Biomineralization of Metal-Containing Ores and Concentrates

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TRENDS in Biotechnology

Vol.21 No.1 January 2003

Biomineralization of metal-containing
ores and concentrates
Douglas E. Rawlings1, David Dew2 and Chris du Plessis2

Department of Microbiology, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa
Johannesburg Technology Centre, BHP Billiton, Private Bag X10014, Randburg, 2125, South Africa

Biomining is the use of microorganisms to extract

metals from sulfide and/or iron-containing ores and
mineral concentrates. The iron and sulfide is microbially
oxidized to produce ferric iron and sulfuric acid, and
these chemicals convert the insoluble sulfides of metals
such as copper, nickel and zinc to soluble metal sulfates
that can be readily recovered from solution. Although
gold is inert to microbial action, microbes can be used
to recover gold from certain types of minerals because
as they oxidize the ore, they open its structure, thereby
allowing gold-solubilizing chemicals such as cyanide to
penetrate the mineral. Here, we review a strongly growing microbially-based metal extraction industry, which
uses either rapid stirred-tank or slower irrigation technology to recover metals from an increasing range of
minerals using a diversity of microbes that grow at a
variety of temperatures.
Microorganisms have been active in the formation and
decomposition of minerals in the earths crust since soon
after life on earth began. Our ability to harness the natural
capability of certain microbes to decompose a variety of
mineral deposits is an old process that dates back to
Roman times in the first century BC, and probably the
Phoenicians before that. These early miners used
microbial activity to leach copper from ore without being
aware that microbes were involved. Although some
microbe-assisted metal recovery has been practiced for
centuries, in recent years there has been a strongly
growing minerals biotechnology industry [1,2]. There are
several reasons for this [3].
As high-grade surface mineral deposits are worked out,
the traditional pyrometallurgy-based metal recovery
processes have become less economically viable, and
mining companies have been required to find new
processes to work the remaining lower-grade deposits.
Microbe-based processes have clear economic advantages
in the extraction of metals from many low-grade deposits.
For example, large quantities of copper have been
recovered from low-grade ores and dumps that have
been left behind from previous mining operations by
using the biological activity that takes place during
controlled irrigation of the dump. Microbial metal-extraction processes are usually more environmentally friendly
that physical chemical processes. They do not use the
Corresponding author: Douglas E. Rawlings ([email protected]).

large amounts of energy required by roasting or smelting

and do not produce sulfur dioxide and other harmful
gaseous emissions. In addition, mine tailings (residues)
and wastes produced from physicochemical processes
might be biologically leached when exposed to rain and
air, producing unwanted acid and metal pollution. Tailings
from biomining operations are less chemically active and
the biological activity they can support is reduced by the
extent to which they have already been bioleached.
Mineral-degrading microorganisms
The most important mineral-decomposing microbes are
the iron- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithrophs, which grow
autotrophically by fixing CO2 from the atmosphere. Not all
of the mineral-oxidizing organisms are equally efficient at
CO2 fixation, and some grow better when provided with air
that has been enriched with 0.5 5.0% (v/v) carbon dioxide
[4,5]. Unlike most autotrophic organisms that use radiant
energy from sunlight, chemolithotrophs obtain their
energy by using either ferrous iron or reduced inorganic
sulfur compounds (some use both) as an electron donor,
and oxygen as the electron acceptor. As sulfuric acid is
produced during the oxidation of inorganic sulfur, these
organisms grow in low-pH environments. Most mineral
bio-oxidation processes operate at a pH between 1.4 and
1.6. At low pH, ferric iron is soluble and many of the sulfuroxidizing organisms are able to use ferric iron in place of
oxygen as an electron acceptor. This ability is relevant in
nonaerated heap reactors in which oxygen might not
penetrate to the bottom of the heap. The modest nutritional requirements of these organisms are provided for by
the aeration of an iron- and/or sulfur-containing mineral
suspension in water or the irrigation of a heap. Small
quantities of inorganic fertilizer can be added to ensure
that nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and trace element
limitation does not occur. As might be expected, microbes
that grow in mineral-rich environments are, in most cases,
remarkably tolerant to a wide range of metal ions [6].
In mineral biooxidation processes that operate at 40 8C
or less, the most important microorganisms are believed to
be a consortium of Gram-negative bacteria. These include
the iron- and sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (previously Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ), the sulfuroxidizing At. thiooxidans (previously T. thiooxidans ), At.
caldus (previously T. caldus ), and the iron-oxidizing
Leptospirillum ferrooxidans and L. ferriphilum [7 11].
In stirred-tank processes, the steady state ferric iron 0167-7799/03/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0167-7799(02)00004-5


