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Youn Doh Ha
Kunsan National University, Korea
Florin Bobaru
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]
Stewart A. Silling
Sandia National Laboratories, NM
Hu, Wenke; Ha, Youn Doh; Bobaru, Florin; and Silling, Stewart A., "The formulation and computation of the
nonlocal J-integral in bond-based peridynamics" (2012). Mechanical & Materials Engineering Faculty
Publications. 80.
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Int J Fract (2012) 176:195–206
DOI 10.1007/s10704-012-9745-8 This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.
Received: 31 January 2012 / Accepted: 14 June 2012 / Published online: 11 July 2012
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
Abstract This work presents a rigorous derivation Keywords J-integral · Peridynamics · Nonlocal
for the formulation of the J-integral in bond-based peri- methods · Path-independence · Fracture
dynamics using the crack infinitesimal virtual exten-
sion approach. We give a detailed description of an 1 Introduction
algorithm for computing this nonlocal version of the
J-integral. We present convergence studies (m-conver- The J-integral formulation for a linear elastic body in
gence and δ-convergence) for two different geome- 2D was introduced by Rice (1968). The J-integral value
tries: a single edge-notch configuration and a double was shown to be path independent and equivalent with
edge-notch sample. We compare the results with results the energy release rate. The J-integral can be under-
based on the classical J-integral and obtained from stood both as a fracture energy parameter and as a stress
FEM calculations that employ special elements near intensity parameter because J uniquely characterizes
the crack tip. We identify the size of the nonlocal region crack-tip stresses and strains (Hutchinson 1968; Rice
for which the peridynamic J-integral value is near the and Rosengren 1968). The J-integral has been exten-
classical FEM solutions. We discuss how the boundary sively used to compute energy flow to the crack tip, to
conditions and the peridynamic “skin effect” may influ- estimate crack opening and as part of failure criteria for
ence the peridynamic J-integral value. We also observe, ductile materials. Recently, the peridynamic theory was
computationally, the path-independence of the peridy- introduced in order to handle problems with discontin-
namic J-integral. uous fields (Silling 2000). Peridynamics is a nonlocal
formulation of classical mechanics which allows for a
natural treatment of crack initiation, growth and prop-
agation. The peridynamic theory has been successfully
W. Hu · Y. D. Ha · F. Bobaru (B)
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, applied to damage analysis of viscoplastic materials
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588, USA (Foster et al. 2010, 2011) dynamic fracture and crack
e-mail: [email protected] branching in glass (Ha and Bobaru 2010, 2011), dam-
age in composite materials from impact or shock load-
S. A. Silling
Sandia National Laboratories, Multiphysics Simulation ing (Xu et al. 2008; Kilic et al. 2009; Hu et al. 2011,
Technology Department, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA 2012) and nano-scale structures (Silling and Bobaru
2005; Bobaru 2007). The main motivation for study-
Present Address:
ing the J-integral in peridynamics is that it allows com-
Y. D. Ha
Department of Naval Architecture, Kunsan National University, putation of the energy consumed by a growing crack
Kunsan, Korea for any bond failure criterion, and for any dissipative
196 W. Hu et al.
mechanisms and nonlinearities that may be occurring, ρ ü(x, t) = f(u(x̂, t)−u(x, t), x̂−x)d Vx̂ +b(x, t)
provided these occur sufficiently close to the crack tip.
Also, the J-integral itself could be used as a failure cri-
terion in computations: it is possible to use a critical
value of J as a criterion for breaking bonds. where f is the pairwise force function in the peridynam-
While for problems in elastic domains without ic bond that connects point x̂ to x, and u is the displace-
cracks, peridynamics converges to classical elasticity ment vector field. ρ is the density and b is the body force
in the limit of the nonlocal region (the horizon) going to intensity. The integral is defined over a region H called
zero, it is important to determine the size of this region the “horizon region”. The horizon region is the com-
for which the peridynamic J-integral results are close pact supported domain of the pairwise force function
to those obtained from the classical J-integral. Silling around a point x, and is taken most often as a disk in
and Lehoucq (2010) presented a state-based peridy- 2D applications (and sphere in 3D). We will abuse the
namic J-integral formulation based on energy balance language and call the radius δ of such a disk the hori-
approach and related it to the Griffith criterion. In the zon. Then, the meaning of the word “horizon” should
present study, we derive the nonlocal J-integral for be clear from the context. The interpretation, selection,
the bond-based peridynamic formulation by means of and use of the peridynamic horizon and its relation to
an infinitesimal virtual crack extension. We describe dynamic crack propagation is discussed in Bobaru and
an algorithm for computing this nonlocal version of Hu (2012).
