Magnetism and Matter: Natural Magnet Magnetic Field
Magnetism and Matter: Natural Magnet Magnetic Field
Magnetism and Matter: Natural Magnet Magnetic Field
20 Matter
A natural magnet is an ore of iron (Fe3 O4) which The space around a magnet within which its influence can be
(i) attracts small pieces of iron, cobalt and nickel towards it. experienced is called its magnetic field.
(ii) when suspendeded freely, comes to rest along north-south Uniform magnetic field : A uniform magnetic field is one where the
direction. strength of the magnetic field is the same at all points of the field. In
The magnets which are obtained artificially are called artificial a uniform field, all the magnetic lines of force are parallel to one
magnets, e.g. a bar magnet, a magnetic needle, horse shoe magnet another. But in non-uniform magnetic field the strength of
etc. magnetic field is not same at all points of the field and also the
BAR MAGNET magnetic lines of force are not parallel.
A bar magnet consists of two equal and opposite magnetic poles Atom as a Magnetic Dipole
separated by a small distance. Poles are not exactly at the ends. Every atom of a magnetic material behaves as a magnetic dipole,
The shortest distance between two poles is called effective length because electrons in the atom revolve round the nucleus. The
(Le) and is less than its geometric length (Lg). magnetic moment M associated with an atomic dipole as
For bar magnet Le = 2l and Le =(5/6) Lg. neh
M= = nm B
For semicircular magnet Lg = pR and Le = 2R. 4pm
where n = 1, 2, 3 ..... denotes the no. of orbits and m B = .
Least value of dipole moment of atom = 9.27 × 10 Am . 2
Le =2l m B is called Bohr magneton.
Lg Most of the magnetic moment is produced due to electron spin,
Bar magnet
the contribution of the orbital revolution is very small.
Properties of Magnets MAGNETIC LINES OF FORCE
(i) Attractive property : A magnet attracts small pieces of iron, Magnetic line of force is an imaginary curve the tangent to which
cobalt, nickel, etc. and other magnetic subsances. at a point gives the direction of magnetic field at that point or
(ii) Directive property : A freely suspended magnet aligns itself the magnetic field line is the imaginary path along which an
nearly in the geographical north-south direction. isolated north pole will tend to move if it is free to do so.
(iii) Law of magnetic poles : Like magnetic poles repel, and unlike Properties of Magnetic Lines of Force
magnetic poles attract each other. (i) Magnetic lines of force are hypothetical lines use to depict
According to Gauss’s theorem in magnetism, surface magnetic field in a region and understand certain
integral of magnetic field intensity over a surface (closed or phenomenon in magnetism.
uur ur uur ur
open) is always zero i.e. Ñò B .d s (or ò B .d s ) = 0. Direction of magnetic
lines outside the body
This theorem establishes that the poles always exist in equal of magnet (from north
and unlike pairs. pole to south pole)
(iv) Magnetic poles exist in pairs : Isolated magnetic poles do
not exist. If we break a magnet into two pieces, we get two N S Direction of magnetic
lines inside the body
smaller dipole magnets. Magnetic field lines of magnet (from south
(v) Repulsion is a sure test of magnetism. in a bar magnet pole to north pole)
(ii) Tangent to field line at a point gives us the direction of Magnetic length : The shortest distance between the two poles
magnetic field intensity B at that point. No two magnetic of a magnet is called its magnetic length. It is less than the
lines of force can intersect each other because magnetic geometrical length of the magnet. This magnetic length is also
field will have two directions at the point of intersection. called an effective length.
(iii) Magnetic lines of force are continuous curve from north to
south, outside the body of the magnet and from south to Geometrical length
north inside the body of the magnet.
Magnetic length
(iv) The number of lines originating or terminating on a pole is = 0.84 S N
Geometrical length
proportional to its pole strength.
Magnetic flux = number of magnetic lines of force Magnetic length
= µ0 × m
Where µ0 is number of lines associated with unit pole. MAGNETIC MOMENT
(v) The number of lines of force per unit area at a point gives The magnetic moment of a magnet in magnitude is equal to the
magnitude of field at that point. The crowded lines show a product of pole strength with effective length (i.e. magnetic
strong field while distant lines represent a weak field.
length). Its direction is along the axis of magnet from south pole
(vi) The magnetic lines of force have a tendency to contract
to north pole.
longitudinally like a stretched elastic string producing
r r r
attraction between opposite pole. M = m ´ 2 l ´ (n) Þ | M |= 2ml
If the same bar magnet is bent in a semicircle then
N S 2l
pr = 2l Þ r =
2l 4l 2 M
M ¢ = m ´ 2r = m ´ 2 ´ = m´ =
S N X N p p p
Where m is pole strength, 2l is effective length and n is unit
vector having a direction from S-pole to N-pole.
n (attraction) Lateral expansion (repulsion)
The SI unit of M is A m2, which is equivalent to J/T..
(viii) The region of space with no magnetic field has no lines of
Circular current loop as a magnet : A small plane loop of current
force. At neutral point where resultant field is zero there
cannot be any line of force. behaves as a magnet with a definite dipole moment given by
Magnetic poles : These are the regions of apparently concentrated
where A is the area of the loop, I the current in the loop and n̂ is
magnetic strength where the magnetic attraction is maximum.
It means that pole of a magnet is located not at a point but over a a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the loop, and its direction
region. Magnetic poles exist in pairs. An isolated magnetic pole is decided by the sense of flow of current I using the Fleming’s
(north or south) does not exist. If a magnet is cut into two pieces, right hand rule.
then instead of obtaining separate N-pole and S-pole, each of the Relation between magnetic moment and angular momentum
two parts are found to behave as complete magnets.
