HRM Reviewer 3

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HRM REVIEWER employees are doing at a particular point

in time.
PERSONALITY - This incorporates an the process of judging past performance.
individuals’s fairly established emotional
state, frame of mind, and behavioral HELPFUL - The process of evaluating an
pattern. employee's job performance that is
______ to, and often even essential to,
ABILITY TO EXPRESS YOUR OWN accomplishing important goals of the
WANTS - All of the following are the signs organization.
of healthy self-esteem EXCEPT
ANNUAL - Performance appraisal
UNSTRUCTURED INTERVIEW - “Tell me provides an ______ review and evaluation
about yourself” of an individual’s job performance.


ALLOW ME A NEW OPPORTUNITY TO appraisal is the evaluation of employee's
USE MY SKILLS - “Why do you want this performance based on the standards and
job?” the giving of ______ about the
following is considered the most emotional ANNUALLY - When is performance
issue in human resource management? appraisal conducted in American
always do after an initial interview? importance of this is to provide feedback
to the central office.
the following is the formal process of MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES (MBO)
discussing, identifying, and planning the - It is wherein a subject employee is
organizational and individual goal which involved actively in setting the goal for
an employee can and would achieve in a himself with the guidance and support of
given time frame. his manager.


of the following is just as important as method is based on studying the personal
motivating and monitoring performance. qualities of the employees.

REVIEWING PERFORMANCE - This is a TRAINING - It is the process of teaching

key component of employee development. employees or OJTs about the skills
It is intended to be fair and balanced. necessary to perform a job.


MEASUREMENT - It should be noted that introducing new employees to the
any _____ is merely a snapshot of how organization.
PUNISHMENT - Which of the following is MODULE 4
an application of an adverse consequence
or removal of reward in order to decrease FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN
an unwanted behavior. CANDIDATE SELECTION
1. Skill
OJT (On-the Job Training) - It is done at Can they do the job? More so, can they do
the worksite with the resources the it efficiently?
employees use to perform the job.
2. Personality
JOB CHANGE - This is the second Is personality more important than skills?
common point where training may be Nonetheless, personality is vital for a good
necessary occurs when job changes in fit.
some form.
3. Desire
ONBOARDING - Introduction of the We may not have all the skills needed to
person to the company. land a job, but a high dose of desire and
longing to learn could spell the difference.
JOB INTERVIEW - To be called for a It could compensate for the lack of skill.
_____ is already an opportunity to show
what you are really capable of. 4. Attitude
Attitude is not the same as desire. Being
TRADITION - It is about the acceptance of passionate and a go-getter is not
social customs and traditional ideas. enough.

POWER - The desire to have control over

others, attaining power and prestige. SELECTION PROCESS
1. Initial Screening
UNIVERSALISM - Which of the following 2. Completed Application
is the desire to protect the well-being of all 3. Employment Test
people, caring about social justice. 4. Comprehensive Interview
5. Conditional Job Offer
TALENT - Which of the following is NOT 6. Background Examination
a factor in candidate selection. 7. Medical/Physical Examination
8. Permanent Job Offer
VALUES - It refers to a person’s principles
or standards of behavior; one’s judgment
of what is important in life. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES
Personality is distinctive and unique. No
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT - This two people are exactly alike - even twins.
is used to ensure that employees’ Such uniqueness sets us apart from the
activities and outcomes are congruent with rest.
the organization’s objectives.
COMPARATIVE METHOD - This method 1. Openness - curious, original,
seeks to identify one worker’s level or intellectual, creative, and open to
standing compared to another worker. new ideas.
2. Conscientiousness - organized, ● Negative experiences don’
systematic, punctual, achievement impact overall perspective
oriented, and dependable. ● Ability to express your
3. Extraversion - outgoing, talkative,
sociable, and enjoys being in SIGNS OF LOW SELF-ESTEEM
social situations. ● Negative outlook
● Lack of confidence
4. Agreeableness - affable, tolerant, ● Inability to express your
sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm. needs
● Focus on your weaknesses
5. Neuroticism - anxious, irritable, ● Feelings of shame,
temperamental, and moody. depression, or anxiety
● Belief that others are better
than you
OTHER PERSONALITY DIMENSIONS ● Trouble accepting positive
1. Self-Monitoring feedback
A concept that reveals how much a ● Fear of failure
person monitors his own
presentations, expressive and
nonverbal affective behavior. It is 4. Self-Efficacy
properly defined as a personality Self-efficacy is not self-image,
trait that indicates a person’s self-worth, or any other
capability to regulate and comparable concept.
synchronize his behavior to be Self-efficacy is the belief we have
able to adapt to social situations. in our own abilities, specifically our
ability to meet the challenges
2. Proactive Personality ahead of us and complete a task
People who demonstrate proactive successfully. This is more focused
behavior are change-oriented and on “doing”.
self- initiated. Simply put, they
have the initiative to find solutions
and make changes happen. VALUES
Values refer to a person’s principles or
3. Self-Esteem standards of behavior; one’s judgment of
This refers to an individual’s overall what is important in life. Values are formed
sense of self-worth or personal throughout one’s life as a result of
value. This is more focused on accumulating life experiences.


