Religion and Belief Systems in Australia Post-1945
Religion and Belief Systems in Australia Post-1945
Religion and Belief Systems in Australia Post-1945
Subject: Year 12 Studies of Religion II Task Number: 1 of 4
With reference to the statement above, discuss the continuing effects of dispossession on
Aboriginal Spiritualities (5 marks)
Question 2
Authentic Reconciliation begins with an acknowledgment of past injustices and an
acceptance of the ongoing impacts of these injustices. It results in actions that make sure
these injustices are never repeated
Assess how accurate this statement is in reflecting how religious traditions contribute to
achieving authentic Reconciliation in Australia (5 Marks)
Question 3
‘Increased multiculturalism has changed the religious landscape of Australia post ‘45’
With reference to the above statement and Australian census data, account for the current
religious landscape of Australia (5 marks)
Question 4:
‘While religion can foster unity and understanding, it has also been a source of conflict
throughout history’
Explain how interfaith dialogue can contribute to building a more harmonious society
5 marks
Success Criteria - I can… Marks