Magnetic axis : The line passing through the poles of a magnet is uuur q uur
M = L
called its magnetic axis. 2m
Magnetic equator : The line passing through the centre of the
Where q is the total charge on a body of mass m rotaing about a
magnet and at right angles ot the magnetic axis is called the
fixed axis.
magnetic equator of the magnet.
Magnetism and Matter 545
Magnetic moment, pole strength and effective length when a magnet is cut
Magnet placed after Pole strength Effective length Magnetic moment
cutting after cutting
N S Breadth
m 2l M = 2ml
N S m M
m/2 2l M1 = .2l =
X X´ 2 2
S N m l M 2 = ml =
N S ml M
m/2 l M3 = =
X X´ 2 4
m 2l M = m ´ 2l
m m
COULOMB’S LAW OF MAGNETIC FORCE A magnet of dipole moment M suspended freely in a magnetic
It states that : field B experiences a torque t given by
ur uuur uur
(i) The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic t = M ´ B ; t = MB sin q
poles is directly proportional to the product of their pole uur ur
strengths. where q is the angle between M and B
(ii) The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic It is clear from the expression that | tmax |= MB
poles is inversely proportional to the square of the distance i.e., when dipole is perpendicular to field the torque is maximum
between them. This law is also known as inverse square law. and when they are parallel, the torque is minimum
1 m m m (for q = 0 or 180º ® | t | = 0 ).
i.e., F µ m1m2 and F µ r or, F = 0 . 1 2 The net force acting on a bar magnet placed
4p r 2 ® in a uniform magnetic field is zero
where m1 and m2 are the pole strengths of the two magnetic ® in a non-uniform magnetic field is non-zero
poles, r is the distance between them and m0 is the Let the length of a bar magnet be 2l and pole strength be m,
permeability of free space. the magnetic field is B, and the angle between B and bar
Unit magnetic pole : A unit magnetic pole may be defined as the magnet is q. Force on north pole is mB along the field and
pole which when placed in vacuum at a distance of one metre from that on south pole is mB opposite to the field.
an identical pole, repels it with a force of 10–7 newton. B mB
m(North pole)
N mB
Bar magnet at lsinq
an angle q. with S
S the magnetic field B
mB m (South pole) 2l
U = – MB (min)
U=0 q = 0° +m
q = 90° Stable equilibrium N mB
mB S
Freely suspended bar
N M S magnet, at an angle q
with the magnetic field B
1 MB I
n= , \ Time period , T = 2 p
U = + MB (max) 2p I MB
Unstable equilibrium (i) Magnetic field intensity B1 due to a bar magnet at any point
Work done in Rotating a Uniform Magnetic Dipole
m0 2 Md
in a Magnetic Field on the axial line of the magnet is B1 =
4 p (d 2 - l 2 ) 2
Work done in deflecting the dipole through an angle q is,
W = MB (1 – cos q) B1
If q = 0, cos q = 1 then W = MB (1 – 1) = 0
If q = 90°, cos q = 0 then W = MB
If q = 180°, cos q = –1, then W = 2MB 2l
Magnetism and Matter 547
where d = distance of the point from the centre of the magnet. MAGNETIC POTENTIAL
The direction of B1 is along SN. The magnetic potential at a point is defined as the work done in
m m carrying a unit N-pole from infinity to that point against the
BN = 0 field. It may also be defined as the quantity whose space rate of
4 p (d - l ) 2 where, m is pole strength.
variation in any direction gives the intensity of the magnetic field
BN is magnetic field due to north pole, it is directed away from the
magnet. dV B
i.e., B=-
m m dx
BS = 0
4p (d + l) 2 it is directed towards the magnet. (i) Magnetic potential due to a point dipole, at a distance r
from the pole of strength m is given by
m0m é 1 1 ù m m
\ B = BN - BS Þ B = ê - ú V B = 0 . (joule/Wb)
4 p êë (d - l) 2
(d + l) 2 úû 4p r
B due to a pole of Pole strength m at a distance r is given by
m 0 m (4ld ) m0 2 Md
= = [Q M = m(2L)]
4p ( d 2 - l 2 ) 2 4p ( d 2 - l 2 ) 2 m0 m
4p r 2
0 m 2M
If d > > l, B = 4p 3 Now V0 at A is the work done is bringing a unit pole from
infinity to A.
(ii) Magnetic field intensity (B 2) due to A bar magnet at any
point on the equatorial line of the bar magnet is r
m 0m
\ VA - V¥ = ò a dr Þ V A = m 0m
m M 4pr 2
4 pr
B2 = 0 ¥
4 p ( d 2 + l 2 )3 / 2
The direction of B2 is along a line parallel to NS. (ii) Potential due to a magnetic dipole at a point in end-side on
m0 æ m ö
P position is VB = .ç ÷ , where M = 2ml.
