Sap Materi Uas

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1. Document, contains all of the relevant 9.

The following statement are TRUE in

predefined information from the regards with vendor master data,
master data and organizational except:
elements o It provides overview of all
o True information that given by vendor
o False o It is possible to be maintained only
in general and company code level
2. Transaction contains all of the relevant o It provides beseline data used to
predefined information from the control payment transaction
master data and organizational o Changing reconciliation account in
elements? one company code will cause
o True changing too on another company
o False code

3. SAP stands for 10. Purchase order history is automatically

o System, Application, and Program updated as a result of the deliveries
o System, Application, and Procedure during goods receipt
o System, Application, and o True
Procurement o False
o System, Application, and Product
11. Billing is the final step in the sales
4. The icon to start SAP GUI is known as: process
o Application server o True
o SAP logon o False
o System ID
o Instanvce Number 12. In going through the hiting action, you
creat a new personnel file, which
5. Cost Center Accounting and Profit consists of various infotype records
Center Accounting are the two key o True
capabilities of Enterprise Controlling o False
o True
o False 13. The following is the environment used
by consultant in setting customization,
6. Appraisals is one of the functions of which is know as;
the following sub module: o Quality assurance system
o Organization management o Development system
o Personnel management o Production system
o Recruitment o Client system
o Personnel development
14. Transaction can only be seen by
7. Status bar allow you to find a specific another transaction after the
transaction when you do not know the transaction is complete. This
transaction code characteristic is called as:
o True o Consistent
o False o Durable
o Atomic
8. The following is used to edit name on o Isolated
customer master o Configuration
o General data
o Data for company codes 15. You can change the number and
o Data for sales sequence of the infotypes in the
o All of the above personnel action to suit your
enterprise’s requirements
o True
o False 23. A classification system defined by
accounting to record value flows is
16. Picking can be fulfilled through the use known as:
of the warehouse management syste o Chart of account
o True o Financial statements
o False o General ledger
o Transaction code
17. A layer that consist of buffer is called? o All of the above
o Database layer
o Communication layer 24. Stakeholder in one of internal view in
o Application layer management accounting
o Presentation layer o True
o Output layer o False

18. Company can monitor and analyze the 25. The following view of client/server
contribution of their market segment configuration that refers to the central
and units, structures according to computer within a network that
products, numbers, order, and provides data?
summarizations of threse and other o Client oriented view
user-defined characteristics o Hardware oriented view
o True o Database oriented view
o False o None of the above

19. In the integrate SAP, We can transfer 26. The account Receivable component of
data to cost center accounting from the Financial Accounting module is
the following application sales and responsible for monitoring and
distribution component controlling vendor accounts
o True o True
o False o False

20. A layer the store all transactions data 27. An accounting document consist of
is called? one header and at least one line items
o Database layer o True
o Communication layer o False
o Application layer 28. The combination of gross payroll and
o Presentation layer country specific net payroll is?
o Output layer o Employee remuneration statement
o HCM Master data
21. Activity Based Costing is a relatively o Time data
new cost accounting method used by o None of the above
some companies to monitor costs by
business process rather than cost 29. Master data is the highest basic
center element of system wide concept
o True o True
o False o False

