Stage 2 Biology Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks Cells Test
Stage 2 Biology Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks Cells Test
Stage 2 Biology Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks Cells Test
This task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the concepts of
biology at a cellular level.
Description of the assessment
This test assesses:
knowledge and understanding of concepts of cells and their function.
knowledge and understanding of transport and movement of molecules into and out of
knowledge and understanding of the principles of cellular evolution including cell culturing
and altering cellular metabolism.
application of concepts to the solving of problems in familiar and new contexts
communication of knowledge and understanding of the concepts of cells in different
Assessment conditions
Time allowance: 100 minutes
Learning Requirements Assessment Design Criteria Capabilities
1. identify and formulate Investigation Communication
questions, hypotheses, Citizenship
concepts, and purposes that The specific features are as follows:
guide biological Personal
I1 Design of biological investigations. Development
I2 Selection and acknowledgment of information about Work
2. design and conduct biology and issues in biology from different sources.
individual and collaborative Learning
I3 Manipulation of apparatus and technological tools to
biological investigations
implement safe and ethical investigation procedures.
3. manipulate apparatus and
I4 The obtaining, recording, and display of findings of
use technological tools and
investigations using appropriate conventions and formats.
numeracy skills to obtain,
represent, analyse, interpret, Analysis and Evaluation
and evaluate data and
observations from biological The specific features are as follows:
investigations AE1 Analysis and evaluation of connections between data,
4. select and critically evaluate concepts, and issues in biology.
biological evidence from AE2 Evaluation of procedures, with suggestions for
different sources and present improvement.
informed conclusions and
personal views on social,
ethical, and environmental The specific features are as follows:
issues A1 Application of biological concepts and evidence from
5. communicate their investigations to solve problems in new and familiar
knowledge and contexts.
understanding of biological A2 Use of appropriate biological terms, conventions, formulae,
concepts using appropriate and equations.
biological terms and
conventions A3 Demonstration of skills in individual and collaborative work.
6. demonstrate and apply Knowledge and Understanding
biological knowledge and
The specific features are as follows:
understanding of concepts
and interrelationships to a KU1 Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of
range of contexts and biological concepts.
problems, including by KU2 Use of knowledge of biology to understand and explain
presenting alternative social or environmental issues.
explanations. KU3 Communication of knowledge and understanding of biology
in different formats.
Designs well-considered and clear biological Clearly and logically Applies biological concepts Demonstrates some depth
B investigations. analyses data and their and evidence from and breadth of knowledge
Logically selects and appropriately acknowledges connections with investigations to suggest and understanding of a range
information about biology and issues in biology concepts, to formulate solutions to problems in new of biological concepts.
from different sources. consistent conclusions and familiar contexts. Uses knowledge of biology
and make mostly Uses appropriate biological logically to understand and
Manipulates apparatus and technological tools relevant predictions.
carefully and mostly effectively to implement terms, conventions, explain social or
organised safe and ethical investigation Logically evaluates formulae, and equations environmental issues.
procedures. procedures and effectively. Uses a variety of formats to
suggests some Applies mostly constructive communicate knowledge and
Obtains, records, and displays findings of appropriate
investigations using appropriate conventions and and focused individual and understanding of biology
improvements. collaborative work skills. coherently and effectively.
formats mostly accurately and effectively.
Designs considered and generally clear biological Analyses data and their Applies biological concepts Demonstrates knowledge and
C investigations. connections with and evidence from understanding of a general
Selects with some focus, and mostly appropriately concepts, to formulate investigations to suggest range of biological concepts.
acknowledges, information about biology and generally appropriate some solutions to basic Uses knowledge of biology
issues in biology from different sources. conclusions and make problems in new or familiar with some logic to understand
simple predictions, with contexts. and explain one or more
Manipulates apparatus and technological tools some relevance.
generally carefully and effectively to implement Uses generally appropriate social or environmental
safe and ethical investigation procedures. Evaluates some biological terms, issues.
procedures in biology conventions, formulae, and Applies different formats to
Obtains, records, and displays findings of and suggests some equations with some
investigations using generally appropriate communicate knowledge and
improvements that are general effectiveness. understanding of biology with
conventions and formats with some errors but generally appropriate.
generally accurately and effectively. Applies generally some general effectiveness.
constructive individual and
collaborative work skills.
