NSCS Project Spec

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NSCS Project Specification

i) The specification for the structure shall be the National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction (NSCS)

ii) The NSCS Project Specification is provided by the Employer and identifies the appropriate information specific to the
structure over and above that stated in NSCS Standard Specification. Clauses in the Standard Specification may be modified
by information given in the Project Specification.

Project name

Project ref.

Prepared by Date

Revision Date Clauses Notes
Deleted Amended Added
NSCS Project Specification

SECTION 1 Information to be supplied TO the Constructor

P1.1 General information
P1.1.1 Project contacts
Project name
Project ref

Contact name
Telephone E-mail

Principal Contractor
Contact name
Telephone E-mail

Contact name
Telephone E-mail

Contract Administrator (CA)

Contact name
Telephone E-mail

Other named parties to the Contract:


P1.1.2 Description of the project works

Nature of building and intended use, number of floors, column grids, stair and core, stability system, foundations,
basements, location of water-resisting construction, special finishes, relevant project sustainability targets and
procedures, etc.

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.1.3 Construction planning requirements:

Note: the information here is largely reproduced from the Contract Documents to assist the Constructor in the
preparation of Section P2. The Constructor should notify the CA if any discrepancy is identified between the Contract
Documents and the Specification.
Where details of the site conditions are provided, such as underground services, overhead cables, adjacent buildings
and site obstructions, they are given to assist the Constructor in their tender stage planning. The Constructor should
always confirm the accuracy of this information when on site, before starting work.

Positions of the Reference Line (as defined in BS EN 13670) datum level and setting-out lines, width and level of access,
level of the prepared working area for site traffic, cranes and pumps, and areas available for storage and site
accommodation are shown on drawing numbers:

Details of Underground services, overhead cables, adjacent buildings, site obstructions or other constraints on the

Availability of site services and any pre-arranged procedures for sole or shared use:

Factors affecting construction sequence, including working restrictions on time or special nuisance (including noise); or
other aspects that may create an unusual hazard:

Special requirements for temporary propping:

Restrictions on dimensions and/or weights of units to be delivered to site:

Interface Requirements/restrictions between the Works and following trades:

Special requirements for headroom:

A programme showing clearly any phased requirements and the earliest and the latest release dates of work to
following trades or to the Employer is shown on drawing numbers:

Access will be made available to the Constructor on:

Environmental Factors relating to achievement of Considerate Constructors or Site Waste Management requirements:

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.2 Design
P1.2.1 General
The design has been carried out in accordance with BS EN 1990, BS EN 1991 and BS EN 1992.Any design by the
Constructor is to be carried out in accordance with these codes and the design data given in this specification.

P1.2.2 Loading
Loading (kN/m2) Location Location Location Location Location

Imposed General
Total imposed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dead load Self-weight
Total dead load 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

P1.2.3 Other design data

Design data Location Location Location Location Location

Fire rating (hours)

Exposure Class
Design life (years)
Maintenance/ replacement

P1.2.4 Special requirements for composite structures

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P1.3 Drawings and calculations

Project values should be entered in the grey panels
1 Types of construction: 2 Format
RC: Reinforced concrete P: Paper
PCE: Precast concrete elements E: Electronic
PCP: Precast concrete products in accordance with product standards B: Both
PSC: Prestressed concrete

Preparation Tender issue Acceptance issue Construction issue

Type Prepared by Format Number of Number of Period before Number of Period before
Note 1 Note 2 copies copies construction copies construction
(weeks) (weeks)
Project Default Project Default Project Default Project Default Project Default Project
General arrangement RC CA - 2 5 11
drawings PCP CA 2 5 11
PCE CA - 2 5 11
PSC CA - 2 5 11
Design Information RC CA - 5 11
drawings PCP CA 5 11
PCE CA - 5 11
PSC CA - 5 11
Construction sequence All CA - 2 5 11
Design calculations RC Constructor - 3 8 5 5
PCP Manufacturer - 3 8 5 5
PCE Constructor - 3 8 5 5
PSC Constructor - 3 8 5 5
Specialist drawings RC - - 3 8 5 5
PCP Constructor - 3 8 5 5
Enter details as PCE Constructor - 3 8 5 5
PSC Constructor - 3 8 5 5
Reinforcement RC - - 3 7 5 5
drawings and
Pre-cast concrete PCP Manufacturer -
elements PCE Constructor 3 7 5 3
PSC Constructor - 3 7 5 3
Builders’ work All CA - 3 6
Coordinated builders All - - 3 4 5 2
work drawings
Temporary works and All Constructor - 3 4 5 2
erection drawings
and/or calculations and
method statements
As-built drawings All - - 3 Months after

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.4 Execution management

P1.4.1 Execution Class
The following parts of the structure are to be constructed in accordance with execution Class 3:

P1.4.2 Execution documentation

The following documentation is required:
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.