22. Cost center use to plan, collect and 30. There are several options for
settle the costs of internal jobs and navigating in an SAP system, except:
tasks o Enter transaction codes in the
o True commad field
o False o Choose items from menus in the
menu bar
o Choose items from the favorites list
or from the role-based user menus
o None of the above 37. Personnel development module
maintains the development and further
31. The basic sales order processing cycle education for employees. When it
for a service or material consists of the compares the job/position
following phases, except: requirements and employee actual
o Pre sales qualifications, it ois called as:
o Sales order creation o Job matchup
o Purchase order creation o Profile comparison
o Billing o Development plans
o Training and event management
32. A group of asset can be made if
several master records are combined 38. The following infotype administers the
for a common depreciation calculation times when the employee is scheduled
o True to work according to the work schedule
o False assigned in time management
o Time management
33. One of organizational structures which o Personal development
is used in accounting system: o Recruitment
o Sales area o Payroll
o Plant o Personel administration
o Purchasing group 39. All the company codes within the same
o Business area controlling are must use the same
fiscal year
34. The following are TRUE gfstatements in o True
regards with Personnel Cost Planning, o False
o The results of time evaluation can 40. You can view applicant’s short profile
be used as a data source for in order to gain quick overview of
Personnel Cost Planning applicant data
o Payroll result and planned payment o True
for position in organization o False
management can be used as a
data basis for personnel cost 41. We can use the following
planning organizational element to define how
o You may transfer data to my SAP different products reach consummers
ERP Controlling once a plan has o Division
been releasd o Plant
o Distribution channel
35. It is possible to change SAP user o Storage location
setting created in client 100 by
administrator user who is currently 42. Information on the current system
logged in client 200 status may be displayed throught the
o True following screen element:
o False o Title bar
o Status bar
36. It is possible to creat purchase order o Standart toolbar
document by referencing the following o Radio button
document. Except:
o Purchase requisition 43. The following document is created
o Purchase order upon completion of billing process
o Request for quotation (RFQ) o Material document
o Material document o Delivery document
o Accounting document
o Work order document
o Server name
44. During the outbound delivery process, o Password
shipping planning information is
recorded 52. The following are important sctructures
o True for employee data maintenance,
o False except
o Personnel structure
45. This element is part of organizational o Enterprise structure
object, except: o Employee maintenance structure
o Vendor o Organizational structure
o Organizational units
o Jobs 53. The followings are TRUE statements in
o Positions regards with sigle-level or multi-level
o Tasks configuration, except:
o In a sigle-tier configuration the
46. A?/O? entry instruct the SAP system presentation process is distributed
to? to the various front-end computers
o Close current session o In a two-tier configuration each
o Open new session and delate layer runs on its own host
current transaction o Two-tier configurations are usually
o Delete current session implemented using special servers
o Display overview session that are responsible solely for
o None of the above formatting the graphical user
interface (GUI)
47. There are several ways to open SAP o In the two-tier configurations, it is
system, except possible to have additional user
o Using multiple logons groups
o Using multiple session
o Using sigle logons 54. Invoice verification creats link between
o Using multiple password procurement and accounting
o True
48. Web address can be added into the o False
favorite folder
o True 55. Several database can be used to
o False increase the SAP system performance
o True
49. Material and vendor master are master o False
data that used in procurement process
in material management 56. The following are accounts exist in
o True balance sheet, except
o False o Accumulated depreciation
o Loans
50. When you create goods receipt from o Interest income
purchase order, the data in purchase o Cash and bank
order shall nautomatically be copied o Trade receivable
o True
o False 57. Master data elements is assigned to
o Transaction
51. The followings fields are displayed o Organizational master
during the initial SAP login screen, o Organizational element
except o None of the above
o Client
o Username
o Language
58. The following is a short cut key to 65. The following is not included as main
access help information for a specific objects in organizational plan
field in a transaction o Position
o F1 o User
o F2 o Finance department
o F3 o Manager
o F4 o Finance manager

59. You can enter the transaction code in 66. Which of the following is the example
the command field of organizational unit
o True o Position
o False o Job
o Division
60. Organizational element that represents o Organizational unit
the central organizational element of
financial accounting is 67. The following are TRUE statement in
o Client regards with payroll submodule,
o Company code except
o Customers o One of the follow-on activities is
o Vendor transferring payroll result to mySAP
o All of the above ERP Financilas. This means that
there is a close integration
61. When you assign an applicant to between payroll submodule and
apposition shall be copied during the financials module
hiring upon the acceptance of thr o The payroll is calculated through
applicant. This means data cannot be two amin steps that are grouping
changed the remuneration element, and
o True legal and voluntary deductions
o False o The calculation of payroll has no
concern about employee time data
62. Customer master consists of one of the o Each employee can view the
following data information in regards with the
o Client his/her remuneration statement by
o Sales area using employee self-service
o Company code application
o All of the above
68. You can make agreements with your
63. Issuing credit memos are part of customers for a complete and partial
functions in billing delivery and for order combinations
o True o True
o False o False

