Indian School Al Wadi Al Kabir

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CLASS: VI DATE: 14-04-2024
2024 - 2025



1. A student observed some leaves that were attached to a stem, as shown in the
image. Which part of the leaf helps them to become attached to the stem?

a) Lamina b) Midrib c) Petiole d) Veins

2. Which of the following types of plants have thick, hard, and woody stems?
a) Trees b) Herbs c) Shrubs d) All of these

3. Assertion (A) - Leaves are generally green in colour.

Reason (R) - Leaves are green in colour due to the presence of chlorophyll.
4. Identify and describe the type of venation in the given leaf.

5. While visiting a garden, Meera noticed different types of plants that differ in height, nature of stem,
and branches. She recorded her observations as follows:
Group A- Plants with short, green, and tender stems.
Group B- Plants with hard stems and branches near the base of the stem.
Group C- Plants with weak stems that spread on the ground.
a) Identify the group of plants named as A, B, and C.

b)Name a plant in your house or in your neighbourhood, which has a long but weak stem, that
takes support and climbs up.
In which category would you classify it?

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1. Ajit wants to test if plants need sunlight to make food. He keeps a potted plant in sunlight. After five
days, he tests for the presence of starch in the leaves. How can Ajit improve his test?

A)He should choose a plant with larger green leaves.

B) He should test another plant without leaves under the sun.
C)He should test a similar plant kept in the dark for five days.
D) He should cover the plant with a transparent glass box to keep it warm.

2. Observe the picture given alongside.

Which plants have the same type of roots

A) Only plant 1 and plant 2

B)Only plant 2 and plant 3
c) Plant 1, plant 2 and plant 3
D)Plant 2, plant 3, and plant 4

3. Assertion (A) - Plants help in maintaining moisture conditions in the

Reason (R) - Plants release a lot of water into the air through the process
of transpiration.

4. i)How many petals can be seen in the picture?

ii)What is label X?

5. Riya learned from her science teacher that

flowers are the most beautiful part of a plant and the main function of the flower is to produce fruits and
seeds. It consists of sepals, petals, stamen which is the male part, and pistil which is the female
reproductive part. The stamen consists of an anther and filament, the Pistil consists of a stigma style, and
the ovary and inside ovary ovules are present.
i)What is the main function of a flower?

ii) Name the male and female reproductive parts of a flower and also mention what each part consists of.


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1] A spoonful each, of sawdust, powdered sugar, and salt was added to a glass containing water.
Which of the following can be observed?

a) Salt and sawdust are soluble in water, but sugar is insoluble.

b) Salt and sugar are soluble in water, but sawdust is insoluble.
c) Sugar and sawdust are soluble in water, but salt is insoluble.
d) Sugar, sawdust, and salt are all soluble in water.

2) Transparent materials allow the light to pass through them-

(a) partially
(b) completely
(c) sometimes only
(d) not at all
3) Assertion (A): Materials that can be compressed or scratched easily are called soft materials.
Reason (R): Iron is a hard material.

4) Observe the figure and answer the following questions:

a] Identify solvent, solute and solution from the figure.

b] Differentiate between solute and solvent.

c] Why water is often referred to as the "universal solvent"

1. Animals breathe out ___________________, which is used by plants to make their food.
(a) Nitrogen (b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) All the above.

2. The animals that can live both on land and in water are called ___________.
(a) Terrestrial (b) Aerial
(c) Arboreal (d) Amphibians

3. Assertion(A): Frogs and toads are amphibians.

Reason(R): They breathe through gills on land and water.

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4. Observe the given pictures and identify and define the term that refers to the classification of

5. The place where organisms live is called habitat. Habitat

means a dwelling place (a home). The habitat provides
food, water, air, shelter, and other needs to organisms. Several kinds of plants and animals live in the
same habitat. The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats. Some
examples of terrestrial habitats are forests, grasslands, deserts, and mountain regions. On the other hand,
the habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called aquatic habitats. Lakes, rivers, and oceans
are some examples of aquatic habitats. There are large variations among terrestrial habitats like forests,
grasslands, deserts, and coastal and mountain regions located in different parts of the world.

a. Define Habitat.

b. Write some examples of aquatic habitats.

c. How terrestrial habitats are different from aquatic habitats?

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