to express general truths Actions happening at the Actions that happened at Actions that started in
or facts moment of speaking: an unspecified time in the the past and are still
To describe habits or Temporary actions: I am past: I have visited continuing: He has been
routines: living in New York for a France. studying for three hours.
For scheduled events: month. Actions that have Actions that have
The train leaves at 6 PM. Future arrangements: We relevance to the present: recently stopped but
are meeting them She has lost her keys. have a present result:
tomorrow. Experiences: They have She has been crying (her
never been to Japan. eyes are red).
To express Actions that will be in Actions that will Actions that will
spontaneous progress at a specific be completed continue up until a We use the 'be going to'
decisions: I will help time in the future: At before a specific point in the future: form to express future
you with that. this time tomorrow, I time in the future: By the end of this plans, intentions, or
To predict future will be traveling. By next year, I month, I will have predictions based on
events: It will rain To talk about plans or will have been working present
tomorrow. arrangements: She graduated. here for five evidence,Indicate
To show willingness will be attending the years. spontaneous decisions.
or promises: We meeting next week.
will visit you soon. To be+going to+V1