School Initiatives To Improve Reading Level1
School Initiatives To Improve Reading Level1
School Initiatives To Improve Reading Level1
Family Engagement in Early Sy 2021- 21 out of 21 learners Some learners may not receive
Reading Development (FEED) 2022 increased in letter adequate support at home due
knowledge from 20% to to parents' literacy levels, time
90%. constraints, or lack of awareness
of the importance of reading
Pupil-Adult Reading Team Sy 2021- (6) learners began at level In cooperation with the family
Session (PARTS) 2022 1 and progressed to level 3. members at home, they are only
okay in the beginning, but they
(7) learners progressed will not continue to give their full
from level 1 to level 2. support in the overall
TEACHER (Teach, Empower April 2021- 11 out of 11 learners can The teacher for the next grade
Adults for Child’s Home July 2021 now pronounce every level will continue teaching on
Engagement in Reading) letter of the alphabet. They CVC and others
are presently in the process
of blending CVC.
Working Together in Assisting SY 2021- 6 out of 6 learners The teacher for the next grade
and Teaching Reading to 2022 improved their alphabet level will continue teaching on
Children at Home (WATCH) knowledge from 60% to letter sounds, CVC and others
ADIGI: Agbasa, Dumngeg iti October 198 out of the 249 learners 51 learners will still participate in
Iyadal kenka Gungunam Inka 2022- May from Kinder to Grade 3 a reading remediation program.
maragpat 2023 that were catered are now
deemed readers at their Lack of parental support at
(School Reading Program) grade levels. home.
E-ADIGI: Agbasa, Dumngeg iti SY 2023- 333 out of 370 learners 23 learners (6 Kinder and 17
Iyadal kenka Gungunam Inka 2024 were catered are now Grades 1-3)
maragpat considered readers on their will still participate in a reading
respective grade levels. remediation program.
(School Reading Program for K-
3) For Kinder learners there Lack of parental support at
were 6 learners who were home.
not yet on their desired
San Juan Developing Active Readers Nov. 2022- Out of 75 learners from -The most challenging is time.
ES Everyday Through ICT Aided June 2023 kinder to grade 3, there is 1 The time allotted is insufficient to
Materials to Improve the struggling pupil. address the learners' reading
Reading Skill and Habit of kinder problem.
to Grade 3 Class -The unavailability of learning
material is also a challenge to the
reading teacher due to slow
internet connection.
Project LIVE (Learners are Nov. 2022- From the beginning of the -No commercial materials to be
Important co Value the Everyday June 2023 school year, there were 39 used.
through reading struggling readers, but at - Some parents were not
the end of the year, there knowledgeable in teaching
were only 21 out of 59 reading
learners from grades 4-6. -Absenteeism
TCCS S. R.R.P(Tabuk City Central April 2021 – The use of varied and The effect of the pandemic
School Reading Remedial July 2021 contextualized reading challenges every teacher to
Program) materials, the number of conduct the School Reading
To M.E.L.A.R (Make Every struggling readers Program. Despite of the program,
Learner A Reader) decreased from 80% to there are still so many struggling
50% in their levels for the readers. A challenged to
last quarter only. teachers. Some promoted
struggling learners to the next
grade level.
Dolch Word Cards: Improving April 2021- Thru the use of Dolch Word Not all learners can automatically
The Reading Level of the Grade July 2021 Cards for the grade 3 Earth,read Dolch words in grade 3
III Earth Struggling Readers 10 out of 20 struggling because not all of them have the
readers can read Dolch same reading levels. The program
words in grade 3. The 10 was started in level 1 which is
other learners are for identifying letter names then
further intervention. letter sounds, CVC until reading
Dolch words
Two-Way Handheld Radio April 2021- The program was intended The level of the reading
Based: (BREWP) Beginning July 2021 to the struggling learners intervention program reached by
Reading Enhance through Word to read easily on word the reading strugglers was level
Pattern ( CVC and CVVC) patterns. The learners were 3. This level should have reached
able to read the following higher if the movement was not
words through the use of limited and the time of
flashcards, roleta or spin implementing was longer.
wheel with easy, average Though parents were oriented in
and difficult words. using the materials, some of
Through the orientation them might confused in the
with the parents, they will sounds of the letters. Teachers
use this to help and guide are still more capable of teaching
them on how to read the the reading strugglers especially
words. These struggling that they are in grade 1.
learners enjoyed reading
the words through the
different materials made.
(to be edited)
A Guide Reading Intervention April 2021- There were 13 out of 15 There were 2 struggling learners
Program To Move Effectively July 2021 struggling readers were to be improved their reading
(GRIP ME) Improving the able to improve their abilities in grade 6.
Reading Ability and reading abilities.
Comprehension of Grade V-
TRASHERS: Teaching Reading S.Y: 2021- 29 out of 29 pupils were The 2 months Modular learning
through Activity Sheets to 2022 able to improve their and limited face- to- face classes
Enhance the Reading Skills of reading skills and meet the were not enough for the teacher
Grade 2- Narra Struggling expected reading level of to teach reading.
Readers Grade 2. The challenge through online
The reading intervention remediation were poor internet
was done through online signal and some parents don’t
video call and scheduled have smart phone and can’t
one- on- one remediation barely afford to buy load for
class following the IATF mobile data.
TCCS Reading Package SY 2021- Utilizing the Diagnostic Despite of the Reading Package,
2022 and Tool Kit, there is a decrease there are many struggling
SY 2022- the number of struggling readers, thus the continuity of
2023 readers from ____ to the reading intervention utilizing
____and increased the the reading package which is
performance from _____ effective must be continued
to ____of the learners as every school year.
seen in the result of the
GWA and MPS in English
and other subjects.
Other schools, and districts
adapted the TCCS Reading
Package composed of the
Diagnostic Tool Kit, Reading
Profile and Reading Tracer.
Reading Package to Improve Nov. 2021- The use of the Reading There were many hindrances
the Reading Skills of Five July 2022 Package in Grade 5 is encountered during the
Grade V-Garnet Struggling highly recommended for conduct of diagnostic
Readers grade 5 level before assessment and also during
conducting reading the scheduled conduct of face
intervention to know the to face reading intervention.
learners’ reading Parents or guardians had
abilities so as to address limited time in accompanying
properly the need of the struggling readers to
every reader. attend on the scheduled time
for their reading intervention.
Project FRIEND: Sept. 2022- Out of 586 who took the The preparation of intervention
Friendly July 2023 GST,439 took the pre- materials for the struggling
Reading Intervention test,270 were under readers, teachers took turns and
To Elevate and Nurture Reading frustration level conduct reading intervention at
Skills Through The Developed The 270-frustration level same time
Reading Tools underwent diagnostic test
86 were identified as
struggling readers .
After 3 months of
remediation, the 86 were
trimmed down to 50
Project RODE: Reading On April-July The reading level of the The span of time of the reading
Device Enhancer of Grade 3 2021 strugglers improved and program implementation was too
Jupiter the GWA in English was short and it is better to
increased from _____ to implement for the whole year to
______. improve the reading
performance of the struggling
readers to proficient readers.
Casigayan ES Project I-D-E-A Sept. 2023 6/8 Grade 6- Lily learners Poor reading
Identify the Problem —March can develop a clear comprehension level of
Develop a Solution 2024 understanding of the the 2 learners.
Evaluate principles and rules for
Assess your answer Multiplying Decimals.