(Imc Iii) - en - C15072 03 202409

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Digital motor protection control device is suited for

multiple motor starting method with a single model


Intelligent Motor Controller

• 1 model can be used on various motor start methods

• Wide range of protection functions
• Variety of remote surveillance control functions according to
the sequence structure

36 Product characteristics
A list of standard models
37 Rated specifications
Product & model numbering system
38 Operation & setting method
Rated specifications / Order type
47 Wiring & cable connection
Motor selection / Model numbering system
48 Dimensions
Operation & setting method
53 Terminal configuration / Wiring & cable connection
56 Dimensions

Intelligent Motor Controller

Direct start

Y-△ start



1 model can be used on start
various motor starting
S/V valve
1 IMC-III model can be applied on direct start
input drive, Y-△ drive, reversible drive,
reactor drive, inverter drive and S/V drive, Overcurrent
and it is also easy to respond to sequence
Under current
Stall/Locked Wide range of protection functions
Phase rotor
Reverse Overcurrent, undercurrent, open phase, reverse phase,
Ground failure
phase unbalance, stall/lock, ground fault protection and alarm
functions protect the motor safely.




Water Level

Variety of remote surveillance control

functions according to sequence
Simple sequence structures can not only enable local
operation (LOP) and MCC control, but this also enables
remote surveillance control using PLC or DCS-based
auto operation and auto-operation and
communication according to level changes.


Product characteristics

Ease of Use and Installation

By separating the main body with MCT and inserting it in the front panel, it allows the user to check various fault causes/fault current value as well
as operating the motor, and it also allows current/operation time and various functions to be set with simple button controls without taking out
the MCC unit. Furthermore, minimized installation space and simplified wiring creates a compact MCC unit and achieves easy maintenance and
reduced labor costs.


Aux Relay Button & Lamp

EMPR or TOR A-Meter



• Simplified wiring
• Reduced labor costs
• Compact Size Panel
• Easy maintenance
• Aesthetic exterior
• Variety of functions

Available on Inverter Circuits

Due to the outstanding current detection capabilities according to frequency change, the system can be used on secondary circuits of inverters.
The operable frequency range is 20~200Hz, and for details of other specifications, please contact the manufacturer.
However, ground fault protection function is only available at 50/60Hz, so if the ground fault protection function is enabled, it cannot be used with
an inverter.
If the start frequency is 20Hz, the system may malfunction.

Wide Current Adjustment Range: 1 model is capable of covering 0.125-1000A

Adjust the Dip S/W to modify the current adjustment range from 0.5-6A to 5-60A, and depending on the MCT wire penetration count, the current
can be adjusted up to 0.125A. If a separate external CT is used, it can be adjusted up to 1000A.

•External CT •2times(0.25 ~ 3A) •4 times(0.125 ~ 1.5A)

* External CT: Refer to supplementary devices (sold separately)

* MCT: Molded Current Transformer(must be purchased separately)


The moment stopping of power supply compensation and Restart

• The moment stopping of power supply compensation Ex) Incase of restarting delayed time 30S
- Line current reduces under 65% of rated voltage.
- When the moment stopping of power supply within 10S,
IMC-IIIa makes it restart same as before condition.
• Restart delayed time(0 ~ 300S) Information
- When the line voltage recovers over 75% rated voltage, it can be restarted. • It can be changed operation mode (ON, OFF) and count time
- when it restarted, IMC-IIIa makes it sequence restart 0~300s for prohibition overload. during countdown
- Indication of Restart delayed time countdown. • Changed operation mode can be applied after finishing count.

• Operating condition and maintain operation mode • When the short stopping power supply generates under
100ms, IMC-IIIa dose not detect, so the motor will maintain
- It can be maintained before the moment stopping power
normal condition
supply condition(Local, MCC, Auto, Remote)

Digital Ampere-Meter
It can be monitored indication of R, S, T current, and load ratings(%) by Bar LED. Indication of load
부하율 ratings

R-phase S-phase T-phase Max current

Fault analysis and Recording

It can be indicated fault cause and fault current value by 7-segment and LED.
At the moment of instantaneous stopping of power supply, it can solve the problem. Because of the fault storage.

