WEEK 8 Personal or Professional

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WEEK 8: Personal or Professional they also seek feedback from external sources

and practice empathy.

• Employees tend to be more productive for a
1. POSITIVE IMAGE OF A PROFESSIONAL leader with clearly defined goals whom the team
NURSE views as empathetic and kind.
• Self-assessments is the process of looking at
oneself in order to assess aspects that are
Common Pitfalls of the Self-Aware Leader
important to one's identity. It is one of the
motives that drive self-evaluation, along with Introspection
self-verification and self-enhancement.
- is about exploring the “why” in any given
• Self-evaluation is an important part of working as
a nurse. Hospitals require that you evaluate
- Asking why often leads us to false conclusions
yourself at least once a year to analyze where
because many actions are often driven by
your strengths and weaknesses lie. These self-
subconscious processes.
evaluations play a vital role in determining things
- Asking why a route to reflection and uncreative
like promotions or pay raises, so you'll want to do
thinking can be.
your best on them.
- Focus on how to resolve a situation instead of
• It is used regularly by clinicians to ensure that
self-analyzing and turn the past-focused “why”
they act within their areas of expertise and to help
into a future-focused plan.
them remain up to date with advances in
medicine (Gordon 1992; Woolliscroft et al.
1993). It has been suggested that self-assessment
is a prerequisite for maintaining professional
competence (Das et al.) - Power inevitably comes along with leadership
• Self-awareness is the ability to accurately judge and authority.
your own motivators, passions, triggers and - And as you become more experienced in a role,
emotions while also understanding how you react the level of power you have tends to increase.
to others and how others are likely to react to you. - This is a major pitfall regarding self-awareness as
• The Importance of Self Awareness in a leader because the more you think you know,
Leadership. Leaders need to be conscious of how the less you ask questions and seek a second
their behaviors impact those they lead. Self- opinion.
awareness in leadership is an important trait for a - Overconfidence is a huge hindrance for a leader
leader to cultivate. who’s trying to be self-aware.
• Internal self-awareness describes your - As an authority figure, people are less likely to
understanding of the passions and values that offer constructive feedback for fear of losing
drive you and how they play out in any their job or because they automatically assume
environment. you know more.
o This involves actively monitoring and - The best leaders overcome this natural
managing your feelings and behaviors overestimation of their abilities by continually
while having a clear view of your seeking feedback from stakeholders at all levels.
strengths and weaknesses.
• External self-awareness is about understanding
how others perceive you. Surprisingly, it’s
common for people to possess one type of self-
awareness without the other.
• The best leaders know their strengths and
weaknesses so they can fill in blind spots, but
Characteristics of Self-Aware Managers 5. Resolving conflict
1. Maintaining focus - Conflict resolution requires exemplary self-
- A self-aware leader doesn’t get distracted by awareness, because when tempers flare, it’s
their emotions or triggers when there’s a task at easier to stoke the fire than put it out.
hand. - De-escalation and negotiation require that you
- With employees to manage, several ongoing know how your words will impact others.
projects, demands from shareholders and day-to- - What’s more, you need to understand the best
day duties, remaining on-task is more likely if language and behavior to use with different types
you’re self-aware. of people to avoid making conflicts worse.
- By knowing yourself, you can always adjust your
environment so it’s conducive to the current task.
Leading from the top
2. Nurturing growth • One of the most important reasons to be self-
- While most people would agree that a certain aware as a leader is that your organization will
level of authority is crucial in a leader, self- inevitably reflect your leadership.
awareness is arguably more important. • If you’re hands-on, self-aware and hardworking,
- While fear and respect can be motivators for you have the best chance of getting the same from
some people, positivity and nurturing are more your team.
effective for many. • If you tend to shy away from criticism or play the
- By being self-aware, leaders can cultivate a blame game, you’re likely to see this reflected in
nurturing environment where open your workforce.
communication is prioritized, and productivity is
high because staff are highly motivated. Benefits of being self-aware as a leader
• Self-awareness is an important trait for anyone to
possess, not just managers.
