Ahnafetal 2019 Volcanic Arc Granites Bayah

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Petrogenesis of Volcanic Arc Granites from Bayah Complex, Banten, Indonesia

Article in Journal of Geoscience Engineering Environment and Technology · June 2019

DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.2.3171


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3 authors:

Jemi Ahnaf Aton Patonah

Australian National University Universitas Padjadjaran


H. Permana
Indonesian Institute of Sciences


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http://journal.uir.ac.id/index.php/JGEET E-ISSN : 2541-5794
P-ISSN : 2503-216X

Journal of Geoscience,
Engineering, Environment, and Technology
Vol 04 No 02 2019


Petrogenesis of Volcanic Arc Granites from Bayah Complex,

Banten, Indonesia
Jemi Saputra Ahnaf 1,*, Aton Patonah1, Haryadi Permana2
Padjadjaran University, Geological Engineering Faculty, Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang km 21, Jatinangor, Indonesia
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Geotechnology Center, Jl. Sangkuriang, Bandung, Indonesia

* Corresponding author : [email protected]

Received: Mei 20, 2019; Accepted: Jun 19, 2019.
DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.2.3171

This research aimed to reveal the petrogenesis of granitic rocks of Bayah Complex starting from magma differentiation to
exposing event, this research also intended to determine the tectonic environment. The methods carried out in this research
include field observation, petrographic analysis using polarized light microscopy, and geochemical analysis using X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) and Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Petrographic analysis shows that Bayah granitic rocks are composed of quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar while the rest are
amphibole, biotite, sericite, chlorite, epidote, and opaque. Based on its major oxide concentrations, Bayah granitic rocks classified
as granite and diorite-quartz which have high-K calc-alkaline magma. 4 samples of granitic rocks showed the A/N+K+C > 1 molar
ratios belonging to the peraluminous S-type granite index while the remaining 1 sample showed a molar ratio of A/N+ K+C < 1
and A/N+K > 1 which classified as metaluminous I-type granite. Accordingly, Bayah granitic rocks are S-type granite which
crystallized from sediment-derived magma, the sediments itself estimated sourced from continental especially Malay Peninsula,
Indonesian Tin Island, and Schwaner Mountains. During differentiation, the magma undergone crustal contamination reflected
by the increase in both SiO2 0.51 wt% and Al2O3 1.95 wt%, and decrease in Fe2O3 + MgO 0.61 wt% from the pure composition of
sediment-derived magma. Furthermore, the occurrence of crustal contamination also recognized from high concentrations of Rb
and Ba which indicate the interaction of magma with the materials of continental crust.
Regard to the exposing event, Bayah granitic rocks approximated to be exposed due to regional tectonic activity which caused
Orogenesa I in the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene. Moreover, based on the plot of trace elements especially Rb, Y, Nb, Ta,
and Yb on Harker and tectonic discriminant diagrams, Bayah granitic rocks are formed on volcanic-arc active continental margins
in accordance with regional tectonic setting.

Keywords: Volcanic-arc, petrogenesis, S-type granite, magma differentiation, Bayah Complex.

observation, petrography, and geochemistry analyses.

1. Introduction
Field data was taken from the Cigaber and Cisanun
The presence of granitic rocks such as granite, Stream, Lebakpeundeuy Village, Cihara District, Lebak
monzonite, granodiorite and tonalite are closely related Regency, Banten.
to magmatism. One of the most recognized magmatism The location of the study itself is known as Bayah
activity in western Java Island is Bayah magmatism Complex due to the discovery of various type of rocks
which formed the Bayah Dome in the Oligocene. in the same area (Patonah & Haryadi, 2018; Ahnaf et al.,
The discovery of granitic rocks in Bayah itself was 2018). In addition, the research area also has a complex
first reported by Koolhoven (1933) which later structural pattern affected by the collision of the Indo-
discussed also by van Bemmelen (1949); Sujatmiko & Australian Plate with Eurasia which at least occurred in
Santosa (1992), Sukarna et al. (1993), and Hartono et al. the Late Cretaceous (Sukarna et al., 1993; Ahnaf et al.,
(2008) known as Granodiorite Cihara. However, only 2018). Regional tectonic activity also triggers
Sukarna et al. (1993) and Hartono et al. (2008) orogenesis which also contribute to complexity Bayah
discussed the geochemical signature of these granitic geological setting.
rocks. This research aimed to reveal the petrogenesis
and environment of Bayah granitic rock based on field

