DLL Math 6 Q1 Week 4

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GRADE 6 Teacher: Cynthia f. degracia Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 19-23, 2024 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals in mathematical problems and real-life.

C. Learning Competencies M6NS-Id-106.2 M6NS-Id-106.2 M6NS –Id-108.2 NINOY AQUINO DAY

Solves 1 or more steps
Adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals through ten Adds and subtracts decimals routine and non-routine
thousandths without or with regrouping. and mixed decimals through problems involving
ten thousandths with addition and/or
regrouping. subtraction of decimals
and mixed decimals using
appropriate problem
solving strategies and
II.CONTENT Adding and Subtracting Decimals and Mixed Decimals Through Ten Adding and Subtracting Solving 1 or more steps
Thousandths without regrouping Decimals and Mixed routine problems
Decimals Through Ten involving addition
Thousandths without and/or Subtraction of
regrouping decimals and mixed
decimals using
appropriate problem
solving strategies and


1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal
B.Other Learning Resources strips of paper, 10 x 10 grid, drill cards, chart, flash
numberline, Show-Me-Board cards
A. Review Previous Lessons Find the sum or difference: Mental Computation Drill on Drill on addition and
1) 0.421 + 0.002 = Adding/Subtracting decimals subtraction using drill cards.
2) 12.21 + 9.18 = through Ten Thousandths
3) 0.77 – 3.12 = Without Regrouping. What is the first thing to do
4) 1.24 – 0.123 = in answering word
5) 5.55 – 0.64 = problems?
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson Present a simple story. What will you do if you Do you help others in
receive excess change from need? Why? Is it good to
Andeng does not easily throw the amount/goods you help others?
things or objects like paper bags, bought?
plastic spoons and forks, pieces
of strings or ribbons, Christmas or
birthday wrappers, and others.
She neatly stores them in a box or
cabinet for future use.
 What does Andeng do
with the used things or
 What kind of girl is she?
 Do you also recycle
things/objects? Why?
C. Presenting examples /instances of the Problem Opener. Marianne bought a kilo of Read and analyze the
new lessons mango at Php 45.50 and problem
Oneday,Precious,Andrea’s pineapple at Php 35.00. Is it
younger sister needed 4 pieces of right to receive a change of Jose and Wally went to a
ribbon for her project. Linda gave Php 29.50 at her Php book store. Wally found a
her yellow, pink, blue, and red 100.00? Why? good book which cost Php
ribbons with lengths 0.2 m, 120.00 and Php 99.50. He
0.48m,0.3m and 0.15m only had Php 1500.00 in his
respectively. How long are the purse but he wanted to buy
yellow and blue ribbons if put the book very much.Jose
together? offered to lend her some
money. How much will Jose
When Precious compared the red give to Wally to buy the
and pink ribbons which is longer? book?
By how much?
How much
did he
spend in
P 10.20 for
a ballpen,
P 9.85 for a
tube of

D. Discussing new concepts and Let pupils write this on their “  What does the 1.What is asked in the
practicing new skills #1. Show Me Board”. Let them problem ask for? problem?
discuss/explain the placement of  What are the given 2. What are the given facts?
decimal points and what place facts? 3. What operations are
value should be added first,  What operations are needed to solve the
second and so on… needed to solve the problem?
0.2 m problem? 4. What is the hidden
+ 0.3 m  How much change question?
0.5 m did she get? Is it the 5. What is the number
right amount? sentence needed to solve
 If you were given an the problem?
excess change what 6. What did Jose do after
will you do? knowing that Wally has only
 Is it good to eat Php 150.00 ?
fruits? Why? 7. Is it good to help others?
What good character traits How do you feel after
does the problem show? helping other people?