64. The following is a TRUE statement in 69. A picking status is recordes in each
regards with assignment in delivery item for the purpose of
organization plan scheduling and monitoring
o Position is assigned to organization o True
unit o False
o Person is assigned to organization
unit 70. Document flow only show the status of
o User is assigned to organization the order document
unit o True
o Tasks is assigned to organization o False
71. An organization unit that is responsible o Internet sales
for negotiating prices with vendor is o Retail
called o Direct sales
o Company code o Plant
o Purchasing department o Wholesale
o Purchasing area
o Purchasing organization 78. Sales areas consist of
o Purchasing group o Sales organizational
o Division
72. One of the following fields in customer o Plant
master is maintained at the sales area o Distribution channel
level o Storage location
o Customer name
o Shipping condition 79. The following are requirements that
o Customer address the company codes must have to be
o Customer phone number assigned to the same controlling area
o Reconciliation account o The company codes must have the
same number of special period
73. The highest organizational unit in SAP o The company codes must use the
application is called same business area
o Business area o The company codes must use the
o Client same operating chart of accounts
o Company code o The company codes must use the
o Purchasing organization same currency
o Controlling area o The company codes must use the
same fiscal year
74. Organizational elemennts define a
company’s enterprise structure within 80. Organization unit that performs
the SAP system either for legal and/or strategic activities related to
business-related purposes purchasing for one or more plants. It
o True evaluates and identofities vendors,
o False negotiates, contracts and agreements,
pricing, and other terms. It’s called
75. When user created company code in o Plant
client 200, the same purchase order o Sales organization
can also be found in client 300 o Purchasing organization
o True o Purchasing group
o False o Kcompany code

76. The following are TRUE statement 81. The following are several functions
regarding to plant that carried out when user post goods
o Plan can perfom the function as issue for an outbount delivery
manufacture product o Requirements are reduced by the
o Plan can be factory, warehouse and delivery quantity
a regional distribution centter o The serial number status is
o Each plant can assigned to only updated
one company code o Shock determination is executed
o Plant can perform the function as for the vendor’s consignment shock
distribute product o Warehouse stock of the material is
o Each plant can belong to more than reduced by the delivery quantity
one company code o ‘;goods issue posting is
automatically recorded in the
77. The following are example of document flow
distribution channel,except
82. The following are several ways to o With reference to a subcontract
create billing documents order
o With reference to external o With reference to a billing
transactions document
o By manually processing from a o With reference to a purchase order
worklist o With reference to a sales order
o By combining several SO
documents into a collective billing 88. The sales order ccan adopt information
document from the pre-sales documents
o With reference to a purchase order o True
o With reference to a SO document o False

