Maria Luisa - Class 1
Maria Luisa - Class 1
Maria Luisa - Class 1
Regrinha do Have (ter) -> Nas pessoas He, She, It usamos has ao invés de have. Exemplos: I
have a computer/ He has a computer / They have a computer
Regrinha do adjetivo e substantivo -> “Spider Man” em inglês você inverte a ordem e coloca o
adjetivo antes do substantivo.
Play -> jogar, tocar / contrabaixo -> double bass. / leg shin -> canela da perna / com ambos ->
with both. / Then, so -> então / It has two years -> Isso tem 2 anos.
You You were a student You are a student You will be a student
You You were a students You are a students You will be a student
They They were a students They are a students They will be a student
You You were not a student You are not a student You will not be a student
She She was not a student She is not a student She will not be student
You You were not a students You are not a students You will not be a student
They They were not a students They are not a students They will not be a student
You Were You a student? Are you a student? Will You be a student?
You Were You a students? Are you a students? Will you be a students?
They Were They a students? Are they a students? Will they be a students?
Exercício 1
Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo "to be" (am, is, are).
Exercício 2
Exercício 3
Exercício 4
Exercício 5
Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo "to be" e o sujeito correto.
Exercício 7
Preencha as lacunas com a forma correta do verbo "to be" e reescreva a frase.
Exercício 8
Exercício 9
Use o verbo "to be" para descrever as seguintes imagens (descreva usando uma imagem
fornecida ou uma situação fictícia).
Exercício 10
Obs: Did you understand? / Teacher, how can i say ... in english? / Teacher, what is ... in
portuguese, please?