TRENDS in Biotechnology

concentration is usually high, and under such conditions

At. ferrooxidans appears to be less important than a
combination of Leptospirillum and At. thiooxidans or At.
caldus [12]. Studies on microorganisms that dominate
bioleaching consortia at temperatures of 50 8C, have been
less well reported. However, these are believed to include
At. caldus, some Leptospirillum spp., bacteria belonging to
the Gram-positive genera Sulfobacillus and Acidimicrobium [4], and frequently members of the archaeal genus,
Ferroplasma [13]. The types of microorganisms found in
heap-leaching processes are similar to those found in
stirred-tank processes, with At. ferrooxidans, At. thiooxidans and L. ferrooxidans being most frequently detected
[14,15]. However, the proportions of these bacteria can
vary depending on the conditions under which the heap is
operated [16]. At temperatures .70 8C, biomining consortia are dominated by archaea rather than by bacteria,
with species of Sulfolobus and Metallosphaera being most
prominent [17].
Strategies for metal recovery
Sulfides of metals such as zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt are
almost insoluble in water, but the sulfates of these metals
are readily soluble. When the metal sulfide is oxidized to
its sulfate, the metal is leached into solution from where it
can be extracted. Current understanding of the mechanism of metal solubilization is that it is primarily a chemical
process, although attachment of microbes to the mineral
can enhance dissolution [18,19]. Depending on the
mineral, chemical attack is by a combination of ferric
iron and acid (protons), whereas the role of the microorganisms is to generate the ferric iron and acid. This
strategy for metal recovery is known as bioleaching
because the metal is solubilized in the process.
A second strategy applies mainly to the recovery of gold
from difficult-to-treat (recalcitrant) arsenopyrite ores and
concentrates. Gold is inert to attack by ferric iron or acid,
and is solubilized by chemicals of which cyanide is the most
commonly used. The gold is finely divided in the mineral
matrix in such a way that even after grinding to a fine
powder, typically ,50% of the gold is recovered on
cyanidation. Here, the aim is to use biooxidation to
decompose the mineral matrix and expose the entrapped
gold [20]. This pretreatment process enables greater
access of cyanide to the gold during the subsequent
extraction process, allowing . 95% of the gold to be
recovered. Given that the gold is not solubilized during
the biological process, the term bioleaching is inappropriate and this treatment strategy is known as biooxidation.
There are many factors that affect the microbial
decomposition of ores. Amongst the most important of
these are the type of mineral to be treated, the temperature at which the process is carried out and the type of
reactor used.
Effect of mineral type
The mineral dissolution reaction is not identical for all
metal sulfides. It has been observed that the oxidation of
different metal sulfides proceeds via different intermediates [21]. They proposed a thiosulfate mechanism for the
oxidation of acid-insoluble metal sulfides, such as pyrite


Vol.21 No.1 January 2003

(FeS2), molybdenite (MoS2) or tungstenite (WS2), and a

polysulfide mechanism for acid-soluble metal sulfides,
such as sphalerite (ZnS), chalcopyrite (Cu2S) or galena
In the thiosulfate mechanism, solubilization is through
ferric iron attack on the acid-insoluble metal sulfides, with
thiosulfate being the main intermediate and sulfate the
main end-product. Using pyrite as an example, the
reactions proposed by Schippers and Sand [21] are:
FeS2 6Fe3 3H2 O ! S2 O22
3 7Fe


