Nugrohoetal 2009

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Conference Paper · January 2009


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13 authors, including:

Dwiharso Nugroho Toni Simo

Bandung Institute of Technology ExxonMobil


Shawn M. Fullmer Melissa Hicks

ExxonMobil SUNY Onondaga Community College


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Vaca Muerta View project

Dolomite View project

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Thirty-Third Annual Convention & Exhibition May 2009



Dwiharso Nugroho* J.T. Van Gorsel*****

Toni Simo** Kelley Steffen**
Dardji Noeradi*** Amy Ruf******
Shawn M. Fullmer** Benyamin Sapiie***
Melissa K. Hicks** Martin Terrell**
Stephen E. Kaczmarek** Ian Saikia*******
Chengjie Liu****

ABSTRACT turbidite apron is characterized by normally-graded,

thin bedded grainstones to packstones (turbidites)
The Rajamandala Formation is well exposed in and thick bedded breccias, grainstones and
Padalarang area, near Bandung, and is the objective siltstones. The stratigraphic relationships at
of a collaborative study between ITB, Rice Cikamuning indicate that margin and foreslope
University, ExxonMobil and BPMigas. The deposits form a depositional continuum reflecting a
collaborative work focuses on the biostratigraphy, shallow-water prograding carbonate platform. The
the interpretation of the depositional facies and deep-water carbonate turbidite apron rests
geometries, and the relationship to tectonism. unconformably on the prograding carbonate
platform with an onlapping geometry. The turbidite
Detailed preliminary work presented here is focused deposits fill the lows created by the underlying
in two areas; Cikamuning and Gn. Guha. unconformity and foreslope paleotopography.
Cikamuning is a well exposed carbonate outcrop Based on both large benthic and planktonic
ridge located near the Tagogapu train station that foraminifera, the prograding carbonate platform was
represents a shelf-to-basin transition. Gn. Guha is a deposited during the early part of the Chattian
large quarry with excellent 3D exposures of the (Stages Te1 and Te2-3) and the turbidite apron
uppermost Rajamandala Limestone. Both during middle-late Chattian (Te2-3 and Te4). The
Cikamuning and Gn. Guha outcrops are capped by platform top facies exposed in Gn. Guha consist of
mixed carbonate-siliciclastic facies. alternating red-algal boundstone and grainstone,
which are interpreted to represent an open shelf
Based on field and thin sections observations, 5 environment. The lowermost deposits of the Gn.
environments of deposition have been identified: Guha section are interpreted as Te 2-3. The
platform top, reef margin, foreslope, carbonate majority of the Gn. Guha section is, however, Te4
turbidite apron, and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic in age with the uppermost section clearly late Te4.
deep-water breccia. The reef margin, foreslope and The mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deep-water
carbonate turbidite apron are well exposed at breccias that overlie both areas consist of three main
Cikamuning. The reef margin is composed of coral- lithologies: carbonate breccia (with rare matrix)
algal boundstone and skeletal grainstones, whereas with carbonate, quartz and sandstone clasts (only
floatstone, rudstone and occasional boundstone. seen near Gn. Guha), carbonate breccia, and
Depositional dip on the foreslope deposits is claystone. The mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deep-
between 10 and 230 to the NE. The carbonate water breccia is late Chattian (Te4) to early
Aquitanian (Te5) in age.
* Rice University
** Upstream Research Company, ExxonMobil
*** Institute of Technology Bandung
The biostratigraphic correlation between the two
**** ExxonMobil Exploration, Houston areas suggests that during the Early Chattian a
***** ExxonMobil Exploration, Melbourne shallow water platform occurred in both areas; in
****** ExxonMobil Indonesia
******* ExxonMobil Production, Houston Cikamuning the platform prograded to the NE.
During middle Chattian time the platform margin at During the Plio‐Pleistocene, the Padalarang area, as
Cikamuning was partially truncated and later part of the structural evolution of the Bogor Trough,
covered by deep-water turbidites. In contrast, was deformed and uplifted via motion on a NE‐SW
shallow-water open marine conditions prevailed at thrust fault system (NE-SW asymmetric imbricated
Gn. Guha during the Middle Chattian suggesting
thrust faults and NW‐SE strike‐slip tear faults)
backstepping. Possible, after exposure of parts of
which resulted in the formation of a series of NE-
the platform, the entirety of the area was covered by
SW trending ridges that augmented subsequent
deep-water deposits by the end of the Chattian as
carbonate deposition. Based on balanced cross-
evidenced by the deposition of claystone with
section work, tectonic deformation in the area is
breccias resulting from the erosion of nearby
classified as a leading imbricate duplex thrust fault
limestones throughout the area. The uniqueness of
system (Figure 4).
this event is further emphasized by the presence of
sandstone and quartz clasts in the breccias in the
southern outcrops suggesting the erosion of an un-
identified land.
Twelve (12) measured sections were logged along
approximately 4 km of up stratigraphic section
The studied outcrops presented here provide insight
transects in the Cikamuning and Gunung Guha (Gn.