104 Ahnaf.J.S., Patonah A, and Permana, H. / JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

Fig. 1. Modified geological map of the research area after Sujatmiko & Santosa (1992).

metamorphic rocks found at this location reached

1.1 Geology Setting
epidote-amphibolite to amphibolite facies from the
The regional geology of the research area has been discovery of garnet and hornblende minerals which
reported in detail by Sujatmiko & Santosa (1992) in the indirectly stated that these rocks formed in
Leuwidamar Regional Geological Map and the the regional metamorphism rather than local
explanatory notes. Some of the rock formations located metamorphism due to intrusion. These metamorphic
at the research area i.e. Metamorphic Rock, Bayah rocks come from protolith pelitic to psammite
Formation, Cikotok Formation, and Cihara sediments and mafic igneous rocks.
Granodiorite, whose distribution shown in Fig. 1. Bayah Formation: This formation divided into
Compilation of several sources regarding the regional Limestone Members (Tebl), Claystone Members
geology of the study area is presented as follows: (Tebm), and Conglomerate Members (Teb) (Sujatmiko
Metamorphic Rocks: This rock group consisted of & Santosa, 1992). Around the research area, the Bayah
schist, quartzite, and amphibolite which can be found Formation found to be Claystone Member (Tebm)
in the Cisanun and Cigaber Stream. Sujatmiko & which consists of calcareous claystone, black claystone,
Santosa (1992) consider these rocks to have the age of shale, and sandstone. The Bayah Formation clearly
the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene which in its exposed in south Bayah, Cimandiri, and Banten beach
formation related to contact metamorphism due to (Sukarna et al., 1993), while around the research area
granodiorite intrusion which also occurs at the same these rocks easily found on the Cipager, Cisanun, and
age. However, the latest research e.g. Patonah et al. Cimuncang Stream. Based on the radiometric
(2014); Widiaputra et al. (2016); Patonah & Haryadi determination of U-Pb, these rocks estimated to be of
(2018); Ahnaf et al. (2018) stated that metamorphic the Middle Eocene whose materials sourced from
rocks estimated to be the oldest rocks in Bayah Malay Peninsula, Indonesia Tin Island, and Schwaner
Complex aged as Pre-Tertiary to the Early Eocene. Mountains (Clements & Hall, 2008). Furthermore,
Furthermore, Patonah & Haryadi (2018) explained that Bayah formation estimated that this formation

Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 105

deposited in the neritic-paralic environment and A drill and geological hammers used to obtain fresh
influenced several times by tectonic activity which is samples during sampling. These samples then sorted
represented by the presence of reverse faults according to the level of oxidation, alteration and
(Sujatmiko & Santosa, 1992; Koolhoven, 1933; Sukarna mineralization which then fresh samples of rock
et al., 1993). brought to the laboratory for petrographic and
Cikotok Formation: This formation also known as geochemical analysis. Petrographic preparation and
Old Andesite Formation (OAF) (e.g. Koolhoven, 1933; analysis carried out in the Lab. Petrology and
Sukarna et al., 1993). This formation consists of Mineralogy FTG at Padjadjaran University, sample
volcanic breccia, andesite, basalt, and tuff. Rocks from preparation including cutting to polishing the samples
this formation exposed on the Ciguling, Cihara, and into thin sections which then analyzed under polarized
Cimuncang Stream. This formation is the oldest light microscopy. The preparation and geochemical
volcanic product that occurred in the research area analysis carried out at Intertek Jakarta and the Bandung
(Ahnaf et al., 2018) which has the age of the Late Eocene Geological Survey Center, this geochemical analysis
to the Late Oligocene (Sujatmiko & Santosa, 1992). used X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to obtain major oxide
Furthermore, Sukarna et al. (1993) divided this concentrations and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
formation into lower sequence and upper sequence. Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to obtain major and minor
The lower sequence estimated to be formed in Eocene elements concentration including trace elements and
to Early Oligocene and has interfingering contact to rare earth elements (REE).
Bayah Formation while the upper sequence formed in
3. Result and Discussion
Late Oligocene to Early Miocene and has contact to
Cijengkol Formation and Citarate Formation. This 3.1 Field Observation
formation is quite thick and inserted with sedimentary
rocks that are Eocene, Oligocene, to Miocene aged Field data was taken from the Cigaber and Cisanun
(Hutabarat, 2016). In some way this formation Stream which represented the research area because of
especially andesite and basalt are related to their complete lithology including Metamorphic Rock,
hydrothermal activity that led to the alteration and Bayah Formation, Cikotok Formation, Granodiorite
mineralization with low intensity. Cihara, and Quaternary Volcanic Rocks. As seen in Fig.
Granodiorite Cihara: This group of rocks composed 2, rock outcrops found on the Cisanun Stream include
of granodiorite, porphyry granodiorite, granite, claystone, diorite, granodiorite, amphibolite (exitu),
porphyry dacite, gabro, and apalite which have the age schist, and phyllite. While from the Cigaber Stream
of the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene (Sujatmiko consisted of volcanic breccia, andesite, granodiorite,
& Santosa, 1992). This group easily recognized because and schist.
it has a fairly wide distribution and easily found on the The lithostratigraphic correlation between the two
Cigaber, Cisanun, Cipeusing, Cibayawak, and stream showed that the position of Metamorphic Rock
Cikahuruan Stream. is at the bottom which is then followed by the Cihara
Based on Ahnaf et al. (2018), Granodiorite Cihara Granodiorite, Bayah Formation, Cikotok Formation, and
lifted due to orogenesis which then breaks through Quaternary Volcanic Rock same as stated by Ahnaf et al.
rocks that already exist on it. In another report, Sukarna (2018) and Patonah & Haryadi (2018). The granodiorite