3. Knowing limitations • It helps you navigate the world authentically and
- One of the best traits for a leader is knowing your promotes self-improvement.
• As the old saying goes, you never stop learning,
- By being self-aware about your strengths and
and being self-aware is the key to filling in gaps
weaknesses, you can hire the right people to fill
in your skills and knowledge.
in your gaps and organize the team effectively.
- On the contrary, if you think you can do no wrong
and ignore instances where you make mistakes,
Advantages of being self-aware as a leader:
there could be glaring problems with your
operation. • Minimize the impact of your weaknesses.
• Set priorities properly and make better decisions.
• Learn to not take feedback personally and use it
4. Understanding communication for growth instead.
- When it comes down to it, communication • Maintain better professional relationships
underpins everything that happens in business. • Implement healthy boundaries in the workplace
- Every campaign, success and interaction between by understanding strengths and limitations
your business and the outside world relies on • Communicate effectively by understanding how
some form of communication. you come across to others
- If you understand yourself and how you come • Create a more productive and honest work
across to others, you’ll be better equipped to environment
interact with customers, employees or • Avoid looking hypocritical and resorting to lying
executives. or cheating
Strategies for enhancing self-awareness as a 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF
• Take the time to understand your feelings before 2012 National Nursing Core Competency
you react to them. Standards (2012 NNCCS)
o For example, if you’re feeling angry at a
I. Beginning Nurse’s Role on Client Care
team member, consider if your emotion is
• Responsibility 1: Practices in accordance with
relative to the situation. It could be that
legal principles and the code of ethics in making
you’re tired, hungry or stressed because
personal and professional judgment.
of something else. By putting space
• Responsibility 2: Utilizes the nursing process in
between your feeling and your reaction,
the interdisciplinary care of clients that
you practice self-awareness.
empowers the clients and promotes safe quality
• Seek feedback from people you trust and make
sure it’s as honest as possible.
o Using constructive criticism for self- • Responsibility 3: Maintains complete and up to
date recording and reporting system.
improvement is one of the best ways to
foster self-awareness. • Responsibility 4: Establishes collaborative
relationship with colleagues and other members
• Keep a journal of your thoughts, feelings and
of the team to enhance nursing and other health
care services.
o This gives you the most accurate data
about yourself. Be honest and don’t judge • Responsibility 5: Promotes professional and
and you’ll get a clear picture of your personal growth and development.
development over time.
• Practice openness and curiosity so you’re always
seeing things from different perspectives and II. Beginning Nurse’s Role on Management
don’t get locked into a viewpoint. and Leadership
• Lead with your values, and make sure all • Responsibility 1: Demonstrates management
communications and output reflect them. and leadership skills to provide safe and quality
• Developing self-awareness might feel care.
uncomfortable at first as you get used to actively • Responsibility 2: Demonstrates accountability
seeking critical feedback and viewing yourself for safe nursing practice.
from an objective standpoint. • Responsibility 3: Demonstrates management
o However, the impact it can have on your and leadership skills to deliver health programs
professional relationships, the and services effectively to specific client groups
productivity of your team and the in the community settings
profitability of your company are • Responsibility 4: Manages a
undeniable. community/village-based health
facility/component of a health program or a
nursing service.
• Responsibility 5: Demonstrates ability to lead
and supervise nursing support staff.
• Responsibility 6: Utilizes appropriate
mechanisms for networking, linkage building
and referrals.
III. Beginning Nurse’s Role on Research Stage 4 Proficient:
• Responsibility 1: Engages in nursing or health • At this level, nurses are capable to see situations
related research with or under the Supervision of as “wholes” rather than parts.
an experienced researcher. • Proficient nurses learn from experience what
• Responsibility 2: Evaluates research study/report events typically occur and can modify plans in
utilizing guidelines in the conduct of a written response to different events.
research critique.