into the evolution and demise of Oligocene
Guha) areas. Preliminary measured sections from
carbonate platforms in tectonically active areas and
other localities in the Padalarang area (Batununggal,
high amplitude sea level changes.
Bende and Pabeasan Area) were also incorporated
into the study.
In the Cikamuning area, cliff forming outcrop faces
The Rajamandala Formation is well exposed in
are often vegetated and otherwise covered making it
Padalarang area, near Bandung (Figure 1), and is
necessary to piece the stratigraphy together from
the objective of a collaborative study between ITB,
measured sections taken along transects where
Rice University, ExxonMobil and BPMigas. The
outcrop exposure is optimal. Systematic
collaborative work focuses on biostratigraphic
photographic panoramas (photo-pans) were
analysis, interpretation of the depositional facies
prepared to aid in stratigraphic correlation between
and geometries, and the relationship between
measured sections. Major stratigraphic horizons
carbonate platform evolution and regional tectonics
have been identified on both the measured sections
(Sapiie, et. al., 2007).
and the photo-pans and correlated throughout the
study area to the extent possible.
Previous regional stratigraphic studies have
characterized the Rajamandala Formation as a
In the Gunung Guha area, measured sections were
limestone dominated unit that unconformably
completed within the quarry along with a detailed
overlies the Batuasih and Gunung Walat Formations
description of the paleoecology of the observed
(Bayah Formation) and was deposited during initial
lithofacies. The quarry walls at Gn. Guha were cut
marine transgression in the Bogor Trough during
very recently so outcrop condition is pristine.
Late Oligocene to Early Miocene time (Martodjojo,
However, sample collection was sometimes
1984, Adinegoro, 1975, Baumann, et. al., 1973).
problematic due to the smooth, machine cut faces of
The Rajamandala Limestone was subsequently
the quarry walls. Wherever possible, samples that
buried by thick volcaniclastic mass flow deposits of
ranged from cobble to boulder size were extracted.
the Citarum Formation (Martodjojo, 1984,
Several larger samples were also collected from the
Baumann, et. al., 1973) (Figure 2).
quarry floor when it was determined that they were
relatively close to their origin.
Padalarang is located approximately 10 – 20 km
westward from Bandung. Eight major
lithostratigraphic units have been recognized in this
More than 200 samples were collected from both
area including (ordered from oldest to youngest):
localities for petrographic and paleontologic
Bayah Formation, Batuasih Formation, Limestone
analysis. Thin sections were made from all samples
Member of Rajamandala Formation, Marl Member
and highly polished serial slabs were created from
of Rajamandala Formation, Citarum Formation,
the larger samples. Semi quantitative analysis for
Saguling Formation, and Andesite Intrusion. The
petrography and paleontology data was performed
above referenced formations are unconformably
overlain by Quaternary volcanics (Figure 3).
to support sedimentologic and stratigraphic are rare in most samples, except in the upper part of
analyses. section GGD, where they are abundant in the
Lithofacies analysis was accomplished by Domal/Platy facies.
combining field-based and petrographic
observations. Lithofacies associations were Based on the extensive vertical accretion of
interpreted by combining results for the lithofacies boundstone to bindstone in association with grainy
analysis, stratigraphic stacking pattern analysis and deposits, such as mud-lean packstone and
stratigraphic correlation (observed geometries). grainstone, the associated foraminifera and other
Lithofacies associations are intended to reflect fossil assemblages, such as the presence of
general environments of deposition with inferred Rhodoliths and high abundance of fragmented red
physical or biologic characteristics. algae (Bosence, 1991; Foster, 2001) suggest that
these sections were deposited in a high-energy
Carbonate Facies, Facies Association, and setting, in particular, a high energy platform interior
Distribution to platform margin setting characterized by
aggregating reefs and shoal formation. From GGC
Based on field and thin-sections observations, five to GGD to GGL the sections, which are considered
general lithofacies associations have been as getting stratigraphically younger with respect to
identified: 1) platform top, 2) reef margin, 3) reef each other, are associated with grainier facies. The
foreslope, 4) carbonate turbidite apron, and 5) sections change from packstone to mud-lean
mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deep-water breccia. packstone dominated to mud-lean packstone to
The platform top facies is well exposed at Gn. Guha grainstone dominated. These three sections are also
while the reef margin, reef foreslope and carbonate characterized by alternations from thin, wispy platy
turbidite apron outcrop in the Cikamuning area. coral, more massive platy corals, and domal corals
and until GGL appear to have no observable trends.
Platform Top Facies Association (FA-1) In GGL, the domal corals do lessen in abundance
while the platy corals increase up section. The
Seven facies can be described composed the variation between domal and platy corals could be
platform top facies association in Gunung Guha associated with slight variation in relative sea level.
