Latihan LATIHAN Soal SAP
Latihan LATIHAN Soal SAP
Latihan LATIHAN Soal SAP
1. The Help entry menu contains the following : sensitive applications, context information in
the SAP library and glossary
o True
o False
2. Each client has a separate data environment to separate master and transaction data
o True
o False
3. You can display an image of a company logo on the initial screen should not be more than
o True
o False
4. To end the current transaction you can enter the code /N
o True
o False
5. Organizational Units Distribution channels that you can use in the system to represent the
means Send goods to customers (e.g., factory sales, all trade sales, or retail trade)
o True
o False
6. Output is information that is sent to customers through various media such as: letter, EDI, or
o True
o False
7. Shipping point can you use in the sy stem to organize and proces outbound deliveries from
different places (for example, loading ramp of rail depot)
o True
o False
8. Division is a sales organization assigned to in order to represent the connection of sales and
distribution processes to financial accounting
o True
o False
9. Outbound Delivery -> Display and then is the overall processing status for the sales order
o True
o False
10. Header-Item-Schedule orders are three levels of sales orders?
o True
o False
11. The sales area data in the customer master is set out on the following tab pages: Good issu
o True
o False
12. Condition master data categories (4) can be used in pricing: Price surcharges, discount, freigt,
o True
o False
13. The following things occur when your billing document is posted,
Status in all related sales, shipments, and billing documents updated
Sales statistics in sales information systems are updated
Data regarding consumption credit limit customer option updated
o True
o False
14. The system can combine a number of outbound deliveries in one billing document provided
that they have the same characteristics, are Billing documents
o True
o False
15. A sales document is divided into three levels, that is header, item, and schedule line.
o True
o False
16. The following Billing supports, Posting payment againts invoices
o True
o False
17. Item-headers are two levels of outbound shipping and billing documents
o True
o False
18. The application toolbar has not shows the buttons that can be used in current application.
o True
o False
19. Can you assign a sales organization to multiple company codes?
o True
o False
20. When the material master record is modified, there will be no changes to the sales order that
has already been entered in the system.
o True
o False
1. The answer below that are included in the Master Data Sales and Distribution are...
A. Sales Processing
B. Process Overview
C. Customer Master
D. Shipment Scheduling
E. Billing Document Processing
2. In Unit 1 on the screen elements, the usability of the Buttons Radio is..
A. To improve the overview of several information screens
B. Shows information on the current system status, such as warnings and errors
C. To allow several options simultaneously within a group
D. To shows the buttons that can be used in current application
E. To provide with a selection option in each case
3. In Unit 1: Help Functions, which buttons are used to gives you explanations on field,
menus,functions and messages..
A. F1
B. F3
C. F4
D. F6
E. F7
10. When you save the billing document, the system automatically generates all the required
documents for accounting. The system..
A. Identifies all the subsequent posting in financial accounting that refer back to pricing
in SD, such as the receivable on customer account
B. Carries out a debit posting in accounting on the customer receivables account and a
credit posting on the revenue account
C. Access the history and current status of sales and distribution processes at any time
D. Combine a number of outbound deliveries in one billing document
E. Automatically generate further documents for Financial Accounting
11. In Unit 3: Overview of Sales Processes, when a goods issue is posted the following is
carried out automatically is..
A. The data for the document header is valid for the entire document
B. Each item in the delivery document contains its own data
C. Serves as a data source for financial accounting to help you to help monitor and
process customer payments
D. The status in all relevant sales documents is updated
E. Changes involving stock and is the basic for the relevant accounting documents
12. In unit 4, the general data in the customer master is set on the following tab pages : ..
A. Sales & shipping
B. Billing document & partner functions
C. Account management & correspondence
D. Payment transactions & unloading points
E. Shipping & insurance
13. In Unit 4 : The sales area data in the customer master is set out on the following tab pages
: ..
A. Account management, correspondence
B. Shipping & insurance
C. Partner functions & billing document
D. Control data & payment transactions
E. Export data & contact persons
14. For sales order processing, we need the mandatory partner functions ………… In the
course of processing a sales order, they can differ from each other or can be identical.
A. Sold-to party, ship-to party, bill-to party & payer
B. Ship-to party, control-to party & bill-to party
C. Export-to party, shipping-to part, bill-to party & payer
D. Sold-to party, ship-to party, control-to party & payer
E. Ship-to party, export-to party & insurance-to party
15. In Unit 3 : You can create an invoice for a single delivery or sales order. The system can
combine a number of outbound deliveries in one billing document provided that they
have the same characteristics, such as :
A. Correspondence & partner functions
B. Payer, destination country & billing date
C. Destination country, export data & partner functions
D. Billing date & correspondence
E. Export data, payment transactions & payer
16. A billing document is grouped into two levels: header and item. The data is distributed
across these levels accordingly.
