2 SegundaSemana PrimerParcial
2 SegundaSemana PrimerParcial
2 SegundaSemana PrimerParcial
English 3
Dra. Margarita Teresa de Jesús García Gasca M. en D. Antonio Pérez Martínez
Rectora Coordinador del Plantel Pedro Escobedo
Dr. Javier Ávila Morales C.P. Gloria Inés Rendón García
Secretario Académico Coordinadora del Plantel Pinal de Amoles
M. en E.D. Jaime Nieves Medrano M. en A. Óscar Uriel Cárdenas Rosas
Director de la Escuela de Bachilleres Coordinador del Plantel Bicentenario
M. en C. Rita Ochoa Cruz M. en LIT. José Cupertino Ramírez Zúñiga
Secretaria Académica de la EBA Coordinador del Plantel Amazcala
M. en C. Lucero Canto Guerrero Ing. Juan Fernando Rocha Mier
Coordinadora del Plantel Sur Coordinador del Plantel Concá
M. en C. Edgar Ulloa Hernández M. en A. Hugo Enrique Suárez Camacho
Coordinador del Plantel Norte Coordinador del Plantel Jalpan
Dra. Cypatly Rojas Miranda
Mtra. María de la Luz Ruiz Maqueda
Coordinadora del Plantel San Juan del Río
Coordinadora del Plantel Amealco
Lic. María Patricia Pérez Velázquez
M. en A. José Antonio Cárdenas Rosas
Coordinadora del Plantel Colón
Coordinador del Bachillerato Semiescolarizado
Gabriela Patricia Cinta Collado
During this week, we are going to study the Present Progressive or Continuous
tense. In this document you will find some information, examples and some
exercises to practice it.
Don’t forget, if you have any questions, write them down in your notebook to ask
your teacher.
Look at the following sentences, Do they have something similar?
Retrieved from:
The Weather
It’s raining. The girl is not playing outside. It’s snowing but he isn’t making a
Exercise 2
Look at the picture
and in your notebook
write 3 affirmative
and 3 negative
sentences describing
what is/is not
happening. Include
some sentences to
talk about the
Remember that there are two types of questions in English: yes/no questions
and information questions (wh-questions). In this section, we are going to
study how to formulate questions in the Present Progressive Tense.
Yes/no questions
Verb to be Subject Verb –ing
Am I studying?
Are you/we/they studying?
Is he/she/it studying?
Table 4: Wh-questions
Wh word Verb to be Subject Verb –ing
What am I studying?
Where are you/we/they studying?
Why is he/she/it studying?
Wh-questions are questions that require more information in their answers. Some typical wh-
words are: what, where, when, which, why, who, how. To formulate a wh-question we have to
start with the wh-word, then add the verb to be (am, is, are), then the subject, followed by the –
ing form of the verb and a complement if it’s needed.
Are you watching a movie?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.
What is he doing?
He’s listening to music.
Exercise 3
Use the next information to write questions in the present progressive tense.
1. Robin /ride / his bike? 10. Alex/ do/ his homework?
2. Where / she / go?
3. What / your mother / do ?
4. John and Megan/ eat?
5. it/ rain ?
6. you/ have fun/ these days?
7. What/ Jack/ do/ in the yard?
8. your brother/ take photos/ now?
9. they/ sleep/ right now?
Time expressions used with the present progressive.
Time expression Example
Right now The baby is sleeping right now.
Now I’m not eating now.
At the moment/ at present My mom is cooking at the moment.
Zoe is taking care of her neighbors’ dogs at
Today We are not working today.
This Karla is having a party this evening.
These days I am not doing exercise these days.
Time expressions
These time expressions have the following basic positions:
Sara isn’t studying Biology this year. Are you watching a series these days? It’s raining cats and dogs now.
Exercise 4
1. Read the texts about
Sam’s mistake and
put them in order.
1. Answer: What is ,
Sam’s mistake?
Did you have problems answering the exercises?
• If you still need more information, you can check the next video on
• Evans, V., Dooley, J. (2009). Upload 3 US Student Book and Workbook. USA:
Express Publishing.