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Which one of the following statement with Select the correct statements:
regards to the excretion by the human kidneys Platyhelminthes are triploblastic,
is correct? pseudocoelomate and bilaterally symmetrical
Descending limb of Loop of Henle is organisms.
impermeable to water Ctenophores reproduce only sexually and
Distal convoluted tubule is incapable of fertilization is external.
reabsorbing HCO3 In tapeworm, fertilization is internal but sexes
Nearly 99 per cent of the glomerular filtrate is are not separate.
3. reabsorbed Ctenophores are exclusively marine, diploblastic
by the renal tubules and bioluminescent organisms.
Ascending limb of Loop of Henle is impermeable In sponges, fertilization is external and
to electrolytes development is direct.
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Custom Practice Test - 10-Nov
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Consider the two given statements: Match each item in Column I [part of the brain]
Pulmonary circulation carries deoxygenated with one in Column II [function] and select the
blood to the lungs and brings oxygenated blood answer from the codes given below:
back to the heart.
The systemic circulation provides nutrients, Relays motor and sensory
A. Amygdala a.
oxygen and other essential substances to the signals to the cerebral cortex
tissues and takes carbon dioxide and other Reflex centers involving
harmful substances away for elimination. B. Hippocampus b.
vision and hearing
1. Only is correct Plays a key role in the
2. Only is correct C. Thalamus c.
processing of emotions
3. Both and are correct Formation of new memories
4. Both and are incorrect Corpora
D. d. and is also associated with
learning and emotions
Given below are two statements: one is labelled
as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Codes
Reason (R):
Dietary proteins are the source of A B C D
essential amino acids. 1. c d b a
All essential amino acids are 2. d c a b
aromatic. 3. c d a b
In the light of the above statements, choose the 4. d c b a
correct answer from the options given below:
Both and are True and is the correct
explanation of . Match the following joints with the bones
Both and are True but is not the involved:
correct explanation of .
3. is True but is False. Gliding Between carpal and metacarpal
(a) (i)
4. Both and are False. joint of thumb
(b) Hinge joint (ii) Between Atlas and Axis
(c) Pivot joint (iii) Between the Carpals
(d) (iv) Between Humerus and Ulna
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Custom Practice Test - 10-Nov
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
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Custom Practice Test - 10-Nov
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Each half of pectoral girdle consists of: In humans, Kidneys situated between the levels
1. one bone of:
2. two bones last thoracic and third lumbar vertebra close to
3. four bones 1.
the dorsal inner wall of the abdominal cavity.
4. six bones
last thoracic and third lumbar vertebra close to
the ventral inner wall of the abdominal cavity.
Fallopian tubes are lined with:
tenth thoracic and first lumbar vertebra close to
1. Cuboidal ciliated epithelium 3.
the dorsal inner wall of the abdominal cavity.
2. Cuboidal brush bordered epithelium
3. Columnar ciliated epithelium tenth thoracic and first lumbar vertebra close to
4. Columnar brush bordered epithelium the ventral inner wall of the abdominal cavity.
The midbrain:
is located between the thalamus/hypothalamus Which of the following is not a feature of
of the forebrain and pons of the hindbrain. animals belonging to Phylum Annelida?
1. Metameric segmentation
is the part of the brain traversed by the cerebral
2. An open circulatory system
3. Nephridia for osmoregulation and excretion
consists mainly of four round swellings (lobes)
4. Bilateral symmetry
called corpora cavernosa.
1. Only and are correct
2. Only and are correct
3. Only and are correct
4. , and are correct
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Custom Practice Test - 10-Nov
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
Given below are two statements: one is labelled Which of the following bones is not a part of
as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as human cranium?
Reason (R): 1. Sphenoid
Lipids are macromolecules 2. Maxilla
They have a molecular weight range 3. Ethmoid
of ten thousand Daltons and above. 4. Occipital
In the light of the above statements choose the
correct answer from the options given below: Which of the following statements are NOT true
for the phylum-Chordata?
Both and are True and is the correct
1. In Urochordata, notochord extends from head to
explanation of . a.
tail and is present throughout their life
Both and are True but is not the
2. In Cephalochordata, notochord is present only
correct explanation of . b.
in larval tail
3. is True but is False.
c. Central nervous system is dorsal and hollow
4. Both and are False.
d. Anus is terminal
e. Heart, if present, is ventral
Which of the following statements regarding
enzyme inhibition is correct: 1. Only (c) and (d)
2. Only (a) and (b)
Competitive inhibition is seen when a substrate 3. Only (b) and (e)
1. competes with an enzyme for binding to an 4. Only (c) and (e)
inhibitor protein
Identify the correct statements:
Non-competitive inhibitors often bind to the
2. The digestive system in Platyhelminthes has
enzyme irreversibly
only a single opening to the outside of the body
Competitive inhibition is seen when the
that serves as both mouth and anus, and is
3. substrate and the inhibitor compete for the
hence called incomplete.
active site on the enzyme
In open type circulation, the blood is pumped out
Non-competitive inhibition of an enzyme can be
4. of the heart and the cells and tissues are directly
overcome by adding large amounts of substrate
bathed in it.
1. Only is correct
2. Only is correct
Each time the sodium-potassium pump
3. Both and are correct
functions, it actively transports:
4. Both and are incorrect
three sodium ions to the outside and two
potassium ions to the inside of a cell.
two sodium ions to the outside and three
potassium ions to the inside of a cell.
three sodium ions to the outside and two
hydrogen ions to the inside of a cell.
three potassium ions to the outside and two
hydrogen ions to the inside of a cell.
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Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
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