2024 Skills Report 19

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Skills Fitness: Powering the Skills-Based Organization with Performance Data 19

Overall, 82% of respondents say technology plays a significant (32%)

or moderately important role (50%) in alleviating the skills shortage,
What technology do you and 86% use tech to assess and track skills.
use to assess and track
employee skills? Only a third of companies with over 1,000 employees rely primarily
on a combination of HCM systems and purpose-built performance
500-1K employees management solutions. These organizations tend to rely more on a
combination of in-house tools and standard software platforms
1,001-5K employees
(45% or more).

5,000-10K employees

Over 10K employees

Consider this:

Completing the skills puzzle

The right technology serves as the missing puzzle piece that completes
the picture of your in-house skills and potential. And, it allows everyone
to contribute to the puzzle’s completion.

Performance management tools with integrated talent profiles give

employees a clear, real-time view of their skills. By actively updating
and reviewing their profiles, employees can take ownership of their
50% 36% 34% 37% development journey. This visibility empowers them to align their
personal growth with organizational objectives, helping them track their
We utilize HCM software and progress and identify areas for improvement.
purpose-built performance
management for skill assessment
and tracking, providing detailed AI-assisted talent profiles offer managers a comprehensive and easily
analytics and insights into accessible view of team capabilities, enabling them to make informed
employee capabilities. decisions about coaching and development. Talent profiles simplify
the process of assessing skills, guiding managers to set more relevant
development goals and track team growth over time.

For HR leaders and organizations, the right technology surfaces the

available skills, those under development, and the ones that are
needed. It also allows HR to link the strategic needs of the business
throughout the organization down to the level of individualized
employee development plans.

39% 50% 47% 45%

We use a combination of in-house
developed tools and standard
software platforms to assess
and track employee skills, ensuring
comprehensive coverage
and customization.

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