The European HVAC Journal: Rehva

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Federation of
European HVAC Journal
European Heating,
Ventilation and
Air Conditioning Volume: 53 Issue: 2 M a r c h 2 016 w w w.

Indoor Environment
Product cer tification

Designing an Ventilative cooling

energy efficient and design for a large office
comfortable building building

Evaluation of indoor The new Eurovent

environment and energy efficiency label
energy consumption for central ventilation
in dwellings before units
and after their PAGE 27


M A IN T HE ME S Clima 2016


CLIMA2016 CONFERENCE May 22-25, 2016


European HVAC Journal Download the articles from -> REHVA Journal
Volume: 53 Issue: 2 March 2016
EDITORIAL 56 Air Conditioning of St Mary’s
Editor-in-Chief: Jaap Hogeling
Archeological Church, Cairo
[email protected] 5 Harmonised assessment procedures for
the Building Energy Performance Essam E. Khalil
Associate Editor: Stefano Corgnati, Italy
[email protected] declaration or certification are essential
62 Indoor Environment Quality at Schools:
to support our industry towards
General Executive: Süleyman Bulak (Nearly) Zero Energy Performing A training project of the students and
Editorial Assistant: Cynthia Despradel Buildings by or after 2020 teachers in İzmir (Turkey)
Jaap Hogeling Sait Cemil Sofuoglu

President: Karel Kabele
7 Designing an energy efficient and 64 The HVAC&R market in the EMEA
Vice Presidents:
comfortable building region – Eurovent Market Intelligence
Stefano Corgnati
Ioan Silviu Dobosi Peter Simmonds
Egils Dzelzitis
65 Natural air conditioning with Earth,
Frank Hovorka
13 Evaluation of indoor environment Wind & Fire presents opportunities for
Jarek Kurnitski and energy consumption in dwellings vacant office spaces
Manuel Carlos Gameiro da Silva before and after their refurbishment
Hana Bukovianska Pustayová 66 Attendance High for ASHRAE Winter
EDITORIAL BOARD - 2016 Veronika Földváry & Dušan Petráš Conference, AHR Expo
Francis Allard, France
Ahmet Arısoy, Turkey 21 Ventilative cooling design for a large PRODUCT NEWS
Jan Aufderheijde, the Netherlands office building
Marianna Brodatch, Russia Guilherme Carrilho da Graça, Daniel P. Albuquerque & 68 Daikin ECH2O domestic hot water heat
Vincenc Butala, Slovenia pump
Maria M. Lerer
Francesca R. d’Ambrosio, Italy
Ioan Silviu Dobosi, Romania 27 The new Eurovent energy efficiency 68 NF-Air Cleaners
Egils Dzelzitis, Latvia
label for central ventilation units
Andy Ford, UK
Martin Törpe REHVA WORLD
Signhild Gehlin, Sweden
Jaap Hogeling, the Netherlands
29 Certified Performance Database as a 70 REHVA organised a successful seminar
Karel Kabele, Czech Republic at the ASHRAE winter meeting 2016
Jarek Kurnitski, Estonia tool for quality and compliance
Sylvain Courtey as part of the track: Cutting-Edge
Zoltan Magyar, Hungary
Eduardo Maldonado, Portugal Technologies
Livio Mazzarella, Italy 31 New challenges for heat pump
Renato Merati, Italy certification 71 The 12th REHVA World Congress –
Birgit Müller, Germany François-Xavier Ball CLIMA 2016 will be held in Aalborg,
Natasa Nord, Norway Denmark on May 22-25, 2016
Bjarne W. Olesen, Denmark 37 Certified thermal performance testing
Branimir Pavkovic, Croatia provides value for money and has a 72 FINVAC Seminar on “The Impact of CE
Dušan Petráš, Slovakia proven positive impact on the actual Marking and EU Regulation on HVAC
Olli Seppänen, Finland system cost Industry and Profession”
Jose Tadoro, Spain Georg Mager & Ian Butler
Branislav Todorovic, Serbia 74 REHVA Workshops at CLIMA 2016
Maija Virta, Finland 40 European Certification of HVAC&R conference in Aalborg May 22-25, 2016
Peter Wouters, Belgium products
Erick Melquiond 75 Short descriptions of the REHVA
Ms Cynthia Despradel 43 Certification Programmes for domestic,
[email protected] commercial and industrial facilities 80 EVENTS
REHVA OFFICE: Advertisers
Washington Street 40
1050 Brussels, Belgium 99 Clima 2016...... Front cover interior 99 Swegon....................................... 61
Tel: 32-2-5141171, Fax: 32-2-5129062
[email protected],
99 ISK-SODEX Istanbul 2016.......... 4 99 Uponor....................................... 67
99 Lindab.......................................... 6 99 Belimo........................................ 69
PUBLISHER 99 Halton........................................ 26 99 Friterm....................................... 73
99 Eurovent Certita Certification.... 36 99 AMCA....................................... 81
Balmumcu, Barbaros Bulvarı Bahar
Sk. Karanfil Apt. No:2/9 99 Rhoss.......................................... 55 99 REHVA Guidebooks......Back cover
Beşiktaş /İstanbul, Turkey

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Cover photo: iStockphoto to Jaap Hogeling [email protected]
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Harmonised assessment procedures for

the Building Energy Performance declaration
or certification are essential to support
our industry towards (Nearly) Zero Energy
Performing Buildings by or after 2020

he outcome of COP21 in Paris, last December, adds to the urgency
to achieve an energy efficient build environment. All countries
around the globe have the duty to reach the targets formulated in
Paris. Does this lead to more Zero Energy Buildings or Positive Energy
buildings? That depends on the way we assess the energy performance
and determine the cost effectiveness. Yes, the answer will be positive; if
investors, building developers and real-estate investors are willingly to
weigh their investment to reach ZEB or PEB level over a longer period
and award the added value due to this rating in a correct way. JAAP HOGELING
The EPB-overarching standard, the EN ISO 52000-1, offers the
backbone to assess the overall energy performance of a building in a
correct way. Supporting the decarbonizing of the building sector. This
is the goal of the holistic approach as chosen by CEN/TC371 and the
ISO/TC163&205 Joint Working Group for the Energy Performance
of Buildings (EPB). An approach which reconciles climate and energy
needs. With this EN ISO 52000 EPB series of standards and other
CEN-EPB standards, the building industry is expected to be in a much
better position to be rewarded for energy efficiency improvements with
the best available technology and practice. These EPB series of standards
will enable to assess the overall energy performance of a building. This
means that any combination of technologies can be used to reach the
intended energy performance level. The competition between different
technologies is best served by this holistic approach as this is a key driver
for technological innovation and change. Countries using this approach
for several years have experienced large-scale implementation and cost
savings on a variety of new technologies. This includes innovative thermal
insulation concepts, windows, heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and
domestic hot-water, building automation and control, and renewable
energy systems. What does this mean for our business? For new building
and system design we have to be more innovative to reach the zero energy
performance level, towards the energy positive buildings.

In this issue of the REHVA Journal the importance of certified perfor-

mance product data supporting the development of high performance
buildings is presented The next issue will focus on the EPB standards that
are expected to be published for Formal Vote around October 2016.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 5

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Designing an energy efficient

and comfortable building
Ph.D. ASHRAE Fellow
Managing Director/Principal
Building and Systems Analytics LLC
Marina del Rey, California and Hong Kong
[email protected]

It’s not often you get to work on a project

with an enthusiastic, knowledgeable client,
a renowned architect and a very resourceful
building shade characteristics and thermal conditions,

he building has a gross area of 17 000 m², and the overall thermal comfort was improved in addition
contains a basement with 4 levels above grade. to reducing energy consumption by implementing
The spaces are distributed in the following some or all of the investigated strategies.
Claremont McKenna College is located in Claremont,
•• Server room, classrooms, a parking garage and California at 34.1 degrees Latitude. Using a software
mechanical and electrical rooms in the basement, program, a sun path diagram was created to show the
•• The 1st and 2nd floors contain a mix of classroom total solar radiation on south and west facing surfaces
studios as well as office and support facilities; of a 90 degree structure. The sun path diagram reveals
•• The 3rd and 4th floor contains the main administrative the maximum solar radiation potential for September
offices, faculty offices and ancillary support spaces. and July are 450 W/m² (144 Btu/h ft²). and 530 W/m²
(168 Btu/h ft²) respectively. The design peak days
Early on, it was decided that occupant comfort and selected for the analysis were July 30th for the western
energy conservation would be a priority. The goal was facing windows and September 24th for the southern
to provide comfort levels at 10% PPD (Percentage of facing windows.
Person Dissatisfied) or less for each space and at the
same time consume the least amount of energy against On the fourth floor of the southern façade of the college
both California’s Title 24 requirements and ASHRAE there are 0.45 m (1.5 ft.) long fins protruding from
90.12007 for LEED points. both sides of the windows. There is also a 0.45 m over-
hang above the windows.
Engineering the Architecture
The place to start in creating comfortable spaces is The material characteristics of the fins are very impor-
with the architectural design and not the conditioning tant. The material should have a high reflective factor
systems. IBE spent considerable time working with the to reflect solar radiation from being absorbed into the
architects, analysing different glazing alternatives and shade. In Claremont California the peak solar inten-
investigating the inside surface temperature for the glass sity is 530 W/m² (168 Btu/h ft²). By allowing only
as this drives the mean radiant temperature (MRT) in minimal radiation to hit the windows, the solar gain to
the occupied spaces. A dynamic comfort simulator was the space is reduced significantly. At the same time, the
used that could analyse space conditions for a single day, solar radiation penetrating the fins must be utilized to
month or year. Having a better understanding of the enhance the natural day lighting of the spaces.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 7


The inside surface of the fins must also be carefully The glazing type used in the analysis for the College
selected., If the surface has a higher reflectance than any was an insulating glass with a low shading coefficient
radiation reflected from the glass, after being allowed to of 0.32 and high visible transmittance of 62%, a winter
hit the glass, could be reflected back into the building night-time U value of 1.65 W/m² K and a summer U
from the shade. If the inside surface of the fins is not value of 1.42 W/m² K.
reflective, the solar radiation reflected from the glass
will be absorbed by the fins. System choice
The choice of an appropriate conditioning system was
The glazed surfaces of the college were carefully selected based upon the required comfort compliance require-
as the glass had to perform to reduce solar loads, yet ments. But the different characteristics of classrooms and
permit natural day light to enter the spaces. During the offices would lead to two different conditioning systems.
winter the glazing must have a low U value to reduce
heat losses. A low U value is most often obtained by Classrooms
having a coating on either the second or third surface Based upon previous design for academic buildings such
of the double glazed construction. The ideal glazing is as Cooper Union, we had some excellent operational
one with a balance between a high visible light trans- feedback that would help us select a system for CMC.
mittance and low shading coefficient. This is often a Each classroom was designed for 30 students, with and
difficult compromise to maintain a clear appearance yet without computers. Experience in designing academic
achieve the required shading performance. buildings over the years requires a flexible solution,
taking into consideration the amount of students
attending classes and at what time of day will the classes
be held. The basis of the design is a variable volume
ventilation air supply; we chose to provide 20 CFM
of outside air for each person present. By providing
34 m³/h the ventilation rate qualifies for the LEED
point for extra ventilation. The cooling provided by
supplying 34 m³/h per student and with a maximum of
30 students in the room is nearly sufficient to maintain
a space temperature of 23,5°C. But we were looking for
comfort compliance so a radiant ceiling was introduced
mainly for heating during the brief and relatively mild
Percentage People Dissatisfied for September
winters in California.24th
The choice of a radiant ceiling
Southern Facing Classroom withwasRadiant Ceiling
based upon Panels
the system being able to control radiant



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time of Day

Overhead Air system Radiant Ceiling Panels

Figure 1. Percentage of people dissatisfied for different air conditioning methods for the classroom.

8 REHVA Journal – March 2016



RADIANT PANEL Operable window for

natural ventilation

NC window contact.
Ventilation and
mechanical heating and
cooling to zone to be
disabled during natural
ventilation condition.

Figure 2. Controls for the classrooms and meeting rooms at CMC.

temperatures in the space, especially for the first lesson of introduced as part of the conditioning system for the
the day and with only a minimum of students present. classrooms.
The radiant ceiling would provide heat to the space and
control space radiant temperatures and the ventilation air Offices
would be supplied in amounts determined by individual We decided to use active beams to condition the
space CO2sensors. Another spin off from this method- offices and administrative spaces at CMC. The choice
ology is the reduction in fan power for the ASHRAE was based upon our quest for occupant comfort and
90.1 energy performance. Once the choice for a radiant individual control in each space. Constant volume
ceiling was made, investigations then took place to look primary air is supplied to each beam; the sensible
at the utilization of cooling from the radiant ceiling. It cooling from the primary supply air is only about
was basically the same scenario as heating, if the class was 15–20% of the space sensible cooling load. The larger
partially occupied the ventilation air would be reduced portion of the cooling load is provided by the control
and the cooling and radiant temperature control would of cooled water flowing through the beam. By putting
be performed by the radiant ceiling. the control emphasis on the water side control of
the system, the response time is improved and this
The results show that comfort conditions comply increases the efficiency of the system.
with ASHRAE standard 55 when a radiant ceiling is

Figure 3. One of the meeting rooms at CMC which is

conditioned in the same manner as the classrooms. Figure 4. Typical office space with floor to ceiling glass.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 9


Control valve

Connections to
be made with 18”
flexible hoses
complete with
push fitting

Figure 5. A plan view of the active beams and primary air connections for each space. The temperature, humidity
and CO2 sensors are also shown for each space.

100% OSA


Operable window for

natural ventilation
Provide and install NC
window contact,
ventilation and
mechanical heating and
cooling to zone to be
disabled during natural
ventilation condition

Figure 6. Control systems for offices conditioned by active beams.

10 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Percentage People Dissatisfied for September 24th
South / West Corner Office Articles




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time of Day

Viracon VNE 1-63 Viracon VE 1-2M

Figure 7. Percentage of people dissatisfied for two different glass types for the corner office.

Energy efficiency Energy Analysis

A central cooling and heating plant was provided to An energy model was constructed to explore the build-
serve this building. The central plant is located at the ing’s performance against the California Energy Code
basement level to the north of the building. (Title 24). This code provides a measuring stick based
upon the size and use of a building.
The chiller plant consists of two 560 kW friction-
less chillers. Each chiller has a variable speed primary The Reference Baseline building shell is comprised of
pump. The chillers also have the capability of having metal frame wall with R13 batt insulation, insulated
their speed varied to improve efficiency. Condenser glazing with a T24 maximum shading coefficient and
water for the chillers is cooled by a single cooling tower roofing with a R19 insulation.
having variable speed fans. The condenser water loop
is constant volume. Lighting systems were specified to meet Title 24 allow-
ances of 15,5 W/m².
There are two variable volume chilled water loops:
The Reference Baseline mechanical system was an over-
1. There is a 5.5°C loop that transports water to the air head VAV system and a central heating and cooling
handling units, CRAC units and fan coils in the IDF plant as allowed by Title 24 standards.
2. The second loop has a variable supply temperature Figure 8 shows the EnergyPro output for the energy
from 12.8°C to 14.4°C for the active beams and the analysis. The reference Standard Design is a building
radiant ceiling panels. of the same size and usage built in accordance with
the prescriptive requirements of Title 24. By taking
Two boilers each with a 580 kW capacity provide water the performance approach, we do not need to follow
at a constant volume to a common header. the prescriptive requirements as long as our proposed
building out performs the standard building.
There are two variable volume heating hot water loops:
Based on the preliminary model, the proposed
1. There is an 80°C loop that transports water to the building is performing 32.3% better than the
air handling units. standard model, although the value of 37.9% better
2. The second loop has a variable supply temperature than Title 24 is used for Savings by Design as this
for the active beams and the radiant ceiling panels. excludes process loads.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 11


Figure 8. Annual TDV Energy Use Summary (kBtu/sqft.yr) compare with kWh/m² per year.

The building includes the following features to increase •• High efficiency frictionless chillers
the performance of the building to exceed Title 24 •• Wall insulation increased to R19 and roof insulation
minimum standards by 37.9 percent: increased to R30.
•• Daylight harvesting sensors.
•• High performance lighting systems in classrooms,
seminar rooms, meeting room and offices, with For the LEED submittal the percentage of Energy
occupancy sensors and daylight harvesting sensors. savings was 63.5% and the cost savings were 46.7%,
•• High performance glazing which was good for 10 LEED points.

REHVA Guidebook on GEOTABS

Advanced system design and operation of

GEOTABS buildings
This REHVA Task Force, in cooperation with CEN, prepared technical definitions and ener-
gy calculation principles for nearly zero energy buildings requi-red in the implementation
of the Energy performance of buildings directive recast. This 2013 revision replaces 2011
version. These technical definitions and specifications were prepared in the level of detail
to be suitable for the implementation in national building codes. The intention of the Task
Force is to help the experts in the Member States to define the nearly zero energy build-
ings in a uniform way in national regulation.

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations

40 Rue Washington, 1050 Brussels – Belgium | Tel 32 2 5141171 | Fax 32 2 5129062 | | [email protected]

12 REHVA Journal – March 2016


Evaluation of indoor environment

and energy consumption in dwellings
before and after their refurbishment


Slovak University of Technology Slovak University of Technology Slovak University of Technology
in Bratislava in Bratislava in Bratislava
Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Building Services Department of Building Services Department of Building Services
[email protected] [email protected]

he current study investigates the impact of productivity, our well-being, our moods and our inter-
building renovation on the energy consump- actions with others, but they also define the amount of
tion, thermal comfort, indoor air quality and energy consumed by a building [1].
occupants´ satisfaction. Two sets of experiments were
carried out. Indoor air quality was investigated in three Energy retrofitting of the existing European building
pairs of dwellings while energy evaluation and investi- stock provides both significant opportunities and
gation of the thermal comfort were carried out in six challenges. It is an important topic not only in the
pairs of residential buildings. Each pair of the dwellings field of energy conservation, but it may influence the
consisted of two buildings with identical construction; quality of life as well. People spend more than 90%
however, the building pairs were mutually different. their time indoors, with a significant portion of this
One of the buildings was recently renovated, while the time spent at home [2], therefore the potential impact
other one was in its original condition. Both objec- of energy saving measures on indoor environmental
tive measurements and subjective evaluation using quality should not be neglected. This is especially the
questionnaires have been used. Temperature, relative case in countries where the trend is to reduce air infil-
humidity and CO2 concentration were measured in tration by tightening the building. Changes caused
the apartments in winter and summer period. Energy by renovation can be negative or positive, and some
performance and thermal comfort were investigated in measures will not influence indoor environmental
the heating season. The study indicates that the large- quality at all [3].
scale renovations may reduce energy consumption of
the building stock. However, without considering the The parameters of the indoor environment that have
impact of energy renovation on environmental quality, an impact on the energy performance of buildings as
the implemented energy saving measures may reduce well as input parameters for the building systems design
the quality of the indoor environment in many apart- and energy performance calculations are well specified
ments, especially in the winter season. by Standard EN 15 251(2007). It defines the global
comfort as the sum of different aspects, i.e. thermal
Introduction comfort, indoor air quality, visual comfort and acoustic
Buildings are at the pivotal centre of our lives. The comfort. The standard also recommends parameters
characteristics of a building, its design, its appearance, of indoor temperatures, ventilation rates, illumination
feel, and its technical standards not only influence our levels and acoustical criteria for the design, heating,

REHVA Journal – March 2016 13


cooling, ventilation and lighting systems. It is mainly carbon dioxide method [7]. The measurements were
applicable to moderate thermal environments, where conducted in 94 apartments in the winter (45 apart-
the objective is to reach the satisfaction of the occupants ments in original buildings, 49 in renovated ones) and
[4]. The impact of energy retrofitting on the indoor air in 73 apartments in the summer season (35 apart-
quality is rarely considered. The indoor air quality may ments in original buildings, 38 in renovated ones).
be often compromised due to decreased ventilation and Data from night periods between 20:00 and 6:30 were
infiltration rate. used for calculation of air change rates. Occupancy
and physical state of residents were also included into
This study provides an insight in the energy perfor- the process of calculation [8].
mance of the Slovak residential buildings and inves-
tigates impact of building renovation on indoor envi- At each visit, the residents were asked to fill in a ques-
ronmental quality. tionnaire regarding some building characteristics,
occupant behaviour and habits, sick building syndrome
Indoor air quality and air exchange symptoms and occupants’ perception of indoor air
rate evaluation quality and thermal environment. The occupants of
Methodologies the renovated buildings were also asked questions about
The study was performed in three pairs of residen- altered habits after renovation [5].
tial buildings. One of the buildings in each pair was
renovated and the other was in its original state. The The CO2 concentration was used to calculate the air
energy-retrofitting included thermal insulation of exchange rate during 5–8 nights in each bedroom. The
facade, replacement of windows with energy efficient occupants’ CO2 emission rate was determined from
ones and hydraulic balancing of the heating system. their weight and height available from the question-
The non-renovated buildings were mostly in their orig- naires [9].
inal state. However, new plastic frame windows have
been already installed over the last years in most of the Results and discussion
apartments in these buildings. Natural ventilation was Indoor air quality
used in all buildings. Exhaust ventilation was present According to ISO 7730 and ASHRAE Standards,
in bathrooms and toilets [5]. the recommended range of the indoor temperature
during the winter conditions is between 20°C and
Experimental measurements were performed during 24°C [10, 11]. In the winter season the overall mean
the heating season in 2013/2014 and in summer indoor air temperature was higher in the renovated
2014. Temperature, relative humidity and the concen- buildings (22.5°C) compared to the original dwell-
tration of CO2 were measured in bedrooms of the ings (21.5°C), (Figure 1). The indoor temperature
apartments using a HOBO U12-012 data logger in bedrooms was within the recommended range
(Onset Computer Corp., USA) and CARBOCAP for most of the time in both the original (78%) and
CO2 monitors (GMW22, Vaisala, Finland). The data the renovated (91%) dwellings. Longer periods with
were recorded in 5 minute intervals for one week in average temperatures below 20°C were observed in
each building [6]. The locations of the instruments the non-renovated buildings (18%) than in the reno-
were selected with respect to the limitations of the vated ones (2%).

Figure 1. Average indoor temperature (left) and humidity (right) in the bedrooms of the investigated during the
winter and summer season. Ends of the whiskers characterises the minimum and maximum values.

14 REHVA Journal – March 2016


The recommended indoor temperature during summer Table 1. Night-time CO2 concentrations and fractions
conditions ranges between 23°C and 26°C [10, 11]. In of apartments with average CO2 above 1000 ppm and
summer the overall average temperature was 25.7°C with at least one 20-minute period with CO2 above
in the original dwellings and 26.6°C in the renovated three cut-off values in the investigated buildings.
dwellings (Figure 1). According to the results obtained
from the whole measurement period 49% of apart- Winter Summer
ments in the original building and 71% of apartments
in the renovated dwellings were out of the recom- Original Renovated Original Renovated
N=45 N=49 N=35 N=38
mended range with higher indoor temperatures than
26°C. The rest of the apartments met the criteria of Mean CO2 during night (ppm) 1425 1680 845 815
the guidelines.
Average CO2 >1 000 ppm (%) 71 80 43 40
The recommended indoor relative humidity is between 20-min period CO2 >1 000 ppm (%) 75 83 43 40
30% and 60% [11]. The mean relative humidity
across almost all the apartments met the prescribed 20-min period CO2 >2 000 ppm (%) 17 32 0 5
range (Figure 1). In winter only two apartments in the
original buildings and one apartment in the renovated 20-min period CO2 >3 000 ppm (%) 4 8 0 0
dwellings reported higher average relative humidity
than the recommended maximum. In summer except
four apartments in the original buildings as well as in the summer the average night-time CO2 concentrations
the renovated ones all the apartments met the criteria were similar in both types of buildings [5].
on the indoor relative humidity.
According to results obtained from questionnaire
In the winter the average CO2 concentration during the surveys the residents in the non-renovated buildings
nights across all apartments was higher in the renovated did not indicate severe problems with the perceived
buildings than in the original ones. In 83% of apart- air quality. During the winter, a greater fraction of the
ments located in the renovated buildings the average occupants indicated poor air quality in the renovated
CO2 concentration was higher than 1 000 ppm, while buildings compared to the non-renovated buildings
this was the case in 75% of apartments in the original (Figure 2). In the summer, most of the subjects in the
buildings. The fractions of apartments where the renovated buildings found the indoor air quality good
20-min running average CO2 concentrations exceeded while occupants in the original buildings indicated
1 000, 2 000 and 3 000 ppm are shown in Table 1. In medium to good indoor air quality in the bedrooms [5].

