Grade 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I.Objectives
Grade 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I.Objectives
Grade 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I.Objectives
B. Performance Standards The learner independently The learner independently The learner independently The learner independently The learner independently
creates a plan of action that creates a plan of action that creates a plan of action that creates a business vicinity map creates a business vicinity
strengthens and or further strengthens and or further strengthens and or further reflective of potential market map reflective of potential
develops his or her PECs in develops his or her PECs in develops his or her PECs in in COOKERY in a province market in COOKERY in a
C.Learning a. identify areas for a. identify areas for a. identify areas for a. identify what is of “value” a. identify what is of “value”
Competencies/Objectives improvement, development improvement, development improvement, development of customer of customer
and growth and growth and growth b. identify the customer to sell b. identify the customer to
b. align one’s PECs according b. align one’s PECs according b. align one’s PECs according to sell to
to his/her business/career to his/her business/career to his/her business/career c. explain what makes a c. explain what makes a
choice choice choice product unique and product unique and
c. create a plan of action that c. create a plan of action that c. create a plan of action that competitive competitive
ensures success of his/her ensures success of his/her ensures success of his/her d. apply creativity and d. apply creativity and
business/career choice business/career choice business/career choice innovative techniques to innovative techniques to
develop marketable product develop marketable product
Write the LC Code for each: TLE_PECS9-12-00-1 TLE_PECS9-12-00-1 TLE_PECS9-12-00-1 TLE_PECS9-12-00-1 TLE_PECS9-12-00-1
III.LEARNING Cookery Manual Cookery Manual Cookery Manual Cookery Manual Cookery Manual
Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2
A. References Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational- Technical-Vocational-
Livelihood Livelihood Livelihood Livelihood Livelihood
Home Economics Home Economics Home Economics Home Economics Home Economics
Cookery Manual Cookery Manual Cookery Manual Cookery Manual Cookery Manual
Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2 Module 2 of 2
B. Establishing a purpose 1. After a brief discussion of the 1. After a brief discussion of 1. After a brief discussion of
for the lesson. Personal Entrepreneurial the Personal the Personal
Competencies (PECs). Begin Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial
with the Entrepreneurs. Competencies (PECs). Competencies (PECs).
2. Ask: What does entrepreneur Begin with the Begin with the
and entrepreneurship mean? Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs.
3. What are the characteristics 2. Ask: What does 2. Ask: What does
of an entrepreneur? entrepreneur and entrepreneur and
entrepreneurship mean? entrepreneurship mean?
3. What are the 3. What are the
characteristics of an characteristics of an
entrepreneur? entrepreneur?
4. Presenting State names that are popular State names that are popular Present sample interview
examples/instances of entrepreneurs in Pampanga in entrepreneurs in Pampanga in guide questions
the new lesson. the field of Cookery. the field of Cookery.
11. Additional activities for Perform task 1 and task 2 in Perform task 3 and 4 Perform task 5 and 6
application or module 2 of 2 in COOKERY Pages:12 and 15 Pages: 16 & 18
remediation page:11
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
formative assessment
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other