2023 AN Y7 Task 3 - Yearly Examination-1
2023 AN Y7 Task 3 - Yearly Examination-1
2023 AN Y7 Task 3 - Yearly Examination-1
Outcomes CST1 has an understanding of the key aspects and teachings of a biblically based Christian faith and its
assessed application in both historical and modern contexts.
CST5 has the ability to use the Bible as a primary source with appropriate referencing
CST7 applies biblical perspective and context in synthesising thought and justify reasoning
CST8 considers the worldview of self and others and its influence on their beliefs and practices
CST10 applies appropriate terminology and concepts related to Christian Studies and other world religions.
CST11 communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic form
Submission ● The exam will be a written exam, conducted under exam conditions.
and ● ALL students are required to complete formal assessment tasks. If a student cannot attend the
Plagiarism assessment task, an email MUST be sent to the Subject Coordinator on their return to school outlining
the illness/misadventure. Any student who does not follow this procedure will incur a penalty of 10% for
every day the task is late.
2023 Year 7 Christian Studies
Exam Your yearly Christian Studies exam will consist of 10 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer
Information questions and one paragraph response. Questions will be based on the topics we have covered
and Details this year.
Equipment: Pen.
Revision ● Make flashcards on the flowing terms and definitions in relation to God: Omnipotence,
Techniques Omnipresence, Omnibenevolence, Omniscient, Transcendent, Immanent, atheist, theist,
agnostic, Trinity, covenant, analogy.
● For each topic, write down 3 questions that you think you might be asked on the exam and
then answer them.
● Create a mind map of the way to read the Bible, including structure, key themes, sections
and key books.
● Create a mind map of the arguments for God’s existence and the type of evidence each
uses to draw conclusions.
● Go over your iLearn submissions for the year to refine and develop your understanding.
● Complete the Blooket for home learning using the link below:
● Class notes
● Bible Project Videos
● iLearn pages
● Blooket quiz
2023 Year 7 Christian Studies
● Provides accurate and specific detail about God’s Story and the Nature of 5
● Includes detailed, accurate and relevant evidence in support.
● Uses accurate and relevant terminology.
● Provides clear points about God's Story and the Nature of God. 3-4
● Included accurate and relevant evidence in support.
● Uses some accurate and relevant terminology.