Figure 2. Summary of answers to the question “How unpleasant do you think the indoor air quality is in your
bedroom during night/in the morning?”. Answers were from 1 – perceived air quality was not a problem, to 6 – poor
indoor air quality. One occupant in each apartment answered during winter (left) and summer (right) [1].

REHVA Journal – March 2016 15

Air exchange rate Thermal comfort and energy
The average air exchange rate across the apartments
in the original buildings (0.79 h-1) was significantly Methodologies
higher than in the renovated buildings (0.48 h-1) in This part of the study was performed in six pairs of
winter. The average air exchange rates were above the residential buildings. In each pair of the buildings
minimum recommended value (0.5 h-1) in 63% of was renovated and the other was in its original state.
apartments located in the original dwellings, unlike in Each pair of the dwellings contained from identical
the renovated ones (42%). In the summer the average apartment buildings in term of construction systems.
air exchange rates were similar in both types of build- The following Slovak structural systems were chosen:
ings [5]. The majority of the evaluated apartments in TA 06 BA, BA NKS, ZTB, BA NKS P.1.15, P.1.14,
the non-renovated (97%) as well as in the renovated P.1.15. Building refurbishment included three energy
dwellings (94%) exceeded the minimum criteria for the efficiency strategies: thermal insulation of facade and
air exchange rates (Figure 3). roof, replacement of windows in common premises,
hydraulic balancing of the heating system. The non-
Energy renovation may change the indoor environment renovated buildings were mostly in their original
in the dwellings. It may directly lead to lower ventila- state. However, in the residential part of the buildings,
tion rates and higher concentrations of indoor pollut- approximately 90% of the windows have been already
ants [12]. Ventilation rates are also influenced by the replaced with energy efficient (plastic) ones [15].
occupants´ ventilation habits. In the present study 22%
of the occupants in the renovated buildings indicated Energy audit was carried out to investigate the energy
that they ventilate more often during the winter than performance of the residential buildings. It included
before renovation. This may indicate increased CO2 inspection, evaluation and analysis of existing situation
concentrations and poorer indoor air quality associated of the selected buildings. Energy need for heating was
with renovation works. The results from the summer calculated for each investigated dwelling according to
further support this observation; 47% of residents indi- EN ISO 13790. Also the real data of energy consump-
cated that they have changed their ventilation habits tions were collected from the housing associations
and ventilated more often than they did before renova- maintaining the selected buildings. The detailed
tion. People ventilate more often at higher ambient steps of energy auditing are shown in publication by
temperatures. This leads to higher ventilation rates in Dahlsveen et al [16].
summer than in winter [13, 14]. The larger fraction
of occupants in the renovated homes changed their The data collected from energy monitoring were
ventilation habits in the summer compared to winter. processed in ENSI EAB software. Energy-Temperature
This may partly explain the lower CO2 concentrations diagram (ET-diagram) performed by this software was
and better perceived air quality in the renovated build- used for data analyses. It presents ET-curves tailored for
ings than in the original buildings in the summer, as quick calculations of the energy performance in original
opposed to the winter [5]. and new buildings.

Figure 3. Cumulative percentage of air exchange rates in the original and the renovated buildings during winter
(left) and summer (right).

16 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Results and discussion
For the purpose of the subjective evaluation two types
of questionnaires were created (questionnaires used in Energy consumption and monitoring
the original and the renovated buildings). The ques-
tionnaires contained questions about basic information a) Energy evaluation
on the inhabitants, building characteristics, thermal The energy need for heating was calculated for each
comfort and local discomfort as well as about occu- pair of the residential buildings [15]. Table 2 shows
pants´ ventilation habits. The occupants of the reno- a detailed summary of the real energy consumptions,
vated buildings were also asked questions about altered energy needs for heating and the classification of the
heating and ventilation habits after renovation [15]. investigated buildings into energy classes according
to the Slovak regulations. The energy saving potential
The evaluation of thermal environment was performed was higher than 30% across all investigated structural
using PMV (predicted mean vote) and PPD (percentage systems with the highest percentage of difference in
of dissatisfied) indices. The survey asked subjects about energy need for heating (52%) in case of T06 BA resi-
their thermal sensation on the ASHARE seven-point dential buildings. The real data of energy consump-
scale from cold (−3) to hot (+3). Fanger’s equations tion were alike the results from calculation except for
were used to calculate the PMV of a large group of two structural systems, ZTB and BA NKS-S P.1.15.
occupants (N=244 in original; N=236 in renovated Noticeable difference between calculated and real
dwellings). It also took into account the occupants’ values might be caused by standardized climatic condi-
physical activity (metabolic rate), the thermal resist- tions for Bratislava which were used in the calcula-
ance of their clothing, air temperature, mean radiant tion method. The real conditions are usually different
temperature, air velocity, and partial water vapour from the standardized ones. In our study the real
pressure [10]. outdoor temperature was changing day to day during
the heating season. As it was expected, the energy
The field measurements of indoor temperature and retrofitted dwellings were classified into higher energy
relative humidity were performed in the living rooms classes than the original ones.
of selected apartments (N=8 in original; N=12 in reno-
vated buildings), in period of the heating season from b) Energy monitoring
October 2011 to April 2012. The data were recorded Energy monitoring was based on periodic (weekly)
in 15 minute intervals by using HOBO U12 loggers. recording of the energy consumption data and meas-

Table 2. Summary of real energy consumption, energy calculation and energy classification of the residential buildings.

Structural State of Real energy Difference Energy need Difference Floor Energy
system building consumption for heating area class for
(kWh) (kWh) (m²) heating

Original 307433 352148 D

T06 BA 55% 52% 3723
Renovated 138889 169846 B

Original 388956 368329 D

BA NKS 39% 34% 3980
Renovated 238703 241607 C

Original 722910 843437 D

ZTB 15% 51% 9094
Renovated 611930 409814 B

BA NKS Original 476440 530000 D

28% 40% 6110
S P.1.15 Renovated 341469 319871 B

Original 367970 360571 C

P.1.14 43% 38% 4680
Renovated 209278 224244 B

Original 239192 343533 D

P.1.15 51% 51% 3421
Renovated 117890 181263 B

REHVA Journal – March 2016 17


urements of the corresponding mean outdoor tempera- calculated based directly on floor area. This method is
ture. The ET-curve for each pair of the buildings was characterised by the assumption that there is a linear
created to compare the results between the actual state relationship between the DHW demand and the floor
of energy consumption in the original buildings and area of the building [17].
the optimal energy consumption in the retrofitted
ones. The ET-curve was created for each investigated Thermal comfort
building type. Figure 4 shows an example of ET-curves The greater fraction of occupants indicated slightly
for the structural systems T06 BA and P.1.14. warm and warm thermal sensation in both types of
buildings, with higher percentages of “warm (+2)”
The solid line represents buildings in the original thermal environment in the renovated dwellings (50%)
condition and the dot line characterises the retrofitted compared to the original ones (30%). Regarding the
buildings. The curve consists of two parts. The sloping thermal preferences of occupants´, higher percentage
line presents energy consumption of the heating system of respondents preferred warmer thermal environment
and the horizontal one shows energy consumption of in the non-renovated dwellings (31%) compared to the
the domestic hot water (DHW). The energy of the responses from occupants in the retrofitted buildings
delivered DHW was not inquired into detail. It was (8%). The majority of occupants were satisfied with

Figure 4. ET-
curve for the the
structural systems
T06 BA (top) and
P.1.14 (bottom).

18 REHVA Journal – March 2016


the ordinary state of the air temperature in both types Table 3. Thermal sensation (left) and the thermal pref-
of the dwellings (Table 3), [15]. erences (right) in the investigated residential buildings.
Thermal Original buildings Renovated
Indoor air temperature and relative humidity were clas- sensation (N=244) buildings (N=236)
sified by categories according to EN 15 251 (Figures Mean 0.8 1.4
5 and 6). The overall mean air temperature was lower SD 1.1 0.9
in the original dwellings (22.8°C) compared to the Hot (+3) 2% 5%
renovated ones (23.7°C). In case of the non-renovated Warm (+2) 30% 50%
buildings the air temperature was fluctuating between Slightly warm (+1) 34% 28%
Category I and Category III, with mainly presented Neutral (0) 23% 15%
temperature range from 22°C to 24°C. In buildings Slightly cool (−1) 9% 2%
after renovation the temperature was ranging from Cool (−2) 2% 1%
23°C to 25°C. The measured relative humidity corre- Cold (−3) 1% 0%
sponded to Category II. Visible decrease of the relative
humidity occurred from 1.2 2012 to 15.2 2012 when Thermal Original buildings Renovated
the outdoor temperature was ranging between −5°C preference (N=244) buildings (N=236)
and −10°C. The relative humidity was between 30% Mean 0.2 0
and 50% in the retrofitted buildings and it was mostly SD 0.6 0.4
corresponding to Category III. The percentage of the Want warmer (1) 31% 8%
time when the measured data were out of the limit are No change (0) 61% 85%
negligible in both types of the buildings [18, 19]. Want cooler (−1) 8% 7%

Figure 5. Classification of the air temperatures according to EN 15 251 in the original (left) and retrofitted (right)
residential buildings.

Figure 6. Classification of the relative humidity according to EN 15 251 in the original (left) and retrofitted (right)
residential buildings.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 19

tion or mechanical ventilation), the occupants need
Energy retrofitting can contribute significantly to to ventilate more in order to improve the indoor air
reduce energy consumption of buildings. On the other quality to the level it was before the reconstruction.
hand, without consideration of its effects on indoor
environmental quality and people as well as without
properly made renovation plan it may reduce the Acknowledgements
quality of the indoor environment in the apartments, The authors want to thank Bjarne W. Olesen and Gabriel
especially in the winter season. Unless measures are Bekö from the Technical University of Denmark for co-
supervising of the projects.
taken against decreasing ventilation rates during the
reconstruction process (e.g. installing exhaust ventila-

[1] Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), Europe’s Building under the Microscope-a country by country review of the
energy performance of buildings, 2011.
[2] Molloy S. B., Cheng M., Galbally I. E., Keywood M. D., Lawson S. J., Powell J. C., Gillett R., Dunne E., Selleck P. W. Indoor Air
Quality in Typical Temperate zone Australian dwellings. Atmospheric Environment,2012, vol. 54, p. 400–407.
[3] Noris F., Delp W., Vermeer K., Adamkiewicz G., Singer B., Fisk W. Protocol for maximizing energy savings and indoor
environmental quality improvements when retrofitting apartments. Energy and Buildings, 2013, vol. 61, p. 378–386.
[4] STN EN 15251 Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings
addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics. Brussels: CEN.
[5] Olesen, B.W., Seppanen, O., Boerstra, A. (2006) Criteria for the indoor environment for energy performance of buildings: A
new European standard, Facilities, Vol. 24 Iss: 11/12, pp.445–457
[6] FÖLDVÁRY, V., BEKÖ, G., PETRÁŠ, D. Seasonal variation in indoor environmental quality in non-renovated and renovated
multifamily dwellings in Slovakia. In Healthy Buildings Europe 2015: proceedings. Eindhoven, Netherlands, 18.–20. 5. 2015.
Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015, ISBN 978-90-386-3889-8.
[7] Földváry V., Bekö G., Petráš D. Impact of energy renovation on indoor air quality in multifamily dwellings in Slovakia.
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, Paper No. HP0143.
[8] Persily, Ak., Evaluating Building IAQ and Ventilation with Indoor Carbon Dioxide. ASHRAE Transactions, 1997, Vol. 103, No. 2.
[9] Bekő G., Toftum J., Clausen G., Modeling ventilation rates in bedrooms based on building characteristics and occupant
behaviour. Building and Environment, 2011, Vol. 46, p. 2230–2237
[10] ISO 7730 Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices (1994)
[11] ASHRAE Standard 55-2003 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy (ANSI Approved).
[12] Noris F., Delp W., Vermeer K., Adamkiewicz G., Singer B., Fisk W. (2013) Protocol for maximizing energy savings and indoor
environmental quality improvements when retrofitting apartments. Energy and Buildings, vol. 61, pp. 378–386.
[13] Wallace La, Emmerich Sj, Howard-Reed C. (2002) Continuous measurements of air change rates in an occupied house for 1
year: the effect of temperature, wind, fans, and windows. Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol, 12(4), pp. 296–306.
[14] DUBRUL C. (1988) Inhabitant behaviour with respect to ventilation – a summary report of IEA Annex VIII. Technical Note
AIVC 23. Berkshire, UK: Air Infiltration and ventilation Centre.
[15] Pustayová H. Evaluation of energy performance and thermal comfort in the dwelling buildings in process of refurbishment,
Doctoral thesis, 2013.
[16] Dahlsveen, T., Petráš, D. Energy audit of buildings. Bratislava: Jaga GROUP, 2005
[17] EN 15316-3.1 Heating systems in buildings – Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies
– Part 3.1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs
[18] Pustayová H., Petráš, D. Thermal Environment in Panel Residential Buildings after Refurbishment. In ASHRAE OAQ 2013 :
Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings. Vancouver, 15.-18.10.2013. [b.m.] : [b.n.], 2013, s.491–497.
[19] Pustayová H., Petráš, D. Thermal comfort in dwelling buildings after refurbishment. In INDOOR AIR 2014: proceedings of the
13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong, China, 7.–12. 7. 2014. 1. vyd. Pokfulam: The
University of Hong Kong, 2014, S. 351–358. ISBN 978-962-85138-6-4.

20 REHVA Journal – March 2016


Ventilative cooling design for

a large office building


Instituto Dom Luiz Instituto Dom Luiz Natural Works Consultants
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon
Lisbon the University of Lisbon [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

In the last two decades, the use of natural cases, tri-dimensional computational fluid dynamics
ventilation in office buildings has been simulations (CFD). In addition to the verification of
slowly increasing. The best contemporary code compliance, thermal and airflow simulations are
designs combine natural ventilation with used to predict the performance of complex building
conventional mechanical cooling. When systems. In tall office buildings natural ventilation is
properly designed and implemented these complex system due to the need to compensate for wind
hybrid approaches maximize natural velocity increase with height. Many recent designs use a
ventilative cooling potential while avoiding hybrid approach that combines natural ventilation with
overheating during the warmer months. traditional HVAC solutions. If properly implemented
this combined approach maximizes energy savings
Keywords: natural ventilation, hybrid while avoiding overheating during the warmer months
ventilation, computational fluid dynamics and cold draft complaints in the colder days.
(CFD), thermal simulation, EnergyPlus.
The next pages describe the role of thermal and airflow
simulation in the design process of a recently completed
Introduction hybrid cooling system of an office tower in Lisbon
In the mild to warm climate of southern Europe office (Portugal), using natural ventilation in combination
buildings without operable windows require mechanical with a traditional overhead HVAC system. Figure 1
cooling during most of the year. This need is the direct shows the proposed seventeen-story building (total floor
result of poorly designed facades that allow for exces- area of 23 000 m²) that includes a small public park in
sive solar heat gains, combined with high internal gains the ground level. The surrounding area is composed by
and low exposed thermal mass. These characteristics high-density mid to high-rise buildings.
lead to excessive cooling energy demand in a context
of increased public awareness of the environmental and Regulatory framework
operational costs of building energy consumption. As As in all EU member states, the Portuguese building
a result, most current building thermal codes limit the thermal and energy consumption code stems from
predicted annual energy demand for heating, venti- the current version of the EPBD (2010). The code
lation and air conditioning systems (HVAC). In the promotes the use of natural ventilation in low-rise
building design phase these predictions result from buildings by allowing for prescriptive compliance based
thermal simulation models with variable levels of detail on minimum ventilation opening areas in each room
and approximations. The most complex buildings (5% of floor area). For buildings with more than four
require models with several thermal zones and, in some stories the code requires performance based compli-

REHVA Journal – March 2016 21


Figure 1. Rendered views of the building (Northwest, South and interior).

ance, typically demonstrated using dynamic thermal In addition to façade optimization the use of a hybrid
simulation or wind tunnel studies. High rise build- cooling system created additional design challenges:
ings with hybrid cooling and ventilation systems must
achieve the following performance standards: •• Selecting the most adequate natural ventilation
strategy (single sided or cross-ventilation).
•• The building must be able to operate in natural •• Positioning and sizing the ventilation openings.
ventilation mode for 70% of the occupied time in a •• Predicting the natural ventilation system perfor-
typical year (natural ventilation with no mechanical mance.
cooling or heating). •• Predicting the energy saving potential.
•• During the natural ventilation period the maximum
CO2 level cannot exceed 1 250 ppm in more than To analyse this diverse set of questions we used three
10% of the days (each day is evaluated using an 8 h interconnected simulation tools: Ecotect, thermal
daytime average CO2 level). simulation (EnergyPlus) and computational fluid
dynamics (CFD, PHOENICS). The dynamic
The building energy rating is obtained by dividing the thermal simulation (EnergyPlus) incorporates results
predicted annual energy consumption by the predicted from the other tools: the facade geometry was opti-
consumption for a building with the same form but mised using Ecotect and the wind driven airflow
standard façade and building systems (no natural velocities that drive the single-sided natural venti-
ventilation, external shading, no daylight responsive lation system were predicted by CFD (Figure 2).
systems), an approach that follows ASHRAE 90.1. In These CFD simulations were also used to assess the
this rating, buildings with hybrid cooling and ventila- effects of the obstruction created by the new building
tion have the advantage of using extended space temper- on the ground level wind velocity.
ature set points in the simulation: 19–27°C, compared
to 20–25°C for the reference building and
buildings with mechanical ventilation.

Thermal and airflow

The building has a complex corrugated skin
that creates two perpendicular distinct orien-
tations in each façade. This geometry brings
particular design challenges:

•• For each main façade orientation, defining

which of the two orientations should be
opaque or glazed.
•• Defining the required shading systems for
orientations with high solar incidence that
needed to be glazed (due to valuable views
towards the river).
•• Assessing the increase in pedestrian level
wind velocity in the ground level public
park. Figure 2. Interrelated simulation tools used in this study.

22 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Pedestrian wind comfort criteria Natural ventilation strategy and
airflow simulation
The construction of a high-rise building in an
urban area that was previously vacant always results The use of cross-ventilation in high-rise buildings can
in narrower pedestrian level wind flow paths that be problematic because the large pressure differences
normally increases the maximum wind speeds that develop across different facades easily lead to exces-
that pedestrians are subjected to. Since there is no sive internal air velocities. In this building, the geometry
Portuguese standard to assess these problems this and expected internal layout with many single offices
study uses the Dutch standard NEN-8100 to evaluate steered natural ventilation strategy into a single-sided
this problem (Willemsen et al., 2007). This standard geometry (SS). The wind driven component of the SS
defines three qualitative classes of comfort (good, ventilation was modelled using the simple expression
moderate and poor) whose wind speed limits depend proposed by Warren in 1985:
on the expected outdoor activity (traversing, strolling
or sitting). The analysis was based on CFD simulation Qw = 0.1·A·UL (1)
and focused on six locations in the adjacent plaza.
Where UL is the velocity parallel to the façade. For a
Optimization of building skin given incoming wind speed and direction this velocity
The base optimization of building skin used the 3D depends on the building and surrounding geometry.
analysis tool Ecotect to predict annual cumulative The ratio between the undisturbed wind velocity
solar incidence for the two perpendicular orienta- (available in the local weather data file) and UL was
tions that exist in each façade. In each façade, the calculated in a set of CFD simulations. Equation 1 was
orientation with more than 300 kWh/m² of incident implemented in EnergyPlus that was used to predict the
solar radiation was selected to be opaque. The result building thermal and natural ventilation performance
of this analysis is shown in Figure 3 (the grey bars and size the conventional HVAC system.
indicate the closed portions of the façade). In the
southern facing facades, the cumulative solar inci- CFD simulation
dence is high in both orientations. In these cases, the The CFD simulations used the commercial software
orientation with the worst view was opaque and an package of PHOENICS, to predict airflow around
external shading system was proposed for the orien- and near the building facade for eight wind directions
tation with the best view (the effect of the shading (cardinal and intercardinal). The geometries for each
system is shown in red in Figure 3). alternative wind direction were obtained by rotating the

Figure 3. Predicted incident solar radiation for the twelve orientations in the façade.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 23


Figure 4. Predicted wind velocities for North incoming wind direction (Top and East views).

neighbourhood/building model inside the simulation of the new building and an existing tower results in
domain (45°). The simulations use the k-ε turbulence airflow acceleration near the Southern edge of the park
model, which has been extensively tested for this type where the predicted outdoor comfort index reaches D
of flows (Martins, et al., 2012, Carrilho da Graça et al., (moderate comfort for traversing).
2004, 2012). A logarithmic inflow wind profile was
used at the inlet with a wind speed of 10 m/s at a refer- Thermal simulation
ence height of 10 meters. The bottom of the simulation The dynamic thermal simulations were performed in
had a roughness of 0.75 (Blocken et al., 2008). In each the open source thermal simulation tool EnergyPlus
simulation the average wind velocities generated near (average precision of 1.5°C, Mateus et al., 2014).
the façades and in the adjacent outdoor spaces were Table 1 shows the four increasing efficiency simulation
calculated in total of 23 planes. In the façade planes scenarios considered in this study.
located in three heights (low, mid and high floors) of
each main using a control surface spaced 30 cm from Table 1. EnergyPlus scenarios description.
the wall and had a height of 4 m by a length of 10 m
(spanning two adjacent offices). In the adjacent park, Scenario Description
five control surfaces were distributed in North, East, I Fully glazed exterior facade
South, West and centre locations.
II I+50% glazed exterior facade
The pedestrian wind comfort assessment showed that III II + South shading
75% of the adjacent park area achieves an A grade
IV III + SS natural ventilation
classification (good). Unfortunately, the combination

24 REHVA Journal – March 2016


The forth scenario has bottom hang inward opening

windows with a height of 1.5 m and a width of 0.95 m. Annual HVAC Consumption
The simulation used a simplified geometry model of a

single floor with periodic boundary conditions (Lerer et
al., 2013). The opaque portion of the façades integrates 40
the natural ventilation openings, allowing for the use of
an uninterrupted fully glazed section in the transparent
orientation. The net opening area of the window is
0.5 m² resulting in an opening to office floor area ratio
of 3.8% (below the minimum prescriptive compliance 0
opening area of 4%). The internal set point temperature Fully Glazed 50% Glazed Shading SS NV
for scenarios I to III was 20°C – 25°C. As discussed above,
scenario IV used an extended range of 19°C – 27°C Figure 5. HVAC consumption for an averaged floor.
(as allowed for hybrid buildings). Figure 5 shows the
predicted HVAC energy consumption for each scenario.
The overall building optimization process results in a
60% reduction in HVAC energy consumption (total vari-
ation between scenario I and IV). The natural ventilation In most European climates, natural ventilation offers
system is responsible for half of this reduction (30% of the the most potential for reducing CO2 emissions associ-
HVAC energy consumption). In order to insure 100% ated with cooling of office buildings. In spite of the
thermal comfort hours a mechanical cooling and ventila- present and other existing examples of natural venti-
tion system is needed for 24% of the occupied hours. lation use, its potential lies largely untapped. In the
EnergyPlus was also used to simulate and demonstrate present case, this reduction is 30%, approximately half
compliance with the regulations. The indoor CO2 levels of the total reduction obtained in this optimization
simulation results indicate that, as expected for a narrow study. The combined simulation approach used in the
plan building, the natural ventilation system can maintain design was able to reduce the uncertainties that are
indoor air quality for 100% of the annual occupied hours. usually associated with natural ventilation systems.