R phase current value at trip S phase current value at trip T phase current value at trip

Cause of failure
Load factor at trip
Self-supervision and contactor failure function
IMC-IIIa can be checked self-supervision like a memory fault. When the motor starts/stops,
that indicates Error.No and turn on Sys.Fail LED by supervising Input/output condition.

Total operation time setting and storage

The total time the motor has been operated is stored for up to 10 years, so it is easy to manage the motor by checking the total operation time of
the motor, Continuous operation time can be stored and set for up to one year (8760 hours) without stopping, and the contact output and "OrH"
are displayed when the set operation time has elapsed It can be conveniently used for maintenance such as replacing the bearing of the motor
and oiling cycle.

When the user contact mode is normal mode, even if indicating “OrH Alarm, motor operates in normal condition

Communication function
It’s possible to communicate with other system and organize various communication Network by MODBUS/RS-485. And it’s also possible
to communicate with system by Analog current signal(4 ~ 20mA). So that makes it possible to interchange by using TD(Transducer).
• 4 ~ 20mA output

0.5 ~ 6A TYPE External current transformer (Secondary Current) 5 ~ 60A TYPE

Under 0.35A Over 6A Under 0.35A Over 5A Under 3.5A Over 60A
4mA 20mA 4mA 20mA 4mA 20mA

Product characteristics

Motor protection
Type Operating condition Operating Time Remark
Over current Inverse Over 110% setting current 1 ~ 60s/1s 600% standard operating time
Definite Over 105% setting current 1 ~ 60s/1s Delay time 1 ~ 200s
Phase fault Over 70% current phase unbalance Within 1.5s Maximum Phase Current - Minimum Phase Current
Phase fault rate = ×100(%)
Phase unbalance Current phase unbalance 30 ~ 50% Within 5s Maximum Phase Current

Reverse phase Reverse the current phase Within 0.1s Over 110% minimum ratings
Under current Rating current 30 ~ 70% Within 3s
Holding Stall Rating current 150 ~ 300% Within 5s Detection after over current setting time
Lock Rating current 200 ~ 700% Within 0.5s
Ground fault The current rating 0.1 ~ 2.5A setting 0.05 ~ 1.0s setting Ground fault delay operation
Pre-Alarm Over 120% setting value Bar-LED blinking

Sequence function
Type Contents Remark
Operating type Direct operation Non-reversible direct operation

Y-Δ operation Y operation time 1 ~ 120sec/1sec

Y-Δ switching time 0.05, 0.1, 0.2sec

Forward / Reverse operating Reversible direct operation

Reactor Reactor time 1 ~ 120sec/1sec

Inverter Inverter delayed time 0 ~ 1sec/0.1sec

Instantaneous Compensation time OFF, 1 ~ 20sec/1sec
power failure
Re-operation delay time 0 ~ 300sec/1sec
Under voltage detection (Rating control voltage × 65%) ± 10%

Recovering voltage detection (Rating control voltage × 75%) ± 10%

I / O Guaranteed Voltage (Rating control voltage × 60%) ±10%

User contact Normal(nor) Normal Mode
Time Delay ON Delay Timer
0 ~ 300sec/1sec MC-Ⅲa exclusion
(t-d) OFF Delay Timer

Flow Switch ON Delay Timer T3

Compare Timer › ON Delay Timer
(F-S) OFF Delay Timer T1 0 ~ 300sec/1sec
MC-Ⅲa exclusion
Compare Timer Timer T2
Remote control Local LOP(Local Operation Panel)

MCC Motor Control Center(IMC-III)

Auto PLC, DDC, DCS auto operation

W/L Water Level

Remote Modbus/RS485 communication

Emergency Stop External Trip 1, 2 IMC-Ⅲa exclusion

Communication function
Type Contents Specification Remark
Communication RS485
MODBUS Operation Differential
/ Baud rate 9600, 19200, 38400bps
RS485 Length Max 1.2km Different from local situation
Cable RS-485 Shielded twist 2-pair cable
Transmission Half-Duplex
Max in/Output voltage -7V ~ +12V