5H2 O ! 2SO22
S2 O22
3 8Fe
4 8Fe


In the case of the polysulfide mechanism, solubilization of

the acid-soluble metal sulfide is through a combined attack
by ferric iron and protons, with elemental sulfur as the
main intermediate. This elemental sulfur is relatively
stable, but can be oxidized to sulfate by sulfur-oxidizing
microbes (Eqns [3] [5]).
MS Fe3 H ! M2 0:5H2 Sn Fe2

n $ 2 3

0:5H2 Sn Fe3 ! 0:125S8 Fe2 H


0:125S8 1:5O2 H2 O ! SO22

4 2H


This explains why strictly sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, such

as At. thiooxidans or At. caldus, are able to leach some
metal sulfides but not others.
The ferrous iron produced during metal dissolution and
bioleaching might also be reoxidized by iron-oxidizing
organisms to ferric iron (Eqn [6]).
2Fe2 0:5O2 2H ! 2Fe3 H2 O


The role of the microorganisms in the solubilization of

metal sulfides is, therefore, to provide sulfuric acid (Eqn
[5]) for a proton attack and to keep the iron in the oxidized
ferric state (Eqn [6]) for an oxidative attack on the mineral.
Based on the above, current understanding is that mineral
decomposition is a chemical process, with the role of the
microorganisms being to produce the ferric iron and acidcontaining solutions. Kinetic studies indicate that, as
general rule, the rate of chemical reactions approximately
doubles with every 10 8C rise in temperature. Although the
rate of decomposition is sufficiently fast at 40 or 50 8C for
some minerals, in case of others (e.g. chalcopyrite)
temperatures of . 70 8C are required for the process to
be rapid enough to be economically viable. An increase in
temperature can also improve the yield of copper because
the quantity of sulfur and other oxidation products that
coat the mineral surface (passivation) is reduced. As would
be expected, different types of organisms dominate
mineral degradation processes as the temperature
changes. Microbes that oxidize minerals at 40 or 50 8C
are ubiquitous wherever mineral is exposed to the surface
of the earth. Natural hot-springs in which the water passes
through iron- or sulfur-containing mineral deposits serve
as sources of organisms that grow at higher temperatures.
The occurrence of high acidity in hot-spring water
indicates a potential source of mineral decomposing



TRENDS in Biotechnology

Vol.21 No.1 January 2003

Table 1. A history of biooxidation tank reactors



Fairview BIOXw




Expansion 1




Expansion 2




Harbour Lights BIOXw




Sao Bento BIOXwe




Expansion 1







Wiluna BIOX




Expansion 1








Ashanti Sansu BIOXw



16 200

Technologies SA

Expansion 1



21 600








Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Mintek BacTech





Mintek BacTech

Expansion 2

Tamboraque BIOX

(d 21)

Total reactor
volume (m3)

Design companyb




Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA

Pyrite, 28%;
arsenopyrite, 10%

Barberton, SA


Pyrite, 28%;
arsenopyrite, 18%
Pyrite, 16%;
arsenopyrite, 38%;
pyrrhotite, 46%

Western Australia


Pyrite, 37%;
arsenopyrite, 22%

Western Australia


Pyrite, 43%;
arsenopyrite, 5%
Pyrite, 6.5%;
arsenopyrite, 17%;
pyrrhotite, 14%

Western Australia


Obuasi, Ghana


Pyrite, 35%;
arsenopyrite, 57%
Pyrite, 80%
Pyrite, 48 59%;
arsenopyrite, 7 12%
Pyrite, 25 49%;
arsenopyrite, 7 15%

San Mateo, Peru


Kasese, Uganda


Shandong Province,


Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA

Year commissioned.
Biomin Technologies SA, a wholly owed subsidiary of Gold Fields Ltd (GFL), owns the rights to the BIOXw process.
The mineralogical composition of the concentrate is variable, depending on the run of mine (ROM) ore characteristics.
The Harbour Lights BIOXw project was successfully operated until the underground ore and pyrite stock-pile was depleted.
The Sao Bento mine employs a combination biooxidationpressure-oxidation circuit.
Bioleaching of cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate (1.37% Co).