the J-integral and perform several convergence stud- A micro-elastic material (Silling 2000) is defined as
ies in order to find the size of the nonlocal region (the one for which the pairwise force derives from a poten-
peridynamic horizon size) for which the nonlocal J- tial ω:
integral value is nearing the classical J-integral value. ∂ω(η, ξ )
f(η, ξ ) = (2)
We also investigate the dependence of the peridynamic ∂η
J-integral value on: (1) the boundary conditions; (2) the
where ξ = x̂ − x is the relative position in the reference
peridynamic “skin effect”, and (3) the location of the
configuration and η = û − u is the relative displace-
integral contour (a path-independence study). We com-
pare our results with results obtained from FEM solu-
A linear micro-elastic potential, which leads to a lin-
tions of the classical Linear Fracture Mechanics using
ear relationship between the bond force and the relative
special elements. The special elements use the exact
elongation of the bond, is obtained if we take
analytical solution of linear elastic fracture mechanics.
The paper is organized as follows: in Sect. 2, we c(ξ )s 2 ξ
ω(η, ξ ) = (3)
review the basic formulation for bond-based peridy- 2
namics; in Sect. 3 we give the derivation for the peridy- where s the bond relative elongation
namic J-integral based on the infinitesimal virtual crack
ξ + η − ξ
extension; in Sect. 4 we present the algorithm used for s= (4)
computing the peridynamic J-integral; in Sect. 5, we ξ
perform two types of convergence (m-convergence and The corresponding pairwise force becomes
δ-convergence) studies for a thin plate with single edge ∂ω(η, ξ ) ∂ ξ + η
notch and double edge notch and we compare the peri- f(η, ξ ) = = c(ξ )s (5)
∂ η ∂η
dynamic results with those obtained from finite element
calculations for the classical J-integral using Abaqus
6.10. Calculations related to the path-independence of ∂ ξ + η
the nonlocal J-integral are also shown. Conclusions are ∂η
given in Sect. 6. where e is the unit vector along the direction of the
deformed bond, ξ + η, between x̂ and x in the deformed
2 Introduction to the peridynamic theory The function c(||ξ ||) is called micromodulus func-
tion and it represents the bond elastic stiffness. Some
The peridynamic equations of motion are given as possible choices for the micromodulus function are
The formulation and computation of the nonlocal J-integral 197
198 W. Hu et al.
direction. Considering the change in total elastic strain Defining the domain Q(a) = (a)\R(a), the right hand
energy resulting from an infinitesimal virtual extension side of Eq. (13) can be rewritten as
of the crack we get: 1 ∂ û
f(η, ξ )dAx dAx̂
2 ∂a
dU d (a) R(a)
=− W (x; a)dAx (10)
da da 1 ∂ û
= f(η, ξ )dAx dAx̂
R(a) 2 ∂a
Q(a) R(a)
The right hand side of Eq. (10), by adding and subtract- 1 ∂ û
+ f(η, ξ )dAx dAx̂ (14)
ing R(a) W (x; a + a)dAx , can be written as: 2 ∂a
R(a) R(a)
Also, from Eq. (8), we have
d 1
W (x; a + a)dAx = lim
da a→0 a f(η, ξ )dAx̂ = − f(η, ξ )dAx̂ (15)
⎡ R(a) Q(a)
⎢ By the change of variables x̂ → x and using the linear
×⎣ W (x; a+ a)dAx
admissibility condition (see Silling 2000)
R(a+ a)−R(a)
⎤ f(−η, −ξ ) = −f(η, ξ ) (16)
and employing Eqs. (15), (14) can be written as
+ W (x; a+ a) − W (x; a)dAx ⎦
1 ∂ û
f(η, ξ )dAx dAx̂
2 ∂a
∂ W (x; a) (a) R(a)
= W (x; a)n1 d S + dAx (11)
∂a 1 ∂ û
∂R R(a) = f(η, ξ )dAx dAx̂
2 ∂a
Q(a) R(a)
Consider now the second term on the right hand side 1 ∂u
+ f(−η, −ξ )dAx̂ dAx
of Eq. (11) and by using Eqs. (9) and (2), we have 2 ∂a
R(a) R(a)
1 ∂ û
∂ W (x; a) dAx = f(η, ξ )dAx dAx̂
∂a 2 ∂a
Q(a) R(a)
∂ û ∂u 1 ∂u
f(η, ξ ) · − dAx − f(η, ξ )dAx̂ dAx
2 ∂a ∂a 2 ∂a
R(a) (a) R(a) R(a)
∂ û 1 ∂ û
= f(η, ξ ) · dAx̂ dAx = f(η, ξ ). dAx̂ dAx
2 ∂a 2 ∂a
R(a) (a) R(a) Q(a)