83. The following are standard partner 89. Good issue can only be performed
functions, except after the transfer order is created
o Sold-to-party o True
o Ship-to-party o False
o Bill-to-party
o Pay-to-party 90. The following are TRUE statements
o Payer regarding to sales organization
o The highest level of aggregation in
84. The following are several way to sales-related reporting
access document flow o Responsible for negotiating terms
o Change sales order transaction and conditions of sales for that
o Display outbound delivery market
transaction o Sales organization can perform the
o Create sales order transaction function as manufacture product
o Display billing document o Sales organization can belong to
transaction only one company code
o Chage outbound delivery o Responsible for the sale and
transaction distribution of goods and services
for a particular geographical area
85. The following are function that include
in billing processing 91. These are several types of completion
o Transfer billing data to financial confirmations that are possible, except
accounting o Milestone completion confirmations
o Warehouse stock of the material is o Standars completion confirmations
reduced by the delivery quantity o Completion confirmations at order
o Requirements are reduced by the header level
delivery quantity o Partial completion confirmation
o Issue retabes o Collective completion confirmation
o Cancelling billing transaction
92. Bill of Material (BOM) identifies the raw
86. Sales order document can be created materials or semifinished goods need
by referencing the following to produce one or more units of a
documents finished goods
o Inquiry o True
o Quotation o False
o Sales order
o Delivery 93. Production orders are usually
o Billing generated planned orders. The
followings are complete process
87. The following are several ways to include several steps, except
create outbound delivery o Confirmation of production activity
o Without reference o Goods issue
o Creation and release of a o True
production order o False
o Outgoing payment
o Goods receips 99. Planning is generally divided into
several steps and may executed
94. Which statements are TRUE regards to independent of each other, except
production o Sales and operation planning
o During settlement, you can post o Master production scheduling
cost variances to one or more cost o Demand management
objects o Material requirement palnning
o Settlement means clearing the o Procurement palnning
differences between the actual
costs incurred and the credits that 100. Production orders are usually
the order received from goods generated planned orders. The
receipts complete process include several
o Goods receipts to stock can be steps below
automatically posted when you o Creation and release of a
confirm the last operation in a production order
production order o Goods issue of components
o Goods receipt processing o Create billing document
generates a credit posting to the o Confirmation of production activity
production order thet corresponds o Goods receipts of the finished
to the value of the product quantity goods
based on its standard price
o You must release a production 101. To calculate depreciation on fix
order before you can process it assets, several valuation methods can
be done simultaneously within a
95. The followings are master data in company code
production o True
o Routing o False
o Bill of material
o Work center 102. Which of the following are not
o Chart of account major components of controlling in
o Material master SAP
o Product cost controlling
96. Clearing the differences between the o Cost and revenue element
actiual costs incurred and the creadits accounting
which the order received from goods o Cost analysis
receipts is called o Profitability management
o Billing o Overhead cost controlling
o Settlement
o Account receivable 103. The stattements below are true
o Account payable regards to financial accounting
o Invoice verification o A document consists of a document
header and at least two lines item
97. You must release production order o Financial accounting are for
individually for each production order internal reporting purposes
o True o Financial accounting are for
o False external ureporting purposes
o Subsidiary ledgers are completely
98. When releasing a production order, and comprehensively integrate
user can set up the system to check with G/L accounting on master
the availability of components and data, transaction data and
production’s resources or tools reporting level
o When use enter documents, the 109. Organizational subareas that can
system checks whether the be treat as independent account
minimum account assigments have assignment object in cost accounting
been made is called
o Profit center
104. Cost accounting method which is o Controlling areas
used by some companies to monitor o Internal order
costs by business process rather than o Cost center
cost is called o Business areas
o Profitability analysis 110. Which of the following is a TRUE
o Activity based costing statement
o Overhead cost controlling o The financial accounting
o Cost center accounting application area of SAP is primary
o Product cost controlling source of data for controlling
o Revenue posting to the general
105. As a graat extent from financial ledger are irrelevant to controlling
accounting, we can travel and there is no resulting
management to integration of revenue data
o Book travel services between financial accounting and
o Determine and valuate controlling
reimbursement amouts according o Goods issue transaction in material
to statutory and enterprise-specific management cannot create a cost
provisions posting in controlling
o Account for travel expenses o Controlling integrates all order
according to specified statutory application components of SAP
provisions except for sales and distribution
o Calculating the tax on travel
expenses 111. There are various option avaible
o Negotiating special conditions with for recording time data such as hours
travel services providers worked, vacation, off-side work, or
106. Chart of account that used to o Online by time administrators
capture daily transactions is called o Using frint end time recording
o Operational chart of accounts system
o Local chart of accounts o Using employee self servives
o Group chart of accounts applications (ESS)
o General chart of accounts o Using mySAP CATS
o Using manager call self-services
107. The following transaction can application
generate posting to financial
accounting 112. Training and Event management
o Sales order has an intuitive menu that enables
o Purchase order user to access individual functions of
o Delivery order the aapplication deirectly via the
o Good issue objects in the business event catalog.
o Invoice verification These menus are know as
o Dynamic menu
108. What is the primary organizational o Personnel action
element in controlling o Day-to-day activities
o Cost center o Attendance manus
o Controlling area o Dynamic menu
o Profitability management
o Company code 113. Ms.Jose karmel, as an HR
administrator wants to book mr.jose
vega to leadership course. The o Administration represents a
followings are the pre-requisite subdivision og the company code