Prepares the outline of one or more biological Describes basic Applies some evidence to Demonstrates some basic
D investigations. connections between describe some basic knowledge and partial
Selects and may partly acknowledge one or more some data and problems and identify one or understanding of biological
sources of information about biology or an issue in concepts, and attempts more simple solutions, in concepts.
biology. to formulate a familiar contexts. Identifies and explains some
conclusion and make a Attempts to use some biological information that is
Uses apparatus and technological tools with simple prediction that
inconsistent care and effectiveness and attempts to biological terms, relevant to one or more social
may be relevant. conventions, formulae, and or environmental issues.
implement safe and ethical investigation
procedures. For some procedures, equations that may be Communicates basic
identifies appropriate. information to others using
Obtains, records, and displays findings of improvements that may
investigations using conventions and formats Attempts individual work one or more formats.
be made. inconsistently, and
inconsistently, with occasional accuracy and
effectiveness. contributes superficially to
aspects of collaborative
Identifies a simple procedure for a biological Attempts to connect Identifies a basic problem Demonstrates some limited
E investigation. data with concepts, and attempts to identify a recognition and awareness of
Identifies a source of information about biology or formulate a conclusion, solution in a familiar context. biological concepts.
an issue in biology. and make a prediction. Uses some biological terms Shows an emerging
Attempts to use apparatus and technological tools Acknowledges the or formulae. understanding that some
with limited effectiveness or attention to safe or need for improvements Shows emerging skills in biological information is
ethical investigation procedures. in one or more individual and collaborative relevant to social or
procedures. work. environmental issues.
Attempts to record and display some descriptive
information about an investigation, with limited Attempts to communicate
accuracy or effectiveness. information about biology.
2. Many single celled organisms, such as Amoeba, feed by a process in which the cell
membrane engulfs solid food particles to form a food vacuole. This process is called
J. endocytosis.
K. active transport.
L. exocytosis.
M. osmosis.
3. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the function of the cell
4. Refer to the following electron micrograph which shows an organelle from a cell in a
multicellular organism.
approx1 µm
J. starch formation.
K. photosynthesis.
L. ATP synthesis.
M. glycogen storage.
6. Which one of the following combinations correctly identifies a cellular structure, its
function, and the type of cell in which it is found?
Type of cell in
Cellular structure Function
which it is found
J. circular loop of DNA contains information for the eukaryotic
synthesis of proteins
K. ribosome the site of protein synthesis prokaryotic
L. linear DNA contains information for the prokaryotic
synthesis of mRNA molecules
M. endoplasmic the site for the packaging and eukaryotic
reticulum secretion of proteins
7. Refer to the following diagrams, which show three identical plant cells that had been
left to stand for 5 minutes in sugar solutions of different concentrations. The solution
inside the three cells initially had the same concentration as sugar
solution 2.
Which one of the following combinations correctly matches the processes that result in
the net movement of
9. Refer to the diagram below in which the cubes represent living cells. Cell A, Tissue B
and Tissue C all have the same volume.
J. In distilled water tissue B would gain water at a faster rate than cell A.
K. In distilled water the cells in tissue C would shrink at a faster rate than
cell A.
L. In a concentrated salt solution tissue C would gain water at a faster rate than
cell A.
M. In a concentrated salt solution tissue C would lose water more slowly than
tissue B.
11. Which one of the following combinations correctly matches components of eukaryotic
and prokaryotic cells with components of eukaryotic but not prokaryotic cells?
Components of Components of
eukaryotic and eukaryotic but not
prokaryotic cells prokaryotic cells
J Mitochondria Cell membrane
K Cell membrane DNA
L Cell membrane Mitochondria
M DNA Cell membrane
13. Refer to the following diagrams, which show a process in which molecules move
through a cell membrane.
Questions such as
this allow students
the opportunity to
demonstrate their
Application of
The process show in the diagram is appropriate
J. active transport. terminology.
K. diffusion.
L. osmosis.
M. phagocytosis.
The plant tissue had been grown in a culture medium containing radioactive DNA Questions such as
nucleotides. The level of radioactivity in each cell was measured and the results this are more
are shown in the table below: challenging
because they
require students to
Level of radioactivity connect two or
Cell in diagram
(arbitrary units) more ideas and
A 102 carry out some
problem solving.
B 100 Correctly
C 52 answering the
question provides
D 51 evidence of
Knowledge and
Understanding at
Cells with the same amount of DNA have approximately the same level of an A level.
