Studies show that one's sex has little or no bearing on personality, cognition, and leadership.
Mars-Venus sex differences appear to be as mythical as the Man in the Moon. A 2005
analysis of 46 meta-analyses that were conducted during the last two decades of the 20th
century underscores that men and women are basically alike in terms of personality,
cognitive ability and leadership. Psychologist Janet Shibley Hyde, PhD, of the University of
Wisconsin in Madison, discovered that males and females from childhood to adulthood are
more alike than different on most psychological variables, resulting in what she calls a
gender similarities hypothesis. Using meta-analytical techniques that revolutionized the
study of gender differences starting in the 1980s, she analyzed how prior research assessed
the impact of gender on many psychological traits and abilities, including cognitive abilities,
verbal and nonverbal communication, aggression, leadership, self-esteem, moral reasoning
and motor behaviors.
Hyde observed that across the dozens of studies, consistent with the gender similarities
hypothesis, gender differences had either no or a very small effect on most of the
psychological variables examined. Only a few main differences appeared: Compared with
women, men could throw farther, were more physically aggressive, masturbated more, and
held more positive attitudes about sex in uncommitted relationships.
Furthermore, Hyde found that gender differences seem to depend on the context in which
they were measured. In studies designed to eliminate gender norms, researchers
demonstrated that gender roles and social context strongly determined a person's actions.
For example, after participants in one experiment were told that they would not be identified
as male or female, nor did they wear any identification, none conformed to stereotypes about
their sex when given the chance to be aggressive. In fact, they did the opposite of what
would be expected - women were more aggressive and men were more passive.
Finally, Hyde's 2005 report looked into the developmental course of possible gender
differences - how any apparent gap may open or close over time. The analysis presented
evidence that gender differences fluctuate with age, growing smaller or larger at different
times in the life span. This fluctuation indicates again that any differences are not stable.
Hyde and her colleagues hope that people use the consistent evidence that males and
females are basically alike to alleviate misunderstanding and correct unequal treatment.
Hyde is far from alone in her observation that the clear misrepresentation of sex differences,
given the lack of evidence, harms men and women of all ages. In a September 2005 press
release on her research issued by the American Psychological Association (APA), she said,
"The claims [of gender difference] can hurt women's opportunities in the workplace, dissuade
couples from trying to resolve conflict and communication problems and cause unnecessary
obstacles that hurt children and adolescents' self-esteem."
The differences that are supported by the evidence cause concern, she believes, because
they are sometimes used to support prejudicial beliefs and discriminatory actions against
girls and women. She suggests that anyone reading about gender differences consider
whether the size of the differences are large enough to be meaningful, recognize that
biological and environmental variables interact and influence one other, and remember that
the conclusions that we accept today could change in the future.
Leadership: Liderazgo.
Dozens: Docenas.
According to the article, the differences between men and women is a myth but that society
continues to believe, because it continues to see women as the weakest and most delicate
gender, on the other hand, men in theory are more aggressive but actually studies. They
have shown that they are very different from us in reality and this myth puts women at a
disadvantage in any field because they are already pigeonholed in a stereotype whereby in
most of the time their abilities go unnoticed since childhood.