Quarry represented by Section GGC, GGD, GGL The presence of domal coral suggests a location
and LG, in this study (Figure 5). Those are as within the reef that is high energy, such as the reef
follows: 1) Platy Coral, 2) Domal/Platy Coral, 3) crest or the shallow fore-reef, while the presence of
LBF Grainstone Facies, 4) Foliaceous Coral Facies, platy corals suggests deeper forereef (James, 1983).
5) Rhodolith Facies, 6) Solitary Coral Facies, and 7)
LBF/Planktonic Packstone/MLP Facies. The LG
section contains four very distinct lithofacies (4 - 7), Overall, there appears to be a deepening trend. The
which are not present in any of the other sections. high amount of aggradation of the boundstone and
Within GGC and GGD, only first three facies can bindstone and the final shift in section GGL to all
be distinguished, while GGL only contains two of platy corals indicates that relative sea level was
these facies. The distinguishing characteristic of rising throughout the deposition of the Platform Top
these facies is the presence/absence of domal and/or facies association in Rajamandala Formation.
platy corals; otherwise the facies are very similar.
The Large Benthic Foraminifera Grainstone facies, The intraformational breccia is found in all the
only observed in the GGC and GGD sections, is not sections (GGC, GGD, GGL, and LG) and consists
present in the GGL section. The Large Benthic of dissolution cavities and pipes with intraclasts,
Foraminifera Grainstone facies also contains an fossils, and sediments that are derived in-situ or
abundance of planktonic foraminifera in the LG nearly in-situ. In some cases, large benthic
section. The matrix of all the boundstone facies is foraminifera are visible inhabiting or encrusting the
grainstone/mud-lean packstone, but GGL does not walls. These are interpreted to be synsedimentary
contain pure grainstone and has few to no corals dissolution features and may illustrate brief
present. All three facies contain varying exposure times. Cements throughout the sections
abundances of large benthic foraminifera, are observed to be clean and blocky, illustrating a
rhodoliths, encrusting and articulated red algae, fresh water meteoric component. Some dissolution
planktonic foraminifera, echinoderms, ostracods, of primary fossil skeletal microstructure and re-
and milliolids. Green algae are observed in both the precipitation of blocky cements is observed, but
GGD and the LG sections, but were not described in complete dissolution of fossils or marine cements
the GGC or GGL sections. Planktonic foraminifera did not occur.
The skeletal grainstone lithofacies consists of
Section LG exhibits few similarities to the other fragments of corals, echinoids, and red algae and
sections, which lack convincing trends and appear complete tests of large benthic foraminifera (LBF).
mostly homogeneous. Conversely, the LG section Grain size can vary between very fine to coarse and
illustrates a distinct deepening event in conjunction typically increases toward the top of an individual
with high sedimentation rates. The foliaceous and bed. Finer scale normal grading is observed locally
solitary branching corals observed are with decimeter-scale repetition. The interpreted
morphologically designed to withstand high depositional environment for the skeletal grainstone
sedimentation rates, and particular to foliaceous lithofacies is platform margin shoal and/or sand
corals, high turbidity (Wilson and Lokier, 2002); apron.
while the presence of a large abundance of
planktonic foraminifera supports a deeper water Coral Floatstone:
interpretation. Based on functional morphology, the
up-section transition from solitary and rare platy The coral floatstone lithofacies consists of abundant
corals to abundant foliaceous corals indicates 1-10 cm platy or branching coral fragments floating
increasing sedimentation rates. The abrupt change in a skeletal grainstone matrix similar to the skeletal
to Rhodolith- and red algae-dominated facies with grainstone facies described above. Large coral
decreasing coral content suggests an increase in fragments are not observed in growth position. The
nutrient content (i.e. algal bloom). Furthermore, the interpreted depositional environment for this
LBF and planktonic grainstone signify deeper lithofacies is platform margin distal reef apron.
waters and abundant sedimentation.
LG does contain similar intraformational breccia in Coral Rudstone:
small pockets and dissolution pipes and it has
similar large benthic faunas, Amphistegina sp., The coral rudstone lithofacies is distinguished by a
Heterosegina sp., Nephrolepidina sp., Spiroclypeus clast-supported framework of platy or domal coral
sp., and Eulepidina sp. as described in the other fragments ranging in size from 1 to 10 cm. Very
three sections. fine grained skeletal grainstone fills the inter-clast
space. Allochem content in the coral rudstone facies
Paleontologic analysis on both benthic and is similar to that described for the skeletal
planktonic Foraminifera indicate that the lowermost grainstone facies with the exception of a marked
deposits of the Gn. Guha sections are Te 2-3 decrease in the abundance of LBF. The interpreted
(middle – late Chattian). The majority of the Gn. depositional environment for the coral rudstone
Guha section is, however, Te4 in age, with the lithofacies is platform margin proximal reef apron
uppermost section being interpreted as late Te4 (late and/or reef flat.