1. Blocken B., Carmeliet J., 2008. Pedestrian wind conditions at outdoor platforms in a high-rise apartment building: generic
sub-configuration validation, wind comfort assessment and uncertainty issues. Wind and Structures 11(1): 51-70.
2. Carrilho da Graça, G., Linden, P. F., & Haves, P., 2004. Design and testing of a control strategy for a large, naturally ventilated
office building. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 25(3), 223-239.
3. Carrilho da Graça G., Martins N.R., Horta C.S., 2012. Thermal and airflow simulation of a naturally ventilated shopping mall,
Energy and Buildings, Volume 50, July 2012, Pages 177-188, ISSN 0378-7788,
4. Malato Lerer, M., Carrilho da Graça, G., Linden, P.F., 2013. Building energy demand response simulation for an office tower
in New York, Proceedings of BS2013, 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association,
Chambéry, France, August 26-28.
5. Martins N. R., Carrilho da Graça G., Validation of numerical simulation tools for wind-driven natural ventilation design,
Building Simulation an International Journal, Springer, 2015,
6. Mateus N.M., Carrilho da Graça G., Pinto A., 2014. Validation of EnergyPlus thermal simulation of a double skin naturally and
mechanically ventilated test cell, Energy and Buildings, Volume 75, June 2014, Pages 511-522, ISSN 0378-7788, http://dx.doi.
7. Portuguese Legislation, 2013. RECS – Building Energy Performance Requirements, Portugal.
8. Warren P.R., Parkins L.M., 1985. “Single-sided ventilation through open windows”. In conf. Proceedings, Thermal performance
of the exterior envelopes of buildings, Florida, ASHRAE SP 49, pp. 209-228.
9. Willemsen E., Wisse J.A. 2007. Design for wind comfort in The Netherlands: Procedures, criteria and open research issues,
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 95, Issues 9–11, October 2007, Pages 1541-1550, ISSN

REHVA Journal – March 2016 25

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The new Eurovent energy

efficiency label for central
ventilation units
The energy efficiency requirements for MARTIN TÖRPE
air handling units are increasing. Apart Senior Manager Systems Technology
from the increased customer needs, legal Product Management
energy efficiency requirements regarding AL-KO THERM GMBH
central ventilation units have tightened too. Grad. Engin. Martin Törpe, Senior Manager
According to the Ecodesign Directive for Systems by AL-KO, Jettingen-Scheppach,
is President of the Eurovent Compliance
ventilation units (EU) No 1253/2014, new Committee for the certification of
minimum energy efficiency requirements air handling units.
shall apply from January 2016.

he purpose of an energy label is to indicate to regarding the energy requirements for the achievement
customers or users the energy quality of a product of efficiency classes as demonstrated in Table 1.
in order to help them with their purchase deci-
sion. The Eurovent Energy Efficiency Labelling for Table 1. Criteria for the definition of the Eurovent
central ventilation units has become firmly established in energy label classes for air handling units.
Europe. After using the former Eurovent Energy Label /1/
for a six-year period, the new legal minimum energy effi-
max. min. max. pressure min. efficiency
ciency requirements with regard to these products make Class air speed efficiency HRV drop HRV per level ventilator
an update of the energy labelling imperative. Moreover, (m/s) (%) airway (Pa) NGref
the requirements of the Ecodesign Directive have been
incorporated in the new Eurovent Certification and the A+ 1.4 83 250 64
energy classifications. The new energy efficiency classes A 1.6 78 230 62
apply from January 2016. Furthermore, a new Eurovent B 1.8 73 210 60
energy efficiency class A+ is being introduced, character- C 2.0 68 190 57
ising devices with the currently highest available energy
D 2.2 63 170 52
efficiency level. In the lower efficiency range, the classes
“C” and “D” correspond roughly to the legal minimum E – – – –
requirements for ventilation units.

In general, the Eurovent calculation process for the defi- For ventilation units of the highest efficiency class “A+”
nition of the energy label has not undergone significant ambitious criteria apply. It should be noted here that
changes. The criteria for the calculation of the energy the required temperature efficiency of at least 83% can
label are still the thermal efficiency and the pressure no longer be described in economic terms with all avail-
drop of heat recovery, the air speed in the cross-section able heat recovery processes. While it can be realised
area of the ventilation unit as well as the efficiency of with rotary heat exchangers and reverse flow exchangers
the fans in their operating points. The possibility of (only in the lower air flow range), these values cannot
compensation between the individual requirements be depicted economically with the heat transfer systems
as well as the consideration of different climate zones and cross-flow plate heat exchangers with the available
remained unchanged. Changes have been implemented technology today.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 27


Table 2. Simulated operating costs for air handling units of the same performance from different energy efficiency classes.

Costs Efficiency class according to Eurovent

A+ A B C D

Eta-HRV 83% 78% 73% 68% 63% (--)

PMV,ZUL 6.98 7.21 7.44 7.83 8.56 (kW)

PMV,ABL 6.04 6.23 6.43 6.76 7.4 (kW)

Electricity 30 834 31 829 32 847 34 552 37 796 (€)

Cooling 4 606 4 698 4 697 4 877 5 216 (€)
Heating 1 879 5 153 8 383 11 491 14 325 (€)

Total 37 320 41 660 45 927 50 920 57 337 (€)

Saving 35% 27% 20% 11%

The legal minimum efficiency for ventilation units

from 2016, equipped with a heat recovery system
(HRE > 63%) corresponds approximately to class
“D”. Appliances which feature a plate or rotary heat
exchanger according to the Ecodesign Directive (HRE
> 67%) correspond approximately to class “C”. The
provision for complying with the legal minimum
Ecodesign requirements is also reviewed by Eurovent
during the annual recertification process.

How can the best way to use an energy label be estab-

lished for customers or users? The presentation of the
energy and eventually economic differences between
appliances in single efficiency classes demands a
comparison of the life cycle costs, i.e. the calcula-
tion of the total operating costs of an air handling
unit over a time period of e.g. 5 years. Table 2 shows
results of such calculations for air handling units
of different energy efficiency classes. All appliances
have an air supply performance of 14,500 m³/h and
operate 5 days a week, 12 h daily (supply air winter
= 22 °C, supply air summer = 18 °C). Electricity
and thermal energy costs were estimated as follows:
Electricity 13 cent/kWh, Heating 0.065 cent/kWh,
Cooling 0.040 cent/kWh. The qualities of heat
recovery and air supply were changed in air handling Eurovent energy label class A+ (2016).

Table 2 shows that approximately 10% of the operating statement cannot be generalized as the sample calcula-
costs can be saved for air handling units per better energy tion applies only to standardized operating hours and
class. This means that when an appliance belonging to defined energy costs. An assessment of profitability
energy class A is used instead of one belonging to class requires that investment costs be included too in order
C, around 20% of energy costs are saved. However, this to arrive eventually at the right purchase decision.

28 REHVA Journal – March 2016


Certified Performance
Database as a tool for quality
and compliance
As of today the ECP mark covers 19 certification
programmes in all fields of HVAC&R. It covers resi-
dential, tertiary and industrial products from the resi-
SYLVAIN COURTEY dential air conditioners to the industrial chillers. More
PhD. Eng. than 1,300 tests, 160 factory audits and 100 checks of
Eurovent Certita Certification, Paris, France selection software are carried out every year.
[email protected]
European database of certified
The fields of Heating, Ventilation, Air- performance for HVAC&R
Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC&R) components, products and systems
have been experiencing a very challenging All certified references and performances are listed in an
regulatory and normative background in the online directory freely available (www.eurovent-certi-
past years. In this context it is often hard This directory gathers more than 300
for manufacturers, consultancies and end- certified trademarks and more than 50,000 references.
users to have a clear view of the quality
and compliance of HVAC&R components, For each product category characteristics and certified
products and systems. The Eurovent performances are listed according to the same data
Certified Performance (ECP) certification has structure and the latest European and international
been used for now more than 20 years to standards. This allows finding and comparing the certi-
provide guidance on the real performance of fied data easily and with the assurance that the data
HVAC products in the European market. have been checked.

Example of use
Third party certification of HVAC&R The availability of such database allow to get reliable
products and systems and exhaustive set of performances which can be used
The Eurovent Certified Performance (ECP) certifica- to assess some trends of the market over time.
tion is a voluntary, third party certification managed
and accredited according to the ISO 17065 require- As an example the evolution of the energy efficiency
ments (COFRAC accreditation n°5-0517, interna- of Fan Coil units can be seen in the Figure 1 below. A
tional recognition EA/IAF). Accreditation is a proof for Eurovent energy efficiency classification was created in
independence and competence. It also ensures that all 2011 for these products based on their average energy
manufacturers are allowed to have their products certi- consumption at three different speeds¹. It can be seen
fied without any restriction providing that the products that there is a clear trend towards better energy effi-
fulfil the requirements given in the certification refer- ciency as the energy classes are moving from classes E
ence documents which are freely and publicly available. and D to C, B and A.

The certification process is based on continuous 1

For a detailed description of the Eurovent energy efficiency classification
(yearly) verifications based on tests by independent for Fan Coils units see RS 6/C/002-2015 and RS 6/C/002A-2015 available at
accredited laboratories, factory audits and check of
selection software.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 29

Distribution of energy classes in cooling
Another example can be found regarding the energy 40%
efficiency of air filters. For these products a Eurovent 2011
energy classification has been put in place since 2012. 35%
This classification is based on the estimated annual 30%
energy consumption derived from the average pressure
drop of the filter². A more classical way to assess the 25%
energy consumption of an air filter is to look at its 20%
initial pressure drop. The Figure 2 below shows the
evolution of both the mean initial pressure drop and the
mean annual energy consumption for the certified F7 10%
bag filters of a constant panel of manufacturers between
2011 and 2015.
Unlike what has been seen for Fan Coil Units the evolu- E D C B A
tion of the mean energy efficiency is not linear during
this period: the energy consumption and the initial Figure 1. Evolution of the distribution of the energy
pressure drop increases to reach a maximum in 2013 efficiency class for Fan Coil units between 2011 and 2015.
and then it decreases until 2015. This behaviour can be
explained knowing the standardization context behind.
A revised version of the European testing standard was Initial pressure drop
[Pa] Annual Energy Consomption [kWh/a]
introduced in 2012 and applied in the Eurovent certi-
111 1580
fication programme first in 2013. This revised version
introduced stricter requirements for F7 filters related
110 1540
to the discharge efficiency (see EN 779:2012). In order
to fulfil this new requirement European manufacturers 1520
had to improve the filter media in order to increase 109 1500
the filtration efficiency. As a consequence the mean 1480
pressure drop of the filters increased. After the intro- 108 1460
duction of the new standard the pressure drop started 1440
to decrease as manufacturers are seeking to propose to 107 1420
their customers more energy efficient products.
EN 779:2002 EN 779:2012
Other use of certified performance 106 1380
database 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Database of certified data can be used in many instances:

tax incentives, national implementation of EPBD, Figure 2. Evolution of the energy efficiency for F7 bag
building energy labels, green public procurements, filters between 2011 and 2015.
white certificates. As certified performances provide
confidence in the quality and the compliance of the
products they can be required in voluntary schemes (e. with the French EPB regulation (RT 2012). This soft-
g. building energy labels, green public procurements, ware is linked to database of products which are fed
white certificates) or being considered with an advan- directly with Eurovent certified performance data.
tage over non certified products in regulatory schemes
(e.g. national implementation of EPBD). Conclusion
The challenging normative and regulatory background
Example of such use can be found in the French in the fields of HVAC&R induces a complex environ-
Building energy efficiency calculation method which ment. Assessing the quality and compliance of products
applies a penalty for non-certified heat-pumps and is therefore more and more difficult for end-users. In
air to air heat exchangers. Consultancies use approved this context the Eurovent Certified Performance online
software in order to assess the compliance of a building directory provides an easy and straightforward way
to get up to date, trustful and exhaustive data. Such
For a detailed description of the Eurovent energy efficiency classification for Air information can be (and are already) used in various
Filters see RS 4/C/001-2015 available at voluntary and regulatory compliance schemes.

30 REHVA Journal – March 2016


New challenges for heat

pump certification
tion is to provide confidence to the market and all the
stakeholders thanks to an assessment carried out by an
independent third party. As a result it actually enables
to compare the properties of products on the basis of
FRANÇOIS-XAVIER BALL the same reference standards and incentive schemes
Managing Director used to foster energy efficiency are often referring to
Eurovent Certita Certification certification. As far as recognition and independence
are concerned, it is critical to distinguish third part
certification from other schemes. Accreditation against

here is no doubt that the heat pump technology ISO 17065 [2], the relevant international standard, is
has now reached a prominent position in the ultimate, internationally recognized proof of the
Europe in the field of heating, air conditioning competence and impartiality of a certification body. It
and hot water production and the number of marketed can be seen as the certification of certification bodies
units is expected to keep on increasing on next years. and is viewed by the European Commission as “part
Just as an example, in France, the biggest market in of an overall system, including conformity assessment
Europe at the moment regarding heat pumps, more and market surveillance, designed to assess and ensure
than half of all newly built houses are equipped with conformity with the applicable requirements” [3].
heat pumps. Even though the currently low prices of
oil make power driven products less competitive at Different certification marks for
first view than previously compared to other solutions different expectations
relying on fossil fuels, this is more than balanced by Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC) is a top European
the need to reduce the carbon print and to improve accredited third party certification body active in the
energy efficiency. This development has triggered a field of indoor climate, ventilation and air quality as
proliferation of new products and technologies, the well as refrigeration and food cold chain. We have been
performances of which it is all the more important to certifying heat pumps for years, which is shown on the
be able to compare and ascertain. This is the duty of market by the 2 voluntary certification marks (Figure 1).
product certification and moreover, the broader and
more competitive the market is, the more efficient
and reliable the certification must be. It is proposed
in this paper to show how the different certification
schemes managed by Eurovent Certita Certification
are responding to the current situation and to describe
some recent breakthroughs.

Product certification, what for?

Product certification is a conformity assessment
whereby a third party- the certification body - issues a
statement that fulfilment of specified requirements has
been demonstrated for a given product [1]. Typically in
the field of HVAC-R this encompasses the voluntary
certification of the performances of products which
are published by the certification body after imple-
mentation of a process including verification tests and Figure 1. The 2 certification marks granted by Eurovent
assessment audits. The first aim of product certifica- Certita Certification for heat pumps.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 31


The Eurovent Certified Performance (ECP) mark has Table 1. A brief history of Heat pump certification:
been granted by our company since 1995 and has recent milestones.
gained a very large international recognition: 66% of
HVAC-R products sold in Europe are ECP certified. Date Event
Introducing ESEER(European seasonal energy
The NF mark is a French mark of conformity owned efficiency ratio) in the Eurovent Programme for
by AFNOR, the French member of CEN and has 2007 Chillers and Heat Pumps.
been used for more than 60 years in the frame- Launching the NF Heat Pump programme.
work of hundreds of certification programmes. The Extending certification to dual service heat
programme related to heat pumps [4] has been devel- 2012
oped and managed since its inception by ECC.
Extending certification to gas heat pumps.
The reason for proposing different certifications for Introducing certification of seasonal
a single family of products is that the 2 schemes are performances.
responding to different market expectations. Indeed, 2014 First certification of hybrid systems.
although it is based on European product and testing Extending certification to heat pumps
standards, the NF mark is tailored to the needs and producing collective sanitary hot water.
demands of the French market, including specific Creation of the Euro Heat Pump programme,
input for the thermal regulation. Whereas the ECP 2015 first certificates granted on spring 2015.
mark [5] is providing its wide international recogni- An agreement between Eurovent Certita
tion on a larger market which uses the same set of Certification and DIN CERTCO enables to grant
up to 3 quality marks through a single entry
European standards.

On top of that, Eurovent Certita Certification has

recently developed a European Heat Pump certifi- Table 2 shows the different technologies of heat pumps
cation programme, “Euro Heat Pump” which is a and related products currently covered by the certi-
bridge between the NF Heat Pump programme and fication programmes managed by Eurovent Certita
the ECP mark. It allows to obtain both certifications Certification.
through a single entry point and using the same set of
verifications. We are thus offering to manufacturers a Table 2. Technologies and operation modes under the
cost effective, one stop certification. scope of programmes managed by ECC.

A brief history of Heat pump Technologies of heat pumps Operation modes

certification by Eurovent Certita
Certification Air to air Heating and cooling modes

Recent events and breakthroughs which happened Dual mode: space heating and
Air to water
for the different programmes managed by ECC are sanitary hot water production
shown on Table 1, with some of them being further Water to water
commented elsewhere in the paper.
Brine to water
A world of proliferating
technologies Gas fired absoption and
adsorption heat pumps
To pay heed to various climates and respond to quite
different demands related to residential buildings but Swimming pool heat pumps
also collective ones or industrial facilities, manufac-
turers are using the whole range of available technolo- Production of collective sanitary hot water
Hybrid systems using heat pumps
gies when producing and marketing heat pumps. This
is seemingly a never ending process where what is at
stake is increasing the versatility of products whilst Other related thermodynamic devices
improving their energy efficiency. The development Rooftop units
of certification must follow the same pace and be in
line with the evolution of technologies, lest its link Variable refrigerant flow (VRF)
with the market is severed.

32 REHVA Journal – March 2016


For certification programmes to cover all these technolo- For heat pumps, the provisions related to Ecodesign
gies or operation modes, just using the relevant stand- and Ecolabelling have been in force since September
ards and updating the test methods are not enough, 26th, 2015 and will be strengthened and enlarged from
otherwise for instance one would end up asking for an 2017 onwards.
irrealistic number of verification tests. This is where the
know- how of the certification body and the expertise Coping with these regulatory changes is a real challenge
of its network of laboratories are crucial to set up the for product certification because in many cases new test
appropriate balanced process providing confidence in methods have to be used to determine the efficiency in
the certified values on the basis of a time and cost accept- terms of seasonal performance.
able programme. An example of such an approach is
given, infra, for heat pumps operated in dual mode. Eurovent Certita Certification manages its certifica-
tion programmes so as to anticipate regulatory evolu-
The Ecodesign whirl tions and especially revise reference documents to be
To reduce energy consumption the European union in line with the implementation of the Ecodesign and
has decided to introduce requirements for energy effi- Ecolabelling directives.
ciency and to set up energy labelling with new energy
classes. The corresponding general framework is given Here are some recent examples:
in the two European Directives 2009/125/EC [6] and
2010/30/EU[7], and requirements are further described •• 2010: thresholds for sound power levels (indoors and
in a number of regulations, including the Ecodesign outdoors) are introduced for NF Heat pumps,
Regulations Nos 813/2013 [8] and 814/2014[9] for •• From January 1st, 2013: for ECP certified air condi-
space heaters and combination heaters on the one hand tioners ≤ 12 kW, SEER and SCOP have to comply
and water heaters and water storage tanks on the other with the eco-design thresholds,
hand. These regulations have deep consequences on •• Autumn 2014: SCOP and ηs can be certified for NF
the market, where the less performant products will Heat pumps,
gradually vanish. •• December 2014: the ECP programme for chillers
and heat pumps includes the certification of SCOP
For heat pumps one of the major changes is the intro- and ηs.
duction of seasonal performances which take into
account the fact that during the whole year a thermo- Versatile products and hybrid
dynamic system works according to the needs at part systems
load conditions and for specific climates. One of the most notable and growing current trends
is the development of versatile systems achieving
Thus, since 2013, nominal performances (EER for several different functions, for instance space heating
cooling mode and COP for heating mode) according to and hot water production as in the case of dual mode
EN 14511[10] standard are gradually been replaced by heat pumps. Some of them are using different types of
seasonal performances (SEER and SCOP respectively) energy, such as typically hybrid heat pumps combining
according to EN 14825 [11] standard. a fuel or gas boiler and a heat pump. These latter systems
can in some cases be controlled so as to switch from one
To enable comparing results from different technolo- type of energy to another depending on the outdoors
gies, a seasonal energy efficiency is introduced, using temperature or on the power cost, allowing therefore to
a conversion coefficient CC to express it in terms of optimize the energy efficiency and the overall operating
primary energy. costs. The first “NF Multi energy” certificates have been
granted on November 2014
For instance, for heat pump space heaters and heat
pumps combining space heating and hot water produc- These breakthroughs offer a real challenge to product
tion, the seasonal space heating energy efficiency is certification, because the great quantity of components
expressed as: (heat pumps, storage tanks, exchangers…) and of their
possible combinations can result in a very large amount
���� of marketed systems which are quite long and expensive
�� � � � ����,
�� to test. Among the array of means Eurovent Certita
Certification is using to address this issue, one of the
where CC = 0.5 and F(i) are corrective factors. most promising is the use of predictive models.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 33


If we take the example of

certified dual mode heat
pumps, the systems are
first classified by ranges,
depending on the tech-
nologies of the main
components and on their
sizes (see Figure 2).

For a given range of

models, the performances
are determined from
testing one model and
using simulation for the
other models. Once the
simulation tool has been Figure 2. definition of ranges of NF certified dual mode range or domestic hot water
validated on the basis of (DHW) heat pumps.
an appropriate assembly
of test results, it allows to
decrease dramatically the number of needed tests. Euro-HP programme was launched under the Eurovent
Certified Performance brand on 2015, on the basis of
A truly European coverage NF Heat Pump specifications, with dozens of manu-
It was once said that Europe will not be actually built facturers having now their heat pumps performances
when all European people speak one single language, published on our web site [5]. This is also underlying the
but when they all speak several European languages. To cooperation agreement Eurovent Certita Certification
some extent it is such an approach which is followed has signed on 2015 with the German certification body
by Eurovent Certita Certification: we promote certi- DIN CERTCO to broaden its certification offering
fication at the European level while acknowledging as summarized on Figure 3. In the framework of this
local recognition of influential brands, in keeping with agreement, the first DIN Plus certificates were granted
the demands of the market. It is the reason why the on November 2015.

Figure 3. A one-stop shop for 3 certification marks.

34 REHVA Journal – March 2016


The overall result of this continuous certification devel-

opment is shown on Table 3 where the numbers of
certified models are given per technology of heat pumps. [1] ISO/IEC 17000: 2004- Conformity assessment —
Vocabulary and general principles.
[2] ISO/IEC 17065: 2012 - Conformity assessment
— Requirements for bodies certifying
Table 3. Models of certified heat pumps per products,processes and services.
technology (Dec.2015). [3] Regulation No 756/2008 of 9 July 2008 setting out
the requirements for accreditation and market
Number of models surveillance relating to the marketing of products
Type certified by Eurovent and repealing Regulation No 339/93. Official Journal
Certita Certification of the European Union – L218, 13.8.2008 –p. 30 - 47.
Space heating or cooling
Air/air 2,860 [6] Directive 2009/125/EC of 21 October 2009 establish-
ing a framework for the setting of ecodesign require-
Air/Water 13,400 ments for energy-related products. Official Journal of
the European Union – L 285, 31.10.2009, p.10-35.
Water/Water 3,660
[7] Directive 2010/30/EU of 19 May 2010 on the
Glycol Water/Water 305 indication by labelling and standard product
information of the consumption of energy and other
Dual service 505 resources by energy-related products. Official Journal
of the European Union – L 153, 18.6.2010, p. 1–12.
Rooftop units 470
[8] Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 of 2 August 2013
Variable Refrigerant Flow 185 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council with regard
Total number 21,385 to ecodesign requirements for space heaters and
combination heaters. Official Journal of the European
Union – L 239, 06.09.2013, p.136-161.
Conclusion [9] Regulation (EU) No 814/2013 of 2 August 2013
implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the
Product certification is a key point on the heat pump European Parliament and of the Council with regard
market as it is necessary to bring confidence between all to ecodesign requirements for water heaters and hot
water storage tanks. Official Journal of the European
stakeholders. However to deliver in a fully satisfactory Union – L 239, 06.09.2013, p.162-183.
way, it has to evolve in line with the development of new [10] EN 14511 – 1 to -4: 2013 - Air conditioners, liquid
technologies and systems and to anticipate regulatory chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically
constraints as well as market expectations. Eurovent driven compressors for space heating and cooling.
Certita Certification has taken up this challenge and is [11] EN 14825: 2012 - Air conditioners, liquid chilling
packages and heat pumps,with electrically driven
the leading European certification body for heat pumps compressors,for space heating and cooling - Testing
on a business area where Ecodesign requirements and and rating at part load conditions and calculation of
market surveillance are focused on transparent and reli- seasonal performance.
able product performances.

