Presco: Partial Discharge Measuring Systems

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Presco AG

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Partial Discharge Measuring Systems

Description –Technical Data –Features –Accessories - Options

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1. General Features

Suitable for any kind of test object

Diagnosis of high voltage insulations according IEC 60270

Real analogue processing –no hiding

Selectable broadband filters

Tuneable narrow band filter

Interference gating; 6 individually adjustable windows

Combined analogue and/or digital display

Direct measurement of HV

Oscilloscope outputs for direct observation of PD activities

Auto and manual calibration

Auto and manual ranging

Remote control and data transfer trough built in RS 232 interface

Phase Resolved Pattern / Finger Print (type PD-4)

Complete system incl. detector, Calibrator, Coupling Device and cable

Different options

Incl. Test Certificate granting full traceability to international standards

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2. Theory

The instrument detects and quantifies partial discharges (PD) in a high voltage test object.
The detection technology fulfils the current and forthcoming international standard IEC
270 [1]or IEC 60270 [2].
Fig. 1 shows the principle of the measurement.

In the insulation of the test object (Ct), under high voltage stress, localised electrical
discharges can be generated. These discharges, which appear in general as individual
events of very short duration, are called partial discharges. They do not immediately result
in breakdown of the insulation but with time they can slowly damage the insulation and
finally lead to a breakdown. The partial discharges generate short duration current pulses
att het erminalsoft hetestobj ectandi nthePDt estci rcuit
.Asocal led„ coupl i
capaci tor “(
Ck) is connected parallel to the test object. Through Ck also the PD current
pul seswi l
ow.Thei ntegr aloft hei ndi vi
dualcur rentpul sesi sthesocal led„ appar ent
char ge“ofaPDev ent.Accor dingt oI EC60270,t hecapaci tanceofCk shall be higher than
the capacitance of the test object (Ct). The apparent charge is the basic quantity of the
partial discharges in the test object. From this quantity, many other quantities related to
PDpul sescanbe der ived,ase. g.the„ averagedi schar gecur rentI “or„ dischar gepower
P“( see[ 2])

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The coupling device has the purpose to separate the PD current pulses from the power
frequency test voltage circuit. The coupling device, used in the measuring system, has
more purposes:
- At on higher frequencies (20 kHz ... 2 MHz) it shows an input impedance of
200  
or .
- For test-voltage frequencies (45 Hz .. 450 Hz) it works as a voltage divider. The divider-
capacitance is called Cdiv and it has normally a value of 1 F.

Therefore, this device separates first the low frequency voltage and the high frequency
current, then transforms the partial-discharge proportional current to voltage and mixes the
low frequency and high frequency voltages in a cable with 50 impedance characteristic.
Thepar ti
aldischar gedet ect
or„ separates“thel owandhi ghf requencyv oltages.The
voltage proportional to the partial discharge current pulses will be amplified and a low-
passf i
ltermakest hesocal l
ed„ quasi-integr
at i
on“[ 3]
.Thepeakv alueoft heout put
impulse-voltage of the filter is proportional to the charge delivered by an individual PD
current pulse.
A peak-detector generates a voltage proportional to the repetitive peak values and this
signal is then digitally filtered and displayed on a LED display. The displayed value is
proportionalt ot he„ largestr epeat edly- occurring PD-magni tude“oft heappar entchar geq
as specified within the standards, as the peak-detector fulfils the pulse-train response of
the newest standard IEC 60270.
The low frequency path of the detector processes the high voltage on the test object. The
separated low frequency voltage is fed to an A/D converter, located in the microcontroller
of the detector and it will be there sampled and processed. The processed value is sent to
a LCD screen.

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According to all relevant standard, the PD test and measuring circuit must be calibrated
before all measurements. This calibration is performed by means of a calibrator:
The calibrator is made basically from a voltage step-generator (Us) and a capacitor (Cc) as
shown in Fig.2.:

If Cc << Ct, the injected charge on the terminal of Ct is:

q U s . Cc
The rise time (10%) of the step voltage must be lower than 60 ns (IEC 60270).
Since the injected charge is known, the whole circuit can be calibrated, this means that, the
deflection of the recording instrument can be related to the calibration charge.