processes to be able to book a person o Employee group is a general
of a course division of employee
o Business event preparation o Some of objects included in
o Business event catalog organizational structure are
o Day-to-day activities organizational unit, jobs, positions,
o Recurring activities cost center, and persons
o Web based learning methods
117. User can maintain infotypes in
114. Mr.jose karmel is an HR various ways
administrator. She maintains personnel o Single-screen maintenance for
data through personnel actions. When maintain one infotype for one
axecuting a hiring action, she requires person
to at least maintain the following o Fast entry for maintain several
infotypes infotypes for multiple persons
o Organizational assignment (IT0001) o Personnel actions for maintain
o Personal data (IT0002) several infotypes for multiple
o Addresses (IT0006) persons
o Travel privileges (IT0017) o Personnel actions for maintain
o Time recording info (IT050) several of infotypes for one person
o Fast entry maintain one infotype for
115. The following are TRUE statements multiple persons
in regards with hiring action
o Organizational assignment, 118. When user release a personnel
personal data. Addreses are some cost plan, the data can be used for
of infotypess that are creadded in processes such as
the hiring action o Creating a training budget for
o When hiring action is taken, the training and event management
information in applicant data in o Extracting the cost projections for
recruitment is transferred to HR further analysis in SAP business
master data as infotype records information warehouse
o Employee data is entered on o Transferring data to controlling
relevant infotypes and displayed in o Grouping and calculating the
sequential order. Therefore it is remuneration elements
impossible to restart the action at o Calculating the legal deductions
later date the missing information based on the country-specific net
o Planned working time (infotype payroll
0007) is used in the hiring action as
to record the working schedule 119. In the personnel development
assigned to the person component, user can plan and realize
o The sequence of infotypes that personnel development and further
comprises the action is not education and training for your
configurable/ customizable employees, with integration with
training and event management
116. Which of the following statements o True
are false in regards to structures in HR o False
o There are three structures in HR
include enterprise structure. 120. To allow integration services
Personnel structure, and enables the technical integration of
organizational structure business process that are carries out in
o As part of the enterprise structure, different SAP and non SAP system, the
personnel areas in an following services is needed
organizational unit in personal o ALE
o BAPI integrate with the SAP system. This
o Method made possible by using
o Business object o ABAP dictionary
o None of the above o BAPI
o Data medoler
121. There are three types of system o Business framework
landscape recognized in chage o Business object
o Development of customers-spesific 126. A table is the smallest unit for
programs as well as required representing business-related
customizing takes place in the information
development system (DEV) o True
o Developments and changes are o False
transported to the quality
assurance system (QAS) to be 127. Select all of the following entries
checked without influencing the thet are valid in the command field. If
production you are uncertain, try them on the
o Development and changes are system before you select the correct
transported to the test system, a answers
copy of the production system will o /nend
be the final transport which is the o /nex
production system (PROD) o ?sm04
o The tested and approved objects o /nsm04
are then trans ported to the test o Sm04
system, a copy of the production
system. The final transport is into 128. From which master data can
the production system (PROD) information defult into a purchase
122. The followings are the development o Material master
tools provided within the SAP system, o Customer master
except o Purchase requisition
o ABAP Workbench o Vendor master
o Screen painter o A&D
o ABAP interpreter o A,C&D
o ABAP dictionary
129. Transaction contains all of the
123. The repository which store all ABAP relevant predefind information from
workbench development objects is also the master data and aorganizational
cross=client thus any changes of element
objects in the repository apply to all o True
clients o False
o True
o False 130. During the creation of the billing
document, an accounting document is
124. When an ABAP program is changed created in financial accounting, thus
in client 400, the changes will also creating an accounts receivable
occurs in the same ABAP program in o True
client 200 o False
o True
o False 131. Which of the following provides
general information on the SAP system
125. It is possible to allow a non SAP and transaction or task on which you
application (external system) to are working
o Status bar
o Menu path o Negotiate price and sales term to
o Tole bar the customer
o None of above o Distributing different types of
product to customer
132. What is created in the system each o Manufacture product
time a transaction is executed o A location in a plant where
o Report materials are differented and
o Log stored
o Document o Legal independent accounting unit
o Inventory
o None of the above 139. The following are the advantages
of posting good receipt by referencing
133. What menus are standard on all to purchase order,except
SAP CLE 34 what menus are standard o Data from purchase order is copied
on all screen automatically to the good receipt
o System transaction
o Help o Purchase order history is updated
o All of the above upon good receipt creation
o None of the above o Accounting document relating to
good receipt transaction is
134. Parameter ID is used to automatically posted
o Open a transaction o Material document is automatically
o Display transaction program ID created containing material
o Set defult value for a field information and quantity
o Display table space of a field o None of the above
o Display transaction code of a
transaction 140. The cost and revenue can be
posted into the following account,
135. Material document is created in the except
background upon completed the o Customer account receivable
following transaction o Vendor account receivable
o Purchase requisition o Accrual account
o Purchase order o Revenue account
o Good receipt o Cash clearing account
o Invoice verification
o Outgoing payment 141. It is possible to chages SAP user
setting created in client 100 by
136. When user created purchase order administrator user who is currently
in client 200, if can also be found in logged in client 200
client 300 o True
o True o False
o False
142. The following is capibilities of
137. A process in procrument where the controlling
SAP system is used to simulate pricinh o Internal order
scemes from different vendor is called o Activity based costing
source determation o Profitability analysis
o True o Profit center
o False o Product cost controlling