∂u 1 ∂u
f(η, ξ )dAx̂ dAx̂ dAx (12) + f(η, ξ ). dAx̂ dAx
2 ∂a 2 ∂a
R(a) (a) R(a) Q(a)
The second term on the right hand side of Eq. (12) is Substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (12), we get
∂ W (x; a) dAx
equal to zero because of Eq. (8). Thus, Eq. (12) reduces
to ∂a
∂ W (x; a) dAx = 1 f(η, ξ )dAx ∂ û dAx̂ 1 ∂ û ∂u
= f(η, ξ ). + dAx̂ dAx
∂a 2 ∂a 2 ∂a ∂a
R(a) (a) R(a) R(a) (a)\R(a)
(13) (18)
The formulation and computation of the nonlocal J-integral 199
Jperi = W (x; a)n1 d S
1 ∂ û ∂u
− η
f( , ξ )· + dAx̂ dAx
2 ∂x1 ∂x1
R2 R3
200 W. Hu et al.
respectively. n outer is the number of nodes in the outer peridynamic nonlocal solutions to the classical solu-
region (the R3 region in Fig. 4). Ai is the nodal area tion is expected in the limit of the horizon going to
or node i. The central difference scheme is used for zero. In this paper we perform convergence studies to
∂u/∂x1 and ∂ û/∂x1 as follows investigate for what horizon size, relative to the size of
the sample, and which m-values does the peridynam-
∂u 1 (x1i , x2i ) u 1 (x1i + x, x2i ) − u 1 (x1i − x, x2i )
≈ , ic J-integral get close (with a relative difference of a
∂ x1i 2 x few percentages) to the classical value of the J-inte-
∂u 2 (x1i , x2i ) u 2 (x1i + x, x2i ) − u 2 (x1i − x, x2i ) gral. We then analyze the influence of boundary con-
∂ x1i 2 x ditions (when symmetry conditions are used) and of
j j j j j j the peridynamic “skin effect” (see Sect. 2) on the non-
∂ û 1 (x1 , x2 ) û 1 (x1 + x, x2 ) − û 1 (x1 − x, x2 )
≈ , local J-integral. We compare the peridynamic results
∂ x1 2 x with the classical J-integral value as approximately
∂ û 2 (x1 , x2 )
j j
û 2 (x1 +
j j
x, x2 ) − û 2 (x1 −
x, x2 ) given by Finite Element results using Abaqus with spe-
≈ cial crack-tip elements for a plate with an edge notch
∂ x1 2 x
under tension. In order to investigate how symmetric
We compute the peridynamic J-integral with the fol- boundary conditions influence the peridynamic J-inte-
lowing algorithm based on Eq. (21). gral value we analyze a double-edge notch plate under
uniform tension, for which we use symmetry bound-
ary conditions. We also perform calculations that show
5 Numerical examples: convergence studies, the path-independence of the peridynamic J-integral
path-independence, and effects (Table 1).
from the boundaries In following examples, we use the same material
parameters: Young’s modulus is 72 GPa and Poisson’s
In peridynamics, two types of convergence studies ratio is 1/3. Along top and bottom boundaries of the two
are typically used: the δ-convergence (fix the num- different samples, a uniform tensile stress σ = 1 MPa
ber of nodes covered by a horizon, which is propor- is applied. Uniform discretization is used for all com-
tional to m = δ / x, and decrease the horizon size), putations.
and m-convergence (keep the horizon size fixed and In order to test the correctness of the implementa-
increase m) (See Fig. 5 and Bobaru et al. 2009). It is tion, we compute the peridynamic J-integral for a plate
important to note that in m-convergence studies, the (see Fig. 6) without a notch, using the integral contour
peridynamic approximate solutions are not supposed in Fig. 6. In this case, peridynamic J-integral values are
to converge to the classical solution, but to the non- in the range of 10−15 for any m-values and horizon size
local solution for the particular horizon size for which we tried. For instance, the peridynamic J-integral value
the m-convergence study is executed. In this instance, is 3.3 × 10−15 Pa m for m = 9 and δ = 1.5 mm. The
comparing the results with the classical solution is only J-integral on a closed contour in an elastic material is
made for illustration purposes. Convergence of the zero.