Protection function
• Overload protection (Overload-49)
Overload protection function of IMC-III detects currents flowing in a
motor and tracks the thermal capacity of the motor to protect the
motor from overheating. If 100% of the thermal capacity is reached,
an overload trip occurs, and the thermal capacity is then calculated
based upon the selected overload characteristic curve and
accumulated I2t value. By setting the rated current of the motor and
considering the motor start time, with 600% of the set current as
reference, 1-60 seconds are set as operation time in 1sec units to
determine an overload characteristic curve of Class1-Class60. If
definite time characteristic is selected, overcurrent is detected after
the operation delay time (D-Time) regardless of the motor’s thermal
capacity and if overcurrent continues to be applied beyond the
operation time (O-Time), a power trip occurs. <Inverse Time Characteristic> <Definite Time Characteristic>

• Stall/Locked rotor protection (Stall/Locked Rotor-48/51LR)

Equipment such as pumps or fans can be easily damaged if fault occurs due to which the rotor locking
occurs. IMC-III prevents rotor locking or failure or constant supply of large starting current due to
operation delay, and it also features blocking the circuit by detecting drastic increase in load current
due to overheating or overload during start, or detecting motor torque exceeding load torques. It
ensures that delay time is set so the functions do not trip due to operation current during motor

• Under Current protection (Under Current-37)

It is commonly used to prevent motor overheating by performing surveillance on unload status due to
the motor drive shaft dislocation or damage, pump’s continued idle (unload) status, or overheating
due to coolant or fan-based cooling damage. It can be set at 30-70% of the rated current, and it
operates within 3 seconds.

• Phase failure/ Unbalance protection (Phase Fail/Phase Unbalance-47P)

If open phase occurs due to internal faults of the motor or wiring issues, the motor cannot rotate or continues to rotate. In such case,
large reverse phase current flows into the rotor of the motor causing overheating. IMC-III calculates the imbalance ratio of 3-phase current,
operates as open phase at imbalance ratio of 70% or higher that trips within 1.5 seconds, and if the imbalance ratio is 30-50%,
it operates as phase imbalance that trips within 5 seconds. If a single-phase motor is used, please set it as OFF because open phase and
imbalance protection are impossible.

• Reverse Phase protection (Reverse Phase)

This function is to prevent the input current phase changing during motor start operation, in other words, reverse rotation. If the input
3-phase current changes its phase order when comparing the phase differences, the function operates within 0.1 seconds. However,
reverse phase can be detected at 110% of the minimum set current of IMC-III, and it only checks reverse phases during motor operation.
If a single-phase motor is used, please set it as OFF because open phase and unbalance protection are impossible.

• Ground Fault protection (Ground Fault-51G)

This function is used to prevent secondary accidents (short circuit, electrocution) due to electrical shorting by detecting short circuit or
short circuit current running in a motor. Depending on the protection system or protection purpose, the current sensitivity and operation
time must be set differently. Ground fault current sensitivity can be set between 100 and 2500mA, and ground fault operation time can be
set between 0.05 and 1.0 second. To detect the ground fault current, a separate ZCT (Zero phase Current Transformer) is used. However,
during inverter start, ground fault protection is unavailable, so one needs to set the function OFF in such a case.