• Responsibility 3: Applies the research process in
Stage 5 Expert:
improving client care in partnership with a
quality improvement /quality assurance/nursing • Nurses who can recognize demands and
audit team. resources in situations and attain their goals.
• These nurses know what needs to be done.
• They no longer rely solely on rules to guide their
Dr. Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence actions under certain situations.
Stage 1 Novice: • They have an intuitive grasp of the situation
based on their deep knowledge and experience.
• This would be a nursing student in his or her first • Focus is on the most relevant problems and not
year of clinical education; behavior in the clinical irrelevant ones.
setting is very limited and inflexible. • Analytical tools are used only when they have no
• Novices have a very limited ability to predict experience with an event, or when events don’t
what might happen in a particular patient occur as expected.
• Signs and symptoms, such as change in mental
status, can only be recognized after a novice 3. CAREER PLANNING
nurse has had experience with patients with - Career planning refers to the process of planning
similar symptoms. career choices, establishing career objectives and
deciding on educational and developmental
Stage 2 Advanced Beginner:
programs to improve the skills required to
• Those are the new graduates in their first jobs; achieve career objectives. It's an important part
nurses have had more experiences that enable of individual's self-assessment.
them to recognize recurrent, meaningful
Beginning a Job Search
components of a situation.
• They have the knowledge and the know-how but Some factors that contribute to starting the job search
not enough in-depth experience. process include:
Stage 3 Competent: 1. Students nearing the end of their educational
experience may want to start looking for
• These nurses lack the speed and flexibility of opportunities in their field in the three or four
proficient nurses, but they have some mastery months leading up to the completion of their
and can rely on advance planning and programs.
organizational skills. 2. If you are currently employed but are no
• Competent nurses recognize patterns and nature longer challenged at your job or otherwise
of clinical situations more quickly and accurately ready to find a better fit, you will probably
than advanced beginners. want to begin the job search while you are
still employed.
3. If you do not currently have a job, starting a
job search can begin immediately. It is
important that you have time to devote to 1. Job Growth for Nurses Will Continue to Rise
your search, as the process takes time and
- The world is in the middle of a critical nursing
4. Certain times of the year are also better than
- Many factors have contributed to the current
others for job searching, although the
industry in which you want to work will also
• Increased demand for care during the
factor into timing.
❖ For example, if you are looking for a job
in the retail industry, the holiday season • Retiring nurse educators mean a falling
is often a time when seasonal positions number of nursing faculty
are more plentiful. In other industries, • Nurse burnout from the pandemic
summer and the holidays tend to have • An aging population with complex medical
fewer open positions. needs
• Nursing staff reaching retirement
• Greater shortage in rural areas
Sources of Job Leads
Sources For Job Leads You Should Consider 2. Home Health Will Increase in Popularity
1. LinkedIn - Demand for home healthcare nurses will grow as
2. Twitter. Increasingly, recruiters are tweeting job the population ages.
postings. - COVID-19 prompted an unexpected rise in need
3. Facebook for these services.
4. E-mail lists - Home health benefits are a lifeline for vulnerable
5. Many more…. patients who are at increased risk of medical
Developing a Resume complications. This includes infectious illnesses
like COVID-19.
• Elements - It would also open the door to more remote
• Types monitoring and telehealth nursing services for
• Writing a Cover Letter seniors. Seniors could choose to go home rather
• Developing an Electronic Resume than a skilled nursing facility after
• Tracking Job Leads hospitalization.
• Dressing for a successful interview
• Answering Interview Questions
3. Care Models Will Experience a Necessary
10 Nursing Trends We Expect to See in the Coming • There are two key components to how care is
Years delivered:
1. The skills of nurses on the hospital unit
• The last of the baby boomer generation will retire o "Healthcare models must migrate from
in 2030. traditional nurse-to-patient staffing
• This means changes in how healthcare is models to a more agile one in times of
delivered will be necessary to meet more crisis, that facilitates flexibility and
complex medical needs. supports the best care for patients.