B 4p è r 2 - l 2 ø
S r
m m
m m NP m m PS
If l2 < < r2 then VB = 0
BN = 0 , BS = 0 4p r 2
4p NP 3 4p PS3
(iii) Potential due to a magnetic pole at a point in the broad side-
Now, NP = PS = (d2 + l2 )3/ 2 on position. Net potential at P = 0. The potential at any point
uur uuur uuur lying on the magnetic equator of a magnet is zero in CGS
Resultant field at P is, B = BN + BS and MKS system.
m m m m P
ÞB = 0. ( NP + PS) = 0 . ( NS)
4p ( d 2 + l 2 ) 3 / 2 4 p (d 2 + l 2 ) 3 / 2
m 2ml m M
| B |= 0 = 0
4 p (d + l )
2 2 3 / 2 4p ( d + l 2 ) 3 / 2
uur m 0 M
If d > > l, | B |= 4p 3 2l
(iv) The magnetic potential at a point lying on a line passing
The magnetic field at any point having polar coordinates (r, q) through the centre and making angle q with the axis
relative to centre of magnet or loop
m 0 M cos q
m0 M VB = and for small dipole, r >> l
B= (1 + 3 cos 2 q ) and direction is given by 4p (r 2 - l 2 )
4p r 3
1 m0 M cos q
tan a = tan q VB =
2 4p r2
Example 1. Example 5.
Two identical thin bar magnets each of length l and pole The time period of oscillation of a magnet in a vibration
strength m are placed at right angles to each other, with magnetometer is 1.5 sec. What will be the time period of
north pole of one touching south pole of the other, then oscillation of another magnet similar in size, shape and
find the magnetic moment of the system. mass but having 1/4 magnetic moment than that of the 1st
N1 magnet oscillating at the same place?
Solution :
T2 M1 M1
= = =2; \ T2 = 2 T1 = 3 s .
2 T1 M2 1
Example 6.
S1 The time period of oscillation of a magnet is 2 sec. When it
N2 S2 is remagnetised so that its pole strength is 4 times, what
will be its period?
Solution : Solution :
Initial magnetic moment of each magnet = m × l.
As is clear from fig., S1 and N2 neutralize each other. T2 M1 m1 ´ 2 l T2 m1 1
= = = =
Effective distance between T1 M2 m 2 ´ 2 l ; T1 4 m1 2 ; T2 = 1 sec.
N1 and S2 = l 2 + l2 = l 2 \ M ¢ = ml 2 . Example 7.
Example 2. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a period
A steel wire of length l has a magnetic moment M. It is then of oscillation of 4s. If it is broken into two equal halves,
bent into a semi-circular arc. Find the new magnetic what will be the period of oscillation of each half ?
moment. Solution :
Solution : For each half, mass is half and length is half;
Let d be the diameter of semi-circle.
\ l = (p d/2) or d = (2 l/p) m l2
As M.I. = \ M.I. becomes 1/8th.
New magnetic moment = m × d = m × (2 l/p) 12
= 2m l/p = (2 M/p) Also M becomes 1/2
Example 3.
Work done in turning a magnet of magnetic moment M by an As T = 2 p M.I. / MB
angle 90º from the magnetic meridian is n times the
corresponding work done to turn through an angle of 60º, 1/ 8 1
\ T becomes times = times
where n is 1/ 2 2
(a) 1/2 (b) 2
(c) 1/4 (d) 1 1
New time period = ´ 4s = 2s
Solution : (b) 2
W1 = – MB (cos 90º – cos 0º) = MB EARTH’S MAGNETISM
W2 = – MB (cos 60º – cos 0º)
Magnetic field of earth extends nearly upto five times the radius
æ1 ö 1 1 of earth i.e., 3.2 × 104 km.
= - MB ç - 1÷ = MB = W1
è2 ø 2 2 The magnetic field of earth is fairly uniform and can be represented
As W1 = n W2 ; \ n =2 by equidistant parallel lines.
Example 4. NG
In a hydrogen atom, an electron revolves with a frequency Magnetic axis Sm
Magnetic equator
of 6.8 × 109 megahertz in an orbit of diameter 1.06 Å. What
will be the equivalent magnetic moment? Geographic equator
Solution : Earth's magnetic
n = 6.8 × 109 MHz = 6.8 × 1015 Hz, Imaginary lines of force
bar magnet in
1.06 the core of Earth
r= = 0.53 Å = 0.53 × 10–10 m
2 to depict earth's
magnetic field
æ e ö 2 2 SG Nm
M = IA = ç ÷pr = enpr
è 1/ n ø Geographic axis
22 Geographic meridian : The geographic meridian at a place is the
= (1.6 ´ 10 -19 ) (6.80 ´ 1015 ) ´ (0.53 ´10 -10 ) 2
7 vertical plane passing through the geographic north & south at
= 9.7 ´10 - 24 A m 2 that place.
Magnetism and Matter 549
is placed with its north pole towards geographic north, neutral Example 9.
points lie on equatorial line of the magnet. At each neutral point,
If q1 and q2 are angles of dip in two vertical planes at
m0 M
B2 = =H right angle to each other and q is true dip then prove
4p (d 2 + l 2 )3/ 2
cot2q = cot2q1 + cot2q2.
where H = horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field.
Solution :
When the bar magnet is placed with its north pole towards
If the vertical plane in which dip is q1 subtends an angle a
geographic south, the neutral points lie on the axial line of the
with meridian than other vertical plane in which dip is q2 and
magnet. At each neutral point,
is perpendicular to first will make an angle of 90° – a with
m M
B1 = 0 =H magnetic meridian. If q1 and q2 are apparent dips then
4p ( d - l 2 ) 2
where B0 = magnetic induction in vacuum produced by The characteristics of paramagnetic substances are
magnetising field (a) They are attracted by a strong magnet
Bm = magnetic induction due to magnetisation of material. (b) Their susceptibility is positive but very small ( c > 0)
But B0 = m0H and Bm = m0 I m Þ B = m 0 [H + I m ] (c) Their relative permeability is slightly greater than unity.