Reef Margin Facies Association (FA-2) Platy Coral Boundstone:

The reef margin lithofacies association, represented The platy coral boundstone lithofacies consists of a
by Section #7 in this study (Cikamuning Area), coral framestone dominated by platy corals that are
contains 5 distinct lithofacies: 1) Skeletal typically 1 cm thick and greater than 10 cm in
Grainstone, 2) Coral Floatstone, 3) Coral Rudstone, length. Domal or branching corals are rare but
4) Platy Coral Boundstone, and 5) Domal Coral present locally. Faint meter-scale bedding is
Boundstone. Each lithofacies is defined according observed within thicker (3 - 4 m) platy coral
to depositional fabric, allochem content, boundstone units. Skeletal grainstone occupies the
sedimentary structures, and bedding style, which interstices between the coral framework. The
records a unique depositional event with inferred interpreted depositional environment for the platy
water depth, depositional energy, sediment supply, coral boundstone lithofacies lithofacies is reef front.
and biologic diversity and productivity
characteristics. The lithofacies are summarized in Domal Coral Boundstone:
detail below and a depositional environment
interpretation is provided. The domal coral boundstone lithofacies consists of
a coral framestone dominated by large (up to 1m)
Skeletal Grainstone: domal coral heads in life position. Coarse grained
skeletal grainstone or coral rudstone fills the space
between individual coral heads. The interpreted
depositional environment for this lithofacies is overlying the coral-algal grainstone and the contact
shallower reef front to reef crest. between lithofacies is typically gradational. Coral-
Foreslope Facies Association (FA-3) algal grainstones are typically coarser grained than
LBF grainstones but not without exception. The
The foreslope lithofacies association (FA-3), interpreted depositional environment for the coral-
represented in measured section #6 in this study algal grainstone lithofacies is reef foreslope.
(Cikamuning Area), contains four distinct
lithofacies: 1) LBF Grainstone, 2) Coral-algal Coral-algal Floatstone:
Grainstone, 3) Coral-algal Floatstone, and 4) Platy
Coral Rudstone/Boundstone. Each lithofacies is The coral-algal floatstone lithofacies is similar to
defined by depositional fabric, allochem content, the coral-algal grainstone facies with the
sedimentary structures, and bedding style, and conspicuous addition of large (> 10 cm) coral
records a unique depositional event with inferred fragments or whole coral heads floating in the
water depth, depositional energy, sediment supply, grainstone matrix. The large coral fragments tend to
and biologic diversity and productivity be morphologically diverse and include platy,
characteristics. Trends in coral abundance and branching, and domal morphotypes. Locally, meter
diversity are of particular note in this part of the scale coral heads, not in life position, are observed
section and are a major factor in distinguishing in this lithofacies. Red algae is commonly found
individual lithofacies. The lithofacies are encrusting coral fragments and as rhodoliths in the
summarized in detail below and an interpretation of coral-algal floatstone. The interpreted depositional
depositional environment is provided. Depositional environment for the coral-algal floatstone
dip on the foreslope deposits is between 10 and 230 lithofacies is proximal reef foreslope.
to the NE.
Platy Coral Rudstone/Boundstone:

LBF Grainstone: The platy coral rudstone/boundstone lithofacies

consists of a coral framestone dominated by red
The LBF grainstone lithofacies is typically a algae encrusted platy corals that are typically 1 cm
massive bedded skeletal grainstone. Dominant thick and greater than 10 cm in length. Large
allochems include LBF’s, red algal fragments, intraclasts of red algal encrusted platy coral debris
echinoid spines and fragments, and non-descript is commonly interspersed with platy corals that
peloidal grains. The relative scarcity of coral appear to be in growth position. It is often difficult
fragments distinguishes this lithofacies from the to discern the difference between corals that are in
coral-algal grainstone described below. The place and coarse platy coral debris; hence the
abundance of red algal content tends to increase in rudstone classification is used. Distinct meter-scale
this facies where it is in close vertical proximity to, bedding is observed within thicker (3 – 4 m) platy
or inter-bedded with, coral-algal grainstones. The coral boundstone units. Skeletal grainstone occupies
LBF grainstone is typically overlain by coral-algal the interstices between the coral framework. The
grainstone with a gradational contact separating the interpreted depositional environment for the platy
two facies. The LBF grainstone is commonly finer coral rudstone/boundstone lithofacies is distal reef
grained than the coral-algal grainstone or the front.
grainstone matrix in the coral-algal floatstone. The
interpreted depositional environment for the LBF The stratigraphic relationships as on field sections
grainstone lithofacies is distal reef foreslope. and panoramas correlation indicate that margin and
foreslope deposits form a depositional continuum
Coral-algal Grainstone: reflecting a shallow-water prograding carbonate
platform. Based on both large benthic and
The coral-algal grainstone lithofacies consists of planktonic foraminifera the prograding package was
abundant skeletal and platy coral fragments. Other deposited during the early part of the Chattian
allochems include red-algal fragments, LBF, and (Stages Te1 and Te2-3).
echinoid fragments. This facies is typically massive
but has meter scale internal bedding in some of the Carbonate Turbidite Apron Facies Association
thicker units. The relative abundance of platy coral (FA-4)
fragments distinguishes the coral-algal grainstone
from the LBF grainstone. Coral-algal floatstones or The carbonate turbidite apron lithofacies association
coral rudstone/boundstones are consistently found can be further subdivided into two distinct
lithofacies associations: proximal carbonate are the thicker and coarser grained lithology in the
turbidite apron and distal coarse grained carbonate Proximal Carbonate Turbidite Apron lithofacies
turbidite apron. The main difference between them association. These facies vary in thickness from
is that the proximal carbonate turbidite apron decimeter- to meter-scale and contain irregular
association is more homogenous and continuous, masses and channelized beds which erode into the
contains only very thin lime mudstones and does underlying finer grained beds forming an
not contain claystone. The distal coarse grained intraformational truncation structure. Individual
carbonate turbidite apron is more discontinuous, is beds typically have channelized geometry with
dominated by an intercalation of massive to thin erosional bases and sharp to gradational tops
bedded carbonate debris and claystone or lime (decimeter- to meter-scale beds). The dominant
mudstone. The dominant grain type in the distal allochem in the Foraminifera Breccia/Rudstone-
coarse grained carbonate turbidite apron is lime Grainstone are foraminifera (LBF) but also contain
intraclast with an average grain size of red algae, corals, intraclasts (grainstone, packstone
approximately 100 mm. The dominant allochems in and mudstone), clay rip ups, and planktonic forams.
the proximal carbonate turbidite apron association The average grain size is approximately 1 mm.
are LBF, skeletal fragments and intraclasts. Some coral clasts and intraclasts are bigger (≤ 10 –
50 mm).
‐ Proximal Carbonate Turbidite Apron Facies
Association (FA-4.1)
‐ Distal Coarse Grained Carbonate Turbidite
The proximal carbonate turbidite apron is Apron Facies Association (FA-4.2)
characterized by intercalated thick beds of
breccia/rudstone and skeletal grainstone with thin The distal carbonate turbidite apron is characterized
skeletal packstone or wackestone inter-beds. by inter-bedded clay stone (red siltstone) and
mudstone and thick, massive bedded,
Foraminifera (LBF) Mud-lean Packstone- breccia/rudstone or grainstone units. Thick
