Nugrohoetal 2009
Nugrohoetal 2009
Nugrohoetal 2009
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13 authors, including:
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The reef margin lithofacies association, represented The platy coral boundstone lithofacies consists of a
by Section #7 in this study (Cikamuning Area), coral framestone dominated by platy corals that are
contains 5 distinct lithofacies: 1) Skeletal typically 1 cm thick and greater than 10 cm in
Grainstone, 2) Coral Floatstone, 3) Coral Rudstone, length. Domal or branching corals are rare but
4) Platy Coral Boundstone, and 5) Domal Coral present locally. Faint meter-scale bedding is
Boundstone. Each lithofacies is defined according observed within thicker (3 - 4 m) platy coral
to depositional fabric, allochem content, boundstone units. Skeletal grainstone occupies the
sedimentary structures, and bedding style, which interstices between the coral framework. The
records a unique depositional event with inferred interpreted depositional environment for the platy
water depth, depositional energy, sediment supply, coral boundstone lithofacies lithofacies is reef front.
and biologic diversity and productivity
characteristics. The lithofacies are summarized in Domal Coral Boundstone:
detail below and a depositional environment
interpretation is provided. The domal coral boundstone lithofacies consists of
a coral framestone dominated by large (up to 1m)
Skeletal Grainstone: domal coral heads in life position. Coarse grained
skeletal grainstone or coral rudstone fills the space
between individual coral heads. The interpreted
depositional environment for this lithofacies is overlying the coral-algal grainstone and the contact
shallower reef front to reef crest. between lithofacies is typically gradational. Coral-
Foreslope Facies Association (FA-3) algal grainstones are typically coarser grained than
LBF grainstones but not without exception. The
The foreslope lithofacies association (FA-3), interpreted depositional environment for the coral-
represented in measured section #6 in this study algal grainstone lithofacies is reef foreslope.
(Cikamuning Area), contains four distinct
lithofacies: 1) LBF Grainstone, 2) Coral-algal Coral-algal Floatstone:
Grainstone, 3) Coral-algal Floatstone, and 4) Platy
Coral Rudstone/Boundstone. Each lithofacies is The coral-algal floatstone lithofacies is similar to
defined by depositional fabric, allochem content, the coral-algal grainstone facies with the
sedimentary structures, and bedding style, and conspicuous addition of large (> 10 cm) coral
records a unique depositional event with inferred fragments or whole coral heads floating in the
water depth, depositional energy, sediment supply, grainstone matrix. The large coral fragments tend to
and biologic diversity and productivity be morphologically diverse and include platy,
characteristics. Trends in coral abundance and branching, and domal morphotypes. Locally, meter
diversity are of particular note in this part of the scale coral heads, not in life position, are observed
section and are a major factor in distinguishing in this lithofacies. Red algae is commonly found
individual lithofacies. The lithofacies are encrusting coral fragments and as rhodoliths in the
summarized in detail below and an interpretation of coral-algal floatstone. The interpreted depositional
depositional environment is provided. Depositional environment for the coral-algal floatstone
dip on the foreslope deposits is between 10 and 230 lithofacies is proximal reef foreslope.
to the NE.
Platy Coral Rudstone/Boundstone:
In the southwestern part of the Cikamuning area, The field data and analyses presented here show
the Distal Coarse Grained Carbonate Turbidite that Padalarang area and Rajamandala Limestone
Apron becomes thinner and finer grained and the offer sufficient surface data, in terms of continuity
apron rests unconformably on the prograding reef and variability of facies types, to investigate both
foreslope with an onlapping geometry. The onlap the temporal and spatial distribution of carbonate
surface was identified in outcrop through facies. Assuming that global factors influencing
recognition of a dramatic shift in facies across the carbonate platform and its growth during
surface and on photo panoramas by analyzing the Oligocene-Miocene time are relatively well-known
larger-scale lapping geometries associated with the then a comprehensive study on Oligocene
surface (Figure 9). Small-scale erosion and limestones in this area would bring the analysis to
deposition of platform top debris, including large (≤ evaluate fundamental local or regional factors
1 m in diameter) coral heads, large red algae and controlling reef initiation, stacking and drowning
other skeletal debris, on the onlap surface further through that certain time that have a high amplitude
illustrate the nature and significance of this horizon. sea-level change (icehouse). That result then would
Although the observations described here satisfy be a good reference for subsurface characterization
several key criteria for defining a sequence of local and regional carbonate reservoirs that
boundary, the regional extent of the onlap surface is formed in tectonically active areas.
difficult to demonstrate due to the spotty nature of
outcrop exposure in the region.
In the Cikamuning area, a relatively abrupt change
from stacked homogenous, finer-grained Proximal
The authors recognize ExxonMobil and BP Migas
Carbonate Turbidite Apron Facies Association to
Indonesia for project funding and permission to
channelized Distal Coarse Grained Carbonate
publish. The authors are grateful to all members of
Turbidite Apron Facies Association, which is
research team from Geology Research Group of
significantly thicker and dominated by intraclasts,
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ITB, who
can be explained by normal lateral accretion
have participated and supported on field work and
following lobe avulsion within a carbonate turbidite
geology mapping.
system. An alternative explanation is that the abrupt
transition is associated with backstepping and
retrogressive erosion, which is also indicated by a
change in grain composition to intraclast REFERENCE
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Figure 1 – Research area in Padalarang, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Figure 2 – Stratigraphic diagram of lithostratigraphic unit of Bogor Basin (incl. Padalarang area) in Tertiary
(Martodjojo, 1984)
Figure 3 – Geographical Map of Padalarang Area, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (ITB-ExxonMobil, 2009)
Figure 4 – Geological Cross Section of Padalarang Area, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (ITB-ExxonMobil,
Figure 5 – Gunung Guha: Stitched panorama of the quarry wall D. A) Quarry wall D. B) Quarry wall D
with observations
Figure 8 – Panoramas with select correlation horizons in Cikamuning Area, Padalarang, West Java
Figure 9 – Cross section schematic of facies association and stratigraphic correlation in Cikamuning Area,
Padalarang, West Java