REHVA Guidebook on Active and Passive Beam Application

Active and Passive Beam Application Design Guide
The Active and Passive Beam Application Design Guide is the result of collaboration by worldwide ex-
perts to give system designers a current, authoritative guide on successfully applying active and pas-
sive beam technology. Active and Passive Beam Application Design Guide provide energy-efficient
methods of cooling, heating, and ventilating indoor areas, especially spaces that require individual
zone control and where internal moisture loads are moderate.

The systems are simple to operate, with low maintenance requirements. This book is an essential
resource for consulting engineers, architects, owners, and contractors who are involved in the de-
sign, operation, and installation of these systems. Building on REHVA’s Chilled Beam Application
Guidebook, this new guide provides up-to-date tools and advice for designing, commissioning, and
operating chilled-beam systems to achieve a determined indoor climate, and includes examples of
active and passive beam calculations and selections. Dual units (SI and I-P) are provided throughout.

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations

40 Rue Washington, 1050 Brussels – Belgium | Tel 32 2 5141171 | Fax 32 2 5129062 Journal – |March
| 2016
[email protected] 35

Eurovent Certita


The Eurovent Certification label is a guarantee that the energy level indicated is based on certified performances.
Eurovent Certification certifies the thermal and acoustic performance of air conditioning, ventilation, heating and
refrigeration equipment tested at independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratories. The certification protocol includes
ECC 12-2013 / Photo: IStock

sampling of the units to be tested, annual test campaigns, downgrading of indicated performance levels in the event
of test failure and subsequent publication of data.

*Accreditation # 5-0517 Products and Services Certification - According to EN 45011:1998 - Scope and validity at - International recognition EA/IAF

Certified thermal performance

testing provides value for money
and has a proven positive impact
on the actual system cost
Looking at value for money through
myopic eyes blinds reality to expectation,
decrease your payback time with Eurovent
certification. This article demonstrates the
impacts of system economics and how by
focusing on the first cost, melts away those
perceived benefits like snow on a sunny day. GEORG MAGER IAN BUTLER
Senior Advisor M.Sc

he principle “value for money” is probably as Evaporative Cooling Project / Audit Manager
old as human trade and whilst it sounds simple Equipment Eurovent Certita
and straight forward, we consider that in reality Eurovent Association Certification Ltd
it is not always straight forward for what a customer
expects. Indeed, verification of the real value can be a
challenge; verification of quantities, dimensional data,
weight, etc. are comparatively easy to assess, but what
about the performance of a cooling tower operating in
a HVAC plant?

Before we address the problem of performance verifica-

tion, let us analyse the impact of an underperforming
cooling tower using a numerical example of an indus-
trial HVAC application operating year round with a
load variation from 100% in summer to 80% in winter.
The cooling tower for this application would be selected
for a summer condition to cool 52 l/s of water from
32°C to 27°C at an entering wet bulb temperature of
21°C. The cooling capacity to be rejected would be
1,090 kW in this case. Now let us analyse this model compared to a cooling
tower which would only deliver 80% of the required
The cooling tower delivering the required perfor- duty. This cooling tower (we will designate it as
mance, let us designate it as “Model 100”, would “Model 80”) could be 20% smaller in physical size or
be 3.6 m long, 2.4 m wide and 3.5 m high with an alternatively, it would have the same physical dimen-
absorbed fan power of 28.5 kW, a 30 kW fan motor sions as “Model 100”, however the required fan power
would be installed and the overall sound power level is only 20 kW and hence the fan motor installed would
of “Model 100” being 93 dB(A). only need to be 22 kW. This example focuses on the last

REHVA Journal – March 2016 37


option for ease of comparison. In addition, the declared will not fail. Final result will be some loss of comfort or
overall sound power level for “Model 80” would be in the case of industrial applications, some slowdown
91 dB(A) instead of 93 for “Model 100”. Also the of the production process will for sure take place.
“Model 80” could be available at a slightly lower price. •• In typical Mid European climates there will be less
than 100 hours when the wet bulb temperature is
The question: “Which unit gets ordered” is rhetoric higher than 19.3°C spread over a few summer days.
unless the customer knows that “Model 80” under-
performs. In order to know that, however, it is not Based on those deductions, it is fair to say that on first
sufficient to look at dimensional data and face values sight the underperformance does not create a catas-
for fan power and sound. trophe or send alarm bells ringing. In fact, there may
be several years of bad summers, where design water
Before we discuss how such verification can be achieved, temperature conditions are never exceeded. So, after all,
let us see what the effect of an underperforming “Model could it be said that the problem is not so big?
80” provides. What will happen at design conditions
and more importantly, what will be the knock-on The magnitude however can only be answered if we look
economics effect on an annual base? at the annual economic impact. With the information
we have up to now, we can only say: “Yes, you can get
Performance at design conditions. away with offering cooling towers, which deliver only
For the 1,090 kW, which has to be dissipated at 21°C 80% of the required performance”. The chances that an
wet bulb, “Model 80” will supply water 1.2°C warmer operational problem occurs due to the capacity shortage
than that designed. It will take a wet bulb of 19.3°C to are nil and unless a performance test reveals the true
supply the required 32°C / 27°C water temperatures. situation, the chances you getting caught are very small.
Two deductions can be drawn from that:
Under such conditions the likelihood that manufac-
•• The installed chiller will not totally stop due to exces- turers may take risks when stating the performance
sive high pressure; due to the 1.2°C warmer water the of their cooling towers is high. Owners may not even
chiller will unload and capacity will suffer, however it challenge their performance data due to the fact that

Cumulative 10 year additional operating cost for ‘Model 80’ compared to ‘ Model 100’

120 000 €
Additional operating cost (€K)

100 000 €
Water costs
Energy costs
80 000 €

60 000 €

40 000 €

20 000 €

1 3 5 10
Note: Both energy & water costs include an assumed 3% year on year inflation rate price increase

38 REHVA Journal – March 2016


they say: “We never had a problem before.” However, probably about half the first cost of the new cooling
we know now that, whilst it may be so that the problem tower. It is clear that an initial small price advantage
is not noticed, it does not mean that it is not there! of the “Model 80” which may exist; melts away those
perceived benefits like snow on a sunny day.
Performance year round.
What we do not know yet is: What is the magnitude of Conclusion
the problem? As mentioned before, we can only answer Value for money does not just come by looking at dimen-
this question, if we look at the economic annual impact sional data and published values of certain consumables
of underperformance. For that we will use the “Models and emissions. What needs to be challenged is the self-
100 and 80” from the previous example and the indus- declared thermal performance especially if it has never
trial HVAC year round load profile varying from 100% been independently tested or certified. An acceptance
capacity requirement in the summer to 80% in the test according to a recognized standard is the minimum
winter. Both cooling towers will use variable frequency needed to take out the guesswork in believing the
drives and run with a concentration factor of 2.5. declared thermal performance, but for that the cooling
tower needs to be purchased and installed. What now
The fan kWh requirement for “Model100” will if the tower fails in the test? Penalties, compensations?
be 55,540 kWh and for “Model 80” it will only be For sure long and unpleasant discussions, possibly legal
50,800 kWh, due to the smaller fan motor of the under- action and at the end of all of that the owner is still
performing “Model 80”. However, look at the electrical stuck with a faulty cooling tower.
energy needed for the chiller: For the “Model 100” we
need 1,114,360 kWh, but for “Model 80” the chiller The smart way to handle this problem is to select a
requirement goes up to 1,178,700 kWh, which is cooling tower which has Eurovent Certified Performance
almost 6% more. If we therefore add up the chiller and (ECP mark) via 3rd party controlled outside or internal
fan kWh the “Model 80” still needs 5% more elec- lab testing.
trical energy on an annual base. At a typical cost rate
of 0.12 €/kWh this represents an annual operating cost Only then the owner is sure prior to purchase that
addition of 7,152 €. they will not have higher operation costs due to
In addition to that, there is more water consumption
for “Model 80” because the chiller has to work harder Certified thermal performance testing removes risk to
hence more waste energy has to be dissipated and more obtain system economics and removes guess work, it
water will evaporate. In our example “Model 80” will also removes the problems of litigation, penalties &
consume per annum 500 m³ water more. If we take the compensation should an already purchased product be
very modest cost for water supply, sewage and chemi- found to underperform, because by then it’s too late!
cals (3 €/m³), this adds another 1,500 € per year.
Look for the Eurovent Certified Performance mark
The total operating cost for water and electricity to make that intelligent Cooling Tower selection
for the system with “Model 80” is 8,652 €. This is decision.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 39

Product Certification

European Certification of
HVAC&R products

Eurovent Certita Certification

Discover a top European Third-party certification body dedicated to guaranteeing worldwide

consumers comfort and satisfaction via product performance certification.

oday, professionals face new challenges in the number one Third-Party certification provider in
complying with the objectives of carbon foot- Europe in the field of Indoor Climate, Ventilation and
print reduction and addressing the constraints Air Quality, Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain.
of building code regulations that require precise calcu-
lations based on performance data. Based on a voluntary scheme, our certification is open
to all manufacturers as well as to distributors who can
In addition, with the rising costs of energy and the apply via our Brand Name scheme. We deliver inde-
growing demand for cooling in buildings, supermar- pendent and reliable expertise for residential, commer-
kets, or data centers, monitoring energy consumption cial, and industrial applications. We certify product
is becoming key to reduce both the financial and envi- performances according to both European and interna-
ronmental impact. tional standards, and our certification processes include
yearly factory assessment audits, software audits, and
In this challenging and fast-moving context, reliable third-party product testing.
product performance has become a main driver for
business decisions and product investments. When it Whether in response to the rapid growth of hybrid
comes to reducing the energy bill, third-party certifica- systems involving multiple energy sources or technolo-
tion offers a real value. gies, or to new directives and regulations, Eurovent
Certita Certification’s mission is to continuously adapt
Trusted as a highly skilled and experienced partner, its programmes, methods, and protocols to meet the
Eurovent Certita Certification has positioned itself as expectations of the market and its stakeholders.

40 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification

Consultants, buyers and contractors

parency to guarantee a fair and competitive comparison.
benefit from a fair and competitive
With over 95,000 models certified, our database provides
market, supporting the dimensioning
professionals with all the information needed to dimen-
of energy efficient projects
sion equipment and match the technical constraints of
Commercial buildings consume 40% of all elec- the specifications with the financial target of the project.
trical energy; with the introduction of the Energy
Performance Building Directive (EPBD) in Europe, Third-Party certification enables
reducing energy consumption is one of the challenges compliance monitoring to achieve
consultants and contractors have to face. Dimensioning environmental goals
projects that assess the energy consumption of build- Performance data certified by Eurovent Certita
ings and highlight its true cost quickly illustrate the Certification is instrumental for State authorities to
power and value of certified data. enable compliance monitoring. It provides valuable
data to document and track market information.
The purpose of Eurovent Certita Certification is to create Eurovent Certita Certification is an accredited certi-
common set of criteria for rating products, that apply fication body, trusted to deliver a consistently reliable
to all manufacturers, thus increasing the integrity and and impartial service which meets the appropriate,
accuracy of data while ensuring the needed level of trans- internationally recognised standards.


- 2014 (in number) - Examples for 5 family products
- 2014 (in number) - Examples for 5 family products

Heat Exchangers Air Handling

Heat Exchangers Units Units Chillers
Air Handling and and
Air Filters Air Filters Fan Coils Fan Coils Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps



© Eurovent Market Intelligence






© Eurovent Market Intelligence








0 5 010 5 15 10 20 15 2520 25
30 30
35 35
© Eurovent
© Eurovent Market Market Intelligence
Intelligence © Eurovent
© Eurovent MarketMarket Intelligence

REHVA Journal – March 2016 41

Product Certification

Third-Party certification offers guarantees

More reliability and
of integrity, independence, impartiality and
competence while remaining compliant
with European Competition Laws.

Product performance
certification delivered by
Eurovent Certita Certification
plays a key role to ensure
transparency and deliver high
quality and reliable data
Our commitment in adding value along Less
the renewable energy decision chain goes reliability and
one step further and extends to installers, independence
household buyers or contractors for
whom we are implementing on-line tools to Integrity, Independence and Impartiality
support them at every stage of their projects,
from the quotation to the filing for local • We operate with the commissions responsible
incentives or tax rebates. for the harmonisation and the integrity of our
certification programmes, including authorities,
end-user groups, scientific and technical bodies,
Regardless of whether the expected bene-
and manufacturer associations.
fits are technical, financial, competitive,
organizational or process-oriented, there are • All 30 laboratories and testing agencies that are a
many reasons to look at Eurovent Certita part of the Eurovent Certita Certification process
Certification. are regularly assessed according to ISO 17025.
They are located in 11 countries worldwide.
With this special ACREX issue of the
REHVA Journal, we welcome the oppor- • Our testing protocols include independent tests,
tunity to present 20 years of Third-Party manufacturing audits, selection software checks,
performance certification expertise and product sampling, product purchasing, cross data
coherence algorithms per product family, and
product dismantling after testing.

By a simple, 24/7
connection to our website
you can download PRODUCT PERFORMANCE
Product Performance Reports Document ID 123131DSFSQDFQSD4546DSQFQ
Issued on April 27 th, 2015

that provide detailed performance PROJECT IDENTIFICATION - This product performance report is delivered for:

Proj ect reference CF23198

features and values such as the Project location PARIS


COP (Coefficient Of Performance)

Certification Diploma N° 07- 09- 356
Manufacturer AIRWELL
Product r eference 12231f32ds1f3dsfsd3f131f3q1f3qd1sf3qdsf1dsq3f13qf1q

or the Sound Power Level.

reports Important n otice:

Data featured in this report are valid at the d ate of issue . The scope of this product performance report does not include all
certified data that can be checked at http://www.euro
This product performance report is valid only for above product features and should not be referred to as a Diploma.



reports II.

This product performance report is valid only for above product features and should not be referred
certified data that can be checked at
Data featured in this report
Important n otice:
to as a Diploma.

are valid at the d ate of issue . The scope of this product performance report does not include all

product Product r eference

Certification Diploma N° 07 - 09 - 356

Project location PARIS

Proj ect reference CF23198
PROJECT IDENTIFICATION - This product performance report is delivered for:

Issued on April 27 th , 2015

Document ID 123131DSFSQDFQSD4546DSQFQ


42 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification


Indoor Ventilation & Process Cooling &

Climate Air Quality Food Cold Chain
European Heat Pumps Air to Air Plate Heat Exchangers * Cooling Towers
Chilled Beams * Air to Air Regenerative Heat Exchangers * Cooling & Heating Coils
Close Control Air Conditioners * Air Handling Units * Drift Eliminators
Comfort Air Conditioners * Air Filters Class M5-F9 * Liquid Chilling Package & Heat Pumps *
Rooftop (RT) * Residential Air Handling Units (RAHU) Heat Exchangers *
Fan Coils Units * Remote Refrigerated Display Cabinets
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) * * All models in the production have to be certified

dd Indoor Climate

European Heat Pumps

Scope of certification • Temperature stabilisation time th [hh:mm], Spare
• Electrically driven heat pumps for space heating capacity Pes [W], Energy efficiency for water
(incl. cooling function) heating [COPDHW & WH] or Global performance
• Electrically driven heat pumps used for heating coefficient for a given tapping cycle COPglobal,
swimming pool water (outdoors or inside) Reference hot water temperature θ’WH and
• Dual-mode heat pumps, i.e. designed for space Maximum effective hot water volume VMAX [l]
heating and domestic hot water production, • Daily consumption for the draw-off cycle in
• Gas absorption heat pumps (incl. cooling question (Qelec)
function) • Annual consumption (AEC)
• Engine-driven gas heat pumps (incl. cooling • Sound power levels Lw [dB(A)]
ECC Reference documents
Certification requirements • Certification manual
• Qualification campaign : 1 audit/factory + tests • Operational manual OM-17
depending on products declared • Rating standard RS 9/C/010
• Repetition campaign: 2 machines/year +
1 audit/year/factory Main testing standards
Thermal performance:
Main certified characteristics and • Heat pumps with electrically driven compressors
tolerances • Space heating & cooling: EN 14511-1 to 4;
• Heating and/or Cooling capacities Ph and/or Seasonal performance: EN 14825
Pc [kW], Electrical Power inputs Pe [kW] and • Domestic hot water: EN 16147
Coefficient of performance COP • Direct exchange ground coupled heat pumps:
• Design capacity Pdesignh, Seasonal Coefficients EN 15879-1
of Performance SCOP, SCOPnet and Seasonal • Gas-fired heat pump : EN 12309-1 to 5
efficiency ηs Acoustics:
• Minimum continuous operation Load Ratio • Heat pumps and dehumidifiers with electrically
LRcontmin [%], COP at LRcontmin and driven compressors: EN 12102
Performance correction coefficient at LRcontmin • ISO 3741: Reverberant rooms or ISO 9614-1:
CcpLRcontmin Sound intensity, measurements by points

REHVA Journal – March 2016 43

Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate

Chilled Beams CERTIFY


Scope of certification
This Certification Programme applies to all Active
Certified characteristics & tolerances
and Passive Chilled Beams. Chilled Beams are pre-
sented by ranges but all ranges must be certified. This Cooling capacity: 3 conditions are required.
applies to all product ranges which have either cata-
logue leaflets with product details including techni- • Active: 80 – 100 – 120% of the nominal air flow
rate (for 8°C temperature difference)
cal data or similar product information in electronic
• Passive: 6 – 8 – 10°C temperature difference
Tolerance = 12% for the 3 single values; 6% for the average value.
Certification requirements Water pressure drop : tolerance = maximum (2 kPa ; 10%)
For the qualification procedure (yearly): 3 units
are selected from regular production and tested in
ECC Reference documents
the independent Laboratory selected by Eurovent • Certification manual
Certification. • erational Manual OM-12
• Rating Standard RS 2/C/007
For the repetition procedures: the number of units Testing standards
selected is limited to 1 unit/range.
• EN 14518: “Testing and rating of Passive Chilled
Obtained performances shall be compared with the • EN 15116: “Testing and rating of Active Chilled
values presented in the catalogues or electronic selec- Beams”
tion from manufacturer’s website.

Comfort Air Conditioners CERTIFY


Scope of certification
This certification programme includes: by an independent laboratory, and 30% of the selected
• AC1: comfort air cooled AC and air to units are tested at part load conditions. AC2 & AC3:
air HP with cooling capacity up to 12 kW, except 10% of the units declared are selected and tested by an
double duct and single duct units. independent laboratory.
• AC2: comfort units with cooling capacity from
12 to 45 kW Certified characteristics & tolerances
• AC3: comfort units with cooling capacity from • Capacity (cooling and heating) −5%
45 to 100 kW • Efficiency (EER and COP) −8%
This programme applies to factory-made units intend- • Seasonal Efficiency (SEER and SCOP): −0% (the
ed to produce cooled air for comfort air conditioning product is downgraded (or rerated) as soon as
(AC1, AC2, AC3). It also applies to units intended for partload efficiency is out of tolerance
both cooling and heating by reversing the cycle. For the
• A-weighted sound power level +0 dB (A)
• Auxialiary power +10%
AC1 programme units out of Regulation 206/2012 are Minimum continuous operation Load Ratio: LRcontmin
excluded. [%], COP/EER at LRcontmin and Performance correction
coefficient at LRcontmin CcpLRcontmin.
Participating Companies must certify all production
models within the scope of the programme they en- ECC Reference documents
ter. However concerning multi-split air conditioners, • Certification manual
only systems with maximum two indoor units are in- • Operational Manual OM-1
cluded, same mounting type, capacity ratio 1+/- 0.05. • Rating Standard RS 6/C/001 - RS 6/C/001A
- RS 6/C/006
Certification requirements
For the qualification & yearly repetition procedures: Testing standards
AC1 : 8% of the units declared are selected and tested • EN 14511 • EN 14825 • EN 12102

44 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate

Close Control Air Conditioners CERTIFY


Scope of certification • EER : −8%

This Certification Programme applies to factory-made
• A-weighted sound power level : +0 dB
units intended for Close Control Air Conditioning. Chilled-Water Close Controls Air Conditioners
This programme includes units with cooling capaci- • Total cooling capacity : −8%
ties up to 100 kW under the specified test conditions. • Sensible cooling capacity : −8%
• Effective power input : +8%
Participating companies must certify all production • A weighted sound power level : +0 dB
models within the scope of the programme. • Water pressure drop :+10%

Certification requirements ECC Reference documents

For the qualification & repetition procedures: 10%
• Certification manual
• Operational Manual OM-1
of the units declared will be selected and tested by an • Rating Standard RS 6/C/001
independent laboratory. • Rating Standard RS 6/C/004
Certified characteristics & tolerances • Rating Standard RS 6/C/006

Air-Cooled and Water-Cooled Close Control Air Conditioners Testing standards

• Total cooling capacity : −8% • EN 14511
• Sensible cooling capacity :−8% • EN 12102 - EUROVENT 8/1

Rooftop (RT) CERTIFY


Scope of certification
The Eurovent rooftop certification (RT) program cov- • This Certification Program applies to air-cooled
ers air-cooled and watercooled packaged rooftop and water cooled rooftops rated below 100 kW.
units below 100 kW in cooling mode, with an option • Models with cooling or heating capacity ranging from
to certify units from 100 kW to 200 kW. The Rooftop 100 kW to 200 kW can be certified as an option.
program participants represent the five main • Models of rooftops using gas burners for heating
European rooftop manufacturers. shall be only certified for cooling.

Eurovent certifies indoor and outdoor sound lev-

els, cooling and heating capacity and efficiency. Certification requirements
Certified performances provide transparency and • For the qualification and repetition procedures
fair comparison between manufacturers. It is also the (yearly) between 1 & 3 units are selected and
basis for the reliable study of HVAC system energy tested by Eurovent Certification, depending on the
performance. number of products declared.