Information When required Format/Notes

Number of working days before P = Paper
construction with updates as E = Electronic
requested unless noted B = Both
Default Project Default Project
Contractor’s Quality Assurance Certification At tender Paper -
SpeCC registration or equivalent As requested Paper -
Detailed construction programme 20 Paper -
Falsework and formwork: design 20 Calculations & -
Falsework and formwork: pre-concreting cleanliness As requested Paper -
Reinforcement: source and supplier 20 Paper -
Reinforcement: Certification 20 Paper -
Reinforcement: pre-concreting location As requested Paper -
Spacers As requested Paper -
Couplers: source and supplier 20 Paper -
Couplers: Certification 20 Paper -
Continuity strips: source and supplier 20 Paper -
Continuity strips: Certification 20 Paper -
Post tensioning work:
Certification 20 Paper -
Specific quality plan 20 Paper -
Other information As Cl P1.11.3 Paper -
Concrete: readymix plant details 20 Paper -
Concrete: readymix producers’ certification 20 Paper -
Concrete: delivery ticket As requested Paper -
Concreting: method statement and pour sequence 5 Paper -
for each section of the work
Precast concrete As Table P1.10 Paper -
As built geometry: setting out and dimensions 10 working days Paper -
after the
construction is
complete at
each level
As built geometry: reinforcement cover As requested Cover meter -
Environmental certification and responsible sourcing 20 Paper -
documentation where required: relating to
reinforcement, aggregate, cementitious materials,
formwork and concrete supply

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.4.3 Approvals timing

The timings given in NSCS Standard Specification apply to all approvals except as noted below.
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.

Standard Item Requirements

Specification Before or after as appropriate.
clause ref. Working days unless stated

Default Project Material test results 10
4.2.1 Quality plan 5
4.3.3 Notice to CA for concrete pour inspection 1
4.3.3 Before prestressing work starts 1
4.3.3 Before covering up or backfilling 5
4.3.3 For water-resisting construction to allow joint inspections 5
4.3.4 Response by CA to request for modifications 5
4.3.7 Copies of test results 3 No.
4.3.8 Proposal and response time for work rectification 5&5
6.2.1 Notice to CA for site changes to reinforcement 1 Extension calculations for post-tensioning tendons 10 Notice to CA for site changes to post-tensioning tendons 1
7.4.1 Grouting records 5 Concrete non-conformity 24 hours Method of fixing kickerless shutters 5 Premature cessation of a pour 2 hours
9.1.2 Precast connection details 15
9.1.3 Precast erection specification and work programme 5
9.5.3 Proposals for cutting standard precast products 5

P1.4.4 Inspection
Items not defined in table 1 of BS EN 13670 shall be inspected as follows:

Additional third party inspection, carried out by is required of the following parts of the structure:

P1.4.5 Documents
The following special documentation is required:

Requirements for responsible sourcing documentation:

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.4.6 As built geometry

The overall concrete dimension shall be checked:

List of requirements Frequency

The cover to reinforcement shall be checked:

List of requirements Frequency

P1.4.7 Curing class

List where curing classes other than 2 shall be used:

Class Location

P1.4.8 Protection
The following special protection is required:

P1.5 Materials
P1.5.1 Reinforcement
Stainless steel reinforcement shall be used in the following locations:

Epoxy coated steel reinforcement shall be used in the following locations:

Anchorages and couplers shall be:

Fibres shall be used as follows:

Type of fibres Location & dosage

Requirements for responsible sourcing of reinforcement:

P1.5.2 Timber
Requirement for responsible sourcing of timber or timber products:

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.5.3 Other materials

Materials not permitted:

Materials requiring special consideration:

Items supplied by the Employer:

Requirement for responsible sourcing of materials:

List of materials to be supplied under Constructor-specified supply:

P1.6 Project requirements

Enter variations from NSCS Standard Specification

Standard Spec. Change Description

Clause ref

P1.7 Water-resisting construction

P1.7.1 Detail
The required performance for water-resisting construction is to be achieved by the use of materials and details listed
below and as shown on construction drawings.

