Stability of Cohesive Crack Model: Part II - Eigenvalue Analysis of Size Effect On Strength and Ductility of Structures
Stability of Cohesive Crack Model: Part II - Eigenvalue Analysis of Size Effect On Strength and Ductility of Structures
Stability of Cohesive Crack Model: Part II - Eigenvalue Analysis of Size Effect On Strength and Ductility of Structures
DP = f2
RUW(~)w(~)d~ + R""u. (5) 1 - ~(~) = _
D f2o
ca~(6 Clo.(C)dC + c~P(()P. (12)
These equations represent the special case of Eqs. (26) and Multiplying this with the eigenfunction v(~) and then inte-
(25). Equation (4) for prescribed load P ensues by solving u grating with respect to ~, we obtain
from Eq. (5) and substituting it into Eq. (4). The dimensionless
stiffness functions are here defined with a unit value of Young's
In the cohesive crack model, the cohesive stress o. is related
- C~P(~)P v(~)d~ =
y: f:[
8(~ - ~')
to the crack-opening displacement w by the stress-displacement C~a(~, ~ ' ) ] v ( ~ ' ) d ~ ' d ~ . (13)
relation, which can be described by either of the following
forms If the singularity condition is satisfied, then the applied load is
w = g(o'), o. = f ( w ) . (6a, b) at its maximum. This maximum value is found to be
C~(C, Ov(C)dC = ag[~(~)-----!v ( O .
(91 + C~P(()P + c ° N ( O N (15)
Since we are considering geometrically similar structures where the symbols are self-explanatory. Since the loading terms
only, (9) can be regarded as an eigenvalue problem if the rela- do not enter the criterion of stability limit, the equation for the
tive crack length ~ is given. The dimensionless quantity D structural stability limit remains the same. If the condition for
plays the role of an eigenvalue. In the actual calculation, the the stability limit is satisfied, the relation between these two
singularity condition should be solved simultaneously with the loads is found to be linear:
basic equations to obtain the nominal strength as the maximum P N
load parameter and the corresponding size for a given relative -- + - - = 1 (16)
crack length. Calculation of size effect curves in this manner P* N*
is very efficient. A discussion of the discrete form of the present where the denominators, defined as
formulation has been given by Li and Ba~ant (1994).
In the following, we restrict attention to the case of linear
softening, which is defined as
p*= 1 f; o
If the relative crack length is specified and geometrically similar represent the critical loads when P and N are applied to the
structures are considered, Eq. ( 11 ) represents a linear homoge- structure separately. Equation (16) is the general interaction
neous Fredholm integral equation (Tricomi, 1957) for function relation when the structure fails by tensile fracture and the
with a rigid grip), the stability limit is reached when there is a In the dimensionless form, the process zone equation is
snap back in the diagram of load P versus load-line displace-
ment u. The crack equilibrium equation for this case is Eq. (30)
of the preceding paper which, in the case of linear softening,
1 - a(() = -D L 0
d~((, (')cr((')d('
+ C ° e ( ( ) ( C ee + C:)-Ju (26)
[1 - w ( ~ ) l D = -
L 0
R~W(~, ~ ' ) w ( ~ ' ) d ~ ' + RWU(~)u. (18) where
d~°((, C)
The dimensionless condition of stability limit may now be writ-
ten as = C~°(~, ~') - C " e ( ~ ) ( C eP + C : ) - ' C e ' ( ~ ' ) . (27)
:i o
RWW(~, ~ ' ) v ( ~ ) d ~ = v ( ~ ' ) . (19)
The form of the eigenvalue problem is the same as (23) except
that the modified compliance function is defined by (27). The
maximum deflection is found to be
Since a is constant for geometrically similar structures, (19) is
a linear homogeneous Fredholm integral equation for the un- o
known cohesive stress v (~) in the process zone. This represents u = ( cp~ + G ) [,. (28)
an eigenvalue problem with 1/D as the eigenvalue. Only the C"ev(~)d~
smallest eigenvalue 1/D represents a stability limit. The maxi- L 0
mum deflection, characterizing snap back, is found to be This formula reduces to (24) when compliance C: approaches
D v(~)d~ On the other hand, if the spring is connected to the structure
u = ~, 0
(20) in parallel, it shares the same deflection with the structure.
SWUv(~)d~ Denote by P the total load applied to the structure-spring sys-
tem, which is the sum of the load PI which acts on the structure
and Szu where S: = 1/C:. Using (5) we can express u in terms
However, the maximum deflection can also be solved in terms of P as
of the compliance functions. To this end, we eliminate the load
parameter P from (3) and (7) and obtain the following crack u = R"W(~)w(~)d~ + DP ( R " " + R : ) - ' . (29)
compatibility equation under displacement control: 0
fo £,~w(~,C)w(~')d~'
1 - w ( ~ ) = - ~ . ~10 (30)
6 Numerical Implementation
As a numerical example, a three-point bent fracture specimen
(Fig. 1 ) is analyzed. The finite element method is used to obtain 15 /
c~0 = 0 . 2
A ? ,
Fig. 1 Beam under combined lateral load and axial load Fig. 3 Size effect curve for maximum deflection