The PD detector measures the partial discharges by a direct analogue amplifier, quasi-
integration filter and analogue peak-detector channel, without any interrupt. Nevertheless, all
functions of the instrument are controlled by a local processor.

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3. Technical Specifications

3.1 Professional Partial Discharge Measuring System Type PD-4

supplied with calibration certificate
PD ranges 10 - 100 - 1000 - 10’
000- 100’ 000pC
PD input impedance 50 
PD readout LCD graphics digital, analogue or phase
resolved pattern
PD uncertainty ± 3% of range
PD output ± 1V, 50 
High pass of broadband filter selectable 20 kHz or 100 kHz / 6 dB
Low pass of broadband filter selectable 200 kHz or 400 kHz / 6 dB
Middle frequency of narrow band filter
selectable 60... 250 kHz
Bandwidth of narrow band filter 9 KHz
Gating up to 6 individual adjustable gates (hardware
Auto calibration 10 pC –10 000 pC
Auto ranging PD and voltage measurement
Oscilloscope output Voltage proportional sine and PD proportional
Voltage measurement 100 V... 1 MV
Frequency range of voltage measurement 45 ... 150 Hz
Voltage scale factor 1 ... 10' 000
Uncertainty of voltage measurement 1 % of reading
Display analogue, digital, PD activities as y(t) plot as
lines or dots, persistent or cumulated, PD
Interface RS232 (for data transfer and remote control)
Dimensions 455 130 350 (w h d in mm) (19")
Weight approx. 6 kg, 20 lb.
Power mains 230/115 V / 50/60 Hz / 25 VA (other voltages
on request)
Coupling device
PD and AC signal are mixed in a single 50 coax cable
input impedance of PD-channel 200 (or 500  for cable measurements
AC channel input impedance 1 M
Bandwidth of PD-channel 20 kHz ... 2 MHz / 6 dB
Bandwidth of AC-channel 45 Hz ... 450 Hz
Max. AC input voltage 100 Vpeak/2
AC divider capacitance standard 1 F (optional up to 40 F)
Output impedance 50 / 20 kHz ... 2 MHz

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Specifications PD-4 cont.

Battery Calibrator
Supplied with calibration certificate
Charge values 5 - 10 - 100 - 1000 pC
Output capacitance < 150 pF
Rise time < 60 ns
Power supply 9 V battery type 6LR61
Battery life > 20 hours of continuous operation
Synchronisation optical pick-up of power frequency from
nearby lamps
Uncertainty ± 3%
Measuring Cable
Coaxial 50 / 20 m BNC- BNC

Type PD-4 Partial Discharge Detector

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3.2 Industry Partial Discharge Measuring System Type PD-5