The formulation and computation of the nonlocal J-integral 201
202 W. Hu et al.
Fig. 8 Comparison of vertical displacements obtained with: a δ = 24 mm, m = 3 (about 144 nodes) (geometry and loading as
the FEM (about 30,000 nodes) , b peridynamics using δ = given in Fig. 6). The legend is in meters
1.5 mm, m = 9 (about 360,000 nodes), and c peridynamics using
Fig. 9 Comparison for horizontal displacements obtained with: a the FEM, b peridynamics using δ = 1.5 mm, m = 9, and c peridy-
namics using δ = 24 mm, m = 3 (geometry and loading as given in Fig. 6). The legend is in meters
of the classical model. Thus, when the intention is to 5.2 Double-notched specimen
obtain peridynamic J-integral values close to the clas-
sical ones, an m of about 6 and a horizon size smaller In this section, we consider a double-notch plate with
than 6 mm (a ratio of at least 1/10 to the crack length, dimensions 20 cm × 10 cm. The length of each notch
and 1/20 to the sample dimensions) are good choices. is 5 cm. By making use of symmetry, we can reduce
the problem to analyzing the same configuration as
before (see Fig. 6) except that now we impose sym-
Remark the peridynamic “skin effect” mentioned in metry conditions on the displacements along the right-
Sect. 2 exists on the crack surfaces. Hence, we expect hand boundary (see Fig. 11). We use the same integral
peridynamic J-integral results to be higher than the contour as in Sect. 5.1 and three different horizon sizes
FEM results since we effectively have a softer mate- δ = 6 mm, δ = 3 mm, and δ = 1.5 mm and m = 3, 6,
rial (Young’s modulus value half of that in the bulk) and 9 to observe how convergence is influenced by the
around the crack tip than the material in the bulk. We presence of the symmetry boundary condition. While
assigned a softer material to a thin region, of thickness in a classical model discretized with finite elements
equal to 1.5 mm, the same as the size of the smallest the symmetry boundary condition is simply imposed
peridynamic horizon used here, around the crack line on the boundary nodes where zero horizontal displace-
in the FEM model and the J-integral value from the ments are enforced, in a nonlocal peridynamic model
Abaqus calculation increased by about 2 %. this type of condition is more delicate. In principle, in
The formulation and computation of the nonlocal J-integral 203
Table 2 Peridynamic
δ = 24 mm δ = 12 mm δ = 6 mm δ = 3 mm δ = 1.5 mm
J-integral values for the
single edge notched m=3 30.15 Pa m 23.64 Pa m 21.74 Pa m 20.83 Pa m 20.41 Pa m
m=6 26.52 Pa m 23.05 Pa m 21.54 Pa m 20.85 Pa m 20.51 Pa m
m=9 26.17 Pa m 22.95 Pa m 21.53 Pa m 20.86 Pa m 20.53 Pa m
204 W. Hu et al.
Fig. 12 Strain energy density results with: a FEM (30,000 nodes), b peridynamics with δ = 1.5 mm, m = 9 (about 360,000 nodes)
c peridynamics with δ = 6 mm, m = 3 (about 2700 nodes)
The formulation and computation of the nonlocal J-integral 205
Table 4 Values of the peridynamic J-integral on the three dif- Table 5 Relative difference between the peridynamic J-integral
ferent contours from Fig. 14 on contours (a) and (c) in Fig. 14 and the corresponding values
obtained on contour (b)
Contour (a) Contour (b) Contour (c)
Contour (a) Contour (c)
Single edge-notch 20.11 Pa m 20.54 Pa m 19.84 Pa m
Double 13.88 Pa m 14.17 Pa m 13.37 Pa m Single edge-notch 2.09 % 3.41 %
edge-notch Double edge-notch 2.05 % 5.65 %
(using (using symmetric
symmetric boundary conditions)
206 W. Hu et al.
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