Grainstone and Foraminifera (LBF) Wackestone- channelized beds of Intraclast Breccia/Rudstone –
Packstone Grainstone are amalgamated and have erosional
Finer grained beds in the Proximal Carbonate bases with intercalated thin beds of claystone,
Turbidite Apron lithofacies association typically siltstone, mudstone or sometimes thin beds of
consist of well stacked interval of Foraminifera intraclast grainstone – packstone (in eastern extent
Mud-leaned Packstone to Grainstone intercalated of Cikamuning). In the southwestern part of the
with Foraminifera Wackestone to Packstone facies. Cikamuning area, this interval (FA-4.2) becomes
Individual beds have sharp or erosional bases and thinner and finer grained.
occasionally form small (decimeter-scale) lenticular
channel features. Beds are mostly amalgamated in Intraclast Breccia/Rudstone – Grainstone facies,
uniform, thinning upward, or thickening upward the most abundant in this lithofacies association,
successions. Finer grained beds show classic Ta and mostly occur as meter to several meter thick
Tb Bouma sequence structures. Some beds include massive beds characterized by channelized
Tc structures and soft sediment deformation geometries with erosional bases and sharp to
features at the top of the bed. Very thin marl or lime undulating tops. The dominant grain types are
mudstone units occur between coarser beds locally. limestone intraclasts (Grainstone/Packstone) but red
Foraminifera (LBF) are the main grain types along algae, corals, LBF, clay rip ups and planktonic
with clay clasts, intraclast, coral, red algae and forams are also abundant. The average grain size is
some planktonic forams. The average grain size is approximately 2 mm. Large coral clasts and
approximately 0.2 mm (in the Wackestone- intraclasts are observed (~ 30 – 100 mm in
Packestone units) and 0.5 mm (in the Mud-lean diameter). Sorting is poor. Porosity is limited but
Packstone-Grainstone units).I Individual rip-up/clay moldic, stylolite, fracture, interparticle and intra-
clasts can reach 25 mm in size. Sorting is fair to particle pore types were observed.
poor. Moldic, stylolite, fracture, interparticle and
intra-particle pore types are limited in this outcrop. Intraclasts in both facies associations contain multi-
directional and sometimes multi-generational
Foraminifera (LBF) Breccia/Rudstone-Grainstone geopetal features. This indicates that the grains
and Compositional Breccia/Rudstone-Grainstone were re-sedimented after initial deposition and early
Foraminifera Breccia/Rudstone-Grainstone and lithification. Micritic envelopes and cross-cutting
Compositional Breccia/Rudstone-Grainstone facies intra- and inter-granular calcite cements are
common in the distal coarse grained turbidite apron associations which reflect the fundamentally
unit (FA-4.2). These features indicate that this different environments of deposition. These
facies association represents a re-sedimented lithofacies types include: platform top, reef margin,
deposit that was probably related to sub-aerial foreslope, carbonate turbidite apron, and mixed
exposure in source area. Geopetal features within carbonate-siliciclastic deep-water breccia. The reef
individual grains differ in composition compared to margin, foreslope and carbonate turbidite apron are
the lime mud matrix surrounding the grains. This is well exposed at Cikamuning (Figure 9), whereas the
an indication that some grains are re-deposited from platform top outcrops only at the Gn Guha Quarry.
different carbonate depositional environment. The high amount of aggradation of the boundstone
and bindstone and ecologic transition from domal to
Paleontologic analyses on both benthic and platy corals, the abundance of planktonic
planktonic foraminifera indicate that the carbonate foraminifera in the upper part, and the up-section
turbidite apron facies association (FA-4) was transition from solitary and rare platy corals to
deposited during middle-late Chattian (Te2-3 and abundant foliaceous corals in Gunung Guha
Te4). sections indicate that relative sea level was rising
throughout the deposition of the Platform Top
- Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Deep-water facies association in Rajamandala Formation.
Breccias Facies Association (FA-5) However, the abrupt change to Rhodolith- and red
algae-dominated and the general lack of corals
The mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deepwater breccia suggests a rise in nutrient content (i.e. algal bloom).
facies association was first identified in Gunung Moreover, the LBF and planktonic grainstone in the
Guha area near Batununggal and is characterized upper sections signify deeper water depths and