• Nursing leaders expect to see these ten trending 2. While staffing must be based on patients' care
patterns in the coming year. level and staff competency, an improved model
• They will affect how nursing care is managed and during crisis management:
team-based with an increase in floating 6. Resilience Is Key to Retaining the Nursing
nurses. Workforce
o This system would allow hospitals to • Resilience is the ability to face adversity while
address hardships caused by future public remaining focused and optimistic for the future.
health events or insufficient staffing, not • This is a vital characteristic for nurses who must
unlike what we face now with COVID- function in a complex healthcare system under
19. stressful situations.
o A care model should always support an • There was a nursing shortage and that many
organization and a nurse's ability to nurses were already feeling stressed and
deliver excellent patient care. overworked due to COVID-19.
• Nurses are exhausted, morally injured, and burnt
out, with many considering leaving the
4. Virtual Simulation and Technology Will profession earlier than they normally would.
Transform Nursing School • A significant trend in 2022 will be to focus on
• Advances in technology have improved online restoring a safe work environment.
learning within nursing schools. This has been • Another focus will be developing staffing models
essential in addressing worldwide nursing based on patients' care level and workforce
shortages. competencies.
o "Technology can eliminate traditional
roadblocks such as a lack of physical
training sites as well as potentially 7. The Nurse Shortage Will Lead to Several
staffing challenges with flexible solutions Unwanted Side Effects
for faculty. • The global nursing shortage has had a significant
o The program is designed to help students impact on patient care and an adverse impact on
practice nursing skills like clinical healthcare systems.
decision-making while exposing them to
a diverse patient population and practice • The nursing shortage began well before the
setting. pandemic.
• The stress on the system with COVID-19 raised
the level of burnout and increased the number of
5. Healthcare Staff Well-being Will Be a Top
nurses who left the profession early.
• Organizations employing nurses must place the
mental and physical well-being of its staff as a 8. Short-term Solutions to the Nurse Shortage
top priority. May Impact Patient Care
• Factors that contribute to the nursing shortage
• There is a prediction that short-term solutions to
include stress, traumatic experiences, and
the post-pandemic nursing shortage will have an
impact on patient care.
• Solutions may differ depending on the team and
o There will be an experience-complexity
• Through fostering a healthy work environment, o it means that, due to the shortage,
organizations can ensure that staff is operating at hospitals and organizations will have to
their best. rely on unskilled or inexperienced labor
• This can result in positive patient outcomes and to help meet patients' needs.
helps enable the organization to fulfill its mission
to care for others.
9. Training and Higher Education Increase in Fields of Specialization in Nursing
1. Neonatal Nurse
• As organizations struggle through the nursing - Neonatal nurses work in intensive care units that
shortage, it is essential not to neglect staff care for infants at risk for complications and in
training and education. need of specialized care.
- These include premature newborns and those
born with cardiac or other birth defects, genetic
conditions, or drug dependency.
- Neonatal nurses typically care for these infants
until they leave the hospital but, in some cases,
will provide care beyond the newborn phase.

2. Nurse Midwife
- Advanced practice registered nurses who
specialize in pregnancy, prenatal care, childbirth,
and postpartum recovery can earn certification as
nurse midwives.
- Nurse midwives care for patients from labor
10. Online Education Programs Will Increase in through delivery and provide postpartum
Popularity assistance.
- While primarily focused on pregnancy care,
• Experts are predicting that online nursing
these nurses may also offer general services for
programs and RN-to-BSN nursing bridge
women, including gynecological reproductive
programs will increase in popularity.
and preventive healthcare.
• During the pandemic, nursing colleges used
online classes to help reduce the spread of
3. Clinical Nurse
COVID-19. However, expect the trend in online
- This type of APRN needs a master's or Doctor of
classes to continue past the pandemic.
