised prEN 16798:2015 will
provides requirements especially for designers, installers, become a standard (probably after summer 2018). Of
manufacturers, building owners and users, on ventila- course, this could not be a problem if we recall the
tion, air-conditioning and room-conditioning systems sentence reported in the superseded EN 13779:2007
in order to achieve a comfortable and healthy indoor at paragraph 7.4.1, “The design shall be based whenever
environment in all seasons with acceptable installation possible on the real data for the project”. But, “However,
and running costs. It focuses on the system-aspects for if no values are declared, the default values given in Table
typical applications and covers the following: 12 shall be applied.” That means that we have a lack
of standardized information only when the standard
•• Important aspects to achieve and maintain a good is used for design purposes, while, when assessing the
energy performance in the systems without any energy performance flow rate, design values should be
negative impact on the quality of the indoor envi- already defined and available, i.e. declared. Anyhow,
ronment. some information can be taken from the still in force
•• Definitions of design and performances data. EN 15251:2007, informative Annex B, until the revised
prEN 16798-1:2015 will be approved and published.
Changes respect to EN 13779
The new EN 16798-3:2017, and its supporting technical What has been lost in this revision is the basic classifica-
report: CEN/TR 16798-4:2017, is just the revision of tion of the indoor air quality (from IDA 1 to IDA 4,
EN 13779:2007, which covers exactly the same items; table 5 of EN 13779:2007). This is not included in the
this revision concerns mainly the following aspects: prEN 16798-1:2015, while, in all table dealing with
indoor air quality, both in normative and informative
•• The document was split in a normative part, annexes, the flow rates are referred to undefined I, II,
containing all the normative aspects and a supple- III and IV classes. Hopefully, its revision can include
mentary technical report containing additional this lost definition.
information and informative annexes, i.e. CEN/TR
16798-4:2017; Actually, the major issue is the delay on the approval
•• The standard allows a normative national annex; of the prEN 16798-1:2015 itself, because this standard
•• New structure to clarify designing and calculation defines the target parameters for designing a high
aspects; quality indoor environmental building, other than for
•• Clear coordination with prEN 16798-1:2015, assessing its yearly energy performance. This affects not
outdoor air volume flows have been shifted to only some input to EN 16798-3:2017 but to the whole
prEN 16798-1:2015; EPB package of standards. Again, this delay can be
•• All indoor air quality aspects have been deleted and fruitful used to improve that standard, which does not
reference is made to prEN 16798-1:2015, supply air clearly define how the quality class of each aspect of the
quality have been introduced; indoor environment (thermal, air quality, humidity,
•• Update of definitions of systems; acoustics and lighting) is weighted or not to define
•• Update of SFP definitions and links to EU 327/2014 the IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) class of the
regulation; building. In addition, some indoor environmental
•• Update of heat recovery aspects; aspects are qualified with three classes, some with four
•• Update of filtration aspects; classes, and again no rules are given how to combine
•• Update of leakages aspects; them to obtain the IEQ class.
•• Aspects of energy performance have been updated;
•• The standard was supposed to be updated to cover
hourly/monthly/seasonal time-step, but this is not 2
It is expected that the second formal vote on FprEN16798-1 is expected around
really done. May 2018.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 21
Update of definitions of systems airflow rate is given as function of the supply airflow
In the 16798-3:2017 the ventilation system para- rate and the air balance class needed.
graph has been improved including definitions for
basic system types of ventilation systems (Table 1) as Another comprehensive table (Table 2) is added to clas-
unidirectional ventilation system (UVU), bidirectional sify ventilation or air-conditioning systems based on
ventilation systems (BVU), natural ventilation system ventilation and thermal functions.
and hybrid ventilation systems.
A clear definition of cooling is also given as “any
The EN 13779:2007 “pressure conditions in the room” component in the unit or the room lowering the
paragraph is now more clearly renamed as “design air supply air or room air enthalpy (for example cooling
flow balance” and explicitly refers to balanced mechan- coil with chilled water, cooling water or ground source
ical ventilation system (BUV type), where the extract water or brine)”.
Waste heat pump
X equipped with;
Secondary Fan
Heat Recovery
might be limited;
System – not equipped with;
22 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Table 4. Application of gas filter as complement to particle filtration based on gaseous outdoor air quality,
G = Gas filtration; should be considered if design SUP quality category is above design ODA quality category.
Dimensioning should be done in accordance with EN ISO 10121-1 and EN ISO 10121-2.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 23
The formula to calculate the combined filtration effi- With these two values, the leakage situation is fully
ciency when different filters are used in series is given as: defined. EATR and OACF shall be calculated by the
heat recovery manufacturer for the nominal design
condition of the air handling unit.
𝐸𝐸𝑠𝑠,1 𝐸𝐸𝑠𝑠,2 𝐸𝐸𝑠𝑠,𝑛𝑛+1
𝐸𝐸𝑡𝑡 = 100 ∙ (1 − ((1 − ) ∙ (1 − ) ∙ …. ∙ (1 − )))
100 100 100
Based on the OAC Factor a classification is given as
reported in Table 5.
Et is the total filter efficiency
Table 5. Classification of outdoor air correction factor
Es,j is the efficiency of each j filter step
– Internal leakages.
Update of leakages aspects
The leakages in ventilation system paragraph is Class Outdoor to exhaust air Extract to supply air
completely new. This paragraph was added because 1 1,03 0,97
leakages of the air distribution or the AHU casing
2 1,05 0,95
affect energy efficiency and function, as well as hygiene
aspects (e.g. condensation). Thus, it is important to 3 1,07 0,93
minimize leakages. 4 1,01 0,90
5 Not classified
This paragraph specifically deals with leakages in heat
recovery section (HRS) (internal leakages), leakages of
the AHU casing (external leakages) and leakages of the
air distribution (ducts) including components.
For leakages of the AHU casing, reference is made to
For leakages in heat recovery section, two new quanti- EN 1886:2007 - Ventilation for buildings. Air handling
ties are defined to quantify them: units. Mechanical performance, which specifies test
methods, test requirements and classifications for air
•• Exhaust Air Transfer ratio (EATR) [%]: handling units.
ratio of the supply air mass flow rate leaving the HRS
originated by air internal recirculation due to HRS For leakages of the air distribution, ducts mainly, a clas-
internal leakages and the supply air mass flow rate sification is given based on EN 12599 - Ventilation for
leaving the HRS; buildings - Test procedures and measurement methods
•• Outdoor Air Correction Factor (OACF) [-]: to hand over air conditioning and ventilation systems,
ratio of the entering supply mass airflow rate and the as reported in Table 6.
leaving supply mass airflow rate.
24 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Some information on system air tightness was given quantities herewith introduced, but already defined in
also in the superseded EN 13779-2007, but only as the EN 13053 standard in a bit different way (in terms
informative option in the informative Annex A. of powers instead of annual energies), are:
(𝐸𝐸𝑉𝑉 + 𝑊𝑊𝑉𝑉,𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 + 𝑊𝑊𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻,𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ) ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝑃𝑃,𝐸𝐸 + 𝑄𝑄𝐻𝐻 ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝑃𝑃,𝐻𝐻 ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝐻𝐻 + (𝑄𝑄𝐶𝐶 + 𝑄𝑄𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 ) ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝑃𝑃,𝐶𝐶 ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝐶𝐶 + 𝐸𝐸𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝑃𝑃,𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻
fP,E, fP,H, fP,C, and fP,HU, are primary energy factors, respectively, for electricity, heating, cooling and humidifica-
tion; ( EV + WV,aux + WHU,aux ), QH, ( QC + QDH ) and EHU the related energies required as input to the air
handling unit, and fH , fC , and fHU are reported to be “delivered energy factor for” respectively heat, cold and
humidification “(taking into consideration distribution and generation). Such factors are not defined in any
place of the standard and there is no reference to any other standards where their definition can be found. It
is opinion of the authors that such delivered energy factor has the meaning of ratio of required energy carrier
delivered to the building for such service (Heating, Cooling, and Humidification) and the required energy
input to the AHU for the same service. With this definition it automatically accounts for distribution and
generation losses, as mentioned in the description.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 25
Is it able to cover hourly/monthly/seasonal tion time step, in other standards like EN 16798-5-
time-step as declared? 1:2017 or EN 16798-5-2:2017.
In the European Foreword to these standards is
mentioned that “the standard was updated to cover Supporting technical report, CEN/TR
hourly/monthly/seasonal time-step”. Instead, there is no 16798-4:2017
mention of this update or possibility that the energy The technical report, CEN/TR 16798-4:2017, is the
performance parameters are defined on annual basis. supporting report of EN 16798-3:2017. As stated at
Nevertheless, this standard is useful as it is because the beginning, the technical report includes additional
its main goal is to define design flow rates complying non-normative information and application examples.
with ventilation, heating, cooling and humidification
requirements and to size the ventilation unit or AHU In this case, almost all the materials included in the
ventilation section according to the design require- superseded EN 13779:2007 as informative appen-
ments. The energy performance calculation is instead dixes have been moved to this reports, updated and
carried out, taking into consideration different calcula- expanded.
CEN. 1997. “Heat exchangers - Test procedures for establishing performance of air to air and flue gases heat recovery devices”.
European Standard EN 308:1997. Brussels.
CEN. 2007. “Ventilation for buildings. Air handling units. Mechanical performance, which specifies test methods, test
requirements and classifications for air handling units”. European Standard EN 1886:2007. Brussels.
CEN. 2007. “Ventilation for non-residential buildings – Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems”.
European Standard EN 13779:2007. Brussels.
CEN. 2007. “Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing
indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics”. European Standard EN 15251:2007. Brussels.
CEN. 2011. “Ventilation for buildings – Air handling units - Rating and performance for units, components and sections”.
European Standard EN 13053:2006+A1:2011. Brussels.
CEN. 2013. “Ventilation for buildings - Test procedures and measurement methods to hand over air conditioning and ventilation
systems”. European Standard EN 12599:2013. Brussels.
CEN. 2015. “Energy performance of buildings - Part 1: Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of
energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics - Module M1-6”.
European Standard prEN 16798-1:2015. Brussels.
CEN. 2017. “Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 3: For non-residential buildings – Performance
requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems (Modules M5-1, M5-4). European Standard EN 16798-3:2017.
CEN. 2017. “Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 4: Interpretation of the requirements in EN 16798- 3
- For non-residential buildings – Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems (Modules M5-1, M5-
4)”. Technical Report CEN/TR 16798-4:2017. Brussels.
CEN. 2017. “Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 5-1: Calculation methods for energy requirements
of ventilation and air conditioning systems (Modules M5-6, M5-8, M6-5, M6-8, M7-5, M7-8) - Method 1: Distribution and
generation”. European Standard EN 16798-5-1:2017. Brussels.
CEN. 2017. “Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 5-2: Calculation methods for energy requirements
of ventilation systems (Modules M5-6, M5-8, M6-5, M7-5, M7-8) - Method 2: Distribution and generation”. European Standard
EN 16798-5-2:2017. Brussels.
26 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
This article discusses the impact of energy labelling on the energy performance distribution
of Remote Refrigerated Display Cabinets (RRDC’s). We compared the distribution derived
from the energy classes developed in a previous study by Marinhas (2012) to that derived
from the draft Energy Labelling regulation from the European Commission (EC). Our
comparisons are based on a sample of 3,000 certified data points covering all the “standard”
geometries/types of RRDCs available on the European market. Our headline conclusion
suggests that the impact of these schemes will be extremely positive. That is, the average
performance of a given RRDC is very likely to be higher than it was prior to the introductions
of those ratings because of the rolling minimum energy performance and the exigence of the
market for a more stringent energy classes. Indeed, using the proposed EU energy labelling
regulation method more than 74% of the sample will receive the label “E” or worse, the lower
end of the scale ranging from “A” to “G”.
