TOA Timeline Presentation Revised
TOA Timeline Presentation Revised
TOA Timeline Presentation Revised
The TOA/ Timeline must be agreed upon by all members of the team. It will be the first milestone on
the project.
Please fill in all questions below. Your team may choose to do things in a way that makes sense to the
team. I will not grade you on what you do or do not do.
I will not interfere with any group problems. That being said the team can also fire members if they are
not actively participating in the project. This is why you should post all correspondence in the group area
of Bb so you have documentation of those who have participated and those that have not.
I want every person in the team to turn in the same agreement. This is so I know all members agree. If
the agreement needs to be modified after a member drops the course or is fired from a group, it is the
groups responsibility to get the new agreement to me.
The team may issue point penalties, up to 20% worth of the total points of the assignment. So you may
want to incorporate specific penalties for 1st , 2ed and 3rd offences.
1. Who are your team members and what is your topic number? Trevor, Nekayla, Kristin. Topic
2. Explain how all group work will be divided. We will all type up our portion of the
presentation, Each person will be responsible for discussing his or her slides.
3. Who will be responsible for making sure everyone’s name is on all documents? Kristin
4. Who will be responsible for turning work in through Brightspace? There will be some
documents like this agreement all team members will need to turn in individually. Others like
the final presentation in which only one person turns in on the discussion board. Nekayla
5. What is the protocol if a team member misses an agreed upon deadline? For example, will
that team member be allowed an extension? Or, will that team member be kicked out of the
group? The team may issue grade penalties, up to 20% of the total amount of points. Or, is
there another way your team will handle missed deadlines? You need to be specific. A 10%
penalty for missed deadlines. Failure to participate at all results in being kicked out.
6. How will your team handle one team member dropping the course, not participating in the
group area, not returning texts or emails, etc.? The required work will be divided equally
between present members.
7. How will your team handle team members getting “off topic”? Friendly reminders to remain
on topic.
8. If one team member finds themselves doing all the work, how will your team handle that
situation? Confrontation and Communication will be used. Working together to find a
9. What is the protocol for firing a team member? Emailing both the student in question as well
as the professor.
10. What is the protocol for quitting the team? Communication and transparency.
11. Is there any other information you would like to provide? n/a
Team Operating Agreement/ Timeline 2
12. Your team will also be required to develop a timeline for when work will be done.
a. What are three things that you will do prior to the due date of the Research Project.
Complete 5 slides each with one containing a voice recording. Images and statistics will
be chosen.
b. Where will your team meet to do any outside work? Or, will your team meet “online”
only? Group chat/ Facetime
c. When will the breakdown of the work need to be posted in the group area? Need
specific dates and times. All group members must participate in obtaining sources, and
developing the PP presentation. An example is by Friday 9/30 everyone must have 3
sources posted in the group area. By Friday 10/7, everyone must have 1 slide posted
etc… be specific and realistic. If you know you have to travel in a certain week for work
consider that in your timeline. Complete 5 slides In a week, be communicative and
consistent. Results be posted Sunday night.