et al. (1993) assumed that this group have a younger position showed intrusions that break through the rock
age i.e. Miocene which then known as Miocene plutonic above such as the Cikotok Formation and Metamorphic
and volcanic rocks (MPV). These granitic rocks have Rock.
widespread and estimated to be present in the form of Granitic rocks (Granodiorite Cihara) that found on
batholite (Hartono et al., 2008). This rock is known by the Cisanun and Cigaber stream have thicknesses vary
van Bemmelan (1949) as the Bayah Dome due to its from a few meters. Besides on the river, these rocks are
intrusive shape that resembles a dome. Similar to the also found on the hill. These rocks are easily recognized
Cikotok Formation, some of these rocks have been because of its rough texture, quartz in these rocks have
altered and mineralized in moderate intensity. size more than 2 mm which is able to observed directly.
Megascopic characteristics of these granitic rocks
2. Material and Method are still the same, which have medium gray in color,
coarse texture, leucocratic color index, phaneritic
In this research, data acquisition including field
grains, subhedral crystalline form, panidiomorphic to
observation, petrographic analysis, and geochemical
hypidiomorphic mineral form, sub-equigranular
analysis. The geochemical data as primary data in this
crystalline relationship, and hard. Minerals those are
research used for determining the characteristics of
identified megascopically i.e. quartz and feldspar. Some
magma and rock tectonic environment while
of these rocks are altered and mineralized with low to
petrographic data used for identifying the content,
moderate intensity, alteration minerals appeared
texture and paragenesis of minerals. In addition, field
including clay and chlorite while mineralization in the
data useful for determining the position of Granodiorite
form of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The appearance of rock
Cihara rocks among other rocks around it. Granitic rock
outcrops and rock handspecimen samples presented in
samples were taken from two streams i.e. Cigaber and
Fig. 3.
Cisanun which is represented granitic rocks in the field.

106 Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

Fig. 2. Trajectoray of exposed rocks from Cisanun and Cigaber Strea.

Fig. 3. Exposed granitic rock (granodiorite) and hand specimen sample.

Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 107

Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of granodiorite thin section. A-B showed sample JSA-142, C-D showed sample JSA-151, E-F showed
chloridized-amphibole and sericited plagioclase from sample JSA-151. Identified primary minerals i.e. quartz (Qz), plagioclase
(Pl), muscovite (Ms), and amphibole (Amp) while secondary quartz, chlorite (Chl), and sericite (Ser) appeared as secondary

equigranular relationship minerals, subhedral to

3.2 Petrography
anhedral crystals form, hypidiomorphic minerals form,
Petrographic samples taken for analysis came from primary minerals of this rock i.e. quartz, plagioclase, K-
the Cisanun Stream (JSA-142) and Cipeusing feldspar, and muscovite, while sericite, chlorite,
Stream(JSA-151) where the Cipeusing Streamable to carbonate, and opaque minerals appeared as minerals
represent the Cigaber Stream because of its adjacent secondary.
location. Photomicrograph of a thin section of the rocks This thin section also refers to the poikilitic texture
showed in Fig. 4. in which large mineral such as plagioclase surrounded
JSA-142: This thin section is colorless in color, by smaller minerals such as the quartz groundmass.
showing porphyritic to phaneritic texture, sub- The rock seems undergone alteration. This rock is