(m > 1)
\ B = m 0 H [1 + ] = B0 [1 + c] ; \ B / B0 = [1 + c] (d) Their susceptibility and permeability do not change
H with the variation of magnetising field.
mH (e) Their susceptibility is inversely proportional to
\ B / B0 = = m / m0 = µr, the relative magnetic permeability
temperature, æç i.e. c a ö÷ .
m0 H 1
è Tø
\ m r =1 + c (f) They are found in those material which have atoms
This is required relation. containing odd number of electrons
3. Ferromagnetic Substances : These are the substances which
CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS are strongly magnetised by relatively weak magnetising
According to the behaviour of substances in magnetic field, they field in the same sense as the magnetising field. The
are classified into three categories: examples are Ni, Co, iron and their alloys.
1. Diamagnetic Substances : These are the substances which The characteristics of ferromagnetic substances are
when placed in a strong magnetic field acquire a feeble (a) They are attracted even by a weak magnet.
magnetism opposite to the direction of magnetising field. (b) The susceptibility is very large and positive.
The examples are copper, gold, antimony, bismuth, alcohol, ( c >> 0)
water, quartz, hydrogen, etc.
(c) The relative permeability is very high (of the order of
hundreds and thousands). (m >> 1)
N S (d) The intensity of magnetisation is proportional to the
N S magnetising field H for smaller values, varies rapidly
for moderate values and attains a constant value for
larger values of H.
N S (e) The susceptibility of a ferromagnetic substance is
inversely proportional to temperature i.e., c µ1/ T
B<B0 Þ c = ; C = curie constant .
This is called Curie law. At a temperature called curie
r temperature, ferromagnetic substance becomes
Behaviour of diamagnetic substance in an external magnetic field Bo paramagnetic. The curie temperatures for Ni, Fe and
The characteristics of diamagnetic substances are Co are 360ºC, 740ºC and 1100ºC respectively.
(a) They are feebly repelled by a strong magnet (f) They are found in those material which have domains
(b) Their susceptibility is negative (i.e. c < 0) and can be converted into strong magnets
(c) Their relative permeability is less than 1. (i.e. mr < 1) Keep in Memory
(d) Their susceptibility is independent of magnetising field
and temperature (except for Bismuth at low 1. Diamagnetism is universal. It is present in all materials. But
it is weak and hard to detect if substance is para or
2. Paramagnetic Substances : These are the materials which 2. I – H curve for different materials
when placed in a strong magnetic field acquire a feeble
magnetism in the same sense as the applied magnetic field. I Ferromagnetic
The examples are platinum, aluminium, chromium, Paramagnetic
manganese, CuSO4, O2, air, etc.
D iama
g netic H
N S 3. Curve for magnetic susceptibility and temperature for a
paramagnetic and ferromagnetic material.
Bo 1
Paramagnetic cµ
B > B0 T
r T
Behaviour of paramagnetic substance in an external field Bo
Formula for current : If a current passing through the coil of n and net M.Ι ¢ = M.Ι + M.Ι = 2M.Ι
turns and mean radius r of a tangent galvanometer placed in
magnetic meridian causes a deflection q in the magnetic needle 2 M.I. 2 M.I.
kept at the centre of the coil, then \ T ¢ = 2p = 2´ ....(1)
æ 2rH ö 2rH When one of the magnets is taken away,
I=ç tan q ; I = K tanq where K = and is called the
è m 0 n ÷ø m0 n M² = M, MI² = MI,
reduction factor. M.Ι
\ T¢¢ = 2p ...(2)
Divide eqn. (2) by (1),
It's working is based on the principle of tangent law.
(a) Tan A Position : In this position the magneto- meter is set T ¢¢ 1 T¢ 4
= or T ¢¢ = = = 3 .34 s
perpendicular to magnetic meridian so that, magnetic field T ¢ ( 2)1 / 4 ( 2) 1/ 4
2 1/ 4
due to magnet is in axial position and perpendicular to earth’s
field and hence Examples 13.
The magnetic needle of an oscillation magnetometer makes
m0 2Md
= H tan q 10 oscillations per minute under the action of earth’s
4p (d 2 - l2 )2 magnetic field alone. When a bar magnet is placed at some
where d = distance of needle from centre of magnet and distance along the axis of the needle, it makes 14
2l = length of magnet. oscillations per minute. If the bar magnet is turned so that
(b) TanB position : The arms of magnetometer are set in its poles interchange their positions, then what will be the
magnetic meridian, so that the field is at equatorial position new frequency of oscillation of the needle?
m0 M 1 MH
and hence, H tan q = Sol. 10 = ...(i)
4p ( d 2 - l 2 )3 / 2 2p I
Magnetic field of earth extends nearly upto five times the
1 M (H + F)
radius of earth i.e., 3.2 × 104 km. 14 = ...(ii)
2p I
The magnetic field of earth is fairly uniform and can be
represented by equidistant parallel lines.
1 M (H - F) ...(iii)
2p I
It is an instrument for comparing the magnetic moments of two
magnets and for comparing their magnetic fields. 14 H+F F 7
Divide eqs. (ii) by (i), = = 1+ =
10 H H 5
The time period of a bar magnet vibrating in the vibration
magnetometer kept in magnetic meridian is given by F 24
\ =
4p I2 H 25
T = 2p \ M = n H-F F 1
MH T 2H Divide eqs. (iii) by (i), = = 1- =
10 H H 5
æ m(l 2 + b2 ) ö
where I = ç 10
÷ is the moment of inertia of the vibrating or, n= = 2 vibs /minute.