● Confidence 1. Achievement
● Ability to say no The desire for personal success.
● Positive outlook
● Ability to see overall
strengths and weaknesses
and accept them
The desire to protect the well-being 1. Directed Interview
of people who are close to the This type of interview seeks to
person. reveal facts.

3. Conformity 2. Unstructured Interview

Being motivated by being A type of interview wherein an
self-disciplined and obedient. open discussion of the applicant’s
qualifications are the main focus.
4. Hedonism Typically, the interviewer would ask
The desire for pleasure in life. you to “Tell me something about
5. Power
The desire for control over others, 3. Behavioral Interview
attaining power and prestige. The interviewer would like to
assess your behavior and how you
6. Security handled past situations that could
Valuing safety and stability. have a bearing in your chances of
being hired.
7. Self-Direction
The desire to be free and 4. Panel Interview
independent. Here, the applicant is faced
with several people in one setting.
8. Stimulation
The desire for a stimulating and 5. Phone Interview
exciting life. Recruiters would wish to talk to the
applicant for a few minutes if only
9. Tradition to gauge how interested you are in
Acceptance of social customs and applying for a certain position.
traditional ideas in a society. Phone interviews may also be
done as follow-up to fill in missing
10. Universalism information that was not asked
The desire to protect the well-being during the formal interview forum.
of all people. Caring about social
● Prepare copies of resume. Bring
JOB INTERVIEW extra copies, just in case.
To be called for a job interview is already ● Do not forget to bring a pen.
an opportunity to show what you are really ● Review your work history.
capable of. This is the time to show your ● Make a research on common
communication skills by highlighting your interview questions and prepare
interests, motivation, other talents and how to answer such questions in
abilities that may or may not be reflected case you’re asked similar
in your resume. questions on the big day.
Rehearse your answers.
● Know something about the 2. Managing Performance
company and the position you’re It is the ongoing process which is
applying for. designed to ensure that an
● Be prepared for any surprise individual's performance
questions that may arise. This is a contributes to the aims and
case of “grace under pressure”. objectives of the organization.