organisms that grow optimally at the temperature of the

Commercial biomineralization processes
There are two broad categories of biologically-assisted
mineral degrading processes. An ore or concentrate is
either placed in a heap or dump, where it is irrigated, or a
finely milled mineral suspension is placed in a stirred tank
where it is vigorously aerated.
Stirred-tank reactor technology
Stirred-tank processes use highly aerated, continuousflow reactors. Finely ground mineral concentrate or ore is
added to the first tank together with inorganic nutrients in
the form of ammonia- and phosphate-containing fertilizers. The stirred suspension flows through a series of pHand temperature-controlled aeration tanks in which the
mineral decomposition takes place [22]. Mineral decomposition takes only days in stirred-tank reactors compared
with weeks or months in heap reactors. Stirred tank
reactors that operate at 40 and 50 8C have proven to be
highly robust and very little adaptation is required for the
treatment of different mineral types.

One of the major constraints on the operation of stirredtank reactors is that the quantity of solids (pulp density)
that can be maintained in suspension is limited to ,20%.
At pulp densities . 20%, physical and microbial problems
occur. Not only does the liquid become too thick for efficient
gas transfer but also the shear force induced by the
impellers causes physical damage to the microbial cells.
This limitation in solids concentration plus considerably
higher capital and running costs than heap reactors has
meant that the use of stirred reactors has been restricted
to high-value minerals or mineral concentrates.
Current status of stirred-tank reactor processes
Commercial mineral biooxidation processes which use
stirred tanks as the reactors are listed in Table 1. With the
exception of Youanmi, which used BacTech technology, all
of these plants used the Gold Fields proprietary BIOXw
process. More recently, the Beaconsfield plant in Australia
and the Laizhou plant in China (Fig. 1c) have come into
production using Mintek BacTech technology, and the
Kasese plant in Uganda uses BRGM (Bureau de
Recherches Geologiques et Minie`res) technology for the
recovery of cobaltiferous pyrite. With the exception of the


TRENDS in Biotechnology

Vol.21 No.1 January 2003






Fig. 1. Commercial tank bioleaching operations: (a) the Sao Bento BIOXw reactor (Brazil); (b) Tamboraque BIOXw plant (Peru); (c) Laizhou MintekBacTech Plant (China);
and (d) the Sansu BIOXw plant (Ghana).

Kasese plant, all existing commercial biooxidation tank

reactors (Table 1) are gold biobeneficiation plants dominated by Gold Fields (BIOXw) and Mintek BacTech
technology. Stirred-tank leach technology for the recovery
of copper, nickel and zinc that should be applicable to a
variety of concentrates using moderately thermophilic and
mesophilic organisms at pilot and commercial scale has
been demonstrated [23] (and see
All commercially existing plants as well as plants
currently in the planning stage (Table 2) have been
operated using mesophilic or moderately thermophilic
bacteria at average temperatures of 40 and 50 8C,
respectively. Exceptions are the BHP Billiton-designed,
semicommercial, industrial test reactor (300 m3) in South
Africa (Fig. 2), built to test reactor design criteria for the
20 000 tonne copper per annum BioCOPe prototype plant
to be built in Chile for Alliance Copper Ltd, and a Mintek
BacTech three-way joint venture with Penoles in Mexico,
both of which operate at temperatures exceeding 60 8C.
New developments in stirred-tank processes
Satisfactory biooxidation rates of minerals such as pyrite
(FeS2), arsenopyrite (FeAsS), pentlandite (FeNi)9S8, sphalerite (ZnS), covellite (CuS) and chalcocite (Cu2S) are
achieved at 40 50 8C. Although increased temperatures
yield increased metal dissolution rates, this increase in
rate does not usually justify the additional costs associated
with high-temperature tank reactors. However, with ores
such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and enargite (Cu3AsS4), the
situation is different because these are refractory to
leaching at 40 50 8C and temperatures preferably as