Product characteristics

Various Fault Cause, Display and Save Fault Value Self-diagnostic function
With UP/DOWN[▲/▼] button, fault current values of each phase can MC status after Output Contact OFF control
be checked. and Fault Recording can be checked by pressing the If input contact is ON
[ESC+ENT] combination.
MC status after Output Contact OFF control
If input contact is ON

Overload Under Current External contact inputs “FOR” and “REV”

are made simultaneously

Locked Rotor Stall EEPROM Fault

Phase Loss Phase Unbalance

Flow Switch (F-S) Mode

Reverse Phase Ground Fault
During Motor Start During Motor During Motor Stop

If no F/S input is made If set operation time is

within the set time, exceeded Input

Time Delay (t-d) Mode Output



Setting setting
* IMC-Ⅲa Excluded

output During Motor Start

Setting 1) After ON control, if the F/S (Flow Switch) input is made within the set
* IMC-Ⅲa Excluded comparison timer - On delay timer duration, the motor starts after

ON Delay Time.
1) Once ON Delay Time passes after ON control, 88M turns On and the 2) If F/S input is not provided, the ON execution is canceled, “t2-F” is
motor starts. displayed, and OFF continues.
2) Once OFF Delay Time passes after OFF control. 88M turns OFF and
the motor stops.
During Motor Operation
1) If F/S input disappears during motor operation, 88M turns OFF and
External Trip Input the motor stops.
2) Then, the comparison timing operates, and if F/S input is made
within the comparison Time - On Delay Time duration, the motor
restarts after ON Delay Time.
3) If F/S input is not made within the comparison Time - On Delay
Time, “t2-F” is displayed, and OFF status continues.
4) If OFF control is made, 88M turns OFF after the predefined OFF Delay
Time and the motor stops.
ex) Motor operates normally with T1 Timer: 1S, T2 Timer: 10S, T3
Timer: 5S setting After F/S input is turned OFF, the re-input must be
made within 10S-5S=5S in order to resume motor operation
*External TRIP 1 (Terminal 10) is designed to suit FO/FC vale operation. without displaying “t2-F.”
*External TRIP 2 (Terminal 11) executes trip and displays “Etrp” on the screen after receiving a signal.
(Remove external TRIP 2 signal, reset to release, and resume normal operation) Note) Comparison Timer must be larger than the ON Delay Timer.

Rated specifications & model numbering system IMC-III

Rated specifications
Type IMC-III(a)
Operating time Inverse time / Definite time
Current 0.125~60A (Within 1 model)
Indication 4 digit, 7-Segment
Control power AC 110/220V (50/60Hz)
Return method Auto 1~20min

Manual Return immediately

Installation Panel purchase installation
Tolerance Current ±5%

Time ±5%

4~20mA ±5%

Time setting Inverse time 1~60sec/1s

Definite time D-Time 1~200sec/1s

O-Time 1~60sec/1s
Output contact Capacity 5A/250VAC impedance load
Composition Operating contact 3a Forward/Reverse, Y-Δ, Reactor, Inverter start
Condition contact 3a Local, Auto, W/L Status display (W/L: IMC-Ⅲa exclusion)
Timer contact 2a ON Delay, OFF Delay (IMC-IIIa exclusion)
Trip contact 1a Fault output
Input contact Operating input 5a Local, Auto, Water Level, Flow Switch Operation input (Flow Switch: IMC-Ⅲa exclusion)
MC condition input 1a Sequence status monitoring (LED lights up)

External trip 2a Utilize sequences such as emergency stop

ZCT Ratings 200mA/0.1mA (ZCT)

Specification ø25, ø40, ø80

Service Service temperature -10℃ ~ 55℃
Storage temperature -20℃ ~ 70℃

Relative humidity within 80% RH, no condensation

Insulation Resistance DC 500V 10MΩ more
Lightning impulse voltage 1.2×50μs 5kV Standard waveform application
Fast Transient 2kV/1Min
Power Consumption 6W or less

Model numbering System

IMC-III a NO AC 110V 50/60Hz

Function Communication Control Power Frequency

- Option Normal M485 AC 110V 50/60Hz
a Standard (No communication) A420 AC 220V
A420 Analog 4~20mA


MCT Cable Length

2M 2m
4M 4m
Operation & setting method

Display configuration

Current & Operation mode

Information LED

R, S, T Phase
indication Condition LED

Standard unit & Malfunction

load ratings preventing
Indication LED
of load ratings

Motor condition

Motor start/stop Setting value

button choice & move to

Trip Reset button Setting store

Operation mode
Indication of trip
IMC-IIIa main unit analysis,
Indication of
setting group.


