Yang2004 1
Yang2004 1
Yang2004 1
Received 23 April 2003; received in revised form 8 October 2003; accepted 28 January 2004
The fatigue properties of high strength 42CrMoVNb steel with three fine grain sizes produced by different heat treatment pro-
cedures are studied in this paper. The experimental results illustrate that there is no horizontal asymptote in fatigue S–N curves
for smooth specimens at 106–107 cycles regime, hence the conventional fatigue limit eliminates. The fatigue crack initiation sites in
smooth specimens were related closely to fatigue life, and most of the fracture origins initiated at the inclusions. The diameters
and locations of these inclusions were measured, and their morphology was observed in SEM. The critical size of inclusion and
the appropriate grain size of prior austenite, which should be controlled in practical production, are obtained by analyzing the
experimental data.
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: High strength 42CrMoVNb steel; Fine grain; Inclusion; Fatigue strength; Fatigue crack initiation site
Table 1
Heat treatment procedures, prior austenite grain sizes and tensile properties of 42CrMoVNb
Fig. 2. The appearances of prior austenite grain boundary networks of the steels: (a) ADF1-880, (b) ADF1-920, (c) ADF1-940.
Z.G. Yang et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 26 (2004) 959–966 961
Table 2
Fatigue properties (at 107 cycles)
Table 3
Fatigue cracking data of ADF1-880
Specimen no. Applied stress, Fatigue life, Stress ratio, Fatigue crack Distance, Inclusion
rmax (MPa) Nf (cycle) rmax/r1 initiation sitea D (lm) diameter, / (lm)
Table 4
Fatigue cracking data of ADF1-920
Specimen no. Applied stress, Fatigue life, Stress ratio, Fatigue crack Distance, Inclusion
rmax (MPa) Nf (cycles) rmax/r1 initiation sitea D (lm) diameter, / (lm)
ADF1-920-06 750 9:97 106 0.98 I 247 40
ADF1-920-08 775 3:025 105 1.01 I 24 44
ADF1-920-05 775 7:79 106 1.01 I 215 29
ADF1-920-10 775 9:91 106 1.01 I 253 36
ADF1-920-01 800 8:93 105 1.04 I 36 17
ADF1-920-04 800 1:84 106 1.04 I 68 23
ADF1-920-12 800 2:72 106 1.04 I 105 22
ADF1-920-14 850 2:27 106 1.11 I 91 38
ADF1-920-16 875 1:70 106 1.14 I 180 29
ADF1-920-15 900 1:03 105 1.17 SI 0 27
ADF1-920-17 900 1:77 105 1.17 SI 0 17
ADF1-920-19 950 1:37 105 1.24 SI 0 21
ADF1-920-18 950 1:40 105 1.24 SI 0 38
ADF1-920-20 1000 8:70 104 1.30 SI 0 10
I, internal inclusion; SI, surface inclusion; S, surface matrix.
Table 5
Fatigue cracking data of ADF1-940
Specimen no. Applied stress, Fatigue life, Stress ratio, Fatigue crack Distance, Inclusion
rmax (MPa) Nf (cycles) rmax/r1 initiation sitea D (lm) diameter, / (lm)
surface of three steels. Surface cracks started usually at men surface, lm; R, the diameter of working section of
surface inclusions for ADF1-920 and at surface matrix specimen and R ¼ 4000 lm. When only the interior
for other two lower strength steels, except two speci- inclusions are considered and rL =r1 < 1, we can find
mens of ADF1-940, in which cracks initiated at inclu- the fatigue life of all specimens is above 106 cycles. So,
sions inside with extraordinary large sizes and at short the ratio of local stress to fatigue strength is an impor-
distances from the surface. But when rmax r1 and tant factor affecting the type of crack initiation.
Nf > 106 cycles, the fatigue cracks for all the fractured Moreover, under the present experiment conditions,
specimens initiated at interior inclusions. a simple linear relationship between the internal inclu-
According to the stress distribution in the cross sec- sions’ size / and location D can be found
tion of a specimen under rotating bending, we can
assume, instead of rmax, the local stress at inclusion
center, rL, / ¼ 12:5 þ 0:076D ð3Þ
rL ¼ rmax 1 ð2Þ among filled symbols that represent the local stress
rL =r1 < 1, as shown in Fig. 9. This means that the
where rmax is the maximum stress applied, MPa; D, the diameter / of the cracking inclusions should increase
shortest distance from an inclusion center to the speci- with increase in the distance D. But the open symbols
Z.G. Yang et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 26 (2004) 959–966 963
4. Discussion
Fig. 6. An internal inclusion as fracture origin on the fracture sur-
face observed by SEM, showing its global and broken appearance. 4.1. Elimination of fatigue limit for high strength steel
(a) Location of an inclusion; (b) appearance of an inclusion (speci-
with fine grain
men ADF1-920-06#: rmax ¼ 750 MPa, Nf ¼ 9:97 106 cycles,
D ¼ 247 lm, / ¼ 40 lm).
The results presented above show that all three steels
cracked from inclusions when rmax r1 . Their fatigue
lives are within 3:6 106 1:28 107 cycles. There is no
conventional fatigue limit at 107 cycles. Miller and
O’Donnell [9] and Murakami et al. [10–12] have dis-
cussed possible factors which may cause fatigue failure
in the regime of Nf > 107 cycles. According to their
viewpoint, it is not so easy to identify the crucial mech-
anism, among many possible factors for eliminating the
fatigue limit. However, special attention should be paid
to the influence of the hydrogen trapped by non-
metallic inclusions in high strength steels.
Fig. 7. Radial ledges around an inclusion served as crack initiation
site (specimen ADF1-880-17#: rmax ¼ 775 MPa, Nf ¼ 8:05 106 4.2. Influence of grain size on the tensile and fatigue
cycles, D ¼ 66 lm, / ¼ 35 lm). properties of high strength steel
Fig. 10. Relation between austenite grain size and tensile strength.
5. Conclusions
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