108 Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

composed of 60% phenocryst and 40% groundmass. setting, furthermore, this calc-alkaline magma could be
Quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and muscovite found in island arc or active continental margin
appeared as phenocryst while secondary/ smaller tectonic setting.
quartz and sericite as groundmass. Quartz phenocryst
have size of 150 microns and more, colorless, elongated Table 1. Major oxides in wt% and CIPW Norm of Bayah granitic
to spherical subhedral, found in almost all parts of the rocks.
thin section. Plagioclase have size of 100 microns, JSA-142 JSA-126 JSA-141 UH-01* UH-02*
colorless, tabular subhedral, some of these minerals Oxide Wt%
altered into sericite, plagioclase type ranged from SiO2 75.55 74.28 69.68 67.38 75.68
oligoclase to andesine. K-feldspar have size of 50 to 100 TiO2 0.11 0.14 0.105 0.56 0.009
microns, colorless, tabular with subhedral to anhedral Al2O3 12.52 13.64 14.64 15.56 13.39
crystals, found in small amounts. Fe2O3 2.41 2.75 2.47 3.93 1.56
JSA-151: This thin section is colorless in color, MnO 0.14 0.06 0.124 0.07 0.04
showing phaneritic texture, sub-equigranular MgO 0.45 0.36 0.91 1.66 0.49
relationship minerals, euhedral to subhedral crystals CaO 0.39 0.35 0.38 3.55 1.43
form, panidiomorph to hypidiomorphs minerals form, Na2O 1.97 2.71 2.20 3.87 3.76
primary minerals making up these rocks are quartz, K2O 4.82 4.31 5.66 3.1 3.52
plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, amphibole while P2O5 0.035 0.049 0.05 0.21 0.17
secondary minerals are present in the form of chlorite, Cr2O3 0.02 0.02 0.01 - -
sericite, and opaque minerals. This thin section shows LOI 1.58 1.16 2.86 - -
indistinct perthite texture. Total 100.00 99.83 99.09 99.89 100.05
This thin section also shows mineral alteration in CIPW Norm
weak intensity. This rock is composed of 75 % Mineral Wt%
phenocryst and 25 % groundmass. Quartz, plagioclase, Quartz 43.31 39.89 32.25 22.46 36.41
K-feldspar, biotite and amphibole appeared as Plagioclase 18.34 24.34 20.17 48.68 37.8
phenocryst while smaller porphyritic quartz appeared Orthoclase 28.48 25.47 33.45 18.32 20.8
as groundmass. Phenocryst quartz have size 300 Corundum 3.45 4 4.32 - 1.2
microns and more, colorless, spherical subhedral, Diopside - - - 0.25 -
found in all parts of the thin section. Plagioclase have Hypersthene 3.19 3.06 4.34 6.47 2.56
size of 400 microns and more, colorless, tabular Ilmenite 0.21 0.27 0.21 1.06 0.02
euhderal, some of this mineral altered into sericite, Magnetite 3.49 3.99 3.58 5.7 2.26
plagioclase show extinction angle ranged from 20-25 Apatite 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.49 0.39
classified as andesine. K-feldpsar have size of 50 to 200
microns, colorless, tabular subhedral, these minerals Besides it also supported by typically volcanic arc
are difficult to identify because their small amount and with low TiO2 content. 4 out of 5 samples showed very
lack of twins. This thin section also shows alteration in low TiO2 at 0.009-0.14 wt% and one sample (UH-01)
the presence of chlorite seen to change amphibole and showed slightly higher TiO2 at 0.56 wt%. In addition,
sericite to change plagioclase. granitic rocks in the study area have high SiO2 and K2O
3.3 Geochemistry content where SiO2 ranged from 67.38-75.68 wt% with
an average of 72.51 wt% and K2O ranged from 3.10-5.66
There are 5 granitic rock samples to be discussed in wt% with an average of 4.28 wt%. Thus, based on the
geochemistry scope. 3 samples from this study were rock classification diagram (Fig. 6), JSA-142, JSA-126,
from the Cisanun Stream (JSA-142 and JSA 141) and JSA-141, and UH-02 belong to granite rocks (Cox et al.,
Cigaber Stream (JSA-126), while 2 other samples were 1979) or more precisely monzogranite (Streckeisen,
from Hartono et al. (2008). 1976), while UH-01 is diorit-quartz (Cox et al., 1979)
Previous studies of granitic rocks in Bayah have which is also called granodiorite (Streckeisen, 976).
been discussed by Hartono et al. (2008), but out of the Classification of rocks Cox et al. (1979) is based on the
8 samples discussed only 2 of them were granitic rocks content of SiO2, K2O, and Na2O while Streckeisen
which in this research named UH-01 and UH-02 while (1976) emphasized the mineral content of quartz (Q), K
the other 6 samples were volcanic rocks such as feldspar (A), and plagioclase (P) which in this paper
andesite, basalt, rhyolite, dacite and some of them are determined from the CIPW Norm.
part of the Cikotok Formation.
The results of XRF and ICP-MS geochemical analysis 3.3.2 Granite Type and Magma Origin
from these samples listed in Table 1 and Table 2. Over the past two decades there have been two
3.3.1 Magma Series and Rock Name types of determinations of granitic rocks i.e. Chappell &
White (1974) and Pearce et al. (1984). Although they
Based on the relationship between N2O + K2O (A), same determined the rocks based on geochemical data,
FeOt (F), and MgO (M) represented by the AFM ternary there are advantages and disadvantages of the two
diagram after Irvine & Baragar (1971) (Fig. 5A), rocks in types of determination. For example, determination
the study area belong to the calc-alkali magma series. based on Chappell & White (1974), granitic rocks
Due to high content of K2O, magma origin of these divided into I-type and S-type which are then also M-
rocks are specified as the high-K calc-alkaline series as type (White, 1979) and A-type (Collins et al., 1982), this
shown in Fig. 5B. According to Yuwono (2004), calc- classification able to represent its petrogenesis such as
alkali series typically found in subduction/ orogenic magma origin and indication for tectonic

Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 109

environments. However, the determination of the (1974). As shown in Table 3, sample JSA-142, JSA-126,
tectonic environment still less convincing because only JSA-141, and UH-02 have molar A/CNK ratio > 1.0 and
based on major elements that are relatively less classified as peraluminous index (Shands, 1951; Maniar
sensitive in geochemistry than trace elements. & Piccoli, 1989) which also classified as S-type granite.
Whereas the remain sample UH-02 has a molar A/CNK
Table 2. Minor elements concentration of Bayah granitic rocks. ratio of <1.0 and A/NK > 1.0 and classified as a
JSA-142 JSA-126 JSA-141 UH-01* UH-02* metaluminous index of I-type granite (Shands, 1951;
LFSE-LILE Maniar & Picolli, 1989). S-type granite rocks in the
Rb 115.00 108.00 109.90 42.00 44.00 study area also have low Na2O characteristics which
Sr 56.80 83.20 73.94 77.00 173.00 are <3.2 wt% (except UH-02), corundum > 1%, and high
Cs 1.70 2.00 1.52 - - SiO2 content similar to those described by Chappel &
Ba 431.00 346.00 590.00 213.00 221.00 White (2001), as well as I-type granite containing Na2O
Incompatible/ Transition > 3.2 wt% and corundum < 1%. In addition, all rock
V 5.00 6.00 5.94 - - samples analyzed were classified as Peacock's index
Cr 5.00 5.00 87.00 - 6.00 calcic because they contained SiO2 > 61 wt% (Peacock,
Co 2.00 2.00 - - - 1931; Maniar & Picolli, 1989). Thus the magma origin
Ni 5.00 2.00 - - 146.00 of granitic rocks in the research area estimated largely
Zn 32.00 29.00 33.00 - - derived from sediment. However, Hartono et al. (2008)
HFSE reported that 3 granitic rock samples in Bayah were
Ti 655.00 791.00 629.00 - - more likely to be I-type than S-type, whereas one
Y 16.30 15.60 12.55 11.00 13.00 sample of them is peraluminous S-type granite (UH-
Zr 2.30 3.00 - 0.01 45.00 02). The results of combining data from this research
Nb 5.20 5.20 4.10 3.00 5.00 and Hartono et al. (2008), granitic rocks are more likely
Hf <0.1 0.20 - - - to be S-type although there is one I-type sample.
Ta 0.47 0.45 1.36 - - Accordingly the discussion of the original magma will
Pb 8.00 6.00 6.75 - - be different from with Hartono et al. (2008) that stated
Th 7.10 6.98 6.32 4.00 5.00 the origin of the granitic rocks magma is the same as
U 1.25 1.11 1.15 - - Cikotok Formation.
REE 3.3.3 Tectonic Environment
La 15.00 17.10 12.23 10.13 9.33
Ce 33.00 35.50 29.04 21.71 22.34 Determination of tectonic environments based on
Pr 4.15 4.38 2.41 1.98 2.59 trace elements in accordance with those recommended
Nd 15.70 16.70 13.85 8.98 5.28 by Pearce et al. (1984). As shown in the Harker diagram
Sm 3.50 3.60 2.76 2.01 2.18 at Y, Rb, Nb vs. SiO2 in Fig. 7, all rock samples have
Eu 0.40 0.60 0.64 0.01 0.27 depleted Y concentration of 11.00 ppm to 16.30 ppm
Gd 3.20 3.20 1.85 1.50 2.24 with an average of 13.69, this low Y content identical to
Tb 0.49 0.47 0.31 - - the volcanic arc granites (VAG) environment or
Dy 2.90 2.80 1.71 1.87 2.22 collision granites (COLG) because high Y or Yb
Ho 0.60 0.60 0.20 - - commonly found in oceanic ridge granites (ORG) and
Er 1.50 1.70 0.70 0.61 1.50 within plate granites (WPG) (Pearce et al., 1984).
Tm 0.30 0.20 0.08 - - Similar to Y, the Rb concentration of granitic rock
Yb 1.60 1.70 0.97 0.76 1.69 samples also quite low at 42.00 ppm to 105.00 ppm
Lu 0.26 0.27 0.06 - - with an average of 83.78 (<100 ppm). Rb concentration
Total REE 82.60 88.82 66.80 49.56 49.64 able distinguish VAG with syn-collision granites (Syn-
COLG), where Rb <150 ppm more likely to be found in
Nevertheless the advantage of this determination is the VAG than SynCOLG. The Nb concentration also
the prediction of magma origin such as I-type derived shows depleted trend of 3.00 ppm to 5.20 ppm with an
from igneous rock, S-type from sedimentary rock, M- average of 4.50 ppm, this depleted Nb usually found in
type from mantle, and A-type from anorogenic setting. the VAG and ORG. Taking into account the
In contrast, Pearce et al. (1984) divide the type of concentrations of Y, Rb and Nb, granitic rocks in the
granitic rock based on trace elements which is very research area are located in the volcanic arc granites
useful in determining tectonic environments. In its (VAG) environment. Furthermore, trace elements Rb, Y,
division Pearce et al. (1984) divided the granitic rock Nb, Ta, and Yb are plotted in the discriminant diagram
environment into ocean ridge granites (ORG), volcanic after Pearce et al. (1984) in Fig. 8, where the plot results
arc granites (VAG), within plate granites (WPG), and of each discriminant diagram show that the granitic
collision granites (COLG). Thus, in this paper the two rocks are located in the volcanic arc granites (VAG)
determinations of granitic rocks used where the correspond to the Harker diagram in Fig. 7.
determination based on Chappell & White (1974) used In detail, VAG divided into oceanic-thoelitic,
to estimate magma origin while Pearce et al. (1984) oceanic calc-alkaline, and active continental margin
used to determine tectonic environments. type. Regard to these three VAG types, VAG oceanic
The molar concentration of Al2O3 (A), Na2O (N), thoelitic likely not possible since all granitic rocks in
K2O (K), and CaO (C) used to determine Shand's index this research are calc-alkaline to high-calc alkaline as
(Shands, 1951) and the granite type Chappel & White shown in Fig. 5.

110 Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

Fig. 5. (A) AFM diagram (Irvine & Baragr, 1979) and (B) K2O vs SiO2 diagram (Peccerillo & Taylor, 1976).

Fig. 6. Plutonic rock classification, (A) QPA diagram (Streckeisen, 1976) and (B) Na2O+k2O vs SiO2 dragram (Cox et al., 1971).

Table 3. ACNK content in molar%, Shand's index, and granite type of Bayah granitic rocks.

