DECO2500-7250 - Team Charter - 2024
DECO2500-7250 - Team Charter - 2024
DECO2500-7250 - Team Charter - 2024
Date: 22/03/2024
1. Team Members
Name: Abhinav Pradeep
Email (Use your UQ email): [email protected]
Email (Use your UQ email):
4. Meetings/time
Whole of team meeting day and time (see 1b): Studios, Tuesday afternoons
Additional work sessions each week (see 1c): Holidays/weekends/as needed
Time to fix an issue (see 15a): As it happens.
5. Privacy
Do we need to record online meetings? Yes No
6. Team Roles
Leader (to keep the group motivated or on task): Samuel
We will delegate work as is necessary and keeping in mind team members extra-
curricular responsibilities.
Samuel Lipke
Tony Christoforou
Our Commitment
Managing work
12. We will allocate work equally.
13. When allocating work, we will clearly define:
a. Who is expected to complete the work;
b. The task that is expected to be completed;
c. When the work is to be completed; and,
d. The expected standard of the work.
14. If a team member is not able to complete the work allocated to them, they must
advise the team of this as soon as possible.
15. If a team member has not completed the work allocated to them within the set
timeframe or not to the specified standard:
a. The issue must be raised with that team member directly and agree what that team
member must do to complete or fix the work. The team member must complete or
fix the work within the time to fix an issue as specified above.
b. If the team member fails to complete or fix the issue within this time, the team
leader must send an email to that team member asking them to complete or fix the
work within a further 24 hours. That email should be copied as a ‘cc’ to the tutor.
c. If the work is not completed within that time further extended time, the team leader
shall email their tutor advising them of this and ensure that a copy of this email is
sent to the team member.