high as 75 80 8C are required [24]. At these high

temperatures, difficulties occur that are not as much of a
problem at 50 8C or less. For example, the solubility of air is
reduced and oxygen gas, rather than air, is used as the
oxidant. Evaporation rates are high, and exotic materials
for reactor construction (e.g. special grades of stainless
steel or ceramics) are required to be able to withstand the
very corrosive, high-temperature, acidic environment.
Nevertheless, high-temperature mineral oxidation has
been successfully demonstrated by BHP Billiton in South
Africa. The next step to commercialization is the construction Alliance Copper Ltds prototype plant in Chile, a 50:50
joint venture between BHP Billiton and Codelco.

Fig. 2. Thermophilic archaea-based test reactor (300 m3) with inoculum buildup
tanks at Pering (South Africa). To contain corrosion, the tanks are constructed
from ceramic composite.



TRENDS in Biotechnology

Vol.21 No.1 January 2003

Table 2. Future biooxidation tank reactors


(d 21)

Total reactor
volumes (m3)

Technology supplier



Primary metal

Amantaytau BIOXw


23 400



14 160




43 800





Pyrite, 46%;
arsenopyrite 3%
Pyrite, 26%;
arsenopyrite 18%
Pyrite, 52%;
arsenopyrite 28%
Pyrite, 45%;
arsenopyrite 11%
Pyrite, 33%;
enargite 23.7%;
chalcocite, 12%;
chalcopyrite, 10%;
covellite, 10%


Perseverance BIOXw

Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA
Technologies SA
BHP Billiton





Kokpatas BIOXw
Alliance Copper Ltd BioCOPe
Prototype Plant


The last feasibility study for the treatment of the TVX concentrate employed a combination biooxidation pressureoxidation circuit.

Heap-reactor technology
In a properly designed heap reactor, agglomerated ore is
piled onto an impermeable base and supplied with an
efficient leach liquor distribution and collection system.
Acidic leaching solution is percolated through the crushed
ore and microbes growing in the heap produce the ferric
iron and acid that result in mineral dissolution and metal
solublization. Aeration in such processes can be passive,
with air being drawn into the reactor as a result of the flow
of liquid, or active, with air blown into the heap through
piping installed near the bottom (Fig. 3a). Metal-containing leach solutions that drain from the heap are collected
and sent for metal recovery [25].
Heap reactors are cheaper to construct and operate and
are therefore more suited to the treatment of lower grade
ores than are stirred-tank reactors. However, heap
reactors are more difficult to aerate efficiently and to
manage. Conditions within stirred reactors are homogenous, with a constant aeration, pH, temperature,
nutrient concentration and microbial growth rate
throughout the reactor. In heap reactors, pH gradients
occur at both the micro and macro scale. Ores are usually a
mixture of mineral and gangue material. Biooxidation of
the mineral produces acid, whereas most gangue materials
(quartz, mica, chlorite, potassium- and calcium-feldspar)
are acid-consuming. In practice it is difficult to maintain
the solution pH within the range 1.8 2.2. Should the pH
rise above 2.5, ferric iron precipitation might occur, which
coats the mineral surfaces and reduces the rate of metal
solubilization. Similarly, the effective provision of nutri(a)