138. Company code in SAP represents 143. Invoice verification is the final step
the following in the actual in the procurement cycle
organizational structure o True
o False
149. To see possible entries for a field,
144. When multiple logon accure, SAP users can press the following key on
system shall display the following the keyboard
warning, except o F1
o Continue with this logon and any o F2
other logons of this user in the o F3
system o F4
o Continue with this logon without o F5
ending any other logons in the
system 150. Distribution channel in SAP is
o Terminate this logon iand any other responsible for
logons of this user in the system o Negotiate price and sales term to
o Terminate this logon the customer
o Distributing different types of
145. Upon invoice verification, the product to customers
system automatically carry out the o Manufacture product
payment process o A location in plant where materials
o True are different and stored
o False o Legal independent accounting unit

146. SAP ERP HCM supports payroll 151. Account payable is posted to
functions and regulatory requirements accounting upon creation of the
for following document
o 50 countries o Purchase requisition
o More than 50 countries o Purchase order
o No more 50 countries o Good receipt
o None of the above o Invoice verification
o All of the above
147. The following statement are TRUE
in regards to infotype maintenancde, 152. To allow integration and data
except exchange between SAP component,
o Through personnel actions you may the following sevice is needed
maintain sequence of infotype o ALE
person o BAPI method
o Fast entry allows an employee to o Business object
maintain several infotypes at once o Business framework
o The personnel actions make it
possible for an employee to 153. It is possible to change customer
implement several infotypes in a address without entering the sales
pre-defined sequence area data
o If you want to maintain one o True
infotype for an individual person, o False
you may use single-screen
maintaince 154. The following statement is TRUE
regarding the standard tools bar
148. The following are data components o Standard tool bar remains
in SAP system, except
regardless the transaction
o Repository
o Standard tool bar can be hidden
o Customizing
based on user preference
o Client o Standard tool bar changes based
o User on the transaction being opened
o Icons in standard tool bar can be
155. A ‘/n’ entry instruct the SAP system 162. A process that distributes
to transaction loads according to first in
o Cancel current session first out (FIFO) principal is called
o Open new session o Dispatcher
o Delete current session o Buffer
o Display overview session o Work process
o None of the above o Db process

156. A company records all of their 163. Client in SAP represent the
employee attendance times including following in the actual organization
any deviation. In other words, this structure
company uses the following method o Department
o Recording exceptions o Legal entity
o Self services application o Corporate group
o Cross application time sheet o Branch
o Recording actual times o Division

157. One of the following organization 164. User can enter transaction code in
units is of sales area o Menu field
o Sales group o Commond field
o Distribution channel o Standard tool bar
o Storange location o Application tool bar
o Plant o Status bar
o Business area
165. When posting a payment, the
158. It is possible to classify fixed asset system checks for the following
by using information, except
o Asset gruoup o Account number
o Asset class o Amount
o Asset master record o Posting key
o Asset areas o Posting date
o None of the above o Bank key

159. It is possible to add and delete 166. The following are example of
transaction and folder from the user original document in financial
menu accounting module, except
o True o Bank statement
o False o Accounting document
o Checks
160. There are four main process in o Receipts
training and event management, o Invoice
o Business event preparation 167. A formal request requesting a
o Business event master data vendor of supply certain goods or
o Day-to-day to activities services is called
o Reccuring activities o Purchase requisition
o Purchase order
161. Profitability analysis provides an o Vendor evaluation
internal view point of the company o None of the above
o True 168. Good receipt is the final step in
o False procurement cycle
o True
o False o Application layer
o Presentation layerrr
169. The following statement are TRUE o Output layer
regarding chart of account, except
o Chart of account provides definition 176. Example of distribution channel is
of valid G/L account master records o Wholesale
o Only one operating chart of o Plant
account is assigned to company o Division
code o Shipping point
o A chart of account can be used o Sales area
only for one company code
o Locah chart of account is used to 177. Account receivable is posted to
fulfill legal requirements accounting upon creation of the
following document
170. External reporting is typically o Good issue
established by general accounting o Delivery
standards, for instance GAAP o Billing
o True o Sales order
o False o All of the above

