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First-order reliability and finite element methods are used to develop a methodology for reliability
analysis of structures with stochastically varying properties and subjected to random loads. Two
methods for discretization of random fields are examined and the influence of the correlation
length of random property or load fields on the reliability of example structures are investigated.
It is found that the correlation length of load fields has significant influence on the reliability
against displacement or stress limit states. The correlation length of property fields is significant
for displacement limit states, but may not be significant for stress limit states. Examples studied
include a fixed ended beam with stochastic rigidity and a plate with stochastic elasticity.
© 1988 Computational Mechanics Publications Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1988, Vol. 3, No. 2 83
Stochastic finite element method: A. Der Kiureghian and J-B. Ke
between the two states in the outcome space is known as exists for continuous variables and is specified in terms of
the limit-state surface. the distribution of X (Refs 17 and 10). The mapping of the
Failure criteria in mechanics are normally defined in limit-state surface onto the standard normal space is
terms of load effects, such as stresses and deformations. symbolically described by
Let S denote a vector of such effects and g(s) = 0 denote
g(s) = g(s(x(y))) = G(y)= 0 (6)
the limit-state surface in the outcome space of S. Without
loss of generality, the function g(. ) is formulated such that The probability of failure, then, is
9(s) > 0 defines the safe state and g(s) ~<0 defines the failure
state. The probability of failure of the structure, then, is p¢= ~ (p(y)dy (7)
advantage is taken of the fact that the partial derivative Then, for each random field, a separate mesh is
matrices are highly sparsed. considered which is equal to or coarser than the finite
element mesh, such that each random field element is a
block of one or more finite elements. This is done so as to
RANDOM FIELD DISCRETIZATION reduce the number of random variables, and to avoid
Structural properties or loads varying randomly in space near perfect correlation between variables which causes
are modelled here as multi-dimensional random numerical instability in the probability transformation.
processes, or random fields. For finite element The effect of the random field mesh size is examined in the
implementation, it is necessary to discretize such fields following example.
into random vector representations. Two methods of
discretization are investigated here. In one method, the EXAMPLE 1 - BEAM W I T H STOCHASTIC
field value over an element is represented by its value at RIGIDITY
the midpoint of the element. In the second method, the
value for an element is represented by the spatial average The example is a 32-feet long, fixed ended beam with
of the process over the element, as originally suggested by stochastic flexural rididity, El(x), which is subject to a
Vanmarcke et al. 27. For a two-dimensional process distributed load with stochastic intensity W(x), as shown
X(x,y), the above representations for an element i are in Fig. 1. Both processes are assumed to be homogeneous
and Gaussian with the means and coefficients of variation
X i= X (xi, yi) (20) listed in Table 1. The autocorrelation coefficient functions
are assumed to be of the form
; IAxl (22)
Xi=~ X(x,y)dAi (21)
can be made.
An important issue in SFE is the selection of the mesh
size. Two separate factors should be considered for this
selection. One is the expected gradient of the stress field,
and the other is the expected rate of fluctuation of each Fig. 1. Example 1 - beam with stochastic rigidity
random field, as measured, for example, by the
corresponding correlation length. The two requirements Table 1. Statistics ]br example 1
do not necessarily coincide in each region of the structure
and, hence, it is usually necessary to consider two or more Variable Mean Coefficient of v a r i a t i o n
separate meshes. In the present application, the finite
W, k/ft 8.0 0.30
element mesh is selected such that both sets of EI, k-ft 2 1.125 × l 0 s 0.20
requirements in each region of the structure are satisfied.
~ 1 =all' =a
The example structure is one quarter of a 1 in thick, 32 ×
32 in / square plate with distributed edge loads, as shown
in Fig. 5. The plate is made of two materials: a 4-inch
diameter core material, and an outside material. The bulk
and shear moduli K1 and G1, respectively, of the outside
material are modelled as homogeneous Gaussian random
fields. The moduli K2 and G2 of the core material and the
load intensity W are considered to be Gaussian random
variables. The assumed means and coefficients of Material 1:
variation are listed in Table 2. The shear and bulk moduli KI I G I /
for each material are assumed to be statistically Elemen 32
independent, but correlation between the same moduli X
for the two materials, i.e., PK,K~ and PG,o:, is considered. Material 2: K 2,
The autocorrelation coefficient functions for the moduli
K1 and G1 are assumed to be identical and of the form --~ 16"
Fig. 5. Example 2 - plate with stochastic elasticity
= exp[ ( ,,x ?_(
Table 2. Statistics for example 2
where Ax and Ay are the differences between the x and y Variable Mean Coefficient
of variation
coordinates of any two points, L = 1 6 i n is the side
dimension of the quarter plate, and ax and ay are K1, ksi 5000 0.15
dimensionless measures of the correlation length in the Gl, ksi 3750 0.15
Kz, ksi variable 0.15
two directions. For the present analysis a x = a y = a is G2, ksi variable 0.15
assumed, which implies an isotropic correlation W, k/in 16.0 0.20
Table 3. Failure modes f o r example 2 (a= ~ , p =0)
//G1, G2
K2 /
case with Gaussian variables, the latter coordinates -I.0 K1/
represent the most likely realizations of the random
variables given failure has occurred. It is observed in "a'--g
a# - 2 . 0
Table 3 that the most likely failure mechanism is
fundamentally different for the two cases. That is, for r = 1
the most likely mode of failure is with K1 and Ga below -4.0
their respective means and K 2 and G2 above their (b)
respective means (i.e., weak plate, strong core), whereas --5.0 ' I ; I , I , I , I
with r = 1.25 the situation is reversed. In fact, it turns out 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
that for each value of r there are two local minimal
distance points on the limit-state surface in the standard Fig. 7. Influence o f correlation coefficient pK,K2=
space, which are associated with these two modes of po,o=p on (a) reliability index, (b) sensitivities to
failure. In situations where one mode dominates (i.e., standard deviations, for r = 1 and a =
W=22 W=N(16,3.2)
fl 3.656 3.4957
Pyl 0.000128 0.000236
Variable x* ~ a x* a a --
9~ 9a ~ 9a
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