Amadeus: Hierarchy
Amadeus: Hierarchy
Amadeus: Hierarchy
30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 32. Every time a new medium comes along — whether it’s the
않은 것은? [3점] invention of the printed book, or TV, or SNS — and you start to
An excellent alternative to calming traffic is removing it. use it, it’s like you are putting on a new kind of goggles, with
Some cities ① reserve an extensive network of lanes and their own special colors and lenses. Each set of goggles you
streets for bikes, pedestrians, and the occasional service put on makes you see things differently. So when you start to
vehicle. This motivates people to travel by bike rather than watch television, before you absorb the message of any
by car, making streets safer for everyone. As bicycles particular TV show — whether it’s Wheel of Fortune or The
become more ② popular in a city, planners can convert more Wire — you start to see the world as being shaped like
automobile lanes and entire streets to accommodate more television itself. That’s why Marshall McLuhan said that every
of them. Nevertheless, even the most bikeable cities still time a new medium comes along — a new way for humans to
③ require motor vehicle lanes for taxis, emergency vehicles, communicate — it has buried in it a message. It is gently
and delivery trucks. Delivery vehicles are frequently a target guiding us to .
of animus, but they are actually an essential component to The way information gets to you, McLuhan argued, is more
making cities greener. A tightly packed delivery truck is a far important than the information itself. TV teaches you that the
more ④ inefficient transporter of goods than several hybrids world is fast; that it’s about surfaces and appearances. [3점]
carrying a few shopping bags each. Distributing food and other ① see the world according to a new set of codes
goods to neighborhood vendors ⑤ allows them to operate ② ignore unfamiliar messages from new media
smaller stores close to homes so that residents can walk, ③ maintain steady focus and clear understanding
rather than drive, to get their groceries. ④ interpret information through a traditional lens
* animus: 반감, 미움 ⑤ enjoy various media contents with one platform
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33. Concepts are vital to human survival, but we must also be 35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
careful with them because concepts open the door to Why do we have the illusion that cramming for an exam is
essentialism. They . the best learning strategy? Because we are unable to
Stuart Firestein opens his book, Ignorance, with an old differentiate between the various sections of our memory.
proverb, “It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, Immediately after reading our textbook or our class notes,
especially when there is no cat.” This statement beautifully information is fully present in our mind. ① It sits in our
sums up the search for essences. History has many examples conscious working memory, in an active form. ② We feel as if
of scientists who searched fruitlessly for an essence because we know it, because it is present in our shortterm storage
they used the wrong concept to guide their hypotheses. space ... but this shortterm section has nothing to do with the
Firestein gives the example of luminiferous ether, a longterm memory that we will need in order to recall the
mysterious substance that was thought to fill the universe so same information a few days later. ③ After a few seconds or
that light would have a medium to move through. The ether minutes, working memory already starts disappearing, and
was a black cat, writes Firestein, and physicists had been after a few days, the effect becomes enormous: unless you
theorizing in a dark room, and then experimenting in it, looking retest your knowledge, memory vanishes. ④ Focusing on
for evidence of a cat that did not exist. [3점] exploring new topics rather than reviewing the same material
① encourage us to see things that aren’t present over and over again can improve your academic performance.
② force scientists to simplify scientific theories ⑤ To get information into longterm memory, it is essential to
③ let us think science is essential and practical study the material, then test yourself, rather than spend all
④ drive physicists to explore philosophy your time studying.
⑤ lead us to ignore the unknown * cram: 벼락 공부를 하다
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37. 39.
Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your Thus, as global warming raises the temperature of marine
own voice? You might have thought, “Is that really what my waters, it is selfevident that the amount of dissolved
voice sounds like?” oxygen will decrease.
(A) There are two pathways through which we perceive our Seawater contains an abundance of dissolved oxygen that all
own voice when we speak. One is the route through marine animals breathe to stay alive. ( ① ) It has long been
which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that established in physics that cold water holds more dissolved
travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear. oxygen than warm water does ― this is one reason that cold
polar seas are full of life while tropical oceans are blue, clear,
(B) But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, and relatively poorly populated with living creatures. ( ② )
there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted This is a worrisome and potentially disastrous consequence if
through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. allowed to continue to an ecosystemthreatening level. ( ③ )
Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. Now scientists have analyzed data indicating that the amount
That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to of dissolved oxygen in the oceans has been declining for more
yourself than it may sound to other people. than a half century. ( ④ ) The data show that the ocean
(C) Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording oxygen level has been falling more rapidly than the
than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to corresponding rise in water temperature. ( ⑤ ) Falling oxygen
your own ears. This is of course quite a common levels in water have the potential to impact the habitat of
experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple. [3점] marine organisms worldwide and in recent years this has led to
more frequent anoxic events that killed or displaced
* vocal cords: 성대 ** frequency: 주파수
populations of fish, crabs, and many other organisms. [3점]
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
* dissolved: 용해된 ** anoxic: 산소 결핍의
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A),
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
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