Currently the program evolves towards part load Certified characteristics & tolerances
efficiency (SEER, SCOP) and certification of perfor-
mance simulation tool data. Current work done on
• Capacity (Cooling or Heating): −5%
EN 14825 aims to address rooftops in the calculation
• EER or COP: ‑8%
hypothesis. The software certification is a key item
• Condenser water pressure drop: +15%
to comply with existing and coming certification of
• A-weighted Sound Power Level: +3 dBA.
building energy calculations in the EU countries.
• Eurovent Energy Efficiency class (cooling and heating)

ECC Reference documents

• Certification manual
• Operational Manual OM -13
Mr Philippe Tisserand • Rating Standard RS 6/C/007
Product Manager for rooftop & commercial
unitary for Trane EMEIA – Chairman of Eurovent Testing standards
Rooftop program compliance committee
• EN 14511 for Performance Testing
• EN 12102 for Acoustical Testing

REHVA Journal – March 2016 45

Product Certification
dd Indoor Climate

Fan Coils Units CERTIFY


Scope of certification Certified characteristics & tolerances

This Certification Programme applies to Fan Coil • Capacity* (cooling, sensible, heating): −5%
Units using hot or chilled water. It concerns both non • Water pressure drop*: +10%
ducted and ducted fan coils:
• Fan power input*: +10%
• Non ducted units: Fan Coil Units with air flow • A-weighted sound power: +1 / +2 dB(A)
less than 0.7 m³/s and a published external static
• Air flow rate: −10%
duct pressure at 40 Pa maximum.
• Available static pressure 0 Pa for medium speed
and −5 Pa for other speeds
• Ducted units: Fan Coil Units up to 1 m³/s airflow • FCEER & FCCOP
and 300 Pa available pressure.
• District cooling units and 60 Hz units can be • Eurovent energy efficiency class
certified as an option (*) At standard and non standard conditions

Participating companies must certify all production ECC Reference documents

models within the scope of the programme. Selection • Certification manual
tools (software) are checked. • Operational Manual OM-1A
• Rating Standard RS 6/C/002
Certification requirements • Rating Standard RS 6/C/002A
Repetition procedure: the number of units to be tested Testing standards
each year will be proportional to the number of his ba-
sic models listed in the Directory, in an amount equal
• Performance testing: EN 1397:2015
to 17% for Fan Coil Units with a minimum of one test.
• Acoustic testing: EN 16583:2015

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) CERTIFY


Heat recovery units are included in the scope but the

VRF systems have shown the highest growth amongst cooling sys-
tems during the past 10 years and indeed the highest potential for
heat recovery function is not certified.
the next 10 years. High ambient systems are included in the scope but
Until recently, VRF systems were the only type of direct ex- tested under standard conditions as specified in RS
pansion cooling system that was not covered by a dedicated
Certification programme. 6/C/008.
The Eurovent Certification scheme was
therefore critical. Certification requirements
It was my privilege to Chair the Launching • Qualification: units selected by Eurovent
committee from the first meeting to its introduc- Certification shall be tested in an independent
tion. Whilst it took 2 years to complete, I believe laboratory selected by Eurovent Certification.
it was worth the time and effort.
We at Toshiba are pleased as a manu- • Repetition procedure: units selected from regular
facturer to work with Eurovent Certification production shall be tested on a yearly basis.
Company as they guarantee the consistency of Nick Ball
thermal testing and they increase the integrity Toshiba EMEA Certified characteristics & tolerances
of the products on the market. Engineer Director
• Outdoor Capacity (cooling and heating): −8%
• Outdoor Efficiency (EER, COP): −10%
Scope of certification • A-weighted sound power level: 2 dB
The certification programme for Variable Refrigerant ECC Reference documents
Flow (VRF) applies to:
• Outdoor units used in Variable Refrigerant Flow • Certification manual
systems with the following characteristics:
• Operation manual OM-15
• Air or water source, reversible, heating-only and • Rating Standard RS 6/C/008
cooling-only. Testing standards
VRF systems with data declared and published as • EN 14511
combinations are excluded from the scope. • EN 12102

46 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality

Air to Air Plate Heat Exchangers CERTIFY


Scope of certification Certification

This Certification programme applies to selected rang-
es of Air to Air Plate Heat Exchangers. Participants For each range to be certified, 3 units for qualifica-
shall certify all models in the selected range, including: tion and 1 for yearly repetition will be selected by
Eurovent Certita Certification and tested in an inde-
• cross flow, counter-flow and parallel flow units pendent Laboratory.
• all sizes
• all materials Certified characteristics & tolerances
• all airflow rates • Dimensions: ± 2 mm
• all edge lengths • Plate spacing: ± 1% or ± 1 plate
• plate heat exchanger with humidity transfer • Temperature efficiency Dry: −3 percentage points
• Temperature efficiency Wet: −5 percentage points
Heat Exchangers with accessories such as bypass and • Humidity efficiency: -5%
dampers shall not be included.
• Pressure drop: +10%, minimum 15 Pa

ECC Reference documents

Manufacturers shall declare production places and
• Certification manual
provenance of products is randomly chosen. The • Operational Manual OM-8
programme does not cover other types of Air to Air • Rating Standard RS 8/C/001
Heat Exchangers like Rotary Heat Exchangers or
Heat Pipes. Combination of units (twin exchang- Testing standards
ers) are also included in the scope of the program. • EN 308

Air to Air Regenerative Heat Exchangers CERTIFY


Scope of certification Certified characteristics & tolerances

This Certification Programme applies to all ranges of • Temperature Efficiency: −3% points
Air to Air Regenerative Heat Exchangers (RHE) in- • Humidity Efficiency: −5% points (min. tolerance
cluding sealing systems. Units sold without casing and 0.2 g/kg in absolute humidity of leaving supply air)
sealing systems are also included. Participants shall • Pressure Drop: +10% (min 10 Pa)
certify all models in the ranges, including: • Outdoor Air Corrrection Factor (OACF): 0.05
• all classes: condensation (non hygroscopic, non • Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio (EATR): +1% point
enthalpy) RHE, hygroscopic enthalpy RHE,
hygroscopic sorption RHE ECC Reference documents
• all RHE geometry (wave height, foil thickness) • Certification manual
• all sizes (rotor diameters and rotor depths and • Operational Manual OM-10
surface areas of Alternating Storage Matrices - ASM) • Rating Standard RS 8/C/002
• all materials
• all airflow rates Testing standards
• all different types of sealing (if available) • EN 308
• ARI 1060
Certification requirements
For the qualification procedures 1 unit per class of ro-
tor will be selected and tested by an independent lab-
oratory. For yearly repetition, 1 unit will be selected.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 47

Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality

Air Handling Units CERTIFY


Swegon has participated in the program for Air

as several model boxes that will cover all mechanical
Handling Units from the start. The first priority at that
time, and still is, was to find a way for fair competition.
This is a long term struggle were we try to cover all The selected units will be tested and performances
aspects from manufacturing to software performance delivered by the selection software will be compared
predictions and its agreement with tests. We discuss to the performances measured in an independent
and take decisions about mandatory performance in laboratory.
software printout, rules for the energy labelling, how
to test and what to apply in the, on site, auditor check. For the repetition procedures, the auditor will annu-
Customers should go for Eurovent certified products, ally check the software conformity against the produc-
to get reliable data, and then they can cut the main tion data, and tests will be repeated every 3 to 6 years.
cost and take care of the environment by minimising
the use of energy. Certified characteristics & tolerances
• External Pressure: 4% or 15 Pa
• Absorbed motor power: 3%
• Heat recovery efficiency: 3%-points
Committee chair:
• Heat recovery pressure drop (air side):
max. of 10% or 15 Pa
Mr Gunnar Berg • Water coil performances (heating/cooling): 2%
Development Engineer, Swegon
• Water coil pressure drop (water side):
max. of 10% or 2 kPa
• Radiated sound power level casing: 3 dB(A)
Scope of certification • Sound power level unit openings:
–– 5 dB @ 125 Hz
This Certification Programme applies to selected –– 3 dB @ 250 – 8 000 Hz
ranges of Air Handling Units. • Casing Air Leakage : same class or higher

Participants shall certify all models in the selected ECC Reference documents
product range up to the maximum stated air flow. • Certification manual
• Operational Manual OM-5
A range to be certified shall include at least one size • Rating Standard RS 6/C/005
with a rated air volume flow up to 3 m³/s.
Testing standards
Certification requirements • EN 1886: “Ventilation for buildings
For the qualification procedure: the selection soft- – Air handling units – Mechanical performance”
ware will be verified by our internal auditor. A visit on
• EN 13053: “Ventilation for buildings
– Air handling units – Rating & performance for
production site will be organized. During that visit, units components and sections”
the auditor will select one real unit per range, as well

48 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification
dd Ventilation & Air Quality

Air Filters Class M5-F9 CERTIFY


Today, people spend most of the time inside of and with a front frame size of 592 x 592 mm
buildings. Hence, indoor air quality is a key factor to according to standard EN 15805.
human health. Air filters removing fine dust from the • When a company joins the programme, all
air stream are the key component in building heating, relevant air filter elements shall be certified.
ventilation and air conditioning systems to supply air
of the required cleanliness and to ensure a high level Certification requirements
of indoor air quality. With the air filter certification pro- • For the qualification procedures: 6 units will be
gram, reliable and transparent filter data are ensured selected and tested by an independent Laboratory
to customers. On a yearly base, four different filters are selected by Eurovent Certification.
selected out of the product range of each participant Then each year 4 units will be selected & tested
for testing at independent laboratories according to
EN 779:2012, verifying the initial pressure drop, the fil- Certified characteristics & tolerances
ter class and the initial and minimum efficiency, as well • Filter class: no tolerance.
as the energy efficiency class to Eurovent document • Initial pressure drop: +10% + 5 Pa (minimum
4/11. Additionally, with the new energy efficiency la- 15 Pa)
bel, Eurovent provides valuable data to enable users to • Initial efficiency for F7 to F9: 10% – point
select the most energy efficient air filters. • Discharge efficiency for F7 to F9: 10% – point
• Annual energy consumption +10% +60 kWh/a
Committee chair:
Dr. Thomas Caesar ECC Reference documents
Head of Filter Engineering Industrial Filtration Europe
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG
• Certification manual
• Operational Manual OM-11
• Rating Standard RS 4/C/001
Scope of certification
• This Certification Programme applies to air filters Testing standards:
elements rated and sold as “Medium or Fine • EN 779:2012
Air Filters M5‑F9” as defined in EN 779:2012 • Eurovent 4/21

Residential Air Handling Units (RAHU) CERTIFY


Scope of certification • Specific Power Input SPI [W/(m³/h)]

This programme applies to balanced residential AHUs • Temperature efficiency / COP
(supply and exhaust) with heat recovery systems such • Performances at cold climate conditions
as: • SEC (Specific Energy Consumption) in [kWh/(m².an)]
• Air-to-air plate heat exchangers • A-weighted global sound power levels [dB(A)]
• Air-to-air rotary heat exchangers Tolerances
• Heat-pumps with a nominal airflow below
1 000 m³/h. • Leakage class 0
• Airflow +/-10%
Certification requirement • Temperature efficiency −3%-point
• Qualification test campaign: 1 test per heat recovery • Temperature efficiency at cold climate −6%-point
type. • COP / EER −8%
• Repetition test campaign: 1 test every 2 years for each • A-weighted global sound power levels +2dB(A)
heat recovery type. • Electrical consumption +7%
• Units are sampled directly from selling points. • Specific Power Input SPI +7%

Certified performances ECC Reference documents

• Leakage class • Certification manual
• Aeraulic performances: • Operation manual OM-16
• Airflow/pressure curves • Rating standard RS 15/C/001
• Maximum airflow [m³/h] Testing standards:
• Electrical consumption [W]
• European standard EN 13141-7:2010

REHVA Journal – March 2016 49

Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain

Cooling Towers
The importance of air conditioning and industrial cool-
ing is constantly increasing in modern architecture
and industrial process cooling. The human percep-
tion of comfort and the new challenges to reduce the
electrical power consumption and CO2 footprint have
designers striving for optimal system performances
with the highest possible efficiencies. Reliable thermal
performances are crucial to ensure these best efficien-
cies which are typical for cooling circuits driven by
evaporative cooling equipment. On a yearly basis, one
random picked cooling tower of each Eurovent-CTI Scope of certification
certified product line will be full scale thermal tested This Certification Programme for Cooling Towers ap-
by applying the CTI standard 201. plies to product ranges (or product lines) of Open-
Circuit series and Closed Circuit Cooling Towers that:
Eurovent Certita Certification guarantees the con-
sistency of thermal testing and manufacturing of
European and non-European companies that sub-
• Are manufactured by a company whose
headquarter or main facility are located in
scribe to the program.
Europe, Middle-East, Africa or India. After
getting the Eurovent Certification, the CTI
certificate could be requested.
• Have already achieved and hold current
certification by the Cooling Technology Institute
Committee chair: (CTI) according to CTI STD-201.
Mr Rob Vandenboer
Product Manager, Quality Manager Certification requirements
Evapco Europe, BVBA
For the qualification & yearly repetition procedures
our internal auditor visits the production place and
The first ECC / CTI collaborative certification reviews the conformity of Data of Records. One unit
program for Cooling Towers per range is selected and tested by an independent
The Eurovent Certification Company (ECC, Brussels, test agency.
Belgium) is pleased to announce the Certification
programme for cooling tower thermal performance Certified characteristics & tolerances
developed in cooperation with the Cooling Technology • Certified characteristic shall be per CTI STD-201
Institute Est.1950 (CTI, Houston, Texas, USA). The scope • Entering wet bulb temperature: 10°C to 32.2°C
of the program includes standardized model lines for (50°F to 90°F)
open circuit cooling towers, typically factory assembled. • Cooling range > 2.2°C (4°F)
Standardized model lines are composed of individual • Cooling approach > 2.8°C (5°F)
models that are required to have published thermal rat- • Process fluid temperature < 51.7°C (125°F)
ing capacities at corresponding input fan power levels. • Barometric pressure: −91.4 to 105.0 kPa
(27” to 31” Hg)
Thermal performance certification via this program
offers a tower buyer assurance that the capacity pub- ECC Reference documents
lished for the product has been confirmed by the initial
and on-going performance testing per the require- • Certification manual
ments of the program using CTI STD-201. It also offers • Operational Manual OM-4-2015
for regulators of energy consumption related to cool- • Rating Standard RS 9/C/001-2014
ing towers, that the capacity of the towers has been
validated. Minimum energy efficiency standards such
Testing standards
as ASHRAE 90.1, which requires cooling tower energy • CTI STD-201 RS
efficiency validation by the CTI certification process, are • ECC OM-4-2015
used by governments and by green building certifica-
tion programs such as LEED™.

50 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain

Cooling & Heating Coils

Heating Cooling Coils (HCCs) which enable the condi-
tioning of different zones and flexibility in application Scope of certification
in buildings are generally employed in compact and
central station AHU. To meet the required extra capac- The rating standard applies to ranges of forced cir-
ity in various processes, they are also used as heating culation air cooling and air heating coils as defined
or cooling devices. in ENV1216.

With the application of these coils to high energy Certification requirements

efficient heat recovery systems, the entire system be- • Qualification and repetition procedures: units
comes more compact as well as it avoids occupation of declared will be selected and tested by an
large spaces. Besides, they can be applied to Variable independent laboratory.
Air Volume (VAV) systems used for conditioning of • The number of units will depend on the
hospitals, shopping centers and convention facilities. variety of coil material configurations and their
applications for the applied range.
The Certification programme for the HCCs has increased • The selection software will be verified in
integrity and accuracy of the industrial performance comparison with the test results.
ratings which provides clear benefits for end users who
can be confident that the product will operate in accord- Certified characteristics &
ance with design specifications. Also, by means of this tolerances
certification programme users can collect reference data • Capacity: −15%
on the fundamental characteristics of the HCCs, such as • Air side pressure drop: +20%
capacity, pressure drop, mass flow complying with the • Liquid side pressure drop: +20%
standard of EN 1216.
ECC Reference documents
• OM-9
Committee chair: • RS 7/C/005
Engin Söylemez
R&D Test Engineer, Friterm A.Ş Testing standards
• ENV 1216

Drift Eliminators
Scope of certification ECC Reference documents
The Certification Programme for Drift Eliminators • Certification manual
applies to Drift Eliminators used for evaporative wa- • Operational Manual OM-14
ter-cooling equipment.
• Rating Standard RS 9/C/003

Certified characteristics & tolerances Testing standards

• CTI ATC-140
The following characteristics shall be certified by tests:
• For counter-flow and cross-flow film fill, the
average drift losses of the two tests at 3.5 m/s are
less than 0.007% of circulating water flow rate.
• For cross-flow splash fill, the average drift losses
of the two tests at 3 m/s are less than 0.007% of
circulating water flow rate.
No tolerance will be applied on the average drift losses.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 51

Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain

Liquid Chilling Package & Heat Pumps CERTIFY


Certification is a strong way to supply safe infor-

mation in the right language

Offering guaranteed performances to customers has According to New Regulations for Space heaters Eco
always been a fundamental benefit thanks to the accred- Labelling No 811/2013 - ErP No 813/2013.
ited independency of this certification program. Today
the need for certified performances is emphasized by Seasonal efficiency for heating (ηs) for Chillers &
several directives and it is essential for customers to: Heatpumps with a design capacity below 70kW is
certified since 26 September 2015. (For units above
• demonstrate the high performance efficiency of 70kW it is optional).
their buildings,
Scope of certification
• compare safety performances of the products
selected with the requirements of the regulations • This programme applies to standard chillers
implementing ERP Ecodesign & labelling directives, and hydronic heat pumps used for heating, air
conditioning and refrigeration.
• be sure of the return of their investment or energy • They may operate with any type of compressor
savings, (hermetic, semi-hermetic and open) but only
electrically driven chillers are included.
• have the ability to compare fairly between chillers, • Only refrigerants authorised in EU are considered.
heat pumps or other type of heaters. Chillers may be air cooled, liquid cooled or
evaporative cooled.
In addition to being certified, performances must be
seasonal, in line with the new regulations, and as-
• Heating-only hydronic heat pumps, 60 Hz units
sessed according to the new harmonized standards as
and Higher capacities (between 600 kW and
soon as they apply. 1500 kW) units can be certified as an option.
Certification requirements
This program is also a great opportunity for fruitful
exchanges between independent laboratories, certi- Qualification and repetition: a certain number of
fication body and manufacturers. It also facilitates the units will be selected by Eurovent Certification and
understanding and application of new regulations tested every year, based on the number of ranges and
or standards in a regulatory context in perpetual products declared.
Certified characteristics &
A certification is a guarantee of fair competition tolerances
(for customers/manufacturers). It also helps in-
crease the number of applications using RES, and • Cooling & heating capacity and EER & COP
represents a commitment in the reduction of con- at full load: < −5%
sumption and emissions. • Performance SCOP & Seasonal Efficiency for
Heating ηs: automatically rerated when Part
Load efficiency criteria fails
• Seasonal Efficiency ESEERfor cooling:
automatically rerated when Part Load efficiency
Didier Perales criteria fails
Manager of Technical Relations & Concept Projects • A-weighted sound power level: > +3 dB(A)
CIAT Group France
(> +2 dB(A) for units with Pdesignh below
• Water pressure drop: +15%

ECC Reference documents Testing standards

• Certification manual • Performance testing: EN 14511
• Operational Manual OM-3 • Seasonal Performance testing: EN 14825
• Rating Standard RS 6/C003 - RS 6/C/003A • Sound testing: EN 12102

52 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain

Heat Exchangers CERTIFY


The purpose of the Eurovent “Certify-All” certification

Air coolers for refrigeration
programme for heat exchangers is to encourage hon-
est competition and to assure customers that equip-
ment is correctly rated.

The programme covers 3 product groups:

–– Unit Air Coolers
–– Air Cooled Condensers Dry coolers
–– Dry Coolers
The “Certify-All” principle ensures that, for heat ex- Air cooled condensers
changers, all models in the three product categories
are submitted for certification, not just some models
chosen by the manufacturer.
• Product ranges of Air Cooled Condensers where
A product energy class scheme has been incorpo- maximum standard capacity under DT1 15K is
rated into the certification programme, based on 7 below 2.0 kW
classes from “A++” to “E” in order to provide a guide
to the best choice of product: this enables the user Certification requirements
to minimize life-cycle costs, including running costs
which account for a much superior sum than the
• Qualification: units selected by Eurovent
Certification shall be tested in an Independent
initial investment cost.
Laboratory selected by Eurovent Certification.
• Repetition procedure: units selected from regular
production shall be tested on a yearly basis.

Certified characteristics & tolerances

Committee chair: • Standard capacity –8%
Stefano Filippini • Fan power input +10%
Technicalmanager - LUVE • Air volume flow ±10%
• External surface area ±4%
• Energy ratio R
• Energy class
Scope of certification
For Dry Coolers:
The Eurovent Certification Programme for Heat • Liquid side pressure drop +20%
Exchangers applies to products using axial flow fans.
The following products are excluded from the Eurovent For Air Cooled Condensers and Dry Coolers:
Certification Programme for Heat Exchangers: • A-weighted sound pressure level: +2 dB(A)
• A-weighted sound power level: +2 dB(A)
• Products units using centrifugal type fans.
• Units working at 60 Hz ECC Reference documents
• Certification manual
In particular, the following products are also excluded • Operational Manual OM-2
from the Eurovent Certification programme for Dx • Rating Standard RS 7/C/005
Air Coolers and Air Cooled Condensers:
• Products using R717 refrigerant (ammonia), Testing standards
CO2, and refrigerants with high glide like R407C • Thermal Performance EN 328
or without correction factors • Thermal Performance EN 327
• Product ranges of Dx Air Coolers where • Thermal Performance EN1048
maximum standard SC2 is below 1.5 kW. • Acoustics EN 13487

REHVA Journal – March 2016 53

Product Certification
dd Process Cooling & Food Cold Chain

Remote Refrigerated Display Cabinets CERTIFY


Remote refrigerated display cabinets (RRDC) are the

appliances for selling and displaying chilled and/or Scope of certification
frozen foodstuff to be maintained within prescribed • 100 basic model groups divided in 5
temperature limits. categories of remote units : semi-verticals
and verticals (with doors); multi-deckers;
Typically, food and beverage retailers are the direct islands; service counters; combi freezers.
customers of the refrigeration industry while the su- • At least two references per basic model
permarket’s customers are the end users of food and group representing 80% of sales shall be
beverage retailers. declared.
• One Bill of Material for each declared
Food and beverage retailers ask for food safety and reference.
also for appliances with high-energy efficiency, super-
market’s customers ask for food safety. Refrigeration
industry has to face the hard challenge of satisfying Certification requirements
both needs.
• Qualification: sampling and test of one
unit & Audit of one factory.
How is it possible to assure that the refrigeration ap-
pliances perform accurately and consistently to the
• Repetition test of one unit per brand every
6 months & Annual audit of each factory.
reference standards? How is it possible to assure that
what is rated by the manufacturer is properly rated? Certified characteristics &
There is only one way: It is necessary to join a glob-
ally recognized and industry respected certification • Warmest and coldest product temp. ±0.5°C
program. • Refrigeration duty (kW) 10%
• Evaporating temperature −1°C
Eurovent Certita Certification program for RRDC is the • Direct elec. Energy Consumption (DEC)
only certification program in Europe that can assure +5%
that performance claims have been independently • Refrigeration elec. Energy Cons (REC)
measured and verified. The factory audits and the +10%
product’s performances tested in an independent and • M-Package Tclass : ±0.5°C
third-party laboratory make the difference! • Total Display Area (TDA) −3%

Since 2011, Eurovent Certita Certification has

ECC Reference documents
also launched a voluntary energy label certification • Certification manual
scheme, anticipating what only nowadays EC DG • Operational Manual OM-7
Energy is doing in the framework of Ecodesign and • Rating Standard RS 14/C/001
Energy Label Regulations. What better way to rate
RRDC’s energy consumption and to promote their Testing standards
energy efficiency? • EN ISO 29953 and amendments

What would you trust more: a self-declaration by the

Manufacturer or what an independent, globally rec-
ognized and forerunner certification program is able
to assure? Which one is better?

Maurizio Dell’Eva
Project manager

54 REHVA Journal – March 2016

Quality assurance is achieved through careful
tests in RHOSS R&D Lab, one of the largest testing
facilities in Europe.
Every Rhoss unit undergoes strict functional tests
where extreme operating conditions are simula-
ted, before being released to the market.

Rhoss Ecological
Rhoss Multiuse Units
EXPsystems is an ecological, multiuse system
developed by Rhoss to match the needs of 2 pipes
and 4 pipes systems in every season of the year,
with simultaneous or independent production of
chilled water and hot water.
Available as complete air cooled range, from 17 to
700 kW and water cooled range from 5 to 780 kW.
COP* up to 8,33.
PATENT New models in A Class energy efficiency.
* Cooling + heating recovery mode.

