Employee Counseling
Employee Counseling
Employee Counseling
Benefits of counselling
- Counselling is a formal straight, face-to-
face conversation between a supervisor 1. Helps employees to tackle with the
and an employee concerning conduct, problems effectively
and performance. 2. Employees are able to sort their
- The counselling relationship is 3. Helps in decision making
confidential and not reciprocal. The focus 4. A new way to look at the perspective.
of a counsellor is to offer support and 5. Prevent termination from employer or
encouragement to the employee. resignation from employee.
6. Reduces the cost of hiring new employee
- Employee Counselling is based on the and training new staff.
premise that employee performance can 7. Smooth coordination between employer
be enhanced if the employee is properly and employee.
counselled by skilled managers.
4. Being honest about your limitations 14. Developing your own counseling style
- cannot realistically expect to succeed - counseling style will be influenced by
with every client. your teachers, counselors, and
supervisors, but don’t blur your potential
5. Understanding silence uniqueness by trying to imitate them.
- Silent moments during therapeutic
session may seem like silent hours to a 15. Maintaining your vitality as a person
beginning counselor. and as a professional
- When silence occurs, acknowledge and - your single most important instrument is
explore with your client the meaning of the person you are, and your most
the silence. powerful technique is your ability to
model aliveness and realness.
6. Dealing with demands from clients - paramount importance that we take care
- heading off unrealistic demands is to of ourselves for how can we take care of
make your expectations and boundaries others
clear during the initial counseling
sessions. LESSON 4: Ethical and Legal Issues in
Counseling Practice
7. Dealing with clients who lack
- Counselors who omit preparation and do
not address client’s thoughts and feelings - all aspects of the counselling relationship
should be held in the strictest confidence.
8. Tolerating ambiguity
Employee Counselling
- Confidentiality continues to apply when • Informational documents
counselling has ceased.
• Pens and Paper
BASIC VALUES Before each interview familiarize yourself with
the client and try to determine what the starting
- the basic values of counselling are
point is. For example, find out about:
respect, impartiality and integrity.
• their work goals;
• what they have done previously to find
- Counsellors should take all reasonable work;
steps to ensure that the client comes to
•any previously identified barriers to
no emotional, psychological or physical
harm during counselling
- should take all reasonable steps to both
monitor and develop their competences. • Saves time during the interview, when
This includes participating in available time is important
training and development activities. • Provides ideas that can be raised during
the interview
• Can make client feel more comfortable
- Counsellors must be aware of and only • Can identify potential problem areas and
work within their limitations and should prepare appropriate strategies.
be prepared to refer a client to an
appropriate support. DON’T FORGET!