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing Work in Pair. Solve the missing number: Read and analyze word
new skills #2 Find the sum or difference. 1. ____ + 0.362 = 0.841 problem.
1) 0.23 + 0.72 =______ 2. 0.56 + ____ = 0.9365
2) 0.002 + 0.234 + 0.3141 = 3. ____ - 0.4553 = 0.189 Lani and Sol went to a book
________ 4. 0.743 - _____ = 0.58 fair. Lani found 2 good
3)0.4213 + 0.031 + 2.1122 = 5. 0.8644 – 0.3729 = ___ books which cost P 45.00
________ and P 67.50. She only had
4) 0.0925 – 0.033 = ____ P 58.00 in her purse but
5) 0.5571 – 0.1032 = ___ wanted very much to buy
the books. Sol offered to
give her money. How much
will Sol give for Lani to be
able to buy the books?
1. The word problems
asked for
2. The problem needs
3. The operation to be used
is _______________
4. The number sentence is
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Perform the indicated operation Find the sum/difference Solve this problem using
Formative Assesment 3) 1. 0.234 2. 0.3234 vertically. AGONSA steps.
+ 0.503 + 0.23 1. 0.2356 + 0.1156 = N Brgy. San Juan is divided
2. 0.7651 + 0.3346 = N into 5 puroks. Each purok
3. 0.2134 4. 0.2039 3. 6.2785 + 11.1543 = N agreed to collect certain
+ 0.1102 - 0.0237 4. 0.9623 – 0.3478 = N amount from the
5. 0.721 – 0.4625 = N households for the
5. 8.2648 incoming San Juan Fiesta.
- 2.1435 Purok 1 collected Php
985.50, Purok II collected
Php 1050.00. Purok III
collected Php 785.00.
Purok IV collected Php
875.00 and Purok V
collected Php 5000.00 How
much bigger is the
collection of Purok V than
that of the other 4 puroks?
1. What is asked?
2. What are the given
3. What operations to be
4. What is the number
5. What is the solution to
the problem?
6. What is the answer?
Label your answer.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Solve: Solve these problem Work by Pair.
concepts and skills in daily living 1) How much more than 7.13 is Dennis went to Ayala Mall in Solve this problem following
9.99? Tagaytay because he wants the steps in solving word
2) Take away 1.5125 from to buy shorts costing P 150. If problems.
10.7899 he saved P 35.50 last week
3) Find the sum of 11.424 and and P 47.25 this week, how The Samahang Kabataan
98.455 much more will he save? agreed to share by
4) Selling boiled corn. Mang Obet distributing tickets to the
walked 2.5 km to Alfonso Market motorists. The president
then 4.2 km around the town collected Php 255.75, the
before taking rest. How many treasurer collected Php
kilometers had he walked? 275.50 and the other
5) Cardo will give 23.75 kg of officers collected Php
mangoes and 11.25 kg of chicos 495.75. If they spend Php
to his aunts. How many more 150.00 for printing tickets,
kilogram are the mangoes than how much were left to be
the chicos? shared to their barrio fiesta?

H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions Let the pupils determine on how How do you add/subtract What are the important
about the lessons to add/subtract decimals through decimals through ten steps in solving two to three
ten thousandths without thousandths with regrouping? steps word problems in
regrouping. addition and subtraction of
I. Evaluating Learning Write the decimals in column then Find the sum/difference Solve the Problem using
perform the indicated operation. 1) 0.1361 + 0.13 + 0.3462 = AGONSA steps.
1) 0.31 + 0.42 + 0.16 = N N
2) 0.13 + 0.0002 + 0.1002 = N 2) 0.556 + 0.1762 + 0.4417 = Barangay Maligaya is 28.5
3) 161.4676 – 20.1035 = N N km from the town proper. In
4) 16.021 decreased by 13.9452 3) 0.923 – 0.05621 = N going there, Ricardo
is ________ 4) Add 0.1352 to the sum of traveled 12.75 kilometers
5) Take away 2.3145 from 0.3416 and 0.1235 by jeep, 8.5 km by tricycle,
12.6276 5) Subtract 0.3286 from and the rest by hiking. How
0.7584. many kilometers did
Ricardo hike?
J. Additional activities for application or Write the number sentence Write the number sentence
remediation and solve: and solve:
Delia filled the container with Delia filled the container
3.5 litres of water.Her mother with 3.5 litres of water.Her
used 0.75 litres of water for mother used 0.75 litres of
cooking and 1.25 litres for water for cooking and 1.25
palamig. How much water litres for palamig. How
was left in the container? much water was left in the


A.No.of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No.of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did
I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared and Submitted by: Checked by:


Teacher III Principal III

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