Al2O3 (A) CaO (C) Na2O (N) K2O (K) A/(N+K+

Sample A/(N+K) Shand's Index Granite Type
Molar % C)
JSA-142 8.184 0.464 2.153 3.410 1.358 1.471 Peraluminous S type
JSA-126 8.945 0.417 2.972 3.059 1.387 1.483 Peraluminous S type
JSA-141 9.919 0.467 2.492 4.151 1.395 1.493 Peraluminous S type
UH-01 10.118 4.197 4.208 2.182 0.956 1.584 Metaluminous I Type
UH-02 8.535 1.657 4.007 2.428 1.055 1.326 Peraluminous S Type

VAG oceanic calc-alkaline also not likely become (part of the Eurasian Plate) (Sukarna et al. 1993;
the environment of the rocks considering high content Clements et al., 2009). The collision resulted volcanism
of Al2O3 (12.42-15.56 wt%) and low Yb (0.76-1.70 ppm) and magmatism activities, including magmatisme in
which represent continental than oceanic rocks. Thus, Bayah Complex. The geochemistry of granitic rocks
granitic rocks of Bayah Complex are formed in the VAG represented by the tectonic discriminant diagrams
active continental margin. This tectonic environment after Pearce et al. (1984) show the suitability rock
also supported b of high calc environment with the regional tectonic setting i.e. the
alkaline. volcanic arc. Furthermore, the Sunda Plate is the most
Referring to the regional tectonic setting, the Bayah southeastern margin of the Eurasian Plate which moves
Complex on Java Island is a part of the volcanic island south in contrast to the Indo-Australian Plate which
arc thta highly affected by the collision between Indo- moves north, both plates are at least collided in the Late
Australian Oceanic Plate and Sunda Continental Plate Cretaceous (Sukarna et al., 1993; Ahnaf et al., 2018).

Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 111

Thus it is very fitted because geochemically the granitic
rocks show volcanic arc active continental margin.
The southeast region of the Eurasian Plate known as
one of the most seismically active and has a complex
tectonic setting, it is not surprising that volcanism and
magmatism activity have been running from Late
Cretaceous untill the present time.
3.4 Formation of Grantic Rocks
3.4.1 Sediment Source
As discussed earlier, the S-type granite magma in
the research area originated from sediments. By regard
to regional geology, this granitic rocks known as the
Granodiorite Cihara was formed in the Early Oligocene
to the Late Oligocene (Sujatmiko & Santosa, 1992). By
this, it could be assumed that the sediment sources are
older than the Early Oligocene. There are only
sedimentary rocks from Bayah Formation and Cijengkol
Formation which are older than these granitic rocks
therefore one or both of these rock formations have the
same source as granitic rocks.

Fig. 7. Harker diagrams of Y, Rb, and Nb vs SiO2 after

Pearce et al. (1984). Fig. 8. Tectonic discriminant diagrams of Rb, Y, Nb, and
Ta after Pearce et al. (1984).

