of Microbial Biotech

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Presentation biomining

 Presented by Mahnoor Jamil

 Class BSBT/ FALL 17/012
 Presented to Madam Ayesha
 It’s an process of microbial biotechnology in which microbes play important role
for minerals extraction.
 Bio mining can be defined as theextraction of minerals from ores by
usingmicroorganisms. The microorganismsactually facilitate the extraction of
metalsfrom sulfide /iron containing ores. Metals solublization process is involved inbio
mining and it is a combination ofmicrobiology and chemistry.
 Bioleaching
 Bio oxidation
 Common metals
 It is a classic method of bio mining .In thismethod low grade ore is dumped into aheap
called leach pile and then soakedwith weak sulfuric acid wash. Then acidreact with the
ores sulfide matrix andencourages the growth of bacterial strainwhich start to degrade
ore and releasesminerals /metal in fluid form.
 t is widely used for the extraction of goldfrom ores this process involves exposingthe ore
to bacterial oxidation whichdegrades (breakdown) the insoluble pyriteand arsenic
components as it is a preciousmetal only removal of interfering metalsulfides from ore.
Actually bio oxidationleaves metal in solid phase and solution isdiscarded.
Common metals
 Metals for which this technique isemployed included Copper, nickel, zinc,uranium, gold
and silver.
 Most common microbes which are used for bio mining:
 Thiobacillus
 Leptosprillium
 Bio mining is cheaper although it is slower it is alsocleaner.
 Bio mining will become important in future as highgrade ores are becoming exhaustible
so bio mining willbecome the source of metal extraction from low gradeores.
 Metals can be extracted from polluted water also bybio mining such as waste dumps.
 Metals can also be recovered from industrial effluentssuch as sulfur reducing bacteria
are used to removedissolved metals from industrial waste.
 Microorganism are used to pretreat gold. Bio mining produces increased yield and
lessenvironmental impacts.
 Bio mining is slower than other traditional techniques
 It is not applicable to wide variety of ores.
 Bio mining lacks complete control thusleading to inefficient extraction rates .
 Acid production is the major problem of biomining so solid waste must be disposed
 the use of microorganisms to recover special metals from waste can avoid
environmental pollution
 Bioleaching microorganisms such as A. ferrooxidans can also have other uses to help
avoiding metal contaminations in modern societies. For example, this and other bacteria
have been successfully used to recuperate metals such as cadmium from spent
batteries. Using bioreactors, A. ferrooxidans is grown attached on elemental sulfur.
Bacteria generate sulfuric acid through the oxidation of sulfur that is then used for the
indirect dissolution of spent nickel–cadmium batteries recovering 90%–100% of
cadmium, nickel and iron after 3 months. Bioleaching of spent lithium ion secondary
batteries, containing lithium and cobalt, has also been explored. These approaches are
not only economically valuable but may be an effective method which could be
considered the first step to recycle spent and discarded batteries preventing one of the
many problems of environmental pollution (Zhuang et al., 2015). In addition, urban
wastes such as e‐wastes are being used to recycle or recover metals because some of
these discarded wastes have richer metal grades than ores, as in the case of copper.
 he potential applications of biomining are countless. Some past projects include in situ
mining, biodegradation, bioremediation, and bioleaching of ores. ... Additional
capabilities include the bioleaching of metals from sulfide ores, phosphate ores, and
concentrating of metals from solution.
End of presentation
Thank you

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