Location Detail Waterstops Separation Joint fillers

Slabs: horizontal construction joints Type
Slabs: horizontal movement joints Type
Walls :horizontal slab/wall junctions Type
Walls: vertical construction joints Type
Walls: vertical movement joints Type

Constructor selection and installation of materials and systems, as appropriate, to achieve a Grade -
environment using the classification in BS 8102: 2009, Table 2. The water table classification in accordance with
BS 8102: 2009, Table 1 is - . The risk associated with groundwater is considered to be
Note: Section 2.6 to be completed.

P1.7.2 Crack widths

These should be limited to

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.8 Concrete
P1.8.1 Designated concrete
To be In accordance with BS 85002 and BS EN 2061
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.
1. All sections of the Specification must be completed before it is passed to the Producer. The person sending the final specification
to the producer must send copies of the document to all other parties (CA, Engineer, Employer, as appropriate) who have
contributed to the Specification.
2. Where ‘None’ is entered in the table this is a default value to ensure that the Specification is complete. All those involved in
completing the specification need to check if ‘None’ is appropriate.
3. Guidance on specification of designated concrete can be found in BS 85001: 2006, Section 4.2.

Requirements Defaults Project Project Project

1. Concrete designation
(Ref. BS 85002: 2006, Table 5)
2. Maximum aggregate size (mm) 20 - - -
Enter 10, 14, 20 or 40
3. Slump class S3 - - -
S1, S2, S3, S4 or other value
4. Special restrictions on None
cement types (enter
reference if required)
5. Special requirements for None
aggregates (enter reference
if required)
6. Use of RCA permitted? Yes - - -
Maximum mass fraction of 20%
total coarse aggregate enter
a higher mass fraction of
total coarse aggregate,
where permitted
(Ref. BS 85001: 2006, Cl. 4.2.3c)
7. Requirements for None
accelerated or retarded set
8. Special colour requirements None - - -
None or see P1.9
9. Type and dosage of fibres See - - -
10. Chloride class Cl 1,0 for GEN As
series, Cl 0,20 for SRPC, BS 8500-1
Cl 0,40 for all other concretes
or enter special requirements
11 Minimum air content None
12 Method of placing concrete
13 Requirement for finishing See P1.9 - - -
14. Identity testing for No - - -
consistence or other
properties required in
accordance with
BS EN 206: 2000 Annex B
and BS 85001: 2006 Annex B
(If yes then details to be
added into P1.13)

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.8.2 Designed concrete

To be In accordance with BS 85002 and BS EN 2061
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.
1. All sections of the specification must be completed before it is passed to the producer. The person sending the final specification
to the producer must send copies of the document to all other parties (CA, Engineer, Employer as appropriate) who have
contributed to the specification.
2. Where ‘None’ is entered in the table this is a default value to ensure that the specification is complete. All those involved in
completing the specification need to check if ‘None’ is appropriate.
3. Guidance on specification of designed concrete can be found in BS 85001: 2006, Section 4.3.

Requirements Defaults Project

1. Concrete reference
2. Strength class
3. Maximum water-cement ratio
4. Minimum cement content kg/m3
5. DC-Class where appropriate
6. Permitted cement types - See BS 8500-1:2006, Cl. 4.3.2, Note 3
7. Maximum aggregate size (mm) - Enter 10, 14, 20 or 40 20 -
8. Chloride class (a value must be entered unless Cl 0,40 is acceptable) Cl 0,40
9. Target density/density class (for lightweight and heavyweight concrete) N/A
10 Consistence class S1, S2, S3, S4 -
11 Method of placing concrete
12 Requirement for finishing concrete See P1.9 -
13 Type and dosage of fibres See P1.5.1 -
14. Use of RA conforming to BS 8500-2:2006, Cl. 4.3, permitted? Yes -
If YES: enter requirements for:
Maximum acid-soluble sulphate, method for determination of the chloride con- RCA per-
W tent classification with respect to ASR, method for determination of alkali con- mitted to
h tent., any limitations on use in concrete, e.g. exposure classes, maximum mass 20% mass
fractions etc (Enter details in P1.13) fraction
15 Special requirements for aggregates None
16 Minimum air content, or other requirements to resist freeze-thaw attack None
17 Special requirements for temperature of fresh concrete None
18 Special requirements for strength development None
19 Special requirements for heat development during hydration None
20 Special requirements for retarded stiffening None
21 Special requirements for resistance to water penetration None
22 Special requirements for resistance to abrasion None
23 Requirements for tensile splitting strength None
24 Additional technical requirements See BS 85001: 2006, Cl. 4.3.3 sections n & m None
25. Identity Strength testing required? (If Yes then details to be added into P1.13) None -
26. Identity Consistence testing required? (If Yes then details to be added into P1.13) None -
27. Other properties Identity testing required? (If Yes then details to be added into None -

