NED Past Papers 2005
NED Past Papers 2005
NED Past Papers 2005
5. F–, Cl–, Br– & I– belongs to the same group of periodic table and they show similarity in
properties due to.
A. Density B. Size
C. Boiling point D. Valence electrons
Contain 07 electron in valance shell
6. When any solid is changed to gas with out melting the process is said to be.
A. Diffusion B. Boiling
C. Sublimation D. Isotherms
A. Angular B. Tetrahedral
C. Linear D. Octane
A. Absorbed B. Released
C. Taken in by the reaction D. None
In exo thermic reaction heat is released
A. CO + N2 B. CO + H2
C. CO + H2O D. CO2 + H2
A. 40gms B. 0.04gm
C. 0.4gms D. 4gms
M = Mass / MOL Mass * volume in litre
Mass = M * MOL Mass * volume in litre
= M * 1 * 40 * 1 = 40 gram
12. The volume of a gas is proportional to the no of molecules present, this is.
A. K-level B. L-level
C. M-level D. O-level
15. A H2SO4 Sol. Contains 80% by weight by H2SO4 and has specific gravity of 1.73. Its Normality
approximately is.
A. 18 B. 1.0
C. 28.2 D. 36
( N = SP – Gravity * % purity * 1000 / equivalent weight
= 1.73 * 0.8 * 1000 / 49 = 28.2 N )
18. Which of the following equation is used for the conversion of mass into energy?
A. E mc 2 B. c2
C. E
D. c
m m
20. Amino acids are essential source of protein in body which of the following cannot be a source of.
A. Milk B. Beans
C. Meat D. Sugar
( All other contain Amino Acid or Protein )
23. Which of the following compounds when dissolved in water will give a pH greater than 7?
24. Which particle in the nucleus has the same charge as charge of electron with opposite sign &
having 1836 times mass of electron.
A. Electron B. Proton
C. Neutron D. None
( Charge on electron = -1.6 * 10-19 C )
( Charge on proton = 1.6 * 10-19 C )
25. The substance which is liberated or deposited at the electrodes is directly proportional to the
amount of electric current passed during electrolysis. This is.