3. Reviewing Performance
OFF-THE WALL QUESTIONS This is a key component of
Off the wall questions are wild, employee development. It is
unconventional, bizarre, weird, crazy or intended to be fair and balanced.
eccentric, and is definitely unexpected.
These are usually allowed during the 4. Rewarding Performance
interviewer proper to test your ability to This is just as important as
operate under unanticipated moments. motivating and monitoring
performance. Rewards can go
beyond just the financial
MODULE 5 aspect-other incentives can be
Performance review is considered the
most emotional issue in human resource It should be noted that any employee
management. performance measurement is merely a
snapshot of how an employee is doing at
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE a particular point in time.
It is about aligning the organizational Comprehensive performance reviews
objectives of a corporation with the should be based on an average snapshot
employees' agreed measures, compiled over time.
competency and skills requirements,
development plans and delivery of results.
The emphasis is on continuing PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL
improvement in terms of employees' It is the process of judging past
performance in order to achieve the performance. It was also defined as "the
overall corporate goals and objectives. observation and assessment of the
employee performance against job related
standards determined by the organization
4 COMPONENTS OF PERFORMANCE over a certain period" (Eichel and Bender,
1. Performance Planning
It is the formal process of The process of evaluating an employee's
discussing, identifying and job performance that is helpful to, and
planning the organizational as well often even essential to, accomplishing
as individual goals which an important goals of the organization.
employee can and would achieve (Kondrasuk, 2012)
in a given timeframe.
Performance appraisals involve the similar ● To create a paper trail or records of
idea of developing social and performance documentation. (Murphy and
norms. Monitoring the actions of Cleveland, 1995)
employees in relation to the norms, ● It also provides a basis or
assigned responsibility for the actions, and justification for human resource
then ultimately providing rewards or decisions such as rewards, career
punishment based on performance planning, transfers, training,
towards those norms. (Millman, Nason, mentoring and termination.
Shu and Cieri, 2002) ● It was also noted that employees
and managers do have differing
Performance appraisal provides an annual perspectives, as well as conflicting
review and evaluation of an individual's pressures with the organization.
job performance. (Eastern Illinois The employee seeks to confirm his
University, 2009) positive image while the manager
would wish to provide both
Performance appraisal is the process of negative and positive information
determining how well employees do their to improve performance and as a
jobs compared with a set of standards and basis for counseling.
communicating that information to those
employees. (Chukwuba, 2011)
Performance appraisal is the evaluation of CONDUCTED?
employees’ performance based on the 1. Annually
standards and the giving of feedback Many organizations usually make
about the assessment. an evaluation of employees'
performance at the end of the year.
Annual employee performance
OTHER TERMS FOR PERFORMANCE reviews appear to be the standard
APPRAISAL in most American companies.
● Performance review
● Performance evaluation 2. Semi-Annually
● Performance assessment A semi-annual is conducted for the
● Performance measurement employee to discuss with his
● Employee evaluation manager any needed correctional
● Staff assessment and service and remedial steps for his
rating performance on an unofficial
basis. The second one however,
would be the official one held at
PURPOSE OF PERFORMANCE the end of the year for the
APPRAISAL employee to receive his appraisal
● To provide feedback about results and know about the salary
strengths and weaknesses increases or promotion he may
● To distinguish between individuals receive.
to allocate rewards
● To evaluate and maintain the
human resource systems of the
THE APPRAISAL PROCESS (Aguinis, Any Cederblon (1982) considered it a
2009) "potentially important part of an
1. System Inauguration organization's performance appraisal
2. Self-appraisal system that functions in several ways such
3. Classical performance review as providing feedback".
4. Merit/salary review
5. Development plan For Aguinis (2009), it is the formal meeting
6. Objective setting for the specifiC purpose of discussing the
various aspects of performance and the
performance management system. It also
EXAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE involves counseling and development
APPRAISAL STEPS evaluation and discussion.
1. Establish performance standards
for each position and criteria for
2. Establish performance evaluation INTERVIEW
policies on when to rate, how often Basically, it provides feedback to the
to rate, and who should rate central office which can be the basis for
3. Have the rater's gather data on the coaching, accountability-based
employee's performance performance appraisals, designing a
4. Have raters and employees human resource plan as it serves as a
evaluate employees' performance development feedback mechanism.
5. Discuss the evaluation with the
6. Make decisions and file the INTERVIEW
evaluation. ● Manager and employee normally
come up with a confidentiality
OTHER EXAMPLES OF agreement before the actual
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL STEPS interview is conducted.
(West Virginia Division of Personnel ● Agreement is kept by the manager
Handbook, 2005) and a copy is given to the
1. The Initial Performance Planning concerned employee.
Session ● The interview would cover past
This involves meeting the performance evaluation,
employee individually to describe identification of position to include
levels of expectations. strengths and weaknesses, goals
2. The Mid-Point Review that will be agreed upon, and
Provides feedback to the employee support to be given.
during the primary performance
3. The Final Review Session
To review and rate the
performance of each employee
during the entire performance
rating period.
TWO TYPES OF PERFORMANCE The supervisor rates the employee
APPRAISAL METHODS according to the items on a
1. Traditional Approach numerical scale.
This method is based on studying a. Narrative Method
the personal qualities of the Evaluator writes an
employees. This is personal as it explanation about the
may include: employee's strength and
a. Knowledge weaknesses, his previous
b. Initiative performance, and
c. Loyalty recommended areas of
d. Leadership improvement at the end of
e. Decision Making the evaluation period.
b. MBO (Management by
2. The New Approach Objectives) Method
Performance Appraisal is used for Employees are evaluated
developmental and motivational on how well they
purposes in the organization accomplished a specific set
(Gurbuz and Dikmenli, 2007). of objectives that have
been determined as critical
in the completion of a given
1. Ranking Method 4. Critical Incident Method
The simplest method as jobs are It is keeping a record of
arranged from highest to lowest, in uncommonly good or bad and
order to establish values of such undesirable examples of an
jobs to the organization. employee's work related to
Employees from the best to the behavior and reviewing it with the
worst are ranked on a particular employee at a scheduled
trait, choosing the highest, then the appointment.
lowest until all concerned
employees are ranked. 5. Comparative Method
This method of performance
2. Graphic Ranking Scale appraisal seeks to identify one
A scale that lists a number of traits worker's level or standing
and a range of performance for compared to another worker.
each of the employees. They are
then rated identifying the score that 6. Paired Comparison
best describes the employee’s Each person is directly compared
performance for each trait with all the others being rated.
7. Forced Distribution
3. BARS (Behaviorally Anchored This method forces a set of
Rating Scale) Form percentage of all those being rated
This combines elements from into a predetermined performance
the critical incident report and category.
graphic rating scale approaches.
5. Customers
APPRAISAL FORMS They also can assist in terms of
These are used in collecting data and giving feedback for as long as we
information about the employees being are careful in watching for built-in
evaluated. This normally can be filled out biases.
in paper or electronically.
It relies on the inputs of an employee's 2. Reliability
superior, colleagues, subordinates, 3. Discriminability
customers, suppliers, and sometimes, 4. Freedom from bias
spouses. The information collected and 5. Relevance
feedback received are provided in a full
circular way from top-down and
bottom-up. MODULE 6
1. Supervisor These identify the knowledge, skills, and
They are in the best position to abilities (KSA) needed to perform a
evaluate employee's performance particular job in the organization.
especially those directly under
them. They are also in a good TRAINING
position to know the details Refers to the process of teaching
of the company objectives and employees the skills necessary to perform
goals and relate it directly to the a job.
employee's performance.
2. Peer Somewhat in contrast to the training so
Since they are in the same working that employees can do a new job or do an
environment where they interact existing job better is the process of
with the one being evaluated, they employee development. It tends to be less
know the level of performance of technical, and it is aimed at improving
the person being evaluated. communication, conceptual, and
decision-making skills in employees.
3. Subordinates Offering development opportunities
They are very valuable as a source generally decreases turnover.
of information, regarding particular
aspects of a supervisor or leader's EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT
performance to include delegation. It is the ongoing education to improve
knowledge and skills for present and
4. Self-Appraisal future jobs.
This is to be used for
developmental purposes. This ORIENTATION (ONBOARDING)
approach has been questioned This is the process of introducing new
because of the inherent subjectivity employees to the organization and their
that may come into play. jobs, as well as the organization’s policies
and procedures, rules, and regulations.
About the underlying organizational It is the process of analyzing the
structure, plus where to go and whom to difference between what is currently
talk to in order to get certain things done. occurring within a job or jobs and what is
How they get the money that they need in CORRECT
order to survive in order to survive in If a needs assessment is not done
society. correctly, a training course may be poorly
designed or it may cover the wrong
JOB CHANGE information.
The second common point where
training may be necessary as it occurs UNNECESSARY
when jobs change in some form. May end up creating a training program
that is unnecessary, or may fail to
PERFORMANCE determine that an issue is based on poor
The third common point at which performance rather than lack of
managers need to investigate the knowledge.
requirement for additional training occurs
when there has been some failure of an DIAGNOSIS
employee or some employees to perform If diagnosis is not done correctly,
successfully and meet organizational managers may create training solutions
standards. that don’t solve the existing problem.