171. The account payable componentof 178. It is possible to creat link to an

the financial accounting module is external application in the SAP Easy
responsible for monitoring and access menu
controlling customers account o True
o True o False
o False
179. During delivery document creation
172. It is possible to assign more than the following activities can also be
one company code in the same performed, except
controlling area o Picking
o True o Packing
o False o Billing
o Transpotation
173. One of the following is considered
o Good issue
master data,except
o Customer master
180. A process which involves taking
o Vendor master
materials from storage location and
o Material master preparing than for delivery is called
o Infotype o Good issue
o Purchase order o Good receipt
o Picking
174. Billing document can be created by o Packing
referencing the following document
o None of the above
o Inquiry and quotation
o Sales order and delivery
181. Good issue must be performed
o Quotation and sales order directly after sales order
o Delivery document dan billing o True
document o False
175. A layer that allows user to display 182. It is possible to combine a three-
information retrieved from the tier system into one server
database server is called o True
o Database layer
o False
o Communication layer
183. During the invoice verification
process, user can use the following 190. Sales organization is assigned to a
document as a reference client
o Purchase requisition o True
o Purchase order inquiry o False
o Material document
o Accounting document 191. The following are TRUE statement
in regards with integration between
184. Stakeholders that may be appraisal document with other mySAP
interested in looking at the accounting component, except
from an internal view points may o The integration with SAP SEM
include enables user to display department
o Finance director goals that is derived from
o Customer corporate goals
o Share holder o The integration with personnel cost
o Supplier palnning enables user to
o Tax agency automatically adopt the
compensation adjustment as a
185. The following statement are TRUE result of follow-on processes
in regards with steps in recruitment o The integration with personnel
process, except development enable user to
o Publish vacant position in job tranfers requirement profile or
advertisement qualifications directly to employee
o Applicant data entry individual objective setting
o Applicant selection process agreement
o Reentry applicant data to HCM o The integration with SAP BW
master data enables user to do analyses on the
appraisal result
186. Client that is used for training can
should be created in the following SAP 192. The employee information is stored
system in SAP R/3 using HR infotypes. The
o Development followings are TRUE statement in
regards with infotype, except
o Quality assurance
o It is possible to define the infotype
o Production
you want to view from the user-
specific infotype menu
187. A CO document consist of the
o You may create, change, copy,
following information,except
delimit, and delete the infotype
o Date
o Amount
o Infotype can be maintained in four
o Cost element
various ways
o Controlling object
o The infotype that maintains
o Vendor,s name
employee assignment to enterprise
structure, personnel structure and
188. The following are ways to record organization plan is organizational
time data, except assignment infotype
o Self services application
o Time recording terminal 193. Several plants can be assigned to
o Cross application time sheet the same company code
o Calculation payroll o True
o False
189. It is possible to generate delivery
document automatically using worklist 194. Controlling and enterprise
o True controlling are the only two
o False
components in management o Source determination
accounting o Invoice verification
o True o Supplier selection
o False
202. When you work on several
195. Posting transaction due to asset transaction at once, the system will
acquisition shall trigger posting in G/L only update database on the current
o True transaction and not all transaction
o False o True
o False
196. Outbound deliveri can be created
by referencing the following document 203. A plant can represent the following
o Sales order document o Negotiate price and sales term to
o Inquiry document the customer
o Quotation document o Distributing different types of
o Another delivery document products to customer
o All of the above o Manufacture product
o A location in a warehose where
197. If you have training and event materials are differentiated and
management integrated with time stared
management, the booking couses a o legindependentent accounting unit
time date record to be created as an
attendance 204. It is possible to enter a website
o True address in favorite
o False o true
o false
198. The following menu are shown in
all SAP transaction 205. A particular job can only be
o Menu bar assigned to one authorized user only
o Title bar o true
o Standard tool bar o false
o Application tool bar
o Commond bar 206. A formal request requesting a
vendor a supply certain goods or
199. A client that is used for daily service is called
transaction is called o purchase requisition
o Development client o purchase order
o Quality assurance client o verdor evaliuation
o Training client o none of the above
o Sand box client
o Production client 207. Asset acquisition can only be
proceded by a purchase order in SAP
200. You may book, prebook, or cancel R/3 purchasing
the attendance of training and event o true
management in.. process o false
o Business event preparation
o Business event catalog 208. During good receipt process, user
o Day to day activities can use the following document as a
o Recurring activities reference
o Purchase requisition
201. The following are the basic o Purchase order
procurement cycle, except o Inquiry
o Demand determination o Invoice verification
o Good issue o All of the above
216. The result of payroll calculation
209. If you change GL account in shall be posted
customer master dat at a company o Financial acclounting