Nursing degree in a specialized area of nursing
• COVID-19 has changed how education is
delivered; research suggests that online learning
- Clinical nurses can choose focus areas such as
may increase the retention of information.
pediatrics, geriatrics, critical or emergency care,
o Data show it can take less time to learn
specific disease care (such as diabetes or
and may lower overhead for colleges and
cardiovascular illness), rehabilitation, mental
health, or pain management and wound care.
o Even before COVID-19, the U.S. had
invested billions in educational
4. Infection Control/Prevention Nurse
technology, including:
- Infection control and prevention nurses identify,
▪ virtual tutoring
surveil, and manage infections, diseases, and
▪ videoconferencing
▪ online learning software.
- These professionals have filled a critical role
during the COVID-19 pandemic, as healthcare
systems need specialized workers to focus on
patient case reporting and widespread infection
- They work at hospitals, clinics, and community
health centers.
5. School Nurse 9. Informatics Nurse
- School nurses work in elementary, middle, and - Many organizations, including hospitals, nursing
high schools in a crucial but underserved role. homes, insurance agencies, and public health
- Among many other duties, they treat and give agencies, use the services of informatics nurses
first aid for ill or injured students. to manage healthcare data and communications.
- School nurses also provide acute care, collect - These nursing specialists, trained in computer
health data, administer health screenings, and science, information technology, and nursing,
help students with chronic diseases. manage data integration among all healthcare
providers to help these organizations increase
6. Dialysis Nurse efficiency and improve patient care.
- Dialysis refers to the medical process of cleaning
the blood of patients who suffer from kidney- 10. Nurse Anesthetist
related diseases. - These APRNs administer anesthesia and pain
- These disorders inhibit their kidneys from medication, observe vital signs, adjust, and
filtering out unwanted waste and fluids from their monitor patients during surgical procedures and
blood. in recovery.
- Dialysis nurses operate the equipment that cleans - Nurse anesthetists work with patients of all ages
a patient's blood, assess the vital signs of patients in scheduled surgical operations or emergency
before and after the dialysis procedure, and procedures.
provide education about medications and - Prior to surgery, they record patient histories and
aftercare. provide information about the types of anesthesia
used in the procedure.

7. Family Nurse Practitioner 11. Nurse Educator

- Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) work with - Nurse educators are registered nurses who have
patients from childhood to adulthood in clinical completed advanced graduate training preparing
and family practice settings. them to teach nursing students in academic
- Over 65% of nurse practitioners hold FNP institutions or hospital nurse training settings.
certification, making it the most popular of all - In addition to teaching nurses enrolled in diploma
APRN categories. or degree programs, they also offer continuing
- FNPs examine, diagnose, and treat patients education and refresher courses for nursing
throughout the lifespan from childhood to old professionals.
age, with a particular focus on preventive care. - Other duties include advising students, creating
and evaluating nursing curriculum, conducting
research, and writing grants.
8. Public Health Nurse
- Public health nurses work with particular 12. Nurse Advocate
populations or communities, educating people on - Nurse advocates provide assessment, education,
health and safety issues and assisting them with and representation for patients, coordinating
access to healthcare. between patients and their doctors.
- Rather than providing individual patient care, - They review patient concerns and consult with
they focus on prevention. doctors to ensure quality and cost-effective
- They identify health concerns and prioritize healthcare.
safety issues within communities, prepare and - Their roles consist of educating patients about
implement safety plans, and serve as healthcare their conditions, treatments, and available
advocates. healthcare procedures and representing patients
by communicating their preferences and
mediating conflicts with their doctors.
13. Nurse Researcher assessing symptoms, making diagnosis, and
- These highly specialized nursing professionals administering treatment and medicine.
conduct scientific studies, analyze data, and - Whether self-employed or placed through an
report their findings about illnesses and agency, travel nurses take contracts anywhere
improving healthcare. from one month to two years.
- They work in a variety of settings including
hospitals and research laboratories. 17. Pediatric Nurse
- While nurse researchers do not provide direct - This popular nursing specialty focuses on the
nursing care to patients, they perform important healthcare needs of children from birth through
healthcare functions, focusing on topics that adolescence.
impact the field of nursing and save peoples' - Depending on their level of training, pediatric
lives. nurses provide both primary and preventive
healthcare, conduct physical exams, manage
14. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse chronic and acute illnesses, perform diagnostic
- These nurses assess, diagnose, and treat patients tests, and provide treatment plans. help children
with mental disorders. in a variety of settings.