Keywords: Remote Refrigerated Display Cabinets (RRDC’s), Ecodesign, Energy Labelling,
Energy Efficiency, Refrigeration
upermarkets are one of the most energy-intensive product has a high energy efficient, whereas the letter
building groups in the commercial sector and up to “G” indicates the contrary.
half of this energy is consumed by the Refrigerated
Display Cabinets (RDC’s) [1]. Energy performance of Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC) supports European
these products are directly related to the refrigeration consumers in their selection of the most energy efficient
load which is depends on case type (see later Table 2). Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) and
Currently, standardised testing methods [2, 3, 4, 5] refrigeration equipment [7]. ECC programmes for
are used to determine the energy label/class of RDC’s, RRDC covers 100 pre-defined categories of cabinets. In
a policy which is expected to foster improvement in total, ECC conducts more than 500 audits performed
the energy performance of the RDC market. Energy per year for 41 certification programmes. Those
labels are designed to provide supermarket buyers with programmes are underpinned by both factory audits
graphical and easy scale representing the energy perfor- and independent laboratory testing. At this stage, ECC’s
mance of a given RDC and as a result the purchase of energy labelling scheme is only applicable for remote
those display cases is likely to be easier and lead to that refrigerated display cabinets (i.e. units with remote
a reduction of their energy cost over the life span of condensing units placed in a machinery room) [8].
the equipment [6]. European energy labelling uses a
system with letters printed on the physical plate/label. The integrity of the certification programme is ensured
In this rating system, the letter “A++” indicates that a with an annual audit of production facilities as well
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 27
as testing in independent laboratories. The purpose of size and type of units. The average price for a given
those audits is to ensure that the products sold by the RRDC is shown in Table 1.
factories perfectly match the declared component and
performance characteristics of the models provided According to the projections made by Eurovent Market
to Eurovent. During the visit, the auditor checks the Intelligence (EMI) for the EC back in 2014 more than
production line and reviews recent orders to verify 560k RRDC units were sold for a value of € 1.6 billion,
their compliance. By regularly testing the finished units that is a cumulative increase of 50% and 45% over the
according to ISO standard 23953[5], it is ensured that levels of 2004 for sales volume and value respectively.
the efficiency levels are in phase with those indicated This trend is largely driven by the dynamism of the
in the catalogues. In other words, this process is an RRDC market which account for more than 70% of
effective means of guaranteeing that a declared “B” sales value since 2004. In addition, more than 70% of
labelled cabinet will not actually deliver performance RRDC’s have been sold to replace the existing installed
data equivalent to those of a “D”. base. In 2018, this rate reached 86%, a proportion that
provides the market with weak but steady growth.
RRDC market is steadily growing in
EU-28 The evolution of the sales value and volume for remote
RRDC’s are available in different sizes and
4% geometries RDCs between 2015 and 2025 in EU-28 is illustrated
and according to the breakdown shown in Figure 1, in Figure 2 highlights the increase of both sale volume
multidecks command a market share of 61% of the and stock of remote RDCs, where the installed base is
sales of RRDCs whilst counters account for approxi- expected to grow steadily over the course of the period
mately 16% market share [9]. presented.
61% from
RRDCs have an individual selling price ranging
€ 3,000 to € 7,000, which is largely influenced by the Table 1. Average prices of RDCs by geometry in EU-28. [9]
16% Frozen islands Counter service & RHC1 / RHC2 / RHC7 / RHC8 /
€ 3,017
self-service RHF1 /RHF7
Glass door and Frozen food islands RHC3 to RHC6 & RHF3 to RHF6 € 3,966
frozen multidecks Glass doors & frozen
RVF4 & RVC4 + RVF1 & RVF2 € 5,935
Combis RYC1 to RYC4 & RYF1 to RYF4 € 6,779
Figure 2.Multidecks
Sales value and volume for remote
refrigerated display cabinets in EU-28.
1,3 350 000
Frozen islands 340 000
Glass door and 330 000
Sales volume (units)
28 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Almost 70% of RRDC’s are sold directly to end users, This input, the refrigeration energy consumption (REC),
another third goes through a distributor step and 1% is represented in the energy labelling scheme by the energy
are directly via food and beverage companies [10]. consumption of an imaginary condensing unit:
Those distribution channels are shown in Figure 3.
Tc −Tmrun
=RC REC (24 − t deft ) Φ24−deft (2)
0.34 Tmrun
Table 2. Reference values for definition of Energy Efficiency Index (EEI). [8]
Type of cabinets Temp. class Reference EEI Type of cabinets Temp. class Reference EEI
3H 10.1 3H 6.2
RVC1 3M2 12.3 RHC1 3M2 6.7
RVC2 3M1/3M 13.4 3M1/3M 7.2
Multideck 3M0 14.5 RHF1 3M0 21.0
and 3H 13.8 Service 3H 5.5
verticals 3M2 16.0 counters 3M2 5.8
open RVF1 3L3 29.0 3L3 6.2
RVF4 3L1 28.5 3L1 15.0
3H 6.1 3H 14.0
Semi- and RHF4
3M 7.4 3M 13.0
Verticals RVC4
3M1/3M 8.0 3M1/3M 4.3
with doors 3M0 8.7 3M0 4.7
Island RHC6
3L2 30.0 3L2 5.0
3L3 29.0 3L3 12.0
Combi 3L2 28.5 3L2 11.2
freezers 3L3 27.6 3L3 10.4
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 29
A low EEI indicates that a given cabinet has a high refrigeration, which was finalised in 2007, identified
energy efficiency, whereas a high value of the same the relevant environmental aspects of refrigerating
index indicates the contrary. For ease of representation, appliances with a direct sales function, and analysed
and to fall in line with other EC labelling directives, a the legislative, technical, environmental, economic
lettering system has been attached to this energy label- and behavioural aspects of commercial refrigeration.
ling methodology which translates the energy efficiency It showed that there was a significant energy savings
index into efficiency classes indicated by a single letter, potential for refrigerating appliances with a direct sales
ranging from “A” to “G” (with an “A+” for the most function. This was confirmed by an impact assessment
efficient cabinets). Table 3 shows Eurovent’s energy effi- that was conducted in the period 2008-2010.
ciency classes for remote refrigerated display cabinets.
In 2013-2014, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) updated
Table 3. Eurovent’s energy efficiency classes for the preparatory study and scenarios with different levels
remote refrigerated display cabinets. [8] of energy efficiency were assessed a second time. The
scenario with the stricter energy efficiency requirements in
Energy efficiency class Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) two tiers and an energy label was retained as the preferred
A+ <40 scenario. By 2030, this scenario is estimated to result in:
A 40≤EEI<50
B 50≤EEI<53.5 •• Electricity savings of 19 TWh/yr (48 TWh/y in
C 53.5≤EEI<60
primary energy terms) and GHG emission savings
of 7.4 MtCO2eq./a.
D 60≤EEI<90
•• Savings on annual end-user expenditure of EUR
E >90
2.9 billion and extra business revenue of EUR
0.4 billion per year.
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Directives •• An alignment with technological progress and global
In the EU, the Ecodesign Directive [11],[14] sets a minimum energy efficiency requirements in other
framework requiring manufacturers of energy-related economies.
products to improve the environmental performance •• Contributing to EU industry’s competitiveness and
of their products by meeting minimum energy effi- leading role as high-quality manufacturers.
ciency requirements, as well as other environmental •• Safeguarding of SMEs.
criteria such as water consumption, emission levels or
minimum durability of certain components, before they The energy label requirements, currently under World
can place their products on the market. As a comple- Trade Organisation (WTO), are expected to enter into
ment, the Energy Labelling Regulation [13] enables force on 1st September 2019 onwards with the effi-
end-consumers to identify the better-performing ciency classes set out in Table 4. Those classes were
energy-related products, via an A-G/green-to-red scale. defined to ensure a normal distribution between the
The legislative framework builds upon the combined different energy classes. The A class is expected to be
effect of the two aforementioned pieces of legislation. empty in 2020. This is in line with the new Energy
Labelling Framework Regulation [13]. The full imple-
The policy initiative was launched in 2004-2005. The mentation timeline will run from September 2019 to
first preparatory study on Ecodesign for commercial January 2025, its details are shown in Figure 4.
30 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Our comparative method is based on
For all refrigerating appliances with a direct sales func-
a sample of 3,000 data points
tion, the EEI, expressed in % and rounded to the first
decimal place, compares the Annual Energy consump- The comparison between the Eurovent and the European
tion (AE) expressed in kWh/a with the reference energy class distributions is based on a sample of 3,000
Standard Annual Energy consumption (SAE) expressed certified data points which are used to derive their respec-
in kWh/a and is calculated as: tive Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) using the last two
versions of the EN ISO 23953 test standard (2005 and
2015). The resulting performance indicators are used to
365 E daily (4) determine the energy classes of the 3,000 cabinets using
SAE the methods defined by Eurovent and that used by the
EC. Finally, those energy classes are amalgamated to create
Edaily = The energy consumption of the cabinet over two performance distributions that will be the basis of the
24 hours (rounded to three decimal places). comparison. This process is shown in Figure 5.
Note that Edaily= TEC from the 2005 version
of the 23953.
M2 +7 °C −1°C 1
Vertical, semi-vertical and combined
H1/H2 +10°C −1°C N/A 0.82 9.1 9.1
supermarket refrigerator cabinets
M1 +5°C −1°C 1.15
M2 +7°C −1°C 1
Horizontal supermarket refrigerator
H1/H2 +10°C −1°C N/A 0.92 3.7 3.5
M1 +5°C −1°C 1.08
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 31
In our study the sample includes the performance data with that from the European Energy Labelling Directive
for 3,000 products certified between 2012 and 2018. [14] and to gauge the impact of this change. To this
ECC’s method gives the label A+ to the best and the end, we looked at a sample of more than 3,000 data
label E to the worst and all labels/classes are determined and should the latest draft of both regulations be imple-
with the calculation of the EEI which is then used with mented in its current state for the MEPS, EEI formula
ECC’s energy efficiency classification for remote refrig- and the energy classes, one can argue that the EC is
erated display cabinets (see Table 3). Our results show likely to be on course to meet its explicit objective of
that 47% of the products certified have a “D” energy reducing the average energy consumption of RRDC’s.
class/label and merely 2% falls to the class “E”. In addi- This reduction is important since we have seen that
tion, out of our sample of 3,000 RRDCs, 450 units the RRDCs is expected to grow steadily at a rate of
(15%) qualify as high energy efficiency units (classes 2% per year through 2030. However, should EC’s text
“A+” and classes “A”). That is, about 240 units (8%) be amended, we anticipate seeing those changes in the
reached the class “A+” and a further 210 units (7%) reference values for C, M and/or N parameters.
reached the energy class “A”. The resulting energy class
distribution is shown in Figure 6. Based on this comparison of two energy classes distri-
butions, the label of the “average” RRDCs will worsen:
To evaluate the impact of the Energy Labelling in ECC’s methods, this unit was likely to be rated/
Regulation [13] on ECC’s energy classes distribution, classed “D” or “C” whilst using EC’s methods those
we recalculated the EEI using both equation (4) and ratings/classes are more likely to be “F” or “G”. In addi-
equation (5) with data from Table 5, that is despite the tion, MEPS will result in the ban of all “G” labelled
difference in scale between the two energy label ranges units in 2023, so in market worth more than a billion
(ECC’s ranges “A+ to E” whilst EC’s ranges “A to G”). euro a year, one can expect manufacturers to intensify
Our results show that 39% of the sample has an energy their research and development efforts to avoid having
class of “E”. At this stage, as expected by EC [13], no too many RRDCs units rated in the lower end of the
RRDCs have the label “A” but 1% or 30 units have of distribution and to compete of the upper end of the
the label “B”. A further 25% of the sample reached the distribution where the label “A” is likely to become the
labels “B” and “C” with respective share of 16% and new energy efficiency frontier for RRDCs.
