D. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the lessons, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the sellers and buyers; (RELATIONAL LEVEL OF SOLO TAXONOMY)
4. Anybody who
makes a purchase of
5. The person who
buys goods or services in
the market or store.
B. Establishing a purpose What can you say about 1. What business can you FAMOUS SUCCESSFUL Why is it necessary to
for the lesson the picture? create out of the things FILIPINO ensure that the product
you enjoy doing? Name at ENTREPRENEURS and service are of quality?
least three.
2. Why is it important to
build a business?
Do you have what it takes Do you have what it takes Do you have what it takes Do you have what it takes
to become a successful to become a successful to become a successful to become a successful
entrepreneur? entrepreneur? entrepreneur? entrepreneur?
E. Discussing new concepts Starting your own Starting your own Starting your own Starting your own
and practicing new skills business entails serious business entails serious business entails serious business entails serious
#2 hard work. It involves, hard work. It involves, hard work. It involves, hard work. It involves,
among others, activities among others, activities among others, activities among others, activities
such as research, such as research, such as research, such as research,
planning, testing, planning, testing, planning, testing, planning, testing,
developing, marketing, developing, marketing, developing, marketing, developing, marketing,
and the like. What type of and the like. What type of and the like. What type of and the like. What type of
business do you want to business do you want to business do you want to business do you want to
get into? A business get into? A business get into? A business get into? A business
involves selling a product involves selling a product involves selling a product involves selling a product
or service or both. A or service or both. A or service or both. A or service or both. A
product is something that product is something that product is something that product is something that
is manufactured following is manufactured following is manufactured following is manufactured following
a process, in order to be a process, in order to be a process, in order to be a process, in order to be
sold for a profit. A service sold for a profit. A service sold for a profit. A service sold for a profit. A service
is a facility supplying a is a facility supplying a is a facility supplying a is a facility supplying a
public or market needed public or market needed public or market needed public or market needed
or demand. Some or demand. Some or demand. Some or demand. Some
examples are hair salons examples are hair salons examples are hair salons examples are hair salons
offering hair care and offering hair care and offering hair care and offering hair care and
hairstyling services; bus hairstyling services; bus hairstyling services; bus hairstyling services; bus
companies, offering companies, offering companies, offering companies, offering
transport services; and transport services; and transport services; and transport services; and
spas and wellness centers spas and wellness centers spas and wellness centers spas and wellness centers
offering massage offering massage offering massage offering massage
services, skin care services, skin care services, skin care services, skin care
treatments, and the like. treatments, and the like. treatments, and the like. treatments, and the like.
There are two people or There are two people or There are two people or There are two people or
parties involved in parties involved in parties involved in parties involved in
business transaction such business transaction such business transaction such business transaction such
as selling and buying, the as selling and buying, the as selling and buying, the as selling and buying, the
seller and the buyer. seller and the buyer. seller and the buyer. seller and the buyer.
1. The Seller 1. The Seller 1. The Seller 1. The Seller
- owns or manages a store - owns or manages a store - owns or manages a store - owns or manages a store
or business establishment or business establishment or business establishment or business establishment
- offers goods, products, - offers goods, products, - offers goods, products, - offers goods, products,
or services to those who or services to those who or services to those who or services to those who
need it need it need it need it
- must learn the art of - must learn the art of - must learn the art of - must learn the art of
selling selling selling selling
- must maintain good - must maintain good - must maintain good - must maintain good
relationships with people, relationships with people, relationships with people, relationships with people,
patient, and courteous patient, and courteous patient, and courteous patient, and courteous
towards the prospective towards the prospective towards the prospective towards the prospective
consumers or buyers. consumers or buyers. consumers or buyers. consumers or buyers.
sells products, goods, or sells products, goods, or sells products, goods, or sells products, goods, or
services at a specified services at a specified services at a specified services at a specified
amount called selling amount called selling amount called selling amount called selling
price. price. price. price.
2. The Buyer 2. The Buyer 2. The Buyer 2. The Buyer
- buys goods or services - buys goods or services - buys goods or services - buys goods or services
from the seller from the seller from the seller from the seller
- is also a consumer who - is also a consumer who - is also a consumer who - is also a consumer who
makes use of the goods to makes use of the goods to makes use of the goods to makes use of the goods to
meet his/her needs or meet his/her needs or meet his/her needs or meet his/her needs or
wants and those of his wants and those of his wants and those of his wants and those of his
family family family family
– also called the end user – also called the end user – also called the end user – also called the end user
because they use the because they use the because they use the because they use the
good or product or service good or product or service good or product or service good or product or service
in order to meet the needs in order to meet the needs in order to meet the needs in order to meet the needs
and wants of consumers and wants of consumers and wants of consumers and wants of consumers
and derive satisfaction and derive satisfaction and derive satisfaction and derive satisfaction
from it. from it. from it. from it.
In deciding what type of In deciding what type of In deciding what type of In deciding what type of
business to get into, it business to get into, it business to get into, it business to get into, it
might be good to start with might be good to start with might be good to start with might be good to start with
a hobby or interest. It is a hobby or interest. It is a hobby or interest. It is a hobby or interest. It is
easier to work on easier to work on easier to work on easier to work on
something that you are something that youare something that youare something that youare
already passionate about. already passionate about. already passionate about. already passionate about.
