LESSON Teacher
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OBJECTIVES 1. Explain different theories on 1. Elaborate each 1. Elaborate each characteristic of 1. Explain each of the 3. Explain each of the unifying
the Origin of Life. characteristic of life. life. unifying theme in the theme in the study of life.
2. Appreciate the importance of 2. Appreciate the 2. Appreciate the importance of study of life. Appreciate the importance
life. importance of life. life. 2. Appreciate the and value of life.
importance and value of
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
understanding of the historical understanding of the historical understanding of the historical understanding of the historical understanding of the historical
development of the concept of development of the concept of development of the concept of life. development of the concept of development of the concept of
life. life. life. life.
B. Performance The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to value The learners should be able to The learners should be able to
standard value life by taking good care of value life by taking good care of life by taking good care of all value life by taking good care of value life by taking good care of
all beings, humans, plants and all beings, humans, plants and beings, humans, plants and animal. all beings, humans, plants and all beings, humans, plants and
animal. animal. animal. animal.
C. Learning Explain the evolving concept of Explain the evolving concept of Explain the evolving concept of life Describe how unifying themes Describe how unifying themes
Competency life based on emerging pieces of life based on emerging pieces of based on emerging pieces of (e.g., structure and function, (e.g., structure and function,
evidence. evidence. evidence. evolution, and ecosystems) in the evolution, and ecosystems) in the
study of life show the connections study of life show the connections
among living things and how they among living things and how they
interact with each other and with interact with each other and with
their environment. their environment.
CONTENT The Origin of Life (Theories) The Origin of Life The Origin of Life (Characteristics) Unifying themes in the study of Unifying themes in the study of
(Characteristics) life life
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
B. Other Learning Pictures of an example of Pictures of an example of Pictures of an example of minerals, Laptop, Pictures of the different Laptop, Pictures of the different
Resource minerals, manila paper, marker, minerals, manila paper, marker, manila paper, marker, bond paper example of rocks. example of rocks.
bond paper bond paper
A. Elicit Picture Analysis Picture Analysis Picture Analysis How did life on earth begin? How did life on earth begin?
B. Engage Activity: Classify Me! Activity: Classify Me! Activity: Classify Me!
(The students will classify (The students will classify (The students will classify whether Group Activity: Picture analysis Group Activity: Picture analysis
whether it is Living Things or whether it is Living Things or it is Living Things or Nonliving
Nonliving Things) Nonliving Things) Things)
C. Explore Propel Integration: Allow Time to Propel Integration: Allow Time to Propel Integration: Allow Time to Propel Integration: Allow Time to Propel Integration: Allow Time to
Think Think Think Think Think
(The students are going to watch (The students are going to watch (The students are going to watch Activity: Activity:
the documentary film on “ Origin the documentary film on “ Origin the documentary film on “ Origin of With rough sketches, draw a With rough sketches, draw a
of Life- How Life Started on of Life- How Life Started on Life- How Life Started on Earth”. biological hierarchy using a forest biological hierarchy using a forest
Earth”. Afterwards, they will Earth”. Afterwards, they will Afterwards, they will make a as the ecosystem, a plant as the as the ecosystem, a plant as the
make a reflection out of the film.) make a reflection out of the film.) reflection out of the film.) organism, its leaf as the organ and organism, its leaf as the organ and
DNA as the molecule. Include all DNA as the molecule. Include all
levels in the hierarchy. levels in the hierarchy.
D. Explain Theories on the Origin of Life Characteristics of Life Characteristics of Life Unifying themes in the study of Unifying themes in the study of
1. Special Creation Theory 1. Response to 1. Response to environment/ life: life:
2. Spontaneous generation environment/ ability to ability to response to 1. New properties emerge 1. New properties emerge
theory response to stimuli stimuli at successive levels of at successive levels of
3. Cell theory 2. Growth and development 2. Growth and development biological organization biological organization
4. Primordial soup theory 3. Reproduction 3. Reproduction
4. Regulation and 4. Regulation and
homeostasis homeostasis
5. High degree of 5. High degree of
organization organization
6. Energy processing 6. Energy processing
7. Built of cells 7. Built of cells
:Cabbage Relay: :Cabbage Relay: :Cabbage Relay: Directions: Make a graphic Directions: Make a graphic
organizer of a unifying theme in organizer of a unifying theme in
the study of life that shows the the study of life that shows the
connections among living things connections among living things
and how they interact with each and how they interact with each
other and with their environment. other and with their environment.
F. Evaluate Students will be given 10 items Students will be given 10 items Students will be given 10 items Students will be given 10 items Students will be given 10 items
quiz. quiz. quiz. quiz. quiz.
G. Extend In your own words, choose 3 In your own words, choose 3 In your own words, choose 3 As a student, how will you show As a student, how will you show
among the characteristics of life among the characteristics of life among the characteristics of life and value the essence of life? and value the essence of life?
which considered important and which considered important and which considered important and
explain each of your chosen explain each of your chosen explain each of your chosen
characteristics. characteristics. characteristics.
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other