9%. The resulting energy class distribution is shown
in Figure 7. The remainder of the sample reached the Future work will take our comparison further to include
labels “F” and “G”, a category of products that will more parameters such as the standardised designation
be affected when the requirements for the Ecodesign of a given RRDC’s (See Table D.1 p.82 of EN ISO
Directive in terms of Minimum Energy Performance 23953-2:2015) and/or an attempt at measuring manu-
Standards (MEPS) enter into force in 2023 (see facturers sentiment after MEPS implementation. More
Figure 4 where it can be seen that all RRDC’s with details will also be provided regarding historical data. In
an energy label “G”, or an EEI of 80 or worse, will be the meantime, ECC also looks at the development of a
banned from entry into the European market). dedicated certification program for Plug-in Refrigerated
Display Cabinets. In addition, ECC’s RRDC certifi-
Conclusion cation programme will align its requirements (see
The objective of this article has been to compare the Rating Standard - RS−14C001) with those from both
existing ECC’s methodology for energy labelling [7] Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Directives.
Figure 6. Energy classes distribution based on Figure 7. Energy classes distribution based on the
Eurovent’s methods. methods set in the Energy Labelling Directive.
32 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
[1] E. Geilinger and E. Bush, “Commercial and Professional Refrigeration Products: Promoting Energy Efficiency with Legislation,
Empowered Stakeholders and Rebates.”
[2] ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 72-2018, Method of Testing Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers.
[3] A. 1200 (I-P/2013), “Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets.”
[4] ISO standard 23953-2:2015, Refrigerated Display Cabinets.
[5] ISO standard 23953:2005, Refrigerated Display Cabinets.
[6] D. H. Walker, “Investigation of energy-efficient supermarket display cases,” ORNL, 2005.
[7], “Eurovent Certita Certification.”
[8] S. Marinhas, “Performance Certification of Refrigerated Display Cabinets (RDC),” REHVA J., vol. 62, 2012.
[9] H. Moons et al., “Ecodesign for Commercial Refrigeration-Preparatory study update-Final report. Joint Research Centre,
Science and Policy Report. 2014,” ISBN 978-92-79-39543-7.
[10] Mudgal, S., Tinetti, B., Bain, J., Cervantes, C. and De Prado Trigo, A., (2007). Preparatory Study for Eco Requirements of EuPs
Refrigerating and freezing Service cabinets, blast cabinets, walk-in cold rooms, chillers, water dispensers, ice-makers, dessert.
[11] E. C. Directive, “Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a
framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products,” Off. J. Eur. Communities, 2009.
[12] L. Economics, “Study on the impact of the energy label-and potential changes to it-on consumer understanding and on
purchase decisions,” London Econ. Ipsos Eur. Comm. Brussels, 2014.
[13] Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 OF The European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2017 setting a framework for energy
labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU.
[14] G/TBT/N/EU/620 - Draft Commission Regulation laying down ecodesign requirements for refrigerating appliances with a
direct sales function pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (10 pages + Annexes
13 pages, in English) ICS: 97.130.20.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 33
Commissioning Process
Quality process to enhance delivery of a project
and meet the client’s objectives
34 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Client’s KPI drive the process
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 35
the owner’s objectives. The certification process covers Certified projects are registered and archived in
the project life-cycle from pre-design to post-delivery. COPILOT’s secure database. Project owners have
Commissioning rigour modulates according to priori- access to all their projects filed in a standardized
ties established by the client. A laboratory could, for manner. This facilitates building portfolio compar-
example, view air quality and hence ventilation as a high ison across projects & markets, life-cycle traceability,
priority but heating as a low priority. Commissioning building maintenance & monitoring over time, and
work like sample testing is adjusted accordingly. transfer of ownership.
36 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
n this context, Eurovent Certita Certification steadiness. These two verifications combined ensure
decided to establish a new certification programme that the air tightness class claimed by the manufacturer
for Ventilation Ductwork Systems, opening a can indeed be reached in practice.
new chapter in the history of the Eurovent Certified
Performance (ECP) certification mark, which The first certification of ventilation ductwork systems
concerned only products, not systems, until then. was granted by Eurovent Certita Certification in
December 2017 as a new step towards good airtightness
To meet this challenge, Eurovent Certita Certification levels in buildings, contributing to the pursuit of nearly
worked for one year with a dedicated committee gath- zero-energy buildings and improving indoor air quality.
ering six major European manufacturers of ventilation
ducts and fittings. The development of the programme Introduction
also involved consultation of European testing laborato- The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
ries. The resulting requirements and rules defined for the (EPBD) recast published in 2010 (Directive 2010/31/
DUCT programme rely on Ventilation ductwork system EU) acknowledged that air tightness has an important
(typical setup) testing and production sites auditing. role to play in the building energy consumption reduc-
tion [1].With Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings as objec-
The scope of the programme covers rigid and semi- tive for new buildings, the directive is urging the whole
rigid ventilation ductwork systems divided into the building sector to consider it as a key parameter in the
following sub-programmes: building conception.
•• Rigid metallic ductwork systems with circular cross- In addition to the energy efficiency objectives, the
section (DUCT-MC); buildings airtightness is an even more challenging topic
•• Rigid metallic ductwork systems with rectangular for the construction sector professionals. Indeed, poorly
cross-section (DUCT-MR); designed, “too airtight”, buildings can compromise the
•• Semi-rigid non-metallic ductwork systems predomi- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), contributing to what is
nantly made of plastics (DUCT-P); called the “sick-building syndrome”.
Among other verifications, the performance testing However, when the building is properly conceived
on typical set-ups enables to validate the airtightness and equipped with an appropriate ventilation system,
class declared by the manufacturer. The production site the airtightness actually leads to better IAQ levels and
auditing enables to verify the manufacturing process thermal comfort.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 37
Within the building construction elements, the duct- Besides, when minimum requirements for building
work system is crucial to reach proper energy consump- air-tightness exist, the rating justification is not always
tion and IAQ levels. Indeed, studies evidenced that mandatory.
excessive ductwork leakage have a huge impact on
energy use and Indoor Air Quality issues. Airtightness requirements for buildings in
European countries
Besides the qualification of installers for an improved An increasing number of countries include in their
airtightness in-situ, the ductwork system intrinsic regulations either required or recommended minimum
airtightness (resulting from the ductwork system airtightness levels (see Figure 1). Even though manda-
constituting elements conception and manufacturing) tory testing is not systematic yet, it gradually came
appears to be of prime importance. into force in countries such as France, Ireland or the
United Kingdom (see Figure 2) and the list continu-
In this context of rising awareness of Indoor Air Quality ously increases.
challenges, Eurovent Certita Certification decided
to contribute by establishing a new certification As an example, the French regulation (RT2012) intro-
programme for Ventilation Ductwork Systems. duced a minimum requirement for the building airtight-
ness of all residential buildings and made justification
Airtightness regulatory requirements of the value mandatory. For non-residential buildings,
More and more countries consider air-tightness in their a default value is implemented for each building type
national regulations, however the focus is set at the and justification is mandatory to use a better value than
building level and the ductwork contribution is rarely the default one in the energy performance (EP) calcula-
given its due weight. tion. The building airtightness level is to be justified by
Source: Survey on building and ductwork airtightness requirements in Europe, Results obtained from 10 countries presented during TightVent Airtightness Association
Committee-TAAC of January 2017
38 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
means of airtightness testing by a qualified tester. If a For each test pressure pt, the leakage factor f, ratio of
certified quality management approach is applied, only the air leakage rate qv (in m³/s) observed during the
a sample of buildings is to be tested, otherwise testing leakage test and the ductwork surface area A (in m2),
is required for each building [2]. shall be lower than the corresponding air leakage limit
fmax which is calculated from the test pressure pt as indi-
Airtightness requirements for ductwork systems cated in Table 1.
in European countries qv
Scandinavian countries enhance airtight ductwork f = (1)
systems since the 1950s. For instance, in Sweden, A
the AMA (General Material and Workmanship Besides no damage shall be observed on the ductwork
Specifications) specification guidelines included tight- (deflection, hole, etc.). This double verification must
ness requirements in 1966. Since then, construction be successful for ten test pressures in the pressure range
products manufacturers and installers have continu- corresponding to the class (for example that is [−750
ously cared for airtightness in their work and field Pa; +1000Pa] for class B) to consider that the tested
measurements testify that Scandinavian countries reach ductwork complies with the airtightness class rating.
very low air leakage in their ductwork installations [3].
Certifying Airtightness class ratings
In Europe, only the French (RT2012) and Belgian When it comes to ductwork systems intrinsic airtight-
(EPB) regulations consider the ductwork airtightness ness class, it is necessary to appeal to a third-party to
as an input in the energy performance calculation. get reliable ratings.
There is no minimum requirement but a good airtight-
ness level, if justified, can reduce the calculated energy Third-party certification for a fair and
use. It is to be noted that in Belgium the leakage flow objective comparison of the ratings
according to standard EN 14134:2004 [4] is applied Third-party certification purpose is to make available
whereas in France the value used in the calculation is reliable, comparable and transparent data.
the airtightness class determined according to standard
EN 12237:2003 [5]. As third-party certifier, Eurovent Certita Certification
(ECC) has to fulfil impartiality, independency and
Measuring the ductwork leakage to integrity requirements. The ISO 17065 accreditation
verify the Airtightness class by national body COFRAC2 guarantees that these
Ductwork leakage can be measured in situ according to requirements are met and provides as a solid interna-
specific standards. This paper focuses on the intrinsic tional recognition thanks to the EA3/IAF4 agreements.
airtightness of ductwork systems, i.e. resulting from
measurements conducted in a test laboratory. The certification process of a given Eurovent Certified
Performance (ECP) programme is described in the dedi-
The air-tightness classification goes from A (worst) to D cated documents which constitute a single, common
(best). For metallic ducts with circular cross-section, the baseline for the product evaluation rules and guarantee
rating criteria (see Table 1) is established in standard a fair treatment of the manufacturers. Indeed, these
EN 12237:2003 [5].
Table 1. Air tightness classification for metallic circular ducts according to EN 12237:2003 [5]
Static gauge pressure limit (ps) [Pa] Air leakage limit (fmax) [m³·s-1·m-2]
Air tightness class
Positive Negative
A (worst) 500 500 0.027 x pt0.65 x10-3
B 1000 750 0.009 x pt0.65 x10-3
C 2000 750 0.003 x pt0.65 x10-3
D (best) 2000 750 0.001 x pt65 x10-3
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 39
documents are public, so any manufacturer can check The test is conducted in accordance with EN
that each of the certification process steps (product 12237:2003 [5] for circular and semi-circular geom-
selection, testing, auditing, etc.) is conducted in accord- etries (sub-programmes DUCT-MC and DUCT-P) or
ance with the related procedure. EN 1507:2006 [6] for ductwork systems of rectangular
geometries (sub-programme DUCT-MR).