Billing document headere
The data for the document header is valid for the entire document. This includes, for
example, data about the payer and billing date.
Billing document item
Each item in the billing document contains its own data. This includes, for example,
details about the material, billing quantities, and net values for the items. Each billing
document can have several items.
Following at the above statement, is the statement true?
A. True
B. False
17. In Unit 3, when you save the billing document, the system can automatically generate
further documents for Financial Accounting (for the Controlling components as well as
for profitability analysis, for example).
The following also occurs when you the billing document is posted:
The status in all related sales, delivery, and billing documents is updated
The sales statistics in the sales information system are updated
The data regarding the consumption of the customer’s credit limit is updated
Following at the above statement, is the statement true?
A. True
B. False
18. In Unit 1: Help function, the F4 button is to gives you explanations on: fields, menus,
functions and messages.
Is it correct?
A. True
B. False
19. Shipping processing in Sales and Distribution begins when you create the delivery
document. The delivery document controls, supports and monitors numerous sub
processes for shipping processing, such as:
(Optional) picking and confirming (transfer orders)
(Optional) packing
(Optional) planning and monitoring of transport (shipment document)
Posting the goods issue (good issue of document)
A. True
B. False
10. which of the following can you capture using transation MRO?
a. Bill
b. Credit
c. Additional delivery
d. subsequent
11. ERP applications such SAP R/3 are used primarily for supply chain planning.
a. True
b. False
12. Which supply chain process below in inovalved in the sharing of information across
supply chain partners?
a. Move
b. Return and service
c. Store
d. Collaboration
13. Which supply chain decision phase would you organize the customers into various
segmentation groups ?
a. Information
b. Material
c. Finance
d. Store
14. Can you assign a shipping point to multiple plants ?
a. True
b. False
15. In which supply chain decision phase would you organize the customers into various
segmentation groups ?
a. Planning
b. Execution
c. Design
d. Finance
16. Which organizationalunits can you use in the system to organize and process outbound
deliveries from different places.
a. Design
b. Planning
c. Shiping point
d. Material
17. In a sales organization, can you sell materials from multiple delivering plants?
a. True
b. False
18. Can you assign a shipping point to multiple plants ?
c. True
d. False
19. What are the three levels of a sales order ?
a. Item
b. Design
c. Order header
d. Planning
20. What are the two levels of an outbound delivery and a billing document ?
a. Order header
b. Header
c. Order
d. payment
4. to access the technical for a field in a transaction, user must perform the following..
A. navigate to help -> application help
B. navigate to system -> status
C. system -> status
D. press F1 key -> Thecnical Information
5. The followings are the development tools provided within the SAP system, except
A. ABAP Workbench
B. Screen painter
C. ABAP Interpreteur
D. ABAP Dictionary
15. The steps to check the correct stock status are ...
a. Logistics - material management - inventory management - environment - stock
b. Sales - material management - inventory management - environment - stock
c. all wrong.
d. everything is correct
17. the correct steps to display invoices that have been made are ...
A. logistics - sales and distribution - billing - billing document – display
B. logistics - sales and distribution - billing - billing document – create
C. logistics - sales and distribution - billing - billing document –change
D. a and c not correct
E. .a and d are correct
18. the correct way to display the purchase order history is ...
a.logstics - material management - purchasing - purchase order – display - material management - purchasing - purchase order – display
c.quotation - material management - purchasing - purchase order – displayd
d. accounting –material management –purchasing –purchase order –display
e.rightly all
1. Each client has a separate data environment and therefore separates the master data and
transactions that are assigned to users and special customization parameters.
2. In SAP Easy Access the logo on the initial screen should not be larger than ….
1. 40 KB
2. 20 MB
3. 15 MB
4. 20 KB
5. Twenty five mega bytes
3. You can’t create favorites using the Favorites menu entry or simply by using the mouse
and "drag & drop" to put them in the favorites directory.
4. Allowing you to use several options simultaneously in a group is a function of ….
1. Menu bar
2. Status bar
3. Check box fields
4. Radio buttons
5. Command field
5. Access information in the SAP Library and Glossary contained in The Help menu entry.
6. To use sales and distribution functions in the system, you need at least one ....
1. Sales statistics
2. Distribution channel
3. Sales areas
4. Division
5. Sales organization
7. Sales area is not a combination of sales organization, distribution channel, and division.
8. Which of the following is not included in the central function of the plant in sales and
1. To use the sales and distribution functions in the system, you need at least one plant.
2. Each plant is uniquely assigned to a company code.
3. The assignment between sales organizations and plants does not have to be unique.
4. To negotiating sales conditions
5. The plant is essential for determining the shipping point.
9. The delivery point is the lowest level shipping organizational unit that controls your
shipping activity.
10. Which organizational units can you use in the system to organize and process outbound
deliveries from different places (for example, loading ramp or rail depot)?