supplied with calibration certificate
PD ranges 10 - 100 - 1000 - 10’ 000- 100’000pC
PD input impedance 50 
PD readout LCD graphics analogue
PD uncertainty ± 3% of range
PD output ± 1V, 50 
High pass of broadband filter selectable 20 kHz or 100 kHz / 6 dB
Low pass of broadband filter selectable 200 kHz or 400 kHz / 6 dB
Auto calibration 10 pC –10 000 pC
Auto ranging PD and voltage measurement
Oscilloscope output Voltage proportional sine and PD proportional
Voltage measurement 100 V... 1 MV
Frequency range of voltage measurement 45 ... 150 Hz
Voltage scale factor 1 ... 10' 000
Uncertainty of voltage measurement 1 % of reading
Display analogue and digital
Interface RS232 (for data transfer and remote control)
Dimensions 455 130 350 (w h d in mm) (19")
Weight approx. 6 kg, 20 lb.
Power mains 230/115 V / 50/60 Hz / 25 VA (other voltages
on request)
Pos. 1.2 Coupling device
PD and AC signal are mixed in a single 50 Ohm coax cable
input impedance of PD-channel 200 (or 500  for cable measurements
AC channel input impedance 1 M
Bandwidth of PD-channel 20 kHz ... 2 MHz / 6 dB
Bandwidth of AC-channel 45 Hz ... 450 Hz
Max. AC input voltage 100 Vpeak/2
AC divider capacitance standard 1 F (optional up to 40 F)
Output impedance 50 / 20 kHz ... 2 MHz
Pos. 1.3 Battery Calibrator
Supplied with calibration certificate
Charge values 5 - 10 - 100 - 1000 pC
Output capacitance < 150 pF
Rise time < 60 ns
Power supply 9 V battery type 6LR61
Battery life > 20 hours of continuous operation
Synchronisation optical pick-up of power frequency from
nearby lamps
Uncertainty ± 3%
Pos. 1.4 Measuring Cable
Coaxial 50 / 20 m BNC- BNC

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Type PD-5 Partial Discharge Detector

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4. Applicable Standards
4.1. For Power and distribution transformers
- Electra(CIGRE) Publication 19:Measurement of partial discharges in transformers.
- IEC 6007676 Power transformers Part3. Insulation levels and dielectric tests.
- CEGB-HVS5 (1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings,
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV to 420
kV inclusive.
- ANSI/IEE C57.12.14: IEEE trial-use standard for dielectric test requirements for
power transformers for operation at system voltages from 115 kV through 230 kV.
- ANSI/IEEE C57.113 (1988): Guide for partial discharge measurement in liquid-filled
power transformers and shunt reactors. (Transparencies)
4.2 For CT (Current Transformer)
- IEC 60044-1 Part 1 : Current Transformers
- IEC 60044-4(1980) Instrument transformer. Part 4 : Measurement of partial
- CEGB-HVS5(1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV to 420
kV inclusive.
4.3 For PT (Potential transformer)
IEC 60044-2 Inductive Voltage Transformers
- IEC 60044-4 Instrument transformer. Part 4: Measurement of partial discharges.
- CEGB-HVS5(1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV t 420
kV inclusive.
4.4 Generator and bars
- ANSI/IEEE Std 56-1977:IEEE Guide for Insulation maintenance of large alternating-
current rotating machinery (10'000 kVA and larger).
4.5 Cables
- IPCEA Pub.No S-68-516, NEMA Pub. No. WC 8-1976. ICEA-NEMA standard
publication ethylene-propylene-rubber insulated wire and cable for the transmission
and distribution of electrical energy.
- IEC 502 (1983): Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltage
from 1 kV to 30 kV.
- IEC 840(1988): Test for power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages
above 39 kV(Um=36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV)
- IEC 885-2 (1987): Electrical test methods for electric cables. Part 2: Partial
discharge test.
- IEC 885-3 (1987): Electrical test methods for electric cables. Part 3: Test methods
for partial discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cable.

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4.6 Bushing and switchgear

- IEC 137 (1984): Bushings for alternative voltages above 1000 V.
- CEGB-HVS5(1985): Specification for partial discharge testing of bushings
capacitors, instrument transformers and switchgears of rated voltage 7.2 kV t 420
kV inclusive.
4.7 Power capacitors.
- IEC 70 (1967): Power capacitors.

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5. Options / Accessories
5.1 Coupling Capacitors
As a rule of thumb, the capacitance of the coupling capacitor is to be equal or higher
than the capacitance of the object to be tested. In many cases a coupling capacitor
with a capacitance of 1 nF (1'000 pF) will be suitable. Except for PD measurement
on long cables one has to use a 10 nF one.
Presco can offer coupling capacitors rated e.g. from 10 kV up to nearly any voltage.