To enhance an objective comparison, the certified data
are quantifiable values expressed in specific units which For the DUCT-P sub-programme, specific test pres-
are stipulated in the certification programme docu- sures were defined by the Launching Committee as
ments. Besides, the certified data is available on-line5 non-metallic ductwork products are not originally
24/7, to anyone, without any registration or password. covered by EN 12237:2003 [5]. The certification docu-
ments will be updated according to upcoming unique
The DUCT programme test standard under preparation by CEN TC 156.
The DUCT programme, into force since September
2016, opened a new chapter in the history of the To ensure the performance ratings accuracy and reli-
Eurovent Certified Performance (ECP) certification ability, the certification process relies upon product
mark, which concerned only products, not systems, performance testing but also on production sites
until then. auditing which enables to verify that the tested object
is representative of the whole production. Indeed,
To meet this challenge and ensure the programme during the audit the auditor proceeds to the ductwork
content relevance, Eurovent Certita Certification elements sampling and identifies them with his signa-
worked for one year with a dedicated committee gath- ture to guarantee that elements constituting the tested
ering six major European manufacturers of ventilation system are issued from regular production.
ducts and fittings. The development of the programme
also involved consultation of European testing labora- The audit is also the opportunity to verify key manu-
tories. The resulting rules are gathered in specific docu- facturing requirements defined in the certification
ments [7][8][9][10]. documents. For instance, a dimensional check shall
be performed regularly enough to guarantee a proper
The scope of the programme covers rigid and semi- matching of the elements to be assembled.
rigid ventilation ductwork systems divided into the
following sub-programmes: Audits are conducted annually on a number of local
workshops (manufacturing straight ducts only) and
•• Rigid metallic ductwork systems with circular cross- fitting factories specified in the operational manual [7]
section (DUCT-MC); to verify that the requirements are met at all times.
•• Rigid metallic ductwork systems with rectangular
cross-section (DUCT-MR);
•• Semi-rigid non-metallic ductwork systems predomi-
nantly made of plastics (DUCT-P);
40 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
How does the DUCT programme contribute to that the international outreach of the ECP mark will
encourage better airtightness? encourage manufacturers to participate to the DUCT
The goal of the ECP mark is to verify the rating programme and thus prove their products ability to
accuracy, not to influence the market. This is why a constitute ductwork systems compliant with the adver-
ductwork system with airtightness class A can be ECP tised airtightness class.
certified just as well as a ductwork system with airtight-
ness class D. However, publishing certified ratings Conclusions
favours comparability of data so experienced showed Air tightness is a key lever towards a better energy effi-
for other certification programmes that the apparition ciency of the ventilation system and, by extension, of
of certified products on a market tends to raise the the building. Besides, it contributes in achieving better
performance level. Indoor Air Quality levels.
Annual testing of the ductwork systems and auditing of Energy regulations and energy performance programmes
production sites represent a great incentive for manu- are progressively becoming more stringent, putting
facturers to continuously improve their products, hence increasing pressure for better air tightness levels and
favouring better and better airtightness ratings. enhancing justification to prove compliance.
The Eurovent Certified Performance (ECP) mark, Certification of ventilation ductwork systems airtight-
is one the most renowned certification mark in the ness is a new step towards a better assessment of
HVAC&R fields in Europe and beyond. It is estimated airtightness levels, contributing to the pursuit of Nearly
that 66% of HVAC&R products sold on the European Zero-Energy Buildings and improvement of the Indoor
market are ECP certified6 . It is therefore expected Air Quality.
2014 data valid for Chillers, Heat Pumps, Fan Coil Units, Heat Exchangers and Filters within the certified scope
[1] Directive 2010/31/EU of the European parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of
buildings (recast)
[2] Charrier, S.; Bailly,A. and Carrié, F.R. (2015) Building Airtightness in France : regulatory context, control procedures,results in
Qualicheck factsheet 07
[3] Andersson, J.; Carrié, F.R. and Wouters, P., (1999) Improving Ductwork - A Time for Tighter Air Distribution Systems. EU Project
SAVE-DUCT, Brussels 1999.
[4] European Standard EN 14134:2004 Ventilation for buildings. Performance testing and installation checks of residential
ventilation systems
[5] European Standard EN 12237:2003 Ventilation for buildings. Ductwork. Strength and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts
[6] European Standard EN 1507:2006 Ventilation for buildings - Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section - Requirements
for strength and leakage
[7] Eurovent Certita Certification - OM-19 (2016) - Operational Manual for the certification of Ventilation Ducts
[8] Eurovent Certita Certification - RS-2C002MC (2016) – Rating Standard for the certification of Rigid Metallic Ductwork
Systems with Circular Cross-section
[9] Eurovent Certita Certification - RS-2C003MR (2016) – Rating Standard for the certification of Rigid Metallic Ductwork
Systems with Rectangular Cross-section
[10] Eurovent Certita Certification - RS-2C004P (2016) – Rating Standard for the certification of Semi-Rigid Non-Metallic
Ductwork Systems predominantly made of Plastics
[11] Guedel, A. Barles, P., CETIAT - Etanchéité des réseaux aérauliques - Guide pratique (2012)
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 41
The fan is indeed a key component in an AHU. The The same procedures and rules (product selection,
fan is responsible for proper air circulation, providing testing, auditing, etc.) are applied to all manufacturers
the airflow rate and pressure required to compensate the participating to the programme, guaranteeing that the
pressure drop occurring in the AHU and related duct- products are evaluated the same way. Indeed, the FANS
work. If the fan does not perform as expected the AHU certification process is described in the certification
functioning is jeopardized and the power consumption programme documents [2][3] and these documents
can be drastically affected. are public2. Any manufacturer can therefore check that
each of the certification process steps is conducted in
In order to improve the reliability of the fan perfor- accordance with the related procedure, which guaran-
mance data, and thereby provide peace of mind to tees a fair treatment of the manufacturers.
AHU manufacturers when they declare their own fan-
related performance ratings, ECC decided to establish 1
2014 data valid for Chillers, Heat Pumps, Fan Coil Units, Heat Exchangers and
a certification scheme for fans intended to be used as Filters within the certified scope
Air Handling Units components. Thus, after one year 2
OM-22 and RS/1/C/001 available on-line at
of work comprising meetings with AHU manufacturers
42 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
The final objective of the third-party certifier is to make “wire-to-air” approach was used as guiding principle for
available reliable, comparable and transparent data. To the FANS certification scheme.
this extent, the certification programmes are developed
in such a way that published certified data can be objec- To fulfil the “wire-to-air” principle, all the compo-
tively compared. nents that appear in the applicant/participant
product catalogue have to be included in the tested
To achieve the appropriate level of reliability, the FANS fan assembly. Whenever a given component is not
certification programme assesses the fan performance included in the catalogue a recommended complemen-
ratings accuracy and reliability thanks to product tary component is to be specified and its influence on
performance testing but also production sites auditing the certified performance values is to be assessed in
and operating software checking. This way the consist- the operating software according to specific rules. This
ency between tested data and advertised data is ensured. enables to ensure the consistency of the fully-assembled
fan performance ratings.
To enhance the comparability, the certified data are
quantifiable values expressed in specific units which are Thus, the certified data will be systematically displayed
stipulated in the certification programme documents in “wire-to-air mode”, even for not fully assembled fans
[2][3]. Moreover, the list of certified products is avail- thanks to default values specified in the FANS docu-
able on-line 24/7, to anyone, without any registration ments [2][3].
or password.
Two sub-programmes are implemented in order to
Accreditation and approval from the CPPC as distinguish basic assemblies (impeller + housing + ancil-
further guarantees laries), corresponding to the FAN-I sub-programme,
As third-party certifier, ECC has to fulfil impar- from complete assemblies (impeller + motor + drive
tiality, independency and integrity requirements. The + controller + support structure + ancillaries) corre-
ISO 17065 accreditation by national body COFRAC3 sponding to the FAN-C sub-programme. Ancillaries
guarantees that these requirements are met and provides cover inlet/outlet finger guards and inlet connection
as a solid international recognition thanks to the EA4/ (cone, ring, nozzle, etc.).
IAF5 agreements.
COFRAC certificate n°5-0517. Accreditation scope available at
European accreditation Figure 2. Illustration of complete assembly
International Accreditation Forum components. (source [5])
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 43
The sub-programme will appear on the certification Table 1. Purpose of the units sampled and sealed by the
diploma so that the end-user can know at a glance if auditor.
the certified value corresponds to a fully-assembled fan
or not. In any case the certified data is guaranteed to Unit Action
be conservative thanks to corrective coefficients and
default values established in the FANS certification Model A, copy 1 Sent to laboratory for regular test
rules [2][3].
Model A, copy 2 Sent to laboratory in case of
Product performance testing component failure (regular test) or unit
failure (second test) if any
Product performance testing is to be conducted annu-
ally in order to continuously check that compliance to Model B, copy 1 Sent to laboratory for regular test
the certification requirements is maintained.
Model B, copy 2 Sent to laboratory in case of
In order to ensure the comparability, consistency component failure (regular test) or unit
and impartiality of the fan performance testing, failure (second test) if any
at least two fans per range have to be tested in the
Model C, copy 1 Sent to laboratory in case of unit
independent laboratory selected and approved by
failure (penalty test) if any
Eurovent Certita Certification. Among other require-
ments, the independent laboratory must be ISO Model C, copy 2 Sent to laboratory in case of
17025 [9] accredited. component failure (penalty test) if any
The acoustic test, conducted for complete assemblies Maximum fan speed Nmax [rpm] -
(FAN-C sub-programme) in accordance with ISO
13347-2:2004 [8] enables to assess the acoustic behav- Motor (electrical) input power Pe [W] -
iour of the fan when it operates at nominal rotational
speed [3]. Drive/control electrical input power Ped -
The certified data for both sub-programmes is summa-
Overall efficiency ηe or ηed (static; with -
rized on Table 2 and Table 3. or without VSD) [%]
44 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Among these criteria, the aerodynamic test reports shall The auditor conducts an on-site checking of the soft-
be recent enough (less than three years for qualifica- ware/DLL consistency, proceeds to the units sampling/
tion and since last audit for surveillance) and a third- sealing and verifies that applicable requirements are
party shall be involved either in the test conduction fulfilled.
itself or in the frame of the manufacturer’s test bench
qualification. To be acceptable the test reports shall also The requirements comprise notably the proper use
comprise essential information regarding measurement of the ECP mark when displayed on the production
uncertainties and sensors calibration. units or on documentation, the consistency between
products declared for certification and observed in
If the criteria are not met, the appropriate number the sales record and/or production line and/or stock,
of aerodynamic tests is ordered to the independent the compliance of the quality management system to
laboratory. key criteria detailed in the certification documents,
N FAN -I = N impeller
For FAN-C (complete assembly) the applicant has to Appendix 2: Number of aerodynamic
provide NFAN-C test reports and
tests reports to be provided for
N FAN -C = Max (N impeller ;N motor ;N drive ) surveillance
Nimpeller is the number of impeller tip diameters available
in the range For the surveillance procedure the manufacturer has to
Nmotor: is the number of motor sizes available in the range
provide one (1) test report per production site.