- Psychiatric mental health nurses offer services to - They also provide healthcare education to
people who have mood disorders, phobias, patients and families.
depression, or dementia, as well as those
struggling with substance abuse issues or other 18. Geriatric Nurse
addictions. - As the baby boomer population ages, the demand
- In addition to administering medication and for geriatric nurses has expanded.
therapy, their duties include crisis intervention, - These RNs must complete broadly focused
mental health assessment and evaluation, and training to understand and treat the needs of the
patient assistance. elderly population.
- They work closely with primary care physicians,
15. Trauma Nurse social workers, families, and other caretakers to
- While working in emergency rooms, critical care manage the healthcare issues of their patients and
units, or as part of emergency medical response also help to educate them about their conditions
teams, trauma nurses help take care of patients in and treatment options.
critical, unstable, and life-threatening conditions.
- These RNs have received specialized training to 19. Acute Care Nurse
work with physicians to stabilize and treat - Acute care nurses provide treatment to patients in
traumatized patients. need of immediate assistance for severe or life-
- They administer wound care, emergency threatening issues, such as heart attacks or
medications, and IV fluids or blood transfusions; sudden complications from chronic illnesses like
operate life-saving equipment such as diabetes.
defibrillators and monitor vital signs. - This highly versatile nursing specialization offers
15 certifications in fields ranging from neonatal
16. Travel Nurse and pediatric acute care to adult cardiac and
- These RNs travel from one healthcare facility to gerontology acute care.
another across the country, and sometimes
internationally, to fill staffing needs for varying
periods of time.
- Travel nurses may specialize in a particular
practice area or perform the gamut of general RN
duties such as recording patient histories,
20. Oncology Nurse • Nurse Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is an
1. Oncology nurses care for patients receiving individual who organize operates and assumes
treatment for various stages of cancer. the risk of independent nursing practices,
2. They typically specialize in subfields such as consultant services etc., the nurse may be
pediatric cancer, geriatric cancer, breast cancer, involved in education consultation research etc.
or hematology. • Operating Room Nurse: The nurse monitor the
3. These nurses administer chemotherapy, identify progress of patients before and after surgery from
symptoms, and monitor progress. Oncology the time of entry in the operating room until
nurses also play a crucial role in creating a he/she is dismissed to the attending staff nurse.
comfortable and supportive environment for • Professional Nurse Care Manager: The nurse
cancer patients. case manager assesses the patients and develops
care according to expected outcomes in terms of
cost and quality.
Expanded Role of Nurses • Nurse Analyst: The nurse analyst is involved in
- An expanded role of nursing is one in which a data analysis and interpretation with regards to
nurse assumes expanded or increased effectiveness and efficiency of data collection,
responsibilities in a practice area and in most entry and use within the various areas of the
cases practice with greater autonomy. hospital and health care facility.
• Advanced Nurse Practitioner: A Nurse who • Travel Nursing: is a nursing assignment concept
has an advanced education and is a graduate of a that developed in response to the nursing
nurse practitioner program is employed in health shortage. This industry supplies nurses who
care agencies or in the community settings and travel to work in temporary nursing positions,
deals chronic illness and provide primary mostly in hospitals.
ambulatory care. • Nurse Oncologist: A specialized nurse who
• Clinical Nurse Specialist: The clinical nurse cares for cancer patients.
specialist has a master’s degree in nursing and • Sports Nursing: Sports medicine is a sub-
expertise in a specialized area of practice. CNS specialty of orthopedic medicine, largely
may work in primary care, acute care, involving injuries or traumas suffered as a result
rehabilitative care and community-based of training or competing in an athletic event.