code, it will be automatically update in o Controlling
another company code within the o Payments to varios receiver
same client o Remuneration statement
o True
o False 217. The following document is created
upon completion of billing process
210. The following are organizational o Material document
elements in controlling, except o Delivery document
o Controlling area o Accounting document
o Cost center o Work order document
o Company code
o Profit center 218. A CO document consist of the
following information
211. During the process of your first o Date
ever logging on, you should enter a o Amount
new password after intial paaword o Cost element
entered o Controlling object
o True o All of the above
o False
219. Depreciation area data in asset
212. If we activate organizational unit master are derived from defult value
business area, we can generate which are set previously in asset class
financial satatement by segment or o True
branch within company code o False
o True
o False 220. A standard program for accessing
almost all of SAP solutions is known as
213. What is the smallest organizational o SAP help
units in the organizational structure o Sap easy access
o Position o SAP GUI
o User o SAP ERP
o Finance department o None of the above
o Manager
o Finance manager 221. We can perform picking during the
creation of delivery document
214. Instruction for display on overview o True
of sessions represent with o False
o /o
o /n 222. Not all applicats will be accepted as
o /oxxxx employee. Therefore user requires to
o /i re-entry the applicant data into HCM
o None of the above master data
o True
215. Every general ledger account o False
master data with account type PL
statement account must have cost 223. Any changes in public holiday
element master data if controlling calender parameter setting in client
module is implemented 100 shall automatically change the
o True setting in client 200
o False o True
o False
229. The following module can transfer
224. The transaction codes in favorite cost related information to cost center
folder can customizes based on user accounting, except
preferences o Production planning
o True o Sales distribution
o False o Material management
o Payroll
225. During good issue, the following o Asset accounting
activities take place in the background,
except 230. A person who already accupies a
o Stock quantity is reduced by the position can have also accupy another
quantity in delivery position
o Serial number status update o True
o Material document is generated o False
o Stock value in balance sheet is
updated 231. Purchase order consist of the
o Billing status is updated following organization data,except
o Company code
226. One of the following is considered o Purchasing group
master data, except o Purchasing
o Customer master o General data
o Vendor master
o Material master 232. One of the following fields in
o Infotype customer master is maintained at the
o Purchase order sales area level
o Customer name
227. The following transaction may be o Customer address
posted to the G/L account o Shipping condition
o Good receipt o Customer phone number
o Create invoice o Reconciliation account
o Good issue
o Create new asset 233. The following information can be
o All of the above found in status bar, except
o Client
228. Below is the correct atatement in o Transaction code
regard with the organizational element o Response time
o Organizational plan map your o System ID
current organizational and o Database type
reporting structure with various
organizational object such as 234. The following is a FALSE statement
organizational units, jobs, position, in regards with SAP HR personnel time
task management
o Person can be only hold one o It administrers time account, such
position within the organizational as leave, illness, attendances
structure o Plan workforce requirements
o Jobs are the individual employee o Valuate actual attendance and
assigments in the enterprise absence based on planned working
o Positions serve as descriptions that time
apply to several jobs with similar o None of the above
requirements, tasks or other
characteristic 235. One of the following organization
units is part of sales area
o Sales group
o Distribution channel
o Storange location checked without influencing the
o Plant production
o Business area (pengembangan dan perubahan
diangkut ke system jaminan mutu
236. You may only book the person into {QAS} untuk diperiksa tanpa
training course if the course is offered. mmepengaruhi produksi)
In this case there must be a  The tested and approved objects
determined course data are then transported to the test
o True system, a copy of the production
o False system, the final transport is into
the production system {PROD}
(objek yang diuji dan disetujui
Landscape: change management kemudian diangkut ke system
o The SAP system software is standard pengujian, Salinan system
business software that needs to be ptoduksi. Transportasi terakhir
adapted to the company specific adalah ke system produksi {PROD}
requirements not only when it is
(perangkat lunak system SAP adalah
perangkat lunak bisnis standar yang
perlu disesuaikan dengan persyaratan
khusus Perusahaan tidak hanya Ketika

o To ensure system consistency, SAP

recommends a three-system landscape
(untuk memastikan konsistensi
system, SAP merekomendasikan tiga
system landscape)

o You can set up several SAP system on

one license, although you may use one
of these as a production system
(kamu dapat mengatur beberapa
system SAP pada satu lisensi,
meskipun kamu dapat menggunakn
salah satunya seebagai system

o A three-system landscape facilitates

the following recommended process:
(Memfasilitasi proses yang
 Development of customer-specific
programs as well as required
customizing takes place in the
development system {DEV}
(pengembangan program khusus
pelanggan serta penyesuaian yang
diperlukan terjadi dalam system
pengembangan {DEV})
 Developments and changes are
transported to the quality
assurance system {QAS} to be

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