Rear view Setting method

① The first stage will be indicated maximum current in
Rating type znormal condition
setting S/W
Communication MCT connection ② When the UP/DOWN(▲/▼) button is pushed, A, B, C group
connection CON CON is indicated.
③ When user push the ENT button after selecting group, it
move to the detail setting contents.
④ After selecting contents by pushing UP/DOWN(▲/▼)

button, if user push the ENT button, the setting value will
be stored.
⑤ When UP/DOWN(▲/▼) button is pushed, the setting value
will change, so that after selecting contents, if you push the
ENT button , setting value will be stored.
⑥ After setting, if user push the ESC button, IMC-IIIa will be
returned normal operating condition.
⑦ Set the other setting items in the same way.
⑧ Press the RESET button during the setting to return to
normal operation mode.

Note) 1. Pls note that setting value can be changed during motor operation.
2. If user did not operate for 10S , Setting value and group setting contents will
returned to current indication mode automatically.


Group No. Setting Indication Setting value Default value Remark

Operating Characterist
1 동작특성 (과전류보호) Inu/dEF Inu Inverse/Definite time selection
(Over current protection)
Operating time
2 동작시간
(Over (과전류보호)
current protection) 1 ~ 60/1s 60
In case of definite time,
Operating delayed time motor operating time
3 동작지연시간 (과전류보호) 1 ~ 200/1s 200
(Over current protection)

4 Setting of rated current 0.5 ~ 6/0.1(A), 5 ~ 60/1(A) 6 / 60 6/60A selection

A. grp Basic setting

5 CT ratio 0.25, 0.5, 1 ~ 200/1 1 Impossible to set in case of selection 60A

6 Start type selection dir/y-d/F-r/Ind/Iut dir Direct, Y-Δ. Reactor, Inverter start
5 Reactor start time
7 Y operation time 1 ~ 120/1
(Inverter start:0) Inverter start delayed time(0 ~ 1s)
8 Y-D switching time 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 (s) 0.2
Short time power off
9 정전보상시간
compensation time
OFF, 1 ~ 20/1s OFF
9. It can be indicated only in case of short
10 Re-start time 0 ~ 300/1s -
time power stop compensation time

1 Lock protection OFF, 200 ~ 700/100 (%) OFF

2 Stall protection OFF, 150, 200, 300 (%) OFF

3 결상 기능 사용 OFF/On On
protection enabled
B. grp Protection function

4 Unbalance protection OFF, 30, 40, 50 (%) OFF

5 Reverse phase protection OFF/On OFF Only during operation

6 Under current protection OFF, 30 ~ 70/5 (%) OFF

7 Ground fault protection OFF/On OFF OFF setting in case of inverter start
Ground fault
8 지락 동작전류
operation current
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 (A) 0.1

Ground fault 7. Indication by ground fault

9 지락 동작시간 0.05, 0.1 ~ 1.0/0.1s 0.05 7. 지락기능 선택 여부에 따라 표시
operation time protection seleection
10 Ground fault delay OFF/On OFF

1 I/O state information 4-segment 사용설명서

Notify 참조
the manual

Total operation time Total operation time checking Time check,

시간확인, 설정불가 Day → hour, min
일→시간.분 (최대 10년)
Setting disabled (Max.1year : 8760 hour)
Time check, Operation time →Day → Hour,
3 Operation time Operation time checking 시간확인, 설정불가 운전시간→일→시간.분 (최대 min
1년 : 8,760시간)
Setting disabled (Max.1year : 8760 hour)
Operation time setting OFF, 10 ~ 8760/10 (H) OFF After
설정 reached
"OrH" 표시time,
indicating “OrH”
Contactor check OFF/On On MC
입력 input check Err1, 2 표시 안 )
확인 (OFF시
C. grp Additional function

(OFF→not indicated Err1,2)

