Ahnafetal 2019 Volcanic Arc Granites Bayah
Ahnafetal 2019 Volcanic Arc Granites Bayah
Ahnafetal 2019 Volcanic Arc Granites Bayah
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3 authors:
H. Permana
Indonesian Institute of Sciences
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Journal of Geoscience,
Engineering, Environment, and Technology
Vol 04 No 02 2019
This research aimed to reveal the petrogenesis of granitic rocks of Bayah Complex starting from magma differentiation to
exposing event, this research also intended to determine the tectonic environment. The methods carried out in this research
include field observation, petrographic analysis using polarized light microscopy, and geochemical analysis using X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) and Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Petrographic analysis shows that Bayah granitic rocks are composed of quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar while the rest are
amphibole, biotite, sericite, chlorite, epidote, and opaque. Based on its major oxide concentrations, Bayah granitic rocks classified
as granite and diorite-quartz which have high-K calc-alkaline magma. 4 samples of granitic rocks showed the A/N+K+C > 1 molar
ratios belonging to the peraluminous S-type granite index while the remaining 1 sample showed a molar ratio of A/N+ K+C < 1
and A/N+K > 1 which classified as metaluminous I-type granite. Accordingly, Bayah granitic rocks are S-type granite which
crystallized from sediment-derived magma, the sediments itself estimated sourced from continental especially Malay Peninsula,
Indonesian Tin Island, and Schwaner Mountains. During differentiation, the magma undergone crustal contamination reflected
by the increase in both SiO2 0.51 wt% and Al2O3 1.95 wt%, and decrease in Fe2O3 + MgO 0.61 wt% from the pure composition of
sediment-derived magma. Furthermore, the occurrence of crustal contamination also recognized from high concentrations of Rb
and Ba which indicate the interaction of magma with the materials of continental crust.
Regard to the exposing event, Bayah granitic rocks approximated to be exposed due to regional tectonic activity which caused
Orogenesa I in the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene. Moreover, based on the plot of trace elements especially Rb, Y, Nb, Ta,
and Yb on Harker and tectonic discriminant diagrams, Bayah granitic rocks are formed on volcanic-arc active continental margins
in accordance with regional tectonic setting.
Fig. 6. Plutonic rock classification, (A) QPA diagram (Streckeisen, 1976) and (B) Na2O+k2O vs SiO2 dragram (Cox et al., 1971).
Table 3. ACNK content in molar%, Shand's index, and granite type of Bayah granitic rocks.
VAG oceanic calc-alkaline also not likely become (part of the Eurasian Plate) (Sukarna et al. 1993;
the environment of the rocks considering high content Clements et al., 2009). The collision resulted volcanism
of Al2O3 (12.42-15.56 wt%) and low Yb (0.76-1.70 ppm) and magmatism activities, including magmatisme in
which represent continental than oceanic rocks. Thus, Bayah Complex. The geochemistry of granitic rocks
granitic rocks of Bayah Complex are formed in the VAG represented by the tectonic discriminant diagrams
active continental margin. This tectonic environment after Pearce et al. (1984) show the suitability rock
also supported b of high calc environment with the regional tectonic setting i.e. the
alkaline. volcanic arc. Furthermore, the Sunda Plate is the most
Referring to the regional tectonic setting, the Bayah southeastern margin of the Eurasian Plate which moves
Complex on Java Island is a part of the volcanic island south in contrast to the Indo-Australian Plate which
arc thta highly affected by the collision between Indo- moves north, both plates are at least collided in the Late
Australian Oceanic Plate and Sunda Continental Plate Cretaceous (Sukarna et al., 1993; Ahnaf et al., 2018).