è 12 ø 5
magnet, m = mass of magnet, l = length of magnet, b = breadth of Example 14.
magnet. The period of oscillation of a magnet in a vibration
Example 12. magnetometer is 2 sec. What will be the period of oscillation
A vibration magnetometer consists of two identical bar of a magnet whose magnetic moment is four times that of
magnets, placed one over the other, such that they are the first magnet?
mutually perpendicular and bisect each other. The time
æ Ι ö
period of oscillation in a horizontal magnetic field is 4 Sol. T = 2p ç
second. If one of the magnets is taken away, find the period è M BH ÷ø
of oscillation of the other in the same field.
æ Ι ö 1é Ι ù
Sol. For a vibration magnetometer, we know that T = 2p I / MH T ' = 2p ç ÷ = ê2p ú
è 4M BH ø 2 ë (M BH ) û
Let M be the magnetic moment and M.I, moment of inertia
of each magnet, 1
= ´ 2 = 1 second.
\ M¢ = M2 + M2 = M 2 2
Example 15.
A magnet is suspended in such a way that it oscillates in æ Ι ö
T1 = 3 = 2p ç
the horizontal plane. It makes 20 oscillations per minute è M B1 cos 30 ÷ø
at a place where dip angle is 30º and 15 oscillations per
minute at a place where dip angle is 60º. What will be the
æ Ι ö
ratio of the total earth’s magnetic field at the two places? and T2 = 4 = 2p ç
Sol. Let the total magnetic fields due to earth at the two places è M B2 cos 60º ÷ø
be B1 and B2. If horizontal components be (BH)1 and (BH)2
respectively, then 1/ 2
3 æ B 2 cos 60 ö B1 16 cos 60
\ =ç ÷ or = ´
(BH)1 = B1 cos 30º and (BH)2 = B2 cos 60º 4 çè B1 cos 30 ÷ø B2 9 cos 30
Here T1 = 3 sec. and T2 = 4 sec.
B1 16 1 2 16
or = ´ ´ = or B1 : B2 = 16 : 9 3
B2 9 2 3 9 3
Magnet field due A freely suspended magnet always
to a bar magnet points in north-south direction
Force between two
Magnetism and Matter
magnetic poles
At a point on axial At a point on equatorial
m 2M m M m 0 m1m2
line B = 0 3 line B = 0 2 2 F=
4p d 4p (r + l )3 / 2 4p r 2
are negative inside the magnet angle each other of the net magnetic field
1. The main difference between electric lines of force and (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
magnetic lines of force is (c) 1 : 1 (d) None of these
(a) electric lines of force are closed curves whereas magnetic 11. A watch glass containing some powdered substance is
lines of force are open curves placed between the pole pieces of a magnet. Deep concavity
(b) electric lines of force are open curves whereas magnetic is observed at the centre. The substance in the watch glass
lines of force are closed curves is
(c) magnetic lines of force cut each other whereas electric (a) iron (b) chromium
lines of force do not cut (c) carbon (d) wood
(d) electric lines of force cut each other whereas magnetic 12. Needles N1, N2 and N3 are made of a ferromagnetic, a
lines of force do not cut paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance respectively. A
2. Current i is flowing in a coil of area A and number of turns N, magnet when brought close to them will
then magnetic moment of the coil, M is (a) attract N1 and N2 strongly but repel N3
(b) attract N1 strongly, N2 weakly and repel N3 weakly
Ni Ni (c) attract N1 strongly, but repel N2 and N3 weakly
(a) NiA (b) (c) (d) N2Ai
A A (d) attract all three of them
3. Nickel shows ferromagnetic property at room temperature. If 13. A bar magnet is oscillating in the Earth’s magnetic field
the temperature is increased beyond Curie temperature, then with a period T. What happens to its period and motion if
it will show its mass is quadrupled?
(a) anti ferromagnetism (b) no magnetic property (a) Motion remains S.H. and period remains nearly
(c) diamagnetism (d) paramagnetism constant
4. The line on the earth surface joining the point where the field T
(b) Motion remains S.H. with time period =
is horizontal, is called 2
(a) magnetic equator (b) magnetic line (c) Motion remains S.H. with time period = 2T
(c) magnetic axis (d) magnetic inertia (d) Motion remains S.H. with time period = 4T
5. When a ferromagnetic material is heated to temperature above 14. Two magnets of magnetic moments M and 2M are placed
its Curie temperature, the material in a vibration magnetometer, with the identical poles in the
same direction. The time period of vibration is T1. If the
(a) is permanently magnetized
magnets are placed with opposite poles together and vibrate
(b) remains ferromagnetic
with time period T2, then
(c) behaves like a diamagnetic material
(a) T2 is infinite (b) T2 = T1
(d) behaves like a paramagnetic material
6. The force between two short bar magnets with magnetic (c) T2 > T1 (d) T2 < T1
moments M1 and M2 whose centres are r metres apart is 8 N
when their axes are in same line. if the separation is increased 15. If horizontal and vertical components of earths magnetic
to 2 r, the force between them in reduced to field are equal, then angle of dip is
(a) 4 N (b) 2 N (c) 1 N (d) 0.5 N (a) 60° (b) 45° (c) 30° (d) 90°
7. The magnet of pole strength m and magnetic moment M is 16. The magnetic materials having negative magnetic
cut into two pieces along its axis. Its pole strength and susceptibility are
magnetic moment now becomes (a) non-magnetic (b) para magnetic
(c) dia magnetic (d) ferro magnetic
m M M m 17. For protecting a sensitive equipment from the external
(a) , (b) m, (c) , M (d) m, M
2 2 2 2 electric arc, it should be
8. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M and length L is cut (a) wrapped with insulation around it when passing
into two equal parts each of length L/2. The magnetic moment current through it
of each part will be (b) placed inside an iron can
(c) surrounded with fine copper sheet
(a) M (b) M/4 (c) 2M (d) M/2 (d) placed inside an aluminium can
9. A superconductor exhibits perfect : 18. If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north or south
(a) ferrimagnetism (b) ferromagnetism pole of a bar magnet, it is
(c) paramagnetism (d) diamagnetism (a) attracted by the poles
10. In end on and broadside on position of a deflection (b) repelled by the poles
magnetometer, if q1 and q2 are the deflections produced by (c) repelled by north pole and attracted by the south pole
(d) attracted by the north pole and repelled by the south
short magnets at equal distances, then tan q1/ tanq2 is
Magnetism and Matter 557
1. A bar magnet 8 cms long is placed in the magnetic merdian (a) 1 × 10–5 N m (b) 1.5 × 10–5 N m
with the N-pole pointing towards geographical north. Two –5
(c) 2 × 10 N m (d) 2.5 × 10–5 N m
netural points separated by a distance of 6 cms are obtained 6. When 2 ampere current is passed through a tangent
on the equatorial axis of the magnet. If horizontal component
galvanometer, it gives a deflection of 30º. For 60º deflection,
of earth’s field = 3.2 × 10–5 T, then pole strength of magnet
the current must be
(a) 5 ab-amp × c (b) 10 ab-amp × cm (a) 1 amp. (b) 2 3 amp.