6 User contact mode nor/t-d/F-S nor Normal/Time delay/Flow switch

7 ON Delay Timer 0 ~ 300s/1s 0

Can be set when t-d or
t-d, F-S모드 선택시 설정가능
F-S mode is selected
8 OFF Delay Timer 0 ~ 300s/1s 0

comparison Timer 0 ~ 300s/1s Can be set when selecting F-S mode

9 0 comparison Timer > ON Delay Timer

10 Auto- returning OFF, 1 ~ 20min/1min OFF

11 Communication address 1 ~ 255 1 Only indication of communication model

12 Communication Spped 96, 192, 384 96 bps (×100)

Floating data frame reverse

13 SWAP OFF/On On Floating Data Frame 역순(3, 4, 1, 2) 선택
(3, 4, 1, 2) selection
*Changing 6. Start Setting of A.grp basic settings, and 6. User Contact Mode of C.grp additional functions during motor operation can cause motor malfunctioning, so do not change their settings.
*If 10. Ground Fault Delay Function of B.grp protection function is set as ON, ground fault is detected after O-t in case of inverse time and d-t in case of definite time
*Menus 6-9 of C.grp additional functions are not displayed on IMC-Ⅲa.
*Some menus are not displayed according to their specific function settings (refer to remarks).

Operation & setting method

Rated current setting

1) IMC-IIIa rated current can be selected 6A(0.5 ~ 6A), 60A(5 ~ 60A)
① Protective operation is possible only above the minimum rated current.
(6A Tap is 0.5A or less, 60A Tap is 5A or less)
② Be sure to operate within the rated range because the current may be displayed incorrectly or
the protection may be malfunctioning.
③ When changing the adjustment software, be sure to turn off the power. Note) Don’t change the switch during the operation.

2) To select the rated current.

① User has to switch the IMC-IIIa power OFF → ON
② User has to switch the IMC-IIIa ON → OFF
③ Turn on the IMC-III control
④ Move to [4.r-C] item in setting group A and set the detailed rated current.
- After finishing motor starting, set the 110~115% of real load current in the load operation condition.

• Load under 0.5A • Over 60A load

- Set the CT ratio 0.5 or 0.25 in the [6.ctr] - Usage of external CT
- MCT cable penetration increase from 2 times to 4 times - CT ratio (1 ~ 200) : Maximum 1000A
- Rated current setting range : 0.25 ~ 3A(2 times), 0.125 ~ 1.5A (4 times)

Operating time setting

1) It can be set 1 ~ 60s in the A group in [2.O-t]
① In case of selecting inverse time in the [1.CHA]
- Setting operation time is 600% standard of rated current
② In case of selecting the definite time
- The standard is over 105% of rated current.
- User has to set the operation delayed time 1 ~ 200s In the [3.d-t] considering motor operating time.

Special function key

• Turn the heating capacity into clear and return by force
IMC-IIIa inverse time protects overload fault by sensing the applied current on the motor, trace heating condition of motor. Motor has heating
capacity until completed cold status even if . motor stopped. IMC-IIIa accumulates heating capacity values similar with motor.
In case of continuous re-start, or generating the trip, it can be tripped by acknowledgement Hot curve through the cumulated heating capacity.
If user want to re-start even if damaged to motor, push the + button. in conclusion,
cumulative heating capacity remove and can be reset.

• Fault Recording
IMC-IIIa provides fault recording function even if power is OFF.
If user push the + button, user can check the Fault analysis and fault current value. If user push the button, fault analysis and
fault recording will be deleted.
If there is no string data, it will be indicated “non” And then if user push the + button, it will come back to normal mode.

• Transfer to current indication mode.

If user push the button for 2 seconds, it will come back to current indication mode.

3-phase current
circulation indication

Maximum phase
current indication
Note) If user push the RESET button for over 10s, IMC-IIIa will come back first
manufacturing status. At this time, user has to know that setting and storing
value is deleted and comes back first manufacturing status.