Ndrive: is the number of drive types available in the range
Nine (9) models of fans will be selected in such a way that Example: If the participant has five (5) production sites
each impeller tip diameter, each motor size and each drive that manufacture the certified ranges then a total of five
type is represented at least once. (5) test reports shall be provided annually.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 45
Specific requirements are foreseen in the FANS certi- If all the checks prove the software/DLL consistency,
fication documents [2][3] for stand-alone software on the software version is certified, appears on the certifi-
the one hand and Dynamic Link Libraries6 (DLL), on cate and is published online7 together with the certified
the other hand. range references.
[1] Commission regulation (EU) No 327/2011 of 30 March 2011 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for fans driven by motors with an electric input power
between 125 W and 500 kW, 2011.
[2] Eurovent Certita Certification - OM-22 - Operational Manual for the certification of fans, 2017.
[3] Eurovent Certita Certification - RS/1/C/001 – Rating Standard for the certification of fans, 2017.
[4] AirPro Fan & Blower Company - Backward curved fans [online].
<>, consulted on 14/11/2017.
[7] ISO 5801 - Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways, 2007.
[8] ISO 13347-2 - Industrial fans – Determination of fans sound power levels under standardized laboratory conditions - Part 2 :
Reverberant room method, 2004.
[9] ISO/IEC 17025 - General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, 2005.
[10] Eurovent Certita Certification - Certification Manual of the Eurovent Certified Performance mark, 13th edition, 2016.
i.e. a library of functions made available to the user for integration in his own
46 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
How the EPB Center supports the dissemination and roll-out of the new
Energy Performance of Building standards
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 47
Some outcomes of the first 6 months are: These five ‘overarching’ EPB standards have in common that
An informative report, a presentation and a brochure each of these describes an important step in the assess-
describing the state of play for the energy performance ment of the energy performance of building:
of buildings standards; Based on early feedback from the stakeholders, additional
A first version of FAQs and examples for filling the priorities are proposed by the project team. These deal with
National Annexes and examples where EPB standards are specific areas in the domain of the EPB standards describing
applied or could be used (e.g. by industry stakeholders, the performance of the technical building systems that
researchers, financial institutions, etc.); require special attention, because of their importance and
A first draft for calculation tools for selected individual complexity (see Figure 2).
EPB standards including user guide, a presentation and Task 1: Support to Member States and National
examples of first case studies; Standardization Bodies
Task 1 aims to reach out to Member States and National
Description of the tasks Standardization Bodies and support them in using the
In line with the revised EPBD (2018), priority is given to Energy Performance of Buildings standards. The main
the following ‘overarching’ standards: EN ISO 52000-1, activity is to monitor and support the preparation and
EN ISO 52003-1, EN ISO 52010-1, EN ISO 52016-1 and (intended) use of National Annexes or National datasheets
EN ISO 52018-1. to the EPB standards.
Weighted overall 9
(prim.) energy
performance, share Overall EP
of renewables, … indicators
6 7
Heating, ventilation,
cooling, domestic hot
water and lighting systems
4 5
Energy needs and indoor EP indicators
temperatures at building
fabric level
Figure 2. Flow chart in energy performance assessment and selected priority standards.
48 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
The EPB Center facilitates a platform of experts on the set Because output data need to be transferred manually
of EPB standards with the aim of supporting member states from one EPB standard as input to another EPB standard, a
in completing the National Annexes or National datasheets monthly method and other simplifications will be applied.
for the set of EPB standards.
The main difference between the case for the new and the
Task 2: Setting up a database of FAQs, calculation spreadsheets existing building is the availability of reliable input data.
and case studies Task 3: Creating a network of practitioners
Database of Frequently Asked Questions Task 3 will include at least the following activities:
The main scope of the FAQs will be: Identification and targeted engagement of practitioner
the rationale behind and the rules for the National and stakeholder types.
Annexes / National Datasheets, Cooperation with global and international organizations
the completion of National Annexes / National Datasheets, and networks.
the application of Annex I of the revised EPBD (2018): Set up of the network of practitioners (including organiza-
description of the national calculation methodology tion of workshops, webinars and other events).
following the national annexes of the overarching EPB Standards Academy: information pool and capacity
standards, building platform with the following modules:
other issues related to national implementation, –
–Webinars and online courses tailored to different types
the technical content of the EPB standards, of stakeholders, including MS level regulatory bodies
support tools (e.g. spreadsheets) and the case studies. and public administrators
–Models and examples of National Annexes / National
Calculation tools (e.g. spreadsheets) Datasheets: to collect, compare and present National
In the M/480 mandate project (development of the set of Annexes and National Datasheets that (are being / have
EPB-standards), one of the tools to safeguard the neces- been) prepared by MS’s.
sary overall consistency and coherence for the set of –
–Information materials and fact sheets about the EPB
EPB-standards, was the preparation of a spreadsheet for standards:
each EPB standard containing calculation –
–EPB Case Study Database:
this Task 2 the spreadsheets of the earlier indicated priority
standards will be updated. Concluding and asking feedback from EPB
Case studies The purpose of this article is not just to inform the REHVA
Partial Case studies: Journal readers about this project: for the effectiveness of
A few typical example buildings and climate data sets will the project it is important to obtain early feedback from
be chosen as basis for the case studies. professionals involved or interested in the assessment of
The example buildings and climatic datasets will be Energy Performance of Buildings and in the implementa-
selected in such a way that they ensure a wide European tion of the related articles of the recently revised EPBD.
climatic coverage. As a minimum, examples will cover: This feedback will help to adjust and tailor the planned
–Cold, mild and warm climate activities in the project to the needs of the stakeholders.
–Residential and non-residential buildings
For each case, parameter variations will be prepared, to The EPB Center activities are to plan, coordinate and guide
reveal the impact of the choice in input variables or in the process of promoting the implementation and use,
national choices on the output. maintenance and further development of the set of EPB
As a rule, the (updated) spreadsheets will be used to standards and safeguard the coherence of their technical
prepare the case studies. content.
Simplified whole building cases studies: Other activities which are foreseen if sufficient interest can
In addition to these partial case studies, a few whole be organized are, for instance: improving the links between
building case studies will be performed to demonstrate the EPB standards and ECODESIGN and further embedding
the overall usability of the set of EPB standards, e.g. with of the EPB standards in the EN ISO set of EPB standards
respect to the cost optimality calculations. (ISO 52000 family of EPB standards).
The envisaged case studies comprise: All these activities aim to contribute to achieving uniformity,
One single family house, new and existing flexibility and sustainability as well as cost and risk reduc-
One apartment building, new and existing tions in the built environment.
One office building, new and existing
This article has been produced under contract with the European Union, represented by the European Commission (service contract ENER/C3/2017-437/SI2-785.185).
The information and views set out in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. 49
tale of sustainability: To achieve a Gold-level
engineers, construction companies and facilities manager –
certification, a building owner integrates energy and even to owners and users. As a consequence, the perfor-
efficient supply systems in his building like a CHP, mance gap appeared: buildings do not work as intended.
a heat pump, a solar thermal collector and an absorption They miss their initial performance targets in operation.
chiller. The low calculated energy demand grants addi- This is doubly costly: first the design and construction cause
tional credits for certification. Shortly after handover, he additional cost and then, later, operation cost are also higher
notices that some of the systems don’t seem to work the than expected. This is an economic and ecologic no-go.
way they should. It turns out that the management of the
different systems is quite a challenge and had never really Solutions to this problem can be found in other industries:
been specified in the design phase. Some systems can’t
quality management. The term “Quality” is a colloquially
even communicate with each other. After months of claim
often used to refer do a characteristic of an object or gener-
management and frustrating attempts to find out how the
ally something “good”. In engineering, “quality” describes
system-as-a-whole should work, the operation staff decided
to keep the heating and cooling valves in a large air handling
the degree, to which a set of inherent characteristics of
unit constantly open to create constant energy demand. an object fulfills requirements. Consequently, “quality
The systems now run smoothly due to the continuous management” is a process of supporting the fulfillment of
consumption of heating and cooling energy at the same requirements. Since today building suffers greatly from a
time. And the owner lived disillusioned ever after. performance gap, the bottom line is that we have a deficit
in quality management for building performance.
* DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/844 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings
and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency.
50 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Quality Management and Digitalization The Performance Gap
for Building Performance What is the performance gap that we aim to eliminate
In 2012 a new 6,000 m² domicile was handed over with quality management? It is often seen as energy
from the design-build contractor to the owner. Various consumption higher than budgeted. But energy is still
Danish media described the construction process as a
cheap and for owners it is often much more serious if for
success and all parties were satisfied with the result. The
designers were particularly satisfied with the technical example the indoor climate is negatively affecting the
solutions: productivity of the employees. As you can read in the
• ”Everything was tested before the building was put to case above, the performance gap is a complex thing both
service” to map and to handle. PhD student Helle Lohmann
• The building achieved an architectural prize
Rasmussen from Center for Facilities Management,
Despite the fine words from all the dignitaries the DTU Management Engineering, Technical University
employees working in the building kept complaining of Denmark, has mapped various types of performance
about the indoor climate. After the design professionals
have tried to map the reason for the complains and after gap [1] in Figure 1.
them the client advisor, a skilled Cx-team was invited to
verify the indoor Climate. At this time, it is four years
after hand-over. Higher
12. energy 2.
The Cx team did the following observations and Not meeting consumption Higher
measurements: legal operation
• Unhealthy air require- costs
11. ments
• Very varying air velocities in the working areas 3.
• Too little supply of fresh air deferred to Higher
• Poor distribution of the fresh air supplied from ventila- the operation maintenance
stage costs
tion system
• Rapid rise of temperatures when the sun hits the facade
The ventilation system is designed as a Constant Air Double 4.
operation or Performance Operation
Volume system (CAV) despite meeting rooms operate gap
No operation start-up loss
with Variable Air Volume (VAV)
> Pressure oscillates in the air distribution ducts, the
system can’t obtain the values in the balancing report 9. 5.
Mismatch Disappointing
No measuring points on hydronic systems with end-user
business experience
> Hydronic balancing is not possible case
8. 6.
The story continues: Unsatis- Disappointing
Ventilation system extracts air above ceiling without factory 7. FM staff
indoor Lack of experience
distribution ducts and Chill Beams are installed without climate adaptability/
following the requirements of the producer flexibility
> Draft
Architectural solution with windows in aluminum Figure 1. Figure A Facilities Manager’s typology of
cassettes bolted to the outside of the facade performance gaps.
> Temperatures in the Cassettes up to 72°C, inner surface
temperature measured on the glass 35–40°C
• Radiators are heating, also in the summer The complexity of buildings and the variety of causes
• Solar screens operate after a control sequence that is
not described for the performance gap indicate the challenge to
• The whole cooling system is running constantly – also implement an effective quality management.
in the winter – to keep IT-installations cold
Quality Management
• The owner’s indoor climate requirements are not met Somehow, quality management is of course a part of
• Indoor conditions are so bad that it is not allowed to any building. Construction needs verifiable calculations
have employees working in the building for their statics that are engineered and cross-checked,
• 50% dissatisfied employees
• Energy consumption out of control
concepts for fire protection need to be defined in early
• Costly renewal of all technical installations and new design stages and should be tested before handover and
cooling and ventilation concept necessitating new every elevator is frequently being inspected. Usually,
installations above ceilings and new ceiling system to these tests are being carried out by a third party along
be implemented while the building is in use well-defined testing procedures usually by technical
experts for the very field.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 51
Building performance as a whole though is not covered requirements and thereby establishing a quality control
by an effective quality management process. In fact, loop for building performance. The service focusses
well-defined third-party testing is often only applied in on the precise definition of requirements as the basis
the still very rare buildings undergoing a certification for quality management and the application of testing
process for sustainability, e.g. DGNB, HQE, BREEAM procedures for those requirements.
or LEED. They give credits for the application of
certain quality management procedures. The quality control loop as defined for technical
monitoring consists of four essential elements listed
Sustainability Management in Table 1.