(c) 2.5 ab-amp × cm (d) 20 ab-amp × cm
2. Two tangent galvanometers having coils of the same radius (c) 4 amp. (d) 6 amp.
are connected in series. A current flowing in them produces 7. A curve between magnetic moment and temperature of
deflections of 60º and 45º respectively. The ratio of the number magnet is
of turns in the coils is
3 +1 3 +1 3 (a) M (b) M
(a) 4/3 (b) (c) (d)
1 3 -1 1
3. Two identical magnetic dipoles of magnetic moments
1.0 A-m2 each, placed at a separation of 2 m with their axis
perpendicular to each other. The resultant magnetic field at
point midway between the dipole is T T
(a) 5 × 10–7 T (b) 5 × 10–7 T
(c) 10 T–7 (d) 2 × 10–7 T
4. Two isolated point poles of strength 30 A-m and 60 A-m are (c) M (d) M
placed at a distance of 0.3m. The force of repulsion is
(a) 2 × 10–3 N (b) 2 × 10–4 N
(c) 2 × 10 N 5 (d) 2 × 10–5 N
5. The magnetic moment of a magnet is 0.1 amp × m2. It is
suspended in a magnetic field of intensity 3 × 10–4 weber/m2. T T
The couple acting upon it when deflected by 30º from the O O
magnetic field is
8. The variation of magnetic susceptibility (x) with temperature 12. A thin bar magnet of length 2 l and breadth 2 b pole strength
for a diamagnetic substance is best represented by m and magnetic moment M is divided into four equal parts
with length and breadth of each part being half of original
(a) (b) magnet. Then the pole strength of each part is
(a) m (b) m/2 (c) 2 m (d) m/4
13. In the above question, magnetic moment of each part is
O T O T (a) M/4 (b) M (c) M/2 (d) 2 M
14. Two points A and B are situated at a distance x and 2x
respectively from the nearer pole of a magnet 2 cm long. The
ratio of magnetic field at A and B is
(c) (d) (a) 4 : 1 exactly (b) 4 : 1 approximately
(c) 8 : 1 approximately (d) 1 : 1 approximately
15. If a magnet is suspended at angle 30º to the magnetic meridian,
the dip needle makes an angle of 45º with the horizontal.
The real dip is
O (a) tan -1 ( 3 / 2 ) (b) tan -1 ( 3 )
9. At a temperatur of 30°C, the susceptibility of a ferromagnetic
(c) tan -1 ( 3 / 2) (d) tan -1 (2 / 3 )
material is found to be c . Its susceptibility at 333°C is
(a) c (b) 0.5 c (c) 2 c (d) 11.1 c 16. Two bar magnets of the same mass, same length and breadth
but having magnetic moments M and 2M are joined together
10. Of the following fig., the lines of magnetic induction due to
pole for pole and suspended by a string. The time period of
a magnet SN, are given by
assembly in a magnetic field of strength H is 3 seconds. If
now the polarity of one of the magnets is reversed and
combination is again made to oscillate in the same field, the
time of oscillation is
(a) 3 sec (b) 3 3 sec
(c) 3 sec (d) 6 sec
17. A compass needle placed at a distance r from a short magnet
S S in Tan A position shows a deflection of 60º. If the distance is
(1) (2) increased to r (3)1/3, then deflection of compass needle is
N N 1
(a) 30º (b) 60´ 3 3
2 3
(c) 60´ 3 3 (d) 60´ 3 3
18. Two short magnets have equal pole strengths but one is
S S twice as long as the other. The shorter magnet is placed 20
(3) (4)
cms in tan A position from the compass needle. The longer
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 magnet must be placed on the other side of the magnetometer
11. The B – H curve (i) and (ii) shown in fig. associated with for no deflection at a distance equal to
(a) 20 cms (b) 20 (2)1/3 cms
(i) (c) 20 (2)2/3 cms (d) 20 (2)3/3 cms
(ii) 19. A dip needle lies initially in the magnetic meridian when it
shows an angle of dip q at a place. The dip circle is rotated
H through an angle x in the horizontal plane and then it shows
an angle of dip q'.