You can produce You can produce You can produce You can produce
something that you can something that you can something that you can something that you can
offer or sell to your friends offer or sell to your friends offer or sell to your friends offer or sell to your friends
and schoolmates. School and schoolmates. School and schoolmates. School and schoolmates. School
fairs are a good fairs are a good fairs are a good fairs are a good
opportunity to sell. Among opportunity to sell. Among opportunity to sell. Among opportunity to sell. Among
the products that are the products that are the products that are the products that are
always in demand are always in demand are always in demand are always in demand are
food items. Start small food items. Start small food items. Start small food items. Start small
before you think of before you think of before you think of before you think of
producing bigger producing bigger producing bigger producing bigger
quantities. One has to quantities. One has to quantities. One has to quantities. One has to
practice his skills in food practice his skills in food practice his skills in food practice his skills in food
preparation, cooking and preparation, cooking and preparation, cooking and preparation, cooking and
food packaging. food packaging. In food packaging. In food packaging. In
In addition, one also has addition, one also has to addition, one also has to addition, one also has to
to observe safety observe safety practices in observe safety practices in observe safety practices in
practices in handling, handling, preparing, and handling, preparing, and handling, preparing, and
preparing, and serving serving food items. serving food items. serving food items.
food items. Whatever you Whatever you decide on, Whatever you decide on, Whatever you decide on,
decide on, you have to you have to remember to you have to remember to you have to remember to
remember to keep your keep your costs down keep your costs down keep your costs down
costs down while while maintaining the while maintaining the while maintaining the
maintaining the quality of quality of your product. quality of your product. quality of your product.
your product. Make sure Make sure to canvass and Make sure to canvass and Make sure to canvass and
to canvass and find out find out where you can find out where you can find out where you can
where you can source source your materials and source your materials and source your materials and
your materials and supplies in items, supplies in items, supplies in items,
supplies in items, purchase your ingredients purchase your ingredients purchase your ingredients
purchase your ingredients in a store or market that in a store or market that in a store or market that
in a store or market that sells fresh produce. Lastly, sells fresh produce. Lastly, sells fresh produce. Lastly,
sells fresh produce. Lastly, remember that the way a remember that the way a remember that the way a
remember that the way a product is presented to the product is presented to the product is presented to the
product is presented to the customer affects its customer affects its customer affects its
customer affects its stability. Food items, in stability. Food items, in stability. Food items, in
stability. Food items, in particular, must not only particular, must not only particular, must not only
particular, must not only be attractively packaged be attractively packaged be attractively packaged
be attractively packaged but more importantly, they but more importantly, they but more importantly, they
but more importantly, they should be protected from should be protected from should be protected from
should be protected from contaminants and contaminants and contaminants and
contaminants and spoilage. Like other spoilage. Like other spoilage. Like other
spoilage. Like other expense items, packaging expense items, packaging expense items, packaging
expense items, packaging must be of good quality must be of good quality must be of good quality
must be of good quality but also cost effective. but also cost effective. but also cost effective.
but also cost effective.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Read the Directions: Encircle the Directions: Match the Directions: Make a
(Leads to Formative following statements appropriate ingredients in words in column A with its simple packaging for the
Assessment ) below. Identify and write B making Graham Balls. meaning in column B. food item that you want to
if it refers to the Buyer and Write the letter of the make.
S if it’s Seller. correct answer before the
1. Owns or manages
a store or business
2. Also refers to a
consumer who makes use
of the goods to meet
his/her needs or wants
and those of his family.
3. Offers goods,
products, or services to
those who need it.
4. Sells products,
goods, or services at a
specified amount called
selling price.
5. Also called the end
user because they use the
goods or products or
services that meet the
needs and wants and
derive satisfaction from its
G. Finding practical How does identifying the Can you give examples of How do everyday Considering the broader
applications of concepts buyer and the seller relate situations from daily life transactions, such as context of economic
and skills in daily living to daily life? where you can identify the buying groceries, ordering exchanges, how does
buyer and the seller? food online, or purchasing understanding the roles of
clothes, involve identifying buyers and sellers impact
the roles of the buyer and consumer behavior,
the seller? market dynamics, and
business strategies in
daily life? How can this
understanding contribute
to making informed
choices and participating
effectively in economic
H. Making generalizations Who are the buyer and the Can you list examples of How do the roles of Reflecting on broader
and abstractions about seller in a transaction? buyers and sellers in buyers and sellers vary economic principles, how
the lesson different types of depending on the type of do the interactions
transactions? What are market, such as retail, between buyers and
some common products wholesale, or online sellers influence market
exchanged between platforms? How does the dynamics, pricing
buyers and sellers? production of simple strategies, and product
products involve both development? How can
buyers and sellers? understanding the roles of
buyers and sellers
facilitate effective
decision-making and
entrepreneurship in the
production and exchange
of goods and services?
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Write AGREE Directions: Arrange the Directions: Write TRUE if Directions: Answer the
on the line if the statement following steps in making the statement is correct. If following questions:
is correct and DISAGREE graham balls. Number the statement is FALSE, 1. How can making simple
if the statement is each step 1 to 8 underline the word that products help generate
incorrect. accordingly. makes it wrong. additional income for the
1. Buyers __________1. An family?
are persons who agree to entrepreneur must keep
purchase finished product costs down but still
s or services. maintain quality. 2. If you plan to have a
__________2. An business and be an
2. Sellers entrepreneur must have entrepreneur what product
should not provide the knowledge and skills will you offer? Why?
warranty for the products but not the proper values
or services. and attitude.
3. Sellers __________3. It is
are persons who transfer important to observe
goods and provide safety practices in
services in exchange for handling, preparing and
money. serving food items.
__________4. Products
4. Sellers
must be free from
should make business
organisms that cause
fairly with buyers.
5. To __________5. Packaging
provide warranty to buyers must be of good quality
is a right of the sellers. and cost-effective.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other