Commissioning Management Table 1. Phases of the quality control loop for technical
52 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
If these four elements are implemented well into a The Commissioning process starts in the pre-design
building project, usually starting with the definition of phase and formally ends one year after completion. It
“testable” requirements in the design phase, TMon can does not take over any of the activities, that the designers
deliver a timely and very cost-effective support for any and the contractors are already hired to do; they still
building project. In addition to the immediate control have to manage the quality of their own delivery and
loop within a project, TMon also sets up a long tail balance their own installations.
loop: It allows to derive reliable experiences to learn
for future projects. Commissioning (Cx) follows a broader scope than
TMon. In addition to the “pure” specification and
Since TMon is based upon individual functional target testing within Technical Monitoring, Cx includes a
values, it can be applied with an individually defined variety of additional services ranging from checking
scope e.g. on individual systems and values. The option the of design documents, operationability, for example
to choose an appropriate scope supports the cost effec- the accessibility of air handling units for maintenance
tiveness of the service. services to functional testing of systems (Life-cycle
cost calculations are good tools for that), O&M docu-
Commissioning (Cx) mentation and supervision of building maintenance
When we talk about Commissioning, we talk about personnel training.
a process. Commissioning is often misunderstood
as “testing in the end”. The direct translation of the The Commissioning Process can be illustrated in a
English word has led to many misunderstandings. It simplified manner as shown in Figure 5.
is therefore essential that
we distinguish between the
“event of commissioning” What can go wrong? • Communication issues
betwen phases
which means “starting up”
• New players – different
and the “Commissioning language
Process” that consists of a • No time for proper QA
sequence of activities spread
throughout the construction
process, from the pre-design
Pre-design Design Construction Operations
phase to at least one year
into operation. • Owners Requirements • Design is not following • Construction not • Documentation not focused
are too fluffy the requirements according to design on owners O&M
• Building programme • Calculations and • Details lost in cross- • Staff not trained to operate
Many building owners are simulations are not disciplinary work with and maintain the building
with intentions instead
asking “Why do I have to of measureable supporting technical many subcontractors according to the
pay for Commissioning, has requirements function involved requirements
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 53
Flowchart interdependence between deliveries for typical HVAC start-up, balancing and verification
Heating Ventilation BMS Electrical supply Cooling
Mechanical Complete: Mechanical Complete: Mechanical Complete: Mechanical Complete: Mechanical Complete:
Heat-exch./boiler installed Ventilation units installed BMS switchboards Transformer Heat exchanger
Piping installed Ducts installed Cabling Main switchboard Chiller
Valves installed All accessories, diffusers, Software Sub-switchboards Condenser cooler
grilles etc. installed Piping
QA complete incl. normative req. QA of the above complete incl. QA of the above complete incl. QA of the above complete QA complete incl. normative req.
[List relevant chapters in local, normative req. normative req. [List relevant chapters in local, [List relevant chapters in local,
EN or ISO norms and standards] [List relevant chapters in local, [List relevant chapters in local, EN or ISO norms and standards] EN or ISO norms and standards]
EN or ISO norms and standards] EN or ISO norms and standards]
Balancing water flow Tightness test Point-to-Point test Data network and Verifying Cooling Central
according to [norm] according to [norm] according to [Norm] switches etc. OK safety systems
Analysis & No Water flow Yes Balancing airflow Balancing Cooling System
Correction OK according to [norm] according to [norm]
SAT test heating system SAT test ventilation system SAT test BMS SAT test cooling system
*QA, documentation & O&M *QA, documentation & O&M *QA, documentation & O&M *QA, documentation & O&M *QA, documentation & O&M
Prerequisite. Dark green boxes contains prerequisites. Documentation for fulfilled prerequisite must be shown. [Text in square brackets] refers to the
corresponding norm. Local domestic norms must be
Contractor Action. Yellow boxes are actions with an accompanying document reporting the action. activated, preferably related to EN, ISO or other
international documents.
Acceptance. Blue diamonds show acceptance by the CxP.
*QA, documentation & O&M. All QA is completed.
Issue. Red hexagons for issues to solve. All issues solved and accepted by the
commissioning provider. Documentation, drawings
Commissioning Action. Light green boxes are Cx or TM actions with an accompanying document reporting the action. and descriptions exists. O&M exists.
FigureEuropean HVAC
6. Pre-required Journal
data for technical–monitoring
Special and
issue for ACREX[©India
commissioning. 2019
Ole Teisen exhibition
2018, Sweco A/S]
Why it
Whyis important
it is important
to start
to start
early early
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 55
[1] Helle Lohmann Rasmussen (2018). A Facilities Manager’s typology of performance gaps, Technical University of Denmark.
[2] Stefan Plesser et al. (2018) „GA Spec&Check. Entwicklung und Erprobung einer Methodik zur Beschreibung, Abnahme und
Überwachung von Funktionen der Gebäudeautomation“, Technische Universität Braunschweig.
[3] Evan Mills Mills, E. P. (2009): Building Commission - A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse-Gas
Emissions. California: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
[4] Mai, Ronny (2016). “8 Jahre Energetische Inspektion von Klimaanlagen – ein Status Quo“, ILK Dresden.
56 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
oday, professionals face new challenges in difficult for end-users. In this context the Euro-
complying with the objectives of carbon foot- vent Certita Certification provides an easy and
print reduction and addressing the constraints straightforward way to get up to date, trustful and
of building code regulations that require precise calcu- exhaustive data.
lations based on performance data.
Such information can be (and are already) used
In addition, with the rising costs of energy and the in various voluntary and regulatory compliance
growing demand for cooling in buildings, supermar- schemes.
kets, or data centers, monitoring energy consumption
is becoming key to reduce both the financial and envi- With this special issue of the RHEVA journal, we
ronmental impact. welcome the opportunity to present our Third-
Party performance certification expertise and
In this challenging and fast-moving context, reliable know-how.
product performance has become a main driver for
business decisions and product investments. When it
comes to reducing the energy bill, third-party certifica-
tion offers a real value.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 57
Product Certification
Coming soon...
Less New certification programmes
reliability and
independence Condensing units
In 2018 we successfully launched our certification
programme for condensing units designed for commer-
• We operate with the commissions responsible for the cial and industrial refrigeration applications. The scope
harmonisation and the integrity of our certification programmes,
including authorities, end-user groups, scientific and technical
is intended to include air-cooled condensing units as
bodies, and manufacturer associations. defined in regulation 2015/1095:
• All 30 laboratories and testing agencies that are a part of the
Eurovent Certita Certification process are regularly assessed •• integrating at least one electrically driven compressor
according to ISO 17025. They are located in 11 countries •• integrating at least one condenser,
capable of cooling down and continuously
• Our testing protocols include independent tests, manufacturing
audits, selection software checks, product sampling, product
maintaining low or medium temperature inside
purchasing, cross data coherence algorithms per product a refrigerated appliance or system, using a vapour
family, and product dismantling after testing. compression cycle once connected to an evaporator
and an expansion device.
58 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
By a simple, 24/7
connection to our website
features and values such as the PROJECT IDENTIFICATION - This product performance report is delivered for:
reports Important n otice:
Data featured in this report are valid at the d ate of issue . The scope of this product performance report does not include all
certified data that can be checked at http://www.euro
This product performance report is valid only for above product features and should not be referred to as a Diploma.
reports II.
This product performance report is valid only for above product features and should not be referred
certified data that can be checked at
Data featured in this report
Important n otice:
to as a Diploma.
are valid at the d ate of issue . The scope of this product performance report does not include all
product Product r eference
Certification Diploma N° 07 - 09 - 356
The Launching Committee (LC) oversees the specific 11-15 March ISH
requirements for product evaluation by preparing the 12-13 March Data Centre World
relevant reference documents as well as guidance on the
9-11 April China Refrigeration Expo
choice of laboratory.
26-29 May Clima 2019
Should you be interested in participating or just 10-13 Sept Febrava
willing to get further information: Please contact us at
[email protected] 2-5 Oct ISK Sodex
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 59
Product Certification
Indoor Climate
Chilled Beams (CB)*
Rooftops (RT)*
Evaporating Cooling
IT Cooling (ITCU)*
60 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate
Scope of certification
Certified characteristics & tolerances
This Certification Programme applies to all Active
and Passive Chilled Beams. Chilled Beams are present- Cooling capacity: 3 conditions are required.
ed by ranges but all ranges must be certified. This ap- • Active: 80 – 100 – 120% of the nominal air flow
plies to all product ranges which have either catalogue rate (for 8°C temperature difference)
leaflets with product details including technical data • Passive: 6 – 8 – 10°C temperature difference
or similar product information in electronic format. Tolerance = 12% and +24% for the 3 single values; −6% for the
average value.
Certification requirements Water pressure drop: tolerance = maximum (2 kPa; 10%)
For the qualification procedure: 3 units are selected
ECC Reference documents
from regular production and tested in the independent
Laboratory selected by Eurovent Certita Certification. • Certification manual
• Operational Manual OM-12
For the repetition procedures (yearly): the number of • Rating Standard RS 2/C/001
units selected is limited to 1 unit/range.
Testing standards
Obtained performances shall be compared with the
values presented in the catalogues or electronic selec-
• EN 14518: “Testing and rating of Passive Chilled
tion from manufacturer’s website. • EN 15116: “Testing and rating of Active Chilled
Scope of certification
units are tested at part load conditions. AC2 & AC3:
This certification programme includes: 10% of the units declared are selected and tested by
• AC1: comfort air cooled AC and air to an independent laboratory.
air HP with cooling capacity up to 12 kW, except
double duct and single duct units. Certified characteristics & tolerances
• AC2: comfort units with cooling capacity from
• Capacity (cooling and heating) −5%
12 to 50 kW
• AC3: comfort units with cooling capacity from • Efficiency (EER and COP) at standard rating
50 to 100 kW conditions and part loads: −8%
• AC1 Seasonal Efficiency (SEER and SCOP): −0%
This programme applies to factory-made units in- (automatically rerated when Part Load efficiency
tended to produce cooled air for comfort air con- criteria fails)
ditioning (AC1, AC2, AC3). It also applies to units • AC2 & AC3 Seasonal Efficiency (SEER/ηsc and
intended for both cooling and heating by reversing SCOP/ηsh): −0% (automatically rerated when Part
the cycle. AC1 programme units out of Regulation Load efficiency criteria fails)
206/2012 are excluded. AC2 and AC3 programme • A-weighted sound power level +0 dB (A)
Auxiliary power +10%
units out of Regulation 2016/2281 are excluded.