by intercalated carbonate intraclast increasing sedimentation. These observations
breccias/rudstone, conglomerates-pebbly indicate that platform top facies associations in
sandstone, lime mudstone-wackestone and claystone Gunung Guha are stacked in a manner that is
facies. This facies association also has been consistent with either the platform keeping-up,
identified in Cikamuning sections as a wide-spread catching-up, or backstepping in response to sea-
carbonate breccia boulder that is conspicuously level rise before it ultimately drowned.
similar to what was observed in the Gunung Guha
area (near Batununggal). The Cikamuning breccia The typical vertical lithofacies succession for the
lacks the siliciclastic content and/or quartz pebbles reef margin facies association is an upward shoaling
that characterize the Gunung Guha breccia. The pattern of skeletal grainstone overlain by coral
Cikamuning breccia boulders cap most hill-top floatstone, or rudstone, overlain by platy coral
areas which represent the youngest deposits at boundstone which transitions into domal coral
Cikamuning (sections #6 to #12). Outcrops are boundstone. Commonly the domal coral boundstone
exclusively 0.5 – 2.0 meters in-situ boulders of is separated from skeletal grainstones above by a
Coral Breccia / Rudstone – Grainstone and sharp contact. This pattern repeats several times in
Intraclast Breccia / Rudstone – Grainstone. In both the measured portion of the outcrop and shows a
lithofacies, coral clasts are more faunally diverse general increase in the proportion of domal coral
and abundant compared to the previous facies rudstones and boundstones toward the top of the
associations (FA-4.1 & FA-4.2). Preliminary section. Large scale geometries including severe
petrographic analyses indicate that multiple changes in depositional dip that mark the platform
diagenetic processes and/or depositional cycles margin are observed in this part of the outcrop. The
overprinted skeletal and non skeletal grains before predominant lithofacies in the region of dramatic
final deposition. dip change is the domal coral boundstone and
coarse grained coral floatstone. These observations
Based on paleontologic analyses on samples are consistent with the interpretation that this
collected from Gunung Guha, the mixed carbonate- portion of the outcrop represents a prograding reef
siliciclastic deep-water breccia is late Chattian margin (Figure 9).
(Te4) to early Aquitanian (Te5) in age.
The typical vertical lithofacies succession for the
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION foreslope facies association is summarized as
follows. LBF grainstones are commonly overlain by
Based on field and thin sections observations, the coral-algal grainstones with a notable increase in
Rajamandala Formation in Gunung Guha and the abundance of platy coral fragments toward the
Cikamuning can be divided into five facies top of the coral-algal grainstones. The two
lithofacies are often inter-bedded on the scale of The combination of all observations leads to the
tens of meters and show clear patterns in both facies conclusion that the reef foreslope lithofacies
proportions and bed thickness that coincide with association is part of a prograding reef margin
platy coral abundance. Coral-algal floatstones and complex that is terminated and subsequently
platy coral rudstone/boundstones can be found onlapped by younger, deep water carbonate
overlying either the coral-algal grainstone deposition. Based on both large benthic and
lithofacies, or the LBF grainstone lithofacies, but planktonic foraminifera, the prograding carbonate
are most common in areas with a higher relative platform (reef margin and fore slope facies
proportion of coral-algal grainstone. Increased associations) was deposited during the early part of
proportions of coral-rich lithofacies coupled with an the Chattian (Stages Te1 and Te2-3) and the
increased occurrence of coral debris derived from turbidite apron during middle-late Chattian (Te2-3
the reef front are observed in the up-section and Te4). The biostratigraphic dating correlation
direction. This trend stops at a location in the between the two areas suggests that during the Early
vertical section marked by a dramatic shift to deeper Chattian a shallow water platform occurred in both
water facies. This facies shift is also coincident with areas; in Cikamuning the platform prograded to the
a surface, described in detail below, lined by large NE. During middle Chattian time the platform
coral debris and onlapped by deeper water margin at Cikamuning was partially truncated and
carbonate turbidites. later covered by deep-water turbidites.