settings. • Nurse Authors: Nurse works in any area of
• Nursing Administrator: Manage client care and writing, this written material may be used in
the delivery of specific nursing services within a research education, training and marketing
health care agency. • Space Nursing: Space nurses provides health
• Nurse anesthetist: Provide care pre-operative, services to astronauts.
intra operative and post-operative period. Assist • Nurse Liaison: The nurse Liaison’s role is
to anesthetist during surgery. multifaceted. They are the vital link between the
• Advanced Nurse Educator: The nurse is more potential patient and the rehabilitation facility.
advanced and frequently an expert in a particular • Hospice Nurse: The focus of hospice care is a
area of practice. comprehensive physical, psychological,
• Nurse Researcher: Participate in scientific emotional and spiritual care to terminal ill
investigation. Complete the research process. persons and their families. Hospice care
• Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: An acute care promotes quality of life.
nurse practitioner functions in the settings where • School Health Nurse: Nurse support the
critically ill patients reside, this type of nurses educational process by helping students keep
provide special expertise. healthy and by teaching preventive practices for
students and teachers.
• Tele Nursing: Providing nursing services by the 2. Increased Specialization
use of telecommunication and information • The demand for RNs who specialize in specific
technology whenever a large physical distance areas of medicine—psychiatry, obstetrics,
between patient and nurse. gerontology, etc.—is on the rise,” says Fuller.
• Cruise Ship/ Resort Nurse: These nurse work • Specialization enables the nurse to be an expert
on ship or resorts to provide emergency and in the area in which he or she is providing care. It
general care to passengers if required. also opens the door to opportunities for career
• Attorney: Nurse attorneys engage in a range of advancement.
legal activities by legal consultation. • Specialization, and subsequent certification,
• Disaster/Bio Terrorism Nurse: These nurses provides the patient and the health care
work in disaster areas that are result of bio institution with assurances that the nurse is
terrorist attack or in situation caused by natural highly knowledgeable and competent in a
or man-made disaster. specific area of care.
• Epidemiology Nurse: The nurse epidemiologist
investigates trends in disease occurrence in 3. Nurses Moving into the Community
particular area. They identify the population at Outpatient Setting
risk monitor the progress of disease, special areas • Health care has been increasingly shifting from
of health care need, determine priorities inpatient to outpatient settings.
• Ethicist: The nurse who knows about • This shift is in response to the need to control
legal/ethical issues and provides services for health care costs and the emergence of new and
patients and families is called nurse ethicist. better health care technologies.
• “Wellness is what nurses work toward, and
wellness begins in the community,” Fuller says.
Issues and Trends in Nursing “Our goal is to help people get and stay healthy,
and this is enhanced when nurses are working in
1. Continued Growth of Telehealth and Privacy the community, providing preventive and
Concerns restorative care.
• Use of telehealth services increased dramatically • Decreasing unnecessary visits and stays in acute
in 2020 due to the pandemic, and with this came care institutions helps decrease health care costs,
security and privacy concerns for all health care and nurses are in a prime position to make a great
providers. impact.”
• Every nurse should obtain a patient’s consent
prior to engaging in telehealth services. That 4. Rise of the Nurse Navigator
consent should include the steps to take in the • A nurse navigator is as a middleman between the
event of a technology failure during the patient and clinical care staff. They help navigate
appointment. the patient through the treatment process by
• Nurses must ensure the platform they’re using is connecting them to resources and information to
secure for the communication of sensitive data. make informed decisions. A nurse navigator
The need for privacy and the security of protected assists the patient from initial diagnosis to end-
health information is a health care trend that we’ll of-life treatment if necessary.
see well through 2021. • Nurse navigators are nurses who use their
medical knowledge along with their management
and people skills to guide patients through their
health care journey.