• Minimum continuous operation Load Ratio:
Participating Companies must certify all production LRcontmin [%], COP/EER at LRcontmin and
models within the scope of the programme. For mul- Performance correction coefficient at LRcontmin
ti-split air conditioners, the number of indoor units CcpLRcontmin.
is limited to 2, with same mounting type and capacity ECC Reference documents
ratio 1±0.05. However, AC2 & AC3 units with 3 or 4
indoor units can be declared as an option. • Certification manual
• Operational Manual OM-1
• Rating Standard RS 6/C/001 • RS 6/C/001A •
Certification requirements RS 6/C/006
For the qualification & yearly repetition procedures:
AC1: 8% of the units declared are selected and tested Testing standards
by an independent laboratory, and 30% of the selected • EN 14511 • EN 14825 • EN 12102
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 61
Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate
European Heat Pumps The programmes AC, VRF, RT & LCP-HP also participate
to the programme European Heat Pump
62 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 63
Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate
64 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate
The Eurovent rooftop certification (RT) program covers The next challenges of the programme will be the
air-cooled packaged rooftop cooling only and revers- taking into account of the free cooling for the cooling
ible units below 100 kW (in cooling mode), with an op- efficiency and the heat recovery mode for the 3 & 4
tion to certify air to air units from 100 kW to 200 kW and damper rooftops, but obviously, the software certifi-
water-cooled packages rooftops. cation will be a key item to comply with existing and
coming certification of building energy calculations in
The Rooftop program regroups 11 participants of which the EU countries.
the five main European manufacturers.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 65
Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate
Launched in 2013, the VRF programme started with a The VRF program has prepared this change during
restricted scope: outdoor units up to 50 kW, testable 2017, testing the first units at the part load conditions
combinations up to limited number of indoor units and extreme ambient temperature (up to –10 kW) in
(2 cassettes or 4 ducted units). But it was a first step to order to be able to publish from Mid-2018:
increase the integrity of the products performances on
- certified SEER and ηsc for the cooling mode
the market.
- certified SCOP and ηsh for the heating mode
From 2015, an annual factory audit has completed the Early 2018, the VRF program regroups hence-
requirements of the VRF programme. forth 15 participants of which the world’s leading
From 2018, an extended scope is proposed:
- Outdoor units up to 100 kW
- Combinations up to 8 indoor units (cassette or
ducted) depending of the outdoor unit capacity Mr Arnaud Lacourt
- Certified seasonal efficiencies (according to Ecodesign Head of Thermodynamics
Department, Eurovent
Regulation No 2016/2281, applicable from 2018) Certita Certification
66 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 67
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
68 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 69
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
Scope of certification • For the repetition procedure (annually):
This certification programme applies to the fans types N = Nfactories with Nfactories the number of factories
that are intended to be used as Air Handling Units involved in the certified range production.
components. The performances measured by the independent labo-
ratory (or available in the reports) are compared to the
Certification requirements selection software output data.
The certification scheme is based on product perfor-
mance testing by independent testing laboratories as Certified characteristics & tolerances
well as manufacturing facility auditing and selection • Static pressure difference (−4% or −15 Pa)
software checking.
• Shaft power, including bearings (FAN-I) (+3%)
Two sub-programmes enable distinguishing perfor-
mances certified for an impeller basic assembly on the
• Impeller efficiency (FAN-I) (−5 percentage points)
one hand (sub-programme FAN-I) and for a complete • Maximum fan speed (FAN-I) (−5%)
assembly on the other hand (sub-programme FAN-C). • Motor (electrical) input power (FAN-C) (+3%)
In both cases, the fan assembly is evaluated in accord-
ance with a wire-to-air approach. This approach con- • Drive/control (electrical) input power (FAN-C) (+3%)
sists in assessing the fan performance from the electric • Overall (static) efficiency (FAN-C)(−5 percentage
wire to the air discharge, accounting for all the com- points)
ponents involved in the air stream generation that af- • Inlet/outlet LWfc by octave bands at
fect the performance data. 125 Hz (FAN-C) (+5 dB)
• For qualification (entry year) and repetition • Inlet/outlet LWfc by octave bands for
procedures (annually): 2 models (+ 1 extra model in 250 Hz - 8000 Hz (FAN-C) (+3 dB)
case of confirmed failure) are selected from regular
production and tested in independent laboratory ECC Reference documents
+ N aerodynamic test reports are provided by the
applicant/participant. • Certification manual
• Operational manual OM-22
• For qualification (entry year): N = Max (Nimpeller; • Rating standard RS 1/C/001
Nmotor; Ndrive) with Nimpeller the number of impeller
sizes; Nmotor the number of motor sizes and Ndrive the Testing standards
number of drive types available in the range.
• ISO 5801:2007
• ISO 13347-2:2004
70 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 71
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
72 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 73
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
Heating Cooling Coils (HCCs) which enable the con- Scope of certification
ditioning of different zones and flexibility in applica- The rating standard applies to coils operating:
tion in buildings are generally employed in compact
and central station AHU. To meet the required extra – with water or with a 0–50% ethylene-glycol mix-
capacity in various processes, they are also used as ture, acting as cooling or heating fluid.
heating or cooling devices.
– and without fans.
With the application of these coils to high energy
efficient heat recovery systems, the entire system Certification requirements
becomes more compact as well as it avoids occupa- • Qualification and repetition procedures: units
tion of large spaces. Besides, they can be applied to declared will be selected and tested by an
Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems used for condi- independent laboratory.
tioning of hospitals, shopping centers and conven- • The number of units will depend on the variety of
tion facilities. coil material configurations and their applications
for the applied range.
The Certification programme for the HCCs has in- • The selection software will be verified in
creased integrity and accuracy of the industrial per- comparison with the test results.
formance ratings which provides clear benefits for • On-site audits (checking of software)
end users who can be confident that the product will
operate in accordance with design specifications. Also, Certified characteristics & tolerances
by means of this certification programme users can col-
lect reference data on the fundamental characteristics
• Capacity: −7%
of the HCCs, such as capacity, pressure drop, mass flow
• Air side pressure drop: +20%
complying with the standard of EN 1216.
• Liquid side pressure drop: +20%
74 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 75
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
Evaporating Cooling
Scope of certification the IEC sub programme, the tests will be performed
The programme for Evaporative Cooling is divided in the laboratory of the manufacturer supervised by
in three sub-programmes, as it applies to Evaporative an expert from an independent laboratory.
Cooling units in the following groups:
• Direct Evaporative Cooling (DEC)
Certified characteristics & tolerances
–– Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) • Cooling Capacity (all sub-programmes)
–– With primary outside air • Air flow (all sub-programmes)
–– With separation of external and room air • Efficiency (all sub-programmes)
• Water consumption (all sub-programme)
• Evaporative Cooling Equipment (ECE) • Wet and dry pressure drop (ECE only)
–– Water spray system
–– Wet media ECC Reference documents
–– Ultrasonic unit
• Certification manual
Certification requirements • Operational Manual OM
• Rating Standard RS 9/C/004-005-006
All products of a declared range that fall into the
relevant sub-programme scope and are promoted by Testing standards
the Applicant/Participant shall be certified. This is a • For direct evaporating cooling
certification by range. AS 2913-2000 standard RS9/C/004
The certification programme is based on product
• For indirect evaporating cooling
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 143-2015 RS9/C/005
performance testing by independent laboratories as • For evaporating cooling equipment
well as manufacturing facility auditing. In the case of ASHRAE 133-2015 RS9/C/006
76 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 77
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
78 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
The historical ESEER, first seasonal efficiency for cool- chillers and the seasonal energy performance ratio
ing, created in 2007 by Eurovent Certita Certification, (SEPR) for process chillers.
and deeply recognized on the European Market is
living its last moments. Scope of certification
With the implementation of the new Ecodesign • This programme applies to standard chillers
Regulation No 2016/2281, the year 2018 will be a and hydronic heat pumps used for heating, air
crucial year for the chillers industry. The European conditioning and refrigeration.
Market has to change its reference efficiency and • They may operate with any type of compressor
turn towards SEER and ηsc, the new seasonal efficien- (hermetic, semi-hermetic and open) but only
cies for cooling mode. electrically driven chillers are included.
• Only refrigerants authorized in EU are considered.
The LCP-HP program has prepared this change since Chillers may be air cooled, liquid cooled or
2 years, testing yearly a significant number of units evaporative cooled.
at the new part load conditions in order to be able Can be certified as an option:
to publish from January 2018, certified SEER and ηsc. • Heating-only hydronic heat pumps, 60 Hz units,
The SEER has to become the new reference also for 4-pipe units, Air-cooled units between 600 kW and
the certification program. 1500kW,
Water-cooled units above 1500 kW.
Moreover, the scope of the program has been ex-
tended for 2018:
Certification requirements
- Previously limited to 1500 kW, the water-cooled
Qualification and repetition: a certain number of units
chillers above 1500 kW can be henceforth certified
will be selected by Eurovent Certita Certification and
in option, up to the maximum capacity of the
manufacturer laboratory. tested every year, based on the number of ranges and
- The 4 pipe units can be certified also in option. products declared.
Although the program was originally attended for Certified characteristics & tolerances
comfort chillers, it is important to remind that pro-
cess chillers and their SEPR can also be certified as • Cooling & heating capacity, EER & COP at
an option. standard rating conditions, TER : < −5%
• Seasonal efficiencies SCOP & ηs: automatically
Lastly, face to these recently regulatory changes for rerated when Part Load efficiency criteria fails
the industry, the certification will be always a strong • Seasonal efficiencies SEER & ηsc: automatically
way to guaranty the reliability of our declared perfor- rerated when Part Load efficiency criteria fails
mances to our clients. • Seasonal efficiency SEPR: automatically rerated
when Part Load efficiency criteria fails
• A-weighted sound power level: > +3 dB(A)
(> +2 dB(A) for units with Pdesignh below 70 kW)
• Water pressure drop: +15%
Committee chair:
Mr Rafael Berzosas
Water Cooled Chillers Product Manager Testing standards
Trane Europe, Middle East & Africa
• Performance testing: EN 14511
• Seasonal Performance testing: EN 14825
According to the last Ecodesign Regulations (No
• Sound testing: EN 12102
811/2013 - No 813/2013 – No 2016/2281) the pro-
gramme proposes the certification of Seasonal effi-
ECC Reference documents
ciency for heating (ηs & SCOP) for Chillers & Heat • Certification manual
pumps with a design capacity below 70kW, Seasonal • Operational Manual OM-3
efficiency for cooling (ηsc & SEER) for all comfort • Rating Standard RS 6/C003 – RS 6/C/003A
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 79
Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain
Maurizio Dell’Eva
Project manager
80 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Send information of your event to Ms Giulia Marenghi [email protected]
Exhibitions 2019
27 February - 1 March WSED 2019 Wels, Austria
24-30 August ICR 2019 - 25th IIR International Montreal, Canada
Congress of Refrigeration
15-16 October AIVC 2019 Conference - From energy Ghent, Belgium
crisis to sustainable indoor climate
Upcoming events
The future of
The future of
The future
Member of Integral Group
EHVA is attending Futurebuild (ExCel, with a common purpose of sharing knowledge. The
In partnership with
London, 5-7 March 2019): the exhibition, Knowledge Forum is also the perfect venue to showcase
issued from the former Ecobuild Conference the results of REHVA’s European R&I projects: the
brand, is focused on showcasing the latest innovations, QUANTUM Project workshop “Quality manage-
products and materials and sharing unrivalled insights to ment for building performance - Lighthouse exam-
help building services professionals to tackle the biggest ples and tools from the QUANTUM methodology”
challenges facing the built environment industry. @FuturebuildNow will be held there on Tuesday, 5th/FuturebuildNow
March, fromFuturebuildNow
Design and Engineering
UCL Institute for Environmental
UCL Energy Institute
/FuturebuildNow /FuturebuildNow
to 16.10.