tan q '
Then is
(a) (i) diamagnetic and (ii) paramagnetic substance tan q
(b) (i) paramagnetic and (ii) ferromagnetic substance
1 1 1
(c) (i) soft iron and (ii) steel respectively (a) (b) (c) (d) cos x
cos x sin x tan x
(d) (i) steel and (ii) soft iron respectively
Magnetism and Matter 559
20. A dip circle is so set that its needle moves freely in the 29. The net magnetic moment of two identical magnets each of
magnetic meridian. In this position, the angle of dip is 40º. magnetic moment M0, inclined at 60° with each other is
(a) M 0 N
Now the dip circle is rotated so that the plane in which the
needle moves makes an angle of 30º with the magnetic
(b) 2 M0
meridian. In this position, the needle will dip by an angle
(a) 40º (b) 30º (c) 3 M0
(c) more than 40º (d) less than 40º (d) 2M0 S N
21. Work done in turning a magnet of magnetic moment M by 30. A magnetic needle vibrates in a vertical plane parallel to the
an angle of 90º from the mgnetic meridian is n times the magnetic meridian about a horizontal axis passing through
corresponding work done to turn through an angle of 60º, its centre. Its frequency is n. If the plane of oscillation is
where n is turned about a vertical axis by 90°C, the frequency of its
oscillation in vertical plane will be
(a) 1/2 (b) 2 (c) 1/4 (d) 1
(a) n (b) zero
22. Two magnets are held together in a vibration magnetometer (c) less than n (d) more than n
and are allowed to oscillate in the earth’s magnetic field with 31. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a period of
like poles together. 12 oscillations per minute are made but oscillation of 4 s. If it is broken into two halves (each having
for unlike poles together only 4 oscillations per minute are half the original length) and one of the pieces is suspended
executed. The ratio of their magnetic moments is similarly. The period of its oscillation will be
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 3 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 (a) 4 s (b) 2 s
(c) 0.5 s (d) 0.25 s
23. At a certain place, horizontal component is 3 times the
32. A steel wire of length l has a magnetic moment M. It is bent
vertical component. The angle of dip at this place is in L-shape (Figure). The new magnetic moment is
(a) 0 (b) p/3 (a) M
(c) p/6 (d) None of these
24. A freely suspended magnet oscillates with period T in earth’s (b) l
horizontal magnetic field. When a bar magnet is brought 2 2
near it, such that the magnetic field created by bar magnet is M
in same direction as earth’s horizontal magnetic field, the (c) l
2 2
period decreases to . The ratio of the field of the magnet (d) 2M
F to the earth’s magnetic field (H) is 33. The time period of oscillation of a magnet in a vibration
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 9 : 1 magnetometer is 1.5 sec. The time period of oscillation of
25. If relative permeability of iron is 2000. Its absolute another magnet similar in size, shape and mass but having
permeability in S.I. units is 1/4 magnetic moment than that of the 1st magnet oscillating
(a) 8p × 10–4 (b) 8p × 10–3 at the same place will be
(c) 800/p (d) 8p × 109/p (a) 0.75 sec (b) 1.5 sec
26. A steel wire of length l has a magnetic moment M. It is then (c) 3.0 sec (d) 6.0 sec
bent into a semicircular arc. The new magnetic moment is 34. Time periods of vibation of two bar magnets in sum and
M 2M 3M 4M difference positions are 4 sec and 6 sec respectively. The
(a) (b) (c) (d)
p p p p ratio of their magnetic moments M1 / M2 is
27. The magnetic moment of atomic neon is equal to (a) 6 : 4 (b) 30 : 16
1 3 (c) 2 . 6 : 1 (d) 1 . 5 : 1
(a) zero (b) µB (c) µB (d) µB 35. Horizontal component of earth's field at a height of 1 m from
2 2
the surface of earth is H. Its value at a height of 10 m from
28. Torques t1 and t 2 are required for a magnetic needle to
surface of earth is
remain perpendicular to the magnetic fields at two different
places. The magnetic fields at those places are B1 and B2 (a) H/10 (b) H/9
(c) H/100 (d) H
respectively; then ratio is 36. If a toroid uses bismuth for its core, the field in the core
compared to that in empty core will be slightly
t2 t1 (a) greater (b) smaller
(a) (b)
t1 t2 (c) equal (d) None of these
37. The relative permeability of a medium is 0.075. What is its
t1 + t 2 t1 - t 2 magnetic susceptibility?
(c) (d)
t1 - t 2 t1 + t 2 (a) 0.925 (b) – 0.925 (c) 1.075 (d) –1.075
T2 = 2p
= 2p
(2M - M) H MH
Obviously T2 > T1 1. (a) Here, 2l = 8 cm , l = 4 cm , d = = 3 cm .
At neutral point,
15. (b) tan q = V = 1, BV = BH m0 M
BH H =B=
4 p (d 2 + l 2 )3 / 2
q = tan -1 (1) = 45°
= 10 - 7 =
16. (c) cm is negative for diamagnetic materials. (5 ´ 10 -2 3
) 1250
17. (b) The iron can produces a magnetic screening for the
equipment as lines of magnetic force can not enter iron \ M = 1250 H = 1250 ´ 3.2 ´ 10 -5 Am 2
Magnetism and Matter 563
m 0 2 M 10-7 ´ 2 ´ 1 T22 2M + M
\ B1 = = = 2 ´ 10-7 16. (b) = =3 \ T2 = T1 3 = 3 3 s.