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.8.3 Prescribed concrete

To be in accordance with BS 8500 -2 and BS EN 2061.
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.
1. All sections of the Specification must be completed before it is passed to the Producer. The person sending the final specification
to the Producer must send copies of the document to all other parties (CA, Engineer, Employer) as appropriate who have
contributed to the specification.
2. Where ‘None’ is entered in the table this is a default value to ensure that the Specification is complete. All those involved in
completing the Specification need to check if ‘None’ is appropriate.
3. Guidance on specification of Prescribed concrete can be found in BS 85001: 2006, Section 4.4

Requirements Defaults Project Project Project

1. Concrete reference
2. Cement type, class and con-
3. Water/cement ratio
4. Consistence Class - - -
S1, S2, S3, S4
5. Type, category and maximum
size of aggregate
6. Special requirements for None
density (for lightweight and
heavyweight concrete)
7. Concrete chloride class or
maximum chloride content of
8. Required admixtures -
quantity and source of ma-
9. Additional requirements for None
source of materials
10. Requirements for proportion
of fine aggregate
11 Special requirements for None
temperature of fresh con-
12 Additional technical require- None
13 Use of RCA permitted? Yes - - -
Maximum mass fraction of 20%
total coarse aggregate
Enter a higher mass fraction
of total coarse aggregate,
where permitted
(Ref. BS 85001: 2006, Cl. 4.2.3c)

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.8.4 Standardised prescribed concrete

To be in accordance with BS 8500 -2 and BS EN 2061.
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.
1. All sections of the Specification must be completed before it is passed to the Producer. The person sending the final Specification
to the Producer must send copies of the document to all other parties (CA, Engineer, Employer as appropriate) who have
contributed to the Specification.
2. Where ‘None’ is entered in the table this is a default to ensure that the Specification is complete. All those involved in completing
the Specification need to check if ‘None’ is appropriate.
3. Guidance on specification of standardised prescribed concrete can be found in BS 85001: 2006, Section 4.5.
4. Standardised prescribed concrete produced using sulfate-resisting Portland cement is not intended to produce sulfate-resisting

Requirements Defaults Project Project Project

1. Concrete reference
2. Designation
3. State if concrete is reinforced Unreinforced - - -
4. Maximum aggregate size (mm) 20 - - -
Enter 10, 14, 20 or 40
5. Consistence Class - - -
S1, S2, S3, S4
6. Restrictions on cement types None
7. Restrictions on aggregate None
8. Any other special require- None

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.8.5 Proprietary concrete

To be in accordance with BS 8500 -2 and BS EN 2061.
Project values should be entered in the grey panels.
1. All sections of the Specification must be completed before it is passed to the Producer. The person sending the final Specification
to the Producer must send copies of the document to all other parties (CA, Engineer, Employer as appropriate) who have
contributed to the Specification.
2. Guidance on Specification of proprietary concrete can be found in BS 85001: 2006, Section 4.6.