In partnership with
You will find REHVA at the Knowledge Forum, a dedi-
cated central forum that will bring together academia, We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth, UCL Energy Institute
universities, key professional bodies, partners and stand D133elementa at the Knowledge Forum, from 5 to 7
UCL Institute for Environmental
Design and Engineering
Member of Integral Group
In partnership with
In partnership with
82 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Upcoming events
Friday, 28 February 2019, 15:00-17:30 IST
International Lounge, Hall 1, BEC, Mumbai
15 :00 -16 :00
Dr.-Ing. Jyotirmay Mathur is Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Malaviya
EHVA-ISHRAE seminar on the ”High
National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (India). Dr. Mathur has published 70
Performance Educational Buildings and their
research papers in referred international journals and has presented more than
Indoor Environmental Quality“ will be held
during the ACREX 2019, 150onpapers/talks
Friday 28 of international
February seminars / conference, authored 6 books and
2019, from 15:00 to 17:30h 20 doctoral
in Mumbai, India. candidates. He works in the field of energy planning and
modeling, energy conservation in buildings, renewable energy system
REHVA speakers at the sessions codes
will be Atze and standards related to building energy efficiency, Indoor
REHVA Vice-President,Environment Quality,
Livio Mazzarella, and HVAC equipment. Dr. Mathur has been part of many
Technology and Research Committee
National andCo-Chair and
international committees, and has been part of several
Maija Virta, CEO at Santrupti Engineers,
International REHVA
research projects. Currently he is also the Dean of Research and
fellow and ISHRAE member. Mr. Boestra
Consultancy will discuss
at MNIT Jaipur.
on Indoor Air Quality, Mr. Mazzarela will present the
visual and acoustic comfort requirements and Mrs.
Maija Virta will have a session on Measuring IAQ in
educational buildings: old Shivahandled
school Nagendra, SM isvspresently working as Professor in Department of Civil
Photo by Darshan Gajara on Unsplash
continuous measurements Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai India. He has more
with sensor networks.
than 19 years' research experience in the field of air quality monitoring,
Due to the REHVA knowledge platform
modelling, cooperation control and policy implications. He has published
with international partners, REHVA and
more than 50 research ISHRAE publications in refereed journals, one reference book,
are also launching a common guidebook on Building
and 100 papers in conferences.
Commissioning Guidelines which is planned to be
published in May 2019.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 83
Upcoming events
Friday, 28 February 2019, 15:00-17:30 IST
International Lounge, Hall 1, BEC, Mumbai
14:30 Registration
15:00 Welcome and introduction
Chandrasekaran SUBRAMANIAM, ISHRAE President
15:10 Proposal for universal Indoor Environmental Quality Requirements for classrooms
Dr. Atze BOERSTRA, REHVA Vice-President (TBC)
15:35 Indian IEQ standards – presenting ISHRAE Research Project findings (TBC)
Prof. Dr. Jyotirmay MATHUR and Dr. Shiv NAGENDRA, ISHRAE members
16:25 Retrofit for Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency – Case study of a College Building in Mumbai
Dr. Roshni UDYAVAR, ISHRAE member
Measuring IAQ in educational buildings: old school handled approach vs continuous
measurement with sensor networks (TBC)
Maija VIRTA, REHVA fellow and ISHRAE member
Questions & Answers and Closing Remarks
Frank Hovorka, REHVA President-elect
84 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Upcoming events
Friday, 28 February 2019, 15:00-17:30 IST
International Lounge, Hall 1, BEC, Mumbai
15 :00 -16 :00
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 85
Upcoming events
Friday, 28 February 2019, 15:00-17:30 IST
International Lounge, Hall 1, BEC, Mumbai
16 :30 -17 :3 0
86 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Upcoming events
SH sets trends for sustainable heating and air-
conditioning technology as well as intelligent
home systems. ISH meets the growing demand
for comfort, convenience, individualisation, well-being
and aesthetics. Integrated solutions are able to cover all
these requirements and make a decisive contribution to
energy efficient and resource-friendly building systems.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 87
Upcoming events
88 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Upcoming events
Built Environment Facing Climate Change
he 13th REHVA Congress, CLIMA 2019, held CLIMA 2019 proposed sub-themes are: Criteria for
from 26th till 29th of May in Romania, will thermal environment and ventilation; HVAC in residen-
address, under the heading ”Built environment tial buildings and schools; Demand controlled, hybrid
facing climate change”, four main topics - all related to and passive HVAC systems, Filtration, air cleaning and
the built environment, the biggest energy consumer of air distribution; Solar thermal and PV systems; Heat
a given national or regional economy: pumps and refrigeration; Natural and mechanical smoke
extraction systems; Water and wastewater systems and
I. Modern HVAC&R&S Technology and Indoor components etc.
Environmental Quality
II. High Energy Performance and Sustainable High Energy Performance and
Buildings Sustainable Buildings
III. Information and Communication Technologies Buildings shall be constructed and renovated with
(ICT) for the Intelligent Building Management an appreciation of the importance of providing high-
IV. Sustainable Urbanization and Energy System quality and sustainable interior environments, with
Integration minimum costs for all users.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 89
Upcoming events
•• more than 100 CLIMA 2019 ambassadors and 50 •• Give back to the scientific community getting to
partners promoting this event worldwide; establish goodwill and showing the community that
•• more than 1000 attendees (researchers, engineers, you’re a reliable promoter that’s able and willing to
architects, students etc.); support all things local; think of partnership as a
•• more than 750 papers (with a special care for the way of giving back to the technical and scientific
selection of those to be published in like Scopus or community and thanking them for their support.
Web of Science indexed journals).
•• more than 20 technical and scientific workshops.
Federation of
You can find more details on our website European Heating,
Ventilation and or ask for more information at our Air Conditioning
e-desk found on [email protected]. Associations
90 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Upcoming events
Short description: Recent developments of nearly zero and zero energy requirements in EU and Japan are discussed
and possibilities to benchmark NZEB performance levels in different climates and countries will be analysed in more
general. The aim is to show how energy performance requirements are set and how these can be compared so that
climatic differences, national input data and calculation rules are taken into account.
Short description: Recent research findings, their interpretation and meaning for ventilation system sizing is
discussed with the aim to establish evidence-based design criteria of ventilation rates for residential and non-
residential buildings. The workshop attempts to summarize existing evidence, possible knowledge gaps and to specify
further actions what are needed to implement evidence-based ventilation rate values into future indoor climate
standards such as EN 16798-1:2019 and possibly some other ventilation standards.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 91
Upcoming events
Short description: The EPB Center ( has been set up to support the uptake of the (CEN and CEN
ISO) Energy Performance of Buildings standards developed under EC Mandate M/480, by providing tailored
information, technical assistance and capacity building services for involved stakeholders. The purpose of this
workshop is to inform the participants about the ongoing activities, more importantly to interact and obtain feedback
from professionals involved or interested in the EPB assessment and in the implementation of the relate d articles of
the recently revised EPBD.
Short description: This workshop will present the wide spectrum of tools supported by BACS to improve and optimize
HVAC systems’ performance and make it transparent to building owners and operators. Speakers will present
requirements of the revised EPBD, discuss the role of BACS in ongoing commissioning with outlook to the future,
present BACS supported technical monitoring tools and introduce the COPILOT commissioning certification scheme
developed with contribution of REHVA Member Associations and other partners.
Short description: HybridGEOTABS refers to the integration of GEOTABS (Geothermal heat pumps in combination
with Thermally Activated Building Systems) with secondary heating and cooling systems. This technology offers huge
potential to meet heating and cooling needs throughout Europe in a sustainable way, while providing a very
comfortable conditioning of the indoor space. This workshop will discuss the effects of radiant heating and cooling
systems on IEQ, as well as the proper design of hybridGEOTABS buildings.
Short description: New buildings and deep retrofits with their sophisticated systems for heating, cooling and air
conditioning are rather complicated technical systems. Especially, building automation and control systems have
added complexity to building projects. As a consequence, the performance gap appeared. Quality management, a
process of supporting the fulfilment of requirements, can solve this problem. The workshop will present the current
stage of quality management for building performance. This workshop is part of the project ‘QUANTUM – Quality
management for building performance’ and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 680529.
92 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Upcoming events
Short description: the workshop is organised by the H2020 projects TripleA-reno and MOBISTYLE, which both adopted
a people-centred approach to improve the performance of the European building stock reaching beyond the focus on
technology-driven solutions. The workshop will introduce the TripleA-reno and MOBISTYLE open ICT solutions,
followed by a dynamic interactive brainstorm session around the following questions: What problems can the gamified
platforms and ICT solutions solve for the engineering branch? Why these open platforms are better than the existing
ones? What results do these projects offer for engineers and manufacturers? Who are the users of these innovative
solutions and how can we better deliver the tools to them?
Short description: This workshop presents how the power of the cloud can benefit the HVAC industry, by facilitating
the exchange of information between stakeholders, it can affect the entire lifecycle of a building. The design,
commissioning, operation and maintenance can leverage the cloud as a medium to store and share information,
configure and monitor devices, and provide a gateway to integrate technologies. It provides a medium for
transparency, intelligent monitoring, and optimization.
Short description: The discussion would address questions such as: we have the ability to design good buildings and
the knowledge to operate them in an effective and efficient manner – so why doesn’t it happen? Why doesn’t the
design feed through to performance-in-use? “The performance gap”, with increased energy usage of between 200-
450%: what are causes and how can this be remedied? What is the effect on the asset and its value from poor
performance? The second session will be a showcase for high performance buildings in Romania – Where 4 cases where
presented and then the discussion on how the sustainable performance and certification was achieved.
Short description: The discussion would present the results of a literature review aimed at exploring how to
integrate the health and performance effects on building occupants into the economic benefits of the antibacterial
filter. In detail, the research focuses on the methods used to evaluate costs and benefits produced by the application
of a biocidal filter, comparing it with a traditional one, by means of computing both direct costs (related to
hospitalization and antibiotic treatment) and indirect costs (mainly identified with the loss of working days).
Therefore, this workshop will try to enhance the focus on energy technology developing an analysis of the impact
on human health and employee performance.
REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition 93
Upcoming events
Short description: As quality is critical to risk management, Eurovent Certita Certification have developed a portfolio
of solutions to help you derisk your products and projects. Third party certification provides the best assurance that
“you get what it says on the box”. This reassurance adds value as it de-risks products and projects. Eurovent offers
third party certification of HVAC products and projects. They cover the entire lifecycle of HVAC from manufacture
to installed operation.
The workshop will introduce you to:
1. ECP certification programme: focus on Indoor Air Quality
2. HVAC Products data from PIM to BIM: PRODBIM
3. The installation and operation of HVAC equipment: COPILOT Building Commissioning Solutions
Short description: The workshop is organised by the H2020 projects iBRoad (Individual Building Renovation
Roadmaps) and Fit-to-NZEB (…) together with Grundfos Romania representing the BetterHome initiative. The
workshop focuses on developing and combining effective tools to facilitate deep energy renovation of existing
building stock at high performance levels in order to support the achievement of decarbonising targets for 2050.
94 REHVA European HVAC Journal – Special issue for ACREX India 2019 exhibition
Leaders in Building Services
– Network of 27 European HVAC Associations joining 120 000 professionals
REHVA Office: Rue Washington 40, 1050 Brussels - Belgium – Tel: + 32 2 514 11 71 –[email protected] –
REHVA Guidebooks