The correction of a deficiency or failure in So the manager has to go through a
a process or procedure, to correct the process of identifying where in a current
actions of the individual responsible so sequence of events things are not working
that they can successfully carry out the the way they should, or how they can be
action in the future. done more efficiently.

THE TRAINING PROCESS These include minimally prepared
1. Needs workers, difficulty in identifying the return
Assessing the needs for training on investment provided from training,
employee resistance to change and
2. Method insecurity, matching the training to the
Selecting how to shape behavior goals of the organization, and logistics.

Designing training that works One of the most significant challenges to
work process training is the fact that so
4. Deliver many of the individuals being hired into
Delivering effective training the workforce are ill prepared in the
educational basics, including reading and
5. Assess math skills.
Assessing training
ROI (RETURN ON INVESTMENT) tested this theory using his
Training is time-consuming and “Skinner box”. Skinner showed that
expensive, and it is no different from any the animals would figure out which
other investment. Executives expect and lever to press in order to receive
require that training provide a positive the reward.
return on investment.
3. Social Learning
RESISTANCE This learning theory is similar in
All individuals resist changes to their form to Operant Conditioning. The
routine. difference is that we are not
learning from the consequences of
CONGRUENCE our own actions but from the
One of the most critical requirements in consequences of the actions of
corporate training programs is the need to another.
ensure that the training furthers the
strategic goals of the organization. VICARIOUS
The word means “experienced or
SCHEDULING realized through imaginative or
This involves both the timing and the sympathetic participation in the
location of the training. experience of another.”