Total operation time

• Total operation time check: → → day → → Hour minute

ex) If total operation time is 50hours 50 minutes: → → 2 days → → 2.50(2 hours 50 minutes)

• Operation time → → Total operation time → → converse day → → Extra hour, minutes

ex) If operation time is 50 hours 50minutes: → →5 0 hours → → 2days → → 2.50 (2 hours 50 minutes)

Refer to the following for I/O information:

• 1st and 2nd 7-segment are DI information which are as follows • 3rd and 4th 7-segment are DO information which are as follows
(#9 is trip relay output for which I/O information cannot be
checked during trip status)

1 : ExternalON(FORWARD)input 1 : 88M output (12-15 Relay output )

2 : External REVERSE input 2 : 88D output (13-15 Relay output )
1 2 3 4 3 : STOP input 1 2 3 4 3 : 88Y output (14-15 Relay output )
4 : LOP input 4 : OFF Timer Relay output✽
5 : Open/Close status input 5 : LOP status output
6 : External Trip 1 input ✽ 6 : AUTO status output
5 6 7 8 7 : External Trip 2 input ✽ 5 6 7 8 7 : W/L status output ✽
8 : RESET input 8 : ON Timer Relay output ✽
9 9 : F-S input 9 9 : Trip Relay output

Note) Items with ✽ do not support IMC-Ⅱ

Operation mode handling method

Operation priority: Local > MCC > Auto, W/L > Remote

Local Operation Panel mode W/L- Water Level Auto Operation Mode
The local operation mode is the highest priority It is the mode that allows auto operation and
mode, When the emergency situation generates, remote control according to level change.
it can control motor in the local site. Only in case of If W/L LED is lighting up by pushing
closing switch to the local site, motor can be the button, it’s possible to control motor
controlled. in the IMC-IIIa. Like Auto mode, auto operations
At that time, Local LED of IMC-IIIa is lighting on, can using PLC or DDC are also available.
not be controlled in another modes. In such a case, controls from MCC, Auto and
Remote are unavailable.
Motor Control Center mode *If LOP/Auto mode are used together, to differentiate inputs, the
This mode is possible to operate in the IMC-IIIa of interlock circuit must be configured with status output contacts.

MCC panel. If MCC LED is lighting up by pushing (refer to Wiring Method)

*IMC-Ⅲa excluded
the button, it’s possible to control motor in
the IMC-IIIa.
At this time, it can not be controlled by in AUTO. Remote - communication operation mode
This mode is for remote monitoring control by
Auto - PLC automatic operation mode Modbus, RS-485.
This mode can provides automatic operation and If the Auto / Remote LED blinks by operating the
remote control by PLC, DDC, DCS. button of IMC-III, remote control by
If Auto/Rem LED is lighting up by pushing MODBUS / RS485 communication is possible,
the button, it’s possible to control motor in and data such as 3-phase current value, fault
the IMC-IIIa. value, and various setting values can be
In such a case, controls from MCC, Auto and checked.
Remote are unavailable. In such a case, controls from MCC, Auto and
Remote are unavailable.
* 4~20mA output model can check only current Value through the
Analog communication(4~20mA)

Wiring & cable connection

Direct start sequence


Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
*IMC-Ⅲa does not use input terminal 8 and output terminal 18, 21 and 22.
*If power is supplied to Terminal 11 (External Trip), “Etrp” is displayed on the screen and the trip operates 17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)
(remove power source that supplies to Terminal 11 (External Trip) and reset to restart)

Y-△ start

Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)
*IMC-Ⅲa does not use input terminal 8 and output terminal 18, 21 and 22.
*If power is supplied to Terminal 11 (External Trip), “Etrp” is displayed on the screen and the trip operates
(remove power source that supplies to Terminal 11 (External Trip) and reset to restart)


For/Rev start


Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
*IMC-Ⅲa does not use input terminal 8 and output terminal 18, 21 and 22.
*If power is supplied to Terminal 11 (External Trip), “Etrp” is displayed on the screen and the trip operates 17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)
(remove power source that supplies to Terminal 11 (External Trip) and reset to restart)