• They help patients navigate the health care 7. Furthering Nursing Education Online
system and take holistic approaches to improving • As more employers require their nurses to obtain
their overall quality of life. a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, universities
have expanded their online course offerings to
include an RN-to-BSN degree program. These
5. Expanding Entrepreneurship Opportunities programs help nurses further their education in a
• Entrepreneurship is a trend in nursing that’s on way that works with their busy schedules.
the rise. • It has expanded to include the online Master of
• Nurse navigators and nurse practitioners, who Science in Nursing and the online Doctor of
provide direct services to patients, are two Nursing Practice.
examples. • Many nurses are getting advanced degrees in
o This is particularly important in rural online programs.
areas that need services. Those areas are • Online education makes it accessible for nurses
ripe for having nurse entrepreneurs go in to earn their advanced degrees.”
and set up a business.
• Nurse informatics
• Nurse consultants who visit doctors’ offices and 8. Impact of the Looming Nursing Shortage
clinics to consult on electronic health records • The U.S. is facing a nursing shortage. According
(EHRs) to help with scheduling and with to the American Association of Colleges of
documentation. Nursing (AACN), that shortage is expected to
• And there are nurse entrepreneurs who work as increase as baby boomers age and the demand for
quality management experts for assisted care and health care services grows.
long-term care facilities. • There be a shortage among nursing care
providers, but there is also going to be a
significant shortage in nurse educators.
6. Increasing Need for Doctoral Education • As a result of shortage, employers may offer
• The number of nurses enrolling in doctoral nurses more money, bonuses, and tuition
education programs is growing, specifically for reimbursement.
the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). • Nurses will continue to see these benefits as
• Nurse practitioners are increasingly earning a employers aim to fill their vacancies.
doctoral-level education to fill some of that void.
• The future of nursing includes a mandate to have
more doctorally prepared nurses. There's 9. Nurses Getting Involved Through Advocacy
significant support in the industry for that. We and Action
will continue to see this nursing trend grow.” • As the largest group of health care providers in
the nation, nurses have a significant opportunity
to express a voice in the future of health care and
the health of our nation.
• Nurses can seek advocacy opportunities through
such organizations as the Nurses on Boards
Coalition and the AACN.
10. Implementing Self-Care in Nursing • GNAP – Gerontology Nurses Association of the
• Many nurses experience pain, stress, and trauma Philippines
firsthand on a daily basis, and that can take a • CNGP – Catholic Nurses Guild of the
strong physical and emotional toll. Philippines
• It may affect their mental health, job satisfaction, • CCNAPI – Critical Care Nurses Association of
and overall quality of life. the Philippines Inc
• This is why awareness and education on self-care • APDNPP – Association of Private Duty Nurse
for nurses is being prioritized in the field. Practitioners of the Philippines
• A nurse who takes better care of themselves can • ANSAP – Association of Nursing Service
take better care of their patients. Administrators of the Philippines
• ADPCN – Association of Deans of Philippine
Colleges of Nursing Inc.
List of Professional Organization and Associations
of Nurses in the Philippines:
• YNAP –Young Nurses Association of the
Philippines Inc
• SCVNPP –Society of Cardiovascular Nurse • Board Resolution No. 220 Series of 2004
Practitioners of the Philippines Promulgation of the code of ethics for registered
• RENAP –Renal Nurses Association of the nurses
Philippines • National Nursing Competency Standards
• PSECN – Philippine Society of Emergency Care • Continuing Professional development (CPD)
Nurses • National Nursing Career progression plan
• PONA – Philippine Oncology Nurses • Professional Advocacy
• PNA – Philippine Nurses Association
• PHICNA – Philippine Infection Control Nurses
• ORNAP – Operating-Room Nurses of the
• OHNAP - Occupational Health Nurses
Association of the Philippines
• NLGNP – National League of Government
Nurses of the Philippines
• NICUNAP – NICU Nurses Association of the
• NARS – Nagkakaisang Narses sa Adhikaing
Reporma sa Kalusugan ng Sambayanan
• MNAP – Military Nurses Association of the
• MCNAP – Maternal and Child Nurses
Association of the Philippines
• IAAPI – INFJ Alumni Association of the
Philippines Inc
• GNCF – Graduate Nurses Christian Fellowship

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