Coupling Capacitor 1 nF / 50 kV Coupling Capacitor 1 nF / 100 kV

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Coupling Capacitor 1 nF / 200 kV

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5.2 Multiplexers
For applications e.g. on three phase transformer, one has to measure PD on all
three phases. For such an application we offer multiplexers, either manually
controlled or remotely controlled by a PC.
Ask us for an optimal solution according your requirements.
Power In

Power Out Preco AG


HV Area

Grid+ Door

Coupling Capacitors

Oi l Oil Oil
Oil Oil Oil

Coupling Device
and Multiplexer

Test Object

Three-Phase regulating Transformer Power for Instrument



Power from company line input

D:\Eigene Dateien\corwork\Solutions/pd3PhaseTrafoSol1.cdr
3 Phase generator

PD measurements on three phase transformers using a 3 channel multiplexer



4 5 6
3 8
Matching 9




10 channel PD system with multiplexer

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5.3 Digital Signal Processing

With our type PD-4 detector the PD activities can be recorded in order to get more
information for to analyse possible problems with specific test objects. With this data
recording statistics are provided which contains the information how many
discharges occurred with which level and at which phase. Then this information is
displayed either with two or with three dimensional graph as the so called "Phase
Resolved Pattern or Finger Print".

Phase Resolved Pattern as 2 D graph

Phase Resolved Pattern as 2 D graph

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5.4 Partial Discharge measurements with PD bridge

A method to suppress noise / interference by 10 dB ... max. 20 dB is to use the PD
bridge. With it two identical objects, one which is known as good and one as test
object. Small differences between the two objects are balanced with the bridge and
with it, common mode noise / interference is cancelled.

Principle Diagram for PD Measurements with Bridge

Two identical test objects

HV Source (Power Capacitor)

Current Current
Transformer Transformer


To PD Detector

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6 Noise / Interference / Back Ground Noise Level

As it is well known, the purpose of PD measurement is to measure small insulation
defects. PD is expressed in pC (pico Coulomb) which is a very small quantity (pico is
equal to a factor 10-12). A PD impulse is an very fast transient of some nano seconds
up to some micro seconds. Such an impulse has a spectra beginning at some KHz
up to max. 1 MHz. A PD detector according to IEC60270 has a frequency band from
20 kHz up to e.g. 200 kHz (or 400 kHz). As one can imagine, all signals inside this
frequency band might be picked up by the PD detector / system as
noise/interference. Because one cannot distinguish between impulses / signals of
interference and real PD impulses, the noise / interference is interpreted as PD and
this leads to the problem that PD of a specific object cannot be detected because
noise / interference is higher that the real PD signal. In this case we are talking about
a too high back ground noise level.
Facts to be considered :

Back ground noise level has NOTHING to do with a specific PD detector.
Todays PD detectors have an internal noise of approx. 0.3 pC only (far lower
for cable PD systems).

In an industrial environment there are always some interference sources.

Most important is a correct test set-up and a good grounding system.

A coupling capacitor with a too low capacitance will lead to low sensitivity and
a high back ground noise level.
To overcome the noise / interference problem, there are two possibilities :
a) To use a PD detector with noise reduction features, such as different filters or a
tuneable narrow band filter, gating, PD bridge. Maybe this helps but please be
aware that with such a system, the noise / interference is "playing" with the
operator every day. Although maybe the initial costs for the PD system are low,
this is something expensive over the years if the time which is lost every day is
b) To be aware of noise / interference and to consider some initial costs to set-up the
PD test system in order to have a suitable low back ground noise level. This way
the operator has newer to take care on interference any more and this will safe
costs over the years.
In case the PD system is purchased from Presco, our customers can count on our
know how to get a PD system as per the specific requirements. Our proposal is :

Specify the required back ground noise level considering the standards. E.g.
for voltage transformers one has to verify a PD level of < 5 pC and with it the
back ground noise should not exceed 2.5 pC.

Set-up the system as per our advises

Analyse the situation according our advises

Get the needed measures from us against the specific interference sources

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