Presco: Partial Discharge Measuring Systems
Presco: Partial Discharge Measuring Systems
Presco: Partial Discharge Measuring Systems
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Presco AG
1. General Features
Suitable for any kind of test object
Diagnosis of high voltage insulations according IEC 60270
Real analogue processing –no hiding
Selectable broadband filters
Tuneable narrow band filter
Interference gating; 6 individually adjustable windows
Combined analogue and/or digital display
Direct measurement of HV
Oscilloscope outputs for direct observation of PD activities
Auto and manual calibration
Auto and manual ranging
Remote control and data transfer trough built in RS 232 interface
Phase Resolved Pattern / Finger Print (type PD-4)
Complete system incl. detector, Calibrator, Coupling Device and cable
Different options
Incl. Test Certificate granting full traceability to international standards
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2. Theory
The instrument detects and quantifies partial discharges (PD) in a high voltage test object.
The detection technology fulfils the current and forthcoming international standard IEC
270 [1]or IEC 60270 [2].
Fig. 1 shows the principle of the measurement.
In the insulation of the test object (Ct), under high voltage stress, localised electrical
discharges can be generated. These discharges, which appear in general as individual
events of very short duration, are called partial discharges. They do not immediately result
in breakdown of the insulation but with time they can slowly damage the insulation and
finally lead to a breakdown. The partial discharges generate short duration current pulses
att het erminalsoft hetestobj ectandi nthePDt estci rcuit
.Asocal led„ coupl i
capaci tor “(
Ck) is connected parallel to the test object. Through Ck also the PD current
pul seswi l
ow.Thei ntegr aloft hei ndi vi
dualcur rentpul sesi sthesocal led„ appar ent
char ge“ofaPDev ent.Accor dingt oI EC60270,t hecapaci tanceofCk shall be higher than
the capacitance of the test object (Ct). The apparent charge is the basic quantity of the
partial discharges in the test object. From this quantity, many other quantities related to
PDpul sescanbe der ived,ase. g.the„ averagedi schar gecur rentI “or„ dischar gepower
P“( see[ 2])
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The coupling device has the purpose to separate the PD current pulses from the power
frequency test voltage circuit. The coupling device, used in the measuring system, has
more purposes:
- At on higher frequencies (20 kHz ... 2 MHz) it shows an input impedance of
or .
- For test-voltage frequencies (45 Hz .. 450 Hz) it works as a voltage divider. The divider-
capacitance is called Cdiv and it has normally a value of 1 F.
Therefore, this device separates first the low frequency voltage and the high frequency
current, then transforms the partial-discharge proportional current to voltage and mixes the
low frequency and high frequency voltages in a cable with 50 impedance characteristic.
Thepar ti
aldischar gedet ect
or„ separates“thel owandhi ghf requencyv oltages.The
voltage proportional to the partial discharge current pulses will be amplified and a low-
passf i
ltermakest hesocal l
ed„ quasi-integr
at i
on“[ 3]
.Thepeakv alueoft heout put
impulse-voltage of the filter is proportional to the charge delivered by an individual PD
current pulse.
A peak-detector generates a voltage proportional to the repetitive peak values and this
signal is then digitally filtered and displayed on a LED display. The displayed value is
proportionalt ot he„ largestr epeat edly- occurring PD-magni tude“oft heappar entchar geq
as specified within the standards, as the peak-detector fulfils the pulse-train response of
the newest standard IEC 60270.
The low frequency path of the detector processes the high voltage on the test object. The
separated low frequency voltage is fed to an A/D converter, located in the microcontroller
of the detector and it will be there sampled and processed. The processed value is sent to
a LCD screen.
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According to all relevant standard, the PD test and measuring circuit must be calibrated
before all measurements. This calibration is performed by means of a calibrator:
The calibrator is made basically from a voltage step-generator (Us) and a capacitor (Cc) as
shown in Fig.2.:
The PD detector measures the partial discharges by a direct analogue amplifier, quasi-
integration filter and analogue peak-detector channel, without any interrupt. Nevertheless, all
functions of the instrument are controlled by a local processor.
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3. Technical Specifications
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Battery Calibrator
Supplied with calibration certificate
Charge values 5 - 10 - 100 - 1000 pC
Output capacitance < 150 pF
Rise time < 60 ns
Power supply 9 V battery type 6LR61
Battery life > 20 hours of continuous operation
Synchronisation optical pick-up of power frequency from
nearby lamps
Uncertainty ± 3%
Measuring Cable
Coaxial 50 / 20 m BNC- BNC
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4. Applicable Standards
4.1. For Power and distribution transformers
- Electra(CIGRE) Publication 19:Measurement of partial discharges in transformers.
- IEC 6007676 Power transformers Part3. Insulation levels and dielectric tests.
- CEGB-HVS5 (1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings,
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV to 420
kV inclusive.
- ANSI/IEE C57.12.14: IEEE trial-use standard for dielectric test requirements for
power transformers for operation at system voltages from 115 kV through 230 kV.
- ANSI/IEEE C57.113 (1988): Guide for partial discharge measurement in liquid-filled
power transformers and shunt reactors. (Transparencies)
4.2 For CT (Current Transformer)
- IEC 60044-1 Part 1 : Current Transformers
- IEC 60044-4(1980) Instrument transformer. Part 4 : Measurement of partial
- CEGB-HVS5(1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV to 420
kV inclusive.
4.3 For PT (Potential transformer)
IEC 60044-2 Inductive Voltage Transformers
- IEC 60044-4 Instrument transformer. Part 4: Measurement of partial discharges.
- CEGB-HVS5(1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV t 420
kV inclusive.
4.4 Generator and bars
- ANSI/IEEE Std 56-1977:IEEE Guide for Insulation maintenance of large alternating-
current rotating machinery (10'000 kVA and larger).
4.5 Cables
- IPCEA Pub.No S-68-516, NEMA Pub. No. WC 8-1976. ICEA-NEMA standard
publication ethylene-propylene-rubber insulated wire and cable for the transmission
and distribution of electrical energy.
- IEC 502 (1983): Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltage
from 1 kV to 30 kV.
- IEC 840(1988): Test for power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages
above 39 kV(Um=36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV)
- IEC 885-2 (1987): Electrical test methods for electric cables. Part 2: Partial
discharge test.
- IEC 885-3 (1987): Electrical test methods for electric cables. Part 3: Test methods
for partial discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cable.
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5. Options / Accessories
5.1 Coupling Capacitors
As a rule of thumb, the capacitance of the coupling capacitor is to be equal or higher
than the capacitance of the object to be tested. In many cases a coupling capacitor
with a capacitance of 1 nF (1'000 pF) will be suitable. Except for PD measurement
on long cables one has to use a 10 nF one.
Presco can offer coupling capacitors rated e.g. from 10 kV up to nearly any voltage.
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5.2 Multiplexers
For applications e.g. on three phase transformer, one has to measure PD on all
three phases. For such an application we offer multiplexers, either manually
controlled or remotely controlled by a PC.
Ask us for an optimal solution according your requirements.
Power In
HV Area
Grid+ Door
Coupling Capacitors
Oi l Oil Oil
Oil Oil Oil
Coupling Device
and Multiplexer
Test Object
Power from company line input
D:\Eigene Dateien\corwork\Solutions/pd3PhaseTrafoSol1.cdr
3 Phase generator
4 5 6
3 8
Matching 9
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Current Current
Transformer Transformer
To PD Detector
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