4 p d3 13 T12 2M - M
m M
and B2 = 0 3 = 10-7 tan q 2 d13 r3 1
4p d 17. (a) = 3 = =
tan q1 d 2 [r (3)1/ 3 ]3 3
ml M
I , So, M' = =
24. (c) T1 = 2p 2 2
I T2 M1 M1
T2 = 2p 33. (c) = = =2
(H + F)M T1 M2 1
T12 H+F T2 4 \ T2 = 2T1 = 3 s
= = = Þ H + F = 4H
T22 H 2
T /4 1
M1 T22 + T12 62 + 42 52
Þ 3H = F 34. (c) = = = = ( 2.6 ) :1
M 2 T22 - T12 62 - 42 20
25. (a) m = m0 mr = (4 p´10-7 ) ´ 2000 = 8 p´10 -4 S.I. units
35. (d) The value of H is fairly uniform.
26. (b) Let pole strength = m 36. (b) Field in the core with Bismuth will be smaller because
So, M = ml
bismuth is diamagnetic.
When wire is in form of arc, then the distance between
2l 37. (b) From m r = 1 + c m ;
poles =
Magnetic suscaptibility, c m = m r - 1
m 2l 2M
So, M ' = = cm = 0.075 - 1 = - 0.925.
p p
27. (a) Magnetic moment is cancelled and mnet = 0. 38. (b) For a diamagnetic material, the value of µr is less than
28. (c) t = MB sin q (q = 90°) one. For any material, the value of Îr is always greater
than 1.
B1 t1
t = MB Þ = (since magnetic moment is same) 39. (a) Intensity of magnetisation
B2 t2
M 1.2
29. (c) Mnet = M 20 + M02 + 2M 02 cos 60 ° Ιm = = = 4 ´ 104 A m -1
V (15 ´ 2 ´ 1)10-6
So, T ' = 2p Þ T' = = 2 sec .
4MB 2
32. (b) Magnetic moment, M = ml
= m , where m is the polestrength. l
Magnetism and Matter 565
\ A= = 1/2 (BC) (AD)
iB Exemplar Questions
1 1 ælö 3 2 1. (c) Toroid is a hollow circular ring on which a large number
But (BC)(AD) = (l ) l 2 - ç ÷ = l
2 2 è 2ø 4 of turns of a wire are closely wound. Thus, in this case
magnetic field is only confined inside the body of toroid.
3 2 t So no magnetic field outside the toroid and magnetic
Þ (l ) =
4 Bi field only inside the toroid.
1 In case of toroid, the magnetic field is in the form of
æ t ö2 concentric magnetic lines of force and there is no
\ l = 2ç ÷
è 3 B.i ø magnetic field outside the body of toroid. This is
because the loop encloses no current. Thus, the
43. (b) magnetic moment of toroid is zero.
44. (d) Time period of a vibration magnetometer, In other case, if we take r as a large distance outside
1 T1 B2 the toroid, then mµ 3 . Which is not possible.
Tµ Þ = r
B T2 B1 2. (a) Magnetic declination is an angle between angle of
magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian.
B1 As the earth’s magnetism, the magnetic field lines of
Þ T2 = T1 the earth resemble that of a hypothetical magnetic
dipole located at the centre of the earth.
The axis of the dipole does not coincide with the axis of
24 ´10-6 rotation of the earth but is presently tilted by 11.3°
=2 = 4s
6 ´ 10-6 (approx) with respect to geographical of axis earth. This
results into two situations as given in the figure.
45. (b) Force on a charged particle is given by F = qvB. Here N N
v = 0 and also resultant B is zero. 11
\ Force = 0 S º S
46. (a) For stable equilibrium N
11.3º N
U = –MB = – (0.4) (0.16) = – 0.064 J
47. (c) The susceptibility of ferromagnetic substan ce
decreases with the rise of temperature in a complicated So, the declination varies between 11.3° W to 11.3° E .
manner. After Curies point in the susceptibility of 3. (d) We know that a permanent magnet is a substance which
ferromagnetic substance varies inversely with its at room temperature retain ferromagnetic property for a
absolute tempearture. Ferromagnetic substance obey’s long period of time. The individual atoms in a
Curie’s law only above its Curie point. ferromagnetic material possess a dipole moment as in a
paramagnetic material. However, they interact with one
48. (b) A magnetic field is produced by the motion of electric
another in such a way that they spontaneously align
charge. Since motion is relative, the magnetic field is themselves in a common direction over a macroscopic
also relative. volume i.e., domain.
49. (d) A paramagnetic sample display greater magnetisation Hence, in a permanent magnet at room temperature,
when cooled, this is because at lower temperature, the domains are all perfectly aligned.
tendency to disrupt the alignment of dipoles (due to 4. (b) The electric field lines, do not form a continuous path
magnetising field) decreases on account of reduced while the magnetic field lines form the closed paths.
random thermal motion.
50. (b) Electromagnets are magnets, which can be turnd on
and off by switching the current on and off.
Gauss’s law states that, Ñò E.ds = e
s 0
for electrostatic
As the material in electromagnets is subjected to cyclic field. So, it does not contradict for electrostatic fields as
changes (magnification and demangetisation), the the electric field lines do not form closed continuous
hysteresis loss of the material must be small. The path.
material should attain high value of I and B with low According to Gauss’ law in magnetic field,
Ñò E.ds = 0
value of magnetising field intensity H. As soft iron has
small coercivity, so it is a best choice for this purpose. s
r 30º 30º or = cot 2 q1 + cot 2 q 2
60º V2
i.e., cot 2 q = cot 2 q1 + cot 2 q2