ID10 PST Evaluation - 2

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Name: _____________________________________________________________

Please read the PST overview below and respond to the questions that follow. Provide any specific, constructive feedback
you may have. We will consider this feedback and all the feedback you provided throughout PST in planning future PSTs.
Please submit your evaluation to [email protected] by August 31, 2016.

PST Overview
The continuum of Peace Corps Indonesia training is designed to help Volunteers achieve the following competencies:
1. Integrate into community
2. Facilitate participatory community development
3. Exemplify professional Peace Corps service

PST is the first in a series of training events you will benefit from during your service and is designed to prepare you for
your first 3-4 months at site. Your PST included the following:
- 10-day staging event in Los Angeles
o Core Expectations
o Diversity Mapping
o Social Constraints of Gender, Gender Stadium
o Intercultural Experience & D.I.(V).E.
o TEFL Tips and Trick
o Continuum of Culture
o Peace Corps’ Approach to Development
o Language Learning Session
o Volunteer Resiliency – the EPIC Journey
o Confidentiality and the Right to Reporting
o Peace Corps Polices
- 1-day orientation in Surabaya
- 3 days 1-day orientation in Kediri
- 10-week homestay with a host family
- Classroom hours covered in link and hub sessions (not including practical activities, field trips, self-directed
activities or homework):
o Bahasa Indonesia = 148 hours
o Secondary Language = 48 hours (for those passing Intermediate low level LPI or additional 48 hours
Bahasa Indonesia for some of you)
o Peace Corps Global Core = 24 hours
 Peace Corps History
 Project Framework
 PST Policies, CEP and Portfolio
 Diversity Trainings
 Intercultural Behaviors and Values
 Role of Volunteers in Development
 Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
 Youth as Resources
 Resiliency
 Understanding Work Partners
 Designing and Facilitating Training
 Site Development Process
 MRE and Mock VRF
 Peace Corps Policy
 Support of Host Country Volunteering and Volunteer Program
 Introduction to Student-Friendly Schools

o TEFL session = 35 hours
 System of Education
 Teaching English in Indonesia
 Crossing Educational Culture
 Language Awareness: Socio-Cultural to Grammatical Competence
 Teaching Methods
 Teaching with Limited Resources & Teaching Large Classes
 Materials Design
 Lesson Planning/4 MAT
 Classroom Management & Correcting Students Error
 Student Centered Classroom
 Teaching Listening
 Teaching Reading
 Teaching Speaking
 Teaching Writing
 Needs Analysis & Assessment Concept
 Building good schools relationship
 Design & Facilitating Training
 Your first Lesson
 Differentiated Learning
 Teaching Vocabularies
 Teaching Grammar
 Teachers Community of Practice (MGMP)
 English Club (for students and teachers), Les
o School Teaching Practicum, Model School, Teacher’s Workshop and English Camp = 68 hours
o Safety and Security = 17 hours
o Personal Health = 12 hours
o Administration and Policies = 4.5 hours

- Field trips:
o Visit to local schools and initial visit for school practicum
o Public transportation – local market in Kediri, ATM and public facilities
o 4-day site visit to Trainees’ permanent site

- Practical activities and assessments:

o Community Entry Passport
o PACA practicum
o Site Visit assignment and debrief
o Readiness to serve assessments (written and presentation)
o Safety and security quiz and Site Contact Form
o Personal Health Plan
o Mock Volunteer Report Form (VRF)
o Language – mid-PST mock Language Proficiency Interview (LPI - optional) and end of PST LPI
o Interviews (RMs, PCMOs, Training Team Interview and Senior Staff Interview)

- Involvement of current Volunteers:

o 24 Resource Volunteers assisted with technical, cross culture, medical and safety and security training

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
statements and respond to the follow-up questions. Agree Disagree
1. Overall, I have felt well prepared for my first 3-4
months at site.
Explain :

2. TEFL sessions prepared me for my first 3-4

months at site
What worked well?

What could be improved?

Please name TEFL sessions which are least useful for you for your first 3-4 months at site.

3. TEFL Training practical activities and field trips

(including school visits and site visit) prepared
me for my first 3-4 months at site
What worked well?

What could be improved?

4. The Peace Corps Global Core sessions prepared me

for my first 3-4 months at site.
What worked well?

What could be improved?

5. The Peace Corps Global Core practical activities and

field trip (PACA and PACA assignment) prepared me
for my first 3-4 months at site.
What worked well?

What could be improved?

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
statements and respond to the follow-up questions. Agree Disagree

6. Bahasa Indonesia language training (including

homestay, classroom sessions, field trips and
practical activities) prepared me for my first 3-4
months at site.
What worked well?

What could be improved?

7. (If applicable) Secondary language training provided

basic survival language skills, integration assistance,
and an idea of where to pick up with the on-going
language program if I desire.
What worked well?

What could be improved?

8. Personal health training (including homestay,

classroom sessions, field trips and practical
activities) was prepared for my first 3-4 months at
What worked well?

What could be improved?

9. Safety and security training (including homestay,

classroom sessions, field trips and practical
activities) prepared me for my first 3-4 months at
What worked well?

What could be improved?

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
statements and respond to the follow-up questions. Agree Disagree

10. Peace Corps staffs (CLs and LFs are NOT included)
were well prepared and effective in providing
training support.
What worked well?

What could be improved?

11. My CL helped me with cultural integration during

What worked well?

What could be improved?

12. The LFs helped me with language acquisition during

What worked well?

What could be improved?

13. Resource Volunteers helped me prepare as a

Volunteer for my site with their technical and
behavioral expertise.
What worked well?

What could be improved?

14. PST logistics (e.g., link, hub and language venues;

scheduling; orientation; etc.) were effective and
What worked well?

What could be improved?

15. I would recommend that Peace Corps use my host Yes No

family for future PSTs.
If not, why not?

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
statements and respond to the follow-up questions. Agree Disagree

16. My performance in PST has been fairly assessed and Yes No

I have received periodic feedback from staff (in
written form and interview).
If not, why not?

How useful TEFL Binder and Community Entry Passport (CEP) in preparing me for my first 3-4 months at site?

Please share any other feedback or recommendations you may have.

Thank you for your feedback.

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