Gender and Delinquency

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Gender and Delinquency
Female delinquency was consider
important by early delinquency
expert because girls rarely
committed crime,and when they did
it was sexual nature. Female
delinquency has risen because the
female crime rate has been
increasing,while the male rate in
There are distinct gender patterns is development
that may explain crime rate differences.

1. Girls are socialized to be less aggressive than boys.

2. Girls read better and have verbal skills than boys.
3. Gender differences may have both biological and social
Some experts still believe that hormonal differences can
explain why males are aggressive that more males are more
aggressive because they have involveed that way to secure
mates.Under some circumstances females may act more
aggressive than males.
According to some experts girls have been socialized to be less
violent. Female deliquents may be the product of distructive
home life,rebelling against abusive parents.The liberal feminist
view is that girl did not have the same opportunities to commit
crime as boys and that rising femalecrime rate represent
changing life circumstances.Critical feminists see female
delinquency as a function of male domination and abuse.
The family and delinquency
• Types of deliquent youth
1. Social- aggressive youth who recent the authority of anyone who male
an effort to control his behavior.
2. Neurotic -he has internalize his conflicts and pre -occupied with his own
3. Asocial-his diliquent act have a cold,brutal,furious quality for which the
youth feels no remorse.
4. Accidental- he is less identifiable in character, essentially siciable and
law abiding but it,happens that he is in the wrong place at the wrong time
and becomes invlove in some dwliquent act not typical to his general.
Special categories of children

1.Dependent Child- one who is without parent,gurdian or costodian or one

who’s parents,guardian or other costodian disease to be reliwve to his care
or his custody and is dependent to public for support.
2.Abandoned Child - is one who has no proper parentalcare or guardianship
or whose parents or guardian have deserted him for a period of at least 6
continous months.
3.3.1 Physical Neglet - when the child is malnourished ill, lack of or withiut
proper shelters.
4.3.2 Emotional neglet-when children maltreated, raped or reduce, when
exposed the moral danger such as gabling, protitution and other services.
Important Terminologies
• Committed or Surrender of the child- the legal act of entrusting child to the care
of the DSWD or any duly licensed child placemant or child caring agency or
individual by the court,parent or gurdian or any interested party.
• Involuntary committed child- one whose parents have been parmanently and
judicially deprived of parental authority due to
abandonment,substantial,cpntinous,or repeated reglect;abuse; or incompetence to
discharge parental responsibilities.
• Voluntary Committed Child-one whose parents knowingly and willingly
relinquised parental authority to the DSWD or any duly licensed child-placement
or child-caring agency or individual.
• Child Placing or Child Placement -one who is without
parent ,guardian or custodian or one who parents guardian or
other custodian disease to be relieve to his care or his custudy
and is independent to public to support.
• Child Caring Agency- refers to a private non profit or charitable
intitution or government agency duly liscenced and acreditted
by DSWD that provide 24 hours residential care services for
abandoned,orphaned,niglicted,involuntarily or voluntarily
committed children.
• Guardian study report- is the person appointed by the court
where the case is pending for a child sought to be committed to
prtect his best interest.
• Parental Authority-the right and duty of parents under the law of nature
asbwell as the common law and the statutes of many states to protect their
children ,to carevfor them in sickness and in health,and do to whatever
may be necessary for thier care maintenance and preservation.
• A mentally Retarted Children:
1. A socially inadequate and incompetent,occupationally incompetent and
unable to manage their own affairs.
2. mentally sub- normal.
3. Retarded intellectually from birth or early age.
4. Retarded at maturity.
5. mentally deficient through hereditary or disease.
6. Eventually or mental retardation.
Classification of Mental Retardition
1. custodial group
2. Trainable Group
3. Educable group
4. Bordline or Low Normal Group
Custodial Group:
• Recovery and profounding retardad,the least capable group.
• IQs from1-5
Trainable Group

• Mental level and rate of development about 1/4 to 1/2 that of the average
• Unable to acquire higher academic skills, but can usually aquaired the
basic living for living to areasonable degree,-With effective instruction,can
likewise attain primary grade level of education.
• IQ from 25-50
• Educable Group:
• Intellectual development is approximately1/2 to 3/4 of that expected of a
normal child of the name chronological age.
• May reach 5th to 6th grade educational level and can develop educational
• IQ ranges from 50-75
Borderline or Low Normal Group
• -Slightly Retarded
• Can get by in regular class if they recieve some
extra help,guidance and consideration.
• In order to pass they have spend more time with
their studies than other children in order to
pass with 75-89 IQ
• B.Physically handicapped:
• -Cripped,mute-deaf ,blind or otherwise defective
with restricts their action or communication.
Emotionally Disturbed children:
• Unable to maintain normal sicial relation
with other and the community is geraral due
to emotional problems or complexes.
• D.Mentally III Children.
-Are those with any behavioral disorder,which
of such a degree of deverity as to aquire
professional health on hospitalization.
Disabled child- Includes mentally
retarded ,physically handicapped,emotionally
disturbed and mentally ill children,children
with cerebral palsy and those with similar
Types of behavioral Disorder
• 1 Anti-social behavior -characterized
by disrepect or disobedience to
• 2Lying
• 3 Stealing
• 4 Trauncy
• 5 Vagrancy
• 6 Emotional Disorder
The most common Behavior disorder in Children

