Syllabus 1

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Mme E.

Professeur de francais
Van Nuys Senior High (r.516)
[email protected]

FRENCH 1 AB, 2 AB and Honors 3A/B

Course Description:
These courses provide a thorough introduction to French language and culture,
encompassing all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students
will acquire and meet the skills outlined in the California Foreign Language Standards.
The class may satisfy a requirement for a high school diploma. It is also a requirement for
college bound students going to a four-year university. The French 1 and 2 classes
introduce the fundamentals of morphology, syntax, phonetics and orthography. A strong
emphasis is placed on developing oral skills and practicing vocabulary and grammar in
patterns that imitate natural conversational exchanges. Through the use of the target
language and group work the students will develop a better understanding of the basic
French language. The students will also learn important cultural aspects of the French-
speaking world. The Honors French 3 classes will enable students to strength their
conversational skill by learning how communicate in typical daily situations. The
students will also read stories and dramatic scenes by recognized francophone authors.
Oral and written reports will be required to reinforce the four basic language skills. The
students will be exposed to videos, tapes, books, internet sites, and newspapers from
francophone countries in order to immerse themselves in the richness of the French

Course Objectives:

By theend of French 1, the students will:

1. Build necessary vocabulary for everyday verbal interactions. (Standards1, 3).
2. Follow directions and answer personal questions given in French.(Standard 1).
3. Engage in a short conversation using material studied. (Standard 1).
4. Read French aloud with correct pronunciation and expression. (Standard 2).
5. Write short paragraphs in French. (Standard 2).
6. Acquire basic knowledge of French grammar. (Standard 2).
7. Be introduced to regional studies, e.g. geography, history, national
traditions.(Standards 4,5).
8. Begin to recognize similarities and differences between French culture and their
own culture (Standard 9).

By the end of French 2, the students will:

1. Expand their vocabulary.(Standards 1,3).

2. Identify and manipulate basic verb tenses ( present, passé compose, imparfait,
futur immediat and futur simple).(Standard 2).
3. Have increased speaking, reading and writing fluency. (Standard 3).

4. Write three- paragraphs essays about themselves and their own

experiences.(Standard 2,3).
5. Increase their knowledge of French traditions and history.(Standards 4,5).
6. Will research and give oral presentation on a variety of topics( Standards 3, 4,6).
7. Will show the evidence of interest in French beyond the classroom requirements(
Standards 10, 11).

By the end of Honors French 3, the students will have:

1. Learned most of the remaining verb tenses and grammatical

structures.(Standard 2).
2. Gained more fluency in the spoken and written language.(Standards 1,3).
3. Had practice in reading and translation of stories and dramatic scenes by
French authors.(Standard 4).
4. Will understand how literary works express the culture of the speakers of
the target language. (Standard 5).
5. Explored French internet sites and read newspapers from francophone
countries.(Standards 4,5).
6. Written compositions in which they react to what they have read and seen,
and try their hand at creating their own stories.(Standard 6,7).

Assessments will include:

Oral presentations
Classroom Oral Competency Interviews
Classroom Writing Competency Assessments
Quizzes and Tests
Group Projects/ Original Creations

Special Requirements:

1. Attendance is mandatory. Without in-class exposure, the students’ chances of

learning are greatly reduced.
Tardies: 4 tardies in a 9-week report will result in “U” in Work Habits on the report
Truancies: On truancy in a 9-week report will result in “U” in Work Habit on the
report card. Student will not be able to make up any work assigned on that day.
2. Homework is to be assigned on a regular basis and will be due the next school
day after it is assigned. Homework will be neat, legible and written formally in
dark blue or black ink on traditional 8-1/2”-11” notebook paper.
Homework may be returned in late (up to one day), but grade will be reduced.
3. Behavior ( to be reflected either in Work Habits and Cooperation grades or in
permanent removal from the class):

a) Common courtesy and respect will be demanded. Rudeness, belligerence

and/ or use of obscene words or actions will result in student’s removal
from the class.
b) There will be no gum chewing, eating, hairstyling or make-up/ perfume
application in class.
c) Students will come properly attired to class ( in accordance with the dress
code of Van Nuys High School).
d) No electronic devices

4. Materials: The following materials are used daily in classroom:

a) Textbook- covered
b) 3-ring notebook containing notes, handouts, homework and blank paper
c) Writing utensils
d) Set of index cards

Assignments will be graded as follows:
90%-100%- A
80%-89%- B
70%-79%- C
60%-69%- D
0%- 59%- F

Final Grade will be based on:

1. Classwork 30%
2. Homework 10%
3. Projects 20%
4. Quizzes 15%
5. Unit Tests 15%
6. Final 10%

After reading this information , please, share it with your parents/ guardians.

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