Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction Values
Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction Values
Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction Values
Terminal Values represent the goals that a person Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction
would like to achieve in his or her lifetime. 1. Salary
Instrumental values refer to preferable modes of 2. Work itself
behavior or means of achieving the terminal values. 3. Promotion opportunity
4. Quality of supervision
Attitudes 5. Relationship with co-workers
Attitudes are important in the study of human 6. Working conditions
behavior. This is so because they are linked with 7. Job security
perception, learning, emotions, and motivation.
Attitudes are feelings and beliefs that largely Ways of Measuring Job satisfaction
determine how employees will perceive their 1. The Single Global Rating Method; and
2. The Summation Score Method.
Job involvement
- refers to degree to which a person identifies
with the job, actively participates in it, and
considers performance important to self worth.
Organizational Commitment
- it refers to the degree to which an employee
identifies with a particular organization and its goals
and wishes to maintain membership in the
- organizational commitments may be
categorized into three dimensions. They are as
1. Affective Commitment
- refers to the employees emotional attachment
to the organization and belief in its values.
2. Continuance Commitment
- refers to the employees tendency to remain in
an organization because he cannot afford to
leave. In fact many employees continue to be
committed to the firm because they feel they
could not get better employment elsewhere. The
reasons why employees choose to continue
employment with the firm may be classified as
either economic or non-economic.
Economic Factors refers to salary, allowances,
and retirement pension.
Non-economic Benefits include participation in
decision making, job security, and certain job
characteristics such as autonomy, responsibility,
and interesting work.
3. Normative commitment
- refers to an obligation to remain with the
company for moral or ethical reason .