THREE COMMON LEARNING Recent innovation in using social
THEORIES media has provided a new tool for
1. Classical Conditioning applying social learning.
Classical conditioning was made
famous by a physiologist named
Ivan Pavlov. What Pavlov proved POSITIVE
was that animals will react If we apply a reward, we’re using the
involuntarily to a stimulus in their concept of positive reinforcement.
environment if they associate that
stimulus with something else. NEGATIVE
The second option would be to avoid or
BEHAVIORS remove a noxious stimulus, a process
The behaviors are learned called negative reinforcement.
because you have changed the
way you act due to some prior PUNISHMENT
experience, and they are Punishment is the application of an
involuntary because you didn’t adverse consequence, or the removal or a
intentionally learn to act in a reward, in order to decrease an unwanted
particular way in response to the behavior.
2. Operant Conditioning This is the lack of response, either positive
The second common learning or negative, in order to avoid reinforcing
theory which is based on an undesirable behavior.
reinforcement. B.F. Skinner made
this learning theory where he
REINFORCEMENT 3. Trainee Performs
Reinforcement, whether positive or Have the trainee perform the task
negative, is designed to cause an slowly while explaining each step.
increase in the targeted behavior.
4. Follow-up
Punishment and Extinction are designed Tell the trainee who is available to
to cause a targeted behavior to decrease provide help with any questions or
over time. problems.


1. Visual It is generally very good for consistently
Visual learners prefer to have transferring general knowledge or theories
material provided in a visual format about a topic to a large number of people.
such as graphs and charts.


Auditory learners generally prefer Four-Level Evaluation Method
to learn information based on It measures reaction, learning, behaviors,
hearing that information. and results.

3. Tactile 1. Reaction Evaluation

Tactile learners prefer to learn by Reaction evaluations measure how
doing. the individual responds to the
actual training process.

KOLB MODEL 2. Learning Evaluation

A more complex learning style inventory. Learning evaluation helps the
organization evaluate the skill of
On-the-job Training (OJT) the instructor as well as the
This is done at the work site with the change in the knowledge set of the
resources the employee uses to perform trainee.
the job.
3. Behavior Evaluation
Job Instructional Training (JIT) Behavior evaluations are designed
Because of its proven success, job to determine whether or not the
instructional training- a specific type of trainee’s on-the-job behaviors
on-the-job training- is a popular training changes as a result of the training.
type used worldwide.
4. Results Evaluation
1. Prepare Trainee In a results evaluation, we try to
Put the trainee at ease as you determine whether or not individual
create interest in the job and behavioral changes have improved
encourage questions. organizational results.

2. Trainer Presentation
Perform the task yourself slowly,
explaining each step several times.
CAREER improve their general knowledge.
It is the individually perceived sequence of The intent of formal education
attitudes and behaviors associated with programs is to provide the student
work-related experiences and activities with a specific set of information
over the span of the person’s life. about a particular topic.

The definition of career relies heavily on 2. Experience

the perception of the individual who is Employee development programs
making the judgment concerning success that use experience as a method
or failure of the career. for developing individuals would
seek to put the person through a
The definition of career involves not only number of different types of
the direct work that is done but also all job-related experiences over time.
work-related experiences and activities.
The MBTI is probably the most
CAREER PATHS common personality-type
Twenty-first century organizations need to assessment used for employee
provide our employees with reasonable development, but each of the tests
career paths and career counseling so has advantages and
that they can achieve their personal goals disadvantages compared to the
over the course of their career. other options.

PRODUCTIVITY 4. EQ (Emotional Intelligence)

Good employee development and career Emotional intelligence is the way
planning programs can help the that we identify, understand, and
organization avoid productivity and use our emotions as well as the
disciplinary problems associated with emotions of others to promote our
employees who are stagnating in a working relationships.
particular job.


A career plateau occurs when an 1. Exploration
individual feels unchallenged in their The period of time in which the
current job and has little or no chance of individual is identifying the
advancement. personal needs that will be
satisfied by a particular type of
OUTSOURCING work, the types of jobs that interest
Outsourcing one or more HR functions them, and the skills necessary to
provides “real value.” be able to accomplish those types
of jobs.

METHODS OF EMPLOYEE 2. Establishment

DEVELOPMENT The period where the individual
1. Education has entered into a career and
Formal education provides becomes concerned with building a
employees the opportunity to skill set, developing work
participate in programs that will
relationships, and advancing and
stabilizing their career.

3. Maintenance
The maintenance stage covers the
period from the mid-40s to age 60
years old or older.

4. Disengagement
This stage typically shows lower
levels of output and productivity as
the individual prepares for life after

Employee development is a critical piece

in the organizational puzzle in order to
provide long-term success.



— Sincerely, Lara Elise

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