GM600 Team Charter-1
GM600 Team Charter-1
GM600 Team Charter-1
MEMBER NAME Tara Backes Tom Nicolosi Nicodemus Pederson Maria Ana Yagi
AVAILABILITY Afternoons after 2pm After 8 m (Off Monday-Wednesday) After 8pm (works weekends) Any time
Our client is John Bennett, instructor at Keller Graduate School. He is interested in establishing a Vodka distillery in Vancouver, WA. His contact information: 360-600-2660, [email protected]
Deliverable Environment Analysis Marketing Plan Operations Plan Financial Plan Final Business Plan
Division Leader Assigned Tom Nicolosi Maria Ana Yagi Nicodemus Pederson Tara Backes Tara Backes
b) Communication Plan: WEEKLY: - 5:00pm Monday Meeting with John Bennett - 9:00pm Wednesday Conference Call using _______ Other Planned Meetings: th Sunday, March 4 3:30pm with John Bennett @ Distillery in Vancouver th Sunday, April 15 3:30pm at Keller to do final review and presentation review
c) Documentation:
1 GM600 Keller Graduate School of Management Capstone Team Charter.
How will documentation be shared and stored? -All documents will be emailed to Tara Backes for initial review. She will post documents in the Team Area in the Course Shell, and send everyone an email to be reviewed by the team. -Jay will be CCd on all emails to the team. When will documents be delivered to the team leader for submission to the drop box? -All documents will be emailed to Tara Backes Friday before they are due. This will give the team the weekend for edits, and she will turn them in on Monday. d) Change Management: -Edits will be posted within the course shell with the same Document Title and your initials. (Example: GM600_Team_CharterTB.doc, or GM600_Team_ChaterTBrev2.doc) Division leader will use their initial document and make and add edits to their original document as necessary. When it is a document that the division leader has created no initials are necessary, but revision should be included. (Example: GM600_Financials.doc, or GM600_Financialsrev2.doc) If you have edits- save the document with your initials attached and make edits (either highlight what you want or think needs changed, or use Word's editing tools!) Email it to the person in charge of the document (DIVISION/TEAM LEAD) and post it back on the class shell so that others can look at your edits or expand on them.
e) Skills Inventory: Name Tara Backes Tom Nicolosi Nicodemus Pederson Maria Ana Yagi Strengths Organization, Editing, Detail Oriented towards the Big Picture Leading, Provides and Demands Quality, Good Vision of the Big Picture Timeliness, Organization, Vision Math/Research, Deadline Oriented, Responsible Weaknesses Inpatient, Cares a lot about grades/final project, Can be critical of others work Pushing Deadlines, Excel Pushing Deadlines, No Car (for future meetings) Writing/English, Communication
ID 1
Risk Likelihood
(High/Med/ Low)
(High/Med/ Low)
Prevention Setting Deadlines Early, Creating Charter/Strategy Plan Communication, Setting Deadlines Early, Creating Charter/Strategy Plan Wikipedia is not a source, Using Student Resources/Library, Using Johns research and validate our sources Analysis, using Johns knowledge Team Charter/Strategy Plans, Contact information, and establishing open/honest communication up front Class time, already established some meeting times, and conference calls, ability to be flexible and willingness to work for the final project
MED Not Completing Tasks LOW Not Completing Project Unsupported Research HIGH
2 3
7 Lost Work
Wikispaces will save research; all other will be saved via emails and the course shell. Each teammate will back up their work individually. Communication, and willingness to help each other to create a successful final project
ID 1
Communication 2 Scheduling
Quality of Work
b) Team Operational GROUND RULES: -Ask for help no matter what, and do not judge those who ask for help! -All Emails should have team CCd and Professor Hootman CCd. -Do not CC John on all emails; please send only specific questions and Team Leader will send periodic status updates for review. -Do not make assumptions, get facts! -Participate in all meetings and conference calls- if you cannot be there or will be more then 5 minutes late please let the Team Leader know! -Status updates will be required in the mid week conference call. -Submissions are due Friday for team review, Final Edits are due by Monday morning to be turned in by Team Lead. c) How will you manage conflict? -Up Front and Honest communication
3 GM600 Keller Graduate School of Management Capstone Team Charter.
-All critiques must be about the work, and have factual basis. -Listen with Humility (please remember we all want a great project, and we value each others time and effort put into the project) d) Plan for minor disagreements, inability to agree on submissions? -Team members agree that all minor conflicts will be handled one on one, particularly if it is of a personal nature. If it is regarding work and edits, and if a compromise cannot be met they will let the group know. If it comes to the attention of the group then the Division Leader has final say regarding the work on their part of the project. If the team disagrees with the Division Leader then the Team Leader will step in. Last resort is to bring conflict to Professor Hootman.
e) Who will have final say for major disagreements? Majority rule or leader? -Team Leader has final say if there cannot be a compromise to establish one voice for the project and team. f) What will be the method of communicating with team members who do not deliver? -If division leader does not have their materials in by Saturday Morning- Team Leader will call them to check in. Team will be contacted if the division leader cannot produce their materials that day, but will be updated as necessary. g) Will your team ask that a member receive less than full credit for an assignment for non-performance? How will this be determined? How much deduction? -Team members will decide this upon conclusion of the project and will keep this private in their team and peer reviews. They will share this information only with Professor Hootman. Their reviews will be based upon their work on the whole project, rather then individual submissions.
Commitment Statement
I am committed to making this project a successful and profitable opportunity for John Bennett. I plan to spend 5-10 hours a week working on aspects of this project, and hope that my efforts and leadership will set the tone for the team. My plan is to work on the financial aspect of this Business Plan, while also being the team lead and establishing one voice for this project. Please always feel free to come to me for questions, or if you need anything, and never hesitate to question or edit my work. ___________________ Tara Backes I will work on this project to the best of my ability as I want our project to succeed in this class. I am willing to commit to reviewing the teams posted material and to try to contribute, constructively, to each of your portions of this project. My plan is to work on the environment section for a minimum of an hour daily and to communicate with each of you, at least twice a week in order to keep you aware of my progress. Please feel free to comment on my portions of the project and to ask for assistance with yours. ___________________ Tom Nicolosi ***** ___________________ Maria ****
4 GM600 Keller Graduate School of Management Capstone Team Charter.
___________________ Nic
-Ask for help no matter what, and do not judge those who ask for help! -Wikipedia is not a source! -Participate in all meetings and conference calls- if you cannot be there or will be more then 5 minutes late please let the Team Leader know! -Status updates will be required in the mid week conference call. -Submissions are due Friday for team review, Final Edits are due by Monday morning to be turned in by Team Lead. -Professional dress on Final Presentation night. -All Emails should have team CCd and Professor Hootman CCd. -Do not CC John on all emails; please send only specific questions and Team Leader will send periodic status updates for review. -Do not make assumptions, get facts!
Project Manager/Documentation Coordinator Meeting minutes Status Reporting Document interim editing Document finalization Document submission (electronic versions) Component Leader: Finance Component Leader: Operations Component Leader: Environment Component Leader: Marketing Presentation Slideshow Final Presentation