J. A.
K. B.
L. C.
M. D.
15. Which one of the following statements about cell culture is incorrect?
J. The temperature of the culture is critical because it affects the rate of chemical
reactions in the cells.
K. A cell culture can be used to produce genetically identical human cancer cells.
L. A gene of interest can be transferred into a bacterium by cell culture.
M. Sterile conditions are needed in a cell culture to prevent the growth of
unwanted microorganisms. Questions such as
this which requires
16. Which one of the following statements about binary fission is incorrect? the selection of an
J. Genetically identical daughter cells are produced. alternative are
generally more
K. Each daughter cell contains some of the DNA from the parent cell. demanding than
L. The cytoskeleton separates chromosomes into the daughter cells. those requiring the
M. DNA replication occurs before binary fission. selection of a
correct alternative.
Questions such as
this allow students
to demonstrate
their Application
of evidence from
investigations to
solve problems in
new and familiar
Which one of the following statements about this synthesis reaction is correct?
18. In eukaryotic cells the conversion of ADP and phosphate into ATP occurs
19. Refer to the following diagram, which shows four stages in a cellular process.
Questions such as
this allow students
to demonstrate
their Application
of biological
concepts to solve
problems in new
and familiar
21. Eukaryotic cells evolved about 1.5 billion years ago in an environment that is thought
to have been very different from today’s environment.
a) State one piece of evidence to support this hypothesis that prokaryotic cells
probably existed before eukaryotic cells.
2 marks
b) State and explain one piece of evidence to support the hypothesis that the
evolution of eukaryotic cells probably involved endosymbiotic events.
beginning with
different words
such as ‘State ….’
4 marks and ‘Explain ….’
provide students
with opportunities
to provide
22. Explain how mutations caused by carcinogens can induce cancer. evidence of their
knowledge and
understanding of
biological concepts
at different levels
against the
4 marks
The mark scheme used in this test for the short answer questions follows the pattern that is used
for marking the external examination.
Two marks are allocated for one well-expressed piece of information. Questions that require an
explanation are worth four marks.
Therefore, in order to obtain full marks, students need to supply two relevant and connected pieces
of information.
In addition, where the answer to a question requires a biological term that is used in the subject
outline, students are expected to spell it correctly to be awarded full marks.
Source: J.A. McLeod, This Living World, McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 1977, p. 182
a) State one piece of evidence that indicates that the cell shown above is an
eukaryotic cell.
2 marks
c) Complete the following table by writing the name of the structures labelled B
and H and the function or purpose of that structure.
4 marks
X: 2 marks
(b) The recent appearance of bacteria that are resistant to a wide range of antibiotics
has led to increased research into new types of antibiotic. One of these types of
antibiotic comprises a hollow, cylindrical protein, which becomes incorporated in
the cell membrane of bacteria, as shown below.
Explain how the incorporation of a hollow, cylindrical protein in the cell membrane
could affect a bacterial cell.
4 marks
(a) Compare the amount of DNA in a cell at G2 with the amount of DNA in a cell at
2 marks
(b) Compare the genetic composition of the daughter cells produced by mitotic cell
division with the genetic composition of the parent cell.
2 marks
(c) State one function of the cytoskeleton during mitotic cell division.
2 marks
(d) Researchers think that cells from elderly people may not respond to growth
hormones as effectively as cells from a baby.
Explain one possible reason for this, based on the structure of the cell
4 marks
(a) Draw the chromosomes as they would appear next (in stage III of the division of
this cell).
4 marks
Questions such as
this allow students
to provide
evidence of
communication in
a different format.
(b) State one piece of evidence from the diagrams above to indicate that this is a
eukaryotic cell.
2 marks
(c) State two energy-using processes that occur during cell division.
This test does not contain questions that will provide evidence of learning against the Assessment
Design Criterion Investigation. This criterion must be addressed in at least one Skills and
Applications Task. Questions relating to the recording and display of findings of investigations
using appropriate conventions and formats (I4) would be suitable.
Credit will be given for clear, well-expressed answers that are well organised and relevant to
the questions.
27. Cell cultures have been widely used in studies of the growth and development of cells
and the regulation of cell division.
the regulation of cell division;
a method that is used for culturing cells;
two contemporary examples of the use of cell cultures.
An Extended Response Question provides students with the opportunity to display their depth of
knowledge of biological concepts as well as demonstrate their written communication skills.