ents is more complicated in heap reactors. The most

important added nutrient is ammonium but, in areas in
which the pH is too high, the addition of a monovalent
cation such as ammonium can result in the formation of
jarosite precipitate, which removes ferric iron from
solution and also coats mineral surfaces. Heaps are
usually irrigated with raffinate (recycled leach solution
from which the metal has been removed) and a gradual
build up of inhibitory ions, such as sulfates and aluminum,
has to be avoided.
Heap reactors are also more difficult to inoculate than
are tank reactors. Different microbes exhibit different
mineral adsorption isotherms, and this might cause
uneven initial microbial species distribution within a
heap. Eventually the microbial population will become
more evenly distributed as a result of microbial mobility,
which occurs during heap irrigation. However, deliberate
inoculation during heap construction reduces this variation and can speed up the process. When a heap is
constructed, fine material is agglomerated to the coarse
particles using acid and a microbial inoculum can be added
at this stage. A disadvantage of this option is that if the
levels of acid used during agglomeration are too high, cell
viability can be reduced. Consistency of microbial distribution is not a problem in stirred-tank processes.
Even in carefully designed heap reactors, larger
particle sizes, less effective aeration and reduced process
control make the process less efficient than stirred-tank
reactors. This results in the biomineralization process
taking months rather than days.

Fig. 3. Heap-leaching operation at Cerro Colorado in Chile. (a) Heaps with aeration blowers, (b) insulating thermofilm and (c) buried irrigation drippers.


TRENDS in Biotechnology


Vol.21 No.1 January 2003

Table 3. Some copper heap-leaching operations


Cu tonnage (y 21)a


Cyprus Miami Mining Corp

Cyprus Sierrita Corporation
Burro Chief Copper Co Phelps Dodge Tyrone
Burro Chief Copper Co Phelps Dodge Chino Mines Co.
Silver Bell Mining L.L.C.
BHP Billiton Billiton Copper San Manuel
BHP Billiton Copper Pinto Valley
BHP Billiton Copper Miami
Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.
Sociedad Contractuel Minera El Abra
BHP Billiton Compania Minera Cerro Colorado
Codelco Chile Division Radimiro Tomic
Codelco Chile Division El Teniente
Hellenic Copper Mines Ltd
Compania Minera Zaldivar
Girilambone Copper Co.
Mt Cuthbert Copper Co.

73 000
21 800
74 980
66 200
21 000
22 680
10 400
60 000
225 000
100 000
180 000
131 500
17 500

Miami, AZ, USA

Green Valley, AZ, USA
Tyrone, NM, USA
Santa Rita, NM, USA
Marana, AZ, USA
San Manuel, AZ, USA
Miami, AZ, USA
Miami, AZ, USA
Arequipa, Peru
Region II (Calama), Chile
Mamina, Chile
Region II (Calama), Chile
Sewell Rancagua, Chile
Nicosia, Cyprus
Region II, Chile
NSW, Australia
Queensland, Australia

1998 production.

Current status of heap-leaching technology

A substantial number of heap-leaching metal recovery
processes are in operation, some for many years. Heap
leaching has been applied mainly to the treatment of
copper ores (Table 3); however, it has been shown that heap
technology can be applied in the pretreatment of goldbearing ores before taking up the heap and gold-recovery
by cyanidation [26]. Many heap-leach processes have
targeted the extraction of marginal ores that are not
suitable for the production of concentrates or smelting.
Development of heap-leaching technology has been largely
engineering-focused rather than microbiology-focused.
The main advances have therefore come from improved
acidification methods, solution management and heat
containment. Much of the progress in heap leaching can
be attributed to research into the modeling of leach liquor
distribution, oxygen diffusion and heat management
[27,28]. In addition, a substantial amount of unpublished
operational research has been carried out by companies
such as Newmont Mining, Phelps Dodge, BHP Billiton,
POT-Titan and Rio Tinto.
New developments in heap-leach processing
Much like stirred-tank technology, increasing the temperature of a heap improves chemical solubilization rates
and offers the potential for otherwise slow-reacting ores to
be processed. Increased temperatures in heaps have been
achieved by improved aeration regimes, based on modeling
predictions and by using insulation. Aeration results in
increased microbial activity and a corresponding increase
in energy release, mainly from exothermic sulphide
oxidation reactions. Optimization of aeration is important
to ensure suitable levels of microbial activity and energy
release whilst avoiding heat stripping from the heap that
would occur as a result of over-aeration. Thermofilms (e.g.
polyethylene sheets made for agricultural use) have been
used at several heap leaching operations (Fig. 3b) to reduce
heat radiation and maintain heap temperature. Improvements in solution management have also resulted in
improved heat retention, including the use of drippers as
irrigation devices, rather than sprayers, to minimize heat
and evaporation losses. Dripper tubes can be buried

