Fiedlers Contingency Theory
Fiedlers Contingency Theory
Fiedlers Contingency Theory
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Leadership News Author: Fred Fiedler secure.
Classification: Contingency Theories See our Privacy Polic
Year: 1958 in his work Leader Attitudes and Group
Management Effectiveness
Management Pro's
The theory is extremely well researched, given the
Time stated parameters.
Management For a "thumb-in-the-wind" approach to identifying
Articles leaders, Fiedler's contingency theory can assist
Leaders with good personal relations are matched
Communication to a poorly structured task environment.
For leaders who are impersonal, they are placed in
Communication well task structured environment.
Articles Because this is a contingency theory, it is inherently
more flexible than a "one takes all" theory.
Motivation Con's
Motivation Overview
Fiedler's contingency theory is one of the contingency
Quotes theories that states that effective leadership depends not
only on the style of leading but on the control over a
situation. There needs to be good leader-member
Self Motivation
relations, task with clear goals and procedures, and the
ability for the leader to mete out rewards and
Inspirational punishments. Lacking these three in the right combination
Quotes and context will result in leadership failure. Fiedler created
Famous the least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale, where a leader
Leadership is asked what traits can be ascribed to the co-worker that
the leader likes the least. As an example [1]:
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Fiedler's contingency theory is a qualification or type of
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contingency theory. Contingency theories in general state
Post Your Article that the effectiveness of leadership depends upon the
Feedback Survey situation, and there are numerous factors, such as the
nature of the task, leader's personality, and make-up of
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the group being led. For a more comprehensive discussion
of contingency theories in general, see Contingency
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Need Help? To provide meaning to Fiedler's contingency theory it is
necessary to focus on at least one aspect of the leader-led
situation, although such a focus only highlights an issue,
rather than giving a complete description of the situation. 2/7
11/22/2017 Fiedler's contingency theory
The vagueness of the parameters in the LPC scale makes
them open to interpretation and they are context-free. For
example, "supportive" could mean anything. Giving
criticism can be supportive, but in whose eyes? A leader
who is egotistical may not see any criticism as supportive.
As with any surveys, one must ask how dynamic are they?
Personalities and judgments of them change over time and
with circumstances. Survey research is notoriously
inaccurate, as Gabriel Almond found four decades ago [2],
and modern survey techniques are very sophisticated,
albeit fraught with problems. The proof of a theory is its
ability to predict, but if the terms are vague enough, just
about any prediction will do. As somewhat of a sidebar,
controversies about "prophets" such as Nostradamus
abound, but the fact is that his predictions were so general
that many could be deemed accurate. Horoscopes are
beset with the same difficulties, as the traits are so
general that just about anyone would qualify as having
those about any day and in the right circumstances -
which also are usually described in vague terms.
Future of theory
The LPC model appears very much like a Bayesian
weighting scheme that might be integrated into a social
networking model to test organizational integrity.
However, the parameters would need to be quantified, and
a research instrument tested. The ways in which such
models can emerge is suggested by the diagrams of those
giving their renditions of Fiedler's contingency theory and