Requirements Defaults Project Project Project

1. Concrete reference
2. Strength class
3. Exposure class
4. State if concrete is reinforced Reinforce - - -
5. Requirement for finishing See P.1.9 - - -
6. Any other special
requirements, including
restrictions on constituents.
7. Use of RCA permitted? Yes - - -
Maximum mass fraction of 20%
total coarse aggregate.
Enter a higher mass fraction
of total coarse aggregate,
where permitted
(Ref. BS 85001: 2006, Cl. 4.2.3c)
8. Producer to provide Yes
confirmation, in accordance
with BS 85001: 2006,
Section 5.2j that concrete
complies with the above
performance requirements
9 Identity strength testing - - -
required. (If Yes then details
to be added into P1.13 in
accordance with BS EN 206
Annex B)
10 Identity consistence testing - - -
required. (If Yes then details
to be added into P1.13 in
accordance with BS 85001
Annex B)
11 Identity other properties - - -
testing required. (If Yes then
details to be added into
P1.13 in accordance with BS
85001 Annex B)

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.9 Surface finishes

P1.9.1 Reference Panels
The Ordinary and Plain Formed Reference Panels for this project are at:

P1.9.2 Special finishes

Special Finishes (other than formed or unformed, Basic and Ordinary finishes) are required as follows:
Location on site
Similar finish can be seen at
Concrete mix
Sample/special requirements

P1.10 Precast concrete

This is information to be provided for precast concrete works.

Details to be provided At tender 8 weeks before

Production plant Details - -
QA certification - -
Lifting Method - -
Equipment details - -
Design of lifting point/devices - -
Location of lifting devices - -
Handling Minimum age - -
Additional reinforcement - -
Storage details - -
Transport storage details - -
Erection Specification - -
Work programme - -
Temporary supports/details - -
Details of protection - -
Connections Details - -
Preparation - -
Grouting/packing - -
Removal of temporary shims etc. - -
Concrete Designation - -
Finishes Samples of finishes - -
Details of spacers - -
Formwork details - -
Environmental Enter requirements - -

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NSCS Project Specification

P1.11 Prestressed concrete construction

The requirements for the prestressed construction are:

P1.11.1 Quality audit

A quality audit carried out by CARES, or equivalent is required. -

P1.11 2 The stressing sequence required:

Location Requirement

P1.11.3 Other prestressing information required

Transfer strength required for stressing, N/mm2
Load/extension graphs shall be plotted for at least
four points on in-situ trial tendons– list locations
Definition of a tendon group
Specific requirements for anchorages
Specific requirements for tendon coating materials
Specific requirements for duct materials
Method of anchorage sealing
Full scale grouting trials to be carried out
Documentary evidence of compliance of anchorage
Vent labeling is required
Actual position of tendons to be marked on slab
soffit to indicate location in both plan and elevation
within the slab.
Special requirements for crack widths

P1.12 Deflection allowances

P1.12.1 To be used in calculating formwork pre-camber
Location Design deflection

P1.12.2 Design pre-camber required for precast concrete elements

Location Design deflection

P1.13 Further information

Further information to expand data given in Cl P1.1 to P1.12

Clause ref. Additional Information

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NSCS Project Specification

SECTION 2 Information to be supplied BY the Constructor

Required at tender stage unless noted, with updated information issued for construction

P2.1 General information

Project contacts
Project name
Project ref.
Telephone E-mail

Contact Name
Telephone E-mail
SpeCC Registration Required - SpeCC Registration Number

Telephone E-mail

Temporary works coordinator

Telephone E-mail

Other specialist contractors to be used by Constructor:

Telephone E-mail

P2.2 Design
Details of any Constructor-designed structure as defined in Table P1.3

P2.3 Drawings and calculations

Details of any proposed variation of values in Cl. P1.4 and other specification changes:

P2.4 Execution management

P2.4.1 Construction planning
An information requirement schedule, based on the construction programme and this Specification is to be issued to
the CA within two weeks of Constructor being appointed.

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P2.4.2 Other execution management proposals by Constructor:

Details of any other proposals for execution management from the Contractor

P2.5 Materials
Details of any alternative materials, or material sources, proposed by Constructor:

P2.6 Project requirements

Details of any proposals for alternative specification or workmanship from the Constructor:

P2.7 Water-resisting construction

When the Constructor is responsible for the detailed design of water-resisting construction the following materials will
be used:

Location Detail Waterstops Separation Joint fillers

Slabs: horizontal construction joints Type
Slabs: horizontal movement joints Type
Walls :horizontal slab/wall junctions Type
Walls: vertical construction joints Type
Walls: vertical movement joints Type

P2.8 Concrete and concreting

Any proposed concrete specification variations, in addition to the Constructor’s input to the tables in section P1.8

P2.9 Further information

Further information to expand data given in sections P2.1 to P2.8

Clause ref. Additional Information

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