• Raising children is difficult,and raising difficult

children can be life disrupting. But being able to tell
whether your child is just going through a stage, or if
something is really wrong isn’t always that easy.
• A tantrum doen’t authority mean your2-year-old has a
problem with authority,and kindergartner who dosen’t
want to sit still doesn’t necessarily have an attention
disorder whennit comes to understanding our children
behavior ,expert say diagnoses and labels should be
kept to a minimum.
• Defining “Disorders-

• Child psychology expert from the University of

Oxford and University of Pittburgh ? say
Early childhood Behavior and emotional Disorder
Rarely will a child under 5 years old recieve a dianosis of a serious
behavioral disorder.However they maybegin displaying symtoms of a
disorder that could be diagnosed later in childhood. These may
1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2. Oppositional defiant disorder (OOD)
3. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
4. Anxiety disorder
5. Depression
6. Bipolar
7. Learning disorder
8. Conduct Disorder
Behavioral emotional problem

• Far more likely than one of the above clinical

disorders is that your young child is experiencing a
temporary behavioral and/or emotional problem. Many
of these pass with time,and require a parent’s
patience and understanding.
• In some case, outside counseling is warranted and
may be effective in heloing children cope with
stressors effectively. A professional could help your
child learn how to control their anger,how to work
through their emotions,and how to communicate their
needs more effectiveely.For obvious reasons,
medicating children at this age is controversial.
Parenting for child success
Parenting styles are rarely blame for childhood behavioral problems.And if
you’re searching out solutions to help your family cope,that’s a pretty good
indication that you aren’t causing your child’s issue.Still,parents play crucial
role in treating early childhood behavioral issues.
• Parenting styles
When we walk about parenting styles, there are four main types,one of
which is most effective in raising well adjusted children:
1. Authoritarian parenting: Strict rules with no compromisw,and no input
from children.
2. Authoritative parenting: Strict rules,but parents are willing to listen and
coorperate with their children.More of a democracy than authoritarian
3. Permissive Parenting: Few rules,and few
demands put on children. There is little to no
dicipline in this home,and parents typically take on
the role of friend.
3.Uninvolved Parenting: No rules and very little
interaction.These parents are detached and may
reject their children.
Be Patient with your Children
Opinion and in turn implement early intervention.

1. Defiance- Although there’s a wide range of passible explanations,the

most common disruptive behavioral disorders include attention .Deficit
Hyperactivity Disord (ADHD) oppositional defiant disorder (OOD) and
conduct disorder (CD) . Often these disorders showcase overlapping
symptoms, and excessive refusal to obey authority figurenis open
apparent within case of CD and OOD.
2. Inattention- All kids strugle to fucos from time to time, specially when
they are disinterested.If however ,you notice that your child struggles to
concentrate, or they continually move from one task to onother without
completing any, this may be a sign of ADHD . You may also
noticeimpulsivity and over-activity.
3. Physical Aggression- From tantrums to negative interaction with
other children,phhysical agression is most certainly a behavir that
needs to be addressed. For those with CD, for intance, this can
involve into the hurting of animals.Overall,you may notice an
increase in fighting, destructiveness and disobedience.

4. Blaming others
When your child misbehaves,are they quick to blame others? its
normal for children to wnat to aviod getting in trouble,but this will
be much more noticeable. What you are looking for here is a
consistent lack of responsibility and a refusal to own up to their own
5. Antisocial behavior
Boys with CD ,in particular tend to exhibit antisocial behavior ,more often
than not ,severe antisocial behavior in early childhood leads to diagnosis of
CD or OOD will notice repeated violations of social rules,which also tie
defiance a authority and disregard for others.
Behavioral issues in children can lead to stress and frustration for the entire
• Bevioral Disorder
There are several types of behavioral
• Oppositional defiant disorder
• Conduct Disorder
• Intermittetent explosive disorder
• Kleptomania
• Pyromania and others
What is normal behavior?

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