112 Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019

Based on the U-Pb dating of zircon minerals from both source material, and crustal
formations, Clements & Hall (2008) stated that these contamination/assimilation.
two formations show similar zircon age signatures i.e. By considering the composition of major and minor
Early Cretaceous to Middle Cretaceous for Bayah elements in granitic rocks it seems that magma mixing
Formation and Jurassic to Cretaceous for the Cijengkol and crystallization fraction not significantly occurred.
Formation which originated from the Schwaner White & Chappell (1988) stated that basalt mixing
Mountains. Furthermore, other zircons still from the occurs when the content of CaO and Na2O are higher
same two formations also show similar age clusters i.e. than the sediment-derived magma while Bayah
Pemian-Triassic originating from the granitic rocks of granitic rocks only show an average value of CaO 1.22
the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Tin Island. Thus, wt%, and Na2O 2.90 wt%. In addition Villaros (2010)
the Bayah Formation and Cijengkol Formation sourced stated that that magma mixing usually characterized
from several same sources, namely the Schwaner by low LILE concentration while Bayah granitic rocks
Mountains, Malay Peninsula, and Indonesian Tin Island show fairly to high LILE such as Rb 42.00-115.00 ppm
which also as source for granitic rock magma in Bayah with an average of 83.78 ppm, Sr 56.80-173.00 ppm
Complex. This statement also supported by with an average of 92.79 ppm, Ba 213.00-590.00 ppm
composition of granitic rocks that geochemically with an average of 360.20 ppm, consequently the
originated from continental. mixing mechanism not likely occurred. Crystal
fractionation typically has more felsic and high HFSE
3.4.2 Sediment Accumulated, Metamorphosed,
concentration magma residues, Bayah granitic rocks
are indeed more felsic than pure sediment-derived
Clastic sediments from Eurasia accumulated in the magma but have ow average HFSE concentration such
marine, terrestrial, and oceanic trench at the as Zr 12.58 ppm, Hf 0.20 ppm, Nb 4.50 ppm, Ta 0.76
subduction between the Indo-Australian Plate and the ppm, and Th 5.88 ppm so that crystal fractionation also
Sunda Plate. Sediments accumulated in the shallow not significant occurred.
marine to terrestrial formed the Bayah Formation in the Remaining 2 types of differentiation, namely
Middle Eocene and the Cijengkol Formation in the Early entrainment of source material and crustal
Oligocene while the sediments in trench are contamination, it seems that crustal contamination
metamorphosed in various depths as metasediment more likely possible because there are increase in SiO2
rocks. Metasediments those fill the shallow part then 0.51 wt % and Al2O3 1.95 wt %, and a decrease in Fe2O3
exposed in Eocene as Metamorphic Rocks whereas + MgO by 0.61 wt %. The continental composition which
those fill the deep part melted as magma through is rich in SiO2 and Al2O3 automatically enriching
partial to complete melting. Melting from magma in both SiO2 and Al2O3 and conversely
metasediments according to Chappell & White (1984); reducing Fe2O3 + MgO, moreover this crustal
Chappell & White (1992) occurred at 800 C although contamination also implied by high Rb concentration
some researchers such as Clemens & Watkins (2001) (average 83.78 ppm) and Ba (average 360.20 ppm)
and Johnson et al (2001) stated higher temperature at which usually enriched due to interaction with crustal.
850 C. The pure composition of this melt is unknown After the magma differentiated, as it gets closer to the
because direct observation is very unlikely. However, surface, the temperature will be lower and the magma
experiments have been carried out regarding the slowly crystallized as plutonic rocks.
general composition of the melting of the
3.4.4 Batholite Exposed
metasediments. Montel & Vielzeuf (1997) in Villaros
(2010) stated that the nature of magma from melting is Granitic rocks are exposed on the surface as
always leucocratic with FeO + MgO below 4.00 wt%, batholite (Sujatmiko & Santosa, 1992; Hartono et al.,
SiO2 72.00 wt%, and Al2O3 12 wt%. In addition, from 2008) which became known as the Bayah Dome by van
high field strength elements ( HFSE), light rare earth Bemmelen (1949). The batholite exposing is related to
elements (LREE), and lithophile elements (LILE) in melt global tectonic events, Sribudiyani et al. (2003) and
metasediments able to indicate the process of magma Ahnaf et al. (2018) stated that there were continental
differentation. fragments detached from Godwana moving north near
subduction zone of the Indo-Australian and Sunda
Plate. As a result, orogenesa occured several times and
3.4.3 Magmatic Differentiation-Crystallization
led to the uplifting. Orogenesis in the Bayah Complex
The average composition of granitic rocks from divided into 3 stages i.e. Orogenesa I in the Early
Bayah Complex showed SiO2 72.51 wt%, Al2O3 13.95 %, Oligocene, Orogenesa II in Early to Middle Miocene, and
and Fe2O3 + MgO 3.39 wt %. By comparing the Orogenesa III in Middle Miocene to Pliocene (van
composition to pure sediment-derived magma from Bemmelen, 1949; Ahnaf et al. 2018). Associated with
experimental after Montel & Vielzeuf (1997), Bayah the age of granitic rocks (Granodiorite Cihara) which
granitic rocks have increased in SiO2 0.51 wt% and Al2O showed the Early Late Oligocene, this batholite is
3 1.95 wt%, and decreased in Fe2O3 + MgO 0.61 wt%, estimated to be exposed during Orogenesa I in the
this difference in other words stated that magma have Oligocene. After batholite exposed, there are also small
undergone changes in composition (differentiation). follow-up intrusions that occurred afterwards such as
Villaros (2010) explained that there are 4 types of dacite and quartz diorite in the Miocene. Field data
differentiation in S-type granite magma namely showing contact between granitic rocks with
magma mixing, crystal fractionation, entrainment of Metamorphic Rock and Cikotok Formation, thus, it is
interpreted that the batholite break through these two

Ahnaf.J.S & et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 02/2019 113

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