(,15 cm) to provide a measure of insulation from low

temperature surface conditions (Fig. 3c).
Heap-leaching processes are typically used for the
treatment of low-grade ores, but heap-leaching systems
can also be used for the treatment of concentrates.
GeoBiotics LLC has developed a hybrid technology
(GEOCOATe) aimed at obtaining most of the lowconstruction and operation costs of heap reactors as well
as the high reaction rates associated stirred-tank reactors.
Heap reactors are constructed using inert rock or lowgrade ore as a support material onto which a thin layer of
milled mineral concentrate is agglomerated [29]. The
microbial inoculum is introduced via a sprayer system
during stacking of the heap. The thin mineral coating
facilitates rapid mineral leaching rates. Although leaching
periods are usually greater than for tank leaching, they
are considerably shorter than for typical heap-leaching
systems. This technology was initially developed for the
treatment of refractory gold, but it is also suitable for
treatment of nickel, copper and cobalt concentrates [30].
GeoBiotics LLC have recently successfully applied this
technology to sphalerite (ZnS) concentrates at the Rosh
Pinah mine of Kumba Resources in Namibia.
Future of bioleaching
The technical feasibility and robustness of heap- and tankbioleaching processes for the recovery of a variety metals
from ores that operate at temperatures from ambient to
50 8C has clearly been demonstrated. Once commercialscale, high-temperature processes have been designed, the
variety of minerals that will become amenable to biomineralization will increase. Although the commercial
robustness of microbes that thrive at temperatures
. 55 8C is not yet well-proven, it appears that one can
isolate iron- or/and sulfur-oxidizing organisms for whatever temperature is required, up to at least 80 8C.
Therefore, where suitable microbes for mineral biodegradation at a given temperature are not yet known, they can
probably be found. Results already obtained from pilotscale stirred-tank processes that operate at temperatures
as high as 78 8C are promising. Although some minerals
contain substances that inhibit microbial activity (e.g.



TRENDS in Biotechnology

silver or chloride), in general, limitations to the application

of biomineralization to metal recovery from many ironand sulfide-containing minerals have less to do with
microbial deficiencies than with technical, engineering
and economic considerations.
The most important challenge in the development of
new heap-leach processes is the inability to generate
sufficient heat when the mineral sulfide content is low.
Most other challenges concern the management and
control of heap-leaching process variables. With tankleaching processes, it is mainly the cost of construction and
operation and sometimes metal purification following
bioleaching that limits their use. Most of the technical
challenges can be solved at a cost, provided that the value
of the metal recovered allows for this. Although bioleaching provides the possibility of recovering metals from lowgrade deposits that would otherwise be considered waste,
its application greatly depends on the value of the metal to
be recovered. A major challenge is to find a suitable match
between an ore body and bioleaching technology. For
example, the technology for nickel recovery using the
BioNicw process [23] has been thoroughly tested, but as yet
no ore body of a suitable concentration and size has been
identified to allow economic recovery at current nickel
Increased concern regarding the effect of mining on
the environment is likely to improve the competitive
advantage of microbially-based metal recovery processes.
The enforcement of more stringent legislation to limit
environmental pollution (e.g. uncontrolled metal and acid
leaching from dumps, or arsenic emission from smelters)
would make bioleaching more attractive.
The use of bioleaching in metal recovery is now wellestablished. Furthermore, its application is likely to grow
because, where a suitable mineral deposit is available, it
offers advantages of operational simplicity, minimum
environmental impact and low capital, plus operating
costs that no other technology can match [31].

Vol.21 No.1 January 2003












D.E.R. wishes to acknowledge funding support from the National
Research Foundation and The Human Resource for Industry Programme
(Pretoria, South Africa) and the University of Stellenbosch.

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5 Nagpal, S. et al. (1993) Effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the
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