- All living are made of cell
– Gene
CELL - Cell from the division of
preexisting (organism it 1. Plasma Membrane
• are the living structural and functional
comes of something existing
units enclosed by a membrane. – forms the cell’s flexible outer surface,
- Cell contain and pass on
• All cells arise from existing cells by separating the cell’s internal
heredity information during
the process of cell division, in which environment from the external
cell division
one cell divides into two identical cells. environment.
- Cell are relatively the same
• Cell biology or cytology is the study – It is a selective barrier (semi –
of cellular structure and function Cell function permeable) that regulates the flow of
materials into and out of a cell.
are the smallest living units of an - Cell source of energy
– This selectivity helps establish and
organism. - They communicate to the other
maintain the appropriate environment
part the body
• All cells have three things in for normal cellular activities.
- Reproduction & inheritance
common, no matter what type of cell – The plasma membrane also plays a
they are. All cells have a cell key role in communication among cells
membrane, which separates the inside THREE (3) MAIN PARTS OF THE and between cells and their external
of the cell from its environment, CELL environment.
cytoplasm, which is a jelly-like fluid, 1. Plasma Membrane – flexible yet sturdy barrier that
and DNA, which is the cell's genetic 2. Cytoplasm surrounds and contains the cytoplasm
material. – Cytosol of a cell.
– Organelles
– fragile, transparent barrier that • Not as firmly embedded in the
contains the cell contents and separate membrane.
them from the surrounding
• They are attached to the polar heads
of membrane lipids or to integral
– The fluid mosaic model - the
proteins at the inner or outer surface of
arrangement of molecules within the
the membrane.
membrane resembles a sea of lipids
containing many types of proteins. 3. Glycoprotein
2. Peripheral Protein
1. Ion Channels – some membrane 6. Cell Identity Markers – They may
proteins forms ion channels enable a cell to (1) recognize other cells
of the same kind during tissue
2. Carriers – other integral proteins act
formation or (2) recognize and respond
as carriers, selectively moving a polar
to potentially dangerous foreign cells
substance or ion from one side of the
membrane to the other. Also known as
3. Receptors – serve as cellular
• The plasma membranes are
recognition sites. Each type of receptor
selectively permeable.
recognizes and binds a specific type of
molecule. • The cell is either permeable or
impermeable to certain substances.
❑Ligand – binding of a specific
molecule to a receptor ** Permeable – means that a structure
permits the passage of substances
4. Enzymes – catalyze specific
through it.
chemical reactions at the inside or
outside surface of the cell. ** Impermeable – means that a
structure does not permit the passage of
5. Linkers – anchor proteins in the
substances through it.
plasma membranes of neighboring cells
to one another or to protein filaments • The lipid bilayer is permeable to
inside and outside the cell. small, nonpolar, uncharged molecules
(eg. oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and TRANSPORT ACROSS THE Cellular energy is used to drive the
steroids), but impermeable to glucose. PLASMA MEMBRANE substance “uphill” against its
concentration or electrical gradient.
• Transmembrane proteins act as 1. Passive Process
The cellular energy used is usually in
channels and transporters to assist the
a substance moves down its the form of adenosine triphosphate
entrance of certain substances, for concentration or electrical gradient to (ATP).
example, glucose and ion. cross the membrane using only its own
– Active Transport
kinetic energy (energy of motion).
Kinetic energy is intrinsic to the – Vesicular Transport
particles that are moving. There is no
MEMBRANE input of energy from the cell.
– Diffusion 1. Diffusion
1. Concentration gradient is the
difference in the concentration of a • Simple diffusion – is a passive process in which the
chemical between one side of the random mixing of particles in a
• Channel – Mediated Facilitated
plasma membrane and the other. (eg. solution occurs because of the particles’
Inside and outside the membrane) kinetic energy.
• Carrier – Mediated Facilitated
2. Electrical gradient is the difference – They move down from higher
in concentration of ions between one concentration gradient to a lower conc.
side of the plasma membrane and the – Osmosis gradient.
2. Active Process Diffusion is influenced by:
3. Together, these gradients make up an
Electrochemical gradient
✓Steepness of the concentration concentration gradient across the lipid moves by osmosis across plasma
gradient bilayer through a membrane membranes from
allows molecules into and out • The cell cycle is the period
• it is a type of cell division that
of the cell reduces the number of chromosomes in from the beginning of one
light microscope as chromosomes. kinetochore microtubules to the center of the cell contracts pinching the
cell into two daughter cells,
– Nucleolus disappears and nuclear poles and form a "V" shape.
in an asymptomatic person. the patient at each stage so that they - Given in cycles to reduce side
- Breast, cervical and bowel cancer can make informed choices about their effects. Normal cells recover faster than
screening are done but not for all. own care and management cancer cells and some normal
Tumor is surgically removed an functioning can occur between
treatments are androgen dependent
Some have a direct effect on the - Possible to block the effects of these
vomiting center and cause severe hormones and so prevent them acting
nausea and vomiting. as growth factors
- Tamoxifen is an example of such a
- Example is cisplatin
drug used in some breast cancers.
Antiemetics such as
- Flutamide is an androgen blocker
ondansetron must be given
used to treat prostate cancer.
alongside the therapy.
Other Therapies
- Most involve the administration of
- Used to cause dividing cells to die by
protein molecules that are made by
breaking strands of DNA in the nucleus
genetic engineering
- Used as a treatment in lung cancer but - Includes interferons which are
does have complications such as antiproliferative, interleukin 2 used in
redness of the skin (erythema), nausea, renal cell carcinoma and melanoma and
vomiting, diarrhea and mouth ulcers as anti- growth factors such as cetuximab
well as general side effects such as loss which is added to chemotherapy to
of energy and lethargy. enhance the response and
erythropoietin used to stimulate red