Air Conditioning of St Mary’s

Archeological Church, Cairo
Airflow characteristics providing optimal comfort and healthy conditions
in ventilated and air- energy efficiency. A CFD program is used. Basically,
conditioned spaces various airside designs are considered including floor
play an important role and or ceiling supply, different obstacle and alternative
to attain comfort and positioning to introduce the capability of each design
hygiene conditions. to provide the optimum air flow characteristics. The
This paper utilizes optimum utilization of the air movement to condition
a 3D Computational and ventilate can be attained by properly locating the
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ESSAM E. KHALIL supply diffusers and extract grills to minimize the recir-
model to assess the Prof.Dr culation zone and prevent the air short circuits. Ideally,
airflow characteristics Faculty of Engineering, the optimum airside design system can be attained, if
in ventilated and air- Cairo University the airflow is directed to pass all the enclosure areas
conditioned archaeological Cairo –EGYPT before the extraction, Berglund, L. G., and Cain, W.
Church of Christ (hanging S. (1989). The primary objective of the project is to
Church) in Cairo, Egypt. It is found that demonstrate the capabilities of the numerical tool to
the optimum airside design system can be predict the airflow characteristics and thermal patterns
attained, if the airflow is directed to pass all in the different conditioned church configurations in
the enclosure areas before the extraction view of basic known flow characteristics, Khalil (2008
with careful selection of near wall velocities and 2013). The numerical model is used to investigate
to avoid any wear or aberration of the wall the airflow pattern, temperature and relative humidity
paintings. Still all commonly known factors distributions inside the church main hall.
and evaluation indices have the shortage to
describe the influence of the recirculation Figure 1 shows the church main hall while Figure 2
zones on the occupancy zone of the depicts the hideaway location where baby Christ used
visitors and also on the fresh supplied air. to be hidden during the journey of the sacred family
The mode of evaluation should assess from Palestine to Upper Egypt. The church that was
the airflow characteristics in any passage built over 1 500 ago suffered from adverse effects of
according to its position in the enclosure excessive humidity and it was proposed to air condition
and the thermal pattern and air quality. this archaeological monument among the restoration
The paper ends with brief discussion and plans that also included the nearby Coptic Museum.
concluding remarks.
The design of such facility didn’t allow any alteration
Introduction in the structure nor the bearing walls of the church
that comprised a main hall and neighbouring rooms
The present work raises several questions in the room and facilities. There are students’ chapel, First Floor
airflow motion prediction techniques. This article Chapel as well as the main Nave. The main hall is of
presents the results of an ongoing evaluation of a CFD 17.2 m x 18.2 m length and width with a height which
based on computer models for predicting room airflow is variable with domes maximum of 9.3 m, and a total
distribution in the Hanging Church in Egypt. To volume of 2 424 m³. Full load estimation was carried out
design an optimal HVAC airside system that provides to obtain the maximum cooling capacity requirement at
comfort and air quality in the conditioned spaces the worst prevailing climatic conditions in Cairo summer.
with good energy efficiency is a great challenge. For Hourly air system simulation results were obtained for the
this project a numerical study is carried out to define months of June, July and August. The cooling capacity for
the optimum airside design of the HVAC systems, the main Nave was 280 kW while for the other chapels

56 REHVA Journal – March 2016


Figure 1. Church Main Hall.

Figure 2. Sleeping hideaway place of

Baby Christ in basement.

these were of the order of 40 kW for the students’ chapel,

40 kW for the ground floor and 36 kW for the first floor
Chapel. The cooling plant was designed on the bases of
five units each 90 kW to cover the whole complex.

Figure 3 depicts the roof top cooling units used for the
main church and the adjoining chapels. The VRV units
were used for the Coptic museum.

Computational technique
The present CFD computational procedure includes
the numerical solution of the governing equations of
mass, momentum, species concentration and energy
in three dimensional configurations based on Launder
(1972) and Spalding and Patankar (1974). A two
equation k-ε turbulence model was used to represent
the turbulence characteristics of the flow through
the numerical solution of an equation of the kinetic Figure 3. Cooling Equipment on
energy of turbulence k and its dissipation rate ε. More Roof of adjoining building.
than 1,000,000 tetrahedral control volumes were used
and numerical convergence was better that 0.001%. imbedded in FLUENT can be read in detail in refer-
Further details of the SIMPLEC numerical algorithm ences by Khalil (2013).

REHVA Journal – March 2016 57


Model Architecture (Structure) Walls

The church is located in Cairo; the main hall is modelled The walls are considered as a slab to have zero heat flux.
as shown here in Figure 4a & b. The no slip condition is enabled for all walls, while using
the standard wall function for near wall treatment.

Visitors Representation
The visitors’ bodies are considered as isothermal walls
with a temperature of 310 K. The visitors’ faces are
considered as isothermal walls kept at the human skin
temperature of 310 K as well. Also it is assumed that there
is a specified species mass fraction of 0.0411 kgw/kgd.a in
order to take into account the sweat effect in moisture
gain, Olesen (2000). For carbon dioxide, a diffusive
mass fraction of 0.0474 kgco2/kgd.a is chosen.
Figure 4a. Isometric View for the Church Main Hall.
Air circulation
The church hall model design included 12 air supply
diffusers, each situated in between the ceiling arcs. The
return grills were situated near the ground.

Number of Visitors
The model was used to simulate the situation during a
prayer; consequently, the total number of visitors was
set to 150 people. The total thermal load was 280 kW
cooling, fresh air 1 350 l/s. Loads from solar gain were
3 kW, roof thermal transmitted loads were 69 kW while
ventilation load was 79 kW.

Results and discussions

Velocity Predictions
Velocity contours indicated the penetration of the
Figure 4b. Arrows indicate location of air inlets ceiling supply jet till almost above the occupancy zone.
through naturally openings in the roof. The jet flow towards the extract grilles locations as
shown at Z=0 and Z=18 m. Figure 5 shows the corre-
sponding velocity contours at X=15 m which is near the
Inlet air conditions other end of the church width as X varies between 0 and
The inlet air conditions are based on the average day 17.2 m. Figure 6 shows the velocity contours in a trans-
max of 40°C and 30% relative humidity, Egyptian verse section at Z=12.15 m and indicated the prayers
Code, representing August climatic conditions. standing locations. The velocities at these locations are
The main hall is of 17.2 m x 18.2 m x height which well below 0.25 m/s which ensured the disappearance
is variable with domes maximum of 9.3 m, with total of any drafts for the comfort of prayers and visitors.
volume of 2 424 m³.
Thermal Patterns
Air inlets Energy equation was solved to yield the tempera-
The air inlets are set as velocity inlet boundary conditions ture distribution at the various locations taking into
where velocity was set to be 1.5625 m/s with a total of account the heat dissipated from the humans, equip-
12 air inlets, each of 0.4 m² of area (shown by arrows in ment and also the external heat sources in summer.
Figure 4b). This resulted in a total flow of 7 m³/s. The Figure 7 indicated the temperature contours at a
inlet air temperature was set to 287 K, with an absolute Y-Z plane at X=4 m; temperatures are found to be
humidity of 8 gr/kg. The ACH is chosen to be about 10. homogeneously distributed and ensured comfort
conditions. Figure 8 represents thermal patters in
Outlets transverse plane; one can easily see temperatures
The air outlets are set as outflow conditions. of 30°C at the seating and standing locations. The

58 REHVA Journal – March 2016


1.59e+00 3.20e+02

1.20e+00 3.12e+02
18.2 m 2.87e+02 17.2 m
Figure 5. Contours of Mean Velocity In Y Direction, m/s Figure 8. Temperature contours, K,
at Y-Z Plane X=15 m. at X-Y plane at Z=12.15 m.


1.20e+00 9.77e+01

7.97e‐01 7.36e+01

3.98e‐01 4.95e+01
0.00e+00 17.2 m 2.55e+01
Figure 6. Contours of mean velocity
1.37e+00 18.2 m
in X-Y plane, m/s at Z=12.15 m.
Figure 9. Contours of relative humidity, %
at Y-Z plane at X=4 m.

2.87e+02 18.2 m
Figure 7. Temperature contours, K, in a Y-Z 2.55e+01
plane at X=4 m.
1.37e+00 18.2 m
remaining zones are at lower temperatures that can Figure 10. Contours of relative humidity, %,
be as low as 17°C, bearing in mind that the on coil at Y-Z plane at X=15.
temperature leaving the ceiling supply grilles are
typically 13°C.

Relative humidity Predictions 9.77e+01

The relative humidity contours at various locations in
the church are shown here in Figures 9 and 10 at Y-Z 7.36e+01
at X=4 and 15 m respectively. The local values of Rh%
are around 50% at the occupancy level as clearly indi- 4.95e+01
cated in the figures above, the cooled supply air leaves
the supply grilles at much higher values of 80% and 2.55e+01
more. Some disperse locations at near 1.8 m above floor
1.37e+00 17.2 m
indicated high Rh% due to the presence of candles and
equipment. Figure 11 indicates some high values of Figure 11. Contours of relative humidity, %
relative humidity at the vicinity of the occupants’ faces. at Y-X plane at Z=12.15 m.

REHVA Journal – March 2016 59

Assessment and Validation

Temperature, °C
Measurements of mean air temperature and Predicted temperature
relative humidity percentage were obtained 24
Measured temperature
with the aid of a hotwire anemometer and
electronic hygrometer with accuracy of 23
±5%. These were compared to the corre-
sponding predictions in Figures 12 and 13. 22
Qualitative agreements were demonstrated,
with some discrepancies that are equally 21
attributed to both experimentations accu-
racies and modelling assumptions. 20
0 2 4 6 8 10
Conclusions Distance, m
From the previous results, one can conclude
that the airside designs have a strong influ- Figure 12. Measured and predicted air temperature at
ence on the relative humidity distribution 1.0 m above floor in church.
and consequently on the IAQ. The location
of the supply outlets plays the major role in 60
Relative humidity, %

this distribution. The extract grills should

be located in the right location to ensure 55
comfort.Due to the architectural design
restrictions of archaeological buildings such 50
as in this church, designers should perform Predicted relative humidity
this calculation exercise to properly select the 45 Measured relative humidity
locations of supply and extract grilles in reno-
vated systems in ancient buildings to yield 40
better air flow, temperature, relative humidity 0 2 4 6 8 10
behaviour. Distance, m
Figure 13. Measured and predicted RH % at
1.0 m above floor in the Church.

1. ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals 2013, ASHRAE, Atlanta, USA.
2. Berglund, L. G., and Cain, W. S., 1989, Perceived air quality and the thermal environment, The Human equations: Health and
Comfort, Proceedings of ASHRAE/SOEH Conference IAQ’89 ATLANTA: ASHRAE, pp. 93–99.
3. Cho, Y., Awbi, H. B., and Karimipanah, T., 2002, “A comparison between four different ventilation systems”, ROOMVENT 2002, 181–184.
4. FLUENT, 6.2.Fluent Inc., 2009.
5. Green, G. H., 1982, The positive and negative effects of building humidification, ASHRAE Transactions, 88(1): 1049–1061.
6. ISO EN 7730, 2005, Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the
conditions for thermal comfort, International Standards Organization, Geneva.
7. Khalil, E. E., 1999, Fluid Flow Regimes Interactions in Air Conditioned Spaces, Proc. 3 rd Jordanian Mech. Engineering
Conference, pp. 79, Amman, May 1999.
8. Khalil, E.E., 2008, On the Modelling Of Thermal Comfort and Air Quality in Air Conditioned Healthcare Applications”,
International Review of Mechanical Engineering, IREME, March Issue, Vol 1 N° 2, 2008
9. Khalil, E.E., 2013, Air Distribution in Buildings, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, USA, 2013
10. Launder, B.E., and Spalding, D.B. 1974, The numerical computation of turbulent flows, Computer Methods App. Mech., pp.
11. Olesen, B. W., 2000, Guidelines for comfort, ASHRAE Journal, page 41–46, August 1998.
12. Spalding, D.B., and Patankar, S.V. 1974. A calculation procedure for heat, mass and momentum transfer in three dimensional
parabolic flows, Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer, 15, pp. 1787.

60 REHVA Journal – March 2016

We take indoor
climate to the top
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Swegon offers the broadest range of efficient chillers, heat pumps and ventilation systems.
All are energy efficient, environmentally friendly and guarantueed top quality. Choose Swegon
and enjoy a worry free ownership, today and in the future. Make every breath count.
Rev. High energy efficiency chillers and heat
Zeta Rev
pumps with scroll compressors from 40 to 240 kW.

Indoor Environment Quality at Schools:

A training project of the students and
teachers in İzmir (Turkey)
A group of researchers have teamed up
with Chamber of Mechanical Engineers –
Izmir Branch (CME-IB) to conduct a project SAIT CEMIL SOFUOGLU
to raise awareness on the importance Corresponding member of the
of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) for working group. Prof.Dr., İzmir
children. School children and school IEQ Institute of Technology – Turkey.
were the targets, which lead to inclusion [email protected]
of teachers and school managements
among the targets of the project. Primary member engineers who have school-aged children.
and middle schools in the metropolitan Fifty-two volunteers were trained by the researcher’s
Izmir were chosen as the main targets team. The volunteers visited the schools according to
and the backing of Ministry of Education a schedule made by CME-IB. Twentysix schools were
Izmir Directorate was obtained. There are visited, 48 seminars were given to 5,066 students and
150 schools in the target area with roughly 325 teachers by the end of 2015 spring semester.
30,000 students, 2,000 teachers and
managers, therefore, only the 8th grades A website was constructed to make all the prepared
were selected for the first year. guidebooks and presentations available to the public.
Homepage of the website (

uidebooks for all six components of IEQ is shown as Figure 2. In addition to the documents,
(indoor air quality, thermal comfort, acous- this website has a section for a computer program
tics, lighting, odour, and vibration) and prepared as an illustrative calculation tool to show
guidebook for risks of school materials, cleaning and children and teachers how fast can IAQ in a classroom
personal care products were written for teachers and can worsen using CO2 as an example (Figure 3).
management. An overall guidebook entitled “Indoor
Environmental Quality” was prepared for students
by putting together and simplifying the seven guide-
books and adding a part on health effects of IAQ using
simple illustrations drawn by a renowned caricaturist.
Figure 1 shows the cover page of the guidebook.

Seminar lectures with

slides were prepared
that cover all aspects in Figure 2. Homepage of the information dissemination
the IEQ guidebook to website.
be given at schools by
volunteer professional
mechanical engineers.
The volunteers were
scouted by CME-IB
by issuing a call to

Figure 1. Front cover

of the IEQ Guidebook. Figure 3. Output of the CO2 modelling tool.

62 REHVA Journal – March 2016


Figure 4. The fitted heat recovery ventilation unit in a classroom and the IAQ team made up of students and the teacher.

The tool may also be used by HVAC engineers to deter- in the application school in terms of IEQ have been
mine a ventilation rate that would keep CO2 concentra- investigated in Fall-2014 semester; and was repeated
tions below a standard level. after the installation in Spring-2015 semester. IAQ vari-
ables (particulate matter, volatile organic compounds,
The third leg of the project was installation of a carbon dioxide) and comfort variables (temperature,
mechanical ventilation system at an application school. relative humidity, illumination) have been measured.
The aim of this task was to show the school managers The ventilation system has been designed, manufac-
and the officials of the Ministry of Education that tured, and installed a classroom of the school in the
indoor air quality problems can be mitigated by fitting January semester break. Figure 4 shows the classroom
energy efficient mechanical ventilation units to existing and the IAQ team that actively involved during the
naturally ventilated schools. A school in the metro- measurements. It has been shown that CO2 concentra-
politan area was selected. It is located in a disadvantaged tions in this classroom of 30 students can be kept below
area where pollution from traffic and nearby industries the British Department of Education Building Bulletin
and SMEs may be a problem. The existing conditions 101 standard levels.

REHVA Guidebook on
Design of energy efficient ventilation
and air-conditioning systems

This Guidebook covers numerous system components of

ventilation and air-conditioning systems and shows how they can
be improved by applying the latest technology products. Special
attention is paid to details, which are often overlooked in the daily
design practice, resulting in poor performance of high quality
products once they are installed in the building system.

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations

40 Rue Washington, 1050 Brussels – Belgium | Tel 32 2 5141171 | Fax 32 2 5129062 | | [email protected]

REHVA Journal – March 2016 63


The HVAC&R market in the EMEA region

– Eurovent Market Intelligence
On 4 January, Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI), the
European statistics office for the HVAC&R market,
launched its new annual data collections for 2016 (see
info box below). The aim is to collect sales data from
manufacturers in the sector so that we can provide
them with a reliable and precise market map for
Analyst Market Intelligence, Manager

L ast year, 289 manufacturers had joined EMI, a new participation

record and a 48% increase on the previous year. This year, 350
participants are expected, which promises to provide the most
Also new for 2016 is that a new programme will be launched
and an old one will be restored, relating to residential air handling
comprehensive and reliable ever overview of the market, and units and chilled beams respectively, where representativeness
thus become the largest collection of data on the HVAC&R market already promises to exceed 80%. The programme for precision air
in terms of number of market players. conditioners has been expanded to include all solutions used for
cooling IT devices (data centres, telecoms, etc.), in order to better
Eurovent Market intelligence Programmes take into account the development of less energy-intensive
(all products) : 12-year overview alternative in this sector.

300 289
Chilled Beams
Heat Recovery Systems From January to March 2016, Eurovent Market Intelligence
240 Pool Dehumidifiers is launching its thirteen annual data collections
Number of participants

210 195 Adiabatic Coolers

•• Liquid chilling packages
180 164 Precision AC
•• Fan coil units
Heat Exchangers
150 137 •• Air-handling units
Air Filters
120 •• Rooftop units
92 AHU
90 82
74 Cooling Towers •• Cooling towers
60 50 46 Rooftops •• Air filters
41 45
30 Fan Coils •• IT cooling (formerly precision air conditioners)
0 •• Heat exchangers
2004 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 2015
•• Adiabatic coolers
•• Heat recovery systems
One of the major changes last year was the significant improve- •• Pool dehumidifiers
ment in quarterly reports (Market Evolution), which in just around •• Cold beams
20 pages also includes qualitative, technical and macro-economic •• Residential air handling units
data in addition to the usual market data.
EMI is also aiming to go even further this year, offering custom-
ised reports as of March/April. These individual market reports, Last but not least, EMI will launch the dissemination of bilin-
packed with between 100 and 200 pages, compare market char- gual English/Arabic market reports looking specifically into the
acteristics for each country in the EMEA area (size, segmentation, Middle East this year. This expansion comes as a result of the ever-
main players, growth, etc.) and the position of the manufacturer increasing role of EMI in this region, where the construction sector
in the market (market share, rank, progress, etc.). The aim is to offer still remains relatively dynamic, where demand for air conditioning
each participant a full overview of his situation so that in a glance is very high. To this end, EMI attended the BIG5 exhibition in Dubai
he can see his strong points and areas where he needs to improve. last November, where interest from local manufacturers was
All of the information will also be available – under private particularly high. As usual, EMI will also be attending the Mostra
access only – on the Eurovent Market Intelligence website. A new Convegno Expocomfort exhibition in Milan, Hall 22 P – Stand F 55,
marketing tool is currently being developed for this, which should which will be held from 15 to 18 March 2016.
be operational by April 2016 at the latest. This tool will allow users
to carry out all possible market analyses in a single click, as simple For additional information or to receive these reports:
as using a flight comparison tool, and export the results to an /
Excel file. [email protected]

64 REHVA Journal – March 2016


Natural air conditioning with Earth, Wind & Fire

presents opportunities for vacant office spaces
The so-called Earth, Wind & Fire concept for the natural A healthier indoor climate
ventilation of buildings offers good opportunities for
Dutch office buildings according to Peter Swier, who
graduated on this topic at the Delft University of
Technology on Thursday, 28 January 2016.

Architects and engineers

In his graduation research, Peter Swier focused on the Earth,
Wind & Fire concept (EWF)
het-earth-wind-fire-concept/, a technology that can help trans-
form offices into an attractive, energy-efficient, healthy, pleasant
and productive working environment. This can be achieved by
realising air conditioning in buildings largely by means of natural
methods, without mechanical ventilation.
Swier, an architecture student, looked specifically at the oppor-
tunities EWF presents for refurbishing vacant office buildings in
the Netherlands. Among other things, Swier analysed around
100 projects conducted by master students on EWF. After this
he came up with an extensive model for the practical applica- Besides improving the energy and cost efficiency of build-
tion of Earth, Wind & Fire, with a description of the possibilities ings, Earth, Wind & Fire can also contribute to a more natural
and limitations of this innovative concept. Swier then tested the and healthier indoor climate, Bronsema explains. Circulating air
results in a case study for the implementation of the Earth, Wind through buildings contributes to the spreading of bacteria. Air
& Fire concept, in which a virtual renovation of Heerlen city hall filters are often a source of infection. According to Bronsema, his
was used as an entry for the International Building Exhibition (IBA). system ensures that nature can ‘inhabit’ the building by architec-
‘My graduation research can be seen as a practical EWF tural means.
manual’, Peter Swier explains. ‘It shows the huge potential of EWF
to become an architectural solution to bridge the gap between Hotel Breeze
architects and engineers.’ 1 The next important step for the EWF concept is also coming
soon. Theoretically it has already been established in the labo-
No mechanical ventilation ratory that the concept works. But for real proof, a concrete
It is possible for buildings to have air conditioning using practical application is needed - and that’s coming soon in
completely natural methods, without mechanical ventilation. Amsterdam. There, Dutch Green Company, in collaboration
Benjamin Bronsema already established this in 2013, when the with TU Delft and TU Eindhoven, is currently developing the first
78-year-old obtained his doctorate in the subject at TU Delft2. (nearly) energy neutral hotel in the world: Breeze5. The hotel will
Bronsema is the creator and main promotor of the Earth, Wind & be largely energy self-sufficient, with Earth, Wind & Fire playing
Fire concept, and also one of Peter Swier’s supervisors. a crucial role. The Breeze Hotel with EWF concept, which should
In short, EWF utilises cascading water, sun and wind. The be ready in 2017, is expected to be the first energy neutral hotel
system consists of three main parts: the Ventec Roof, the Climate in the world.
Cascade3 and the Solar Chimney4. The Ventec Roof draws in fresh
air and expels stale air through the use of positive and nega- More information
tive wind pressures. Air is drawn in via the Climate Cascade and Thesis: EFW design manual: refurbishing structurally vacant office build-
expelled via the Solar Chimney. The chimney heats ventilation air ings into architectural attractive, low energy working environments.
with heat captured from incoming sunlight. Initiation of the air Contact Peter Swier: [email protected], +31 (0)6 406 268 37,
flow takes place in the Climate Cascade. This is a structural shaft @pswier
into which water drops are sprayed from above and with which Roy Meijer, Scientific communications advisor TU Delft,
the air can be cooled or heated. +31 (0)15 278 1751, +31 (0)6 140 15 008, [email protected]


REHVA Journal – March 2016 65


Attendance High for ASHRAE Winter Conference, AHR Expo

High attendance was reported for the recent ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo, in Orlando. The 2016
ASHRAE Winter Conference was held Jan. 23-27, with the AHR Expo held Jan. 25-27.

and Beyond!; The Impacts of Operable Windows

on Building Performance; Highlights from the
24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration;
The Internet of Everything: How Smart and
Connected Sensors Will Transform the HVAC
Service Industry; HVAC Pumps: New ECM Motor
and Control Technologies; Indoor Air Quality and
Energy Efficiency: Measurement and Analysis
of Multiple Approaches; Back to Basics: The
Science, Application and Art of Load Calculations;
Integrating Cutting-Edge Technology: Renewable
Energy and Thermal Energy Storage; and Hydronic
Systems: Doing More with Less.
Also offered were a combined 20 Professional
Development Seminars and Short Courses from
ASHRAE Learning Institute. The most popular

T he Winter Conference had more than 3,000 attendees.

Attendance this year was higher than the past eight Winter
Conferences, except Las Vegas 2011. Attendees came from 67
Short Course offerings were Variable Refrigerant
Flow Systems; Complying with Standard 90.1: HVAC/Mechanical;
and Designing High-Performance Healthcare HVAC Systems.
countries. The 2016 AHR Expo, co-sponsored by ASHRAE, set The Professional Development Seminars that drew the highest
a record by being the first show outside of Chicago to break number of registrations were Energy Modeling Best Practices
400,000 square feet of exhibitor space. The Expo featured 2,063 & Applications; Commercial Building Energy Audits; and
exhibitors, including 561 deemed international. The total attend- Commissioning Process for New & Existing Buildings.
ance for visitors was 42,672, with total attendance of visitors and The 2016 ASHRAE Annual Conference takes place in St. Louis,
exhibitors at 60,926. Mo., June 25-June 29, 2016. The 2017 ASHRAE Winter Conference
The Conference’s Technical Program ranked high in attendance, takes place Jan. 28-Feb. 1, Las Vegas, Nev., with the AHR Expo
with new tracks focused on design-build practices and residential being held Jan. 30-Feb 1.
systems. Individual top-attended sessions in the technical program
were related to Cooling with the Sun: Solar Thermal Cooling; Jodi Scott
Energy Submetering Fundamentals: Benchmarking, Baselining [email protected]

REHVA Guidebook on Mixing Ventilation

In this Guidebook, most of the known and used in practice

methods for achieving mixing air distribution are discussed.
Mixing ventilation has been applied to many different spaces
providing fresh air and thermal comfort to the occupants.
Today, a design engineer can choose from large selection
of air diffusers and exhaust openings.

REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations

40 Rue Washington, 1050 Brussels – Belgium | Tel 32 2 5141171 | Fax 32 2 5129062 | | [email protected]

66 REHVA Journal – March 2016

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Product news

Daikin ECH O domestic hot water heat pump


From February 2016 onwards, DAIKIN will launch its innovative domestic hot water heat pump, the Daikin ECH2O.
This new heat pump concept combines an inverter driven outdoor unit and a “Fresh Water Principle” based pressure
less storage tank to provide the user with efficient and hygienic hot water.

polyurethane, providing in the same time high strength and

excellent heat loss properties. The water contained in the tank
only acts as heat storage and transfer medium. The tapping water
itself is semi-instantaneously heated as flows through a spiral
shaped heat exchanger immerged inside the storage tank. This
water is continuously refreshed at each tapping, and has therefore
excellent hygienic properties without the need of energy wasting
thermal disinfection cycles. As this water is also not stagnating,
scale and lime deposits are also avoided. An additional advantage
is that the storage tank itself cannot corrode, and doesn’t need
protection from sacrificial anodes.

The storage tank comes in 2 different sizes, a 300 litre version and

T he R410A based inverter driven heat pump efficiently heats up

the water in the storage tank up to a temperature of 55°C, and
can operate at ambient temperatures between −15°C and +35°C.
a 500 litre version. Both versions can easily be connected to a
drain back solar thermal system, which allows maximizing the use
of renewable energy. The 500 litre version can also be connected
If necessary, higher temperatures can be obtained by an electrical to a pressurised solar system or an external heat generator such
immersion heater inside the storage tank, which will also act as as a gas boiler. Both versions also achieve an “A” energy label
an emergency heater. The outdoor unit is very compact, silent according to ErP requirements, the highest possible for this type
and can be installed within 20m of the hot water storage tank. of products. This label is achieved for a tapping pattern “L” for the
300 litre version and “XL” for the 500 litre version. For the French
The storage tank which is installed inside the house is based on market, the heat pump is certified according to “NF Electricité”.
the “Fresh Water Principle”, providing some unique features not
found at the traditional pressurised domestic hot water cylin- The heat pump can operate in 4 different modes (ECO, AUTO,
ders. The tank itself consists of 2 shells of polypropylene. The gap SILENT and BOOST), and is optimised for use with different peak/
between the two shells is filled with 5 to 8 cm of high density off peak tariffs or smart grids.

NF-Air Cleaners

E urovent Certita Certification has developed a new NF mark

certification for Air Cleaners under a mandate from AFNOR
Certification. A dedicated working group gathered four times
of effectiveness with respect to several categories of pollutants:
particulate matters (PM), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC),
micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) and cat allergens, but also
between May and November 2015 and the reference document regarding the power consumption and the sound power level.
is currently going through The product testing also enables to verify that no dangerous
the approval process with an products are emitted (ozone, VOC by-products…). The certifica-
expected date of release in tion scheme comprises factory audits to check that the quality
early January 2016. management system in place ensures the manufacturing process
This NF mark aims at reliability. Besides, the reference document establishes a consist-
certifying air cleaning devices ency principle between the air volume flow rate delivered by
for residential and tertiary the device and the surface area of the room that can be cleaned.
applications as foreseen in
the scope of the standards In the near future, the NF-Air Cleaners mark will most certainly evolve
XP-B44-200:2011 and XP-B44-013:2009, chosen as product perfor- to cover industrial applications and duct mounted installations.
mance testing method references.
The Air Cleaners certification enables to verify the accuracy For more information: please contact Gregory Kelijian
of the performance ratings claimed by manufacturers in terms [email protected].

68 REHVA Journal – March 2016

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REHVA world

REHVA organised a successful seminar at the ASHRAE winter

meeting 2016 as part of the track: Cutting-Edge Technologies
Energy Performance Run By Data, Chaired by REHVA President simulation tools, opening new scenario in energy forecasting for
Karel Kabele. different occupant lifestyles.

A consistent strategy for energy saving and sustainability should

benefit from the all the opportunities opened by scientific
and technological development. One of the biggest challenges
At the same time, in field campaigns for occupants energy
engagements, aimed at increasing the user consciousness on
energy savings, were set-up and appreciable results were high-
in a building is to find the right equilibrium between the energy lighted about the potentialities in reducing energy needs while
demand and the well-being provided to occupants. The evolution keeping indoor comfort at the required level. Results shows that
of information and communication technologies, together with energy saving from 10% to 15% can be achieved by user education.
the decrease of the cost of sensors and monitoring systems, opens
new perspectives. Nowadays the decision making process is much Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring system devel-
better and based on performance indicators, which are widely oped to be installed in a medium-size building located in
used in energy and environmental rating systems for buildings. the city of Horst, in the Netherlands. (Prof.Dr. Manuel Carlos
Gameiro da Silva Vice President of REHVA).
Data Driven IEQ Control in Low Energy Buildings (Prof. Dr.Ing
Karel Kabele, President of REHVA) T he system has been designed in a modular configuration to
allow the connection of sensors or meters with an USB digital

R eduction of the energy use in the buildings is the objective,

which changed traditional approach to building construc-
tion and has impact to the architecture, materials and building
output to Mini PCs that communicate through the power line
with the building manager computer. In the current configuration
the system includes sensors to monitor indoor thermal comfort,
technologies used in modern buildings. Energy performance of indoor air quality (CO2, VOCs and PM1, PM2,5 and PM10), Interior
the buildings, given by the European laws, is defined as a set noise level, indoor illuminance and outdoor weather condi-
of parameters describing efficiency of the components as well tions. Two software packages were developed, the first one to
as the whole building. Those requirements must be nowadays assure the data acquisition and saving process and the second
fulfilled by law in the new buildings and in future will lead to the to be used has a data viewer, including a dashboard display and
status, that all new buildings will be nearly zero energy buildings. graphical interfaces for the download, the processing and the
The current pressure to reduce energy consumption of buildings analysis of data.
but leads also to actions that significantly adversely affect the
quality of indoor environment and in many of such buildings we Translation of building performance into monetary perfor-
can meet unexpected decrease of indoor environment quality mance (F. Hovorka vice president of REHVA)
and complains of occupants. This approach has impact to the
building industry mainly in the field of intelligent buildings, new
high efficient building services system, new building materials.
C ollecting and having access to good data is unquestion-
ably an essential part of ensuring we understand effective
quality and performance of real estate. The deployment of rating
Results of two case studies, related to heating system and natural tools has created quality tags that could drive contemporary
ventilation control evaluation were presented. best practice outcomes. In addition, the market penetration of
Building Information Modelling (BIM) could help organized the
Occupant Behaviour Monitoring and Engagement: Low huge amount of data available for Life Cycle Assessment and
Investment Measures to Optimize IEQ and Save Energy in performance evaluation. There is thus a new opportunity to look
Buildings (Prof. Dr.Stefano Corgnati, President-elect of REHVA) beyond and leverage rich data sets ‘au naturel’, organized around

A ctual energy performance of buildings shows a significant

difference with respect to what measured and what is esti-
mated by calculation: in general, most buildings do not perform
common baselines. The question is now how we incorporate the
information collected into our investment decisions to pave the
way for a more responsible real estate sector.
as well as expected. Among the different influencing factors, the The translation into the valuation process and the assessment
behaviour of building occupants has the most significant effect of the sensitivity to future changes is the bridge we should built to
on building energy use, and this can result in a wide gap between achieve this necessary transformation The translation into value will
real and predicted building energy consumption. help foster the necessary trust and alignment of interests between
International research program promoted by the International stakeholders required to create a virtuous mechanism of joint
Energy Agency, in particular EBC Annex 53 and Annex 66, started value creation. The transparency on uncertainty (spread between
to deepen the knowledge on the effect of user behaviour on final theoretical data and reality) will also definitively be needed in order
energy uses in buildings. Statistical models describing the user to aggregate (without huge mistakes) the projects into a portfolio.
actions in rooms of different building types, especially houses This is the demand from financial institutions in order to initiate
and offices, were developed and implemented in dynamic energy the massification of energy efficiency retrofit.

70 REHVA Journal – March 2016

REHVA world

The 12th REHVA World Congress – CLIMA 2016 will be

held in Aalborg, Denmark on May 22-25, 2016
In order to successfully achieve the goals of the EU commission in reducing building energy use considerably, new
innovative HVAC solutions are required, which both facilitate extensive energy savings, while maintaining a healthy
and comfortable environment as well as the implementation and integration of building integrated renewable
energy systems and interaction with the smart energy system.

The main themes of the congress include:

•• Building and HVAC System Design
•• Efficient HVAC systems
•• Sustainable Energy for Buildings
•• Smart Building Operation and Management

The 12th REHVA Congress will especially focus on energy efficient

building and HVAC system performance in practice both in rela-
tion to fulfilment of the intended design, in relation to their ability

Tomasz Sienicki
to fulfil the needs of the occupants and interact with the users’
daily practice as well as in relation to their role in the future smart
energy system.
CLIMA 2016 is a truly multidisciplinary conference – Succeeding
in achieving high living and indoor environmental qualities in
nearly zero energy buildings is the result of the integrated effort
of many different building professionals – each playing their role.
CLIMA 2016 is a conference for all stakeholders in the building
sector as it deals with the whole life cycle of buildings and their
HVAC systems from design specification to demolition and reuse.

The CLIMA 2016 program will include:

Keynote sessions with eminent international recognized
speakers from industry, international organisations, science and

Tomasz Sienicki
the HVAC community.
Scientific sessions with presentations on recent research find-
ings. Almost 600 contributions are received from more than 60
countries worldwide.
Topical sessions where research achievements from interna- It is expected that the CLIMA 2016 congress will attract
tional projects are presented, including 5 EU projects and a special approximately 800-1000 attendees from all continents and will
session track with results from more than 10 different IEA research offer researchers, industry, building owners, consultants, engi-
projects. neers, architects, policy-makers, etc. a platform for the exchange
Technical sessions with short technical communication from of scientific knowledge and experiences on innovative technical
industry on practical applications. solutions and on practical applications and technical solutions.
Workshops on concurrent and future challenges focusing on CLIMA 2016 is organized and hosted by The Danish HVAC Society,
international possibilities for solving them. 24 workshops are Danvak, in cooperation with Aalborg University.
organised by REHVA.
An exhibition for sponsors and industry in conjunction with For more information:
the congress. Professor Per Heiselberg, Aalborg University
Technical Tours to sustainable buildings located in the area Phone: +45 9940 8541
with examples of new innovative HVAC technical systems and Email: [email protected]
Training courses with leading experts from REHVA and ASHRAE General Secretary Michael Mast, DANVAK
before the congress. Phone: +45 3636 9061
Social Program to experience Aalborg and neighbourhoods. Email: [email protected]

REHVA Journal – March 2016 71

REHVA world

Professor Olli Seppänen, President of FINVAC,

gave his opening address to the seminar
audience (picture by Tiina Strand).

FINVAC Seminar on “The Impact of CE Marking and

EU Regulation on HVAC Industry and Profession”
On 27 January 2016, the Finnish member association FINVAC arranged in Helsinki a half-day seminar on the impact
of CE marking and EU regulation on HVAC industry and profession. The seminar was attended by 100 participants:
product manufacturers, system suppliers, HVAC designers and consultants, HVAC inspectors, contractors and
construction clients. The topics presented by the speakers included introduction to the legislation process in EU,
Ecodesign Directive and Regulations, Construction Products Regulation, market surveillance, and points of view of
national legislator, test house and product/system supplier.

A very lively discussion followed all presentations, indicating a

huge confusion among the practitioners and need for reli-
able, practical and well-structured information. FINVAC had just
Performance everywhere. Furthermore, CE marking of a construc-
tion product is possible only if a harmonized European product
standard (or alternatively European Technical Assessment scheme)
established their own “EU Regulations” webpages, similar to those exists for the product and its relevant characteristics. Otherwise
of REHVA but in Finnish. The seminar brought some new informa- the conformity to essential requirements has to be verified using
tion within the field and revealed needs to update the webpages national procedures, which may be totally different in different
– actually this information will be useful also in updating REHVA’s countries. For multifunctional products, subject to requirements
EU Regulations pages. from several regulations, and for products exposed to very different
It is obvious that HVAC people will need a strong “wake-up” weather conditions in different installations, the complete evalua-
about the Construction Product Regulation (CPR), and we also tion of conformity may become very complicated and confusing.
have to take into account more facts about Ecodesign and The seminar focused on product level, so there was no detailed
Labelling. Different pieces of EU legislation bring different require- discussion about the energy performance of systems or build-
ments to the same product, maybe also contradictory require- ings, the EPBD key issues. However, we learned that some of the
ments although no such cases have yet been revealed. Even if Ecodesign regulations already take into account system or instal-
such contradictions were not yet known, the field of regulations lation aspects, and give some rules how to evaluate assemblies or
is confusing - the number of new regulations is huge, new ones subsystems like certain heat pump / water heater combinations
will appear all the time. or ventilation units.
We all have to learn new terminology and new rules in a very So, little by little, HVAC designers and their clients will have
short time, and even though the preparatory process of individual better tools to compare and specify products in a harmonized
regulations is long and transparent – at least in principle – we feel and thus in a more reliable way, manufacturers and suppliers will
overloaded and “lost in a big jungle”. have a solid basis to compete with lifetime quality instead of just
The picture of EU legislation is fragmented in many ways, the investment cost. REHVA and the Member Associations have
and will remain fragmented and also confusing in near future. a big challenge: how to forward all the new information to HVAC
For example, an Ecodesign regulation gives exactly the same practitioners and their clients about European regulations and
minimum requirements for a product throughout the EU, while what the regulations will mean in real practice.
CPR gives the Member States national freedom in setting the
minimum requirements but requires the same Declaration of JORMA RAILIO, FINVAC

72 REHVA Journal – March 2016



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REHVA world

REHVA Workshops at CLIMA 2016 conference in

Aalborg May 22-25, 2016
The REHVA workshops will take place parallel to other sessions at CLIMA 2016 conference. Each workshop will
focus on a specific question (or questions). The result of the workshop will be an international action plan, a list
of research needs, outline for a guideline, a policy statement, etc. The results will be presented to the congress
participants in a summary report that will be sent to all participants after the conference and published on the
website. To have more information on the workshops, please read the short descriptions online.

Meeting Room 8 Meeting Room 9 Meeting Room 10
Understanding HVAC Operational Performance NZEB design and construction: skill gaps and Realizing (nearly) Zero Energy Hospital Buildings
- SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR BUILDINGS interdisciplinary training of professionals together

WS 4
WS 5 WS 6
Beat Low DeltaT Syndrome by use of the latest pump
31st January 2016
Nearly zero energy buildings nZEB Building Commissioning, -what’s in it for me?
- generation
CLIMA2016 CONFERENCE May 22-25, 2016

WS 7 WS 8 WS 9
15.00 Energy efficient heat pumps, from “Standard” Inspections of ventilation and Greenhouse gas reduction in buildings & healthy

performances to “Seasonal performance”


air conditioning systems building

Eurovent Certita Certification REHVA Task Force SAREK

TUESDAY – 24 May
WS 10 WS 11 WS 12
11.00 BELIMO Water Solutions CCHVAC-REHVA Building and ductwork airtightness: what has
- Energy Efficiency in modern buildings changed in the past 5 years, what is likely to change
12.30 in the next 5 years?
Belimo TightVent, AIVC, QUALICHeCK

WS 13 WS 14 WS 15
13.00 Dynamic solar shading in Zero Internal Heating/Cooling Load Perspectives for assessing ventilative cooling
- HVAC and daylight design Air-Conditioning system potential in Energy Performance regulations

WS 16 WS 17 WS 18
15.00 How to make cheaper GSHPs in Europe/How to Eurovent Innovation Hub - Adding value to your European voluntary certification scheme: a tool
- diffuse GSHP in Europe buildings: Efficient air curtain technologies made linking environment and energy to market value
16.30 Cheap-GSHPs/EU project in Europe
Eurovent Association Sustainable Business Alliance

WS 19 WS 20 WS 23
11.00 Building Automation and Control Systems: How to improve the quality of the works and Quality management for building performance:
- continuous operational energy use optimization compliance of Energy Performance Certificates? Closing the gap between design and operation

WS 21 WS 22 WS 24
13.00 Coupling HVAC + Refrigeration + Lighting systems Agenda for Ventilation and Air Infiltration 2020 and Energy Refurbishments
- in shopping centres: technology solutions and beyond: knowledge gaps, research priorities and the
14.30 modelling approach need for innovation

74 REHVA Journal – March 2016

REHVA world

Short descriptions of the REHVA Workshops at CLIMA 2016

WS 1: Understanding HVAC Operational Performance training providers from the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE),
Housing Europe. Several REHVA Member Associations have joined
Monday, May 23, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 8)
the platform or expressed interest in being involved in the scheme
Organiser: SWEGON
and in attending the Train the trainer sessions. The workshop
Presenters: Petra Vladykova, Swegon, John Woollett, Swegon,
will be also an opportunity to present the first achievements, to
Ian Knight, Cardiff University
exchange about the experiences of the 4 project partner REHVA
Short description: The impending requirement for near zero Members (ATECYR, DANVAC, HKIS, TVVL) and to discuss about the
Energy Buildings (nZEB) needs the efficient consumption of involvement of other REHVA Members in the PROF/TRAC Training
energy by services. This presents requirements for data to support and Qualification Platform.
understanding of how to achieve this in practice. This participa-
tory workshop explores the potential for informative and practical
WS 3: Realizing (nearly) Zero Energy Hospital Buildings
guidelines for facility managers, REHVA Guidebook and input for
building regulations. The aim is to discuss what information and
data are needed, how it should be done and provided, and how Monday, May 23, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 10)
it might be used in the light of the updating of a number of Organisers: TVVL/Rehva and Royal HaskoningDHV
Standards in this area, including ISO 52000-1, prEN 16798-17 and
Presenters: H. Besselink, Royal HaskoningDHV, W.H. Maassen
prCEN/TR 16798-18.
Short description: Legislation from the EU in 2020 will set much
stricter requirements on the energy consumption of buildings
WS 2: NZEB design and construction: skill gaps and
and the way the energy is generated. This workshop will identify
interdisciplinary training of professionals. The PROF-
which performance requirements are facing us and how we can
TRAC Training and Qualification Platform
fulfill to these requirements.
Monday, May 23, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 9) Ultimately, the (nearly) Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) legislation
Organiser: PROF/TRAC will be mandatory. The most sustainable performances will be
achieved if the different stakeholders have an interest in the
WS Leaders: Peter Op’t Veld, HIA, Karel Kabele, REHVA
sustainable project. Therefore the different possibilities to achieve
Presenters: Philippe Moseley, EASME, Peter Op’t Veld, HIA, Anita
these performances and how they can be translated into costs
Derjanecz, REHVA
and revenues for each stakeholder are important.
Panel discussion: Jos Bijman, TVVL, Juan Travesi, ATECYR,
In an interactive workshop different groups will work on making
Branimir Pavkovic, HKIS, Michael Mast, DANVAC
2 example cases energy neutral areas: an innercity district in
Short description: Nearly Zero Energy Building construction the Rotterdam Port Area energy (Merwevierhavengebied) and
and renovation require a huge contribution from the building an academic hospital in Amsterdam (VU-VUmc campus). In the
sector and is a challenge for the construction industry. A first part of the workshop the technical possibilities on different
successful design and construction process towards nZEB scales will be explored. Then in the second part the group will
requires innovative design processes and technologies based on determine how to realize this goal together from the perspective
an integrated design approach and multi-disciplinary work teams. of the different stakeholders. The differences between the cases
This approach is not yet common as the building sector works in will give insight in the specific challenges of each project and
a fragmented process. Especially the collaboration between archi- especially nZEB Hospitals!
tects, technical experts and managers is necessary to develop
mutual understanding of each other’s disciplines and combine
WS 4: Beat Low DeltaT Syndrome by use of the latest
skills to achieve optimal nZEB construction and retrofitting in
pump generation
terms of quality, energy efficiency and cost effectiveness. The
workshop will present the PROF/TRAC project that develops an Monday, May 23, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 8)
Open Training Platform and Qualification scheme for Continuing Sponsor: GRUNDFOS
Professional Development for engineers, architects and managers
Organiser: Jens Nørgaard, Grundfos
involved in nZEB design and construction. PROF/TRAC identifies
Presenters: Carsten Østergaard Pedersen, Grundfos, Anders
skills gaps and professional profiles needed for nZEB construc-
Nielsen, Grundfos, Karin S. Nielsen, Grundfos, Jens Nørgaard,
tion and refurbishment, and develops a voluntary training and
qualifications scheme involving REHVA Member Associations and

REHVA Journal – March 2016 75

REHVA world

Short description: Chilled water systems are often suffering Commissioning from the moderators. This includes introductions
from low return water temperatures and hence low deltaT to The Commissioning Process, the way it is described by IEA,
syndrome. The undesired effects of this condition are numerous the International Energy Agency, and the way it is performed
and it leads to reduced system performance and efficieny. It is in various countries. Also, an overview of benefits from Building
explained how the latest Grundfos pump generation can discover Commissioning as it is done today and expected benefits from
low deltaT syndrome and adapt the pressure in the system until tomorrows Building Commissioning Process. After the introduc-
the right flow and the correct ΔT is restored. Grundfos pump tory presentations, the workshop then starts. The moderators
generation may be controlled by fluid temperature difference and will facilitate the participants in finding topics to work with in
how this can be utilized in HVAC systems. The advantage of this the REHVA Commissioning Task Force, and to include in future
procedure is described. Constant temperature mode is utilized in publications. We intend to map market needs, elements we can
domestic hot water applications, installation and the benefits of foresee will be included in the future Commissioning processes,
this. The latest pump generation may be utilized in large boiler as well as demands for information about the Commissioning
shunt installations and how risk is reduced by this procedure. Process. Participants are invited to bring their anecdotes and
experiences with gnarly Building systems to the plenum. We will
have a good time discussing probable solutions and processes
WS 5: Nearly zero energy buildings nZEB
that can prevent the repetition of previous nightmares, and add
Monday, May 23, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 9) more value to the Commissioning process.
Presenters: Jarek Kurnitski, REHVA Vice President, Prof. Tallinn
University of Technology, Ryozo Ooka, Tokyo University, Jonas WS 7: Energy efficient heat pumps, from “Standard”
Gräslund, Skanska performances to “Seasonal performance”
Short description: This REHVA nZEB Task Force workshop will Monday, May 23, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 8)
discuss nZEB technical, regulatory and policy progress with the Organiser: Eurovent Certita Certification
aim to provide input to REHVA nZEB technical definition (2013)
Speakers: Sandrine Marinhas, Eurovent Certita Certification
revision. nZEB WS will focus on recent developments in national
applications in EU, Japan and US by rising an open issues in Short description: Since first application to our products in
nZEB definitions and requirements. The essential question of 2013, residential and higher capacity air-conditioners, chillers
nZEB buildings, how well buildings with on-site production fit to and heat pumps are progressively moving from nominal (COP) to
central energy system, is discussed based on recent results from seasonal performance (SCOP and ηs) in heating mode and (EER,
Sweden. This study is developing a method of how to quantify the SEER, SEPR and ηs,c) in cooling mode, and associated minimum
consequences of carbon dioxide emissions for energy efficiency requirements and labelling schemes are set up. Calendar and
and renewable energy solutions and investigate how the relevant details of the corresponding regulations and associated standards
time steps shall be chosen in order to be able to calculate which and certification documents will be presented, focused on the
solutions provide the best addition of renewable energy at the consequences for the end-users, the manufacturers, the labora-
same primary energy performance level when considering load tories and the organisation of certification.
match and grid interaction issues which is not obvious.