1. Sales organization
2. Distribution channel
3. Shipping point
4. Division
5. Company code
11. Specific marketing measures (direct mailing campaigns, Internet campaigns, trade fair
sales activities, or telephone campaigns, for example) can trigger sales processes.
12. Which of the following is not a presales activity ?
1. Posting the goods issue
2. Mailing campaigns
3. Answering customer telephone queries
4. Quotations
5. Entering and tracking customer contacts
13. The sales order contains all pertinent information to process the customer's request
throughout the whole process cycle.
14. Which of the following is not included in the standard order?
1. Information about delivery dates and delivery quantities
2. Customer and material Information
3. Information about billing
4. Tracking lost sales
5. Price information for all financial statement items
15. The way in which a material is obtained for a customer order can't depend on the material
itself as well as on the sales transaction.
16. General data in the customer's master is specified on the following tab, except :
A. Address and Export data
B. Control data and Contact persons
C. Payment transactions and Unloading points
D. Correspondence and insurance
E. Contact persons and Marketing
17. The customer master includes all data needed to process invoice orders, and customer
18. The sales area data in the customer master is set out on the following tab pages, except :
1. Billing document
2. Partner functions
3. Payment transactions
4. Sales
5. Shipping
19. If you do not need the master data (customer or condition master data) to be differentiated
according to divisions, you have to set up a representative division.
20. Condition master data categories can be used in pricing, except :
1. Prices
2. Taxes
3. Sales
4. Surcharges/discounts
5. Freights
21. Outbound delivery can be created by referencing the following document…
F. Sales order document
G. Human document
H. Quotation document
I. Operating document
J. Accounting Document
15. A formal request requesting a vendor o supply certain goods or service is called…
E. Purchase Requisition
F. Purchase Order
G. Vendor Evaluation
H. None of the above
20. It is possible to create link to an external application in the SAP Easy Access Menu.
1. The individual physical tables in the SAP Information Warehouse are called what?
A.Key figures
C.Info structures
D.Time base
E.Period units
2. I need to be able to fulfill a customer requirement wherein Incoterms in the sales document
header is not allowed to be different from the item. Where do I tweak the system to fulfill the
A.Need to configure copying control in sales
B.Need to configure common distribution channel
C.Need to configure common division
D.Need to configure the sales document type
E.Need to configure the item category
4. In SAP, it is possible to vary transaction currency in the header and item level of the sales
5) When you enter a sales order you don’t need to specify the sales area immediately. If you
don’t, where does the system automatically derive the sales area?
A.Material master
B.Customer master
C.Implementation guide (IMG)
D.Customer-material info record
E.Condition record
6.)When you are creating a sales order, the system tries to determine the plant from several
sources. When checking the customer master data, which partner function does the system check
for plant determination?
A.Sold-to party
B.Ship-to party
D.Bill-to part
7.)In controlling which order types are permitted for a particular sales area, configuration is not
required if all order types are permitted in all sales areas.
8.)What part of the company is responsible for the type of shipping, the necessary shipping
materials and the means of transport?
A.Sales Organization
B.Transportation planning point
C.Shipping condition
D.Shipping point
9)In availability check, what enterprise structure does the system use as basis?
A.Shipping point
C.Company code
D.Sales organization
E.Distribution channel
10.)In the unlikely event that your order contains different partner functions, where does the
system check the information to know if the customer accepts delivery on a certain day and
A.Sold-to party
B.Ship-to party
D.Bill-to part
13. In a Business requirement the price of a material is based on the ‘Region’, ‘Sales Org.’,
‘Distribution Channel’ . If you were to create a Condition Table for this scenario, the order in
which the fields are arranged is?
A. Material, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Region
B. Material, Distribution Channel, Region, Sales Organization
C. Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Region, Material
D. None of the above
14. If an Exclusive Indicator in an Access Sequence is activated, which of the following is true?
A. Does not allow the system to further search for condition Records if a valid Record is found
B. Will allow the system to take only the last condition Record even though there are other
condition records prior to that
C. Excludes the system from carrying out pricing
D. None of the above.
16. How does the system carry out Static Credit limit check?
A. Net Document Value + Credit Exposure
B. Net Document Value + Open Items
C. Net Document Value (with horizon period) + Credit Exposure
D. None of the above
17. Free Goods is supported for which of the following in SAP R/3?
A. Third Party Order
B. Deliveries without reference to order
C. Make-to Order
D. None of the above
19. A BoM consists of items A, B and C. Which of the following is not an Alternative BoM?
A. A
B. A+B
C. A+B+C
D. A+B+C+D
20. What do you observe when a BoM is entered in Item Proposal and copied to a Sales Order?
A. BoM does not explode in Item Proposal but when copied to Order it explodes
B. BoM explodes in Item Proposal first and then is copied to Order
C. BoM does not explode in neither of the cases
D. None of the above