Reactor start

Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
*IMC-Ⅲa does not use input terminal 8 and output terminal 18, 21 and 22.
*If power is supplied to Terminal 11 (External Trip), “Etrp” is displayed on the screen and the trip operates 17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)
(remove power source that supplies to Terminal 11 (External Trip) and reset to restart)

Wiring & cable connection

Inverter start

Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port •Inverter Start

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
possible Time adjustment

* OUTPUT TX0 •Bypass Start

*IMC-Ⅲa does not use input terminal 8 and output terminal 18, 21 and 22.
*If power is supplied to Terminal 11 (External Trip), “Etrp” is displayed on the screen and the trip operates 12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
(remove power source that supplies to Terminal 11 (External Trip) and reset to restart) 17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)
possible Time adjustment

FO/FC valve start (Forward/Reverse) (IMC-IIIa excluded)

Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)
* FO : Full open * Only Normal Mode
FC : Full close


S/V Start (Direct Input) (IMC-IIIa excluded)


Auto State contact

W/L State contact


* INPUT (220VAC) * Communication Port

1,3,5,6-2 (COM1) RS485 4~20mA
7,8,10,11-9 (COM2) RX0 (-)pole
RX1 (+)pole
* S/V : Solenoid Valve
*If power is supplied to Terminal 11 (External Trip), “Etrp” is displayed on the screen and the trip operates 12,16-15 (VCC1) TX1
(remove power source that supplies to Terminal 11 (External Trip) and reset to restart) 17,18,19,21,22-20 (VCC2)

① Once ON S/W input is made, S/V (Solenoid Valve) turns ON and OFF Delay Timer T1 turns ON.
② If F/S (Flow Switch) input is made with set [T2-T3] time, ON Delay Timer T3 turns ON.
③ After the set time since activation of ON T3 , the comparison timer T2 turns OFF, 88MX turns ON and the motor starts.
④ If F/S input is not made within a set [T2-T3] time, ON execution is cancelled and “t2-F” is displayed.
⑤ Comparison timer T2 must be larger than ON Delay Timer T3 , and it must consider the time needed for F/S inputs to be made.
⑥ If OFF S/W input is made to stop the motor, S/V and motor are OFF Delayed by the T1 set time.
⑦ If F/S input is removed during motor operation

Terminal number
Terminal No Explanation Terminal No Explanation

1 LOP selection input 14 Y Start/Reverse Rotation /Reactor/Bypass Contact Output

2 COM1 (1, 3, 4, 5, 6) 15 VCC1 (12, 13, 14, 16)
3 ON input 16 LOP condition output
4 Reverse Rotation ON Input (Bypass) 17 AUTO condition output
5 STOP input 18 Water Level condition output
6 RESET input 19 TRIP output (1a)
7 MC condition input 20 VCC2 (17, 18, 19, 21, 22)
8 F-S mode input * 21 ON Delay Timer output (t-d, F-S mode)
9 COM2 (7, 8, 10, 11) * 22 OFF Delay Timer output (t-d, F-S mode)
10 External trip1 input 23 Control Power (AC 110V or 220V)
11 External trip2 input 24 Control Power (AC 110V or 220V)
12 ON output 25 ZCT input (k )
13 △Start/Inverter Contact Output 26 ZCT input (ℓ)

* Normal Mode
20-21 : Operation Time Alarm(“OrH”) Output
20-22 : Not Used 19

IMC-IIIa main unit


In case of MCT combination

MCT CODE Model Remarks

76012533005 CT,MCT,2M,IMC-III
76012533006 CT,MCT,4M,IMC-III

76012533007 CT,MCT,2M,(EXP),IMC-III
76012533008 CT,MCT,4M,(EXP),IMC-III

76012533107 CT,MCT,2M,(EXP),IMC-III,CHINA
Note) 1. This product is only for EMPR, IMC, user must not use for other service
76012533108 CT,MCT,4M,(EXP),IMC-III,CHINA for E-mark)
2. Pls order each 3EA with IMC-IIIa, because this product is 1CT type.





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