WS 8: Inspections of ventilation and air conditioning

WS 6: Building Commissioning in Europe systems
Monday, May 23, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 10) Monday, May 23, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 9)
Presenters: Ole Teisen, Sweco Danmark A/S, Frank Hovorka, Presenters: Jorma Railio, REHVA, Ian Knight, Cardiff University
UNEP Financial Initiative, Sustainable Building Alliance, Ian Knight,
Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Thomas Toftgaard Short description: Activities supporting the practical imple-
Jarløv, Copenhagen Airports mentation of inspections required by the EPBD will be discussed
in a participatory workshop format. From experiences in Member
Short description: REHVA is planning to produce handbooks and States, only a fragment of the mandatory inspections have been
other material that support the use of Building Commissioning done, but there are encouraging experiences of alternative
in Europe. Attending this workshop will provide new insights approaches. Now that the European standards for ventilation
into how Building Commissioning is performed, how it interacts and air conditioning inspections have been revised and merged
with sustainability measures and how it influences the value of into the new prEN 16798-17 and prCEN/TR 16798-18, it is time for
buildings. It will also allow you to bring your own ideas to the REHVA to collect the experiences and existing knowledge into a
table, and influence future work into Building Commissioning practical Guidebook.
in Europe! The Workshop will start with 4 different angles on

76 REHVA Journal – March 2016

REHVA world
WS 10: BELIMO Water Solutions - Energy Efficiency in Short description: The objective of this workshop is to discuss the
modern buildings major developments regarding building and ductwork airtightness
in the past five years and the expected changes in the near future.
Tuesday, May 24, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 8)
Organiser: BELIMO Automation AG
Presenters: Dr. Marc Thuillard, Dipl. Ing. Forest Reider, Dipl. Ing. WS 13: Dynamic solar shading in HVAC and daylight
Reto Hobi, Dipl. Ing. Christian Luchsinger design
Short description: The proper balancing of hydraulics flows Tuesday 24 May, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 8)
is an important factor contributing to the stability of HVAC in a Organisers: ES-SO, European Solar-Shading Organization in
building. Balancing can be achieved through different approaches collaboration with EQUA and Swegon
using an electronic or a mechanic pressure-independent valve.
Presenters: Ann Van Eycken, ES-SO, Anders Hall, ES-SO, Per
Besides balancing an electronic solution can be expanded to a
Sahlin, EQUA
performance device, known as Energy Valve, capable of moni-
toring and optimizing energy consumption. This concludes the Short description: The impact of solar radiation on the heat and
introduction. This talk will focus on electronic balancing methods light balance of a room is profound and, consequently, shading
and discuss two approaches for achieving this goal. The first devices, glass, and control strategy are the first things to consider in
method uses an electronic pressure-independent valve (ePIV). HVAC and daylight design. Unfortunately, doing this is easier said than
In state of the art office buildings the main comfort demand is done. Not only do you need models that capture the correct physics
more and more on cooling with a general low heating demand. of modern glazing and shading, but these models must also interact
Therefore a 4-pipe system with one heat exchanger like heating/ with a room model that accounts for all the physical processes that
cooling ceiling is likely and very common. To run such a system come together in the final room heat and light balance. Naturally,
in an efficient way it is important that the pump runs efficient, one must have correct product data for all involved components and
independent on the load. For reaching this, different flows for be able to describe control action that reflects real systems. Today,
heating and cooling are required combined with the lowest these systems may well couple artificial and natural daylight with the
possible pressure loss. The advantages and disadvantages of thermal state of the room. The workshop starts with a presentation
mechanic and electronic pressure-independent solutions are of a new quality assured database for shading products under the
highlighted with three different examples in relation with the auspices of ES-SO and continues with the introduction and demon-
established Belimo 6-Way Zone-Valve. During the discussion, we stration of a new tool chain for the complex design task.
will show how the ePIV can be expanded into an even more
intelligent HVAC device by adding two temperature sensors,
WS 14: Zero Internal Heating/Cooling Load
resulting into an Energy Valve. Experimental results obtained
Air-Conditioning system
during field tests at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Boston and University of Colorado, Boulder: Saving energy and Tuesday, May 24, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 9)
primary costs by preventing DeltaT degradation. Test at Nanjang Chair: Dr. Kato
Technical University (NTU), Singapore. We will show how the
Co-Chairs: Dr. Zhang, Dr. Hiyama
measurement of air enthalpy can enhance very significantly the
function of the Energy Valve. Case study Hospital – Ludmillenstift Short description: Dealing with the whole indoor air to maintain
/ Germany: through a case study demonstrating how hydraulic a comfortable thermal environment has been the main solution
problems can be discovered, monitored, analyzed and finally of the building air-conditioning system for many years. Recently,
solved with the Belimo Energy Valve. A too low and/or too high owing to the development of radiant heating/cooling systems
flow results in wrong Energy transmission and will have a huge and personal ventilation, a new trend has arisen where heat is
impact on patient comfort, energy bill and maintenance cost. dissipated to several independent areas, providing custom heat
loads; this even provides us with the possibility of creating a zero
heating/cooling load environment. In other words, it allows us to
WS 12: Building and ductwork airtightness: what has
deal with the heat load from each heat source before the heat
changed in the past 5 years, what is likely to change in
diffuses into the space. This solution enables us to utilize lower
the next 5 years?
level heat sources, for instance chilled water at high temperatures.
Tuesday, May 24, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 10) It also ensures more uniform temperature distribution and a more
Organisers: TightVent, AIVC, QUALICHeCK comfortable indoor thermal environment with improved energy
efficiency. The attempt to realize zero internal heating/cooling
Chairs: François Rémi Carrié and Benjamin Jones
load was first carried out for data centers and recently, in Japan,
Presenters: Dr. Marc Thuillard, Dipl. Ing. Forest Reider, Dipl. Ing.
a liquid cooling air-conditioning system for office buildings was
Reto Hobi, Dipl. Ing. Christian Luchsinger
developed and will soon be used in real buildings. In this workshop,

REHVA Journal – March 2016 77

REHVA world

we will report the progress we have made in this field, followed a healthier indoor environmental quality? We will the upcoming
by a discussion. Because the success of the zero internal heating/ Eurovent rating standard for air curtains. It makes sound economic
cooling load system is based on many different experiments and sense to create an efficient and invisible door that keeps the cold
attempts, any presentation related to this topic is welcome. The and hot inside. Air curtains can be even more effective when
aim of the workshop is to come up with a list of research gaps and used in air conditioned or cold storage buildings. Thermozone
questions and identify additional concerns regarding this topic. technology with its precisely adjusted air velocity gives even
protection throughout the opening and contributes to a better
indoor air quality. Effective air curtains provide an efficient separa-
WS 15: Perspectives for assessing ventilative cooling
tion with the lowest possible energy consumption, regardless of
potential in Energy Performance regulations
whether it is the heat or the cold that project engineers want
Tuesday, May 24, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 10) to keep out. This Eurovent workshop provides for a hands-on
Organisers: venticool, IEA Annex 62, AIVC, QUALICHeCK introduction to state-of-the-art air curtain technology, allowing
you to make valid choices concerning your building projects.
Chairs: Peter Holzer and François Rémi Carrié

Short description: The principal objective of this workshop

WS 18: European voluntary certification scheme: a tool
series is to discuss the status, needs, and perspectives on devel-
linking environment and energy to market value
opments to consider ventilative cooling in energy performance
assessment methods. Tuesday, May 24, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 10)
Chair: Frank Hovorka
WS 16: CHP Workshop How to make cheaper GSHP in Co-chair: Johann Zirngibl
Europe/How to diffuse GSHP in Europe Presenters: Frank Hovorka, Carolina Mateo Cecilia, Johann
Zirngibl, Jana Bendžalová
Tuesday, May 24, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 8)
Chairs: Michele De Carli, University of Padova, Robert Gavriliuc, Short description: Multinational property owners and devel-
Faculty of Building Services Engineering Bucharest opers, financial institutions (including UNEP-FI) and building profes-
sionals are demanding international standardisation and uniform
Presenters: Javier F. Urchueguía, David Bertermann, Luc Pockele
conditions in energy performance certification in order to enhance
Short description: The market of heat pumps in Europe is the comparability, transparency, coherence, reliability and accuracy
increasing. Even though the most efficient solution is represented in the Union. The EPBD requires adopting a voluntary common
by GSHP, air to water heat pumps are mostly used in residential European certification scheme (VCS) for the energy performance
and commercial buildings, due to the lower investment costs. of non-residential buildings. This workshop will describe how to
Based on the experience of the speakers and based on the recent create this common tool, able to be used Europe wide, and how it
work began in the Horizon 2020 European Project “Cheap-GSHPs” can be integrated in existing environmental certification schemes.
the workshop intent is to show the recent advances in the frame
of the drilling and in the heat pump solutions to improve the
WS 19: Building Automation and Control Systems:
market of the GSHPs. Discussion will be driven on current limits
continuous operational energy use optimization
and potentialities of the GSHPs. In particular the discussion will
be on the possible introduction of a CEN standard committee or Wednesday, May 25, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 8)
working group on the GSHP systems. Workshop leaders: Peter Hug, eu.bac, Andrei Litiu, eu.bac
Presenters: Bonnie Brook, eu.bac, Stefano Corgnati, REHVA,
WS 17: Eurovent Innovation Hub - Adding value to your Simona D’Oca (REHVA), Valentina Fabi (REHVA), Andrei Litiu,
buildings: Efficient air curtain technologies made in eu.bac, Roland Ullmann, eu.bac
Short description: The aim of the workshop is to interactively
Tuesday, May 24, 15.00-16.30 (Meeting room 9) discuss about the crucial role of building automation and control
Organiser: Eurovent Association systems in continuously optimizing energy use during the opera-
tion phase of buildings while at the same time ensuring adequate
Presenters: Francesco Scuderi, Morten Schmelzer
indoor environment quality and enabling occupants’ behaviour
Short description: By attending this Eurovent workshop, partici- change. The participants will learn about existing tools that help
pants of CLIMA 2016 will learn how to save energy by applying assess how well a building (new or existing) is equipped for energy
the best performing air curtains for their construction projects. use optimization and will be granted the opportunity to provide
Which ISO standards should be applied for measuring air curtain feedback on the ongoing work of REHVA & eu.bac`s Task Force on
performance? How state-of-the-art air curtains can contribute to Building Automation, Controls and Building Management.

78 REHVA Journal – March 2016

REHVA world
WS 20: How to improve the quality of the works and Short description: Taking into account the challenges we have in
compliance of Energy Performance Certificates? energy saving, there is a clear need for innovative and smart venti-
lation systems both in terms of comfort and health addressing
Wednesday, May 25, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 9)
challenges associated with renovation and new buildings. This
Organisers: QUALICHeCK
session will discuss the need for advancing knowledge on ventila-
Chair: Peter Wouters
tion in future buildings, it will discuss research priorities and the list
Presenters: Peter Wouters, Jarek Kurnitski, Francois Durier, Heike the areas where the innovation is necessary. The broad areas that
Erhon-Kluttig, Susanne Geissler need to be addressed in the context of advancing ventilation in
Short description: To address these quality and compliance chal- the future will be identified prior to the workshop together with
lenges, the objectives of this workshop are to discuss the following the short list of priorities and innovations. This will be done by
questions: What is the status on the ground in terms of quality and contacting relevant stakeholders in research and industry. The list
compliance? What steps could be taken to improve the situation? will be discussed and supplemented by the workshop participants.
What are key aspects to consider for effective compliance frame- The voting will be completed to identify the priorities that need
works? The discussions will be preceded by presentations summa- to be quickly addressed and methods for their implementations.
rising key findings of the QUALICHeCK project on these issues.

WS 23: Quality management for building performance:

WS 21: Coupling HVAC + Refrigeration + Lighting Closing the gap between design and operation
systems in shopping centres: technology solutions and
modelling approach Wednesday, May 25, 11.00-12.30 (Meeting room 10)
Chair: Stefan Plesser, Head of the Energy and Quality Management
Wednesday, May 25, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 8) Group, IGS - TU Braunschweig
Organisers: Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable energy, Co-chair: Karel Kabele
IIF-IIR, International Institute of Refrigeration Presenters: Stefan Plesser, IGS - TU Braunschweig, Jan Mehnert,
synavision GmbH, Niels Delaere, Factor4, Michele Liziero,
Short description: This workshop is intended to present and
EnergyTeam SPA
discuss tools and solutions for an effective energy-retrofit of shop-
ping malls. It will take advantage of the participation of experts Short description: QUANTUM develops and demonstrates prag-
from the CommONEnergy project, who will bring their expertise matic services and appropriate tools supporting quality manage-
and open a fruitful debate on the outcomes of the project. The ment for building performance in the design, construction,
result of the workshop can be an outline for a guideline on the commissioning and operation phase as a means to close the gap
energy-refurbishment of shopping malls. between predicted and actual energy performance in European
buildings. The workshop will present the current stage of quality
management for building performance and discuss its role as key
WS 22: Agenda for Ventilation and Air Infiltration 2020
action within the life cycle of buildings. It addresses especially
and beyond: knowledge gaps, research priorities and
building owners, engineers, facility management and contracting
the need for innovation
companies with their individual perspective on quality. REHVA
Wednesday, May 25, 13.00-14.30 (Meeting room 9) will set up a Task Force around this topic exchanging related
Organisers: AIVC knowledge and using the project outcomes to elaborate a REHVA
Guidebook. The workshop aims also to launch the Task Force.

Sponsored by

REHVA, the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations represents
100,000 HVAC experts in 26 European countries. REHVA is the leading professional organization in
Europe, dedicated to the improvement of health, comfort and energy efficiency in all buildings and

REHVA Journal – March 2016 79

Send information of your event to Ms Cynthia Despradel [email protected]

Events in 2016
Conferences and seminars 2016

March 8-11 Sustainable Built Environment - SBE 2016 Hamburg, Germany

March 16-18 9th International Conference Improving Energy Frankfurt, Germany
Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart
Communities (IEECB&SC’16)

March 31-April 2 12th International HVAC+R Technology Istanbul, Turkey


May 10 3rd QUALICHeCK Conference Brussels, Belgium

May 22-25 12th REHVA World Conference - CLIMA 2016 Aalborg, Denmark

May 30-June 3 CIB World Building Congress 2016 Intelligent built Tampere, Finland
environment for life

June 22-24 Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Prague, Czech Republic
Prague 2016

July 3-8 Indoor Air 2016 Ghent, Belgium

August 21-24 12th IIR Natural Working Fluids Conference Edinburgh, United Kingdom

September 21-23 International Conference on Solar Technologies & Frankfurt, Germany
Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access

October 23-26 IAQVEC 2016: international conference on indoor Seoul, South Korea
air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in

Exhibitions 2016

March 1-4 AQUATHERM Prague Prague, Czech Republic

March 13-18 Light and Building Frankfurt, Germany

March 15-18 Mostra Convegno Expocomfort Milan, Italy

April 5-8 Nordbygg Stockholm, Sweden

April 20-22 Aqua-Therm St-Petersburg St-Petersburg, Russia

May 4-7 ISK-SODEX 2016 Istanbul, Turkey

May 30 – June 1 ISH China & CIHE Beijing, China

August 31 - September 2 ISH Shanghai & CIHE Shanghai, China

October 12-14 FinnBuild Helsinki, Finland

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REHVA Guidebooks are written by teams of European experts

Ventilation Effectiveness. Improving the ventilation effectiveness Indoor Climate Quality Assessment. This Guidebook gives
No.2 No.14
allows the indoor air quality to be significantly enhanced without building professionals a useful support in the practical measure-
Ventilation the need for higher air changes in the building, thereby avoiding the Indoor
Climate Quality
ments and monitoring of the indoor climate in buildings. Wireless
higher costs and energy consumption associated with increasing Assessment
technologies for measurement and monitoring have allowed
the ventilation rates. This Guidebook provides easy-to-understand enlarging significantly number of possible applications, especially
Stefano Paolo Corgnati, Manuel Gameiro da Silva (Editors)
Roberta Ansaldi
Elisabeth Mundt (ed) Ehsan Asadi
Hans Martin Mathisen José Joaquim Costa
Peter V. Nielsen Marco Filippi
Jan Kaczmarczyk
Alfred Moser Arsen Krikor Melikov

descriptions of the indices used to measure the performance of a in existing buildings. The Guidebook illustrates with several cases
Bjarne W. Olesen
Zbigniew Popiolek
Pawel Wargocki
rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations


ventilation system and which indices to use in different cases. the instrumentation.

Chilled Beam Cooling. Chilled beam systems are primarily used Energy Efficient Heating and Ventilation of Large Halls.
No.5 No.15
for cooling and ventilation in spaces, which appreciate good indoor This Guidebook is focused on modern methods for design, control
Chilled Beam
environmental quality and individual space control. Active chilled Energy Efficient
Heating and and operation of energy efficient heating systems in large spaces
Ventilation of
Guidebook beams are connected to the ventilation ductwork, high temperature Large Halls and industrial halls. The book deals with thermal comfort, light
Maija Virta (ed.)
David Butler
Jonas Gräslund
Jaap Hogeling
Erik Lund Kristiansen
cold water, and when desired, low temperature hot water system. Karel Kabele (Editor)
Ondřej Hojer
Karel Kabele
Miroslav Kotrbatý
and dark gas radiant heaters, panel radiant heating, floor heating
Primary air supply induces room air to be recirculated through the and industrial air heating systems. Various heating systems are
Mika Reinikainen Klaus Sommer
Gunnar Svensson Dušan Petráš
rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations


heat exchanger of the chilled beam. In order to cool or heat the room illustrated with case studies. Design principles, methods and
either cold or warm water is cycled through the heat exchanger. modelling tools are presented for various systems.

Indoor Climate and Productivity in Offices. This Guidebook HVAC in Sustainable Office Buildings – A bridge between
No.6 No.16
shows how to quantify the effects of indoor environment on office owners and engineers. This Guidebook discusses the interaction
Indoor Climate
work and also how to include these effects in the calculation of of sustainability and heating, ventilation and air–conditioning.
and Productivity in Sustainable
in Offices Office Buildings
How to integrate productivity
in life-cycle cost analysis
of building services building costs. Such calculations have not been performed previ- – A bridge between
owners and engineers HVAC technologies used in sustainable buildings are described.
Pawel Wargocki, Olli Seppänen (editors)
Johnny Andersson
Atze Boerstra
Derek Clements-Croome
ously, because very little data has been available. The quantitative Maija Virta (ed.)
Frank Hovorka
Andrei Litiu
This book also provides a list of questions to be asked in various
relationships presented in this Guidebook can be used to calculate phrases of building’s life time. Different case studies of sustainable
Klaus Fitzner Jarek Kurnitski
Sten Olaf Hanssen

rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations


the costs and benefits of running and operating the building. office buildings are presented.

Low temperature
heating and
high temperature
REHVA Guidebooks
Low Temperature Heating And High Temperature Cooling.
This Guidebook describes the systems that use water as heat-carrier
and when the heat exchange within the conditioned space is more
than 50% radiant. Embedded systems insulated from the main
Design of energy
efficient ventilation
and air-conditioning
Design of energy efficient ventilation and air-conditioning
systems. This Guidebook covers numerous system components
of ventilation and air-conditioning systems and shows how they
can be improved by applying the latest technology products.
Jan Babiak
Bjarne W. Olesen
Dušan Petráš
building structure (floor, wall and ceiling) are used in all types of Nejc Brelih (ed.)
Olli Seppänen
Thore Bertilsson
Mari-Liis Maripuu
Special attention is paid to details, which are often overlooked in
buildings and work with heat carriers at low temperatures for heating the daily design practice, resulting in poor performance of high
Hervé Lamy
Alex Vanden Borre

rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations


and relatively high temperature for cooling. quality products once they are installed in the building system.

Computational Fluid Dynamics in Ventilation Design. Legionellosis Prevention in Building Water and HVAC
No.10 No.18
CFD-calculations have been rapidly developed to a powerful Systems. This Guidebook is a practical guide for design, operation
Fluid Dynamics
tool for the analysis of air pollution distribution in various spaces. Prevention
in Building Water
and maintenance to minimize the risk of legionellosis in building
in Ventilation Design
However, the user of CFD-calculation should be aware of the basic and HVAC Systems
A Practical Guide for Design, Operation
and Maintenance to Minimize the Risk
water and HVAC systems. It is divided into several themes such as:
Peter V. Nielsen (ed.)
Francis Allard
Hazim B. Awbi
Lars Davidson
principles of calculations and specifically the boundary conditions. Sergio La Mura (Ed.)
Cesare Maria Joppolo (Ed.)
Luca Alberto Piterà (Ed.)
Jean Pierre Angermann
Air conditioning of the air (by water – humidification), Production
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) – in Ventilation Design of hot water for washing (fundamentally but not only hot water
Alois Schälin Mark Izard

rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations


models is written by a working group of highly qualified interna- for washing) and Evaporative cooling tower.
tional experts representing research, consulting and design.

Air Filtration in HVAC Systems. This Guidebook will help the Mixing Ventilation. In this Guidebook most of the known and
No.11 No.19
designer and user to understand the background and criteria for used in practice methods for achieving mixing air distribution are
Air Filtration air filtration, how to select air filters and avoid problems associated Ventilation
discussed. Mixing ventilation has been applied to many different
with hygienic and other conditions at operation of air filters. The spaces providing fresh air and thermal comfort to the occupants.
in HVAC Systems Guide on mixing air
distribution design

Jan Gustavsson (ed.)

Alain Ginestet
Paolo Tronville
selection of air filters is based on external conditions such as levels Dirk Müller (Ed.)
Claudia Kandzia
Risto Kosonen
Arsen Krikor Melikov
Today, a design engineer can choose from large selection of air
of existing pollutants, indoor air quality and energy efficiency diffusers and exhaust openings.
Marko Hyttinen
Peter Vilhelm Nielsen

rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations



Solar Shading – How to integrate solar shading in sustainable Advanced system design and operation of GEOTABS build-
No.12 No.20
buildings. Solar Shading Guidebook gives a solid background on ings. This Guidebook provides comprehensive information on
Solar Shading
How to integrate solar shading
the physics of solar radiation and its behaviour in window with system design
and operation
GEOTABS systems. It is intended to support building owners,
solar shading systems. Major focus of the Guidebook is on the of GEOTABS
architects and engineers in an early design stage showing how
in sustainable buildings


Wouter Beck (ed.)

Dick Dolmans
Gonzague Dutoo
Anders Hall
effect of solar shading in the use of energy for cooling, heating Franziska Bockelmann
Stefan Plesser
GEOTABS can be integrated into their building concepts. It also
and lighting. The book gives also practical guidance for selection, gives many helpful advices from experienced engineers that have
Hanna Soldaty
Olli Seppänen

rehva rehva
Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations


installation and operation of solar shading as well as future trends designed, built and run GEOTABS systems.
in integration of HVAC-systems with solar control.
Active and Passive Beam Application Design Guide is the
result of collaboration by worldwide experts. It provides energy-
Indoor Environment and Energy Efficiency in Schools – efficient methods of cooling, heating, and ventilating indoor areas,
No.13 No.21
Part 1 Principles. School buildings represent a significant part of especially spaces that require individual zone control and where
Active and
the building stock and also a noteworthy part of the total energy
Environment and
Energy Efficiency
Passive Beam
Application internal moisture loads are moderate. The systems are simple to
in Schools
Part 1 Principles use. Indoor and Energy Efficiency in Schools Guidebook describes Design Guide
For Global Application
operate and maintain. This new guide provides up-to-date tools
the optimal design and operation of schools with respect to low and advice for designing, commissioning, and operating chilled-
Francesca R. d’Ambrosio Alfano (ed.)
Laura Bellia
Atze Boerstra
Froukje van Dijken
Elvira Ianniello
Gino Lopardo Joint publication of

energy cost and performance of the students. It focuses particularly

Francesco Minichiello REHVA and ASHRAE

beam systems to achieve a determined indoor climate and includes

Piercarlo Romagnoni
Manuel Carlos Gameiro da Silva
Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations


on energy efficient systems for a healthy indoor environment.

REHVA Edition

examples of active and passive beam calculations and selections.

REHVA – Rue Washington, 40 – 1050 Brussels – Belgium

Telephone: +32 2 514 11 71 • Fax + 32 2 512 9062 • E-mail: [email protected] • website:

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