In the southwestern part of the Cikamuning area, The field data and analyses presented here show
the Distal Coarse Grained Carbonate Turbidite that Padalarang area and Rajamandala Limestone
Apron becomes thinner and finer grained and the offer sufficient surface data, in terms of continuity
apron rests unconformably on the prograding reef and variability of facies types, to investigate both
foreslope with an onlapping geometry. The onlap the temporal and spatial distribution of carbonate
surface was identified in outcrop through facies. Assuming that global factors influencing
recognition of a dramatic shift in facies across the carbonate platform and its growth during
surface and on photo panoramas by analyzing the Oligocene-Miocene time are relatively well-known
larger-scale lapping geometries associated with the then a comprehensive study on Oligocene
surface (Figure 9). Small-scale erosion and limestones in this area would bring the analysis to
deposition of platform top debris, including large (≤ evaluate fundamental local or regional factors
1 m in diameter) coral heads, large red algae and controlling reef initiation, stacking and drowning
other skeletal debris, on the onlap surface further through that certain time that have a high amplitude
illustrate the nature and significance of this horizon. sea-level change (icehouse). That result then would
Although the observations described here satisfy be a good reference for subsurface characterization
several key criteria for defining a sequence of local and regional carbonate reservoirs that
boundary, the regional extent of the onlap surface is formed in tectonically active areas.
difficult to demonstrate due to the spotty nature of
outcrop exposure in the region.
In the Cikamuning area, a relatively abrupt change
from stacked homogenous, finer-grained Proximal
The authors recognize ExxonMobil and BP Migas
Carbonate Turbidite Apron Facies Association to
Indonesia for project funding and permission to
channelized Distal Coarse Grained Carbonate
publish. The authors are grateful to all members of
Turbidite Apron Facies Association, which is
research team from Geology Research Group of
significantly thicker and dominated by intraclasts,
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ITB, who
can be explained by normal lateral accretion
have participated and supported on field work and
following lobe avulsion within a carbonate turbidite
geology mapping.
system. An alternative explanation is that the abrupt
transition is associated with backstepping and
retrogressive erosion, which is also indicated by a
change in grain composition to intraclast REFERENCE
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Figure 1 – Research area in Padalarang, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Figure 2 – Stratigraphic diagram of lithostratigraphic unit of Bogor Basin (incl. Padalarang area) in Tertiary
(Martodjojo, 1984)
Figure 3 – Geographical Map of Padalarang Area, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (ITB-ExxonMobil, 2009)

Figure 4 – Geological Cross Section of Padalarang Area, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (ITB-ExxonMobil,
Figure 5 – Gunung Guha: Stitched panorama of the quarry wall D. A) Quarry wall D. B) Quarry wall D
with observations

Figure 6 – Stratigraphic measured sections in Gunung Guha Quarry

Figure 7 – Section #12 in Cikamuning Area, Padalarang, West Java

Figure 8 – Panoramas with select correlation horizons in Cikamuning Area, Padalarang, West Java
Figure 9 – Cross section schematic of facies association and stratigraphic correlation in Cikamuning Area,
Padalarang, West Java

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